Poet, writer, musician, biodynamic farmer, Waldorf teacher, college professor, podcaster, father of nine children, AND an astrologer? Man, you are certainly a modern day Renaissance man, Michael. Impressive.
And he being the 33rd President (Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason of the Southern jurisdiction Scottish Rite) he knew what he was talking about. He was a traitor.
Fascinating. When my son was attending Waldorf, I volunteered to work with an 8th grade student on her final project: "The Modern And Ancient Sciences of The Sky, Astronomy and Astrology, The Myths And Legends Behind Them And The Ancient Vision of The Night Sky". I had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea there was a time in history when the two intersected. I read "Quest for the Zodiac" by John Lamb Lash to help her with that project. That really dismantled some of my preconceived notions as did the book, "Science of the Stars" by Alfred J Pearce. One of the ideas that stood out for me in John's book was the fact that "they" always give us simulations to interact with, a model of reality - so we don't interact with reality itself. We've completely lost our connection to the natural world - as you well know, and, therefore, to ourselves - of course, all by design. I think getting back to the art-science of observing and studying the natural rhythms and patterns is essential.
Just stumbled upon this video some interesting observations micheal, since the pokey thing I've learned the connection between DNA and light photons so since then i've become interested in astrology, its history and relation to political events is astonishing. The cold war ended in 1989 and there was an optimistic hope that we averted ww3. Thank you for referencing the last time Pluto moved into Capricorn and now into Aquarius. Like the person you alluded to about an American Renaissance I'm very optimistic about the future. I think we are in the beginnings of a new golden age for humankind. "What the Caterpiller calls the end, The world calls a butterfly". 😊
It's interesting that you brought him up... I've listened to a few of Aleksandr Dugin's interviews and found him quite thought provoking. I cannot imagine his grief over the loss of his daughter, Darya Dugina. After all, Aleksandr was the target.
I used to do Tarot readings back in the day...way back in the day, and I quit doing them for the very same reason you quit doing astrology readings. Despite my best efforts to downplay the importance of the reading at the outset, people ended up quitting their jobs, moving to other cities, and changing their lives around because of what I had said. I didn't want that kind of karma. Looking back, I think that those people were probably looking for a reason to do something they already had decided to do but wanted some additional confirmation from "the Universe" to push them to actually do it...and that's why they wanted a Tarot reading in the first place. And the Tarot obliged.
wise dude right here. this is EXACTLY why I dont charge if folks want me to pull it. and why I dont like reading for people period *mostly into Sports"stars" and the Mundane type* 2 suggestions if I may: disregard you ever learned Tarot pull your chart and follow the moon for 30 days. and if youre curious what the Sutras say about being born with it just give me a nod in the comment and Ill drop quote and stanza then check yourself. problem solved:)
What does this planet pattern mean? I can backtrack the ephemeris 10000 years and not find a similar pattern among the four outer planets( Pluto 1 AQU, Saturn 0 ARI, Neptune 1ARI, Uranus 1 GEM) as they will be positioned on September 1, 2025. All planets are retrograde, meaning they are reversing direction moving back into the previous signs. However as of April 2026, all planets will have direct motion, reentering the new signs. This suggests that perhaps the dust of destruction may have settled enough to allow us to get some minimal sense of what has happened. Continuing to stagger through the fog approaching the spring of 2026 a new direction may appear. In the 1960s Pluto, Uranus were in conjunction initiated a new cycle for this pair. Today they approach a Trine aspect. Suggesting that the world spirit underling the Flower Revolution has full forward momentum in manifestation. Let’s see how that looks? Coincidence with all this is the December 21, 2020, Mutation Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter @ O AQU 29. The Great Mutation Conjunctions occurs approximately every 200 years and marks a significant cultural shift. In 1842 the shift was from the Fire Triplicity to Earth signs. The December 0:090:09 conjunction signaled a shift into the Air Triplicity which will remain in effect until 2219. Interestingly the Covid Pandemic struck as the Air element came on line. The rise of AI, the spread of applications of virtual reality , dependence on electronic, digital devices, the disintegration of established forms, is not unexpected.
Great to ‘meet’ you Michael….. Wow! Your words could have come from me - re astrology. Like you - started studying at 19 (I’m 63) and practised professionally for a few years - on and off …..I stopped doing charts (apart from a few freebies now and then) for exactly (!!) the reasons you did.
Thanks Michael. Regarding 1989 and optimism, my partner is a political and military historian so he was very wary of the mass mediated belief in an inevitable match of social progress at the time. I, like you, have worked privately with astrology for decades and do not see the upcoming mini triad as necessarily socially benefic. This transit last occurred in c. 1504. A time of the invention of the printing press, mass literacy and consequent rolling bloody mass revolutions as individuals fought to maintain cultural hegemony. I think (who knows?) we are entering a similar revolutionary era that will see factionalism, newly mediated and structured by AI, this time over different perceptions of embodied reality. Not so much a conflict of our world views as one between our Inner and Outer space.
All good points. I looked at Elon Musk's chart the other day and was struck that it looked more philanthropic (in the traditional sense) than "techie." Mercury exact conjunction to Cancer ascendant and Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in 5th house but two different signs (Scorpio- Sagittarius). Love to hear your thoughts.
I like tropical better, mostly because I know it better and that it certainly seems to work. Thanks for subscribing! I haven't talked about Enoch here yet, but I did write about it on my Substack earlier in the year: druidstaresback.substack.com/p/jack-the-giant-killer
Michael! I didn’t know this was one of your many talents. There was a time when I would have considered astrology an absolute absurdity not to mention it was verboten in the evangelical circles I grew up in. Over the past few years post Covid my views have shifted significantly on all forms of esoterica. Out of curiosity have you had a chance to view the works of Dan Waites (his channel is World Astrology Report)? From what I can gather he seems to have some appreciation of Steiner and has some incisive insights - but like most astrologers he bowls a lot of strikes and a few gutters. If you have happened to have heard of him, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Loki is the 13th guest of Valhalla, meaning Hall of Light. Pharoah means Hall of Light, or House of Light. Loki is also a trickster, Blue like Shiva, and associated with Jorgermander, aka Leviathan or Typhon, Lacon to the Phoenicians and Ladon to the Egyptians. Apollo Aulaites or Zeus of the Cave cohabitates that Cave with Typhon, the same great Serpent slain by Quetzalcoatl and his brother to separate Earth and Sky, same as Shu in the Ogdoad, and Atlas, and in New Zealand it's Tane, found in Taine, Wales and Ireland of the Ayres or Aryans, Nasi of Nissan means Prince , Son of the Dragon, like Paul Atreides and his worm, the worm is Shamir, the Black Rock of the New Moon, whose first crescent was seen as a worm, just was with the Phoenix. The Two brothers theme comes from Gemini, the Constellation of Pollux and Castor, brothers of Helene of Tyre, aka Helen of Troy. Tyre or in Lebanese "Sur" means Bitter Rock or Wormwood, named for the Shamir stone worms of Solomon, used for carving Granite. Byblos is where we get Bible, and where the Crescent shaped Coffin of Osiris washed ashore after floating down the Nile on the Day of the Pharoah June 14, seven days before the Summer Solstice. Zarathustra told his followers not to drink the Soma Pomegranate wine during the Bull Sacrifice, the Bull represented El, as in Israel or Saturn, Fruit of Isis and Ra, celebrated at Saturnalia. Pomegranate comes from Fruit Seeded, also called Malum Punicum, or Forbidden Fruit, Punicum as in Carthage, a colony of Tyre Phoenicia Pommies are literally called Poms because they still serve the same Pomegranate Wine in Ireland. Chaldeans got their name from Callandais, Caledonia, the old name of Ankhland or England, also known as Albion, from Liban, or Albania, and Lebanon, which illiterates as Avelon and Babylon. El Ptah Herus, the Stone Phoenix, Israel, King of the Phoenicians, King of Tyre, aka Jerusalem, City or Rock of the New Moon 🌙 Jorgermander is alliterated in German Germ, or Worm, and Salamander, the Fire Salamander being famous as being born from Fire, like Prometheus, whom descends into the underworld ( Cave) just like E Io and Kore, also found in New Zealand, and of Korea, and E Io Pan of Japan. Phallus Stone of Philos, Son of Sophia, Pantheon, Pan Son of the Mother, and Phillipi The descent into the underworld is why Odin hangs on a Tree, just as John the Baptist is Crucified upside down, as Above so Below, reflecting an inverse Cypher. Joseph of Arimathea does the same thing with a Holly Tree in Glastonbury. Arthur Pendragon means Thor Son of Jorgermander, Carmelot comes from the Carmel mountains above Tyre, and Zephyr from Zaphon, Olympus, home of the Omphalos or Phallus Stone of Pallas, the Constellation of Gemini, and the Sluice gates of the Heavens. Also seen as bees, or the Stygian birds of Hercules and the Dragons teeth from which the army of the dead Rose . "From the Hunter something sweet" Pipitunaka or Titicaca or Amaru Maru is also found in Teotihuacan And New Zealand too, as well as Uruku, Ra, Ika, Utu, Marie, Pouwhare, (Porphyry) and Taranaki, which is a Mountain that translates as "Northern Star" The only ones capable of this kind of global traversal and high knowledge of Astrology, Hydrology, Navigation and Stone Masonry is Tyrians, of Phoenicia, land of the Phoenix or Bennu, the Capstone of Capricorn, the Cornucopia of the Ferryman or Ferre Man, the Torch bearer, just as the Temple of Isis is called House of the Light bearer, or House of Light, Osarseph of the Sea Goat, or Beast from the Sea; Dagon, founder of Athens ♑ Helene of Tyre was a Priestess of Isis, or Kybele, of the Kybel El Eleon, the Kybalion, Black Rock or Capstone or Omphalos of the Great Pyramid, which they Circumambulated seven times anticlockwise just as Moses, Isis Priestesses and the Ka'aba or Great Spirit, Saturn or El Fruit of Isis and Ra, an Eclipse, or any Occulting thereof In New Zealand Maori: _E Io te Ari Matea_ means "the clear first month" (of the Lunar Calendar) relating to Ophuichus the 13th sign, used every 7 times in a 19 year Metonic Cycle, of which the Iliad, Ennead, Ogdoad, Odyssey, Baal Cycle and Bible are all representing. It also takes 19 years to train a Druid or Magi, which is also the orbital period of Saturn which relates to Aquarius as Kurios, the Lord of Baptist, Water Bearer Cupbearer, and Torch bearer 🔥♒ ✡️ Jews were Druis, Iberian Celts, Religion is a Lunar Metonic Zodiac Calendar to track eclipses and use them to reinforce the faith. It's also like a Town Clock, or Sundial, the Phallus of Osiris.
Impressive! Etymological explanation spot on with connecting the ancient texts, symbols, and histories explaining the cycles of the zodiac ages. Something new for me you mentioned here regarding the connection of Celtics and Jews. I've only studied the basics, but now you've given me more knowledge to look into this further as I access the Halls of Amenti trying to connect a conduit to my ancestral background which I humbly thank you❤❤❤
Totally with you on the points raised ,im not an asrtologer ,just an observer of cosmos and astrologers . The oldest practice in humanity ,learning our place in the ever unfolding cycles is a great asset . You might like to chk out an astrologer by the name of Pam Gregory, she is up to speed ,as you are re politics and the antics of them in relation to the cosmos.✨️🐉💛
Thanks MM, Biodynamics uses the sideral zodiac, and here your using the tropical. Mr. Powell has a good dicussion on which has more relevance , and re circle vs. spiral meditaionsonthetarot letter 10. Super curious to know if and how you synthesize these.P
@@magnuspreston-b6i I learned tropical astrology and, since it works pretty well, I'm sticking with it, though I do look to the fixed stars upon occasion (though I don't see how the fixed stars and asteroids are as significant as the planets). nevertheless, we use sidereal astrology for gardening. I haven't experimented with tropical astrology and planting...but I'm lazy. 😅
The structural government changes that have been going on in Russia are likely to be more visible. Others from other nations may look with optimism to Putin no longer running office. But the clairvoyants had long state that after he leaves more conflicts and wars are possible. His actions have been preventing Word W 111.
Show me the causality behind the "influence." People who believe in astrology think atavistically, belonging to the P.T. Barnum/Madam Blavatsky era of American impressionability lol!😂
@michaelmartin8681 Why? How does any answer to those questions have anything to do with purported causal influence [sic] of heavenly bodies upon events here? Lol!!!
@@michaelmartin8681 18:26 "This conjunction was right on my Sun." In 1989 Saturn conjoined Neptune in Capricorn. (And Uranus was in Cap too, in a big way) So I asked myself, How could you talk the way you do and have your Sun in Cap? EDIT: But yes, I see also at 19:45 you do say "My son's a Capricorn." (In your fifth :-)
@@michaelmartin8681 That cough has been dogging you for weeks now, Michael. I, for one, am getting a little concerned. Are you doing anything to deal with that? Has it been diagnosed?
It's called an Atbash Cypher Also known as Accusations in a Mirror 🪞 Or 'Blame the Victim' It's recognised as a rhetorical technique used to incite Genocide Woe to those who call Good Evil The First will become the Last Captors into captivity go.. As Above so Below As Within so Without I and the Father are One Your Father is the Devil It's an instruction manual for Phoenician Priests, and an Astrological Almanac Pretty clever, but completely misinterpreted. In fact Zarathustra and Mithraic traditions were about rebelling against what the God instructed, to think independently, and when it fell into the hands of the Greeks it became a kind of societal time bomb that wreaks havoc on the uninitiated
@@michaelmartin8681"People prefer to believe, what they prefer to be true." - Francis Bacon "It is impossible for anyone to learn what he thinks he already knows". -Epictetus
Poet, writer, musician, biodynamic farmer, Waldorf teacher, college professor, podcaster, father of nine children, AND an astrologer? Man, you are certainly a modern day Renaissance man, Michael. Impressive.
Really? Someone who has no birth control knowledge?
@@susanmcdonald9088 Abortion is not a form of birth control
@@Mooseman327 you believe that.
As an aspiring Renaissance man with 3 kiddos, can already see MM setting the high bar!
Can imagine his 9 will be as insightful and industrious as he!
"The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know"
- Harry S. Truman
And he being the 33rd President (Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason of the Southern jurisdiction Scottish Rite) he knew what he was talking about. He was a traitor.
Fascinating. When my son was attending Waldorf, I volunteered to work with an 8th grade student on her final project: "The Modern And Ancient Sciences of The Sky, Astronomy and Astrology, The Myths And Legends Behind Them And The Ancient Vision of The Night Sky". I had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea there was a time in history when the two intersected. I read "Quest for the Zodiac" by John Lamb Lash to help her with that project. That really dismantled some of my preconceived notions as did the book, "Science of the Stars" by Alfred J Pearce. One of the ideas that stood out for me in John's book was the fact that "they" always give us simulations to interact with, a model of reality - so we don't interact with reality itself. We've completely lost our connection to the natural world - as you well know, and, therefore, to ourselves - of course, all by design. I think getting back to the art-science of observing and studying the natural rhythms and patterns is essential.
really blow your mind if you pull your chart then track the moon round it:)
Lash is right, which suggests the dangers inherent in making the A.I. the consensus "egregore of choice". For many, it already is.
Just stumbled upon this video some interesting observations micheal, since the pokey thing I've learned the connection between DNA and light photons so since then i've become interested in astrology, its history and relation to political events is astonishing. The cold war ended in 1989 and there was an optimistic hope that we averted ww3. Thank you for referencing the last time Pluto moved into Capricorn and now into Aquarius. Like the person you alluded to about an American Renaissance I'm very optimistic about the future. I think we are in the beginnings of a new golden age for humankind. "What the Caterpiller calls the end, The world calls a butterfly". 😊
It's interesting that you brought him up... I've listened to a few of Aleksandr Dugin's interviews and found him quite thought provoking. I cannot imagine his grief over the loss of his daughter, Darya Dugina. After all, Aleksandr was the target.
I used to do Tarot readings back in the day...way back in the day, and I quit doing them for the very same reason you quit doing astrology readings. Despite my best efforts to downplay the importance of the reading at the outset, people ended up quitting their jobs, moving to other cities, and changing their lives around because of what I had said. I didn't want that kind of karma. Looking back, I think that those people were probably looking for a reason to do something they already had decided to do but wanted some additional confirmation from "the Universe" to push them to actually do it...and that's why they wanted a Tarot reading in the first place. And the Tarot obliged.
wise dude right here.
this is EXACTLY why I dont charge if folks want me to pull it.
and why I dont like reading for people period *mostly into Sports"stars" and the Mundane type*
2 suggestions if I may:
disregard you ever learned Tarot
pull your chart and follow the moon for 30 days.
and if youre curious what the Sutras say about being born with it just give me a nod in the comment and Ill drop quote and stanza then check yourself.
problem solved:)
Love your interdisciplinary and down to earth approach. Found you and subscribed. Thanks.
Thanks so much for this. Slowly learning a little more about the beautiful night sky.
What does this planet pattern mean? I can backtrack the ephemeris 10000 years and not find a similar pattern among the four outer planets( Pluto 1 AQU, Saturn 0 ARI, Neptune 1ARI, Uranus 1 GEM) as they will be positioned on September 1, 2025. All planets are retrograde, meaning they are reversing direction moving back into the previous signs. However as of April 2026, all planets will have direct motion, reentering the new signs.
This suggests that perhaps the dust of destruction may have settled enough to allow us to get some minimal sense of what has happened. Continuing to stagger through the fog approaching the spring of 2026 a new direction may appear.
In the 1960s Pluto, Uranus were in conjunction initiated a new cycle for this pair. Today they approach a Trine aspect. Suggesting that the world spirit underling the Flower Revolution has full forward momentum in manifestation. Let’s see how that looks?
Coincidence with all this is the December 21, 2020, Mutation Conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter @ O AQU 29.
The Great Mutation Conjunctions occurs approximately every 200 years and marks a significant cultural shift. In 1842 the shift was from the Fire Triplicity to Earth signs. The December 0:09 0:09 conjunction signaled a shift into the Air Triplicity which will remain in effect until 2219.
Interestingly the Covid Pandemic struck as the Air element came on line. The rise of AI, the spread of applications of virtual reality , dependence on electronic, digital devices, the disintegration of established forms, is not unexpected.
Great analysis
Great little fireside chat ! 2025 - hope for the best prepare for the worst!
Great to ‘meet’ you Michael…..
Wow! Your words could have come from me - re astrology. Like you - started studying at 19 (I’m 63) and practised professionally for a few years - on and off …..I stopped doing charts (apart from a few freebies now and then) for exactly (!!) the reasons you did.
@@lindastrologer2466 nice to meet you, too, Linda!
Really enjoy listening to you. Thank you for the insights.
Looking forward to hearing more Michael….. esp re the archons and what appears to be their absolute control over our realm. Surely their time is up..?
Thanks Michael. Regarding 1989 and optimism, my partner is a political and military historian so he was very wary of the mass mediated belief in an inevitable match of social progress at the time. I, like you, have worked privately with astrology for decades and do not see the upcoming mini triad as necessarily socially benefic. This transit last occurred in c. 1504. A time of the invention of the printing press, mass literacy and consequent rolling bloody mass revolutions as individuals fought to maintain cultural hegemony. I think (who knows?) we are entering a similar revolutionary era that will see factionalism, newly mediated and structured by AI, this time over different perceptions of embodied reality. Not so much a conflict of our world views as one between our Inner and Outer space.
All good points. I looked at Elon Musk's chart the other day and was struck that it looked more philanthropic (in the traditional sense) than "techie." Mercury exact conjunction to Cancer ascendant and Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in 5th house but two different signs (Scorpio- Sagittarius). Love to hear your thoughts.
Do you like sidereal better? Also, I'm a new subscriber, so idk if you ever talked about this - did you read The Book of Enoch (bible)?
I like tropical better, mostly because I know it better and that it certainly seems to work. Thanks for subscribing!
I haven't talked about Enoch here yet, but I did write about it on my Substack earlier in the year: druidstaresback.substack.com/p/jack-the-giant-killer
Aries leads the charge. It’s going to be epic. 🤩
Great video
I enjoyed
Michael! I didn’t know this was one of your many talents. There was a time when I would have considered astrology an absolute absurdity not to mention it was verboten in the evangelical circles I grew up in. Over the past few years post Covid my views have shifted significantly on all forms of esoterica. Out of curiosity have you had a chance to view the works of Dan Waites (his channel is World Astrology Report)? From what I can gather he seems to have some appreciation of Steiner and has some incisive insights - but like most astrologers he bowls a lot of strikes and a few gutters. If you have happened to have heard of him, I would love to hear your thoughts.
haven't heard of him, but will give him a look--thanks!
Thank you sir
Take advantage of the signs while you can because the Archons know astrology too.
I would love to hear your thought on the Rev 12 conversion in the stars in 2017..
It's a bit like, moving into a new house, and before the previous resident leaves, they just smash the place up.
What's your thoughts on numerology?
oh shit. 03:43
i feel my shadow taking over myself. bout to blow if you start talking bout Pluto
my venus is good according to vedic astrology and the transits are always great, including ones described only by western astrology
That’s exactly how it is for me good transits are never as good as I hope and the bad ones are worst then I expected
Maybe you already know him but there is a great substack by an Orthodox Christian that also delves into astrology called Mastery of Mystery
I'll check him out. Thanks!
You can’t serve two masters.
Loki is the 13th guest of Valhalla, meaning Hall of Light. Pharoah means Hall of Light, or House of Light. Loki is also a trickster, Blue like Shiva, and associated with Jorgermander, aka Leviathan or Typhon, Lacon to the Phoenicians and Ladon to the Egyptians. Apollo Aulaites or Zeus of the Cave cohabitates that Cave with Typhon, the same great Serpent slain by Quetzalcoatl and his brother to separate Earth and Sky, same as Shu in the Ogdoad, and Atlas, and in New Zealand it's Tane, found in Taine, Wales and Ireland of the Ayres or Aryans, Nasi of Nissan means Prince , Son of the Dragon, like Paul Atreides and his worm, the worm is Shamir, the Black Rock of the New Moon, whose first crescent was seen as a worm, just was with the Phoenix. The Two brothers theme comes from Gemini, the Constellation of Pollux and Castor, brothers of Helene of Tyre, aka Helen of Troy.
Tyre or in Lebanese "Sur" means Bitter Rock or Wormwood, named for the Shamir stone worms of Solomon, used for carving Granite. Byblos is where we get Bible, and where the Crescent shaped Coffin of Osiris washed ashore after floating down the Nile on the Day of the Pharoah June 14, seven days before the Summer Solstice. Zarathustra told his followers not to drink the Soma Pomegranate wine during the Bull Sacrifice, the Bull represented El, as in Israel or Saturn, Fruit of Isis and Ra, celebrated at Saturnalia. Pomegranate comes from Fruit Seeded, also called Malum Punicum, or Forbidden Fruit, Punicum as in Carthage, a colony of Tyre Phoenicia
Pommies are literally called Poms because they still serve the same Pomegranate Wine in Ireland. Chaldeans got their name from Callandais, Caledonia, the old name of Ankhland or England, also known as Albion, from Liban, or Albania, and Lebanon, which illiterates as Avelon and Babylon. El Ptah Herus, the Stone Phoenix, Israel, King of the Phoenicians, King of Tyre, aka Jerusalem, City or Rock of the New Moon 🌙
Jorgermander is alliterated in German Germ, or Worm, and Salamander, the Fire Salamander being famous as being born from Fire, like Prometheus, whom descends into the underworld ( Cave) just like E Io and Kore, also found in New Zealand, and of Korea, and E Io Pan of Japan. Phallus Stone of Philos, Son of Sophia, Pantheon, Pan Son of the Mother, and Phillipi
The descent into the underworld is why Odin hangs on a Tree, just as John the Baptist is Crucified upside down, as Above so Below, reflecting an inverse Cypher. Joseph of Arimathea does the same thing with a Holly Tree in Glastonbury. Arthur Pendragon means Thor Son of Jorgermander, Carmelot comes from the Carmel mountains above Tyre, and Zephyr from Zaphon, Olympus, home of the Omphalos or Phallus Stone of Pallas, the Constellation of Gemini, and the Sluice gates of the Heavens. Also seen as bees, or the Stygian birds of Hercules and the Dragons teeth from which the army of the dead Rose . "From the Hunter something sweet"
Pipitunaka or Titicaca or Amaru Maru is also found in Teotihuacan
And New Zealand too, as well as Uruku, Ra, Ika, Utu, Marie, Pouwhare, (Porphyry) and Taranaki, which is a Mountain that translates as "Northern Star"
The only ones capable of this kind of global traversal and high knowledge of Astrology, Hydrology, Navigation and Stone Masonry is Tyrians, of Phoenicia, land of the Phoenix or Bennu, the Capstone of Capricorn, the Cornucopia of the Ferryman or Ferre Man, the Torch bearer, just as the Temple of Isis is called House of the Light bearer, or House of Light, Osarseph of the Sea Goat, or Beast from the Sea; Dagon, founder of Athens ♑
Helene of Tyre was a Priestess of Isis, or Kybele, of the Kybel El Eleon, the Kybalion, Black Rock or Capstone or Omphalos of the Great Pyramid, which they Circumambulated seven times anticlockwise just as Moses, Isis Priestesses and the Ka'aba or Great Spirit, Saturn or El Fruit of Isis and Ra, an Eclipse, or any Occulting thereof
In New Zealand Maori: _E Io te Ari Matea_ means "the clear first month" (of the Lunar Calendar) relating to Ophuichus the 13th sign, used every 7 times in a 19 year Metonic Cycle, of which the Iliad, Ennead, Ogdoad, Odyssey, Baal Cycle and Bible are all representing. It also takes 19 years to train a Druid or Magi, which is also the orbital period of Saturn which relates to Aquarius as Kurios, the Lord of Baptist, Water Bearer
Cupbearer, and Torch bearer 🔥♒
Jews were Druis, Iberian Celts, Religion is a Lunar Metonic Zodiac Calendar to track eclipses and use them to reinforce the faith. It's also like a Town Clock, or Sundial, the Phallus of Osiris.
So much information , it's practically a thesis ! Great for any novice researcher .
Impressive! Etymological explanation spot on with connecting the ancient texts, symbols, and histories explaining the cycles of the zodiac ages. Something new for me you mentioned here regarding the connection of Celtics and Jews. I've only studied the basics, but now you've given me more knowledge to look into this further as I access the Halls of Amenti trying to connect a conduit to my ancestral background which I humbly thank you❤❤❤
Soooo... what are you saying? Phoenicians run the World and created all religion?
A lot of this is really not familiar to me I am wondering how little I must know or how off this whole thing you wrote is. Im open to both lol
Arcons are thought influencers? Or do they just direct the energy types to?
Which system of astrology is the correct one. Is it the sidereal as proposed by Robert Powell?
I'm not sure there is an answer for that. But I know sidereal works for Robert, though tropical seems to work for those who use it as well.
Totally with you on the points raised ,im not an asrtologer ,just an observer of cosmos and astrologers . The oldest practice in humanity ,learning our place in the ever unfolding cycles is a great asset .
You might like to chk out an astrologer by the name of Pam Gregory, she is up to speed ,as you are re politics and the antics of them in relation to the cosmos.✨️🐉💛
@@stuartdow I'll check her out. Thanks!
Thanks MM, Biodynamics uses the sideral zodiac, and here your using the tropical. Mr. Powell has a good dicussion on which has more relevance , and re circle vs. spiral meditaionsonthetarot letter 10. Super curious to know if and how you synthesize these.P
@@magnuspreston-b6i I learned tropical astrology and, since it works pretty well, I'm sticking with it, though I do look to the fixed stars upon occasion (though I don't see how the fixed stars and asteroids are as significant as the planets). nevertheless, we use sidereal astrology for gardening. I haven't experimented with tropical astrology and planting...but I'm lazy. 😅
I left the Pam Gregory group because she has become possessive of her interpretation. Her ego has grown too big for britches.
First! Oh joy, Michael Martin!
The 90's were better in every conceivable way, except for smart phones, but even then...
The structural government changes that have been going on in Russia are likely to be more visible. Others from other nations may look with optimism to Putin no longer running office. But the clairvoyants had long state that after he leaves more conflicts and wars are possible. His actions have been preventing Word W 111.
Show me the causality behind the "influence." People who believe in astrology think atavistically, belonging to the P.T. Barnum/Madam Blavatsky era of American impressionability lol!😂
Show me the causality in how the creation art or poetry happens. And then explain why AI art and poetry sucks.
@michaelmartin8681 Why? How does any answer to those questions have anything to do with purported causal influence [sic] of heavenly bodies upon events here? Lol!!!
@18:15 ... I think you mean 'Tiananmen Square'
@@rondoellsworth that's what I said!
Sun in Cap, eh. Moon in Sag? Cancer rising?
Who? Me? Nope. Double Taurus, Virgo rising.
@@michaelmartin8681 18:26 "This conjunction was right on my Sun." In 1989 Saturn conjoined Neptune in Capricorn. (And Uranus was in Cap too, in a big way) So I asked myself, How could you talk the way you do and have your Sun in Cap?
EDIT: But yes, I see also at 19:45 you do say "My son's a Capricorn." (In your fifth :-)
@@hankroest6836conjunction--in transit
By the By I'm a Detroit boy 1958
'62! Westside!
@michaelmartin8681 Redford, Southfield. Detroit receiving hospital
Do you smoke?
Not even once!
It’s a vibe
@@michaelmartin8681 That cough has been dogging you for weeks now, Michael. I, for one, am getting a little concerned. Are you doing anything to deal with that? Has it been diagnosed?
@@michaelmartin8681how about birth control? Not even once? (So why are you stamping approval or like, only on comments that praise you?)
have fun guys.
clearly a typical dumb astrologer 20th century case
no offense Mr Mike
It's called an Atbash Cypher
Also known as Accusations in a Mirror 🪞
Or 'Blame the Victim'
It's recognised as a rhetorical technique used to incite Genocide
Woe to those who call Good Evil
The First will become the Last
Captors into captivity go..
As Above so Below
As Within so Without
I and the Father are One
Your Father is the Devil
It's an instruction manual for Phoenician Priests, and an Astrological Almanac
Pretty clever, but completely misinterpreted. In fact Zarathustra and Mithraic traditions were about rebelling against what the God instructed, to think independently, and when it fell into the hands of the Greeks it became a kind of societal time bomb that wreaks havoc on the uninitiated
I can't take seriously anyone who takes astrology seriously😅
Yea i don't take multiple world leaders and billionaire elites seriously either.
There are more things both in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.
@@michaelmartin8681"People prefer to believe, what they prefer to be true."
- Francis Bacon
"It is impossible for anyone to learn what he thinks he already knows".
I can't take seriously "boomers" that think they know astrology when all they had Jung
Funny thing about it is that's the community. hahahaha