Vojislav Šešelj je tako superiorno vodio svoju odbranu da će se njegov nastup sigurno proučavati u međunarodnom pravu u budućnosti (ako već nisu počeli!)! Impresivan je bio Voja Šešelj! ❤️🇷🇸
Gnjida koja citav zivot Zivi na grbaci naroda,sada Mu to sin radi. Huškao ljude na Rat a on svoju nosinu i guzicu U stranu. Koliko je mladosti Samo poginulo da bi ovaj kreten zlocinacki i danas Dan zivio na grbaci drzave i naroda.treba da ga majke mladica Koji Su poginuli da ga tuze. Djubre
Kada nekoga porazis ISTINOM - ne znam za vece zadovoljstvo! Ponavljam, nisam glasac SRS, ali mislim da bi svaka iole ozbiljna Pravna Institucija (mislim na skolstvo) morala da proucava strategiju odbrane Dr.Seselja! Jednostavno savrseno! p.s. Pritom uz minimalnu pomoc sa strane... Savrsenstvo!
I think everybody here should be embarrassed except for the judge antonetti who was always fair and respectful and of course the him we have professor doctor released because he was indeed innocent of everything they accused them up and they kept him there in Hague tribunal for so long and I can't even imagine what that does to a person mentally and physically of course but at least he is free right now which all of us will be grateful
Long live professor doctor Seselj for his ability to defend himself and be free from the false tribunal. It is part of my expertise that I have done a thorough research visited Serbia Bosnia Croatia interviewed so many people spoke about with so many people who have witnessed these things and it's really really amazing the way he represented himself it's just really something outstanding we should all admire
P Opopmpp Pppmop Pplopp Pp Mmp 0moppp Op P Pp Pp P Pm P P M0p P Lllomo Pp Opk Pm Opp O Pp P P Ppmp Pp Pl P Pòl Plpp Ppp Pp Ppp0pppoopppmoo0p O Oooopplpm
I apologise to everybody who's watching this that I'm just trying to learn Serbian language I understand the basics but not everything and I thank god there are subtitles so I can actually make my comments and hopefully people can understand them when I was studying for my doctorate in international law and criminology I have told him this specific subject up Hague tribunal being the fake Court not following any international or not following any law at all just the law that made up. I'm just learning Serbian and I could really help if any Serbian person could actually help me to learn this beautiful language because I've been to Serbia during my studies and it's such an amazing country amazing culture amazing amazing historical sites and people the most amazing thing about Serbia is actually people were always willing to welcome for an earth and speak about their culture they're food dead dancing Styles and their history so I really really admire Serbian people because it's one of the best countries one of the most impressive countries I've been to and I've travelled a lot of the countries around the world but in Serbia I found something special and that think is Serbian heart that's what I found most special thank you everybody who understood me I hope there are translations available hope the people understand me
...Bio je najkorektniji u odnosu na ostale....pogotovo kada je Seselj nazvao engleski jezik. mrskim jezikom......francuzi nisu bas ljubitelji engleske kulture....
I'm sorry I can say this in Serbian cos I don't know how but I truly agree with your comment like who can dislike this? Only those who hate x Serbian people only those who are really really against the Justice
What really confused me is number of views and also number of comments because it's starting to seem like people really didn't have nothing to say after seeing this because professor doctor was able to shut everybody's mouth am I right or am I right? Lol
I'm really grateful that they are subtitle to this because there are so many things to discuss about this and there's visible injustice against the accused person actually at the end of the trial managed to beat the whole Hague tribunal by himself or presenting himself which is pretty amazing because he had the study not only Serbian Croatian law but also Anglo-Saxon law to be capable to defend himself and it's really created to see how incompetent Hague tribunal prosecution lawyers are and I'm also speaking about something I'm truly informed about because I've chosen this for my master's degree in international because it was quite interesting to me to actually find out the truth and it's just impressed of the way he is capable to literally asked questions that nobody else would there to ask and how prosecution and judges most of them except for judge antonetti were so biased and they tried everything but they failed so what does that tell us? It speaks a lot of that prof Dr was capable to actually leave The Hague tribunal defending himself by himself with of course support of his team
It was long time ago and in that time nobody from west didnt like Serbian ppl myb coz of that no titles... Myb it will be soon, good luck with ur master👍
Seselja nisu pustili ..seselja su istjerali hag nije mogao da izadje na kraju s njime novine pišu i studiji kaži daje pušten iz zatvora a meni se čini da su ga istjerali jer nisu mogli vise snjima da izadju na kraju 😂 Seselj je legenda ja sam musliman ali ga poštujem i cenim bez obzira na rat i sve to sto se desilo u Bosni Seselj je reko sve stoje imao na kraju nije nizašta kriv to se vidio i čulo CEO svet ❤ Seselj kralj i legenda sa dva fakulteta veliki mozak eh kad bi bila cela Srbija takva kao on bila bi naj jača na svetu ❤
Boze koju je ovaj covjek golgotu prosao da bih dokazao da je neduzan i da nije zlocinac i hvala bogu dokazao je to dusmanima koji su ga optuzili pritom da neznaju istinu bravo doktore seselj👍
I'm sorry that I don't have ability to reply to your comments and Serbian beautiful language of Serbia but I hope you can understand what I'm saying and I really agree with your comment and this man has really broke the whole Hague tribunal which is so adorable this is worth of every praise
The fake Witnesses who are probably Bride by so much money are just making me laugh so much said this moment because the one that is accuses literally breaking all of them up and their statements which is unbelievable and I really admire Hamm professor doctor seselj
Na zalost istina se skriva i mnogi mrze ceo srpski narod,naravno da su neke zlocine cinili srbi,ali ne toliko koliko su ovde to vesto montirali,bilo je ovde i casnih svedok,vrlo malo ali bilo je
@zoranajdacic7041 of course Crimes have been committed by all sides involved but Serbs are being crucified and that's how they brainwash the media to hate Serbs. Its so sad buy Serbs are the toughest people I know and will survive this. Justice ⚖️ will be revealed one day 🇷🇸
Svaka čast prijatelju. Samo pošteno. Zločinci treba da odgovaraju, a nevini ne. Šešelj je patriota, kao što i kod svih drugih ima patriota a i ološa i zlikovaca. Mir i ljubav ti želim. I izvinjenje za zločine onih zločinaca koji su obrukali časne Srbe
The judge antonetti was actually the only fair charge this hall false false created Hague tribunal who didn't even stick to international law or any law at all except for the owner of course it's just a shame that the prosecution was so incapable to even find documents and papers that can prove the Guilt therefore while looking at a man who is innocent and defending himself which is impressive
Sudija Antoaneti je ispao pomalo smesan....Seselj da trazi dokaz da nije kriv ???.....Pa valjda je tuzitelj duzan da predoci dokaz !!....Zamislite da ja tuzim Antoanetija za pedofiliju pa da on mora nabavljati dokaze da nije pedofil....Smesno za zdrav razum.....ujedno i zalosno....
It's really Shame For by The Hague tribunal that they didn't allow for him to have support and his support team who would provide papers paperwork and everything else that's needed to defend himself it's just something I really don't understand but it proves that Hague tribunal was simply created for anti Serbian people because most of the other nations were released and I really admire professor doctor for the way he defended himself and really really really shown that the Witnesses I mean alleged Witnesses brought there and by the prosecution had to say the lies and everything that wasn't truth so that's why he's free right now that should really clear to everybody
1:16:00 sam sudija ga uhvatio da laze za datum. Kako mogu na ovakome velikome sudu da se usude tolike lazi izmisljati kad Hag ima toliko moci da moze doci do bad bilo kakvi informacija. Na sudu ko laze smatra se krivicnim djelom tako da trebalo svjedoka kazniti.
da nije bilo dr seselja potpuno bi prekrila tama i tisina nase stradanje u ustasiji ,i nas zbjeg,samo tom covjeku mozemo zahvaliti sto cjeli svjet zna i ako cute ali govna znaju
Gospodin Seselj je davno ne secam se vise koje godine dolazio kod mog brata u restoran na rucak.nikad necu prežaliti sto tada nisam prisla da ga poljubim jer nisam pratila politiku.steta da nas on ne vodi mislim sav srpski narod
Dr.Vojialav , a toliko nedostiznih ciljeva, da ne kazem gluposti . OVO JE RAVNO MNENJEM ROMA KOJI SANJA O NEMOGUCIMA. ( abogami se ne razlikujes puno od roma jer zajedno rastish I zivis pa od tuda I ONO SKIM SI TAJAV SI ) ( sigurno, ne vredjam Rome nego uzdizem)
A zasto ne pitaju svedoka- Rekli ste da 92- ge nije bilo muslimana !!! Dobro !!! A ko je pravio incidente ??!! Kao i da Cetnicki Pokret nije postojao 92-ge, vec SRS !!!
Vojislav Šešelj je tako superiorno vodio svoju odbranu da će se njegov nastup sigurno proučavati u međunarodnom pravu u budućnosti (ako već nisu počeli!)! Impresivan je bio Voja Šešelj! ❤️🇷🇸
Posle toga je opasno govedo postao.
Neki svetski pravnici su napisali Knjige o njegovom Proces sa naslovom naj mocniji Pravnik na Svetu
@@denismilivojevic8774 koji? Izvor?
Gnjida koja citav zivot Zivi na grbaci naroda,sada Mu to sin radi. Huškao ljude na Rat a on svoju nosinu i guzicu U stranu. Koliko je mladosti Samo poginulo da bi ovaj kreten zlocinacki i danas Dan zivio na grbaci drzave i naroda.treba da ga majke mladica Koji Su poginuli da ga tuze. Djubre
"Koloko god da Vam se gade, moracemo malo i ove novine čitati " 😂😂😂😂
Kada nekoga porazis ISTINOM - ne znam za vece zadovoljstvo! Ponavljam, nisam glasac SRS, ali mislim da bi svaka iole ozbiljna Pravna Institucija (mislim na skolstvo) morala da proucava strategiju odbrane Dr.Seselja! Jednostavno savrseno! p.s. Pritom uz minimalnu pomoc sa strane... Savrsenstvo!
I think everybody here should be embarrassed except for the judge antonetti who was always fair and respectful and of course the him we have professor doctor released because he was indeed innocent of everything they accused them up and they kept him there in Hague tribunal for so long and I can't even imagine what that does to a person mentally and physically of course but at least he is free right now which all of us will be grateful
ma da, sve je tako je, vodio paravojnu formaciju "ŠEŠELJEVCI-- ŠEŠELJEVI ČETNICI = PACIFISTI) djelili humanitarnu pomoc.
Long live professor doctor Seselj for his ability to defend himself and be free from the false tribunal. It is part of my expertise that I have done a thorough research visited Serbia Bosnia Croatia interviewed so many people spoke about with so many people who have witnessed these things and it's really really amazing the way he represented himself it's just really something outstanding we should all admire
Реално, најбољи документарни програм РТС-а од његовог настанка.
Dr Šešelj je pravnik No1 u svijetu.
Indeed he is
I apologise to everybody who's watching this that I'm just trying to learn Serbian language I understand the basics but not everything and I thank god there are subtitles so I can actually make my comments and hopefully people can understand them when I was studying for my doctorate in international law and criminology I have told him this specific subject up Hague tribunal being the fake Court not following any international or not following any law at all just the law that made up. I'm just learning Serbian and I could really help if any Serbian person could actually help me to learn this beautiful language because I've been to Serbia during my studies and it's such an amazing country amazing culture amazing amazing historical sites and people the most amazing thing about Serbia is actually people were always willing to welcome for an earth and speak about their culture they're food dead dancing Styles and their history so I really really admire Serbian people because it's one of the best countries one of the most impressive countries I've been to and I've travelled a lot of the countries around the world but in Serbia I found something special and that think is Serbian heart that's what I found most special thank you everybody who understood me I hope there are translations available hope the people understand me
jel mislis da si zanimljiva sto glumis Engleskinju .....kako rece Seselj koga boli kurac da cita te sktabotine na tom odvratnom jeziku ---
Hope you've learned Serbian language by now. So glad to see people interested in Serbia. Much respect for what you said about my country. Cheers!
Bravo Vojislave rasturio si ceo hag mogu samo da te uhvate za onu stvar i da vicu upomoc
A pri tom rasturanju je ostavio skoro 11 godina svog života u haškome zatvoru!
Карај Војо брате и брани нас од демократе ;)
Ako se moze reci... ovaj sudija francuz je mozda najkorektniji sudija u celom Hagu, opet kazem " ako se moze reci "
Odlicno si se spasio 😅
...Bio je najkorektniji u odnosu na ostale....pogotovo kada je Seselj nazvao engleski jezik. mrskim jezikom......francuzi nisu bas ljubitelji engleske kulture....
@@vasojovanovic7628 Антонети ? Истину си написао.
Pa ko moze ovo "dislajkati"? Nevjerovatno!
I'm sorry I can say this in Serbian cos I don't know how but I truly agree with your comment like who can dislike this? Only those who hate x Serbian people only those who are really really against the Justice
Ne vadi ga legendo ....
What really confused me is number of views and also number of comments because it's starting to seem like people really didn't have nothing to say after seeing this because professor doctor was able to shut everybody's mouth am I right or am I right? Lol
Yes 💯, u r right 👍
Dosadan si
I'm really grateful that they are subtitle to this because there are so many things to discuss about this and there's visible injustice against the accused person actually at the end of the trial managed to beat the whole Hague tribunal by himself or presenting himself which is pretty amazing because he had the study not only Serbian Croatian law but also Anglo-Saxon law to be capable to defend himself and it's really created to see how incompetent Hague tribunal prosecution lawyers are and I'm also speaking about something I'm truly informed about because I've chosen this for my master's degree in international because it was quite interesting to me to actually find out the truth and it's just impressed of the way he is capable to literally asked questions that nobody else would there to ask and how prosecution and judges most of them except for judge antonetti were so biased and they tried everything but they failed so what does that tell us? It speaks a lot of that prof Dr was capable to actually leave The Hague tribunal defending himself by himself with of course support of his team
It was long time ago and in that time nobody from west didnt like Serbian ppl myb coz of that no titles... Myb it will be soon, good luck with ur master👍
@@BrxNS wtf? My master? God is my master and u are a keyboard warrior. Nothing more nothing less. Blessings
Irena, da li bi mi dala, a čiča kaže, i kada bi mi dala, ja ne bi mogao
najbolji pravnik na Balkanu
Ala ga reseta vojvoda 👏👏👏👍🤝
Svaka cast šeki
Seselja nisu pustili ..seselja su istjerali hag nije mogao da izadje na kraju s njime novine pišu i studiji kaži daje pušten iz zatvora a meni se čini da su ga istjerali jer nisu mogli vise snjima da izadju na kraju 😂 Seselj je legenda ja sam musliman ali ga poštujem i cenim bez obzira na rat i sve to sto se desilo u Bosni Seselj je reko sve stoje imao na kraju nije nizašta kriv to se vidio i čulo CEO svet ❤ Seselj kralj i legenda sa dva fakulteta veliki mozak eh kad bi bila cela Srbija takva kao on bila bi naj jača na svetu ❤
💗Ziveli vi meni 100 godina!
1:08:10 LEGENAAARNOOOOO! марко.р.чивијаш
Boze koju je ovaj covjek golgotu prosao da bih dokazao da je neduzan i da nije zlocinac i hvala bogu dokazao je to dusmanima koji su ga optuzili pritom da neznaju istinu bravo doktore seselj👍
A sad je džip problem. Helikopter treba dati Voji i na kafu kada ide.
@@bovabovic9102 istina uvjek boli
@@milamila634 Šešelj je istina
I'm sorry that I don't have ability to reply to your comments and Serbian beautiful language of Serbia but I hope you can understand what I'm saying and I really agree with your comment and this man has really broke the whole Hague tribunal which is so adorable this is worth of every praise
@@bovabovic9102 he is the truth indeed also the truth nobody can dispute
The fake Witnesses who are probably Bride by so much money are just making me laugh so much said this moment because the one that is accuses literally breaking all of them up and their statements which is unbelievable and I really admire Hamm professor doctor seselj
Na zalost istina se skriva i mnogi mrze ceo srpski narod,naravno da su neke zlocine cinili srbi,ali ne toliko koliko su ovde to vesto montirali,bilo je ovde i casnih svedok,vrlo malo ali bilo je
@zoranajdacic7041 of course
Crimes have been committed by all sides involved but Serbs are being crucified and that's how they brainwash the media to hate Serbs. Its so sad buy Serbs are the toughest people I know and will survive this. Justice ⚖️ will be revealed one day 🇷🇸
@IrenaDeacon 💪☦️🇷🇸
@@zoranajdacic7041 very true
@@happytv9857 😊😊😊💖
*Zelim vam se u ime Bosnjaka izvinuti zbog ovog Bednog placenika i lazova!*
Svaka čast prijatelju. Samo pošteno. Zločinci treba da odgovaraju, a nevini ne. Šešelj je patriota, kao što i kod svih drugih ima patriota a i ološa i zlikovaca. Mir i ljubav ti želim. I izvinjenje za zločine onih zločinaca koji su obrukali časne Srbe
Svaka tebi Cast Prijatelju!
Hristos Vaskrese
Srecan Bozic
Svaka cast brate i mi se izvinjavamo za one koji su počinili zločine u Srpskim redovima svuda ima poneki kukolj pozdrav i živ bio brate❤
То господине Шешељу
Budi sretan pa Seselj nije po Bugarskoj drzao mitinge i dovodio dobrovoljce jer u tom slucaju biste vi danas iskopavali masovne grobnice.
Ajde prevedi?
Srušen dio optužnice!
Zivio vojo
Vojo Légende mnogo si pametan i Bordzija bravo cetitam
The judge antonetti was actually the only fair charge this hall false false created Hague tribunal who didn't even stick to international law or any law at all except for the owner of course it's just a shame that the prosecution was so incapable to even find documents and papers that can prove the Guilt therefore while looking at a man who is innocent and defending himself which is impressive
Жживио Војвода Шешељ.❤️💙🤍🇷🇸
Vojvodo živio vole te pljevlja
Nastasija K. Strasno
And he is loved all across the world
Jos jedan dokaz o hrabrosti muslimana,sam odgledati svedocenje njhovih svedoka.
@@nocnamora3999 ništa ne radi. Raspada se od laži i mržnje
živeo Legija i Sloboda,heroju
Kara Šešelj 3 puta bez vadjenja, hahsha,
Sudija Antoaneti je ispao pomalo smesan....Seselj da trazi dokaz da nije kriv ???.....Pa valjda je tuzitelj duzan da predoci dokaz !!....Zamislite da ja tuzim Antoanetija za pedofiliju pa da on mora nabavljati dokaze da nije pedofil....Smesno za zdrav razum.....ujedno i zalosno....
to seselju neka vide svi da je sve lazno bilo
A makse ne mogu vishe
Kuku majko kakvi svedoci postoje
Iiii zaboravi lajk a treci minut, izvini Vojo
It's really Shame For by The Hague tribunal that they didn't allow for him to have support and his support team who would provide papers paperwork and everything else that's needed to defend himself it's just something I really don't understand but it proves that Hague tribunal was simply created for anti Serbian people because most of the other nations were released and I really admire professor doctor for the way he defended himself and really really really shown that the Witnesses I mean alleged Witnesses brought there and by the prosecution had to say the lies and everything that wasn't truth so that's why he's free right now that should really clear to everybody
Do you have any serbian roots?
Један је Шешељ❤❤❤
35:00 sta ce baba sa 90 godina da sudi sa alzaimerom! Fuj!! 🤢💩🤡
Kola su oduzeli policajacima..kad su vec tu
1:16:00 sam sudija ga uhvatio da laze za datum. Kako mogu na ovakome velikome sudu da se usude tolike lazi izmisljati kad Hag ima toliko moci da moze doci do bad bilo kakvi informacija. Na sudu ko laze smatra se krivicnim djelom tako da trebalo svjedoka kazniti.
da nije bilo dr seselja potpuno bi prekrila tama i tisina nase stradanje u ustasiji ,i nas zbjeg,samo tom covjeku mozemo zahvaliti sto cjeli svjet zna i ako cute ali govna znaju
Realno, nisam o tome ni razmisljao.
@@Shake95SerbiaRapv c v
Dobro si iz odradio.
A veprina uziva u opisu tuce ....
U kompjuterimaje, JA Sam radila ZA Vladu Jugoslavije, prava generacija I Ja na kompjuterima
Svaka cast šešelj je savrsen😊
Za vas pozere, poluljudi.,pojam.a za sve koji ste plaćeni(isto li beše) tesla, mileva marić, đoković i Poštenje Srpskog roda. Mirjana stranica
Kako ih uvek sje...e. sa ovim nenajavljenim izjavama..
1:35:55 преводилац прича док једе 😂😂😂
Stavite to na grafoskop..😀
Ovakvi svedoci su idealni za svetske visoke pozicije, verujem da se to uveliko i upraznjava.
Жалости њихове како су се зезнули са Војом . Јел има ко какву информацију шта је са овим губитницима из трибунала ...
Kojim? Harhov izbacen. Ostali ,msm rade samo na zalbama. Ostaoo ih je samo 5-6. Ovih nema vise
Gospodin Seselj je davno ne secam se vise koje godine dolazio kod mog brata u restoran na rucak.nikad necu prežaliti sto tada nisam prisla da ga poljubim jer nisam pratila politiku.steta da nas on ne vodi mislim sav srpski narod
Žena svjedok..
Ti dislajkovi su iz Haga od strane Haških sudija i sekretara
Maestralno kao i uvek superioran i sa uživanjem sam pogledao ovo brutalno sakaćenje lažnog svedoka
Dr.Vojialav , a toliko nedostiznih ciljeva, da ne kazem gluposti .
( abogami se ne razlikujes puno od roma jer zajedno rastish I zivis pa od tuda I ONO SKIM SI TAJAV SI )
( sigurno, ne vredjam Rome nego uzdizem)
Da li je za baba latanci umrla sa obe sake jer je jednu pojela u sudnici,mislim,koliko je postena?
Opasan islamista
Teški gadov je u pitanju
Mudžahedin pravi.
92-e nema sanse koji musliman bi. Mogo tada bit tu
Dici ce Planetu u vazduha, dao mu Elon Musk
😂😂😂😂😂koliko je ovo smesno Kada covek laze a NE ume 😂😂😂😂😂
Kako god ova odbrana će kad tad ući u udzbenike.
Dajte mi činjenice dacu Vam pravo....😂
Sto sad ne sude Izraelu i Palestini sto narod djeca žene ginu
Hrvat sam ali Šešelj je dokazao da je haški sud obični apsurd i bruka
13 god pati.al sad vi gospodine dodjjite prsssss
"Па није добро, како добро? Ово је за тужилаштво веома лоше" 😂😂😂
Da li svjedoci odgovaraju ako lazno svjedoce ili su zasticeni ...
Zasto sudije nisu postavili pitanje tuziocima, koliko je svjedoka dobilo papire za a
Ovaj. Asim alic sad javno sad tajno svjedoci
Misjee Sesellll 😂😂😂
Od ovakve ljudine ..spao na Vučičevu krparu..
Kad jednak čovek ismeje jednu medjunarodnju kvazi instituciju!
Lojavi laze mnogo ali lojavo
Hahahahahahahahaha tako je!
gospodja Latanci pojeli je vranci hahah ponasa se kao da nije obradjena decenijama
Seselj je junacki I ponosno pobedio hag svaka cast njemu
Razbijo i šešelj kralj ko katu
A zasto ne pitaju svedoka- Rekli ste da 92- ge nije bilo muslimana !!! Dobro !!! A ko je pravio incidente ??!! Kao i da Cetnicki Pokret nije postojao 92-ge, vec SRS !!!
On je njima više držao predavanja u sudnici nego što su ga orkivljavali za neš što lik nije ništa učinio xD
Kakvi ZEMUNci, pobio mangupe.
Sudija Antoneli...prilično korektan
Ciganin, Sava mala od 8 GODINA na mozgu mi JE. Sivi dom, film
Doci ce i njemu kraj