Idol Master - APINK [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.07.27]

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 398

  • @jofanny_jojo
    @jofanny_jojo 6 лет назад +763

    Q: what other records do you want to set?
    Eunji: i want to be the longest lasting idol.

  • @StrxwBxrryMxlk
    @StrxwBxrryMxlk 6 лет назад +468

    Apink: Being the longest group and beating 17 wins
    Pandas: apink did so much for us for 8 years! The least we can do is help them achieve their goals. It’s gonna be hard but us pandas will work together to stream, vote, etc. So let’s work hard for their next comeback guys!

  • @SYEJ92
    @SYEJ92 6 лет назад +257

    the thumbnail, hahaha. i love Eunji so much

  • @noshinrahman291
    @noshinrahman291 6 лет назад +57

    Eunji's all for including every member I love her 😍

  • @pearlcorgi5853
    @pearlcorgi5853 6 лет назад +45

    Eunji🌠Eunji💓Eunji🎵Apink is already innocent -charismatic💕🐼

  • @berrrna9896
    @berrrna9896 6 лет назад +68


  • @wcrw02
    @wcrw02 6 лет назад +44

    Eunji so cute💕💕

  • @GPDesignsUK
    @GPDesignsUK 6 лет назад +153

    K-Rush came out here and reminded every Kpop fans that Apink is a legend in the Kpop industry and their title of ‘Nation’s Fairy’ is still within them💓🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @bjmurphy34
    @bjmurphy34 6 лет назад +27

    Eunji is awesome, and I like her confidence for Apink members

  • @iraisllanez4822
    @iraisllanez4822 6 лет назад +79

    As long as there is Apink, Pandas will always be there. Let's be together for a very, very, very long time 💕

  • @pubpuppantalida9815
    @pubpuppantalida9815 6 лет назад +60

    Eunji so cute ♥️👩🏻

  • @dellapratami2055
    @dellapratami2055 6 лет назад +48


  • @uyennguyen3074
    @uyennguyen3074 6 лет назад +66

    Eunji ya 👍👍👍👍👍👍 💗

  • @apinkpanda5551
    @apinkpanda5551 6 лет назад +49

    The thumbnail though! Hahahaah! Eunjii!! 😂🙈🙈

  • @noshinrahman291
    @noshinrahman291 6 лет назад +95

    Eunji always ends up singing live on variety shows

    • @rcmanization
      @rcmanization 4 года назад +5

      and she does it so so well each time

  • @parkstar3573
    @parkstar3573 6 лет назад +60

    Naeun so beautiful😍👍😍👍😍👍

  • @jawopandaonce
    @jawopandaonce 6 лет назад +175

    You know who is the boss in Apink when Chorong said the rest of members will deal with the remaining time limit in Album introduction 😂😂🤗😎

    • @kongyathong
      @kongyathong 6 лет назад +1

      This is so true 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @SYEJ92
    @SYEJ92 6 лет назад +504

    i think...the cameramen is in love with Eunji, he films her every 5 seconds, haha

    • @mulan7012
      @mulan7012 6 лет назад +36

      mulan4ever14 i love eunji really😍🐼

    • @sunshine4318
      @sunshine4318 6 лет назад +46

      Srsly tho who isn't in love with her 😍

    • @weareseriouspeople1386
      @weareseriouspeople1386 6 лет назад +15

      the editor you mean

    • @claudebramwell99
      @claudebramwell99 5 лет назад +18

      I believe Eunji is still considered the face of the group (Naeun is the visual) so she always gets a lot of camera time. The stylists used to have Eunji wear something different in public appearances to make her stand out. I don't notice that so much now. Each member has more than established herself as popular celebrity. And all members are very comfortable in front of a camera. True veterans and legends, indeed.

    • @hoangoanhbgf
      @hoangoanhbgf 5 лет назад +7

      Well, i really like what he did. I can see eunji more. Haha

  • @mickherosu
    @mickherosu 6 лет назад +47

    Eunji!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @reshmavarghese5926
    @reshmavarghese5926 6 лет назад +66

    Eunji is sooooooo cute and funny love eunji

  • @ihindy
    @ihindy 6 лет назад +39

    MC Ding Dong with Apink = LUV

  • @meilinaarofah8553
    @meilinaarofah8553 6 лет назад +21

    Eunji eunji eunji 😍😍😍

  • @jofanny_jojo
    @jofanny_jojo 6 лет назад +149


  • @dorothydohina7145
    @dorothydohina7145 6 лет назад +60

    Naeun so pretty 😘

  • @josefyui9421
    @josefyui9421 6 лет назад +44

    How many times eunji said that isn't sexy its innocent-charisma!! They are a nation fairy dol and no one cant stole it.

  • @nurasrar743
    @nurasrar743 6 лет назад +42

    I love eunji part so much...😍

    • @mulan7012
      @mulan7012 6 лет назад

      nur asrar hhhh yeah me too

  • @noshinrahman291
    @noshinrahman291 6 лет назад +28

    "We're all Apink's great voice" EUNJI BABE

  • @BasantAbdulmageed
    @BasantAbdulmageed 6 лет назад +25

    I hope you'll really become the longest lasting gg like you wished,Eunji ❤ Apink forever❤

  • @aceher_ald9193
    @aceher_ald9193 6 лет назад +65

    eunji is very pretty.....

  • @skyflowers3206
    @skyflowers3206 6 лет назад +27

    Eunji is love! 😍♥️

  • @benjiramirez559
    @benjiramirez559 6 лет назад +29

    I see Eunji I click. Simple.

  • @acbennhk7395
    @acbennhk7395 6 лет назад +28

    Let's all grow old together, Apink ❤ Let's be together forever. I won't go anywhere ❤

  • @jmramos6683
    @jmramos6683 6 лет назад +23

    The thumbnail of the video 😂😂😂😂😂😂 eunji unnie is so funny

  • @jinnielamp7801
    @jinnielamp7801 6 лет назад +48

    Even just watching on yt im smiling throughout tho, how can the 2 fan be so calm omg if im in their place i would be TT

  • @miram1934
    @miram1934 4 года назад +7

    Great to see that Eunji get a lot of air time. Saranghae Eunji yah! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @mulan7012
    @mulan7012 6 лет назад +30

    Eunji and chorong and namjoo who really have karizma

    • @Pandapoop
      @Pandapoop 4 года назад

      JooJiRong! 💕🐼🥰🌟

  • @Cahyahana88
    @Cahyahana88 6 лет назад +21

    Love Eunji 💖💖💖

  • @sauwen
    @sauwen 6 лет назад +19

    They are all so adorable!! I wish them continued success...

  • @charleandreasacrez8907
    @charleandreasacrez8907 4 года назад +9

    Him: Apink's great vocalist, Jeong Eunji
    Our Eunji: We're all Apink's great voice.
    Ohhh myyy very humble Eunjiiii 😍😍😍. That's why we love you so much.

    • @nurul_ovro
      @nurul_ovro 4 года назад +3

      Thats why i love her
      Her personality is so bright 💖

    • @charleandreasacrez8907
      @charleandreasacrez8907 4 года назад +1

      @@nurul_ovrothat's why people loves her, she's so down to earth and ofc. her bright smile and shining eyes.

    • @Pandapoop
      @Pandapoop 4 года назад +2

      When she said that, I remembered when their old dance/vocal coach before debut kinda scolded Eunji saying it’s her job as main vocal to help the others with their vocals, and saying something like its no good being good on her own..

    • @charleandreasacrez8907
      @charleandreasacrez8907 4 года назад

      @@Pandapoop 🥺🥺

  • @aceher_ald9193
    @aceher_ald9193 6 лет назад +21

    i like how apink promotion their new mini album......

  • @asongkalye8979
    @asongkalye8979 6 лет назад +38

    naeun’s wink is so pretty but sexy at the same time...😍

  • @deleejn5128
    @deleejn5128 6 лет назад +14

    the thumbnail makes me watch this😉,eunjiiiji sarangheyooo❤❤❤❤

  • @its_jag
    @its_jag 6 лет назад +112

    I find it hilarious when he said Bomi and Namjoo were more innocent but Eunji's dance was more on the sexy/charisma side, Eunji used to suck at doing sexy dances HAHAHAHA
    Now she's so good tho, my Eunji

    • @Pandapoop
      @Pandapoop 5 лет назад +5

      Have you seen their practise vid of them dancing to Destiny’s Child ‘Say my name’? Eunji is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @meongji5025
    @meongji5025 6 лет назад +33


  • @shinepaingoo3697
    @shinepaingoo3697 6 лет назад +41

    Love A pink
    Love Eunji

  • @mulan7012
    @mulan7012 6 лет назад +30


  • @Shallyahwho
    @Shallyahwho 6 лет назад +256

    Namjoo introducing their album from English , Japanese to Chinese lmao

  • @jimkyfication
    @jimkyfication 6 лет назад +15

    What the .....did they just get prettier....I THINK YES. 😍 Apink is just so fun to talk to 😂 being friends with Apink members is literally the best 😂

  • @potato-mv4ir
    @potato-mv4ir 5 лет назад +7

    The thumbnail
    Eunji's singing while other members are dancing
    Eunji's dance
    Chorong being a boss
    Bomi hayoung and namjoo's wink
    Apinkeu saranghae ❤️

  • @apinkchorongpark2222
    @apinkchorongpark2222 6 лет назад +45

    I love the intro though "THE ORIGINAL FAIRY-IDOLS"
    100000% true. They will always be a fairy Queens 👑👑👑👑

  • @neceysmith557
    @neceysmith557 6 лет назад +14

    I adore eunji voice😍

  • @Miraaa0306
    @Miraaa0306 6 лет назад +21

    They look soo beautiful!!

  • @banilaaa1920
    @banilaaa1920 6 лет назад +26

    My only one😍 love u apink♥️

  • @Anon1496
    @Anon1496 6 лет назад +52

    I really do hope they become the female Shinhwa and last as long or longer than them

  • @ireneds7018
    @ireneds7018 6 лет назад +170

    Eunji with the hammer.. did they tease her as thor again.?😂

  • @aimiegabao
    @aimiegabao 6 лет назад +22

    Forever APINK.

  • @aforrin31
    @aforrin31 6 лет назад +148

    eunji eunji!
    so eunji will comback as act-idol with (edited) horror movie it called 0.0MHz with sungyeol Infinite
    at first I don't like their song, but after listen and listen, damn so addictive

    • @minjeongieminsik
      @minjeongieminsik 6 лет назад +7

      heyjoon 94 not a drama .. its a horror film

    • @aforrin31
      @aforrin31 6 лет назад +3

      Dota_is Life oh yeah with sungyeol, right? thanks

    • @minjeongieminsik
      @minjeongieminsik 6 лет назад +2

      heyjoon 94 yeah .. they just start filming at 24 July so i doubt this film will be release this year 😂

    • @moz2479
      @moz2479 6 лет назад +4

      No way! Sungyeol and Eunji together! They're such good actors and its a horror film as well. My Inspirit and Panda heart is blessed! ♡♡

    • @aforrin31
      @aforrin31 6 лет назад +3

      Dota_is Life did you see? Eunji updated on instagram? hahaaa so it just my wish for this year I can watch eunji as an actress

  • @nataliea.1493
    @nataliea.1493 6 лет назад +16

    I want to meet Apink too :') I wouldn't be able to sit there perfectly like those fans though I think I'd be shaking and smiling!! That introduction to the album though and Namjoo's ooh ooooh oh oh
    Now I feel the need to watch I don't know again and just focus on winks

  • @derekjonathan813
    @derekjonathan813 6 лет назад +15

    Park Chorong is so pretty!!!

  • @deville295
    @deville295 6 лет назад +5

    Eunji has so much vocal control when singing in a lower volume damn

  • @yeojinised8443
    @yeojinised8443 6 лет назад +87

    I hope that Chorong’s right; LUV’s 17 wins record is going to be broken soon. By Apink!!! Pandas let’s do our best for their next comeback! Let them break their own records! Once a panda, always a panda 💕

    • @rcmanization
      @rcmanization 4 года назад +2

      LUV's 17 times was finally broken , by BTS - Boy With Luv (21 times). But i think apink still might hold the record for female artists

    • @hadiefrozen
      @hadiefrozen 4 года назад

      @@rcmanization yes,,the record still hold by apink for girl group..

  • @salbenrosli707
    @salbenrosli707 6 лет назад +5

    Namjoo's description of singing the song in the car was hillarious.
    She should appear in more variety shows..

  • @marilobongcalon5381
    @marilobongcalon5381 6 лет назад +11

    best Apink forever 💕💕💕😍😍😍

  • @callysaxiong9916
    @callysaxiong9916 6 лет назад +7

    Naeun looks so darn beautiful the whole entire time ! ❤️ ily my queen

  • @shinepaingoo3697
    @shinepaingoo3697 6 лет назад +152

    I think MC is a fan of Eunji.

    • @SYEJ92
      @SYEJ92 6 лет назад +17

      shine paing oo he is. Even when hana were dancing he included eunji in his fanchant haha

    • @hieronymousblackmane9152
      @hieronymousblackmane9152 6 лет назад +11

      who isn't?

    • @Pandapoop
      @Pandapoop 5 лет назад +5

      He definitely is! Eunji won a rookie radio DJ award in 2019 and he ran up to the stage to give her some flowers! 💕💕

  • @paniyama01
    @paniyama01 6 лет назад +9

    Eunji powerful voice

  • @ehfamily8249
    @ehfamily8249 6 лет назад +25


  • @daeldiadem7056
    @daeldiadem7056 6 лет назад +15

    Chorong finally got to wear the knee high boots she've been asking since apink news season 1

  • @jung8035
    @jung8035 6 лет назад +5

    Honestly how are those fans so still LOL I’d be all over the place from laughing on the floor to jaw dropping and eyes bulging from staring intently at their beauty thinking angels do exist 😍

  • @missnoname490
    @missnoname490 6 лет назад +16

    Our eunji whine is literally the cutest shit i've seen 😍 7:57

  • @krissyberug8921
    @krissyberug8921 6 лет назад +6

    “The record could be broken soon” hahahaha chorong is such a cutie💗💖

  • @armyarmy8117
    @armyarmy8117 6 лет назад +9

    eunji cute

  • @hellen3056
    @hellen3056 6 лет назад +4

    If I was one of those fans there, I would faint on the spot when Naeun was doing her openning! I SWEAR TO GOD! She's so beautiful, God save me :'D

  • @nininiee__3311
    @nininiee__3311 4 года назад +5

    I see eunji in thumbnail 😍 i click ❤️yass sexy charisma 🙌🏻

  • @ireneds7018
    @ireneds7018 6 лет назад +271

    Im not convinced that those 2 foreign fans are pandas. Why are they so bored and not interested at all. If i were them. I will laugh and smile all the time eventho i cant understand what are they talking about most of the time...

    • @chiechie1102
      @chiechie1102 6 лет назад +38

      suji spice exactly~! Iam also confused are they true pandas tho😂 Frankly speak i do not know much about hangul, but as a pandas i can relate what are they talk about. I might be fainted too if i were on those 2 foreigner shoes. Meeting apink face to face is a dream come true 😍🙈💕

    • @ireneds7018
      @ireneds7018 6 лет назад +18

      hanalenny yes.ikr. that was all apink panda will act. Unlike those two.😂😂

    • @abharambenjimin4213
      @abharambenjimin4213 6 лет назад +8

      Anya The Rottie Even if they are Panda but why were they there throughout the whole segment? You could have took pics at the end of the segment. It really was distracting.

    • @abharambenjimin4213
      @abharambenjimin4213 6 лет назад +2

      Anya The Rottie btw what's their RUclips channel?

    • @maricrisvm
      @maricrisvm 4 года назад +3

      This is what im about to say they're not even reacting, they didn't even clap when everyone on the set clap. I mean if ur a fan you should at least cheer for them. I mean not loudly cheer but u kno, almost all of them danced in front of u, you should at least clap silently or smthn

  • @selenexx8118
    @selenexx8118 6 лет назад +14

    That thumbnail 😂😂😂 Eunji oppa!!

  • @eunjioppa4803
    @eunjioppa4803 6 лет назад +20

    That thumbnail tho😂😂😂 my queens👌💜💜

  • @lauramd1527
    @lauramd1527 6 лет назад +10

    Forever apink.. 💕💕

  • @happydaysmile
    @happydaysmile 6 лет назад +3

    Innocent charisma!! The best description for this concept!! And Apink as a whole

  • @redypajero
    @redypajero 5 лет назад +6

    *Apink is the queens of K-Pop. Period.*

  • @jefflionel765
    @jefflionel765 6 лет назад +6


  • @berrrna9896
    @berrrna9896 6 лет назад +11

    Apink forever💕

  • @ThePopOptic100
    @ThePopOptic100 6 лет назад +6

    I just realized I was smiling and laughing the whole way through.........that's the magic of Apink!!!

  • @chinalizarraga172
    @chinalizarraga172 6 лет назад +6

    I lov u eunji👑👑👑

  • @officiallykpopped
    @officiallykpopped 5 лет назад +6

    Damn i miss eunji acting. Gonna go watch reply 1997 again. Who's with me?

  • @fayem5394
    @fayem5394 4 года назад +8

    I laugh every time eunji laugh 😍

  • @keikezia11
    @keikezia11 6 лет назад +11

    Thank you so much for the thumbnail 😂😂😂👍

  • @H3xZEN
    @H3xZEN 6 лет назад +22


  • @aceher_ald9193
    @aceher_ald9193 6 лет назад +26

    it's not sexy but INNOCENT-CHARISMATIC

  • @Minijins
    @Minijins 6 лет назад +2

    It's so cute and pretty. I wish you all the best. Always be happy and healthy.

  • @mickherosu
    @mickherosu 6 лет назад +9

    Thank you Apink!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @kym5115
    @kym5115 6 лет назад +9

    This song always disturbing me while im having my test 😂 i'm trying to stay focused but this song always came out in my brain 😂

  • @roseace2832
    @roseace2832 6 лет назад +3

    QUEENS 👑
    6 VISUAL
    6 VOICE
    6 DANCER
    6 ANGELS

  • @fizzyfuzz5878
    @fizzyfuzz5878 2 года назад +1

    Bomi's laugh is so cute. She's so precious.

  • @ANGELO-vh7jj
    @ANGELO-vh7jj 6 лет назад +10

    Im so happy that Apink want to beat Shinhwan for having a longest lasting group as of now. WAAAAAAHHH. please Apink! Be the longest lasting Girl Group! I will still support u guys tho. u all have a family in near future.
    And for the KPOP FANS OUT THERE!

  • @fiosnc7511
    @fiosnc7511 6 лет назад +3

    I can't help with nauennie
    In the end with the fans
    The kiss i never see her like that oh my !!! Thank for that love apink🐼🐼❤

  • @0Nannanaa0
    @0Nannanaa0 5 лет назад +2

    보미 진짜 끼 많다 춤선도 너무 예쁨

  • @AznSasuke19
    @AznSasuke19 6 лет назад +9

    I came for eunji

  • @sweetunicorn1640
    @sweetunicorn1640 4 года назад +5

    1:24 this remind me when Taemin called Apink as ' Girls Day' and their reaction😲. the same reaction here 😂😂😂 I MISS THEM SO MUCH
    Btw, Eunji always be the savage one

  • @adilahsyahirah5663
    @adilahsyahirah5663 4 года назад +2

    I seriously don't expect the MC reaction after Naeun.. And now I'm laughing can't stop. It's so funny 😂😂😂