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  • @Rexir2
    @Rexir2 3 месяца назад +36

    Tank Commander in Leman Russ Tank
    Tank Commander in Rogal Dorn Tank
    Tank Commander in Superheavy Tank
    Steel Commissar
    Knight Commander Pask

    • @davidalcoz15
      @davidalcoz15 3 месяца назад +1

      Malcador, Macharius.....

    • @CMTechnica
      @CMTechnica 3 месяца назад +1

      @@davidalcoz1599% chance that shit is going to legends. Not even worth thinking otherwise

  • @spacemarinex
    @spacemarinex 3 месяца назад +9

    "Ability: Squadron Commander: Once per turn, this model may choose to be affected by an Order. Any VEHICLE units within 12" are affected by this order as well."
    By wording it this way, it makes the Tank Commander essentially a Command Squad for a group of tanks - he has to stay fairly close by to maintain what essentially would be 'squadron coherency' for a group of large vehicles like tanks. Then we can just argue about the range of the Aura ability.
    Arguably the Fire on Death special ability can just be replaced with a Strategem for 1CP that allows for the same effect, possibly usable on Infantry as well.

  • @lucasalexander43
    @lucasalexander43 3 месяца назад +9

    I think tank commander should be an upgrade for a current tank. It then uses the existing rules for that tank, counts as an character, and can issue a single order to a squadron unit that can the affect another squadron unit within 6".

    • @jamesloder8652
      @jamesloder8652 3 месяца назад +1

      I absolutely love the idea of a commander being a 25 point upgrade to any tank, much like the regimental advisors work for the command squad

    • @graigneville1067
      @graigneville1067 3 месяца назад +1

      Probably more like a 40pt upgrade. But I like this as well.

  • @rafliadam9079
    @rafliadam9079 3 месяца назад +2

    i think the tank commander should be like the other officers in the guard, namely that it costs around 20-30 points, you can ‘attach’ it to ANY tank you want (chimera, hellhound, russ, dorn etc). Now that commander is sitting in the vehicle ordering another one, and either giving a slight buff to their own, or ordering it as in the video.
    also with the new army rule squadron and regimental keywords matter more, and baneblades and tc-s not having it seems like an oversight, and i think all of this should be cleared up, but im always surprised how inconsistently 40k rules are written, just to later rely on FAQs to plug the holes. i guess this is what happens if you print out a rulebook 6months in advance, and then leave no way to fix or balance anything because you cant overwrite a sold book physically. i wish there was a way to distribute up to date information world wide, with updates and corrections at an instant, but oh well

  • @JaySharp604
    @JaySharp604 3 месяца назад +33

    Remove Death Befitting an Officer. Give the tank 3+ BS on weapons. Add "Super Heavy" to orders so he can order baneblades. Then give him the ability "When this commander issues an order to a squadron unit, that order affects two different target squadron units.". That way he can order two units with one order, which makes sense as he's broadcasting over Vox Net. But he can only order 1 baneblades unit.

    • @hinti24
      @hinti24 3 месяца назад +3

      let the commander remain at bf4+
      Give him 2 orders base
      Let him order only squadron.
      Decrease points to 175.
      Make Baneblades squadron.

    • @jamesloder8652
      @jamesloder8652 3 месяца назад +1

      If you give it bs3+ nobody will ever play regular russes

    • @jamesloder8652
      @jamesloder8652 3 месяца назад

      ​@hinti24 congrats, it's like you didn't even listen to the video

    • @Luna-tc3xj
      @Luna-tc3xj 3 месяца назад

      Only problem with this is if you took grand strategist on a TC with these changes, could they not order four other tanks with this ability? Only two super heavies, but still

    • @hinti24
      @hinti24 3 месяца назад

      I did, but it does not force me to agree.
      If I could correct the TC, I would like to have him he of Russ Squadrons.
      The rules we have now look as if that was the idea to begin with.
      Let him lead some russ.
      All and he benefit from his order.
      All and he benefit from the russ base rule.
      Only the TC shoots at death, once being killed. He would be the last survivor of the squad. It'd be thematic and cool
      Yet we dont have actual squadrons of russ, and no leader ability on the TC.
      Next best thing is to enforce his role as order giver.
      Remove the "death befiting an officer" thing and adjust points to be competetive with solar.
      I want baneblades to be squadron for born soldiers, not for the orders. Thats now a stupid side effect due to both effects using the same keywords

  • @RazORKful
    @RazORKful 3 месяца назад +2

    Completely remove the range restriction on orders, since y'know... vox inside the tank?
    Its not like telephone wires are strung from tank to tank in 40k is it.

  • @cosomosend7478
    @cosomosend7478 3 месяца назад +1

    I literally had that same idea too,
    only difference is I did not think to add the Squadron keyword and wanted to fit that Orders special rule into the Orders section of the datasheet and keep the current rule.
    the part of where Baneblade gets Squadron is also fair enough considering how hard it is to move it around the board.

  • @PitFriend1
    @PitFriend1 3 месяца назад +1

    I like the idea of the TC giving an order to itself and one other tank. I would take it a step further to also deal with the TC not being able to take larger tanks like Rogal Dorn or Baneblades. I would do something like the 9th edition codex had with the Tank Aces abilities and make Tank Commander an upgrade a tank or other vehicle can buy on a sliding scale depending on the vehicle. So you could have a command Baneblade if you want but it’ll cost extra.

  • @joshy7759
    @joshy7759 3 месяца назад +1

    11:12 I've arrived at this as the solution too. It seems very intuitive!

  • @themightybbb5417
    @themightybbb5417 3 месяца назад +2

    Honesttly, i think a Tank commander should just be an add-on Like a character To an infantry unit. Just pay the Points for the Order(s), and stick him in any vehicle from a list Like this one for example:
    Any Leman Russ
    A Rogal Dorn
    A Hellhound
    A Superhavy (if you're feeling cheeky enough to make those part of the squadron/order economy too.)
    The way it would work is that the vehicle you choose just gains the comander's keyword and abilities. If it's deytroyed, the comander is gone too. With being able to order his own vehicle, because he now has the squadron keyword from the vehicle he joined, and/or an ability to order another vehicle and get the buff himself for free, that could make for some interesting options.
    For balancing purposes you have then two levers: The comamnder himself, what is his order worth. And the vehicles he can join if any of them get super powerful. Like a fast Hellhound commander or a superheavy commander (let's be honest if they're on the list a commander becomes almost cerrtailnly an auto-include for them because there aou get the most durability and a lot of bang for your buck.)

  • @SleepySlann
    @SleepySlann 3 месяца назад +2

    Personally I would love to see more versions of the tank commander
    - Bring back the dedicated command versions of the chimera, salamander or baneblade
    - or how about a dedicated tank command squad, basically a platoon command squad that can only give order to squadrons.
    Another solution would be to make the order worth more, by making squadrons actual squadrons.
    If that one order suddenly affected 3 tanks instead of one, it is worth a lot more

  • @Sirilere
    @Sirilere 3 месяца назад +1

    I like your TC fix.
    I, too, HATE seeing a Lord Solar in every f-ing Guard list! That's just wrong...

  • @mikeg8564
    @mikeg8564 3 месяца назад +2

    Leman Run Tank Commander should be a LEADER. Lemans should come in units of 1- 2 . Boom fixed.

  • @richardbaker4088
    @richardbaker4088 3 месяца назад +1

    Those damn command tank crew unions amirite😛

  • @ColonelHoganStalag13
    @ColonelHoganStalag13 3 месяца назад +1

    The game designers clearly don't play Guard and they seem even more unaware of the lore. The Combined Regiment detachment rule was clear evidence that it just didn't make sense and even the subsequent change just seems like an inept move. Tank Commander should be an upgrade to any tank like a character you buy. No limit to range for issuing orders as they all have radios. No need to order himself, just give him a BS3 for any tank he commands. Problem solved.

  • @RussellWilliams736
    @RussellWilliams736 3 месяца назад +2

    Tank commanders should be an upgrade for tasks not a separate unit. That way you can put a tank commander in any vehicle you want.

  • @johnj.spurgin7037
    @johnj.spurgin7037 3 месяца назад

    I already took a look at this question, but my solution was to make the Tank Commander an HQ analogous to the now-legends Ultramarines character.
    You buy them, and then embark them in a tank as if that tank was a transport, which modifies the characteristics of the tank. They can also survive the demise of their tank, just like everyone's favorite named-character knight.
    I made the tank commander like 50 points, but additional abilities make up for it.
    By making the commander a character that embarks in a vehicle it can still order it's own tank, and that tank is a squadron unit.
    I'd have to dig up the file to dredge the full datasheet I homebrewed?
    Honestly, it might be a bit more complex but I just dislike giving a tank commander a static points value and still giving them a full range of tank mount options on top of an inferior rule.

  • @WhenYouGoMadd
    @WhenYouGoMadd 2 месяца назад

    The Tank Commander should just be 30-65 points with Keyword: Character. And Core: Leader. That at the start of the game can attache to a Keyword: TANK unit.
    Then just give all the units you want the Tank Commander to attache to/give Orders to the Keyword: TANK.
    Change their Orders from the Keyword: SQUADRON to: "This Officer can issue 1 Order to TANK units."
    Finally, you remove their old Ability. And give them a new ability that, at the start of the Command Phase, lets you select one Order to affect the unit the TC is attached to. Until the start of your next Command Phase. (Similiar to the Kasrkin's Warrior Elite Ability). But then you add an addendum, so that the unit the TC is attached to CANNOT receive any Orders other than from their TC's Ability. (So as to prevent any Tank from receiving 2 Orders).
    And then make it so after a Tank is destroyed the Tank Commander then functions the same as if they lost their Bodyguard unit. They detach and become a Seperate Unit. Because if you have only Destroyed the Bodyguard unit that is part of the Attached unit, you have not Destroyed the Character Unit. And they receive the same penalties as if they had been in a Transport Vehicle when it was Destroyed.

    • @WhenYouGoMadd
      @WhenYouGoMadd 2 месяца назад +1

      You can then go on to create an Artillery Commander and Aircraft Commander using this Tank Commander template.

  • @dragonraptor9756
    @dragonraptor9756 3 месяца назад +2

    Name for ability: lead by example

  • @philippelaurent3776
    @philippelaurent3776 3 месяца назад +1

    Make it a seperated attached characters that you can't target. And make it so it can be attached to any vehicle that have squadron. So it can now order the tank it's attached to since that tank is just a normal tank.

  • @OrdinaryKnight
    @OrdinaryKnight 3 месяца назад

    I like the fix. I would say, if for some reason GW didn't want an TCs to command baneblades, then what I would do is come up with a named baneblade commander (armed as a classic baneblade) and give them the discussed ability but have it as "may giver orders to Squadron and Superheavies" and two orders inherently, and thus add an elite TC character option to head up whatever the tank detachment will be in the codex.

  • @SpartaMacIntyre
    @SpartaMacIntyre 3 месяца назад

    Another issue with Tank Commanders (for me, anyway) is that they cost the same regardless of which main gun they have. Rather than making them a separate unit, I would make them an upgrade for Leman Russes - something like, for every three Leman Russ Tanks in your army, one may be upgraded to a Tank Commander for +X pts. This way they keep the tank's unique special ability, and can have a variable cost (I can't see a Leman Russ Eradicator or Punisher being worth as much as a Demolisher any time soon).
    My original thought was for them to have Voice of Command plus a version of the Kasrkin Warrior Elite ability ('Ace Crew', for example), allowing the Commander to give his own crew an Order as well as issuing one to another tank, but I quite like the Aura idea by @spacemarinex below too.

  • @jacob5700
    @jacob5700 3 месяца назад +1

    The Tank Commander should just be a "separate" officer you buy and "attach" to any tank type. Keeps the tank's special abilities and adds the Tank Commander's abilities. EZPZ.

  • @zombiesue1054
    @zombiesue1054 3 месяца назад +4

    [Before watching video] Fix Tank Commanders by bringing back loadout points. 'nuff said.
    [Side note] Congrats on the Harper Collins sponsorship!
    [After watching video] Yeah, that's a fair point. Maybe 205pts might be a little too little for a Demolisher Russ that can hit on 3's, with lethals, and can order baneblades. I'm already feeling that my TC is a good choice in my list, with Grand Strategist, ordering 2 Dorns. Just those two orders are worth 67% the offensive power of a single Dorn for about 90% of the cost of one, so whatever offensive power the TC brings just needs to make up ~23% of the offensive power of a single dorn, and it'll be worth it. I think the TC already provides more than that, so increasing its offensive power should probably come with a price increase.

  • @madhatter1662
    @madhatter1662 3 месяца назад

    First, separate the points cost of the tank commander from the tank points cost. A nice respectable 35 pts for a one order commander that can take a las-pistol, bolt pistol, or plasma pistol, and can take command of any tank in the armory he wants to go riding in today. Yes, you can get a tank commander on a chimera for 105 pts. You're welcome.
    Second, all super heavies need to be given squadron and no matter which squadron unit he chooses to ride will always have the squadron keyword. Maybe even have an enhancement called super-heavy commander that changes all D6 rolls for attacks and damage to 2D3s when giving orders to the super-heavies.
    Third, dust off Pask. Give him a coffee, a shave, a clean coat, and a fresh leather seat. Two orders, hands down. And a TRUE DBO, he gets to shoot everything out of every orifice once, with crit hit chances of shooting twice, phase does not matter. 50 pts. Fight me.
    And thinking about it, the 12" aura ability to effect multiple squadron units would be nice. However, I think it should be limited to an enhancement. Otherwise, if you had multiple tank commanders with the orders aura, they could end up with overlapping auras with multiple units in range of the overlap. You couldn't have units effected by multiple orders unless the units profile states that it can, and would be confusing as to which orders effect which units if such a case occurred.

  • @loudmusic4us179
    @loudmusic4us179 3 месяца назад

    Now that's soldiering!

  • @joshrose4120
    @joshrose4120 3 месяца назад

    I think the tank commander data sheet ability should basically just be the Kasrkin one where they can put an order on themselves. So a tank commander can use that ability to give itself an order and then order other squadron units too as normal.
    Also think it would be good to have 3 tank commander units. Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn and Super Heavy

  • @davedowns6987
    @davedowns6987 3 месяца назад

    Another option that may work, increase points of tank commander, then allow the use of an order that effects the tank commander, and any tank in a 12 inch aura around it.

  • @drewpacabra
    @drewpacabra 3 месяца назад +3

    It can be even more simple. Remove death befitting and officer and replace it with the ability to order themselves, but it can not take any more orders. Keep the ability to order one squadron as is. Price it at 220 points.

  • @SubSonicEctomorph
    @SubSonicEctomorph 3 месяца назад

    Where is my Mordian Glory Lord Solar proxy?! I think he's earned it by now

  • @richardseaton6390
    @richardseaton6390 3 месяца назад

    Honestly I would keep it super simple; remove 'Tank Commander' as a unit and introduce an upgrade for all tanks - say 30-40pts and +1 order for 15pts. Then I'd add the Squadron keyword to all superheavies.

  • @peterlaszlo9830
    @peterlaszlo9830 3 месяца назад

    The dream to not play ponyboy is on everybodies mind.
    Regimental attaché.
    Give them 5-6 choices
    Pick three for your command squad and get a benifit adjusted to your needs.
    Orders to aironautica
    Orders to artillery
    Orders to squadrons
    Ogryn bodyguard
    Etc ...

  • @alanrickett2537
    @alanrickett2537 3 месяца назад

    Tank commander can be added to any tank
    They give 2 orders one on their crew and one external.
    Ws plus one to the turret weapons eg the ones he fires

  • @percymacdonald6657
    @percymacdonald6657 3 месяца назад +1

    Would love to see more know thy foe videos.

  • @PeterButchens
    @PeterButchens 3 месяца назад

    Once again, the core problem is the squadron and regiment keyword. Which as this point feel arbitrary, since we already have universally established keywords. So just make it so that normal officers can order [Infantry] and [Cavalry] units and Tank Commanders can order [Vehicle] units.
    PS: Make commissars able to order ANY unit, but only 'duty and honour' or 'move! move! move!'. Could make them more viable, too.

  • @ThorOdinson
    @ThorOdinson 3 месяца назад

    - Extend order distance to 24”. It’s silly to think there’s no Master-Vox equivalent inside of that tank.
    - Give Tank Commanders 2 Orders and the ability to order Super-Heavies.
    - Get rid of “Death Befitting an Officer”. It’s complete bullshit. Replace that with something like being able to use the Tank Shock Stratagem for free.
    - Give Tank Commanders BS 3+ to make up for not having the specialist tank abilities of other Leman Russes.
    Also, Rogal Dorn Tank Commander. The model already exists on the Cadian Upgrade Sprue.
    Also, give us an option to give our Tank Commander a power sword which gives us [Extra Attacks 3]. As a matter of fact, I WOULD like to drive closer so I can hit them with my sword.

  • @Majere613
    @Majere613 3 месяца назад +2

    I'd tweak this idea a little: Give the Commander SQUADRON, and replace DBAO with Lead By Example: If the Tank Commander issues an Order to itself, pick one SQUADRON unit within 12" of the Commander. This unit also receives the benefit of the Order.
    Baneblades etc don't need SQUADRON and shouldn't get it. The whole point of the keyword is that the regular armour is operating as a tank squadron, so the Commander is top of their chain of command. Super-Heavies are part of an entirely separate branch of the Militarum and fight very differently, that's why only the Lord Solar has the authority to give them orders. I'd be happy to see Yarrick come back in the Fortress of Arrogance, though!

    • @christopherdecock703
      @christopherdecock703 3 месяца назад +1

      Great lore logic that makes me feel better about the rules.

    • @foxnut13
      @foxnut13 3 месяца назад

      Lore logic?????? Bruh, why tf would you not want a TC for SH??? War game first budddy

  • @MrSenger285
    @MrSenger285 3 месяца назад

    I would be happy to choose which tank my tank commander drives.

  • @dmac1689
    @dmac1689 3 месяца назад

    Either drop the regiment/squadron keyword for orders
    Transports, SP Artillery, (hellhounds?) get Regiment. Infantry support vehicles. Having Infantry commanders being able to order their own transportation and "call-in" their own artillery. Tank commanders aren't thinking about the back-line artillery. Real world or in 40K

  • @Madlarkin00
    @Madlarkin00 3 месяца назад

    Fix the tc by getting rid of squadron keyword and just make it astra militarum vehicle. Then a tc could order themselves or any other vehicle for that matter. Also get rid of the death befitting an officer rule, just make it so the TC has the same rule as its base russ and it can issue 2 orders. TC solved. Or if they want to leave it only 1 order, use the same rule as base russ and give the TC BS 3 instead... all good solutions

  • @theorkinquisitor
    @theorkinquisitor 3 месяца назад

    I would have it that the tank commander you issue units ether to one type of unit within 3 inches the original order target. It also buffs orders to sentinel squads

  • @MrSenger285
    @MrSenger285 3 месяца назад

    I also think the old turret rule would go a long way to helping guard tanks.

  • @TheUndeadslayer221
    @TheUndeadslayer221 3 месяца назад +1

    The biggest issue with the Tank Commander is that he is NOT a Squadron unit and they can't give orders Baneblade variants.

  • @TheTobaccoman
    @TheTobaccoman 3 месяца назад +4

    I don’t think they want them fixed to be honest. They love broken stuff to then over tune it but then nerf it to useless again. It’s the typical GW way.

  • @LoneEagle2061
    @LoneEagle2061 3 месяца назад

    Reinstate the Tank Ace to replace the current commander. Any Russ, DBO… etc. the unit could even retain the order…
    New Tank Commander: ~50pts?, no model.
    Bolts on to any tank unit (Chimera -> Shadowsword); no profile or rules changes. Adds 2 orders. Nothing else.
    Tank (regiment) keyword prevents orders going to Sentinels; but also blocks the misuse which might happen with Super Heavy (or similar) and Knights.
    The one who can’t order his own crew then becomes just an elite; while the one you need to do the Orders does Orders (as opposed to just orders).

  • @oblivionfan345Tony
    @oblivionfan345Tony 3 месяца назад

    This is the wildest sponsor I've ever seen lmao

  • @danwilde4712
    @danwilde4712 3 месяца назад

    +25 Enhancement, Squadron Vehicles only: :Tank Commander can give orders to Super Heavy and Squadron. This Enhancement can be taken 3 times.

  • @BloodBuffalo
    @BloodBuffalo 3 месяца назад +9

    I was already using them. Didn't realize there was a problem

    • @parko246
      @parko246 3 месяца назад +3

      They're definitely getting fucked by the rules

    • @hinti24
      @hinti24 3 месяца назад +1

      Using them, sure. As suecidal units that might hit twice.
      They are awesome at this role - but it should not be its role.

    • @BloodBuffalo
      @BloodBuffalo 3 месяца назад +2

      @hinti24 no I've used it pretty effectively with grand strategist in conjunction with a dorn and vanquisher. Then the basic russ gets built in rerolls. Guard is already winning pretty consistently. I want everything to be the best too but that's not how it works when your army has such a deep datasheet pool

    • @calronkeltaran493
      @calronkeltaran493 3 месяца назад

      @@BloodBuffalo sure he somehow works with grand strategist. but whenever I play him instead of Leontus, even if it goes well, I feel like playing with 1 hand behind my back. I have less order coverage, may not gain my extra CP and when my TC eventualy dies (happens more regulary than with Leontus diing), I obviously roll a 1 and his ability does nothing. the fact that he doesn't even profit to the improved born soldiers rule just adds salt to the wound.
      for me the only reason to add a TC is if I need more vehicle orders than Leontus can provide

    • @BloodBuffalo
      @BloodBuffalo 3 месяца назад

      @calronkeltaran493 why don't you use him and leontus? I do.

  • @Major_Problems
    @Major_Problems 3 месяца назад

    TC on the Dorn and super heavies is mandatory at this point

  • @KevinPuttock1981
    @KevinPuttock1981 3 месяца назад

    Give them 2 orders and add the squadron keyword to the unit… fixed 🤷🏼‍♂️
    It feels odd to make the same order they give out to apply to the TC as well. That feels tactically inflexible to just copy the same order and breaks the immersion of a tank commanders vehicle having a different task to another squadron unit
    Love the idea of super heavies getting the squadron keyword as well though… that would be super powerful. They’d get easy orders and born soldiers too 🎉

  • @NoName-lo9ym
    @NoName-lo9ym 3 месяца назад

    Also - could you please do a "Fixing the Regimental Preacher" (e.g. same rules as Sisters and a points cut) "Fixing the Commissar" etc - maybe GW could take some hints!

  • @davidabonyi4556
    @davidabonyi4556 3 месяца назад

    Tank commander should be a wargear option. Gives +1 bs to it's own tank and 1 order with 18" range.
    Death befitting an officer ability should stay. The Russ keeps it's original ability.
    Make it 55 points.

  • @radred609
    @radred609 3 месяца назад

    completely unrelated to the video (but entirely related to the add read), Mordian should totally try out some napoleonics. Maybe General d'Armee or Chosen Men.
    Ask Harper Collins to sponser a set of sharpe themed vids lol.

  • @rodneygaul2227
    @rodneygaul2227 3 месяца назад

    Reporting for duty , sir o7
    Since he 1 order only , 35 - 40pt add on to Tank variant of your choice or highest in pecking order of Baneblade {1} , Rogal Dorn {2} & Leman Russ {3}
    my personal Favorite
    Tank commander would be in a { legends } Salamander Command vehicle (80pts) since he can't order himself

  • @HenryEaton
    @HenryEaton 3 месяца назад

    Legends the pretty uselss Regimental Advisor unit and add a similar command squad add-on unit that allows officer models in that unit to order both regimental and squadron units.
    Change the datasheet of the tank commander to Squadron Commander to be a Leader that can attach to and order Squadron models. Would be fun if sentinels could issue both Regiment and Squadron units.
    Change death befitting an officer to be an Enhancement.
    Baneblades should be hard to issue orders to for balance purposes, and anyyone wishing it had squadron just wants busted rules. The Shadowsword is disgusting without orders (if you can move the thing out of your DZ) but it does suck that Solar is the only option.

  • @NoName-lo9ym
    @NoName-lo9ym 3 месяца назад

    Just give them 2 orders basic and extend the order range. The problem is that Leontus is too points efficient meaning all other order giving units are inefficient. Just buff the amount of orders and their range where relevant and jobs a good'un. Also - BUYING SHARPE SAH! DRIVE THEM MEN DRIVE THEM!

  • @callumjohnston858
    @callumjohnston858 3 месяца назад

    I don't thinknthey should be able to recieve orders. Maybe an inbuilt 3+ BS, but they're characters (actual keywords notwithstanding), and giving themselves orders feels icky.
    I think just a 3+, keep it to squadron, change 'death befitting an officer' to something allowing the same order to affect an additional vehicle of the same type/class (Leman Russ being a class, Sentinel being a class), or free tank shock or another armored stratagem.
    I think a stratagem or enhancement for the ability to order Superheavies would be better, keeping thrm from being too readily ordered, but moving away from Leontus dependency.

  • @hardrada8407
    @hardrada8407 3 месяца назад

    The way tank orders work is just a pain. It’s hard to justify not having 3+ to hit so you are forced to take solar and tank commanders (ordered by lord solar only). It’s restrictive.

  • @sircrim8694
    @sircrim8694 3 месяца назад

    I think MG way of solving this is quite legit, but GW don t want that at all XD
    I would do the opposite since GW doesnt want order on Tank commander to be free or feasible.
    Make an aura of 6" or 9" around the tank commander only affecting the same type of ESCADRON unit that where ordered this t, gaining trhe same benefice as the unit ordered.
    Battle Tank: Dorn and all LR variants
    Mechanized Assault : Hellound, Chimera, Hydra
    That would be strong yes, but in this way the cmmander should be essential but frankly with a higher cost that today,(220 to 240 I thnk) and would permit true mechanized to be born.

  • @venkelos6996
    @venkelos6996 3 месяца назад

    Im goung to say something that might be unpopular; I wish Tank Commanders weren't a standalone unit. So, I already have some whiby complaints about Leader units; some have really dumb choices for squads they CAN join, and some squads just can't get a Leader, at all. I HATE that the pimped out Eldar Autarch; the most skilled, and advanced, Aspect Warriors that aren't Phoenix Lords, can join bumpkin militia Guardians, but not their own fellow Aspects, and then those Aspect Warriors can't get any Leader, unless you field their PL, whi you can only have one of. They CAN upgrade to an Autarch, though, and that's sort of what I wish LR Tank Commanders did.
    I'll always support free wargear, and i can accept that this means that each Russ variation is a standalone sheet, but that basically means EVERY Tank Commander is a dumb Demolisher Tank Commander, because I guess they HAVE to cost more than anything they might Order, and if you're already effectively paying for a Demolisher, then you take that one tank option, and I grew exceedingly tired of lists comprised of Demolisher Tank Commanders, Gatekeeper, and full-payload Manticores. It's been nice to see alternatives, but that means I might like to see an Executioner Tank Commander, or maybe even a Punisher, or Vanquisher Tank Commander, but they can't justify the cost. If the different tanks each had the 5, or 20 pt upgrade to being a Tank Commander, then you could field more types in that role, and I'd like that, if only because I cringe almost every time I hear "Demolisher Tank Commander".

  • @OverlordZephyros
    @OverlordZephyros 3 месяца назад

    tank commander with BS3 ... yeah that was too OP back then

  • @richardbaker4088
    @richardbaker4088 3 месяца назад

    I think GW wants tank orders scarce. We have too many kewl tanks where a lot of others just have tanks. If it were too easy to have a whole list of tanks, all ordered efficiently we would be kinda broken. It's still stupid a tank commander can't order himself.

  • @Storm3y-David
    @Storm3y-David 3 месяца назад

    I think to fix certain guard units, give them the proper keywords so we can use stratagems and orders on those who currently can’t & I’d be a happy guard player

  • @nukeybrown5732
    @nukeybrown5732 3 месяца назад

    TC suffer from Index issues imo, no one convinces me otherwise that the only reason TC does not have 2 orders is because they will give them two orders in the Tank codex detachment. As for them not getting lethal hits that is just GW not paying much attention to rules, if you want to pop a vehicle that has a 3+ save just throw Lethal hit bolter Chimeras at them, makes zero sense.

  • @rjscorpion8892
    @rjscorpion8892 3 месяца назад

    Before watching....make Tank Commander an Enhancement so that a demolisher tc and a vanquisher tc are not the same point and the special ability does not change and then give them 2 orders

  • @brdjones3732
    @brdjones3732 3 месяца назад

    I want my tank commander to be able to use his power sword in combat.

  • @ИванИван-ь6п4й
    @ИванИван-ь6п4й 3 месяца назад

    Tank commander should not ride leman russes - its for Knight Commanders (new type of HQ, just expensive russ with 3+ BS). Tank commander should ride Salamander Command Vehicle, armed with heavy bolter and comm array, wich allow commanding on 24" with 2 orders. So there is double profit for gw - new double kit (command/scout salamander), new upgrade sprue with Knight Commanders (and maybe Pask!)

  • @Haszarin
    @Haszarin 3 месяца назад

    First they delete Pask, later Nerf TC, imo its a sad way to Legends like Veterans and Lucas Bastone.
    Reminder: Tau still got Longstirke, Pask nemesis.

  • @janehrahan5116
    @janehrahan5116 3 месяца назад +5

    Tank commanders! Rule the battlefield Armageadon da da da da
    (sabaton sing along if anyone else has more lyrics)

  • @granttennis
    @granttennis 3 месяца назад

    Remove the Tank Commander datasheet. Entirely. Replace it with;
    Tank Commander.
    This unit is attached to either a Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, or Baneblade (differing points for each). It can issue one order to a squadron model within 24”. The order it issues is also applied to the tank.

  • @MsRafa365
    @MsRafa365 3 месяца назад

    give us commanders in baneblade chassis

  • @georgepatton93
    @georgepatton93 3 месяца назад +1

    Too expensive point wise, that is 200 points for 1 squardron order, around 230 for 2 squadron orders, and nothing else, firepower is too swingy, their ability only works on death, something u dont want your tank commander to do since u need him alive for the order, so they need to tweak a lot of things

    • @ColonelHoganStalag13
      @ColonelHoganStalag13 3 месяца назад

      Written by fools who don't play Guard and don't care. It really shows in the lack of care put into the list and that we won't be getting a codex until 11th is on the horizon.

    • @georgepatton93
      @georgepatton93 3 месяца назад

      @@ColonelHoganStalag13 1st thing, hitting on a 4 plus is, in Mordian Glory's words in past videos, very swingy, which usually need a support unit to go with it, something Mordian Glory also highlighted on when building a guards list, but tank commanders do not have that luxury, so their dmg will be swingy by nature, unless you want lord solar to waste an order on them, but I'd rather save that order for rogal dorn tanks, so tank commanders are fielded only for their orders and not for dmg, and 205 points for an order and for a unit that will sit in the back line, once again according to how Mordian Glory deploy his tank commander, and does not push up to contest points
      2nd thing, this is on my observation of how guards rules have been panning out so far, a lot of unit rules don't gel with detachment rules, tank commanders don't have squadron keyword, so he is out of the picture of using the detachment rules, not to mention it's innate ability of shooting on death, contradict the role of a tank commander, which is staying in the back and give orders, which is, as I pointed out earlier, something Mordian glory advised on how to use tank commanders
      At the end of the day, I want guards to be good, they are my go to faction, but I'm not going to worship something that is put out by Games Workshop, if something is objectively bad, we, as consumers, call it out, instead devolving down to petty insults like saying someone is not a true guards player
      PS, the rule imbalance has been the thing for the entire 10th edition, just look at dark angels and ad mech

  • @DevilHunter91
    @DevilHunter91 3 месяца назад

    What about getting a named tank commander?

  • @KevinPuttock1981
    @KevinPuttock1981 3 месяца назад

    Give them 2 orders and add the squadron keyword to the unit… fixed 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @coachneal84
    @coachneal84 3 месяца назад

    Guard orders is our army wide rule. If CSM can issue a dark pact for every unit in their army, when shouldn't guard be in a similar situation? But there are more lore and even gameplay logic issues. A tank commander should not be responsible for ordering artillery or transports. They should not be babysitting artillery, that would be being ordered by regimental commanders to coordinate softening up targets prior to infantry advances. They should not be ordering the deployment of transports, this should also come from regimental officers embarked within them. Presumably, this is why sentinels have the regiment keyword; to take orders from the infantry commanders they are supporting. Artillery and Transports should have the Regiment keyword, not Squadron. Super-heavies and TCs should have the Squadron keyword. And TCs should get two orders, they cost 200pts after all. I a world where you now basically wrap a platoon into a single squad (Officer, Command squad and 20 'dudes') that gets two orders, so two for a tank commander makes sense

  • @brothertobias
    @brothertobias 3 месяца назад

    Tank Commanders can't order baneblades and themselves for balance purposes. That's all it is.

  • @lordravenblade
    @lordravenblade 3 месяца назад

    It is incredibly dumb that tank commanders don’t have access to Born Soldiers.

  • @s.h-d6074
    @s.h-d6074 3 месяца назад

    Make Tank Commander an enhancement for Russes and ditch the whole datacard. 40 points for 2 squadron orders. done.
    Guard has only one or two usable enhancements anyway.
    And give us an enhancement that lets the officer order Astra Militarum so we do not have to use the Lord in every decent list

  • @wilshned
    @wilshned 3 месяца назад

    I hate the lord solar in every list. Just feels wrong. I think whoever your warlord is should get 3 orders to any astra militarum unit.

  • @akodotain
    @akodotain 3 месяца назад +1

    I'd skip the faffing around and replace 'death befitting and officer' with 'veteran crew': "During Declare Formations, pick a tank order. This vehicle is considered to be at all times affected by that order unless suppressed by battleshock, or temporarily overwritten by a new order" Then give it squadron.

  • @CMTechnica
    @CMTechnica 3 месяца назад

    Just FAQ him and give him SQUADRON

  • @jamesloder8652
    @jamesloder8652 3 месяца назад

    The only issue with this video is that you very clearly explained why giving Squadron to tank commanders is not a good solution, and then immediately forgot about the problems it causes and suggested that we give Squadron to tank commanders at the end of the video

  • @nraketh
    @nraketh 3 месяца назад

    Wait, I can't shoot on death if I'm in combat? Wtf?

    • @No_nameOG
      @No_nameOG 3 месяца назад

      Big guns never tire is a Shooting phase only rule. If a TC dies in melee, that is a completely different phase, hence no shoot on death.

  • @ironpenguin8674
    @ironpenguin8674 3 месяца назад +1

    You should be able to take normal leman russ tanks in units of three like in 9th.

  • @nimric3348
    @nimric3348 3 месяца назад +2

    1. New tank commander: give us a new version of the tank commander in a chimera. It's literally call a "mobile command vehicle"
    2. FOB, forward operating base: give the guard a fortification that can hold the home objective and give 2 orders to any unit.
    It would be so thematic if the guard had a base giving orders that enemies could deep strike and cut off chain of command.

    • @richardseaton6390
      @richardseaton6390 3 месяца назад +1

      Tank Commander in a Salamander (open topped Chimera) would be cool.

    • @nimric3348
      @nimric3348 3 месяца назад

      @@richardseaton6390 for real

    • @callumjohnston858
      @callumjohnston858 3 месяца назад +1

      Very Tallarn, I like it

  • @kenupton4084
    @kenupton4084 3 месяца назад +1

    Easy fix:
    Give the Tank Commander *Squadron*
    Change order rule to "targets another friendly squadron" so that 2 commanders can order one another.
    Extend the order range to 12" on commanders.
    Enhancement: Knight Commander Pask (30)
    Tank Commander model only.
    +1 BS, can issue 2 orders.

  • @justdan8575
    @justdan8575 3 месяца назад +1

    Easy - remove tank commanders.
    Add 'Tank Commander' as an enhancement that can be added to max 3 non-walker squadron vehicles for 15 points each (same points cost as grand strategist). Grants unit the character key word and the ability to give 1 order to a squadron unit within 12 inches.
    This does lean into my personal preference that I find the Russ abilities more useful than the Tank Commander ability, though.

  • @Kattbirb
    @Kattbirb 3 месяца назад

    Too much faffing about!
    In rules I have been writing a TC improves the BS, Ld and can issue an order. Job's done.

  • @cajun4lif375
    @cajun4lif375 3 месяца назад


  • @janehrahan5116
    @janehrahan5116 3 месяца назад

    My fix for tank commanders.
    80 point character with no stats.
    Attach this to any vehicle. That vehicle loses the squadron keyword (if it had it). 1 order for squadron, any order issued by the tank commander affects the affected command tank.
    This lets tank commanders be in any tank, and lots them order bane blades (if they are commanding it)

    • @johnj.spurgin7037
      @johnj.spurgin7037 3 месяца назад

      that's roughly what I did, but I made it 50 points.

    • @janehrahan5116
      @janehrahan5116 3 месяца назад

      I said 80 because it's "effectively" two orders. There are no full orders in the guard for less than 45, and squadron orders are generally more valuable. 50 for 2* (including self unit) orders is too cost efficient and would make them spam worthy.

    • @johnj.spurgin7037
      @johnj.spurgin7037 3 месяца назад

      @@janehrahan5116 I guess that's fair. Making it 50 but also it's an upgrade that has to start in a tank... nah 50 would be too cheap.
      IDK if 80 is right though. That's a LOT for an upgrade/character. 60-65?

    • @janehrahan5116
      @janehrahan5116 3 месяца назад

      @@johnj.spurgin7037 remember that with grand stratagist (which it can take) its effectively 3 orders for 95, its already more order/point efficient than leontus and less vulnerable (it can be as tough as a litteral baneblade), so I think its on point

    • @johnj.spurgin7037
      @johnj.spurgin7037 3 месяца назад

      @janehrahan5116 yeah but that is a once-off, and in my approach you HAVE to buy a tank and embark them inside it. Doesn't that get factored in?
      Also, Leontus has a superior statline.