The Interview: John Howard - Part 1 of 4

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @danielmy08
    @danielmy08 14 лет назад +2

    Our best PM ever!

  • @GemGames3
    @GemGames3 14 лет назад +4

    One of the GREATEST Prime Ministers our country has ever had, screw what the media tells you about him.

  • @fmackz
    @fmackz 15 лет назад

    The budget sucks. The level of debt sucks. The squandering of our cash resources suck. My daughter will be one of Australia's kids who has to pay for this ALP's term in office.

  • @obaia
    @obaia 15 лет назад

    Notice how he does not drag down others in these interviews. He had Australia at heart. Poor bastard has to watch how he says things even now as it would be screwed around making him look like the Ogre he was painted to be at election time by the opersition and Unions. At least he had the BALLS to stand by his convictions Lets face it the Majority voted for them for 12 years You have to be doing something right to stay in Only way oppersition could beat him was to use SPITEFUL SPIN
    not talent

  • @lamentate07
    @lamentate07 14 лет назад

    I don't understand why people see Howard as a 'true Australian' when his policies actually destroyed many of the traditional structures and values of this country. It's amazing that he would constantly evoke the old Australia, but did everything in his power to smash old Australia; old Australian being A+R, trade unionism, communal values etc etc. Yes the world has changed, but trying to sneak in 'communal' values through the backdoor always struck me as fundamentally dishonest.

  • @ryno99
    @ryno99 15 лет назад

    John Howard, not always popular but made the best decisions for Oz. Better than an inconsistent douche bag that is Kevin Rudd Amen to putting Aussie jobs first

  • @tdenterprise
    @tdenterprise 15 лет назад +1

    john howard = best prime minister ever

  • @MrFunxy
    @MrFunxy 13 лет назад

    That was astoundingly ignorant... Howard demonised ALL refugees as *terrorists* ~~" Well I can't say they're not terrorists" -Howard. Howard and the liberal party support the business class as apposed to the working class, Workchoices allowed more freedom to employers allowing them to pay workers less, and fire without reason. He explained that it worked against unemployment by allowing employers to employ more workers... but as he already knew, that didn't mean they *had to*.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад +1

    The swearing and vulgarity do not help your arguments. It makes you sound like a moron, whether you are one or not. Anybody who follows politics seriously knows that Howard was very patriotic and more nationalistic than most PMs, a true Australian. He had your best interests in mind, whether you understand his methods or not. Even left wing analysts recognise that Howard was extremely successful politically and congratulate him for what he did for the economy. Watch the video objectively.

  • @nashidar
    @nashidar 15 лет назад +1

    Howard was absolutely right with the comments he made about the two cash payments (one in December and one recently) and how silly it the Labor party's approach to the current economic climate has been. I don't agree with everything Howard said or did but he has shown that he is much more intelligent than Kevin Rudd.
    He rated Bob Hawke and Paul Keating above Kevin Rudd!
    Don't be a blind follower of any political party - be it Labor or Liberal - and pay attention to policy.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @millawayproductions I entirely agree. It is not cool or fashionable to defend or revere JH, but I don't care. I am sure history will be kinder as time goes on.

  • @obaia
    @obaia 15 лет назад

    There was never any tax free putting money into super. I manage my own super you were free to do so too.
    I lost nothing. Do not blame the government for your miss management.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад +1

    @cunnamullafalla Howard did a lot for this country. All you have to do is look at the way he left the economy. It really is that simple. I don't have any problem with people disagreeing, what annoyed me about your comments was how disrespectful you were about someone I consider a great politician and a fantastic Australian PM. You can slag him off if you wish but this great country would not be in the position it is today if it was not for this man. I love this country, and I respect what he did

  • @lamentate07
    @lamentate07 14 лет назад +1

    Howard was the master of exploiting the ignorance of the Australian masses though, and appealing to the anti-intellectual mindset that has _always_ been a feature of Australian public life. he did it perfectly. He was also the master of wedge politics(see Tampa).

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla That is the most ridiculous comment I have ever read on RUclips, and that really is saying something. That is not what Australians think, the Australian people's view of John Howard is reflected in the fact that we elected the man to hold the highest office in the country 4 consecutive times. He had to lose eventually, all good things come to an end.

  • @timoconnell6133
    @timoconnell6133 15 лет назад

    Well said.

  • @sommi888
    @sommi888 14 лет назад

    @1CaptainAustralia1 -- The only thing you 'experience' is the natural fluctuation of the peaks and troughs of economic output in the business cycle.
    If by 'experience' you are referring to the conditions you go through when Labor or Liberal are in Government, then you are certainly referring to media backlash and propaganda instigated by political commentators, magazines and television reports.

  • @Adirtybird
    @Adirtybird 13 лет назад +1

    @cunnamullafalla Take a chill pill dude.. He may not have been perfect but he was far and away better than the dudd and the ranga..
    Quite possibly the best PM we have ever had as the whole country is now beginning to see..

  • @luneco100
    @luneco100 13 лет назад

    great lets bring back work choices with lazarus as the president at least all aussie battlers will have a job on flat rate 12 hours a day at $20 an hour hooray for lazarus just think in 50 years you will be able to pay your house off when you are 70 years old enjoy your 3 years off retirement until you drop dead at least your sons and daughters will enjoy your house that you worked for all your life please cremate me i cannot afford a casket i hope GOD has AWA's in heaven RIP aussie battler

  • @lamentate07
    @lamentate07 14 лет назад

    Howard's vision for Australia was actually much closer to what America is like than what Australia used to be, or what it ought to be, at least ideally. And howard never addresses the fact that Australia still has one of the highest poverty rates in the OECD, and after 3 terms of liberal government, one of the biggest wage gaps too.

  • @AntipodeanStar
    @AntipodeanStar 13 лет назад +4

    They printed 50,000 copies of John Howard's vainglorious tribute to himself "Lazarus Rising" and it went on sale for $59.95. Within 3 days of the launch, the book was on sale at BigW for $29.95. The Australian newspaper is even giving away copies to any new subscriber. What does that say about a Prime Minister and his legacy?

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 13 лет назад

    Quote- Int. Business Times "John Howard's Lazarus Rising landed the top spot in the Non-Fiction bestseller list on its first week of release, with almost 7,000 copies sold according to official Nielsen Bookscan data. The memoir has also claimed first place on the Dymocks Bestseller charts released yesterday while topping the Non-Fiction bestseller list with 6,590 copies sold. Reaction to Mr Howard at events has been very positive, with individual people buying multiple copies of Lazarus Rising."

  • @woo216
    @woo216 14 лет назад

    lol instead of rudd we should have kept him he didnt fail australia

  • @MrFunxy
    @MrFunxy 13 лет назад

    2 billion dollars from the mining industry.... You know how big their income is right?

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    Well at least you sound like an adult now rather than some drunk 15 yr old or something. 1. The GST was prudent in order to pay off debt, someone had to pay it off. 2. To not back the US in Iraq would have been disgraceful morally and politically and economically suicidal, it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise 3. Any PM worth his salt does not bow and sway to changes in public opinion once elected, he was elected to lead not to just follow the whims of the masses. 4. Your threats are childish.

  • @scanorama346
    @scanorama346 15 лет назад +1

    Hear hear!

  • @sommi888
    @sommi888 14 лет назад

    @YFIOF -- The Australian people voted him out for a reason.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @adenowa3232 I think I have made my position clear. You made yours clear as well. If you are going to continue coming on this page maybe you could just take the time to watch the video and for a few minutes actually listen, REALLY LISTEN, to what he is saying. Just try to have an open mind, leave the preconceptions behind for just a couple of minutes, not that hard. I really have nothing more to say on this. I'm done.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla Politicians do not always stick to their promises, that is hardly incredible breaking news! Like I said before I will debate the issue with you if you wish but I am not going to do it here with this ridiculous bloody word limit and downloading this video over and over again. Send me a private message.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад +1

    @cunnamullafalla Look mate if you sounded like you had any idea what you were talking about I would be happy to argue the point with you. The fact is that your comment reveals your irrational bias and as such I have no interest in discussing this great man with the likes of you. All I will say to you is that you need to look at the facts objectively, consider the economy today and consider how he left it in 07. Simple facts mate, they are beyond argument.

  • @thompsonmatthew
    @thompsonmatthew 13 лет назад +1

    @cunnamullafalla obviously you don't watch tv, didn't you catch julia gillard saying she wouldn't replace kevin rudd?? is that not a 'lie'?

  • @MrFunxy
    @MrFunxy 13 лет назад

    You still don't get it, and I'm not gonna waste my time on you anymore. You know what its called when the authorities have absolute power? A dictatorship. Also security is far from our primary concerns. And what if you lost your job, aside from getting lower wage, and your employer didn't have a reason? Don't give me an answer, just think about what's fair. Don't be so extremely right wing.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla I don't believe that you have anything meaningful to reveal from your workplace, but if you did by some chance then you should either reveal it in full or keep it entirely to yourself. Otherwise it just sounds like the rantings of some mad bitter and sad person. Keeping the discussion public for your reasons is quite silly. All of your arguments have been made before many times and in a much better way than you have made them. Keep voting labor mate it suits you, we don't want u

  • @claudefrog
    @claudefrog 14 лет назад +3

    Johnny is great. always said rudd would destroy our great country and i was right.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla You wanna post my PMs on the video? Well here is the hilarious comment that you had to delete because it was so embarrassing for everyone to see. Cunnamullafalla wrote: "Look, the truth is that I really wanted to be the Prime Minister of Australia but I was held back by living in Darwin, and that is the real and true reason why I hate JH so much. I am jealous. And, I have Tourette's Syndrome and a twitch that causes me to involuntairily HIT THE CAPS LOCK whenever I am typing. "

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla Laugh away buddy, your not too smart are you. Do have any idea how much money he is going to make if 1% of all Australians buy the book. Think before you speak, anyway those focus groups are regularly unreliable. He will sell plenty, look how much publicity it is already getting. You should buy it and read it twice, you might learn something and you can then make some intelligent arguments against him.

  • @abarford1
    @abarford1 12 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla There's one thing I really hate about the common Australian person when it comes to politics, unless you're voting in the electorate of Griffith you can't vote for Kevin Rudd. It's upto the party to elect whom they think can lead the government and they can change it anytime they wish, all of the members of parliament have been voted in, this is Australia not America.

  • @UnoriginallyInclined
    @UnoriginallyInclined 14 лет назад

    I was in that generation and what I did know was what Howard had gotten us into. He lost because of workchoices and only has himself to blame. People are sick of a Labor government now, as they should be, what with their continuous policy disasters. Soon enough the Coalition will mess up too, and then everyone will get sick of them. It's already started. I notice Abbot doesn't want the Treasury to look at how he plans to pay for his promises, funny that.

  • @MrFunxy
    @MrFunxy 13 лет назад

    The economy doesn't only rely on the mining industry, and the economy has been doing very well despite this "Big New Tax" especially in comparison to every other country affected by the GFC as a result of Kevin Rudd's very good decision. There's a reason that Howard not only lost the election, but his seat with pretty much the whole nation against him. How bout we move forward :D, I trust that you have strong support for Tony Abbott then eh?

  • @daniel46211
    @daniel46211 14 лет назад

    Good things for Australia?! Really....

  • @TheLolbot3000
    @TheLolbot3000 14 лет назад

    i wish we still had him. Kevin is... not very good

  • @MaxwellBennett
    @MaxwellBennett 14 лет назад

    @australia7003 Good on ya mate.

  • @MrPezzzz
    @MrPezzzz 15 лет назад +1

    I miss John Howard

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla These are complicated matters mate, they cannot be addressed in 500 character messages, wake up!

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla If you are honest with yourself you would realise that all I tried to do was have a civilized conversation with you. You made that impossible by being insulting and immature. I thought you would be more reasonable in private message, plus we wouldn't have to restrict to 500 characters. Just look back at the early posts, you can see that clearly.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @Gastoff1975 LOL Yeah ok tough guy. Firstly I never threatened him. Secondly I tried to keep the discussion civilized for ages and this guy just continued to get personal and rave garbage about our former PM. Butt kicked? I don't know where you get that from. The guy hasn't got an original or intelligent thought in his head.

  • @sashatagger3858
    @sashatagger3858 14 лет назад


  • @IlijaBoxing
    @IlijaBoxing 13 лет назад +1

    your eyebrows need a divorce

  • @LadyFlusterbustle
    @LadyFlusterbustle 14 лет назад

    Please can we have him in the UK? He's fantastic and left you Aussies quids in.

  • @myjizzureye
    @myjizzureye 14 лет назад

    @australia7003 I think your holding back there a bit, could you be a little more forward with us?

  • @Srekwah
    @Srekwah 15 лет назад

    After the last election I turned my back on Australia's media and entertainment industry for good. I'm almost at the point where I have to ask of anyone wanting a favour from me who they voted for last election before I lift a finger on their behalf - if it's Rudd i give them the bum rush out the door and a get stuffed to go on with.

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla Look mate I am going to try to pay you some respect and I will listen to your arguments with an open mind if you in consideration will promise to pay me the same respect. If you want to take the discussion further could you please send me a private message on my channel so that we are not restricted by this bloody character limit. I will try to explain to you my opinions and why I hold them and you can do the same.

  • @googleme19802000
    @googleme19802000 13 лет назад

    your leader looks funny

  • @alphabravo431
    @alphabravo431 14 лет назад +1

    Greatest Australian ever !

  • @Mike_Benz_
    @Mike_Benz_ 14 лет назад

    His good man

  • @LadyFlusterbustle
    @LadyFlusterbustle 14 лет назад

    If only we could have him in the UK we wouldn't be in the mess we are now.

  • @quaidnomore
    @quaidnomore 13 лет назад

    I am so glad I don't vote! the only thing I would vote for is to change Australias name to Ausfailya!

  • @thompsonmatthew
    @thompsonmatthew 13 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla can't be bothered arguing with you

  • @adenowa3232
    @adenowa3232 14 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla One final thing. I am going try to leave this conversation on a positive. I respect the fact that you have an interest in government, although misinformed, I think you have a genuine love for Australia and you are passionate about it. I respect that. That is why we both came here because we are passionate about Australia and its people. That is what is important. Being interested in the future of this great country, no matter what side of politics you happen to be on. DONE.

  • @thompsonmatthew
    @thompsonmatthew 13 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla u mad bro?

  • @thompsonmatthew
    @thompsonmatthew 13 лет назад

    @cunnamullafalla *yawns* cool story bro

  • @benf99
    @benf99 13 лет назад

    What a top bloke