How To Make A Particle Gun - VRChat Udon 2023

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @TrashPanda-ho1np
    @TrashPanda-ho1np 8 месяцев назад +5

    Can you use the collision to recognize when the particle is colliding or intersecting with a player and to spawn a sub-emitter in their position? Like, create an AoE and then "stick" the sub-emitters particle animation to them?

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  5 месяцев назад

      I'll be honest, I don't know for sure and it also depends if you're talking about a local or networked particle animation.
      If I were to give a guess though, you would need to assign a particle system to each player via an object pool and then script the particle system to follow the player it was assigned to.
      After that, you'd have to script the bullet particles to trigger that specific particle system on collision with that specific player. Also, you have things like networking to think about too so it gets a little complex.
      Sorry I couldn't be much help :/

  • @kaykaybotha4132
    @kaykaybotha4132 Год назад +2

    awww now I understand the world that you made you are good at it. I love it

  • @sal3348
    @sal3348 Год назад +1

    thank you

  • @PureKoor
    @PureKoor 9 месяцев назад +1

    Very helpful video. Thank you!

  • @BluntedViolet
    @BluntedViolet Год назад +1

    Dude I was looking for something else, found your channel, said fuck it I'm gonna try this... And now I got a beautiful particle gun! Thank you!

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  Год назад

      I'm so glad the video was helpful and thank you for watching!

  • @rageshadey
    @rageshadey 9 дней назад +1

    This still works. the only thing was unity has trails for the particle system so you don't have to create your own. (At least for version 2022.3.22f1 for me)

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  8 дней назад +1

      Noted, but I'm a little confused by what you mean. Were you able to add trails to your particles outside of the "trails" module in your particle system? Also, what we did was only enable and customize the trails on the particles not "make" them per say. I apologize for any confusion.

    • @rageshadey
      @rageshadey 8 дней назад +1

      @@myneighborswifi at 3:23 when I enable the trails in the inspector it seems unity or the creator companion version automatically has a "Default-Line (Material)" for the particle system that is automatically applied there.

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  8 дней назад +1

      @@rageshadey Oh, I see what you're saying now lol
      Thank you for the heads up!

    • @rageshadey
      @rageshadey 8 дней назад

      @@myneighborswifi My pleasure. You do great work ^u^

  • @yantremblay2161
    @yantremblay2161 5 месяцев назад +1

    thank you, but can you make the same for player model

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  5 месяцев назад

      Sorry, I don't have any experience working with avatars so I don't know how to do that

  • @TcatCards
    @TcatCards Месяц назад +1

    does this work with vrchat avatars

    • @myneighborswifi
      @myneighborswifi  Месяц назад

      Sorry to say but I'm not sure, I don't have any experience with avatar creating :/

  • @JustMeEDI
    @JustMeEDI Год назад +1

    it doesnt let me make an UDON script, is there something im missing?