Nature and Life - Episode 118 (Wildlife Superstitions)
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Nature and Life - Episode 118. Wildlife Superstitions. By Prokriti O Jibon Foundation.
Human being is closely related to other animals nourished in nature.
People are naturally conserving various animals throughout history.
But due to various superstitions, they are killing many animals as well.
Various irrational beliefs about wildlife are prevailing in human society from prehistoric time.
Many superstitions in our various regions, caused by illiteracy and poverty, are indirectly destroying our wildlife every day.
As a result, once wildlife enriched our country is gradually losing its glorious tradition.
Invaluable and diversified wildlife like -- tigers, elephants, bears and various species of birds are vanishing due to excessive illegal hunting, poaching and trading caused by superstition and human desire for luxury.
Misconception of using wildlife's body parts like -- bones, teeth, nails, skin etc. as medicine is common in many countries of the world, including Bangladesh.
Thousands of wildlife are being killed every day because of such fallacy.
Tiger Wine, made of Tiger's bone, is very famous in some places of the world.
Locals of those places believe this wine to provide tiger like strength.
Tigers' use in making this wine is decreasing their number.
Gecko is a kind of small flecked, grey and blue colored reptile.
Some people believe them to be panacea.
Because of this myth, hundreds of Geckos are being hunted daily from nature and this animal is gradually becoming endangered.
Many myths are there regarding a very well-known and peaceful bird Owl.
Lots of people believe that Owl's nighttime calls are ominous as it cause newborn's death or bring misfortune to the family.
Some other people believe that eating Owl's meat can cure night-blindness and improve eye-sight.
Due to such irrational beliefs, Owls are being killed throughout the country.
Bonruis are decreasing gradually from our country like other animals.
Using their body parts in making panacea for various stomach diseases is pushing this animal towards extinction.
In some places of Bangladesh, people eat Turtle's meat due to superstitions prevailing in those areas.
People, there, believe that turtles' meat can prolong their lifespan.
This irrational belief is making people to slaughter millions of Turtles just to fulfill their demand for meat.
Due to such massive butchery some of the species of this vital animal, of aquatic ecosystem, are now at the brink of extinction.
Dolphin, the formerly renowned aquatic mammal, is now endangered.
Some people consider Dolphin's oil to be good for their physique.
Dolphins are disappearing from our nature owing to such misleading notions along with Environmental disasters.
Some people use Bear's gall-bladder as medicine.
Because of people's greed for Elephants' teeth and other body parts they are massively being killed.
People fear snake for no reason.
Some people exploit this fear for commercial purposes.
For snakes are used in making medicine, they are being captured from nature without restrictions.
Various species of snakes, mostly nonvenomous, are dying because of this.
Apart from this, Mongoose's flesh and bones are being used as cure for snake's bite.
Foxes are dying here and there just because some people use their flesh and lungs to cure asthma.
Hornbills are being killed in order to use their bill for medicine making.
Peafowls are abolished from our nature mostly because of excessive killing caused by various superstitions.
There are people who believe that keeping Peafowl's feathers in personal collection can bring about luck.
A lot of people call Indian Roller as Milkbird.
They cut Indian Roller's feather to worship when they get less milk from their cow.
Wildlife in our country are subject to many such superstitions or myths.
In reality no animal bring about misfortune for human being.
Besides, medicines made of various animals' body parts are not always effective for us.
Yet innumerable animals are being killed daily due to people's ignorance which is creating imbalance in nature.
In addition, many people are very enthusiastic in collecting various rare species of animals.
Hence, some people of our country are smuggling such animals.
In past, our reluctance has pushed number of animals towards extinction and rest of the animals will go extinct if we do not care now.
Accordingly, we will have to dispose of such fallacies and build awareness to conserve wildlife.
Educating people and building public awareness can ensure the survival of wildlife in the nature of Bangladesh.
Planner, Director and Anchor: Muqeed Majumdar Babu.
Research & Script: Mushfiq Ahmed, Shamim Ahmed.
Subtitle: A M M Khairul Anam (Mithu).
Voiceover: Khairul Ahasun Shohag.
Video Editor: Arif Baharder.
Coordinator: Kibria Saroar Roman.
Cameraman: Billal Howlader.
Panel Producer: Sohel Mazumder.
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