Whenever I watch sandstorm play scythe, it makes me feel like I want to play the weapon, but then I remember I am not sandstorm and I end up gimping my self
That's what i love abt him, in a meta filled with axe and hammer and passive playing, this guy goes all out and always goes for the sickest shit, he never played passive and he's never on defense
@Friskyboi_ that’s why he’s my favorite player, I love watching his agressive play style and his sick plays in such a passive meta and him being the best player in the world shows that being passive isn’t the only way to play the game.
For any one wondering, being the world champion doesn't ****necessarily**** mean that you're the best player, however, it's a very good basis. Pugsy won grand finals last time, making him the world champion that season, but I doubt people would've called him the best player then. No hate to sandstorm btw, I love him and root for him every tourney, just giving a little exposition is all
@@Miles_Moraless silver to gold. gold to plat. Plat to diamond. The joke is that all the normies will see sandstorm winning with cannon so they'll also start playing cannon and because its pretty op rn it would be really cancerous
Scythe has been feeling very weird lately. And i wouldn't pick it up if you're newer or was thinking about it. Just my opinion before i watch this video. AFTER this video i agree with everything Sandstorm says. As much as i love scythe, there's just i feel is much better weapons. But i love scythe and i don't think i'd drop it.
I was watching an eggsoup vid and he was saying how scythe is the hardest weapon in the game and then there's axe and lance that are the easiest and way better but in his opinion scythe should be the best weapon in the game since its the hardest and axe and lance should be the worst which I completely agree with and it sucks that its the complete opposite rn in the meta.
Scythe is fine as it is. If anything it doesn't struggle against any of the meta weapons. I just believe players are either lazy or discouraged about learning it, so they usually go for another weapon. Ever since I mained scythe, I been having a lot of decent matchups across the board.
Every pro player: changes there main depending on the meta, take them lvl 100 Sandstorm: has stuck to mordex most of his career (except when he played fait bc of gauntlets nerf) casually has him lvl 82 Edit: stop 3:38
That doesn’t make sense. Cody always plays Barraza. And every other pro started playing the game before sandstorm did. And sandstorm only used to play Nix and Mirage not Mordex.
heavy weapon meta and the way that you have to play around it to win i think, idk bc i don't follow the pro scene anymore (became boring af) but I still feel safe to say that's why.
it's also the way how passive play is more rewarding than aggressive, they need to come up with a way to balance them both out or make passive play have some sort of disadvantage.
@@PR0J3CTMKU same, though I feel there is a way to counter passive play, we just have to figure it out. passives are the patient type, the people who think before they head in, so how do you beat someone who thinks a lot? simple, don't give them time to think. bum rush them and submit them into a position they'd find uncomfortable
fun fact scythe is the only weapon with only true combos from air attacks and only weapon to have NEGATIVE STUN OFF GETTING A HIT hard dlight has more end lag then stun making how i see it the worst move in the game for multiple reasons and the fact scythe has true combos only on 1 legend and almost no one else is sad along with being able to attack out of combos and jump out of alot of start to combos is just stupid scythe rn people say is insane because it can read but scythe can read yes but since day one sandstorm has said that it cant kill it has bad landing options coming to stage it also has bad stun and now shit hitboxes on rec for no reason at all. edit: there are good parts scythe has really nice momentum and fast punishes and one of the only weapons to have a true combo into itself which is dair to dair offstage and reading isnt harder then like lance but ive got 240 hours on scythe alone and over 90 clips with the game ik what im talking about when i say the weapon wont get buffed because they fear it being good like when it came out if you need proof look at the old gp and n light nair that shit was insane but like GS people complained and it got nerfed in the ground so hard it wont get out of the hole because the devs fear what it could be not to say you cant use it and do well but like sandstorm says "why play scythe when you have better picks" hes right why spend 200 hours on a weapon to do what you could do with 100 hours on axe if you need proof look at most of plat vs scythe. scythe is also the only weapon to have almost no positive matchups only negatives like with lance hammer and axe (axe not as much but still not good) but by all means if you think im wrong im glad to have a debate on it :) one last edit i just did some research on scythe and well i found the stuns: SCYTHE MOVES STUN Dair (no active input): -2 stun Dair (active input): -2 stun Nair (no active input): +6 stun Nair (active input): -2 stun Sair: +2 stun Rec: +2 stun GP: -6 stun Nlight: +3 stun Slight (soft): +0 stun Slight (hard): +0 stun Dlight (no active input): +2 stun Dlight (active input): -3 stun Throw Weapon: +8 stun
All I have 2 say is he didn’t claim that since day 1, day 1 he found mordex then bcx came around and scythe and gaunts were hard meta xd but ye scythe rn (or string weapon’s that don’t got 3 hit true combos) lookin kinda rough at the moment
@@gamist8166 well day one im being over kill more in the earlier days when he sparring cosolix saying scythe isnt that good and its landing options are awful (didnt mean day 1 he played it)
Leonardo Lopes He is going to fight conor mcgregor in a 2 fight deal. 1 in brawlhalla where I think mcgregor mains wu shang, and boomie on the diana.. However they will also fight bare bones just fists in the ring but boomie needs to train for that so he took a break. Their fight will be in august the 15th
Something that I think that will make ppl play more scythe would be buffing It, 'cause even the GP is weak, so it's kinda weak now, plus the Cannon buff recently was amazing, making many players change to Cannon now
Sandstorm is ma true inspiration for scythe... When I see the things he can do it's just insane... I hope BMG hears this and buffs scythe a bit more ^_^
listen sandstorm, ive loked up to you for so long, as soon as i heard of you and seen you play i bought mordex and i main him. im still inside of gold heh but dont worry. im going to try to get into tournaments. and ry to do things ive never really done before in brawlhalla but. thank you sandstorm for making me happy when i watch your videos. but fr go with mordex or else more golds will pick fait lmao :)
I AGREED WITH THE WHOLE VID, scythe is just not the meta in tournaments, I play it because of just the things you can do with it. Recently I’ve moved from mordex to fait for a bit and her sigs are insane and her orb is just so smooth. I feel he should play Petra in tournaments or a non-scythe legend (so not Fait) He can play gauntlets really well and potentially great at orb
I have a question. I have been playing for about 6 months on controller and last season i finally got to low plat, my question is if there is a competitive advantage with keyboard and if so is it worth going from controller to keyboard even if i have gotten used to controller in brawl. All i want is to get better and better at brawl, so any help would be great.
yes you should undoubtedly switch. keyboard is way better. you can still do good with controller because pros like ethan and cosolix both use controller but a majority of others use keyboard
3:53 Wu Shang vs Brynn
best anime fight ever.
Underrated comment😂
Omg you don't know how thankful I am that someone noticed. I never would've 😂😂😂
@@yuzaki4757 I don’t get it
@@starstruck_xx so basically I wouldn't have laughed like I did if that person didn't point out Wu shang and Brynn's fight
Whenever I watch sandstorm play scythe, it makes me feel like I want to play the weapon, but then I remember I am not sandstorm and I end up gimping my self
Hhhh just play what Ur confortable with ❤️
I feel u
That's what i love abt him, in a meta filled with axe and hammer and passive playing, this guy goes all out and always goes for the sickest shit, he never played passive and he's never on defense
@Friskyboi_ that’s why he’s my favorite player, I love watching his agressive play style and his sick plays in such a passive meta and him being the best player in the world shows that being passive isn’t the only way to play the game.
Boomie: I have the loudest keyboard
Sandstorm’s keyboard: Are u challenging me?
eggsoup keyboard: lol
Then eggsoups should be the endboss
Eggsoups keyboard earrape
Eggsoup: am i a joke to u
idk man i got a reddragon i honestly think i take dark souls boss level for clickiness
Me: gets a dodge read with scythe
My opponent: jumps out of my string
Me: ok back to diana
Imagine being a geometry dash RUclipsr beating bloodlust, then becomes m a y b e the best player in brawlhalla...
As far as we know he most likely is the best player in brawlhalla at the moment
He is the best player in brawlhala at the moment
He is lol, he’s the world champion
For any one wondering, being the world champion doesn't ****necessarily**** mean that you're the best player, however, it's a very good basis.
Pugsy won grand finals last time, making him the world champion that season, but I doubt people would've called him the best player then.
No hate to sandstorm btw, I love him and root for him every tourney, just giving a little exposition is all
Sandstorm when cannon scythe legend comes out: oh yea, its all coming together.
Ohhhh how the turn tables
Unrelated but am I the only person with terrible lag recently
I can’t wait for a scythe cannon legend to come out if it does
dude i legit played u in experimental (PB btw) and i was thinking "dam this guy could go pro"
nice profile pic
He is pro one world championship and Ltc this year
@@dantesiew He didn't realise it was Sandstorm
You didnt know who sandstorm was? What rock have you been under tf
Rainn he doesn’t rock his name in game
Sandstorm on lobby: yah fait and mordex are good.
Sandstorm when playing: *Philosopher*
What do you mean by rank up? Just curious
@@Miles_Moraless silver to gold. gold to plat. Plat to diamond. The joke is that all the normies will see sandstorm winning with cannon so they'll also start playing cannon and because its pretty op rn it would be really cancerous
It would be cool to see some scythe action
Sandstorm: comes back after making him mad
Bodvar:”hammer recovery”
Sandstorm:wow that’s some stun
Me:someone finally said it
Facts bro
"this match is gonna be over in 3 minutes"
gold players: ....Naturally
That reminds me the Manfred von karma trial in ace attorney Phoenix wright
High elo EU: ....rookie numbers
watch till end
Nah i just watch the MONSTER PART :D, keep being good bro
No u >:(
Would you play a cannon scythe legend
Okay sandstorm what ever you say
I love click click click click voice
Sandstorm: I might play fait
Kids Stuck in gold: "oh fait you say"
Am gols :D
Lol my matches ate depressing against fait with the servers making the game unplayable
Oliver Marshall brawlhalla has literally some of the best servers in fighting games rn, mostly because of their great netcode
@@simondelwal8279 nah
@@simondelwal8279 the servers are laggy asf
Sandstorm:"You do things like that, you just want to play scythe"
*everyone else quiting after trying to pull off a sandstorm and sd'ing*
Sad to see my favorite 2v2 disappear
yo sandstorm, your commentary is too loud I can't hear the keyboard
This man would be a monster if there was a legend with canon and sycthe
He is already a monster 😂🤦♀️
That just sounds like aids
Thats prob why there isnt
This comment is so annoying imo it's under every video about sandstorm
That's my dream they are my best 2 weapons I would destroy people left and right
Scythe has been feeling very weird lately. And i wouldn't pick it up if you're newer or was thinking about it. Just my opinion before i watch this video. AFTER this video i agree with everything Sandstorm says. As much as i love scythe, there's just i feel is much better weapons. But i love scythe and i don't think i'd drop it.
I was watching an eggsoup vid and he was saying how scythe is the hardest weapon in the game and then there's axe and lance that are the easiest and way better but in his opinion scythe should be the best weapon in the game since its the hardest and axe and lance should be the worst which I completely agree with and it sucks that its the complete opposite rn in the meta.
Scythe is fine as it is. If anything it doesn't struggle against any of the meta weapons. I just believe players are either lazy or discouraged about learning it, so they usually go for another weapon. Ever since I mained scythe, I been having a lot of decent matchups across the board.
I think it's just a weapon you really have to dedicate to
@@odindarkll3706 scythe is not fine at it is. It's not rewarding enough.
@@SafetyKitten true the damge is wonky if u can't do strings
4:25 That gauntlet play is slept on...
I have a question, would a potential Scythe/Cannon Legend grab your attention if it's ever developed?
4:18 “onyx the win button” 😭😭😭
Feminists: YOU GO GIRL!
@@microsoftword9080 woman moment
@@ThePikeOfDestiny ah crap it's the wamen.
@@ahmadzubir5811 its time for a nerf of their rights
I have that with my artemis... i hate bringing the lance out- but once i do, i never lose
Really love watching these casual videos, I'm really learning a lot from how you play.
The fact that he only has a level 82 mordex is scary
Not really the level scaling in this game is ridiculous
His onyx is an even lower level.
If you think about it, hammer neutral light is just a couple of kicks, so it makes sense for it to have startup similar to unarmed
1:22 x0,5 speed. you know when you see it
Yeah it's a glitch where you press left and right arrow at the same time only on keyboard but it does not work on console
Onyx vulkov
I don't see it, someone please explain
Shinobi X you will see onyx holding the cup like volkov instead of holding her cannon
5:15 whoever edited that must keep up the good work :)
Loves how he uploads this at 6 in the morning lmao
its nearly 8 pm 4 me
It's almost 11 for me
2:47am in cali
exactly lol its 5 am
I love how im watching it at 6 too lmao
Every pro player: changes there main depending on the meta, take them lvl 100
Sandstorm: has stuck to mordex most of his career (except when he played fait bc of gauntlets nerf) casually has him lvl 82
Edit: stop 3:38
That doesn’t make sense. Cody always plays Barraza. And every other pro started playing the game before sandstorm did. And sandstorm only used to play Nix and Mirage not Mordex.
@@_Snix wow really(about him not always playing mordex)
This is an alt account I think?
@@hakimlengani6968 no he just changes his name alot
@@_Snix I never seen him play nix or mirage in 1s but ok
0:56 I DEADASS SAID “i’m doing fantastic sandstorm, how are you” AND I FREAKED OUT WHEN HE RESPONDED
sandstorm:gunna make a scythe guide *everyone liked that*
About the other guy...Thank God for not sticking to ulgrim...this legend is the example of winning without any skills required
What's the song name from your latest vid(keybaord asmr (clips only)) on twitch at 1:47:55.
1 month of waiting, and still waiting for scythe guide
When his keyboard went: keldkfkrkelejjrjfkfifjrwkwoos
*I felt it*
Every time sandstorm complains about the game
Brawlhalla: intensively taking notes
Can you make a top 10 best characters in your opinion video or just a vid about the advantages and disadvantages of certain characters
IN SteelSeries, do Fait with cat on head and then do sunglasses taunt
I like he said oh no like he couldn't stop it
can we appreciate the fact that in out of the 5 games he played he had 4 really cool clips 2:34 5:14 8:42 11:10
"The control I have on orb is amazing" immediately fast falls into a mine
Whenever I watch you play scythe, I learn a new input or string.
I love how in the second match at the very end you get him off stage and string him and go . OH NO OH NO
Hey, has something happened to the game as of late? Feels like pro games are a lot more slow paced now than the games from about a year ago.
heavy weapon meta and the way that you have to play around it to win i think, idk bc i don't follow the pro scene anymore (became boring af) but I still feel safe to say that's why.
it's also the way how passive play is more rewarding than aggressive, they need to come up with a way to balance them both out or make passive play have some sort of disadvantage.
havocroadd passivity in brawl pisses me off so i usually try to not give any room to breathe in order to remain in control of neutral
@@PR0J3CTMKU same, though I feel there is a way to counter passive play, we just have to figure it out. passives are the patient type, the people who think before they head in, so how do you beat someone who thinks a lot? simple, don't give them time to think. bum rush them and submit them into a position they'd find uncomfortable
"Onyx, the win button"- Sandstorm
Me: im gonna enter the steel series tournament
Also me: realizes sandstorm is in it
Sandstorm: ima bust out the onyx
Is there a joke here or am I missing it?
Theluciofamily my confidence went down.
@@dccwurdless714 don't worry buddy, join the rest of us. The zero confidence club
you probably wont get to play him anyways
kiiturii ikr.
Dude your so good and you make me wanna keep playing and Getting better that’s why your my favourite
16:00 bodvar playing like his life is on the line just to get bodied anyway, how unfortunate
Brawl players in a nutshell
the combo I shared on discord right after world championships then orb recovery got f***ed so hard
Damn I would love to see a video about bows
You have on boomie channel
Sandstorm: scythe is the key to bullying
6:20 he simply explains why him and boomie are not a duo anymore
fun fact scythe is the only weapon with only true combos from air attacks and only weapon to have NEGATIVE STUN OFF GETTING A HIT hard dlight has more end lag then stun making how i see it the worst move in the game for multiple reasons and the fact scythe has true combos only on 1 legend and almost no one else is sad along with being able to attack out of combos and jump out of alot of start to combos is just stupid scythe rn people say is insane because it can read but scythe can read yes but since day one sandstorm has said that it cant kill it has bad landing options coming to stage it also has bad stun and now shit hitboxes on rec for no reason at all.
edit: there are good parts scythe has really nice momentum and fast punishes and one of the only weapons to have a true combo into itself which is dair to dair offstage and reading isnt harder then like lance but ive got 240 hours on scythe alone and over 90 clips with the game ik what im talking about when i say the weapon wont get buffed because they fear it being good like when it came out
if you need proof look at the old gp and n light nair that shit was insane but like GS people complained and it got nerfed in the ground so hard it wont get out of the hole because the devs fear what it could be not to say you cant use it and do well but like sandstorm says "why play scythe when you have better picks" hes right why spend 200 hours on a weapon to do what you could do with 100 hours on axe if you need proof look at most of plat vs scythe. scythe is also the only weapon to have almost no positive matchups only negatives like with lance hammer and axe (axe not as much but still not good) but by all means if you think im wrong im glad to have a debate on it :)
one last edit i just did some research on scythe and well i found the stuns:
Dair (no active input): -2 stun
Dair (active input): -2 stun
Nair (no active input): +6 stun
Nair (active input): -2 stun
Sair: +2 stun
Rec: +2 stun
GP: -6 stun
Nlight: +3 stun
Slight (soft): +0 stun
Slight (hard): +0 stun
Dlight (no active input): +2 stun
Dlight (active input): -3 stun
Throw Weapon: +8 stun
All I have 2 say is he didn’t claim that since day 1, day 1 he found mordex then bcx came around and scythe and gaunts were hard meta xd but ye scythe rn (or string weapon’s that don’t got 3 hit true combos) lookin kinda rough at the moment
@@gamist8166 well day one im being over kill more in the earlier days when he sparring cosolix saying scythe isnt that good and its landing options are awful (didnt mean day 1 he played it)
if scythe is kinda difficult in the current patch what about the petra pick?
gauntlets are just ok, they aren't anything special atm....
Tino Alexej Tešin gauntlets are top tier right now, that’s why sandstorm is playing someone like onyx instead of sidra or xull
When are you gonna stream again? And also what about the Garnet pick
i completely agree with everything, especially the hammer stuff lmao
I have level 60 Thor
@@chad4life1 ok Chad
@@chad4life1 I got a level 77 Wu Shang OwO
The king of shattering mental and dont get me started on the finishes awooooooooooooo
Boomie: retiring
Also boomie: hi low tier city :)
Now that’s sad sandstorm boomie won’t be a thing for a while
He only wanted to take a break for a while.
Yeh. Remmy is gonna team with boomie until boomie returns for real
Wait what happen to Bommie?
Leonardo Lopes nothing
Leonardo Lopes He is going to fight conor mcgregor in a 2 fight deal. 1 in brawlhalla where I think mcgregor mains wu shang, and boomie on the diana.. However they will also fight bare bones just fists in the ring but boomie needs to train for that so he took a break. Their fight will be in august the 15th
Would you play a legend with sythe and cannon then??
1:22 onyx volkov xd
Kinda reminds me of how Shwerpy to his Scarlet lol
no one:
The game according to youtube:
it do be like dat doe
Love the 5am uploads
omg there is literally no self promoters, that's new
This man I swear is all the content I need for an ETERNITY
i showed these reads to hitler, he won world war 2
I miss the good ol times when you people existed with these amazing messed up jokes.
Boomie: my keyboard is the LOUDEST. 1:41 sandstorm: hold my beer
Bro he uploads this as I’m going to sleep since it’s 5 am
Glad your committed to RUclips and twitch now :)
Something that I think that will make ppl play more scythe would be buffing It, 'cause even the GP is weak, so it's kinda weak now, plus the Cannon buff recently was amazing, making many players change to Cannon now
Me: You pushed the onyx button
Sandstorm: you shouldn't have did that
At this point i was just replaying the video so my man get more ad money
Ayo sanstorm what s your keyboard i love the sound
Love ypur videos btw
Sandstorm how many hours you got?
Yes, Gnash and ulgrim, my fav cannon characters 5:33
Legit thought the same thing xd
I play on ps4 but im really good so i just answer a question to you , can i be a pro like you or not because i don t have chance with a controller ?
How do you feel about petra? Also what would you feel about a orb cannon?
Which Keyboard are you using? I couldn't find any info about that in the interwebs. ty
For a bit i thought the title said "...Scythe or NAI?" damn, that'd the best plot-twist 2020 has seen yet.
What is the color the hattori in the start of the video is using, and how do you get it?
Sandstorm is ma true inspiration for scythe... When I see the things he can do it's just insane... I hope BMG hears this and buffs scythe a bit more ^_^
Oh yes lets make an already broken weapon even more broken
@@Palmacry95 not broken 🤣
@@Palmacry95 you prolly just mad bc you get destroyed and yes it needs a buff
@@club9366 no lol
@@Palmacry95 it's not broken it does little damage and it has little hit boxes and it's hard to learn
Do you always use the speed stance or do u use defense stance too
listen sandstorm, ive loked up to you for so long, as soon as i heard of you and seen you play i bought mordex and i main him. im still inside of gold heh but dont worry. im going to try to get into tournaments. and ry to do things ive never really done before in brawlhalla but. thank you sandstorm for making me happy when i watch your videos. but fr go with mordex or else more golds will pick fait lmao
Id like to know when you gc a dlight on gauntlets after a wiffed slight or a bait slight are you just spamming dodge?
I AGREED WITH THE WHOLE VID, scythe is just not the meta in tournaments, I play it because of just the things you can do with it. Recently I’ve moved from mordex to fait for a bit and her sigs are insane and her orb is just so smooth. I feel he should play Petra in tournaments or a non-scythe legend (so not Fait) He can play gauntlets really well and potentially great at orb
if there whas a champ with cannon and scythe would you play it sandstorm?
What is the Sandstorm keyboard switch?
Are you making a scythe guide soon?
It would be so cool to see a scythe canon character. two combo/string weapons would be cool
I have a question. I have been playing for about 6 months on controller and last season i finally got to low plat, my question is if there is a competitive advantage with keyboard and if so is it worth going from controller to keyboard even if i have gotten used to controller in brawl. All i want is to get better and better at brawl, so any help would be great.
yes you should undoubtedly switch. keyboard is way better. you can still do good with controller because pros like ethan and cosolix both use controller but a majority of others use keyboard
No, it literally doesn't matter. It's all personal preference and what you're comfortable with.
@@yawn2274 oh alright, i think ill keep playing conrroller as it is what i'm comfortable with and i don't wanna learn movement all over again
Is he using a black widow or a hunstman like which key caps is he using they sound so nice
i think that you should keep mordex becuase you are so good with him.
Fun fact: whenever i see a mordex my mind is like its SANDSTORM
please try zariel... his sigs are up there with fait and itd be a sick pocket pick to watch
When they nerf cannon whats the go to pick gonna be for u?
Whats up with the break with boomie?
Yes a Werewolf vs The Demonic Queen fight.
Cool video good gameplay and keyboard admr
Them platform movements though are crazy
Honestly I find sandstorms videos relaxing
Me in the ps4 party by myself at 7 in the morning 0:52
Not funny very weird
TTV Mosquile who
@@linnyXO who
I loved to see mordex again