Evidently you did not hear Madonna speak in Washington d.c. about her thoughts of our White House you might want to look that up before you speak so highly of Madonna. That would be January 2017 you might want to look it up.
Not my country but my opinion on the crown- season 1&2 was good and it went to crap after that. Sounds like this season is going to be more like reign and become total fantasy/ I find the show to be morally bankrupt. Diana’s sons are alive and their loss is real. I find the ideas of Netflix to be borderline criminal emotional abuse
Agree. Claire Foy was impressive imo and no one has touched her performance since. Agree that the subsequent seasons are emotionally abusive. What family on earth has to do its work with such lies given the authority of dramatization. Here in the States, there are people who are giving it documentary status and believing its plots. What WWII Veterans would be treated like this, and the Queen and Prince Philip both served in the war. I think it’s vile how Diana is being used for money and profit. No way I’m watching.
@spoi4835 - I guess that you are being sarcastic. The fact is that they should not be bothered, as no matter what they do these so-called Royal experts, that trashy British news media and online trolls we'll find fault with them. No matter what they do or say, it will be twisted into something negative. They did the same kind of thing to Diana, only they treat Meghan Markle so much worse! It is wise for Harry and Meghan not to care what these people say because 95% of it is a bunch of lies to deliberately destroy the image of Harry and Meghan. I hope that Harry and Meghan will continue to prosper and take care of each other and their children.
Its a show. Its not a documentary. I also dont like it however I understand fiction. I'm not going to watch because i dont have cable. If i did i would tho.
Me too. Never watched it. I watch British documentaries instead. Also I boycott everything associated with Harry and Meghan including their paymasters so they don’t get ONE PENNY from me. I try to practice what I preach when it comes to H&M.
I have never watched The Crown on principle. I don’t think It should ever have been allowed to go to air. To me it is criminal that production houses are allowed to get away with weaving fantasies about living people, even to the extent of casting lookalikes - and, even worse, that such fantasies are believed as fact by the gullible!
Me too, I have never watched it as depicts fantasy and a false narrative about real people. I watch British documentaries instead. Also I boycott everything associated with Harry & Meghan so I don’t give them any money.
Thats the worst of it, the Americans who have been fooled to think its a 'documentary" and then spit hate at the Royal Family, and still say nasty things about a much loved Queen who devoted her life to her country and its people!!!
Poor Princess Diana, nobody will let her rest in peace .People who pretend to speak for the dead are some of the most disgusting people imaginable. Disgusting.
@@fitnessperformanceireland9331What about William's? Or doesn't he matter! Do you have a mother? Would you like people to do this to her memory? It's disgusting in my opinion.
@@wendynicholss6886 I agree with you 😮.....the crown got darker be cos of greedy l@zy h@rry's involvement with net-fix & HW have given net-fix creators of the crown to go ahead with farfetched BRF imaginary egged on by so called royal experts unfounded truths to be dragged in the narrative of crown utter nonsense. Look how h@rry & HW/their attackers/backers has been behaving towards BRF & PWilliam PCatherine. It's any wonder crown writing in the "ghost" of Diana. Mean-spirited H@rry & HW have opened up an avalanche of this nonsense. *Have we seen PWilliam from his own mouth given a press report/release/spoken to press-people/so called royal experts/sky News Australia/GBNews/this channel on "his feelings of the crown?"* So again this report gives more credibility to the crown rubbish ghost storyline. I'm finding Kinsley Schofield a bit annoying & she knows nothing on BRF only on what is reported. How does Kinsley Schofield earn an income?
A short while ago it was reported that H has no problem with The Crown and he said that it sticks very much to the truth!! I think he won't be bothered by it, but then at the NY Mental Health 'Summit' recently he didn't seem to know how to express an opinion himself!! What with M calling him 'this one'!!
Not defending him whatsoever, but I would say it would be difficult to form sentences let alone an opinion when that hag Meghan is searing her evilness into your soul without even blinking. More so for Harry who has already been emasculated to the lowest point by her.
She's speak low life those are word or statements you do while yr with friend not to the media even the way she said it .that's what gets to me uptight, her voice n how she carries herself is pathic like harrys voice.
@@myrnarodriguez2974 so true what you stated; the complete lack of sophistication of Maggott is mind boggling; no one in any RFs married such a classless creature; but of course no one has such low intellect as H.
Me too. I boycott everything associated with Harry & Meghan including their paymasters so I don’t give them any money. I don’t support liars who ghost and sell out family.
Feel so Sorry for William he's had to put up with all this since his Mother died, but the worse part for him, must of been the Betrayal of his Mother from her own Son, his Brother, Netflix should be ashamed of being so cheap and Tacky, so glad I cancelled my Subscription with them . Please let William have his private memories of his Mother, and let his Lovely Mum rest in Peace, it's all very Cruel and Distasteful As for Harry what a Sad excuse for a human being and Huge Disappointment, to his family and our Nation !
@@TheRoyalChatterbox-lt6pu Diana had to keep silent for a long time to keep Charles’s reputation intact. To not speak out on her behalf is very cowardly on Williams side.
I doubt that. Any decent son would disown the side of the family that gave their mother mental health problems , Diana herself said the royals were planning for her to die in a car accident .
The first 2 Seasons of the Criwn were historical, lavish, quality actors & really watchable. Then they turned it into a farce with fake untrue scripts, dialogues. Blatent malicious lies, "imaginings".
Good to hear. I also boycott everything associated with Harry and Meghan including their paymasters so I don’t give them ONE PENNY. I don’t support liars and those who sell out family.
I really do have Sympathy towards Prince William. I think Harry tends to sometimes forget that he Also has a Brother who lost the Same Mother as he did. I think Prince William has handled himself quite well since then(in a Public Way). I Loved the First 4 seasons of The Crown. But, something was off last season & im anxiously anticipating this upcoming & final season. I started watching it because I wanted to know about them During the Pre-Diana Days. I know her death/accident has been brought up on wheather or not if its an historical moment & to me it is. Because look at what she gave us until her youngest decided to move away & until Meghan Markle came into the picture.
But William drank the coolaid that the Palace fed to him that his Mom was difficult and had her problems when she was being abused by THE ROYal FAMILY. He really believed that is was his mom being the problem. Harry didn't think that so he hurt more for his mom.
A real and thorough investigation would be nice regarding Charlie and his friendship with savile, And Andrews behaviour,and Diana’s death among other things!
Never watched it and don't see it's relevance as the content is not totally accurate. Any decent person wouldn't watch out of respect to Diana's memory and Prince William. How would we feel if it was our mother. She is not here to defend herself. Just tasteless
@@kaiulanidilworth1619your assertion is false as the writer, using his own words given he wasn't a fly on the wall, writes storylines which are publically known.
@@kaiulanidilworth1619 it doesn't make it right. Jill Dando was a factual report. The Crown is made up of salacious gossip with some facts thrown in. I personally wouldn't like it done about my parent but each to their own.
H has no respect for his mother. He made a deal with a company that invades her privacy with made up facts and gleefully sits there and takes the money. Hope she does return as a ghost and let H know what a disappointment he has become as a man.
I agree with how Prince William is sickened by it, it must be so hard for him she is his MUM …. But as far as King Charles, it’s a different Situation totally, so I can see them just being over it that’s normal imo
Unfortunately many viewers think The Crown is factual. I feel great sympathy for Prince William trying to protect his mother’s memory while Harry is complicit in the trashing of Princess Diana for his own noteriety.
Harry being on board with Diana being portrayed as a " ghost" speaks volumes as to his REAL heart. Guess me gain told him it goes ok with her citter chatter of gravesite conversations where she heard replies back at her???😂😂😂😂. Disturbing that ANY child could ne ok woth this about their dead mother. My mom is dead and I coukd NEVER applaud such grossness like this. Let a human being have eternal rest already
Maybe he is hoping they will do a series on him and his wife next! They will star in it and they will make big bucks, because as everyone knows, nothing is beneath them!
@@anikaema I agree with you. those people who hate would never change, their soul believe everything the media put out and not what they or hear coming from a person direct lips when it comes to Harry and Meghan. So sad that what Charles and Camilla did to Princess Diana and the hater have nothing but praise for them but out right vitriol for Harry for Marrying the woman he loves just because she is a strong independent woman who has been a voice for women since the age of Eleven and continues long before meeting and marrying Harry. They are truly about help people. We just have to pray for people who hate and continue to support and stand with Harry and Meghan with their message for they can’t worry about the people who hate and hold grudges.
I think he's (Harry )had a lot to do with this new series, especially the ghost part. My favourite series was the first actress who played the Queen. All the old prime minister's, Churchill etc. And the scandals. Was it Prince Philip in the newspaper?!! I think so.
Love Cristo and Kinsey! Always interesting and entertaining. Very diplomatic and respectful of Princess Diana to turn down the offer be on the cover of an American political magazine. I’m sure Diana was mindful that her son William would be a future King.
I have been saying for a long time that in my opinion the real Netflix deal is Harry writing for the crown. He has been saying that his mothers ghost has visited him in montecito now her ghost will be on the crown. Netflix had a copy of Waaaagh before anyone else, before it was released so I have no doubts that Harry is involved and the book was a cover to fuel the storylines however Netflix are fully aware of the many discrepancies between the book and their reality docuseries hence why they were so annoyed with Harry and his wife. I feel that Harry is doing this to hurt Prince William and King Charles and Netflix are enabling him.
Agree, not just Harry though, it was Markle who was going on about being “visited” by Diana! I believe it is she who has put this storyline forward! There is nothing she won’t do to hurt the Royal Family and especially William and Catherine!Reminds me of the Snow White fairytale!
They need to let this go I am so upset that they are bringing up childhood trauma for when some one whom has lost their mother by way of an car accident This is simple exploitation Diana needs to be allowed to rest in peace and to keep digging up her grave I am not a royalist but please have some respect no wonder it f ups Harry and William and it upsets their family and creates issues
@@veronicacrabtreehill6608 He was the spare to the King one. Now he is the spare to a pretend black, middle aged, 3rd rate, ex cable TV actress. It doesn't get better than that.
Madonna was so bold that she did not think nancy regan would tell her NO. Good for Nancy Madonna woukd have done something griss at that dinner. Glad she was excluded.
Didn't The Queen with Helen Mirren have some kind of spiritual form of Diana? A Deer maybe? Anyway I stopped watching after Harry spoke to James Corden. Just so sick of him and couldn't watch in case they made Harry some kind of hero.
Yes in the movie “The Queen”, a buck at Balmoral was supposed to symbolize Diana being “hunted” or something like that. There is commentary providing analysis of that part of the movie online.
The Stag had nothing to do with Diana, the Queen was visualising the end of the Monarchy she was questioning why she had misunderstood the nations mood, this had never happened before. If you search for a painting called Monarch of the Glen you will clearly see the identical Stag, she goes to the neighbouring estate to view the dead stag after it was shot to convince herself that she was still the Monarch (of the glen) and by extension the Commonwealth.
It won’t damage Netflix. It’s a story. Multiple historical figures have been the subject of both fiction and non-fiction movies. I’m sure “outraged” person on this thread has watched movies about famous people.
He makes out he loved and missed his mother more than anybody even his brother but he's ok with resurrecting her for money over and over and then just to make her memory a joke really upsets all of Dianna Princess of Wales die hard admirers is shocking l hope Harry is dining out really well on his mother.
I think Harry hates his mother, no one who loved someone would continue dragging her around the way he does. I think he’s furious that she left him and it’s all her fault that he’s a miserable person. When those of us who were adults remember Diana as a person, not just a saint. Harry acted like a brat many, many times. There are those who think Harry would never have had Meghan if Diana had been alive. Yet, sons find women just like her and destroy families to have them.
For the sake of peace and humanity. “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.” And “Love your neighbour as yourself.” That is the Law and the Prophets of God our Father in heaven. So stay well away from the false prophets of all religions and their many prayers. “But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you. In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him. This is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven, Give us today our daily bread, Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us. And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” -(The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15)- “Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (at Matthew 7: 1-2) - “Truly I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” - (at John 8: 51) - “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” - (Matthew 7: 12-14) - “I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” - (John 10: 9-10) - “Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” - (Matthew 7: 15-16) - “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” - (Matthew 7: 21) - “I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and anyone who is alive and has faith shall never die.” - (John 11: 25-26) - “I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” - (John 12: 47) - “Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” - (Matthew 10: 32-34) - “I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” - (John 14: 6-7) - “An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” - (Matthew 22: 35-40) - “There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” - (John 15: 13) - “Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” - (Matthew 23: 9-10) - “Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” - (Matthew 24: 4) - “Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” - (Matthew 24: 11-13) - “Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” -(Matthew 28: 20)- Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Monday the 16th of October 2023: - (Matthew 5: 14-16) - Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
Madonna let her ego screw her out of the meeting of a lifetime. I’m glad Nancy uninvited her. She was making sure our Whitehouse didn’t look trashy. I’m not a huge Madonna fan anymore.
The Crown lost any pretense of integrity in its storylines a couple of seasons ago. It started well, I really enjoyed the first few seasons, but then just went all in for sensationalizing and outright making things up. Its become really quite sickening. Diana has been dead for 26 years - and we have all long since realized the more balanced story between herself and Charles, (except for the Sussex squad who also believe Harry's ridiculous versions of events)
I’ve always thought it was rubbish, Netflix rewriting history with a fake twist. Morton’s Diana book was full of errors he’s such k nob. Diana fed the tabloids, she was never off the phone to them pretty much like Markle.
Indeed. I'm very sorry the boys lost their mother but I can imagine the drama that would have followed her life especially after she discovered social media. Let's be for real, if she looked like Camilla, no one would have been anywhere near as upset about her passing.
I put responsibility for the Elizabeth Arden story on Harry. The general public didn't need to know anything about Harry's private parts, and sharing those details was inappropriate. To me, Princess Diana had the purest of intentions as a mother who wanted to do something that would calm harry down, but she didn't really know what to do, so she applied the cream thinking that it couldn't hurt anything to try it.
Hello, in my Opinion, doing that movie about Princess Diana is sickening. This world is so Descensitized. They have no Respect for those who have left this world. Laughing and Mocking them is APPAULING. and Harry wants to claim that he has Mental issues because his mother died. Also because Diana isn't here to hug him. What happened to His wife Megan, she claims she is a hugger, why doesn't she HUG him. Maybe it will be Harry's cure... The Harkles preach to the public ,but they don't practice what they preach. The Harkles love to preach to the Choir. In my humble opinion
Comparing apples and oranges. Harry has nothing to do with the crown or what Netflix puts out. He went to an arctic expedition risking his life and because of inexperience was injured and had to do something to recover. As human beings we remember things from the past because of our sense of smell.
I'm with Prince William on that... Diana and her children are my cousins... and these producers should have more respect. Hollywood would do anything for money, it truly is sickening.
Princess Diana's ghost communicates with the Queen and Prince Charles? Well that just sounds way too much like Harry's wife's own story of how Diana speaks to her. Are we sure Meghan Markle didn't have some input?
Silly move by Madonna. Nancy Reagan can (and did) invite whom ever she like and with what ever requirements she likes, she was the hostess. Nancy was right. Full stop . IMO.
No... Madonna was right for refusing to give the Reagans an inch considering her strong support for people with HIV/AIDS and the Reagans did absolutely NOTHING for people dying from the disease. Diana should have refused also considering she was also an AIDS activist. F the Reagans, honestly.
How much has Hapless received in commission for the E A advert? Cant see many women wanting to use it now but maybe blokes all over show are pushing up sales.
This is so disrespectful to the memory of Diana, princess of wales and her family. I'm sure this will be very hurtful to william, Prince of wales.. I'm surprised that netflix will promote a series like that.
Will Harry be as OK with it when they decide to cover his and Meg's Megxit and everything that's happened to them since turning on their families etc! Netflix should never have been allowed to go this far, respect should be shown to her family left behind. RIP Diana
I feel the same, I loved seasons 1-4 of The Crown. I rewatched them a couple times. I didn’t care for season 5. It felt completely disconnected and had terrible casting.
I only liked the first 2 seasons - strictly because Olivia Coleman was NOT the right choice to portray QEII, not at all!!! I loved Olivia in all the other shows I’ve seen her in , but she was not good to play QEII. Claire Foy was exceptional, absolutely exceptional - it would have been better to use makeup and “age” her with whatever makeup necessary!! PS I’ve loved Olivia Coleman in the other shows I’ve seen her in BUT she was NOT a good QEII, sorry
I don’t have Netflix so don’t get to see it. But no point William getting cross, his brother and his missus have been merching his mother for ages and rf are condoning it.
She never would have gone with the Reagans in the WH... period. Her NO was a refusal to attend. The Reagans did nothing to aid people dying from HIV. Considering Diana was also an AIDS activist, she should have refused, also.
Madonna declared she wanted to "blow up" the White House in January 2017. I was in Washington DC in January 2017 and what was going on in the streets was terrible, and criminal, but nothing was done about it. And all over the country there were riots for years and nothing was done. And then the chickens came home to roost in January 2021 and the riot came right to the Capitol, and threatened the Congress, and they experienced the same terror that so many people had faced in their own neighborhoods for four years. And they suddenly decided this behavior should not be allowed.
It would have been a disasterous political move for Princess Diana to go to the opening of Evita; since the opening of the show was held after the Falklands war and there would have been such bad feeling with Argentina and England. For those who don't know Evita is based on the Argentine President Peron's life and Evita is in fact Ava Peron the former Argentine President's wife. The English Government would have been very riled at having a Royal representative of England endorsing this show.
I think some people need to chill out. Everything and everyone need to remember ,it's all history. It's all in the past. Look at all the war films that have been made about Hitler ?? Look at the Bombing of pear Harbour. The Americans made a film about it !. Look at what the Japanese did to the Poor prisoner's of war! They made several films about that ! And look what Hitler did to the Jewish people . God love them.😢 He literally slaughtered millions of them. 😢 And there have been many films made about that atrocity. You can go on and on. But complaining about everything and stopping people, who ever They may be, won't change the fact that it happened. Look at the American people dropping atomic bombs on innocent people !! They made films about it, NO ONE CAN PUSH THERE WILL ON OTHER PEOPLE. IT DOSENT MEAN THAT THEY ARE DISRESPECTFUL TO ANY WAR VETERANS. 😢😮 THATS MY OPINION. 😐
of course Netflix feels they can push the bounds of decency regarding Diana since they have Harry fully on their hook... Harry and Meghan have made a habit of conjuring up Diana in every way possible to keep themselves relevant... those two set the bar in the gutter as far as exploiting Diana's memory for monetary gain... i'm sure it is sickening to William but let's be honest: no "friend" of William's is talking to the media or they would no longer be such... and, in the past few years, William has realized the full spectrum of sickening with Harry constantly referencing the past and Meghan constantly posing as Diana 2.0...
Never watched it and can’t anyway because I cancelled Netflix when Meg McPatchy and Hazbeen rolled out their reality show. Love Kinsey, keep up the good work ❤
Anyone with an ounce of decency would be sickened by the crown’s storyline. Let Diana rest in peace.
Totally agree
Harry and Meghan and Netflix will never let princess Diana rest in peace💟👑🇬🇧
Evidently you did not hear Madonna speak in Washington d.c. about her thoughts of our White House you might want to look that up before you speak so highly of Madonna. That would be January 2017 you might want to look it up.
Let’s not forget pls that Harry works for Netflix and apparently a consultant on the show.
William has so much dignity and grace. The UK is fortunate that he is the heir. Much respect from 🇺🇸.
I feel the same. 🇺🇸
He’s pretty handsome too. 😅
are you jokin?....hes as sick as the rest of them .When will you realise ? ((THEY)) are not the same as us?
I agree 💯 too
I agree. The U.K.’s Royal future is in the best possible hands, in my opinion; Prince William will be a great King.
Well, I will most likely be dead and in my grave when that time comes but I am certain he will make a great job of it.
Not my country but my opinion on the crown- season 1&2 was good and it went to crap after that. Sounds like this season is going to be more like reign and become total fantasy/ I find the show to be morally bankrupt. Diana’s sons are alive and their loss is real. I find the ideas of Netflix to be borderline criminal emotional abuse
Totally agree.
Yes, the first two seasons were plausible. After that, no. Olivia Colman was not believable as Queen Elizabeth.
I thought Matt Smith did a wonderful job as Prince Phillip
Dirty witch 🧙♀️
Agree. Claire Foy was impressive imo and no one has touched her performance since. Agree that the subsequent seasons are emotionally abusive. What family on earth has to do its work with such lies given the authority of dramatization. Here in the States, there are people who are giving it documentary status and believing its plots. What WWII Veterans would be treated like this, and the Queen and Prince Philip both served in the war. I think it’s vile how Diana is being used for money and profit. No way I’m watching.
This is the problem, H & M are completely unbothered by peoples disgust at them
I think they secretly are but they are also a bit delusional. Harry always looks angry or sad. She is an embarrassment.
Agree 👏👏👏👏
It says prince William in the title not Harry or his wife...
@spoi4835 - I guess that you are being sarcastic. The fact is that they should not be bothered, as no matter what they do these so-called Royal experts, that trashy British news media and online trolls we'll find fault with them. No matter what they do or say, it will be twisted into something negative. They did the same kind of thing to Diana, only they treat Meghan Markle so much worse! It is wise for Harry and Meghan not to care what these people say because 95% of it is a bunch of lies to deliberately destroy the image of Harry and Meghan. I hope that Harry and Meghan will continue to prosper and take care of each other and their children.
Never watched it and never will . Hollywood version of history is alway rediculous.
Its a show. Its not a documentary. I also dont like it however
I understand fiction. I'm not going to watch because i dont have cable. If i did i would tho.
I Realize It was Hollywood Taking Liberties With The Facts, Will Not Watch.
Same, never watched it and after all this I am glad !
Ridiculous is the word!
Me too. Never watched it. I watch British documentaries instead. Also I boycott everything associated with Harry and Meghan including their paymasters so they don’t get ONE PENNY from me. I try to practice what I preach when it comes to H&M.
I have never watched The Crown on principle. I don’t think It should ever have been allowed to go to air. To me it is criminal that production houses are allowed to get away with weaving fantasies about living people, even to the extent of casting lookalikes - and, even worse, that such fantasies are believed as fact by the gullible!
Me too, I have never watched it as depicts fantasy and a false narrative about real people. I watch British documentaries instead. Also I boycott everything associated with Harry & Meghan so I don’t give them any money.
The show was created ran by the famous playwright and play if im right. Ofcourse something went wrong in the process
Thats the worst of it, the Americans who have been fooled to think its a 'documentary" and then spit hate at the Royal Family, and still say nasty things about a much loved Queen who devoted her life to her country and its people!!!
Couldn't have said it better.
I’m with you 100%, @janseary
Poor Princess Diana, nobody will let her rest in peace .People who pretend to speak for the dead are some of the most disgusting people imaginable. Disgusting.
I don't think Diana's peace will be disturbed by a Netflix series.
@@fitnessperformanceireland9331What about William's? Or doesn't he matter! Do you have a mother? Would you like people to do this to her memory? It's disgusting in my opinion.
Meghan Markle is one of those people who claims to speak for Diana.
The worst one's guilty of this are the snake in the grass paul burrell and the idiot prince with tw thrown in for good measure
@@wendynicholss6886 I agree with you 😮.....the crown got darker be cos of greedy l@zy h@rry's involvement with net-fix & HW have given net-fix creators of the crown to go ahead with farfetched BRF imaginary egged on by so called royal experts unfounded truths to be dragged in the narrative of crown utter nonsense. Look how h@rry & HW/their attackers/backers has been behaving towards BRF & PWilliam PCatherine. It's any wonder crown writing in the "ghost" of Diana. Mean-spirited H@rry & HW have opened up an avalanche of this nonsense. *Have we seen PWilliam from his own mouth given a press report/release/spoken to press-people/so called royal experts/sky News Australia/GBNews/this channel on "his feelings of the crown?"* So again this report gives more credibility to the crown rubbish ghost storyline. I'm finding Kinsley Schofield a bit annoying & she knows nothing on BRF only on what is reported. How does Kinsley Schofield earn an income?
Everyone shut down Netflix for this level of disrespect!
Oh please. Movies and s riots are written about dead people all the freaking time. Diana wasn’t a saint. 🙄🤦♀️
It's not that deep just don't watch the crown and watch something else
Netflix is long gone for me after they promoted Cuties.
Agreed New Zealand 🇳🇿 ❤
Lol nope 😂
A short while ago it was reported that H has no problem with The Crown and he said that it sticks very much to the truth!! I think he won't be bothered by it, but then at the NY Mental Health 'Summit' recently he didn't seem to know how to express an opinion himself!! What with M calling him 'this one'!!
Not defending him whatsoever, but I would say it would be difficult to form sentences let alone an opinion when that hag Meghan is searing her evilness into your soul without even blinking. More so for Harry who has already been emasculated to the lowest point by her.
She's speak low life those are word or statements you do while yr with friend not to the media even the way she said it .that's what gets to me uptight, her voice n how she carries herself is pathic like harrys voice.
@@myrnarodriguez2974 so true what you stated; the complete lack of sophistication of Maggott is mind boggling; no one in any RFs married such a classless creature; but of course no one has such low intellect as H.
I canceled my Netflix account some time ago, so there's no way I will watch it. Like all of the drama's of H&M, I'm sick of them and their disrespect.
Me too. I boycott everything associated with Harry & Meghan including their paymasters so I don’t give them any money. I don’t support liars who ghost and sell out family.
Netflix shows are getting more worse. Going to cancel mine and go back to Astro
Good for you ! I've never had Netflix and never would.
I would feel the same way as William if it were my mother. It feels very distasteful for her family and friends.
And surely no-one can say that H$M's appalling behaviour hasn't exacerbated this state of affairs.
Agreed New Zealand 🇳🇿 ❤
Feel so Sorry for William he's had to put up with all this since his Mother died, but the worse part for him, must of been the Betrayal of his Mother from her own Son, his Brother, Netflix should be ashamed of being so cheap and Tacky, so glad I cancelled my Subscription with them .
Please let William have his private memories of his Mother, and let his Lovely Mum rest in Peace, it's all very Cruel and Distasteful
As for Harry what a Sad excuse for a human being and Huge Disappointment, to his family and our Nation !
@@TheRoyalChatterbox-lt6pu Diana had to keep silent for a long time to keep Charles’s reputation intact. To not speak out on her behalf is very cowardly on Williams side.
Prince William is a man any mother would be proud of so I'm sure princess Diana is very proud of her son
And rightly so.
Absolutely New Zealand 🇳🇿 ❤
I absolutely know thst his father is very proud of William and his family
I doubt that. Any decent son would disown the side of the family that gave their mother mental health problems , Diana herself said the royals were planning for her to die in a car accident .
I will never watch this and cannot imagine anyone with integrity watching it
Well it seems this country is going down as pathetic sick people watching it
I'll watch it and I've a lot of integrity.
I've watched the first five series and thought it was excellent so will definitely be watching. I've been told I'm full of integrity!
Or working with said company
I won't watch it, but I hope those who do realize that it is not factual.
How can Netflix do that to the royal family in the crown. That’s disgusting
should be banned on this, it should be boycotted.
@@ruthyvonne5240 lol no
They aren’t a family. They’re an institution. With a lot of power and money. They can suck it.
It's all about the money for them
@SuperStella1111 you don't know much then
The first 2 Seasons of the Criwn were historical, lavish, quality actors & really watchable. Then they turned it into a farce with fake untrue scripts, dialogues. Blatent malicious lies, "imaginings".
I've seen only claire foy seasons
Even the Queen herself and Prince Edward enjoyed the first season very much
Claire Foy was just brilliant! Impressive!@@hkaayaakuu
@@joanbrown8639 yes she was good. Made me fan of her
I feel so sorry for Prince William BUT he should do as most of us do and boycott the drivel. Substance and ethics are becoming rare as hen's teeth.
Agreed New Zealand ❤
Pleased to say that I cancelled Netflix after the Oprah garbage, so no idea about the Crown. But it sounds crap.
Pleased to say, I did too.
It’s crap.
Good to hear. I also boycott everything associated with Harry and Meghan including their paymasters so I don’t give them ONE PENNY. I don’t support liars and those who sell out family.
I really do have Sympathy towards Prince William. I think Harry tends to sometimes forget that he Also has a Brother who lost the Same Mother as he did. I think Prince William has handled himself quite well since then(in a Public Way).
I Loved the First 4 seasons of The Crown. But, something was off last season & im anxiously anticipating this upcoming & final season. I started watching it because I wanted to know about them During the Pre-Diana Days. I know her death/accident has been brought up on wheather or not if its an historical moment & to me it is. Because look at what she gave us until her youngest decided to move away & until Meghan Markle came into the picture.
Just sometimes? …Harry does not give a s**t about anyone but himself & his wife!!
But William drank the coolaid that the Palace fed to him that his Mom was difficult and had her problems when she was being abused by THE ROYal FAMILY. He really believed that is was his mom being the problem. Harry didn't think that so he hurt more for his mom.
H is jealous of PW ,he will be the future king. H is not smart,insecure and married to a 🤡.
PW will be the future king H is jealous of PW.
@@rachelmcdonough5459 And Raggs does not give a💩 about Horrid.
Will William ever able to forgive Harry?? Because what he has done and condoned plus supported is terribly despicable
I think what the Crown has done is disgusting. Boycott is the word that comes to mind.
A real and thorough investigation would be nice regarding Charlie and his friendship with savile, And Andrews behaviour,and Diana’s death among other things!
Agreed ❤New Zealand
I already gave the series thumbs DOWN review on the series. So awful the whole series.
Never watched it and don't see it's relevance as the content is not totally accurate. Any decent person wouldn't watch out of respect to Diana's memory and Prince William. How would we feel if it was our mother. She is not here to defend herself. Just tasteless
It's not real it's called drama for a reason most of its fake they just took some facts &integrated them into the show
Lots of films are made about people who are dead, "who killed Jill Dando " comes to mind. Was that disrespectful?
@@kaiulanidilworth1619your assertion is false as the writer, using his own words given he wasn't a fly on the wall, writes storylines which are publically known.
Same here. I boycott everything associated with Harry and Meghan and their paymasters.
@@kaiulanidilworth1619 it doesn't make it right. Jill Dando was a factual report. The Crown is made up of salacious gossip with some facts thrown in. I personally wouldn't like it done about my parent but each to their own.
H has no respect for his mother. He made a deal with a company that invades her privacy with made up facts and gleefully sits there and takes the money. Hope she does return as a ghost and let H know what a disappointment he has become as a man.
Never seen it
Meghan has saidthat she talks to Diana, so there are going to be two ghosts talking
I’ve loved the first 3 seasons of the Crown. Both sets of queen/Philip were outstanding. I’m so sorry to see how they’ve gone downhill since then.
Olivia Coleman was horrible. The late Queen Elizabeth II had so much more personality than Olivia. Olivia was awful. Done with it.
She always is awful.
That was the season (3) I cancelled Netflix. Coleman's Queen Elizabeth was defamation.
Stop blaspheming. Olivia and excellence are synonymous!
I've never understood why people rave about Olivia Colman. Can't think of anything she's been in that I've enjoyed.
@@decodolly1535 Olivia is an excellent actress who's capable in both comedy and drama. I'm sorry if you can't see it but to each his own.
I agree with how Prince William is sickened by it, it must be so hard for him she is his MUM ….
But as far as King Charles, it’s a different Situation totally, so I can see them just being over it that’s normal imo
Charles has got to be used to being satirized by now.
The people who make this should be ashamed of mocking Diana and doing this to her sons and family.
I think it's all grist to the mill for Harry and his appalling narrative.
I haven’t seen it and don’t intend to. We watched the real people in real time. RIP , Diana Princess of Wales.
Kinsey’s makeup is perfect 👍
Unfortunately many viewers think The Crown is factual. I feel great sympathy for Prince William trying to protect his mother’s memory while Harry is complicit in the trashing of Princess Diana for his own noteriety.
How can The Crown get away with this?
Harry being on board with Diana being portrayed as a " ghost" speaks volumes as to his REAL heart. Guess me gain told him it goes ok with her citter chatter of gravesite conversations where she heard replies back at her???😂😂😂😂. Disturbing that ANY child could ne ok woth this about their dead mother. My mom is dead and I coukd NEVER applaud such grossness like this. Let a human being have eternal rest already
Maybe he is hoping they will do a series on him and his wife next! They will star in it and they will make big bucks, because as everyone knows, nothing is beneath them!
Did Harry tell you that?
@@anikaema I agree with you. those people who hate would never change, their soul believe everything the media put out and not what they or hear coming from a person direct lips when it comes to Harry and Meghan. So sad that what Charles and Camilla did to Princess Diana and the hater have nothing but praise for them but out right vitriol for Harry for Marrying the woman he loves just because she is a strong independent woman who has been a voice for women since the age of Eleven and continues long before meeting and marrying Harry. They are truly about help people. We just have to pray for people who hate and continue to support and stand with Harry and Meghan with their message for they can’t worry about the people who hate and hold grudges.
I think he's (Harry )had a lot to do with this new series, especially the ghost part. My favourite series was the first actress who played the Queen. All the old prime minister's, Churchill etc. And the scandals. Was it Prince Philip in the newspaper?!! I think so.
No one with any kind of moral character would watch that mess.
Kinsey and Christo- you guys are *SO CUTE * togetber! I love both your Talk TV segments and the awesome MAJES-TEA !!!!!!!!!
Love Cristo and Kinsey! Always interesting and entertaining. Very diplomatic and respectful of Princess Diana to turn down the offer be on the cover of an American political magazine. I’m sure Diana was mindful that her son William would be a future King.
Yes, I believe that William would be upset.
The seance sequence had me rolling laughing. I gotta find this podcast. 😂
I have been saying for a long time that in my opinion the real Netflix deal is Harry writing for the crown. He has been saying that his mothers ghost has visited him in montecito now her ghost will be on the crown. Netflix had a copy of Waaaagh before anyone else, before it was released so I have no doubts that Harry is involved and the book was a cover to fuel the storylines however Netflix are fully aware of the many discrepancies between the book and their reality docuseries hence why they were so annoyed with Harry and his wife. I feel that Harry is doing this to hurt Prince William and King Charles and Netflix are enabling him.
Agree, not just Harry though, it was Markle who was going on about being “visited” by Diana! I believe it is she who has put this storyline forward! There is nothing she won’t do to hurt the Royal Family and especially William and Catherine!Reminds me of the Snow White fairytale!
@@pammccarthy4829 oh yes she allegedly connected H with the psychic and encouraged him, I believe she also fed the ghost writer more than cake too.
Hmm, had not thought about it like that, you make a good point.
Don't forget that Megain told Harry that she talks to Diana and they are on the right path, lol!
There’s no evidence that King Charles is enabling Harry and spouse, it’s media speculation and rumours.
They need to let this go I am so upset that they are bringing up childhood trauma for when some one whom has lost their mother by way of an car accident
This is simple exploitation Diana needs to be allowed to rest in peace and to keep digging up her grave
I am not a royalist but please have some respect no wonder it f ups Harry and William and it upsets their family and creates issues
Oh no I’m shocked, you mean entitled Harry isn’t an only child? Who knew?
He is the only one who has any value. The other one is only going to become the King, or something.
@@michellelewis1090Got any more weird jokes ?
King?So unimportant compared to the special ginger one.
@@rhonda6791 The ginger one is a celebrity now, what is a mere king in comparison? lol
@@veronicacrabtreehill6608 He was the spare to the King one. Now he is the spare to a pretend black, middle aged, 3rd rate, ex cable TV actress. It doesn't get better than that.
That is just sick. Netflix, Diana's bodyguard, butler and even Harry refuse to let her rest in peace! Gee.
Madonna was so bold that she did not think nancy regan would tell her NO. Good for Nancy Madonna woukd have done something griss at that dinner. Glad she was excluded.
HILARIOUS!!! I LOVE how kinsey’s attitude changed when she heard the DOG COMPARISON HA HA HA 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Didn't The Queen with Helen Mirren have some kind of spiritual form of Diana? A Deer maybe? Anyway I stopped watching after Harry spoke to James Corden. Just so sick of him and couldn't watch in case they made Harry some kind of hero.
Yes in the movie “The Queen”, a buck at Balmoral was supposed to symbolize Diana being “hunted” or something like that. There is commentary providing analysis of that part of the movie online.
The Stag had nothing to do with Diana, the Queen was visualising the end of the Monarchy she was questioning why she had misunderstood the nations mood, this had never happened before. If you search for a painting called Monarch of the Glen you will clearly see the identical Stag, she goes to the neighbouring estate to view the dead stag after it was shot to convince herself that she was still the Monarch (of the glen) and by extension the Commonwealth.
@@robk5159 thanks for clarifying that and giving such an informed response. Interesting….
The only reason Diana would come back as a ghost would be to ask Harry what the hell was he doing
Sick if 1st part on 14th Nov as this is King Charles Birthday .. What a present with this nonsense ..
It will be good because people will know that the show is not real. Not fact at all. This is damage Netflix.
It won’t damage Netflix. It’s a story. Multiple historical figures have been the subject of both fiction and non-fiction movies. I’m sure “outraged” person on this thread has watched movies about famous people.
If Queen held hands with anybody. Would of been her husband
He makes out he loved and missed his mother more than anybody even his brother but he's ok with resurrecting her for money over and over and then just to make her memory a joke really upsets all of Dianna
Princess of Wales die hard admirers is shocking l hope Harry is dining out really well on his mother.
I think Harry hates his mother, no one who loved someone would continue dragging her around the way he does. I think he’s furious that she left him and it’s all her fault that he’s a miserable person. When those of us who were adults remember Diana as a person, not just a saint. Harry acted like a brat many, many times. There are those who think Harry would never have had Meghan if Diana had been alive. Yet, sons find women just like her and destroy families to have them.
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.”
For the sake of peace and humanity. “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.” And “Love your neighbour as yourself.” That is the Law and the Prophets of God our Father in heaven. So stay well away from the false prophets of all religions and their many prayers.
“But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you.
In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard.
Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him.
This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us.
And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.
For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” -(The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15)-
“Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (at Matthew 7: 1-2) -
“Truly I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” - (at John 8: 51) -
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” - (Matthew 7: 12-14) -
“I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage.
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” - (John 10: 9-10) -
“Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” - (Matthew 7: 15-16) -
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” - (Matthew 7: 21) -
“I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and anyone who is alive and has faith shall never die.” - (John 11: 25-26) -
“I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” - (John 12: 47) -
“Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” - (Matthew 10: 32-34) -
“I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” - (John 14: 6-7) -
“An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” - (Matthew 22: 35-40) -
“There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” - (John 15: 13) -
“Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” - (Matthew 23: 9-10) -
“Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” - (Matthew 24: 4) -
“Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” - (Matthew 24: 11-13) -
“Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” -(Matthew 28: 20)-
Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Monday the 16th of October 2023: - (Matthew 5: 14-16) - Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
I'm sickened by the whole mostly fake crap that is on the Crown! 😊
Oh Cristo you are so funny im laying in bed crying laughing about the Elizabeth Arden cream😂❤🇦🇺
WET WIPES!!!!!!!!!
When Cristo and Kinsey have their seance they had better invite Meggsie because she channels her all the time apparently
I’m with P.W. Not if they paid me, definitely NOT if h. is involved. Arden story is perverted.
The entire series of The Crown is disrespectful. I am surprised it is tolerated. I refuse to watch it.
These two are a wonderful double act.
Can Netflix sink any lower?
Madonna let her ego screw her out of the meeting of a lifetime. I’m glad Nancy uninvited her. She was making sure our Whitehouse didn’t look trashy. I’m not a huge Madonna fan anymore.
The Crown lost any pretense of integrity in its storylines a couple of seasons ago. It started well, I really enjoyed the first few seasons, but then just went all in for sensationalizing and outright making things up. Its become really quite sickening. Diana has been dead for 26 years - and we have all long since realized the more balanced story between herself and Charles, (except for the Sussex squad who also believe Harry's ridiculous versions of events)
Harry will not let Diana’s reputation be at peace.
I’ve always thought it was rubbish, Netflix rewriting history with a fake twist. Morton’s Diana book was full of errors he’s such k nob. Diana fed the tabloids, she was never off the phone to them pretty much like Markle.
Indeed. I'm very sorry the boys lost their mother but I can imagine the drama that would have followed her life especially after she discovered social media. Let's be for real, if she looked like Camilla, no one would have been anywhere near as upset about her passing.
Also, Her late Majesty is no longer here and this program has just become ridiculous. Netflix I'm sure has lost credibility for so many reasons
Is Elizabeth Arden's 8 hour cream a substitute for a well known blue pill 🤔
I put responsibility for the Elizabeth Arden story on Harry. The general public didn't need to know anything about Harry's private parts, and sharing those details was inappropriate. To me, Princess Diana had the purest of intentions as a mother who wanted to do something that would calm harry down, but she didn't really know what to do, so she applied the cream thinking that it couldn't hurt anything to try it.
I’d rather listen to the two of you talk than watch the crown any day😁👍🏼
Totally disrespectful . please let Princess Diana's soul rest in peace .
Hello, in my Opinion, doing that movie about Princess Diana is sickening. This world is so Descensitized. They have no Respect for those who have left this world. Laughing and Mocking them is APPAULING. and Harry wants to claim that he has Mental issues because his mother died. Also because Diana isn't here to hug him. What happened to His wife Megan, she claims she is a hugger, why doesn't she HUG him. Maybe it will be Harry's cure... The Harkles preach to the public ,but they don't practice what they preach. The Harkles love to preach to the Choir. In my humble opinion
completely agree with you,thank you!!!!🦋
Comparing apples and oranges. Harry has nothing to do with the crown or what Netflix puts out. He went to an arctic expedition risking his life and because of inexperience was injured and had to do something to recover. As human beings we remember things from the past because of our sense of smell.
Prince William is not the only one refusing to watch this crap.
I'm with Prince William on that... Diana and her children are my cousins... and these producers should have more respect. Hollywood would do anything for money, it truly is sickening.
Princess Diana's ghost communicates with the Queen and Prince Charles? Well that just sounds way too much like Harry's wife's own story of how Diana speaks to her. Are we sure Meghan Markle didn't have some input?
Silly move by Madonna. Nancy Reagan can (and did) invite whom ever she like and with what ever requirements she likes, she was the hostess. Nancy was right. Full stop . IMO.
No... Madonna was right for refusing to give the Reagans an inch considering her strong support for people with HIV/AIDS and the Reagans did absolutely NOTHING for people dying from the disease. Diana should have refused also considering she was also an AIDS activist. F the Reagans, honestly.
Most likely Madonna didn’t expect to be told ‘No’ either. She was young enough, she wouldn’t have thought of it as a ‘Historical Moment’ anyway.
Don't blame him to be honest
How much has Hapless received in commission for the E A advert? Cant see many women wanting to use it now but maybe blokes all over show are pushing up sales.
This is so disrespectful to the memory of Diana, princess of wales and her family. I'm sure this will be very hurtful to william, Prince of wales.. I'm surprised that netflix will promote a series like that.
I think the ghost ending of The Crown is a great thing because it ends up letting everyone know it was a spoof of a series, not to be believed.
Will Harry be as OK with it when they decide to cover his and Meg's Megxit and everything that's happened to them since turning on their families etc! Netflix should never have been allowed to go this far, respect should be shown to her family left behind. RIP Diana
They have no shame.
Good on you Prince William in my house we refuse to watch any documentary or podcast where Harry or Meghan seems to profit ina disgraceful manner😮
I feel the same, I loved seasons 1-4 of The Crown. I rewatched them a couple times. I didn’t care for season 5. It felt completely disconnected and had terrible casting.
I only liked the first 2 seasons - strictly because Olivia Coleman was NOT the right choice to portray QEII, not at all!!!
I loved Olivia in all the other shows I’ve seen her in , but she was not good to play QEII.
Claire Foy was exceptional, absolutely exceptional - it would have been better to use makeup and “age” her with whatever makeup necessary!!
I’ve loved Olivia Coleman in the other shows I’ve seen her in BUT she was NOT a good QEII, sorry
I don’t have Netflix so don’t get to see it. But no point William getting cross, his brother and his missus have been merching his mother for ages and rf are condoning it.
Madonna would have definitely worn something inappropriate to the White House.
She never would have gone with the Reagans in the WH... period. Her NO was a refusal to attend. The Reagans did nothing to aid people dying from HIV. Considering Diana was also an AIDS activist, she should have refused, also.
Madonna declared she wanted to "blow up" the White House in January 2017.
I was in Washington DC in January 2017 and what was going on in the streets was terrible, and criminal, but nothing was done about it.
And all over the country there were riots for years and nothing was done. And then the chickens came home to roost in January 2021 and the riot came right to the Capitol, and threatened the Congress, and they experienced the same terror that so many people had faced in their own neighborhoods for four years. And they suddenly decided this behavior should not be allowed.
ThAnkyou , love it , makes me smile every day
The Crown is DISGUSTING!! for doing that. Netflix should be sued!
Queen Elizabeth stated Camila would be known as consort wish people would stop calling her queen
It would have been a disasterous political move for Princess Diana to go to the opening of Evita; since the opening of the show was held after the Falklands war and there would have been such bad feeling with Argentina and England. For those who don't know Evita is based on the Argentine President Peron's life and Evita is in fact Ava Peron the former Argentine President's wife. The English Government would have been very riled at having a Royal representative of England endorsing this show.
Exactly. She may have had a H moment.
Not to mention the war veterans
I think some people need to chill out.
Everything and everyone need to remember ,it's all history. It's all in the past. Look at all the war films that have been made about Hitler ??
Look at the Bombing of pear Harbour.
The Americans made a film about it !.
Look at what the Japanese did to the
Poor prisoner's of war! They made several films about that !
And look what Hitler did to the Jewish people . God love them.😢
He literally slaughtered millions of them. 😢
And there have been many films made about that atrocity.
You can go on and on. But complaining about everything and stopping people, who ever They may be, won't change the fact that it happened.
Look at the American people dropping atomic bombs on innocent people !!
They made films about it,
Hen, I agree with Nancy Reagan. I would have have made the same decision. People need to know how to behave and have respect.
They are murching his mother's memory.
of course Netflix feels they can push the bounds of decency regarding Diana since they have Harry fully on their hook... Harry and Meghan have made a habit of conjuring up Diana in every way possible to keep themselves relevant... those two set the bar in the gutter as far as exploiting Diana's memory for monetary gain... i'm sure it is sickening to William but let's be honest: no "friend" of William's is talking to the media or they would no longer be such... and, in the past few years, William has realized the full spectrum of sickening with Harry constantly referencing the past and Meghan constantly posing as Diana 2.0...
I quit watching after the first season. It was obviously fictional but people took it seriously.
Seems the crown was quite good until mm and h became involved in it. Hope they get sued for misrepresentation and inaccuracies.
Agreed first four seasons of the Crown were very well done, but season five slipped considerably.
Cristo you are so engaging, so funny. And Kinsey's great.
Never watched it and can’t anyway because I cancelled Netflix when Meg McPatchy and Hazbeen rolled out their reality show.
Love Kinsey, keep up the good work ❤
An idea for this year’s Halloween costume. Dress as H&M like in Southpark complete with banners 🤭
Or dress a couple,as a candle and a plume.
Omg pleeease just let Princess Di rest in peace. Have some companion for her sons & family. That miss her. The ghosts portion is simply a stretch.
I always get the feeling that Cristo has a mild crush on Kinsey. Just in a sweet, schoolboy crush kind of way.
Cancel Netflix! Dragged the Princess Diana is disgusting.
Sparry works for Netflix
Just shows the actor playing Diana has no moral compass otherwise she would say "nope not doing that" itnis hugely offensive.
I would be appalled by it as well. I wish everyone would just leave Diana alone.