오늘 저의 실수로 인해 엄마와 아빠가 힘들어 하는 순간이 만들어져 가족 모두가 힘들어 했던 순간이 있었습니다. 좋은 날이 안좋은 날로 기억의 남는 순간이 되어버렸지요. 그리고 이제 쉴 수 있는 시간이 와서 아라님의 다이어리 만드는 영상을 보니 마음이 조금 차분해지는 것 같네요. 영상 만들어주셔서 감사합니다. 앞으로도 좋은 영상 만들어주세요. 늘 좋은 일만 가득하길 바랍니다!
I stopped watching the videos of this account for a while because the RUclips notifications did not appear, but now that I came back I realized that your account is big now ARALAND, thank you very much for your videos, give me a lot of peace to see how you organize your journal, everything you do is very nice 🌺🌸🌷
안녕하세요 아라님. 이번주도 평안히, 건강히 보내셨나요? 저는 다시 시작된 캠퍼스 생활에 정신이 없답니다. 학교 간다고 설레어 할 나이는 한참 지난 것 같은데도, 캠퍼스가 주는 기운이라는게 참 묘합니다. 푸르게 잔디가 깔린 운동장을 건물 창문 너머로 바라보며 봄바람을 쐬고 있으니 다음날 다시 학교에 오고싶은 기분이 되었거든요. 아라님의 목표는 그림 쪽으로 방향이 잡혔군요! 지난번 아이스크림트럭이 있는 배경 펜드로잉을 하실 때도그렇고 이번 벽걸이 식물을 그리실 때도 보니 초목의 푸름을 잘 표현하시는 것 같아요. 제가 녹색을 좋아해서 유독 집중해 보아 그런 걸까요? 😉😉🍃 아앗 연필스케치 하실때 파밧 지우개를 집어드는 모습이 제가 스케치 할 때랑 겹쳐보여 웃었어요ㅋㅋㅋ 아이고~ 다시그려야겠다~~ 싶어서 북북북 지우게 되는데 가끔은 그리다가 마음에 안들어서 전부 지워버리기도 하고 그냥 오늘은 그림그리는 날이 아닌가보다~ 하면서 그리던걸 그만둬 버리기도 해요. 어느 때는 그림 그리는걸 사랑하면서도 싫어질 때가 있었는데, 오늘 영상을 보면서는 마음의 환기를 하고 가는 것 같아요. 아라님께도 그림이, 그림을 그린다는게 오래오래 사랑하는 것이 되면 좋겠습니다. 이번 영상도 즐겁게 보았어요. 늘 감사합니다🥰
윤서님 안녕하세요~! 이번주에 조금 컨디션이 안 좋아져서 자가키트를 두 번 했는데 모두 음성이 나왔어요, 다행이었어요😂 금요일부터는 차츰 제 컨디션으로 돌아와서 어제는 마트도 다녀오고 했답니다~ 윤서님은 캠퍼스 생활을 다시 시작하셨군요! 아아 제가 다 기쁩니다😆👏👏 맞아요, 윤서님 말씀대로 캠퍼스가 주는 기운은 참 묘하고 다른 어떤 것으로 대체할 수 없는 것 같아요. 특히 봄학기가 시작할 때는 설레는 마음이 들더라구요. 벚꽃시즌에 중간고사랑 겹쳐서 늘 아쉬워하던 마음도 기억나요☺🌸최근에 어딘가에서 본 글인데, 한국인에게는 새해가 세 번 있대요. 1월 1일, 음력 설, 그리고 3월 2일(아마 개학하는 날 뜻하는 거 같아요)ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 윤서님의 캠퍼스 생활이 언제나 싱그럽게 기억되시기 바랍니다~ '그림 그리는 걸 사랑하면서도 싫어질 때'! 아 저랑 정말 같은 감정이시군요 >.< 전 특히나 기복이 심해서 자기 전에 '내일은 이걸 그려야지'라고 생각해놓고도 다음날 '오늘은 그릴 기분이 아니야'하곤 해요. 늘 저보다 잘 그리시는 분들의 그림을 보면서 위축되다가도 동기부여를 받기도 하고, 제 그림이 언제는 괜찮아보였다가 또 형편 없어보이기도 하구요😂ㅎㅎ 시험문제의 정답처럼 딱 떨어지는 것이 아니기 때문에 그런 것 같아요~ 하지만 아직은 즐겁기 때문에 놓지 않으려고 합니다. 그 원동력에 윤서님이 계십니다, 늘 감사드려요! 😊💕🙏
Thinking about "Youth" my mind always automatically think about the drama "A river runs through it". It is a drama where we feel like we grew up happily with them as if they are in our life. It feels like we overcame happiness, sadness, etc feeling together. It taught me many things like not everyone has a happy ending, some are meant to together and some are not...everyone had different ending. "We are like a river running straight from upstream, never look back at What kind of scenery is behind us. We go all the way forward and miss a lot, If someone could look back then maybe we could discover each other's mind or maybe each of us would have different happiness." ~ A River Runs Through it.
Thank you for watching💕❤️ And leaving lovely comment💕😍 I deeply agree with the word “We are like a river running straight from up stream”🥰 Thank you so much❤️ Hope you have wonderful day🍀
I am bit of sick this moment. Thats why i came youtube ro refresh. I tried sooo many videos...... but didn't work😥 then i watched your one😍 OMG!!!!!! NOW I am sooooo well. This is amazing sister...... THIS IS THE BEST JOURNAL I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE......❤️❤️❤️ after all sorry for my bad grammar
귀여운 저널♡ 라라랜드씨의 저널을 보면, 나도 스스로 그림을 그리고 노트를 장식해 보고 싶어집니다. 일본어의 청춘에는 미숙한 봄이라는 의미가 있습니다. 같은 봄이지만, 빛나는 봄의 날이라는 의미에는 따뜻하고 행복한 느낌이 있어 매우 멋지네요 ✨ 「벌꿀과 클로버」, 나도 정말 좋아합니다!
안녕하세요 箱山はこ님🥰한국어 댓글 정말 감사합니다~! 일본어의 청춘은 그런 의미가 있군요, 그것도 정말 맞는 말인 것 같아요 :) 「벌꿀과 클로버」 영화에서 잘 나타난 것 같아요, 정말 좋아하는 영화입니다💕 こんにちは、箱山はこさん!🥰韓国語のコメントとてもありがとうございます~ 日本語の青春にはそういう意味があるんですね、それも本当に正しい言葉だと思います。 「ハチミツとクローバー」の映画で よく現れた気がします。 本当に好きな映画です💕 良い週末を❣
Wow! Love the theme! The most wonderful time of the year Spring 🌸♥️🤩 Love the fact that you used all green to decorate the journal because Lucky is on its way! 🍀❤️
I could not be happier until you make a video sis hope you are doing great 💗 how is life with your husband and ur little cats 🐈 ❤ Love you lots sis ~ hassi
안녕하세요 아라님, 저는 지금 자가격리 이틀째에 접어들었어요. 목이너무 아파서 다른곳에 신경을 둘 필요가 있었는데, 실링왁스로 시작해서 다이어리까지 아라님 영상을 거의다봤답니다. 너무 고통스러울때는 켜놓고 자곤했어요. 그덕에 고양이가(특히 쮸쮸) 작업중에 애옹하고 울면, 아라님이 가서 쓰다듬어주는것, 친한 유투버분과는 함께 실링왁스를 찍곤 하시는것 등등을 알게되었어요. 하나하나가 모두 저에게 평온함을 가져다주었습니다. 그리고 자막으로 말씀해주시는부분을 보고 저 스스로도 위로를 받았어요. 저도 제 스스로에게 엄격한 편이라, 스스로에게 칭찬해줘야겠다는 다짐도 했답니다. 영상보며 여러가지로 도움을 받았는데, 댓글로 감사한 마음을 전하고싶어서 최근게시물에 남깁니다. 감사합니다.
안녕하세요 Winter님~ 자가격리 중이시군요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저도 오늘 확진 판정을 받고 자가격리에 접어들어서 윈터님 심정이 이해됩니다 😥목이 많이 아프신가봐요.. 아플 때는 쉽게 마음이 지치고 서러워지기도 하는데 격리까지 해야하니 더 걱정이에요. 밥이랑 약 잘 챙겨드시고 비타민, 물도 많이 드시고 얼른 나으시기 바랍니다🙏아프신 와중에도 이렇게 다정한 댓글을 남겨주셔서 정말 감동 받았어요.ㅠㅠ 제가 윈터님께 받은 것이 훨씬 더 커요, 힘내서 잘 이겨내겠습니다! 감사합니다💕
In this video you have not only done journaling but also taught us a beautiful lesson of life,that how can we become happy and strong in our hardest time by doing the things what we want. You are just like a teacher who always opens the door of new hope to find right way in our life's journey. Sorry for commenting late ,i was busy in my studies . But when i saw your video i become happy, thanks for giving us positive vibes. 🌿☘️🍃🍀🌱
I just wanted to say how much of an inspiration your channel is to me. You might feel like you are lacking skills, I feel like you are one of the most talented people I've met. Not only for your artistic skills, but because you inspire people to be better! Thank you!
Oh yes please, i'm literally for drawing tutorials by you and I'm sure you're putting yourself a lot of pressure because your drawing skills and style are amazing. You're such a great inspiration!
Beautiful journal! I used to watch Honey and Clover when I was younger (High School) but after a few years I couldn't remind the animation's name! Thanks to you now I do and I will watch it again as soon as I can. In that time Honey and Clover didn't remind me of youth, but now it does.
I love this channel a lot.... I am watching this at 12 am as I am suffering from cold.... and it is helping me heal and fight my cold thanks Ara may you always be happy
Thank you so much for this beautiful spread Ara unnie. I am so physically and mentally tired these days and your video just make me feel a bit more at ease.
Excited today to see your process into journal+drawing. Love so much for your creativity, can't wait see your digital art stickers. You always keep become my inspiration ❤🥰 happy friday from Jakarta.
Yes please make a video about how you make your videos, how do you prepare for them and where do you get your ideas from.. what equipment you use.. etc P.s: I love your videos.. they are so inspiring and therapeutic
Hi Ara🦋, I'm so grateful to be watching your vlog today! I've had a week full of inconveniences and stressful things. And to finish it off, we saw a snake🐍 in our yard this morning! All of this happened before I even had any coffee😢! The snake appeared to have been a juvenile, but it's still a bit worrying because when the snake catcher got here, we couldn't find the snake, so we're not 100% sure what it is. The snake catcher lady said she thinks it's a type of snake that is not much to worry about, since last year they found baby versions of this snake in our yard too (3 of them!🐍🐍🐍). Still, I'm the type to worry if I'm not sure. We have some very, very poisonous snakes in the more rural parts of our region👨🏽🌾( spitting cobras, rhinkals, boomslang, puff adders, sometimes black mambas😰), but for many years, us in the city suburbs🏘🏡 never saw any snakes at all. I think snakes have come to our suburbs because a lot of people keep their dogs inside at night since the pandemic. There's a lot more small wildlife now- more genets and owls, which are cute. We think the snake hid in the patch of ornamental long grass we have🌾🐍🌾, so it's too difficult to try find it because it is too small. For a moment, I even had the wild desire to have a pet meerkat like our vet does, because meerkats can fight snakes. But for me, a meerkat is supposed to be in the wild, on a game reserve. So I decided to keep my dog🐶 inside today. She is only allowed to go outside quickly for nature's needs🐕. She is old, and her eyes are a bit bad, so I don't want her to try to fight with a snake of any size. Of course, she is cross with me now. This is the stressful part of the warm seasons😥😓😵. But watching your vlog today has really helped calm my emotions. I've also been thinking a lot about "Youth" lately. 🤔I think most of my thoughts are "I wish I was still as fearless as I was", or about when I started being scared. I wonder if I was scared of bad things, or if I was scared of being embarrassed if bad things happened. I now realise a lot of my fears were not worthy of so much energy. I sometimes think I grew up to feel too responsible, and that I wish I could go on holiday right now✈🏖🚘🏕. I especially felt like that the other day when I had to take a photo📸 for my driver's license renewal. I felt I looked haggard and was cross with myself for not remembering to at least do a face mask before🙄😐🙃. Maybe because my brain feels scrambled today I can't think of recommendations for Youth theme dramas, films and books. But if I remember something, I will tell you about it. I really enjoyed the green theme of this week's journal. I find that these days I'm very drawn to green and brown. Maybe because those are the colours of nature🏞, and are very calming. I spend a lot of time looking at green and brown ink swatches 🖋on Pinterest. Watching you sketch👩🏻🎨 was also very relaxing. There is something about the sound of pencil drawing on paper ✍that is very soothing to me🥰. I really look forward to you trying to make hand drawn stickers😯. I watched some RUclips videos about it and I'm still not sure if it's easy or complicated🤔. I hope that you and your family👧🏻🧑🏻🐱🐱 have a good, safe week as the warmer weather increases🌻🌷🍀. (Edit: We found the snake at 9pm again! Luckily a snake catcher was able to catch it. I can worry a little less)
Dear Rosa🥰 As always, your comments are very comforting. After reading it, I feel very calm and relaxed. But to hear a snake appearing in your yard is really startling. It is not easy to see snakes in my country. So I have a vague fear of them. Because I've only seen them as pictures in books. I am very concerned about you and your dog. However I was relieved to hear that the snake had been found and had been caught. I hope your family is always in peace and safe🙏🍀💕 I also deeply agree with your thoughts on 'youth'. Many Koreans, including me, have strict parents. It encouraged them to have a lot of responsibility but lacked confidence. These various situations have completed my youth, and I feel that I miss it, but I also do not want to go back. It's a complicated feeling. haha. So perhaps I get comforted by seeing the shining youth of others. And over time, I feel drawn to nature. This is just like you. So I fell in love with plants and animals more🌿😻 May this planet, including us, always be peaceful and safe. Happy new start next week!
It is sooo amazing how talented you are.....you just draw from your imaginations....you help me a lot to get ideas and topics for journaling... I have watched your videos over and over again...❤❤
Hi Ara, How are you? Today's journal was really pretty💖. The yogurt looked yummy😋. And I'm really happy to see Coco once again!😻❤. Your drawings are getting gorgeous every time you draw! I'll patiently wait for your drawing tutorial and I'm sure you can teach us well Have a great weekend🍀❤
I loveeeeee green 💚💚💚💚 really love your drawing and painting today! I’m about to start watching twenty five twenty one but I want to wait until they complete all ep first. But after watching your video today. I think I should start now ☺️☺️☺️☺️. Have a great weekend Ara!
Hi May😍 Thanks a lot as always! Yeah, I know you loveeeeeee GREEN😆💚💚💚So when I think of green, I think of you! So when I think of green, I think of you. I really recommend that drama. I believe you will like it too. Have a nice day and always be safe.🙏💕🌼🍀🌿
I came across your channel 2 days ago, I must say that I really love your personality! You look like such a cute and kind person, watching your videos makes me so calm and happy, I loved the "Cherry Blossoms" video so much! I also watched the video where you talk about your favorite movies and I based on what you said I think that you would love the movie called "Children of the Sea", I watched it a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop thinking about it, it's such a beautiful movie! I recommend it to you, if you haven't seen it yet 😍💓 please stay warm, healthy, happy and take good care of yourself ❤️ I'll be back to support you again in your next vlog ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, thanks million❤️💕 And for your lovely comment🍀 I will watch the movie you recommend🥰 Maybe it is my vibe😘 Hope you have happy and wonderful day and stay healthy🍀💕❤️
I got your channel as suggestion, I did fall in love with it. So wonderful drawn. The Drama is on my list too. Isn’t out here yet. I am excited! I love the quotes and your drawing out of the movie 💚💚
Чтобы знать,что рисовать,😉 надо искать вдохновение, смотреть картины разных художников,из разных стран,ходить на природу и рисовать,что видишь вокруг ☝️☝️☝️
세상에 청춘으로 한 다꾸라니요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 여전히 아라님의 그림은... 너무 포근포근..♡♡♡ 너무 좋아요..♡♡ 후욱.. 아라님 다꾸할 때, 사운드 너무 좋아요.. 특히 마테 찢을때 푹푹(??) 뭐라그러지.. 소리 정말 좋아요.. 오늘도 잘 보고 가겠습니다♡♡♡
I'm also watching Twenty Five Twenty One (I'm currently at episode 5!) and the one you've drawn is one of my favorite scenes 🥰 Great journal, as always! 💖 It's always a delight to watch you draw and paint 🥺💕
I love the greens and teals here
잠이 안오는 늦은밤에 조금 이나마 편안하고 기분이 좋아지고 싶을 때마다 아라님의 영상을 찾아보는게 습관이 되었네요 이번 영상도 잘 보고 가요!
오늘 저의 실수로 인해 엄마와 아빠가 힘들어 하는 순간이 만들어져 가족 모두가 힘들어 했던 순간이 있었습니다. 좋은 날이 안좋은 날로 기억의 남는 순간이 되어버렸지요.
그리고 이제 쉴 수 있는 시간이 와서 아라님의 다이어리 만드는 영상을 보니 마음이 조금 차분해지는 것 같네요. 영상 만들어주셔서 감사합니다. 앞으로도 좋은 영상 만들어주세요. 늘 좋은 일만 가득하길 바랍니다!
It's really amazing ..you give me an amazing feels ..thank you very very much
와..진짜 너무이뻐요..한장한장 정성어린
글과 그림과 시간들.
먼 훗날, 일기장 보면 그때 그감성과
시간이 생각나서 눈물날것같아요..😭
음악은 매혹적이야..아라 너 대단해.. 아, 누가 이렇게 아름답게 그림을 그리고 싶지 않겠습니까...
아세요? 오늘 터키에는 눈이 내렸습니다! 3월, 즉 봄에! 이거 좋은데!
안녕하세요 Sayar님❤️댓글 정말 감사합니다! 3월에 눈이 내렸다니 놀랐어요😳☃️ 한국도 날씨가 매일 달라요, 늘 건강하시기 바랍니다🙏💕
영상도 멋지고 목소리도 너무 예쁘고 무엇보다 아랍어 번역이 있다는게 가장 아름다운데 제가 아랍인이고 한국어를 못해서 너무 아름답습니다 계속 가세요 사랑해요 💓
아라님 오늘도
좋은 영상 감사합니다^^
또 그림도 정말 잘 그리시네요^^
이영상 처음 봤는데 바로 구독 했습니다~
I stopped watching the videos of this account for a while because the RUclips notifications did not appear, but now that I came back I realized that your account is big now ARALAND, thank you very much for your videos, give me a lot of peace to see how you organize your journal, everything you do is very nice 🌺🌸🌷
Twenty-Five Twenty-One is my favorite k-drama. It was amazing 😭😭
그림너무 예뻐요.~~^^
어쩜 못하시는게 없네요~
오늘도 아기자기 예쁜다꾸 잘보고갑니다~🤍🤍😍🤍🤍
Every time I see your notification of your video my happy time begins, I am so exited to watch till the end.
Thank you💕❤️🍀 Hope you have a happy day🥰
영상이 너무 힐링되네요...
나는 당신의 콘텐츠를 사랑 해요.
I just loovvveeeee your journals . Its pretty, not overwhelming and relaxing . Just wanna say you arr talented
노트 쓰는게 별 재미 없는데, 좋은 취미 생활인 것 같아요. 보기만 해도 힐링이 되네요. 저도 해보고 싶어요.
와 너무 힐링되는 영상이었어요🙏🌟
안녕하세요 아라님. 이번주도 평안히, 건강히 보내셨나요? 저는 다시 시작된 캠퍼스 생활에 정신이 없답니다. 학교 간다고 설레어 할 나이는 한참 지난 것 같은데도, 캠퍼스가 주는 기운이라는게 참 묘합니다. 푸르게 잔디가 깔린 운동장을 건물 창문 너머로 바라보며 봄바람을 쐬고 있으니 다음날 다시 학교에 오고싶은 기분이 되었거든요.
아라님의 목표는 그림 쪽으로 방향이 잡혔군요! 지난번 아이스크림트럭이 있는 배경 펜드로잉을 하실 때도그렇고 이번 벽걸이 식물을 그리실 때도 보니 초목의 푸름을 잘 표현하시는 것 같아요. 제가 녹색을 좋아해서 유독 집중해 보아 그런 걸까요? 😉😉🍃
아앗 연필스케치 하실때 파밧 지우개를 집어드는 모습이 제가 스케치 할 때랑 겹쳐보여 웃었어요ㅋㅋㅋ 아이고~ 다시그려야겠다~~ 싶어서 북북북 지우게 되는데 가끔은 그리다가 마음에 안들어서 전부 지워버리기도 하고 그냥 오늘은 그림그리는 날이 아닌가보다~ 하면서 그리던걸 그만둬 버리기도 해요. 어느 때는 그림 그리는걸 사랑하면서도 싫어질 때가 있었는데, 오늘 영상을 보면서는 마음의 환기를 하고 가는 것 같아요. 아라님께도 그림이, 그림을 그린다는게 오래오래 사랑하는 것이 되면 좋겠습니다. 이번 영상도 즐겁게 보았어요. 늘 감사합니다🥰
윤서님 안녕하세요~! 이번주에 조금 컨디션이 안 좋아져서 자가키트를 두 번 했는데 모두 음성이 나왔어요, 다행이었어요😂 금요일부터는 차츰 제 컨디션으로 돌아와서 어제는 마트도 다녀오고 했답니다~ 윤서님은 캠퍼스 생활을 다시 시작하셨군요! 아아 제가 다 기쁩니다😆👏👏 맞아요, 윤서님 말씀대로 캠퍼스가 주는 기운은 참 묘하고 다른 어떤 것으로 대체할 수 없는 것 같아요. 특히 봄학기가 시작할 때는 설레는 마음이 들더라구요. 벚꽃시즌에 중간고사랑 겹쳐서 늘 아쉬워하던 마음도 기억나요☺🌸최근에 어딘가에서 본 글인데, 한국인에게는 새해가 세 번 있대요. 1월 1일, 음력 설, 그리고 3월 2일(아마 개학하는 날 뜻하는 거 같아요)ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 윤서님의 캠퍼스 생활이 언제나 싱그럽게 기억되시기 바랍니다~
'그림 그리는 걸 사랑하면서도 싫어질 때'! 아 저랑 정말 같은 감정이시군요 >.< 전 특히나 기복이 심해서 자기 전에 '내일은 이걸 그려야지'라고 생각해놓고도 다음날 '오늘은 그릴 기분이 아니야'하곤 해요. 늘 저보다 잘 그리시는 분들의 그림을 보면서 위축되다가도 동기부여를 받기도 하고, 제 그림이 언제는 괜찮아보였다가 또 형편 없어보이기도 하구요😂ㅎㅎ 시험문제의 정답처럼 딱 떨어지는 것이 아니기 때문에 그런 것 같아요~ 하지만 아직은 즐겁기 때문에 놓지 않으려고 합니다. 그 원동력에 윤서님이 계십니다, 늘 감사드려요! 😊💕🙏
에그앤씨드 유기농 무가당 요구르트가 진짜 맛있어요~~!~!~!~!~!
뭐든지 처음부터 잘하는 사람은 없어요 차근차근 실력을 쌓고 높여가는거죠 저는 언니가 그림을 정말 잘그린다고 생각해요 뭐든지 정답이라는 법은 없어요 참고하거나 '나는 이렇게 한다' 라고 소개해주는 거죠: ) 그러니 용기내셔도 되여!!저는 응원해요!!사랑해요 언니이이~❤
안녕하세요 애뚜님~! 좋은 말씀해주셔서 정말 감사합니다, 큰 응원이 되었어요😍앞으로도 용기내서 꾸준히 해보겠습니다! 좋은 하루 되시고 늘 건강하세요, 저도 사랑해요오💕
@@ARALAND 와아..!!답 감사해요~~❤❤용기가 되었다니 다행이에여~~
waahhhh.. this is so pretty in my eyes.. 😍
added to one of favorites works of yours.. 😊
Oh, thank you for watching😘😍
I am glad that you liked it❤️💕
Have a happy and peaceful weekend🍀😍
Thank you Ara ,for this beautiful journal:)And the way you draw and paint is fantastic.... May your summer be joyful!
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
I am glad that you liked it❤️
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
And also for your lovely summer🥰😘
Thinking about "Youth" my mind always automatically think about the drama "A river runs through it". It is a drama where we feel like we grew up happily with them as if they are in our life. It feels like we overcame happiness, sadness, etc feeling together. It taught me many things like not everyone has a happy ending, some are meant to together and some are not...everyone had different ending.
"We are like a river running straight from upstream, never look back at What kind of scenery is behind us. We go all the way forward and miss a lot, If someone could look back then maybe we could discover each other's mind or maybe each of us would have different happiness." ~ A River Runs Through it.
Thank you for watching💕❤️
And leaving lovely comment💕😍
I deeply agree with the word “We are like a river running straight from up stream”🥰
Thank you so much❤️
Hope you have wonderful day🍀
초록초록느낌 너무조아~~💚💚💚
I am bit of sick this moment. Thats why i came youtube ro refresh. I tried sooo many videos...... but didn't work😥 then i watched your one😍 OMG!!!!!! NOW I am sooooo well. This is amazing sister...... THIS IS THE BEST JOURNAL I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE......❤️❤️❤️ after all sorry for my bad grammar
저 이영상 보고 스물다섯 스물하나 정주행 중이에요 정말 인생 드라마 찾게
해주셔서 감사합니다❤
드라마 넘 재밌죠😆댓글 남겨주셔서 넘 감사합니다❤❤
너무 잘 꾸민거 같아요! 힐링 받고 갑니다~♡ 힘내세요!
응원해주셔서 감사합니다! 좋은 하루 되세요~😍
나이와 상관없이 무언가 도전하고 싶고 이룰려는 목표를 세우는게 청춘인거 것 같이요. 아라님도 하시고 싶은일 모두 이루시길 바래요 🙏🏻
맞아요~ 청춘은 그런 것 같아요! YJ님도 항상 눈부시고 건강한 날들 되시기 바랍니다, 감사합니다🥰
Its peaceful
매우 아름다운 놀라운
처음에 책제목만 보고 다이어트 책인줄 알았던 나자신 눈감아...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ 역시 청춘하면 초록이 떠올라요! 너무나 싱그럽네용
저도 책 제목만 보고는 당연히 다이어트 내용인 줄 알았어요~😆ㅎㅎ 늘 감사드려요 코코님❤️
청춘이 뭔지 다시 생각해보게 되네요. 저도 한결같이 꿈에 대한 열정과 용기를 품고 살 수 있을지...수채화 채색하실때 단계쌓으시는걸 보면 언제나 신기해요! 오늘도 예쁜 다꾸보고 힐링받고 갑니다!
안녕하세요 Alokyu님!🥰 저도 늘 그게 고민이에요~ 매일같이 열정과 용기를 잃지 않을 순 없겠지만 가끔이라도 떠올리면 좋을 거라고 생각해요💕항상 감사합니다~ 즐거운 하루 되세요😊
귀여운 저널♡
라라랜드씨의 저널을 보면, 나도 스스로 그림을 그리고 노트를 장식해 보고 싶어집니다.
일본어의 청춘에는 미숙한 봄이라는 의미가 있습니다.
같은 봄이지만, 빛나는 봄의 날이라는 의미에는 따뜻하고 행복한 느낌이 있어 매우 멋지네요 ✨ 「벌꿀과 클로버」, 나도 정말 좋아합니다!
안녕하세요 箱山はこ님🥰한국어 댓글 정말 감사합니다~!
일본어의 청춘은 그런 의미가 있군요, 그것도 정말 맞는 말인 것 같아요 :)
「벌꿀과 클로버」 영화에서 잘 나타난 것 같아요, 정말 좋아하는 영화입니다💕
「ハチミツとクローバー」の映画で よく現れた気がします。 本当に好きな映画です💕
Hotel del Luna ❤ I love this series
Wow! Love the theme! The most wonderful time of the year Spring 🌸♥️🤩
Love the fact that you used all green to decorate the journal because Lucky is on its way! 🍀❤️
Hi Crystal💕❤️ Thank you for coming like always🥰
Spring is coming it’s way🍀
Have a lovely weekend😘💕
I could not be happier until you make a video sis hope you are doing great 💗 how is life with your husband and ur little cats 🐈 ❤
Love you lots sis ~ hassi
Hi Hassi💕❤️
Thank you for coming😍
My family is doing well👍 Thank you for asking🥰
Hope happiness in your weekend life🍀
안녕하세요 아라님, 저는 지금 자가격리 이틀째에 접어들었어요. 목이너무 아파서 다른곳에 신경을 둘 필요가 있었는데, 실링왁스로 시작해서 다이어리까지 아라님 영상을 거의다봤답니다. 너무 고통스러울때는 켜놓고 자곤했어요. 그덕에 고양이가(특히 쮸쮸) 작업중에 애옹하고 울면, 아라님이 가서 쓰다듬어주는것, 친한 유투버분과는 함께 실링왁스를 찍곤 하시는것 등등을 알게되었어요. 하나하나가 모두 저에게 평온함을 가져다주었습니다. 그리고 자막으로 말씀해주시는부분을 보고 저 스스로도 위로를 받았어요. 저도 제 스스로에게 엄격한 편이라, 스스로에게 칭찬해줘야겠다는 다짐도 했답니다. 영상보며 여러가지로 도움을 받았는데, 댓글로 감사한 마음을 전하고싶어서 최근게시물에 남깁니다. 감사합니다.
안녕하세요 Winter님~ 자가격리 중이시군요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저도 오늘 확진 판정을 받고 자가격리에 접어들어서 윈터님 심정이 이해됩니다 😥목이 많이 아프신가봐요.. 아플 때는 쉽게 마음이 지치고 서러워지기도 하는데 격리까지 해야하니 더 걱정이에요. 밥이랑 약 잘 챙겨드시고 비타민, 물도 많이 드시고 얼른 나으시기 바랍니다🙏아프신 와중에도 이렇게 다정한 댓글을 남겨주셔서 정말 감동 받았어요.ㅠㅠ 제가 윈터님께 받은 것이 훨씬 더 커요, 힘내서 잘 이겨내겠습니다! 감사합니다💕
You start a drama and you wait for its new episode every week, that's how I'm waiting for your videos Ara🤗🌼🌸
OMG Thank you for lovely comment💕❤️ Have a perfect weekend🍀
thank you, have a happy weekend💕❤️🌼
Amazing video with beautiful drawing and message behind it...
In this video you have not only done journaling but also taught us a beautiful lesson of life,that how can we become happy and strong in our hardest time by doing the things what we want. You are just like a teacher who always opens the door of new hope to find right way in our life's journey. Sorry for commenting late ,i was busy in my studies . But when i saw your video i become happy, thanks for giving us positive vibes. 🌿☘️🍃🍀🌱
Hi💕❤️ Thank you as usual😍
You words are so good and gives me energy😭
Thank you so much😍🥰
Good luck on your studies👍
And have a peaceful day🍀💕❤️
So happy to see a new wonderful video! I’d love to see any more of your art class work too.
what a beautiful video!! thanks for sharing this peaceful experience, I can't stop seeing your lovely videos!! thank you!!
Thank you for watching💕❤️
Hope you have wonderful day🍀
Wow ara your journal 🤗shining spring days is so awesome😍😍😊
Its look so lovely and your plants stickers are so beautiful 😘🤗
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
I am glad that you liked it😭
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
I just wanted to say how much of an inspiration your channel is to me. You might feel like you are lacking skills, I feel like you are one of the most talented people I've met. Not only for your artistic skills, but because you inspire people to be better! Thank you!
Thank you Kathy😭
I am deeply touched with your lovely comment🥰😘
I will try better👍😘
Have a fantastic week from tomorrow and stay safe🍀💕❤️
Thank you so much🙏🏻🥰
Have a wonderful weekend🍀😘
@@ARALAND You too ❣
You are the Queen of journals
Oh yes please, i'm literally for drawing tutorials by you and I'm sure you're putting yourself a lot of pressure because your drawing skills and style are amazing. You're such a great inspiration!
I love Araland
Thank you so much! Truly inspiring work. I appreciate your craft and will try to watch more in the future. Much love from the UK💕
Beautiful journal! I used to watch Honey and Clover when I was younger (High School) but after a few years I couldn't remind the animation's name! Thanks to you now I do and I will watch it again as soon as I can. In that time Honey and Clover didn't remind me of youth, but now it does.
I am happy shes actually drawing everything inspite of using ready made stickers
shes an artist keep up the good work
I love this channel a lot.... I am watching this at 12 am as I am suffering from cold.... and it is helping me heal and fight my cold
may you always be happy
저도 25 21. 넘잘보고 39도 좋아해요 요샌숫자 드라마가 좋아요 범죄. 수사극만 넘 많아 몽글몽글 짠이 편히 볼수있는게좋아요
It's a very wonderful painting!
오늘도 왔습니다 역시 금손 아라님 💓
꺄 개구리님! 항상 감사합니다😍 덕분에 즐거운 토요일 되었어요~ 신나는 주말 보내세요❤️
@@ARALAND 넴~~~💓💓
I feel that as if I have a two friends in other country 😊😊😊
Wonderful. I even enjoyed the cutting sounds.
Your drawing is so good and I like your videos
Thank you so much for this beautiful spread Ara unnie. I am so physically and mentally tired these days and your video just make me feel a bit more at ease.
Super dr..i love washi taps
I watching this with my aunt she really loved the depth in you tunnel scene drawing!! Very cute video!!
Oh my go d ara your videos are worlds best make two ✌ times a week
Hi Uma💕❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
I will try it someday😘
Have a lovely weekend🍀
I really loved this
Thank you so much😘💕❤️
J’adore se que tu fais
Wowwwww! This is so aesthetic and beautiful.
Ara you are so wonderful and your diary
Thank you for watching😍💕❤️
Thank you Ara, you have inspired me to add in lots of pictures and stickers to make my journals more lively and more fun to make.
Maravilloso trabajo 👏 cada día pintas mejor. Gracias por compartir 😊
You are SO neat and organized! I love your drawings and handwriting ❤️ I love spring! I’m subscribing! Good day! ❤️😋
انتي في تطور مستمر هذا رائع اتمنى ان نصل إلى المليون 1000000 قبل نهاية 2022 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
انا حقا اقدر دعمك. سأبذل قصارى جهدي! شكرا. اتمنى لك يوم جيد.😘💓💓🌷✨
Wow!! So beautiful journal💕
Just! wonderful
It’s really a newpaper with decor and pattern that makes it pretty ❤️😋
I love you Ara. I have visited all your journal videos coz your the the journal Queen 🇧🇩💓💓💓💓💓💓
Thank you for watching💕❤️
Hope you have wonderful day🍀
@@ARALAND Oh thanks a lot for giving me a lovely ❤️ and a reply. I will pray that soon you get 1 million subscribers ❤️
Excited today to see your process into journal+drawing. Love so much for your creativity, can't wait see your digital art stickers. You always keep become my inspiration ❤🥰 happy friday from Jakarta.
Hello💕❤️ Thank you for watching and leaving lovely message🥰
Hope you have a great day😍
Stay safe🍀
Spring is my favorite season. And I'm so excited because in some days it will be spring around here. Thanks Ara for the amazing video.
Hello💕❤️ Thank you for watching😍
I am also waiting for the spring😭
Have a wonderful weekend🍀
Yes please make a video about how you make your videos, how do you prepare for them and where do you get your ideas from.. what equipment you use.. etc
I love your videos.. they are so inspiring and therapeutic
Thank you for watching😘😍
I will try those video in future🍀
Thank you for the recommedation❤️😍
Muito lindo esse trabalho! Amando! Parabéns!
볼때마다 참 예쁘다는 생각이 들어요~
그림도 직접 그리시던데 미술을 전공하신건가요?
그림스탈이 딱 제스탈이예요 ㅎㅎ
배워보고 싶은 생각이 들어서요~
Hi Ara🦋,
I'm so grateful to be watching your vlog today! I've had a week full of inconveniences and stressful things. And to finish it off, we saw a snake🐍 in our yard this morning! All of this happened before I even had any coffee😢!
The snake appeared to have been a juvenile, but it's still a bit worrying because when the snake catcher got here, we couldn't find the snake, so we're not 100% sure what it is. The snake catcher lady said she thinks it's a type of snake that is not much to worry about, since last year they found baby versions of this snake in our yard too (3 of them!🐍🐍🐍). Still, I'm the type to worry if I'm not sure. We have some very, very poisonous snakes in the more rural parts of our region👨🏽🌾( spitting cobras, rhinkals, boomslang, puff adders, sometimes black mambas😰), but for many years, us in the city suburbs🏘🏡 never saw any snakes at all. I think snakes have come to our suburbs because a lot of people keep their dogs inside at night since the pandemic. There's a lot more small wildlife now- more genets and owls, which are cute.
We think the snake hid in the patch of ornamental long grass we have🌾🐍🌾, so it's too difficult to try find it because it is too small. For a moment, I even had the wild desire to have a pet meerkat like our vet does, because meerkats can fight snakes. But for me, a meerkat is supposed to be in the wild, on a game reserve.
So I decided to keep my dog🐶 inside today. She is only allowed to go outside quickly for nature's needs🐕. She is old, and her eyes are a bit bad, so I don't want her to try to fight with a snake of any size. Of course, she is cross with me now.
This is the stressful part of the warm seasons😥😓😵.
But watching your vlog today has really helped calm my emotions. I've also been thinking a lot about "Youth" lately. 🤔I think most of my thoughts are "I wish I was still as fearless as I was", or about when I started being scared. I wonder if I was scared of bad things, or if I was scared of being embarrassed if bad things happened. I now realise a lot of my fears were not worthy of so much energy. I sometimes think I grew up to feel too responsible, and that I wish I could go on holiday right now✈🏖🚘🏕. I especially felt like that the other day when I had to take a photo📸 for my driver's license renewal. I felt I looked haggard and was cross with myself for not remembering to at least do a face mask before🙄😐🙃.
Maybe because my brain feels scrambled today I can't think of recommendations for Youth theme dramas, films and books. But if I remember something, I will tell you about it.
I really enjoyed the green theme of this week's journal. I find that these days I'm very drawn to green and brown. Maybe because those are the colours of nature🏞, and are very calming. I spend a lot of time looking at green and brown ink swatches 🖋on Pinterest.
Watching you sketch👩🏻🎨 was also very relaxing. There is something about the sound of pencil drawing on paper ✍that is very soothing to me🥰.
I really look forward to you trying to make hand drawn stickers😯. I watched some RUclips videos about it and I'm still not sure if it's easy or complicated🤔.
I hope that you and your family👧🏻🧑🏻🐱🐱 have a good, safe week as the warmer weather increases🌻🌷🍀.
(Edit: We found the snake at 9pm again! Luckily a snake catcher was able to catch it. I can worry a little less)
Dear Rosa🥰
As always, your comments are very comforting. After reading it, I feel very calm and relaxed.
But to hear a snake appearing in your yard is really startling. It is not easy to see snakes in my country. So I have a vague fear of them. Because I've only seen them as pictures in books. I am very concerned about you and your dog. However I was relieved to hear that the snake had been found and had been caught. I hope your family is always in peace and safe🙏🍀💕
I also deeply agree with your thoughts on 'youth'. Many Koreans, including me, have strict parents. It encouraged them to have a lot of responsibility but lacked confidence. These various situations have completed my youth, and I feel that I miss it, but I also do not want to go back. It's a complicated feeling. haha. So perhaps I get comforted by seeing the shining youth of others. And over time, I feel drawn to nature. This is just like you. So I fell in love with plants and animals more🌿😻
May this planet, including us, always be peaceful and safe.
Happy new start next week!
Just amazing 😍
It is sooo amazing how talented you are.....you just draw from your imaginations....you help me a lot to get ideas and topics for journaling... I have watched your videos over and over again...❤❤
I just loveeeeeee your videos very much😘 😆💓
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
Hi Ara, How are you? Today's journal was really pretty💖. The yogurt looked yummy😋. And I'm really happy to see Coco once again!😻❤. Your drawings are getting gorgeous every time you draw! I'll patiently wait for your drawing tutorial and I'm sure you can teach us well
Have a great weekend🍀❤
Hello💓Thank you for watching💕
Coco is always sleepy. Haha🥰
Hope you have a great day🌼🍀
아라님 히힣 저 왔어용😝 오날은 쪼끔 빨리왔네용!! 아라님 편집방식 진짜예쁘고 개성있어요💕 맨날 알람때문에도 그렇지만 썸네일에 홀려서 들어오는데 너무예쁘거있죠🍑 코코 너무 귀여워용♡
갑자기 생각났는뎅 다꾸채널이라 안돼겠지만
코코 브이로그 같은거 찍어주..실수있나용?시간이 넘 늦어서 ㅎ흫 짧은글죄송하고 잘보고가용🎀
유연님 안녕하세요~! 예쁘게 봐주시고 코코도 좋아해주셔서 감사드려요❤️😆항상 유연님껜 많은 사랑을 받는 것 같아요~ 저도 더 노력할게요! 고양이 다꾸할 때 코코와 쮸쮸 영상 분량을 길게 넣어볼게요! 조금만 기다려주세용😘💕💕
I loveeeeee green 💚💚💚💚 really love your drawing and painting today! I’m about to start watching twenty five twenty one but I want to wait until they complete all ep first. But after watching your video today. I think I should start now ☺️☺️☺️☺️. Have a great weekend Ara!
Hi May😍 Thanks a lot as always! Yeah, I know you loveeeeeee GREEN😆💚💚💚So when I think of green, I think of you! So when I think of green, I think of you. I really recommend that drama. I believe you will like it too. Have a nice day and always be safe.🙏💕🌼🍀🌿
Your drawing are so beautiful ... borahae💜💜
Thank you so much😍💕❤️
I came across your channel 2 days ago, I must say that I really love your personality! You look like such a cute and kind person, watching your videos makes me so calm and happy, I loved the "Cherry Blossoms" video so much! I also watched the video where you talk about your favorite movies and I based on what you said I think that you would love the movie called "Children of the Sea", I watched it a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop thinking about it, it's such a beautiful movie! I recommend it to you, if you haven't seen it yet 😍💓 please stay warm, healthy, happy and take good care of yourself ❤️ I'll be back to support you again in your next vlog ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, thanks million❤️💕 And for your lovely comment🍀
I will watch the movie you recommend🥰 Maybe it is my vibe😘
Hope you have happy and wonderful day and stay healthy🍀💕❤️
I got your channel as suggestion, I did fall in love with it. So wonderful drawn. The Drama is on my list too. Isn’t out here yet. I am excited! I love the quotes and your drawing out of the movie 💚💚
Hello Ara 😊
your journal is so beautiful 🥰❤️
Чтобы знать,что рисовать,😉 надо искать вдохновение, смотреть картины разных художников,из разных стран,ходить на природу и рисовать,что видишь вокруг ☝️☝️☝️
wow amazing creation I'll try it
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
세상에 청춘으로 한 다꾸라니요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
여전히 아라님의 그림은... 너무 포근포근..♡♡♡
너무 좋아요..♡♡ 후욱..
아라님 다꾸할 때, 사운드 너무 좋아요..
특히 마테 찢을때 푹푹(??) 뭐라그러지.. 소리 정말 좋아요..
오늘도 잘 보고 가겠습니다♡♡♡
털찐이님 안녕하세요!!😆 제 그림을 이렇게 좋게 봐주시니 정말 용기가 납니다ㅠㅠ 정말 감사드려요❤️마테 뜯을 때 소리를 좋아하시는군용! 앞으로도 소리 더 잘 들어가게 잡아보겠습니다 ㅎㅎ 즐거운 토요일 보내시고 늘 건강하세요~😻🙏
I feel so happy when I hear a new video notification 💚💎💚💎💚💎
Hello❤️ Thank you for watching😍
Can you please make. A video of all your supplies and were you got them from also you have grown in subscribers so much ! Congrats ara
Ara, I really liked hearing your thoughts about youth and I appreciate the meaning you put into this video 💚
I like your content ara, they are so calm and relaxing 🌱
Love your videos🥰
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
Yes relaxing 😌
Ssoooo satisfying and aesthetic video😍😘💖😚💓💓💓
Thank you😘💕❤️
Hi Ara 👋, A wonderful video as usual . Thank you 💖 so much .
Have a great weekend 😊🤗
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching🥰
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
I'm also watching Twenty Five Twenty One (I'm currently at episode 5!) and the one you've drawn is one of my favorite scenes 🥰 Great journal, as always! 💖 It's always a delight to watch you draw and paint 🥺💕
Hi❤️ Thank you for watching always🥰
I am glad to know that you also like the scene😍
Hope you have a wonderful weekend🍀
I am watching episode 7.....It is just wonderful 😃😃
@@ARALAND I'll suggest the drama named professional single.