@@schiniedakelly1320 we are located in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 860-719-1623 860-881-8860 We are also on Instagram : @menezarchitecture. Thank you !!
Hello, Is approximately 17,000 Sq Ft of Market area + another 6,000 Sq Ft of Warehouse / Utility. and price to build may vary. Thank you for your comment !
Que bonito Wao felicidades mi hermano que Dios lo siga bendiciendo siempre
Amen, muchisimas gracias !
You are the Good, Best & Wonderful designer & sketch ♥
Nice functional and aesthetic design - and super animation. Great job guys! The music fit perfectly.
Thank you !!!
@@schiniedakelly1320 Hello ! Absolutely, our contact information is in the description of the video ! Thank you for contacting us !
@@menezarchitecture I can't fine you on wassup what's your country code
@@menezarchitecture what's your country code cause we can't fine you on Wassup list out full number
@@schiniedakelly1320 we are located in Hartford, Connecticut, USA.
We are also on Instagram : @menezarchitecture.
Thank you !!
Thanks for this 👏👏
Super keren
Thank you!
this is awesome! what tool this 3d architecture is designed at?
Very nice 👍 I have a question for you can you do one if I give you the architect plan
Hi !
yes, absolutely
please email us at Menezarchitecture@hotmail.com
thank you for contacting us !
How much Square feet and how much to build and put in everything in place?
Is approximately 17,000 Sq Ft of Market area + another 6,000 Sq Ft of Warehouse / Utility.
and price to build may vary.
Thank you for your comment !
Cuanto es la medida del establecimiento?
vaa kya djine h cr .ka kharcha hoga 5000 sq fit jagah hogi
Hi !! It would be a pleasure! Please Contact us !
860-719-1623 , 860-881-8860 or Menezarchitecture@hotmail.com
Thank you !
how much will it take to build such a structure
kitna Katha jamin me yesa ban payega
Dış gorunuşü varmdir acaba
How to make bro
how to squarefit
1 design front size 30 feet & 55 feet
I want design supermarket for 2600 squares feet
Hi !! It would be a pleasure! Please Contact us !
860-719-1623 , 860-881-8860 or Menezarchitecture@hotmail.com
Thank you !