Video of me beating dusdust Boss fight from ujd because yes

  • Опубликовано: 2 сен 2023

Комментарии • 3

  • @omnigodity404
    @omnigodity404 10 месяцев назад +1

    Brabo dms!!

  • @angeloy9564
    @angeloy9564  10 месяцев назад

    Ignore my reaction at the end

  • @angeloy9564
    @angeloy9564  10 месяцев назад

    Since my other video decided to get 3k views outta nowhere i will put the strats i used for this fight
    Phase 1
    Hit him while dodging the blasters, since it is the attack that most deals damage
    After he loses all dodges, get out of the inverted bone zone whenever you feel like you're in danger,.
    Do not hit him when he uses bone throw
    Phase 2
    Focus on the blaster, they still do the highest damage
    When he starts using bone rain, rush him till he stops, that move can remove a good chunk of hp from you
    Only hit him after he uses bone throw
    Post killer part
    Regen you entire hp before stsrting to hit him, this is the part he will spam bone circles, after you regenerated all you hp back, here is what you'll have to do untill he dies:
    Rush him whenever he is spamming bone circles, the next pattern is guaranteed to not have bone circle spam on it.
    When rushing, only attack after he uses bone circle, or else you will get a good chunk of hp removed from ya
    Try going directly into blind spots on the bone circle whenever you feel like its coming, most of the times it works, if it doesnt you will take a maximum of 15 dmg.
    Post insanity part is nothing much that was changed
    On his 500s, try focusing even more on the blaster, if you get hit by the purple ITS OVER.
    Also, if you want to, you can do the entire fight without shiftlock, in my opinion it made it easier since i could move the camera more freely and able to see his attacks better
    Also, something also extremelly important, zoom your camera till the ceiling, it will be better to see what is happening on the arena