Part 1: Logos [WORDS] // Ty Gibson & Nathan McKee

  • Опубликовано: 14 июл 2024
  • The ancient Greeks believed that all of reality is undergirded by one essential principle of truth that forms the basis for all rational thought. They called it “the logos.” The bold claim of the New Testament is that the logos became flesh in Jesus Christ.

Комментарии • 10

  • @SoundingTrumpetMedia
    @SoundingTrumpetMedia Год назад +5

    This is looking to be an excellent series! It's heavy with the abstract, yet I'm enjoying it. ❤️
    As I was following along, I had a mental picture come into my mind regarding the great controversy:
    Lucifer rebelled and painted a false picture of God which he brought to the angels. He brought this same false picture to Adam and Eve. I see that one aspect of Jesus' incarnation is to correct that false picture and paint the real picture that humans can grasp.

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 Год назад +2

    I’m gonna love this series! It’s right up my alley (well suited to one's tastes, interests, or abilities.) 😀

  • @scarletshade
    @scarletshade Год назад

    I love this! Very excited for this series!!

  • @josifjuda8631
    @josifjuda8631 Год назад

    Thank you brothers!

  • @elijahb2787
    @elijahb2787 Год назад +4

    To add onto all of this amazing information, the Chinese translation of John's Gospel says "Tao", which is the equivalent Chinese concept in the philosophical school of Taoism as the Greek concept of Logos in the philosophical school of Stoicism! When I first learned that (having a background in comparative religious study), I couldn't even imagine how mind-blowing that must have been for Taoists when they first heard the Gospel presented to them!
    On the note of whether or not we Christians should be doing what John did in the prologue of his Gospel, understanding non-Christian pagan/secular philosophical/religious ideas to then use them as a bridge for talking about the Gospel (God's direct revelation as opposed to groping in the dark for Him), I think that the New Testament clearly teaches that we should do that!
    It's not just John who does it, after all. In Acts 17, Paul says that the "Unknown God" whom the Athenians acknowledge is the same God that he preaches to them! And in verse 28, he directly quotes 2 Stoic philosophers (first Epimenides and then Aratus) as having gotten some things right about the Highest God who made all things (even though they were both writing about Zeus!).
    Then in Romans 2:14, Paul describes Gentiles who have never heard the Scriptures but still do the right thing (on the basis of which God will judge them according to what they knew), he refers to them as being "a law to themselves", which is the same phrase that Aristotle used to describe ideal men of virtue!
    So this kind of thing shouldn't scare Christians at all! All truth is God's truth, and the direct revelation of God given to humanity is the Hebrew Scriptures that culminate in the Person of Christ, and the New Testament written about Him.
    God bless this ministry! Amazing work and much needed by Christians and non-Christians alike today!

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 Год назад

    How Cool❣️

  • @richardrowland8609
    @richardrowland8609 Год назад +1

    If I may toss in one more meaning for Logos, the word also means,( in my opinion ) "promise" and in your word "Christoclarity" GOD promised a savior, and when Christ came to earth he was literally the physical promise OF GOD, being fulfilled.

  • @hectorado
    @hectorado Год назад

    Hello Storyline Church manager. The playlist has a video that doesn't belong, between 4 and 5

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 Год назад

    I like making up my own words. My daughter’s laughed at me! They’d say to me, Mom, that’s not a word! I started telling them I have my own dictionary 😉.

  • @xymonau2468
    @xymonau2468 Год назад

    Actually the "gram" in instagram came from "telegram".