🙏🌹👌🌹🌹🤩🌹🌹🌹✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🎁❤️🔥🎁 these2 are bouth so beautifull: I just love the Femenan look of the Lady: her outfit and manners reminds me of times gone by when ladies were still LADIES. Mr Kiyong is like always: gorgeously handsome; cute; loveble, etc., etc. Unfortunately I still didn't get to see "come hug me" 😪 NETFLIX!!! 😡
I am always support Jang Ki Yong. You make me happy and cheerful every day.
His so handsome the face is so adorable 🥰😘😘😊
It is amazing!
I'm happy to see all of them🩷
💕💕 일본어 번역도 잘되어서 내용이 잘 전달되길 바랍니다 💕💕
번역 딱👌입니다
정말 재미있고, 귀엽고, 흥분했어요🩷 정말 감사합니다😊
I lovet ❤👍🇺🇸😁😘
Thank u❤❤❤❤
Thank you very much for the excellent work. Subtitles help a lot, it's great.👍🥰😊🫰
🎉❤❤😮😊 lindos demais bênçãos de Deus ❤
🙏🌹👌🌹🌹🤩🌹🌹🌹✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🎁❤️🔥🎁 these2 are bouth so beautifull: I just love the Femenan look of the Lady: her outfit and manners reminds me of times gone by when ladies were still LADIES. Mr Kiyong is like always: gorgeously handsome; cute; loveble, etc., etc. Unfortunately I still didn't get to see "come hug me" 😪 NETFLIX!!! 😡
쉐어 감사합니다❤️너무 재밌게 봤어요!배우님은 멋있다😍그들이 마시고 있는 음료는 와인입니까?주스요?
앗! 샴페인같아요 자막켜서 보셨죠??
내용에 있었나 없었나 기억이 안나네요 😅
네! 일본어 자막으로 봤어요!배우님이 자꾸 마시니까 주스? 라는 생각이 들었어요😅
@@Momo-kn8cv 히 ☺️ 이거 촬영전에 제작발표회를 하고와서 축하의미로 샴페인것같은 느낌 😆