To celebrate 100 subscribers, you should do a challenge where you only have 10 second to get your loot that you have to use for the rest of the game. And if you pick up a weapon that you didn’t get in the 10 seconds, you have to return to lobby and restart, even if it was an accident. If you want to complete the challenge, you have to get a win with exactly 10 kills.Hopefully you will be able to use this video idea when u reach 100 subscribers. GOOD LUCK BUDDY 👍🤫🧏
YEAH ty for reading my challenge idea
To celebrate 100 subscribers, you should do a challenge where you only have 10 second to get your loot that you have to use for the rest of the game. And if you pick up a weapon that you didn’t get in the 10 seconds, you have to return to lobby and restart, even if it was an accident. If you want to complete the challenge, you have to get a win with exactly 10 kills.Hopefully you will be able to use this video idea when u reach 100 subscribers. GOOD LUCK BUDDY 👍🤫🧏