Fallout: New Vegas - Vulpes Inculta (All Quotes/Audio Files)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 191

  • @averagediscoenjoyer
    @averagediscoenjoyer 4 года назад +257

    0:00- I thought I heard something.
    0:01- By Caesar, you're walking a fine line.
    0:04- Grenade!
    0:05- Vale.
    0:06- I suspect you'll be a valuable asset to the Legion. Assuming you're really on our side, of course.
    0:12- Was there more for us to discuss?
    0:13- Caesar awaits you. We can talk afterwards.
    0:16- The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you, and he admires your accomplishments and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his mark.
    0:23- Any crimes you may have perpetrated against the Legion are hereby forgiven. Caesar will not extend this mercy a second time.
    0:31- My Lord requires your presence at his camp at Fortification Hill. His mark will guarantee your safe conduct through our lands.
    0:38- Caesar awaits.
    0:39- This is a moment I'd hoped would not come for many years. Caesar's death puts the Legate Lanius in command now.
    0:47- I am pleased that you were able to cure Caesar's malady. Though the Legate is a fine leader, we yet need the wisdom of Caesar to guide the Legion.
    0:55- Incidentally, it will interest you to know that the man you seek has fled the Strip, and is likely making haste for Caesar's camp as we speak.
    1:04- The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you. He appreciates your service and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark.
    1:12- My lord requires your presence at his camp on Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe conduct through our lands.
    1:19- There's a gambler, Martina Groesbeck, who has a knack for learning other people's secrets and passing that information along, for a price.
    1:26- The Omertas, who run Gamorrah, have become suspicious of Martina's frequent visits to their casino. Soon they'll pay her a visit of their own.
    1:35- I prefer to handle these matters though intermediaries, such as yourself.
    1:39- Besides the gratitude of the Legion? Don't worry. You'll be paid in coin or caps.
    1:46- Excellent. Had you simply killed them, the Omertas would've sent another group after Martina eventually. You've saved me the trouble of coming up with a more permanent solution, and Martina is free to go about her business as usual. Well done.
    1:59- For now, anyway. She'll need to lay low while the Omertas are scrambling to find out what happened. They'll eventually send more men after her, but I'm sure I'll come up with a better solution to the problem by then.
    2:10- Good. Martina frequents the Vault 21 Gift Shop on the Strip. Hurry along, and she still may be in one piece by the time you get there.
    2:18- If you have to. I really don't see what there is to consider.
    2:21- I see. Was it ill fortune, or was Caesar's faith in you misplaced? Either way, it's done.
    2:29- As I said before, Martina Groesbeck is a useful- if unwitting- source of information. The Omertas want her dead, while I need her alive.
    2:39- Go to him, and you will understand.
    2:42- The mighty Caesar has bestowed upon you his Mark and guaranteed safe conduct. If he wanted you dead, you would be dead already.
    2:50- Seek Caesar by way of Cottonwood Cove, south of Nelson. The coursor Lucullus will be waiting.
    2:55- I am Vulpes Inculta, of Caesar's Legion. I serve my master as the greatest of his Frumentarii.
    3:02- We are soldiers of a different stripe; capable in battle, but skilled as infiltrators and agents as well.
    3:08- Vale.
    3:09- To call Lanius ferocious would be an understatement. In battle he seizes the enemy in his jaws, and will not let go.
    3:18- He thinks nothing of suffering losses, so long as the enemy suffers more. Though unsubtle, he is not dim. He detects traps, and sets his own.
    3:28- Be glad you will not have to face his judgement, if you are true to Caesar.
    3:33- Lanius served Caesar well as his greatest battlefield commander. With Lanius at the head of the Legion, however, I doubt he'll have much use for my services. He prefers... direct methods.
    3:45- Ah, yes. We are forbidden from speaking his true name. He was a shaman of some kind before he met Caesar, a holy man from out of the Utah.
    3:53- The Burned Man proved dangerous, unpredictable, and impossible to kill. He helped Caesar form the Legion, but almost led it to destruction.
    4:05- I know the captain well. If you wish to be of service, go talk to him.
    4:09- Bear in mind that you are now responsible for guarding the secret of his true allegiance. If the NCR finds out, we'll know how that happened.
    4:18- No. I do not require the services of a degenerate such as yourself.
    4:22- I know the captain well. The destruction of the NCR monorail was his doing. Of course, if the NCR were to hear of that, it would be obvious who told them.
    4:32- Little escapes the notice of Caesar's Legion. We know a great deal about the Vegas Strip and the comings and goings of those who frequent it.
    4:39- I am the greatest of Caesar's Frumentarii. It was not a challenge to find you, nor is this my first visit to the Strip.
    4:47- Oh? I don't know if you'll recognize me from the Strip, when I handed you the Mark of Caesar. I wasn't wearing a dog's head at the time.
    4:55- Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates. It's useful that you happened by.
    5:02- I want you to witness the fate of the town of Nipton, to memorize every detail. And then, when you move on?
    5:11- I want you to teach everyone you meet the lesson that Caesar's Legion taught here, especially any NCR troops you run across.
    5:18- Was there more for us to discuss?
    5:20- Well, isn't this a surprise? I was just finishing up here. To think that we might have missed each other.
    5:26- It's fitting you got to see how I punished this town, for such is your fate. You will die for your crimes against the Legion.
    5:34- How interesting. You're the profligate courier who's been of some assistance to the Legion.
    5:40- Well well well! If it isn't our favorite courier, trekker of the wastes, killer of Mr. House!
    5:46- Well well well! What's our favorite courier doing so far from the Strip? Don't you have a special delivery to give to Mr. House?
    5:45- I was just finishing up making an example of this town- teaching a lesson, if you will.
    (cont. in replies)

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 4 года назад +57

      5:59- When you move on, teach everyone you meet the lessons Caesar's Legion taught here, especially any NCR troops you run across.
      6:08- Where to begin? That you are weak, and we are strong? This much was known already. But the depths of your moral sickness, your dissolution? Nipton serves as the perfect object lesson.
      6:21- Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East! Quite a man, if man he be.
      6:26- Caesar prides himself on selecting the right tool to overcome each new obstacle. In Lanius, he found his hammer.
      6:35- He's never been defeated in battle. Fourteen tribes have laid down arms at his boots. Another five rendered extinct.
      6:45- His latest campaign in the wilds of Utah has concluded, and he is en route. When he arrives, your doom arrives with him.
      6:55- Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid.
      7:02- For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too.
      7:08- Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself. The people here didn't care. It was a town of whores.
      7:16- Yes, and herded them to the center of town. I told them their sins, the foremost being disloyalty. I told them that when Legionnaires are disloyal, some are punished. The others made to watch. And I announced the lottery.
      7:32- Each clutched his ticket, hoping it would set him free. Each did nothing, even when 'loved ones' were dragged away to be killed.
      7:43- [Laugh] Indeed. Our hounds demonstrate greater loyalty to each other everyday than the wretched inhabitants of this town.
      7:51- Ha! Innocent? Hardly.
      7:55- They stood and watched as their fellows were butchered, crucified, and burned. One by one.
      8:02- They stood and hoped their turn would not come. Each cared only for himself.
      8:08- Cowardly, though. They outnumbered us. Yet not once did they try to resist.
      8:12- Yes, they did. As will all the rest of you, in due time.
      8:18- Now go, and teach what you've learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead.
      8:23- As are all crimes. If you feel strongly about it, attack us, and soon you won't feel a thing.
      8:29- So you've said. You're unusually bright, for a profligate. Well done.
      8:34- Now go, and teach what you've learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead.
      8:40- Legionnaires! We have a problem!
      8:42- I am Vulpes Inculta, of Caesar's Legion. I serve my master as the greatest of his Frumentarii.
      8:49- We Frumentarii are soldiers of a different stripe; capable in battle, but skilled as infiltrators and agents as well.
      8:56- You bear the Mark of Caesar. That makes you special.
      9:00- Do whatever Caesar tells you to do. And whenever the opportunity presents, strike at the profligates. Pile body upon body.
      9:08- Tell everyone you meet of what you saw here. The Legion can handle the rest.
      9:13- That said, if you were to strike at the profligates, butcher them. Trouble their operations. This will not go unnoticed.
      9:23- Don't worry, you'll know him well when you serve him. Or you'll be dead.
      9:28- What can be said? He's a man of towering intellect, the founder of the Legion, conqueror of eighty-six tribes.
      9:36- Caesar is the salvation of mankind, his Legion the rebirth of civilization in a benighted age.
      9:42- But you'll learn all there is to know in due time. Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East, will soon arrive to command Caesar's troops in battle.
      9:50- The dam will fall, and the rest of the profligate West will soon follow.
      9:55- The Legion is civilization reborn. Our culture is based on virtues such as martial excellence, loyalty, and justice.
      10:04- I think your eyes will see more than I could ever tell you. Take your time. Enjoy the sights.
      10:09- Why, then, do you keep asking?
      10:11- Then I bid you vale, until we meet again.
      10:15- Yes, they did. As will all the rest of them, in due time.
      10:20- Now go, and teach them what you've learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead.
      10:25- Where to begin? That they are weak, and we are strong? This much was known already. But the depths of their moral sickness, their dissolution? Nipton serves as a perfect object lesson.
      10:39- It has a stark beauty, doesn't it? I'm glad you can appreciate it.
      10:44- Now go, and teach them what you learned here. There will be more lessons in the days ahead.

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 4 года назад +65

      i hope this is useful to someone! i've been hyperfixating on this lad and sometimes i have to listen to certain lines to help me write for him, so maybe it'll help someone else!

    • @calscion
      @calscion 4 года назад +9

      thank you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @praetormartinus9046
      @praetormartinus9046 3 года назад +7

      @@averagediscoenjoyer Ave, Amicus !

    • @donaldravius2167
      @donaldravius2167 3 года назад +10

      You are a great man for time stamping his quotes. Thank you

  • @greywalker505
    @greywalker505 3 года назад +390

    Imagine if you killed him, looted his body, and found a note that said, “You missed.” Given that he’s the Legion spymaster, I wouldn’t put such a trick past him.

    • @blarghinatelazer9394
      @blarghinatelazer9394 3 года назад +49


    • @kaptannemo1668
      @kaptannemo1668 3 года назад +19

      That would be cool!

    • @Duke0Forever
      @Duke0Forever 7 месяцев назад +1

      Definitely a mod idea. Scripting would be messy, because there are some conditionals. But could work.

    • @xxlCortez
      @xxlCortez 4 месяца назад

      Doesn't his body disappear if you kill him?

    • @the.ass.cheeks.sniffer.r
      @the.ass.cheeks.sniffer.r Месяц назад

      ​@@xxlCortezthat's only when you kill him in the tent

  • @Vulpes_Inculta
    @Vulpes_Inculta 5 лет назад +246

    4:55 You welcome my fellow degenerates.

  • @xxlCortez
    @xxlCortez 4 года назад +394

    10 minutes of Jason Spisak's voice acting. It has a stark beauty, doesn't it?

  • @FrankieAmadeian.
    @FrankieAmadeian. 3 года назад +169

    Vulpes: * has brown hair and brown eyes *
    Also Vulpes: * is depicted as blonde with blue eyes for some fucking reason *

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 3 года назад +57

      the blonde character design was made before his in-game model, for a playing card set included with the game in a special sort of bundle with the ultimate edition and a few other exclusive items!

    • @FrankieAmadeian.
      @FrankieAmadeian. 3 года назад +38

      I mean, I kinda like how his hair and eyes contrast very starkly against the red and brown of his Legion armor.

    • @bkzomen1
      @bkzomen1 3 года назад +36

      Game couldn't model his awesome style 😎

    • @nielubieinceli
      @nielubieinceli 2 года назад +9

      You can find a visual mode and have blond one Vulpes.

    • @FrankieAmadeian.
      @FrankieAmadeian. 2 года назад +1

      @@nielubieinceli vulpes twinkulta

  • @borntobeewild7529
    @borntobeewild7529 3 года назад +109

    It was the night before christmas, everyone was asleep, except of course, the daughter, who was listening to Vulpes Inculta asmr.

  • @arcadegannon615
    @arcadegannon615 3 года назад +367

    actually addicted to this man's voice

    • @shadysam7161
      @shadysam7161 3 года назад +61

      Arcade no

    • @arcadegannon615
      @arcadegannon615 3 года назад +21

      @@shadysam7161 why not?

    • @shadysam7161
      @shadysam7161 3 года назад +24

      @@arcadegannon615 you hate the legion

    • @arcadegannon615
      @arcadegannon615 3 года назад +48

      @@shadysam7161 Uh I can explain that later

    • @volcanish5739
      @volcanish5739 3 года назад +14

      @@shadysam7161 Just cuz' Vulpes is Leigon doesn't mean his voice is- Well...From a certain point of view, anyway.

  • @Francisco-fw5fe
    @Francisco-fw5fe 7 месяцев назад +19

    In my first playtrough I sided with the Legion because of how sexy this man's voice was

  • @lunacchi6457
    @lunacchi6457 3 года назад +146

    i absolutely hate how attracted i am to his voice

    • @ill8485
      @ill8485 3 года назад +21

      Can’t say I blame you

    • @cannibalbunnygirl
      @cannibalbunnygirl 2 года назад +14

      me too, back in the day I wrote so much vulpes fanfic

  • @beavis4882
    @beavis4882 5 лет назад +145

    0:04 grenade

  • @wojak-sensei6424
    @wojak-sensei6424 Год назад +36

    Wish that Vulpes was more prominent in the story. I could only imagine him being the person with enough wits and guile to go toe-to-toe with the Courier. He could've been the face of the Legion before you meet the big man himself, with options to do his bidding throughout the first half of the game. Dead Sea, and the other interchangeable Legion members that aren't in Cottonwood Cove, aren't really as interesting as him.

  • @zhe_g1421
    @zhe_g1421 2 года назад +39

    I listen to this video every time I feel bad and this man's voice heals my soul's wounds like a miracle cure.

  • @kseniav586
    @kseniav586 4 года назад +131

    The epic voice acting makes this character so damn attractive

  • @awkiiplayz4134
    @awkiiplayz4134 2 года назад +60

    7:42 i love his laugh

  • @grimsdoll
    @grimsdoll 10 месяцев назад +18

    the way i go feral for this man.

  • @chemiisei
    @chemiisei 5 лет назад +94

    I like this nerd

  • @Ghoulishhh
    @Ghoulishhh 3 года назад +44

    His voice is so nice 😩😩😩

  • @liszardo
    @liszardo 2 года назад +34

    Here because of… perfectly clean Vulpes/F!Courier fanfiction

    • @OsnoloVrach
      @OsnoloVrach Год назад +6

      im here because of a Vulpes/Lanius one..
      yeah it was very rough, and i dont mean the reading

    • @mr_sandman__
      @mr_sandman__ Год назад +6

      Any mlm recommendations?

    • @Vozvy
      @Vozvy 4 месяца назад +1

      sharing is caring is it not?

    • @natanaga9892
      @natanaga9892 3 месяца назад

      ​@@mr_sandman__ Vegas Liber Erit, And Thirst is All I Know (not Vulpes centric tho), When You Say Jump (a personal favourite which is currently being rewritten)

    • @urmomlol3674
      @urmomlol3674 3 месяца назад

      Lmao im here because of a vulpes x M!courier fanfic lol

  • @frederiquekruger4818
    @frederiquekruger4818 4 года назад +96

    8:39 *'Legionaries we have a problem!'*

    • @bigmouthprick5852
      @bigmouthprick5852 4 года назад +20

      *laughs in anti-material rifle*

    • @austinbarton126
      @austinbarton126 4 года назад +2

      Gamble with 10 luck, Esther, We have a pr, (nuked).

    • @relentlesschaos7445
      @relentlesschaos7445 3 года назад +7

      [Terrifying Presence]
      "I'm gonna wear your head like that dog you have on yours"

    • @frederiquekruger4818
      @frederiquekruger4818 3 года назад

      @@relentlesschaos7445 that is why I love that perk.

  • @Kaworu_Nagisa
    @Kaworu_Nagisa 4 года назад +48

    00:01 - 00:04 How this sentence began ? ''AyaY Caesar you're walking a fine line'' this is what i got

  • @disc0carp3t
    @disc0carp3t 2 года назад +23

    his voice makes me 😭

    • @faintcry
      @faintcry 2 года назад +6

      Mentally sobbing. Why is his voice so soothing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so lovely.

  • @ghiaccio1885
    @ghiaccio1885 3 года назад +25

    his voice hit different

  • @salvale9184
    @salvale9184 2 года назад +40

    Literally all I could fucking hear watching Arcane

    • @user-ug3ty2oj3r
      @user-ug3ty2oj3r 2 года назад +7

      isn't silco and vulpes like twins, if not the same person? 💀I mean- vulpes could be silco just more powerful and older🤷

  • @corypowercat7277
    @corypowercat7277 Год назад +14

    I find it cool how Jason Spisak recycled this voice for a character in the Green Lantern cartoon.

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 11 месяцев назад +8

      he used it for Silco in Arcane, too! :D

    • @corypowercat7277
      @corypowercat7277 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@averagediscoenjoyer that to! I wonder why he uses the same voice?

  • @rokmun680
    @rokmun680 3 года назад +39

    I prostate myself before Microsoft, and the Master, Bill Gates, in an effort to gain their approval of my request. A remastered Fallout: New Vegas, with updated graphics, and all the missing content that would have been, as well as any other lore friendly adjustments to models or places.

  • @mistydayremainsofthejudgment
    @mistydayremainsofthejudgment Год назад +14

    The couple laughs are so 🥰

  • @feralgoober
    @feralgoober 3 года назад +22

    We all know why we're here..

  • @Rinzeki02
    @Rinzeki02 5 лет назад +199

    Still think brunette Vulpes is a perfect man
    If only his hair were as long as they are on his card

    • @societalanchor
      @societalanchor 5 лет назад +11

      There's a mod that makes him look more like the card. www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42385/

    • @ProtractedScribbles
      @ProtractedScribbles 4 года назад +27

      In-game Vulpes looks just like an ex of mine, and since we parted on good terms, it didn't sour my affection for him.

  • @sanlorenzo7896
    @sanlorenzo7896 3 года назад +27

    4:55 As the courier, it is my duty to pass on news regardless of allegiance.
    Awe, true to Caesar

  • @allhandsondik7803
    @allhandsondik7803 10 месяцев назад +16

    Definitely a reprehensable character, but damn does he have a nice voice, makes me both afraid of and attracted to him.

  • @glassisjusthotsand3661
    @glassisjusthotsand3661 5 лет назад +96

    This guys naval cavity

    • @beavis4882
      @beavis4882 5 лет назад +12

      I want to cut his nose off so he can speak properly. a stutter or a lisp are speech impediments I can handle, but not a nasally voice

    • @gamerkey8278
      @gamerkey8278 4 года назад +89

      Shut up his voice is music to my ears

    • @nagihangot6133
      @nagihangot6133 3 года назад +7


    • @elijahgreybosh7882
      @elijahgreybosh7882 3 года назад +1

      That’s the equivalent of saying you can tolerate white and Hispanic people, but despise Asian people.

  • @lisettmartin1004
    @lisettmartin1004 4 года назад +17

    Love it! Thank you for uploading this!

  • @alexschmidt443
    @alexschmidt443 3 года назад +15

    ''I'm going to wear your head like you do with that dog''

  • @Assassino275
    @Assassino275 3 года назад +21

    Him being albino would've been cool

    @CESSKAR 5 лет назад +26


  • @HisMouthTastesLikeNicotine
    @HisMouthTastesLikeNicotine 2 года назад +55

    i want vulpes to dominate me

    • @pierrik594
      @pierrik594 2 года назад +10

      Same , bro...Same.

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer Год назад +8

      same :(

    • @blipblorp
      @blipblorp Год назад +3


    • @OsnoloVrach
      @OsnoloVrach Год назад +2

      nah man i will fuck this guy until he cannot walk i cannot stress this enough
      i dont know where and why i got this fetish for mr. roman furry#243 (villain edition) but i dig

    • @mr_sandman__
      @mr_sandman__ Год назад +1

      Nah, I want to overpower him and hit him. You know, make him a jerk while he cries and pleads

  • @faintcry
    @faintcry 2 года назад +14

    Bless r/vulpesismywaifu
    edit: what is happening to me help 🧎..🚶
    edit 2: nvm fuck that sub, still glad to have found this lovely fellow

  • @feliznavidad6958
    @feliznavidad6958 4 года назад +22


  • @greywalker505
    @greywalker505 3 года назад +16

    His voice sounds like Vergil.

  • @ToasterSoy
    @ToasterSoy 3 года назад +25

    Wish he was a follower

    • @ToasterSoy
      @ToasterSoy 3 года назад +1

      Gray El entrenador Pokémon imma install my next legion play though

    • @borntobeewild7529
      @borntobeewild7529 3 года назад +3


    • @awkiiplayz4134
      @awkiiplayz4134 2 года назад

      @@borntobeewild7529 but if you play on ps3 it cant help you at all

  • @TheWP120
    @TheWP120 4 года назад +22

    He looks like Niccolò Machiavelli

    • @darthusianzealot3180
      @darthusianzealot3180 4 года назад +14

      Exactly he was the cold blooded side of the Legion merciless, focused, and dispassionate. Unlike the others it seems as though Vulpes was philosophically convinced of legionary principles which makes him wayyy more terrifying because he enjoys violence on a psychological level.

  • @basedbattledroid3507
    @basedbattledroid3507 3 года назад +53

    Sorry I killed you Vulpes, you should've worn a less interesting hat

    • @mizv4043
      @mizv4043 3 года назад +11

      I dressed up in his clothes, including the hat for when i met caesar for the first time....just to be an asshole

    • @ComradeMercy
      @ComradeMercy 2 года назад

      I would have killed him for the hat if I didn’t like his voice so much

  • @TypicalHibiscus
    @TypicalHibiscus Год назад +15


    • @TypicalHibiscus
      @TypicalHibiscus Год назад +8


    • @falloutyaoi
      @falloutyaoi 3 месяца назад +2


    • @TypicalHibiscus
      @TypicalHibiscus 2 месяца назад +2

      @@falloutyaoiSOOO TRUEE i love ur username

    • @falloutyaoi
      @falloutyaoi 2 месяца назад +1


    • @falloutyaoi
      @falloutyaoi 2 месяца назад +1

      @@TypicalHibiscus are you a postal fan 👅

  • @genericalfishtycoon3853
    @genericalfishtycoon3853 4 года назад +10

    Ave, true to Caesar!

  • @amidsummerpowms6453
    @amidsummerpowms6453 7 месяцев назад +5

    wait, where did the "by caesar, you're walking a fine line." did come from??

    • @snakesnail6664
      @snakesnail6664 3 месяца назад +1

      I heard it yesterday for the first time and I was so confused. He said it after he forgave me for uppercutting a legion mongrel.

  • @benjamingoto2099
    @benjamingoto2099 3 года назад +17


  • @strawberrymilkuwu8311
    @strawberrymilkuwu8311 Год назад +5

    He's my fave character 😍❤❤❤❤☺ an still is 😏lol fallout new vagas 4 life

  • @Iriy0riiii
    @Iriy0riiii Месяц назад +1

    it's a shame that I killed that guy back in the first encounter in Nipton, it was my first playthrough and thought all his party were hostile 😂

  • @Kaworu_Nagisa
    @Kaworu_Nagisa 5 лет назад +25

    Somone can explain what this words mean ? (Pile body upon body)

    • @Kaworu_Nagisa
      @Kaworu_Nagisa 5 лет назад +4

      @Napoléon Bonaparte I still can t reach to answer

    • @gronndar
      @gronndar 5 лет назад +32

      Do whatever Caesar tells you to do. And whenever the opportunity presents, strike at the Profligates. Pile body upon body.

    • @icequeen25celeb
      @icequeen25celeb 5 лет назад +27

      He basically means that the courier, whenever they get the chance and especially when its the ncr, should kill for the legion. He wants you to kill as much as you can, hence, pilling body ontop of body ontop of body etc

    • @MrFFSMAN
      @MrFFSMAN 4 года назад +12

      Make a mountain of corpses, basically commit mass murder.

    • @Kaworu_Nagisa
      @Kaworu_Nagisa 4 года назад +3

      thx dude

  • @cavedweller420
    @cavedweller420 6 месяцев назад +5


  • @retradern
    @retradern 4 года назад +7

    Anyone else think he kinda looks (and sounds) like the gman from half life?

  • @boi5499
    @boi5499 4 года назад +6

    pls do one for Lanius.

  • @chris06realityseries96
    @chris06realityseries96 4 года назад +6

    Nipton anyone

  • @kiyo1396
    @kiyo1396 4 года назад +12

    Ok why is this game appearance different from the card?

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 4 года назад +24

      There isn't an explanation, but my guess is that it was easier to use a preexisting asset for his hair than make a new model just for Vulpes.

    • @kiyo1396
      @kiyo1396 4 года назад +4

      @@averagediscoenjoyer they still could have just given him blonde hair though, so I don't think that's an explanation

    • @averagediscoenjoyer
      @averagediscoenjoyer 4 года назад +11

      @@kiyo1396 The buzz cut in blond wouldn't look at striking, at least that's how I would see it, as an artist. I think the game designers just wanted to make a recognizable character with what they had, and so, his appearance changed.

    • @kiyo1396
      @kiyo1396 4 года назад +7

      @@averagediscoenjoyer there are still several haircuts in the game that look like the one in the card. I don't see why they couldn't have used one of those

    • @GrandTheftDiamonds
      @GrandTheftDiamonds  3 года назад +4

      This is from JE Sawyer's Tumblr blog and somewhat related: jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/621728849950015488/probably-a-weird-question-but-why-does-arcade#notes

  • @SukhoiSU57FighterJet
    @SukhoiSU57FighterJet Год назад +2

    I wonder why he has an audio file for Grenade

    • @fecalunfunny7109
      @fecalunfunny7109 8 месяцев назад +2

      because you can throw a grenade at him

  • @Perkelektus
    @Perkelektus 7 месяцев назад +2

    arf arf! xd

  • @nocountryforoldworms
    @nocountryforoldworms 6 месяцев назад
