Комментарии •

  • @karma007live
    @karma007live 6 лет назад +87

    Again, these aren’t games, these are forms of emotional and psychological abuse. Anyone who does these things don’t like you anymore and really want you to get TF on. Go! Run! Don’t look back! The abuse will worsen. They will start to talk crazy to you in front of others, putting you down in front of others. Games are things like: taking all day to respond to a text, waiting for you to call first after a fight, turning the tables to make you seem like you’re wrong in an argument. Not these abusive things he’s talking about.

  • @Real_Talk_and_Tea_with_Trissy
    @Real_Talk_and_Tea_with_Trissy 5 лет назад +21

    This works!!!!!! For more than just dating. Players can be family and friends, I have learned that some people just like to play mind games lol

  • @erikazella5225
    @erikazella5225 6 лет назад +176

    Bottom line: if you love yourself they can’t help but love you too or damn sure respect if nothing else. And in most cases respect is better than love.

    • @kimberly0717
      @kimberly0717 5 лет назад +11

      Yes, but you have these true ignorant dudes who are just downright disrespectful because they are just dumb. They are so dumb, they don’t even recognize they can’t treat every woman the same..Smh

    • @ak-47intelligence75
      @ak-47intelligence75 5 лет назад +4

      @Lolita La Negra exactly ! You cant make anyone do anything.

    • @alexandracardos9496
      @alexandracardos9496 Год назад

      I agree with you!

    • @ggghahamega4639
      @ggghahamega4639 Год назад

      Attention is short term, respect is longterm. Go for longterm.

  • @queenofdivas5494
    @queenofdivas5494 5 лет назад +36

    Someone downplayed me but instead of me continuously arguing about it... I simply cut them off completely... they didn’t even expect it.

  • @cerebralmindgame9818
    @cerebralmindgame9818 4 года назад +24

    Just remain unbothered. Simple.

  • @randomvids3218
    @randomvids3218 6 лет назад +97

    But on the real this is practical advice on how to deal with narcs all they do is prey on people with no game. U da boss Chazz

  • @brendalee274
    @brendalee274 6 лет назад +138

    Listening to u, a player is constantly playing himself but doesn't realize it. These type of men seem to be oblivion to their behavior. They r playing a losing game that has no substance or future.. I feel bad for these men. I hope one day they will reach maturity.

    • @ak-47intelligence75
      @ak-47intelligence75 5 лет назад +4

      Girl, you better preach !

    • @jillianjiggs1756
      @jillianjiggs1756 4 года назад +6

      Love it!!! But they only want sex and money and ego boost so to them they feel like they are winning

    • @missleelee7232
      @missleelee7232 4 года назад +1

      They will always find someone to play!! There are lots of desperate needy people out there🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't feel bad for these assholes AT ALL!!

    • @treejay818
      @treejay818 4 года назад

      But your focus is steady on them 😂 hella contradicting

    • @missleelee7232
      @missleelee7232 4 года назад +2

      @@treejay818 what?

  • @michelet3857
    @michelet3857 6 лет назад +99

    Chazz you nailed it again. My ex kept comparing me to his ex who was really pretty and I told him if it was so great yall should still be together. He never compared me to her again!! He actually started putting her down! 😆

  • @brendalee274
    @brendalee274 3 года назад +17

    So call players actually r very empty inside. Some where along their path they were hurt by some female in their lives. It could have even been their mother. They decided to never allow that hurt again. Their goal is to never fall in love or love again. Their wall is so high and their guard is up, their heart has harden to love. They r really hurt ppl trying to stop the pain.

    • @cutiepiea3687
      @cutiepiea3687 Год назад

      The guy I’m dealing with his ex cheated and I think he’s not healed he’s so scared to commit but swears he wants to like wtf?

  • @1Skorpia
    @1Skorpia 6 лет назад +59

    Ive done everything you reccomended🤣😂HOWEVER i disagree with bomb dropping right back because it just turns into a pissing contest of who can one-up the other person. It's counter productive and makes that person know you are still EMOTIONAL over them. The best way I found is to not give a shit and change the subject with a smile and dismissive attitude. THEY WILL ALWAYS TRY AGAIN😁 therefore you just keep it moving . Ive had guys send their friends to bomb drop . It's so childish.

  • @bibizakkour626
    @bibizakkour626 5 лет назад +9

    Exactly “ am struggling to walk away “ but I know i have to so these steps is definitely going to help

  • @tkey34
    @tkey34 6 лет назад +26

    That bomb dropping thing is soooo real wow. This is such a mental rollercoaster....we would be good (I thought) and then he would just stop talking to me....I would be calling, texting, going crazy trying to figure out what happened. He would say I am talking to you but it wasn’t they way our normal conversations would flow. It would be like one word answers...driving me crazy! Now I’m mad going off looking like a lunatic lol. Then he sits there like see look how your acting, look at the way your talking to me....I feel like I do more in this relationship than you, I didn’t like something you did two weeks ago and I needed to get my thoughts together....I’m like whaaa?!? Constantly, over and over again. I’m, drained, tired and getting off the ride. I didn’t realize this had a name...thanks

    • @bukunmiolowu9178
      @bukunmiolowu9178 5 лет назад

      tkey34 I don't think it's the same thing he's talking about. Are you sure you actually were blameless? He shouldn't keep draining you though, and you should tell him

    • @naomiwhy2191
      @naomiwhy2191 5 лет назад +2

      I never knew anyone else went through this. I started thinking I'm crazy and making up's so confusing, scary and frustrating!

    • @acatte1
      @acatte1 4 года назад +1

      run and never look back

  • @laina1976
    @laina1976 5 лет назад +37

    I don't like him in that little box. Lol

  • @sabrina278
    @sabrina278 3 года назад +9

    Truth be told “players” are honestly the best guys in the world…but let me explain because it’s kinda tricky to truly understand at first. In short-really getting a “player” to fall in love will do 2 things: it will truly show whether you really love him & most important it will make you fall in love with yourself for sure. So it can be a win-win for both of you :)
    These guys are charming, sweet, sexy, & confident. They appear to be every girl’s dream & they know it. BUT all of that is really just a thick armor & mask protecting what’s really inside. Deep down these are the most sensitive guys in the world. When they love they love hard & that can make them vulnerable which is more terrifying than death to them. But it’s also what they want more than anything…
    So they put up walls around their hearts & use barriers so that women can’t trigger their feelings. They use charm & sweet talk to maintain control, attention, validation & to get their emotional needs met without having to actually fall in love & risk getting hurt. It takes a special & patient woman who is willing to understand him, trust him & to be able to penetrate the walls gently & prove that she’s worthy of him letting her in. He needs a woman that’s going to naturally challenge him to become his best self for her.
    I find most of these guys don’t lie with the big stuff. They’ll tell you straight up they’re not looking for a relationship for one reason or another but they’re so charming that women continue to date them…But that will never happen because these guys can’t fall in love with a girl who is just an “option.” They need a genuine game changer who knows not only her worth but his as well & requires it from him before she even considers giving him her commitment. And the truth is that it’s always YOUR choice as a woman to decide what YOU want from HIM. That’s the real beauty that women sometimes don’t understand.
    The key is to see past the mask & speak to who he really is inside & completely open yourself up being vulnerable by telling him exactly why you’re into him while being 100% prepared to walk away calmly when he can’t give you what you want. If your guy works on Wall St compliment how hard working he is. If he’s a firefighter tell him how much you admire how brave & manly he is. Hug him, grab him by the hand, put your head on his chest & don’t be afraid of showing your affection. You have to stroke his ego & make him feel good...It’s the first step in triggering his feelings. Plus it’s adorable to watch how happy he gets when you compliment him.
    Never lie though…this is never a game. You just want to use your emotions as an asset to make him realize that you see who is really is & how amazing you think he is but then you want to also be extremely firm that you “don’t share well” & like him too much to not have exclusivity. You HAVE to walk away calmly, friendly, no hard feelings & wish him all the best if he’s not claiming you as his girl. No excuses ever!! He can’t love, respect, or trust a woman who can’t see thru his bullsh*t & require more from him...
    Don’t be concerned with his response when you do this. The really good players will respond either 1 of 3 ways. They’ll either say, “Ok” & act like they don’t care or they may just completely ignore you. Or they might act totally cool with it, say goodbye & wish you the best as well. Don’t get upset if he shows no emotion! He is waiting for you to get upset-he’s pretty much just testing you. Stay calm, cool, & friendly & always say goodbye in a friendly way & keep it moving :)
    It’s like acting at first & seems scary but it works like magic. Most of the time this process needs to be repeated multiple times but in the process you actually see what he’s really about & whether you REALLY love him, you learn to value yourself, & make him fall in love with you in the process. Treat yourself as the prize by opening up to him without fear by telling him exactly why you’re crazy about him but at the same time having the smarts to walk away when he still can’t commit. He will be fascinated, in shock, & come back enchanted.
    **Never just believe what a guy tells you until his actions consistently match his words. & don’t be surprised if he starts distancing himself. That’s usually because he’s feeling his feelings which makes him uncomfortable. Never get upset-you’re the prize & he will come back with more intensity. Remember that you as the woman are in control.
    If you ever feel that he’s not being honest for whatever reason, instead of getting upset & angry or stalking his social media or going thru his phone instead say something like, “Hey hun. I can just tell you’re not ready to give me what I need from a man in a relationship right now. I would never want to pressure you but I need your 100% or I can’t have you at all. I’m sure you understand exactly where I’m coming from. I wish you all the best but please don’t call or text me anymore. I’m not trying to be mean or anything but I really want to give my time & attention solely on the guys that are able to prove that they have the ability to make me happy. You’re so cool so I know you understand me. Thank you for always being so sweet & understanding.” Then you walk walk walk with your head held high...He can’t HAVE a relationship with YOU until he proves he is trustworthy!! He will learn very quickly that you are not one that will be “played” & his respect for you will skyrocket to another level...& so will his feelings...& PS he will come back!!
    Always use your intuition but see the best in him & talk only to that part of him. The REAL man behind the armor…. But put yourself first & make him fall in love by letting him go every time he can’t give you what you want. Respect his choice & walk away nicely. It’s the walking away without drama that entices these guys-they don’t understand it & sets you apart from other women. As long as he’s attracted to you & you make him feel like no other woman does he will always come back... & he will adore you all the more for giving him the real challenge that he’s looking for.
    *Oh & I almost forgot to mention- patience is key!! These guys don’t give their hearts to you easily. They talk like they do but they definitely don’t!! In fact, the more the talk, text, & open up to you the less genuine they are. All of the attention & compliments they give mean NOTHING. Realize this & you’ll never get hurt!! When these guys actually start to catch genuine feelings they act the completely opposite. Suddenly they get quiet & can become distant especially after you get closer to him. Feelings & emotions are extremely uncomfortable & confusing for players so they tend to pull away for awhile & go into their man cave while they figure everything out. But they always come back & when they do reach out again you’ll notice that the charming smooth talk stops & he will be a lot more quiet & genuine...& even a little nervous around you. That’s when you know you’re starting to see the real him.
    I think the more masculine & stoic guys are (soldiers, athletes, alpha males) the longer it takes for them to realize their feelings & trust you. You have to walk away A LOT in the beginning & sometimes they stay gone for months before they come back again...but they always do come back & more genuinely & with more intensity each time. This is also part of the process where you get to really see his true character & determine if you’re really in love with him like you thought. You are both feeling each other out in a legit, genuine way.
    Once he realizes that you’ve gotten into his soul he won’t fight his feelings anymore...He knows he’s home with you & he will love & cherish you like no other man ever could. He will be your hero...& you will realize that he was worth every second of the wait :)

    • @catherinestephens6030
      @catherinestephens6030 3 года назад

      Sabrina great stuff here! I’d love RJ follow you on social media!! Love this!!! Thank you!!!

    • @anonymous-dk3og
      @anonymous-dk3og Год назад +1

      Thank you for this information. I really love the guy and I know he loves me too but he is afraid to let his feeling’s show. 🥹

    • @zoew.2253
      @zoew.2253 Год назад

      What if instead of coming back, they move on to another chick?

  • @marlimarlirni
    @marlimarlirni 4 года назад +12

    “I am getting married tomorrow “, “you know I was thinking of getting married “ lmao 😂 deaaaaaaaaad

  • @askchazzellis
    @askchazzellis 4 года назад +13

    How to Deal with Game Playing Master Class
    101. Devalue a players: When someone plays games they generally do it so that they can get attention and gain the upper hand in the relationship. Most people don't really care if this is negative or positive attention as long as they feel that they still have the same or greater value because to their actions. Showing a person that is playing games that they have lost value is a great way to let them see that what they are doing is negatively affecting them so that they will stop.
    102. Ignoring: We often spend a lot of our time paying attention to things that make us unhappy, instead of focusing on the things that make us smile. When someone is playing games, they are generally trying to get the attention that they probably didn't get it their previous relationships. Ignoring them can show them that this does not work with you and that they will need to try another method.
    103. Rewarding good behavior: We often want people to behave a certain way but often take it for granted when they do. A lot of people have been taken for granted in the past and this is why they choose to play games in the first place. Rewarding good behavior shows that once they act the way that you want them to, they will get the positive affirmation that they may not have received in previous relationships.
    Save 15% on the How to Deal with Game Playing Master Class with Coupon Code: stopthegames

    • @orls9068
      @orls9068 4 года назад

      Thank you ☺️ always good to be informed, you are saving us ladies from being made fools of! You Elliott Scott are my go to guys, thank you very much, I can now keep my pride intact 🙂

  • @randomvids3218
    @randomvids3218 6 лет назад +22

    I freaking loved the mirroring tip that ish was so funny!

    • @ShaisTime
      @ShaisTime 6 лет назад +4

      I'm literally freaking crying !!!! SO FUNNY !! Yeah I was thinking the same about you. Oh yeah, I was thinking about getting married too 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @laurenlocd3180
    @laurenlocd3180 5 лет назад +28

    Damn .. he played me bad and I fell into the trap . He tried to downplay what we had and I got so angry I slapped the shot out of him .. after that I lost respect for him cause violence is my last resort smh

  • @foxies3254
    @foxies3254 6 лет назад +29

    Perfect timing! Thank you 🙏

  • @ShaisTime
    @ShaisTime 6 лет назад +19

    Why does him mimicking stuff crack me up lmfao it just reminds me of how dumb I looked and sounded haha

  • @sonjaridge8947
    @sonjaridge8947 6 лет назад +17

    I am widowed after 40 wonderful years and this is all so different

    • @b.k.r.doggielover5449
      @b.k.r.doggielover5449 3 года назад

      It sure is a different world. Especially when it comes to dating.
      It used to be, "I like you, you like me. Let's go with it."
      It's very confusing nowadays.

  • @erikazella5225
    @erikazella5225 6 лет назад +43

    Yup u have to get your Power back to get the strength to walk away and stay away

  • @violama
    @violama 6 лет назад +60

    Wow now I can't wait to get played hahah

  • @SagRising19
    @SagRising19 3 года назад +6

    Match their energy!

  • @sassiq3637
    @sassiq3637 6 лет назад +42

    Us Virgo'know this rule to the tee! You mess with us we block and delete! We're just that type of gangsters....

  • @pjeanettemariejonesnavarro1898
    @pjeanettemariejonesnavarro1898 6 лет назад +8

    Chazz 👍 great points! You're a big help. You've been on our side from day one. Way to go😌

    @DONT4GET_SUNSCREEN 5 лет назад +4

    Bomb drop work, it put my player dude right in his feelings!
    GOT HIM!!!

  • @beccf.s.8012
    @beccf.s.8012 6 лет назад +4

    Chaz, how awesome is that you are addressing the JUST WALK AWAY comments. I love how no one dared to post the comment on this video’s comment section specifically LOL If they walked away themselves from all of these games and the individual wth are they doing here watching your videos? Lol You are the man.

  • @ttdhan2941
    @ttdhan2941 6 лет назад +6

    I could not agree more with everythig u say! Sooooo real and human!

  • @sonjaridge8947
    @sonjaridge8947 6 лет назад +17

    Just starting to date again after 40 years of marriage. Great info!

  • @2008LadyLaura
    @2008LadyLaura 4 года назад +1

    Oh my Mr. Ellis you topped it with this one!!!
    Love your videos n your personality. Thank you Mr. Ellis😘

  • @user-gu6vf3je1d
    @user-gu6vf3je1d 6 лет назад +10

    One of your best videos to date.👍🏾

  • @ggteew
    @ggteew 5 лет назад +2

    You are one of the best relationship advice ppl on youtube. Jah bless.

  • @anitapal5821
    @anitapal5821 6 лет назад +4

    Great advice !!! Thank you .. I'm struggling now😢

  • @KatNaturalBeauty
    @KatNaturalBeauty 5 лет назад +1

    This was confirmation! I did everything you said in this video and it works. I’m watching this aftermath but watching this is reassurance.
    Needless to say I’m walking away. Actually I walked away and thinking about dating someone new.

  • @latifab.1027
    @latifab.1027 6 лет назад +6

    Thx Chazz...this video was right on time💯💯💯

  • @erikazella5225
    @erikazella5225 6 лет назад +7

    Yup I’m proud of myself I agreed with him and put on high alert after me. He can’t ever think that you can’t be good with or without him. I’m good either way! So he knows I have nothing to lose if I leave, we’re just friends anyway right. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @fatimamathews
    @fatimamathews 6 лет назад +5


  • @TiffaniHenson
    @TiffaniHenson 4 года назад

    Spot on. Confirmation for me in my responses to these tactics. Box them right into where they want to be.

  • @miyonchees
    @miyonchees 5 лет назад +2

    Omg I'm a natural at this!!🤗 I came on here trying to get back at a player ex and turns out I have, which is why he's disappeared off the face of the earth. I've done all 3 of these things without a 2nd thought. Yippee!!

  • @blaqrose6911
    @blaqrose6911 6 лет назад +3

    thanks for all the work bro. u are helping us here. much love

  • @starlightangel1569
    @starlightangel1569 6 лет назад +12

    Lmao I agree with bomb dropping back f’s with their head when they tryna mess with you. Play that lame game right back 💯

  • @nowzen4240
    @nowzen4240 4 года назад +2

    Gosh I absolutely love your content. I’m a strong , kind woman and this kind of behavior is so foreign to me so ty for teaching me how to deal with it ! :)

  • @agathalovesmusic2381
    @agathalovesmusic2381 6 лет назад +19

    I just wonder what's such people's problem they play such games?

  • @aydagunes9130
    @aydagunes9130 6 лет назад +3

    İ love your videos. They are really eye openers. Thanks 😊😊

  • @yahlormohmae9802
    @yahlormohmae9802 6 лет назад +4

    0:42 - 3:16 Definitely on point!!!!

  • @Cinder1987
    @Cinder1987 6 лет назад +3

    Bombdrop back, lol. That is petty but it works and is funny as hell, lol.

  • @ola3rd
    @ola3rd 6 лет назад +9

    You are such a genius

  • @NazFarah89
    @NazFarah89 6 лет назад +2

    Thanks Chazz 4 everything! ✨❤️

  • @tanitrarobinson7477
    @tanitrarobinson7477 3 года назад +2

    Them: hey beautiful
    Me: Hey buddy
    The end.

  • @sherimillner4347
    @sherimillner4347 5 лет назад +1

    Love your advice Chad! It works!, keep giving good advice!

  • @lisasays6174
    @lisasays6174 6 лет назад +5

    The presentation of this video seems more formal, and also formatted than the videos from the beginning until now. Is that the intention? Id be happy to offer feedback from my perspective (aka supportive follower around since the beginning) if anyone is interested and has time. Either way, Ask Chazz videos provide value and ill continue to subscribe.

    • @AE-vu9rz
      @AE-vu9rz 6 лет назад

      Lisa Says right there with u.. feel like he’s talking on a billboard. Sticking around tho

  • @rhg624
    @rhg624 5 лет назад +1

    love all your videos super cool. You make me laugh the whole time. I regret wasting my emotions crying on players. 👍

  • @daniellem578
    @daniellem578 6 лет назад +4

    I had a guy try me like this recently. I just cut his ass off * deuces * Players use mind game tactics.

  • @lizvalenzuela4396
    @lizvalenzuela4396 5 лет назад

    I love the advice it!

  • @laneslegacy5794
    @laneslegacy5794 3 года назад +1

    Hi big brother. Mama never told you about me, but here I am.

  • @aaliyahforney9414
    @aaliyahforney9414 4 года назад

    Wow that crazy I was talk to this guy who did the same thing that you explain so this help me a lot with problem.

  • @Cherrypie210
    @Cherrypie210 3 года назад +1

    I’ve always done this without realizing 😂

  • @lalovelylenea
    @lalovelylenea 6 лет назад +6

    Dang where was this video a few months ago lol.

    • @glamniita1765
      @glamniita1765 6 лет назад +1

      MeaLenea Homer Haha yeah, i so needed it months ago 😂

  • @noodilious1610
    @noodilious1610 4 года назад +7

    When u get a sense they are a player just stay away from these low vibrational beings

  • @angelsattachedtoangst7576
    @angelsattachedtoangst7576 4 года назад +1

    This stuff is empowering when you can’t walk away because there are times when you can’t and you have to talk a little shit to people.

  • @feliciajohnson5131
    @feliciajohnson5131 4 года назад +1

    Bomb dropping got me laughing too hard!

  • @ShelleyG1014
    @ShelleyG1014 4 года назад

    Comparing works! I did the bluff call and I got the truth

  • @Anita_She
    @Anita_She 3 года назад

    👍🏼Love it!!!! Going to start practicing tonight 😆 Cheese 🥂

  • @raquelmoreno5677
    @raquelmoreno5677 6 лет назад +2

    Lmaoooo i blurted out" im pregnant " but he doesn't believe me. But i tried to bomb drop he said " my girl is pregnant" i tried lol

  • @noramm541
    @noramm541 6 лет назад +4

    Do you still do email consultations?

  • @kathleen1685
    @kathleen1685 6 лет назад +8

    Where have you been? I haven't seen your videos in a year or more. I know I subscribed.

    • @queenie_the_virgo
      @queenie_the_virgo 6 лет назад +2

      Kathleen Stallings He's had lots of videos. You may have to binge watch😁

    • @kathleen1685
      @kathleen1685 6 лет назад +1

      queenie_the_virgo I wonder why I haven't getting notification? I like his videos. I think I stopped watching when he changed his format. He was getting very harsh criticism from other men. Glad to see he is back to the original format. Ok, yeah, I see. I needed to hit the notification bell.

  • @ayleene-carlajoseph7325
    @ayleene-carlajoseph7325 6 лет назад

    Great Ideas , thank you so much

  • @MpenziPenzi
    @MpenziPenzi 6 лет назад +1

    Thanks brother ❤️❤️❤️

  • @foreverrcocochenel
    @foreverrcocochenel 6 лет назад

    Thank you for your content.

  • @2remyred
    @2remyred 5 лет назад

    Thank you I need to hear this

  • @gueenvictoria64
    @gueenvictoria64 2 года назад

    Thanks 4 the tips

  • @alfredajohnson5587
    @alfredajohnson5587 5 лет назад

    Excellent points!

  • @rounddawaygirl2.042
    @rounddawaygirl2.042 5 лет назад +9

    These sounds like a process when your out here messing with kangs before your king

  • @lorrainekenny3154
    @lorrainekenny3154 6 лет назад +1

    ohhh i love this 💕💕💕💕 spot on 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @brendalee274
    @brendalee274 6 лет назад +2

    I've never felt like I've ever been played before. Can u please explain what it means to be played? Ive always believed that what ever a person does, good or bad, they're doing it to themselves.

    • @marshamacmillan
      @marshamacmillan 5 лет назад +2

      You have a point..people can't do to us what we don't allow them to do. One way a player operates is to draw somebody in and get them emotionally involved only to disappear and ghost that person as a means to control them. Players are manipulative and they have many tricks.

    • @brendalee274
      @brendalee274 3 года назад

      Universal laws are always in place. U always reap wt u sow rather good or bad. Wt ever u do in life it will come right bk to u one day when u least expect it. Its a very simple law.

  • @veronicaortez1487
    @veronicaortez1487 6 лет назад

    Best video!!! Thank you so much!!!!!

  • @savagelily311
    @savagelily311 6 лет назад +1

    Love the video..Thanks.

  • @XPrincess30
    @XPrincess30 6 лет назад +3


  • @dn4081
    @dn4081 8 месяцев назад

    Lol wish I knew this before I got punked !😂😂😅 would’ve been useful

  • @redcricket5751
    @redcricket5751 6 лет назад

    You Da Man Chazz!!!

  • @LadyGraham
    @LadyGraham 5 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @KatNaturalBeauty
    @KatNaturalBeauty 5 лет назад

    Oh and of course, new subscriber 🙌🏾!

  • @shawnouko2997
    @shawnouko2997 6 лет назад +1

    LOL This is like a game of chess i will definitely use these tactics both ways

  • @Oddoneout22
    @Oddoneout22 5 лет назад +2

    I told him to f-off, to get lost. No one messes with my emotions by diminishing and disrespecting me. I don't chase them. Plzźźzzzzzzz ...... lol. Let them beg.

  • @libbylandscape3560
    @libbylandscape3560 6 лет назад

    You are so good! ❤️

  • @yanadanda1760
    @yanadanda1760 5 лет назад

    Aye good tips

  • @liongirl4321
    @liongirl4321 6 лет назад +7

    what about chasing me for years and then he just stoped text or calling?

    • @mariacorreynamarimutoc9178
      @mariacorreynamarimutoc9178 6 лет назад +5

      maybe he'd seen one of chazz' video. peace. :)

    • @1Skorpia
      @1Skorpia 6 лет назад +18

      YEARS?? clearly you loved the attention and he found someone else. Just focus on loving yourself girl.

    • @liongirl4321
      @liongirl4321 6 лет назад +2

      skorpia g yea i am sick of the back and forth.

    • @liongirl4321
      @liongirl4321 6 лет назад

      letitreign yea probably

    • @liongirl4321
      @liongirl4321 6 лет назад

      Bea Landrin yea i can tell

  • @kelvinglad5416
    @kelvinglad5416 6 лет назад


  • @gloriablanco6211
    @gloriablanco6211 5 лет назад +1

    😆😆😆😆thank you!.. I'm getting married too!😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂

  • @koolkittens7720
    @koolkittens7720 6 лет назад

    Is this bomb dropping: my friends brother said he hated me. Then pit of the blue he said he wanted to be friends Then he went back to saying he hated me

  • @Luvmybris
    @Luvmybris 6 лет назад


  • @itscesarbtch3451
    @itscesarbtch3451 5 лет назад

    I agree with you on almost everything your very smart and handsome I hope your making a lot of money

  • @Neringzalt
    @Neringzalt 5 лет назад

    nice video

  • @iloveangelmonroe4864
    @iloveangelmonroe4864 5 лет назад

    I like you! Thanks

  • @tokunbomuraina9583
    @tokunbomuraina9583 5 лет назад

    I did the first one 😂😂😂😂 I don't know because that was the first time I get played so I don't know what to do

  • @gawaisukeshani8303
    @gawaisukeshani8303 4 года назад

    Tx man

  • @Lilgoozy-es5fd
    @Lilgoozy-es5fd 4 года назад

    I am high and I am watching 🔥🔥🔥

  • @robbieburns1862
    @robbieburns1862 6 лет назад +1


  • @adrienneperuzzi719
    @adrienneperuzzi719 5 лет назад +1

    I love this video. Game players deserve it back.