The amount of warding to do is crucial to your rank. Place your trinkets when they're up, buy pinks, and upgrade trinket at level 9. It'll bring your grade from a B- to an A+.
Hey man, I love you channel and have watched all of your champion main compilations. The quality on these videos are super high and you deserve every single view you get. Keep it up man! cheers
yes there are enought with 2. ... i played with one he played talon and he had ver 3.4 M and a fucking skarner with 3.0M and my Friend wit lee sin 1.8 hahaha xD
Yo dude i dunno if you reconize me but this monstage was freaking insane! There are less slowmotions, the songs used are really good, and that champion is really interesting, i mean i didnt really like your two last montages because of the champions. :c (annie katarina yo dude that's unskilled af ahah ) Continue like that! as i can see your channel grows a LOT! keep doing the great work
kha'zix doesn't require more skill than katarina. even though i'm a katarina hater myself as she can just fly around if the one which plays her is a good player, kha'zix is just the same.
Vlad Se Caca well actually yes, kha zix is more skilled than katarina. You think it is because in your elo people dontk now how to play against khazix so you think "wah that's so op", but khazix is about timings, and decision making. When you play katarina you just have to wait for the good moment, and then you press all your keys.
Desu when have i said i think kha'zix is op? imo katarina and kha'zix are extremely similar as they're both assasins which need kills to get more kills.
There is just smth. so satisfying seeing the entire enemy team's HP bars melt one by one at the hands of a good Kha main who has mastered the art of the double jump @.@
So you re gold 2 and u think this guy is in another level? And ure main kha? I think that watching some streams and practising u can get this guys level.
For only small amount of time , u guys achived what evry youtouber wanted. Close to 100 k :D. Kepp up the good work. And i am actualy suprised for your Editing and Fun facts and evrything
Your predictions, reactions, and mechanical execution with comboing kills into the jump resets and chasing for more kills are all very impressive and inspire me to get good with Kha'Zix. Cheers and the best to you and yours.
Awesome job dude! I just love your compilations! :D And by the way, i think the first music is not the same as in the video. (I hope I'm not deaf... xd)
This was a top quality video, not only the clips were excellent, I loved the data of interest or the tips that you put into the video, I think that is what most highlights in my opinion, the only thing I did not like, Were the "scenes" in which the game was viewed from a different angle, or did not see the lifestyles of the champions, I off-set a little, but other than that, it is an excellent video, I think yours is the First channel to which I am going to subscribe. I will look forward to more videos like this
The edditing is really good and I enjoy all your videos especially the fun facts part, but the song with the birds chirping killed me becuase it's really early in the morning and i thought there was a bird outside my window that wouldn't leave me alone. XD
I also main Kha'Zix, but seeing this reminds me I have so much to learn... Okay, i just got him level 5 and I just play league for half a year with different roles back then. Yeah totally helpful for me, I might improve now ^-^
I wonder if there is a Jhin main out there, cause i would love to see a feature of that in one of your vids. Love your vids btw keep up the good work. :)
Hey League of Main, really enjoyed watching the video. I have a request, a video of tyler1 maining draven, if you can gather footage I will be so happy, thumbs up anyways
Hey, all!
"KHA'ZIX Main" feat. "KHA SEC" Released.
I hope you all enjoy this video. Feedbacks are awesome :)
I have 450k on zed I was wondering if I sent u someclips u could make a montage out of it?
haha fixed :P
+LeagueOfMain can we make this work I would love it is we could
I will be making zed montage on someone soon :P..but I can sure check out yours...buddy PM me on FB :D
Great video! :D Love the plays man
After this vid, i played Kha... 4/8/5 not bad :D
pretty bad tho
I just played kha 15/0/2. :p
21/3/8 B+ this ranking system sucks like B5 players
The amount of warding to do is crucial to your rank. Place your trinkets when they're up, buy pinks, and upgrade trinket at level 9. It'll bring your grade from a B- to an A+.
Hey man, I love you channel and have watched all of your champion main compilations. The quality on these videos are super high and you deserve every single view you get. Keep it up man!
that video was great like all others ! :D Can you make a video on cola ? (rumble main, he plays on EUW in diamond and got 2.4M mastery points).
Holy shiet
You mean cola from the official team that play on tourna? That guy's sick
holy moly 2.4m mastery points
yes there are enought with 2. ... i played with one he played talon and he had ver 3.4 M and a fucking skarner with 3.0M
and my Friend wit lee sin 1.8 hahaha xD
+Felinius hg g buhardilla v
alright. I've been subscribed sense 20k. I love your channel so much bro. Keep it up! It always so cool watching these mains!
Yo dude i dunno if you reconize me but this monstage was freaking insane! There are less slowmotions, the songs used are really good, and that champion is really interesting, i mean i didnt really like your two last montages because of the champions. :c (annie katarina yo dude that's unskilled af ahah )
Continue like that! as i can see your channel grows a LOT! keep doing the great work
thank you, buddy :D. all the feedbacks helps me out :D my viewer are amazing
Can u do a woody fruity montage? FULL AP Gragas main over multiple accounts in diamond.
kha'zix doesn't require more skill than katarina. even though i'm a katarina hater myself as she can just fly around if the one which plays her is a good player, kha'zix is just the same.
Vlad Se Caca well actually yes, kha zix is more skilled than katarina. You think it is because in your elo people dontk now how to play against khazix so you think "wah that's so op", but khazix is about timings, and decision making. When you play katarina you just have to wait for the good moment, and then you press all your keys.
Desu when have i said i think kha'zix is op? imo katarina and kha'zix are extremely similar as they're both assasins which need kills to get more kills.
I subscribed you'r channel ago 2 weeks and i'm so happy that i did this. NICE VIDEO
There is just smth. so satisfying seeing the entire enemy team's HP bars melt one by one at the hands of a good Kha main who has mastered the art of the double jump @.@
agree :D btw that's his quote lol
ala zobe
I really like this theme, keep up the good work! :)
there is a guy on eune he has 500k on kha zix and his plays are quite insane, his name is "og dexter" and this guy is.... ME
love this channel,first video and i subbed already
60 people are rengar mains
well i think both are great!
ayyyy my boy kha sec! I've sadly seen all these clips before, but it's nice to finally have a Kha'zix video.
Finally Kha Sec xd
+LeagueOfMain please do TwistX he is a twitch player
Zero Aikatsu
is he a youtuber ?:Pmaybe i can check him out :)
Hey, THANK YOU FOR THIS! I was looking so long for montage from Kha'zix. love u man Keep ur work going!
singed420 pls
ı agree
Man keep making videos like that and u will be a big youtuber :D Nice one M8
thank you
+Hugo Salvador (ThePenguin83) description
I main khaxiz with 240,000 mastery points and i can say im good with him, but this guy is on another level. lol
250K for me :^))))))))))))))))))))
You could be bronze with 200m mastery and wouldnt be as good as someone who is plat> with 300k mastery points
I'm a gold II scrub.
So you re gold 2 and u think this guy is in another level? And ure main kha? I think that watching some streams and practising u can get this guys level.
I really like the way how you design your Videos! Keep up this amazing work! :)
u should make a video about Tobias Fate, he main Gangplank (1.1m master) :D
Yeah, I told him that in his Flayboy Thresh video, Hope he does it
He did :D
hihi ! yes i will asap :P
+LeagueOfMain can't wait
Im A Kid GaMeR
For only small amount of time , u guys achived what evry youtouber wanted. Close to 100 k :D. Kepp up the good work. And i am actualy suprised for your Editing and Fun facts and evrything
3:55 double jumpe without reset? hello?
i dont understand that play too...
it seems whole thing is glitched or sth...
He got assist..
the assist give him the reset
He got an assist, assists also gives Kha's E a reset ;)
He got an assist on bard I think
man these vids only keep getting better. keep it up i love it
Is he playing Kha'Zix mid?
I really really like ur videos. Your editing skills are awesome! Keep the good work up! :)
I love this channel man
Wanna become a Kha'Zix main just because of this sick video (and the carrypotential of kha ofc
Knut Stefferud
lol xD u main him? what elo?
but this song is srs so sick, f ilove this video man
I gotta say your Videos are really proffessional - especially the "Fun Fact" Thing makes it look amazing ! :)
fantastic channel , love the idea of doing some best of about big players that one trick pony champions and the editing is just fantstic.
Awesome compilation great job. You deserve more views.
LoM! Amazing once again :) well-done buddy! Keep it up, please
Great Montage and I love the Music you use Keep going dude
Nice video as always love your fun tips/fun facts love creative channel keep up bro :D
Wow man you really stepped up the game great montage keep it up :)
you have the best montages atm on yt for me keep it up
thank you
Hi man, your vids are so good and fun to watch. Keep up the good work and a like for you.
Keep on this good kind of work, man ;) well done
Great job bro, i love this channel
Your channel is going to blow up with these videos trust me
Can anybody know the name of the song at 4:39.Thank very much!!!
Do SunsetSlimeR LAN plis
Your predictions, reactions, and mechanical execution with comboing kills into the jump resets and chasing for more kills are all very impressive and inspire me to get good with Kha'Zix. Cheers and the best to you and yours.
love your channel keep it up please ! NEVER STOP FOR GOOD CAREER SAKE BRUDA !
nice job dude. i subscrbed. u earned it. 777 comments too
Hey man , love ur vids , keep it up !.
thank you very much :P
Awesome job dude! I just love your compilations! :D
And by the way, i think the first music is not the same as in the video. (I hope I'm not deaf... xd)
You will grow realy far i think!
+ AWESOME video as always :)
really good video hope u get famous just making this kind of videos
Its my bday today aswell XD well the day u posted it anyways
Awesome montage bro, best LoL montages ever, for sure. Ezreal montage, please? :[ I really love this champion.
As always awesome video,aaaand its from the server where i playy ! :3
this video deserves a like dude you are awesome "gg wp mate"
Man, I love your edition/editing (idk e.e, but whatever) how do you learn to do that?
I've always really liked doing editing a lot... and when i made this these videos i started learning more and more about editing :P
thank you :)
woah keep it up:D
Hey man loved the vid!
Can we get a video on Swain? :)
This was a top quality video, not only the clips were excellent, I loved the data of interest or the tips that you put into the video, I think that is what most highlights in my opinion, the only thing I did not like, Were the "scenes" in which the game was viewed from a different angle, or did not see the lifestyles of the champions, I off-set a little, but other than that, it is an excellent video, I think yours is the First channel to which I am going to subscribe.
I will look forward to more videos like this
great video man, i love khazix :D
Lol 1:49. "We won't win with this Kha"
Ya I saw this and i'm like " Ahem.."
İ love leauge of main
You deserve more than just 100k subs
Love your videos Dude! awesome
As always, amazing Video!
Your videos are very good keep going!!
this is one of the best kha'zix videos i have seen, keep up the great work!!
Can we get an Ekko compilation? I feel like he has loads of sick plays and outplay potential.
Amazing Vid!! Gives me inspiration to truly master K6 l. awesome job dude!
thank you buddy :)
took my a while to figure out whhat K6 was lol :P
+Deiadara Gaming xD
+LeagueOfMain np man
Ethan Wong
Your Channel is amazing. Ty Brow.
Awsome video keep doing these but my question comes now,can you do a video About aatrox? XDDD
The edditing is really good and I enjoy all your videos especially the fun facts part, but the song with the birds chirping killed me becuase it's really early in the morning and i thought there was a bird outside my window that wouldn't leave me alone. XD
lmao xD Oops
thank you
I waited the next video and it's against so good xP thx for your videos and continue! GJ ;) You play on lol?
haha thank you
+LeagueOfMain And me also xD but it's not a reason xP play with we one day! Have fun first! x)
ya i play for fun lol :)
omg im so hyped for this video I love Kha Zix!
Fizz main plss. And by the way your vids about champ main players is nice and also teaches the viewers too. Nice werk
The best klip i ever seen about kha'zix....You are the best
And what skin i should buy for Kha'Zix
I also main Kha'Zix, but seeing this reminds me I have so much to learn...
Okay, i just got him level 5 and I just play league for half a year with different roles back then.
Yeah totally helpful for me, I might improve now ^-^
Dude your vids are the best
dat double jump at 1:03 was sick dude never seen dat before
would be really cool if these mains teamed up. anyways, nice video!
Could you do a Lux Montage if you find someone who mains her? Btw nice video, keep up the Good work!
thank you :D i will sure to check it out :)
+LeagueOfMain Nice, thank you :D
And btw, that kha laugh scared me at the beginning xD
Lorenzo Lovecchio
lmao :D that was my intention :P
wich edit program do u use ?
using sony vegas, PS, and filmora. sometimes I use after effect and adobe premiere etc.. :P
+LeagueOfMain thx :)
+LeagueOfMain love ur vids keep up the amazing work
Jelle Peeters
thanks buddy
I wonder if there is a Jhin main out there, cause i would love to see a feature of that in one of your vids. Love your vids btw keep up the good work. :)
i got a question.
how does this works do i need to give you links or
do i need to edit them? i got some good lee clips c:
how do you choose the person for a montage? is it mainly requests?
high ranked, loads of mastery points
yes it is requested :P
nice vidoes man i like them too much
thank you
+LeagueOfMain i have so much respect for your work and again its a really awesome Video =)
aw :D thanks buddy! means a lot :D
after playing pokemon for 2 weeks became bronze but after watching these vids i went back to plat
Love the intro. I am going to get a roar audio for mine.
dude what software do you use for editing?
I thought it will be chewy, but good to know this guy. Nice video.
Keep going I love your channel
Omg. U used 'Fly' in the video. love this song so hard
NICE kha zix !!! Ty dude
Hey League of Main, really enjoyed watching the video.
I have a request, a video of tyler1 maining draven, if you can gather footage I will be so happy, thumbs up anyways
3:20 Vel koz also have true damage with his ult if the enemy have 3 stackts, havent he?
kha doesnt have true damage
he said Kha is the only one who does not have true damage
Kha is the only champ voidborn WITHOUT true damage in his kit.
My bad im dumb xD sry
beautiful killings btw so Clean good job mate
thank you
Welcome :3
is there a format to submit a suggestion for the next video?
I suggest Melyn a Zyra main currently 2nd best zyra according to lol skill
Love those videos keep it up
I hope some day have your hands to play K6 like this.
Nice video saludos :)
Love the use of ncs songs. Awesome songs while keeping everything legal.
do you evolve e or q first ?
r first
You should do a video on Redkind, Amazing Kindred main!
#LeagueOfMain why you put hextech annie on your Channel ?
dude i love you and your montage is the best i want to play kha'zix now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!