Yesterday, we had a colleague over at our place in Changwon, so we needed to find some restaurants for dinner. We found some places, but either there were a lot of people or they were much too loud. Thanks for everything.
I did find some recipes, but either the ingredients were much more difficult to get or the cooking hours were much longer. I did go to some exhibitions, but either the locations were much farther, or the entrance fees were much more expensive. I try to make some examples more.
Please~~bring your dinosaur toy to the next class, I want see it again^^ When I was second grade of public elementary school’s student, I took my kiddo younger sister to the school. It would have been much harder hiding her under my desk while teacher was present in the classroom if my sister were crybaby. Now that I come to think about it, it couldn’t be possible in the setting of the classroom in America. HaHa
우하하하.. 어제 실시간 강의 + 아침의 관계절 강의 + 요약 강의... 우와~~ 거의 three times... ㅎㅎ 좋아요 좋아요.. What does that add up to.. 자꾸 말해볼수록 리듬감이 뛰어난 문장인걸요.. ^^
Yesterday, we had a colleague over at our place in Changwon, so we needed to find some restaurants for dinner. We found some places, but either there were a lot of people or they were much too loud.
Thanks for everything.
엄청 빨리 올려주시네요 ! 감사합니다
it looks a lot nicer
nicer 에 익숙해지기!!
좋은 영상 하나 보고 갑니다 ❤🎉
I did find some recipes, but either the ingredients were much more difficult to get or the cooking hours were much longer.
I did go to some exhibitions, but either the locations were much farther, or the entrance fees were much more expensive.
I try to make some examples more.
Found가 아닌 Did find라고 하는 이유가 있을까요?
후자는 ~하긴했는데 라는 느낌이 나죠
표현방식의 차이입니다
나도 이생각했는데ㅋㅋㅋ
Please~~bring your dinosaur toy to the next class, I want see it again^^
When I was second grade of public elementary school’s student, I took my kiddo younger sister to the school. It would have been much harder hiding her under my desk while teacher was present in the classroom if my sister were crybaby. Now that I come to think about it, it couldn’t be possible in the setting of the classroom in America. HaHa