Quentin Coldwater | Remembrance

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @ryanborchers3263
    @ryanborchers3263 Год назад +5

    This show made me notice a lot,Q was the best character in any show I’ve ever seen,it really hurt when he died,and then the campfire hurt even worse

  • @knightlyss
    @knightlyss 3 года назад +8

    yeah this cemented that I'll never be over quentin makepeace coldwater

  • @Shamelessweb
    @Shamelessweb 3 года назад +9

    Q has always felt a lot like me I carry him a part of him in my soul and this beautiful sad passionate man will be part of me regardless what happens. They all will and that’s beautiful to me

  • @jessicam.williams8978
    @jessicam.williams8978 3 года назад +3

    What an amazing character Quentin was of what it’s like living with chronic depression. It really is such a devastating disease to live with.

    • @mikl12354
      @mikl12354 4 месяца назад

      I guess it shows that, Not even MAGIC can save you from certain diseases. But you should at least try for your friends and family.

  • @JustQuqi
    @JustQuqi 3 года назад +10

    I just had the chance to watch this and oh god i cried so hard. The was so beautifully put together. I don't even have enough fitting words that can describe how heartbreaking this video is.

  • @AkselJade
    @AkselJade 3 года назад +4

    You know, this is one of the few moments in television where it's still effecting me this hard so long since it aired.

  • @mikl12354
    @mikl12354 4 месяца назад +1

    No truer words.. Shows with S5. "Know whats the worst thing about actually getting what you want? When its not good enough." We got another season.. but at what cost 😢

  • @somosinevitables
    @somosinevitables 3 года назад +3

    I have no words, this cannot be more beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time 💔

  • @HeartPhantom
    @HeartPhantom 3 года назад +1

    i dont even go here but im in pain

  • @Shainira
    @Shainira 3 года назад +1

    Here I am again sobbing about Quenting and what they did to him. This video is incredible beautiful, I love so much the voiceover's you choosed. damn! I thought I was more or less over it but this brought all the feels back. Great job tho. I loved to see a tribute to him on my timeline, definitely gonna rewatch it (& cry) a lot :)

  • @TheSparkie2300
    @TheSparkie2300 3 года назад +2

    Quentin always makes me want to keep fighting. I kin him so much and I feel like I have to keep fighting. I don’t get to quit. I refuse to let him down.

  • @dagheidr
    @dagheidr 3 года назад +2

    it still hurts so much. quentin went through so much :(

  • @Bellsilili
    @Bellsilili 3 года назад +1

    no i wasn’t ready for this pain!! he deserved so much better and miss him so much! ah you did an amazing job! I LOVE IT!

  • @highqueentopezka7675
    @highqueentopezka7675 3 года назад +1

    I have a cold heart from stone, but this edit made me cry. 💔
    It brought back all that pain and anger I felt after Q died. All those memories of me, watching and hoping he would save his friends, he would save Eliot, he would talk to him again, he would get the ending he fckin deserved. And how mad I was when he "just died." I cried a lot and this vid made me cry because of it again.
    You did incredible job. I love scenes and voiceoves you chose + excellent choice of music. This is definitely one of the best TM vids I've seen and the best one about Q. I watched it twice and I'm gonna rewatch it again to appreciate how perfectly done it is. ❤️

    • @lostbirdx
      @lostbirdx  3 года назад

      ahh thank you!! it means a lot!

  • @gunicorngamer
    @gunicorngamer Год назад +1

    Oh you think everybody gets their own personal heaven in The Magician's universe Quentin is still having adventures with everybody Penny and Penny 23 just enjoying life

  • @lizanderson9
    @lizanderson9 Год назад

    Beautifully done! Thank you ❤️

  • @CaptnJack
    @CaptnJack 4 месяца назад

    I love the Q character, and I understand people have issues. I also believe that society turns normal people into people like Q. Societies expectations are unrealistic, and when people think they fall short of these expectations, they mentally and sometimes physically hurt themselves as punishment they think they deserve.

  • @skyofuntamedfire
    @skyofuntamedfire 3 года назад +2

    Such a beautiful and incredible tribute 😭❤

  • @burrito345
    @burrito345 3 года назад +1

    stellar job
    thanks for the tears

  • @aextheria
    @aextheria 3 года назад

    Okay, I had to go and grab tissues (lots of them) before writing this comment. Firstly, I want to say that I've never cried that much while watching an edit before. Take this as a huge compliment, because that's what edits should do - they should wake up emotions in us, sometimes sadness, sometimes happiness. Hun, don't ever say again that you're not good at this kinds of vids, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Incredibly talented!!!! You've put so much, so much into this video, so much emotions. You've chosen the perfect song, the perfect scenes, voiceovers... Everything about this is unforgettable and to be honest, I'm still shivering over it. This is the best vid with Q I've ever seen (maybe even the whole The Magicians). It has opened all my wounds and made me so sad and yet so angry about Quentin's ending (tw// let's forget about the whole suicidal thing). I think I've never felt more pain while watching a character die and I will *never* be over Quentin's death, over his shitty ending and the fact he never got to spoke to Eliot again after all those proofes of their love. QUENTIN DESERVED LOVE, QUENTIN DESERVED BETTER. This show is underrated, hella underrated and it deserves much more attention and same with your video! I'm speechless, literally. You are so talented and this art should be put into a gallery!!! THANK YOU so much for this vid, lemme just keep rewatching it and bring myself more pain.💔

    • @lostbirdx
      @lostbirdx  3 года назад

      ahhh omg thank you so much for this comment, it means a lot to me!!! sorry for the tears? xkjdkdd and yesss i agree he deserved so so much better!

  • @Estaaaas
    @Estaaaas 3 года назад +1

    Omg, Quentin! I so wished there would be happy ending for him. He was awesome character. Thank you for this video. Its awesome.

  • @PeterOla-Itan
    @PeterOla-Itan 3 года назад +1

    Thank you

  • @Angietrenttepes
    @Angietrenttepes Год назад

    It's been years now but I'm still not over Quentin death

  • @Khearts530
    @Khearts530 3 года назад

    I will never stop missing him. Fuck.

  • @belle333black
    @belle333black 3 года назад

    This is amazing!

  • @madelynthompson4361
    @madelynthompson4361 3 года назад

    wow this is beautiful

  • @Kuma_Kares
    @Kuma_Kares Год назад

    Did I do something brave to save my friends... or did I finally find a way to kill myself...
    That long always hit me hard... that one line always makes me wonder

  • @SunnyVids
    @SunnyVids 3 года назад

    excuse me wtf

  • @izpasda3009
    @izpasda3009 2 года назад

    Am mad he never did anything like he was never selfish

  • @SunnyVids
    @SunnyVids 3 года назад +1

    this is illegal

    • @lostbirdx
      @lostbirdx  3 года назад

      look who’s talking😭

  • @g8kv
    @g8kv 3 года назад

    nası yani