Reflection Cassette in

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @WalterDeans
    @WalterDeans Год назад +5

    Great job as always!

  • @awesomeguy_2323
    @awesomeguy_2323 Год назад +2


  • @Ninthalias1
    @Ninthalias1 Год назад +4

    All completely viable for full game, definitely. That was really good stuff
    On a different note, I've wondered if you'd be interested in a video of how to do grounded ultras, and/or how they actually work. Not many people have videos or information about it, at least that I'm aware of, and I know you'd make a good video about it.
    Edit for clarity.

    • @ziwuri
      @ziwuri Год назад +1

      This is the video I learned them from:видео.html

    • @Tiyo98
      @Tiyo98  Год назад +3

      @@ziwuri looking at this it seems pretty good. I think it wasn't mentioned there but one thing that is important for grounded ultras is the way dash cooldown works. So to get most of the speed, and the funny horizontal line you see if someone does them well, you want to always jump late so you can dash sooner. Because of dash cooldown you can't dash immediately if you jump early so if you jump early you would lose a bit of speed and gain height which is a bit slower.

    • @Tiyo98
      @Tiyo98  Год назад +2

      Because of that grounded ultra video existing, I don't think I will do that soon, but I do plan on making some tutorial videos explaining tech and/or mechanics

    • @Ninthalias1
      @Ninthalias1 Год назад +1

      @@Tiyo98 I used to play on switch, and recently moved to pc for mods. Long story short, I've started playing Strawberry Jam and wow, that mod is amazing. I've learned tons of really cool tech, even though I knew a lot already.

  • @smaster9758
    @smaster9758 Год назад

    Any% arc real

  • @alexanderjohnson1210
    @alexanderjohnson1210 Год назад

    Tiyo diff

  • @Batreeqy
    @Batreeqy Год назад +1

    Good Video!
    But how did you show ps4 controller bottom up?

    • @Tiyo98
      @Tiyo98  Год назад

      I personally use a slightly edited default layout of this program: and then add the window as window source into obs and add a color key filter. Definitely a bit complicated.
      The easiest way in general to show your controller inputs is where you can just click on the three lines in the top left and generate an url. Then you can just simply add it as browser source into your obs without having to do more.

    • @Batreeqy
      @Batreeqy Год назад

      @@Tiyo98 thank you so much ❤️