I decluttered my parent's garage in 2 days

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 216

    @THE1stBRAINinTOWN 3 дня назад +406


    • @muddabuwshi
      @muddabuwshi 3 дня назад +5

      i found my screwdriver🎶

    • @hannahboebanna
      @hannahboebanna 3 дня назад +1

      We prounounce it similarly in Aus 🤙🏼

    • @jamesvdm
      @jamesvdm 2 дня назад +1

      @@hannahboebanna Do we though?

    • @HelloIAmJo
      @HelloIAmJo 2 дня назад

      You beat me to it

    • @natashahussain6281
      @natashahussain6281 2 дня назад

      omg, I was like, "Is this for engagement?? I've never heard someone say it that way 😭"

  • @smileart37
    @smileart37 2 дня назад +101

    The sitcom-like opening introducing the family was ADORABLE. I love the energy of your videos and your family's humor.

  • @brandonryan7917
    @brandonryan7917 12 часов назад +7

    I won't lie. When I first saw your channel, I honestly thought that, given your confidence and creativity in your videos, you'd have more videos. This is a shame because I love each and every one of your videos. You're such a breath of fresh air, and the connection you have with your parents is wholesome and amazing. I genuinely cannot wait for more videos and to see more videos with your amazing father! definitely going to be giving your podcast a listen! much love

  • @samanthalaine8064
    @samanthalaine8064 3 дня назад +83

    Wake up y'all! New dad song just dropped!!!

  • @archanalokesh4308
    @archanalokesh4308 3 дня назад +125

    your dad cackling when you get zapped is everything

  • @haydennelson3389
    @haydennelson3389 3 дня назад +94

    I love the way she says “grage” 😂

  • @darleneboudwin9580
    @darleneboudwin9580 3 дня назад +157

    This video is exactly what I needed in my life currently. Watching you with your parents is a real joy. I actually got emotional watching you interact with your dad and hearing him sing. Made me miss my dad, but in a good way. Thank you!

  • @carolin866
    @carolin866 День назад +20

    Your mum is a natural in front of the camera (of course we already knew this about your dad). We want more videos with her :)

  • @sauhsu
    @sauhsu 3 дня назад +79

    as a father i am so hopeful to have the same relationship with my daughter when they are grown. this video was such a vibe

  • @bananarama3624
    @bananarama3624 3 дня назад +33

    Loved the song, especially the last lines haha!
    In the garage I was crying
    I could never find anything
    Then Makari came and fixed it
    It made me so happy I just wanna sing
    In the garage, I found my screwdriver
    And all my nuts and bolts
    Now I' am thinking
    One more line
    And nothing,
    No nothing
    Rhymes with bolts!

    • @larryespe3029
      @larryespe3029 2 дня назад

      I really appreciate this! First time I've seen these "lyrics" in print! :)

  • @Youtubechloe
    @Youtubechloe 3 дня назад +42

    Your dad's reaction to you zapping yourself couldn't have been more of a dad reaction if he tried ❤ love your content

  • @Zezza12
    @Zezza12 3 дня назад +34

    It's 8pm on a sunday and I've spent all weekend on my sofa, and after only one Makari video I'm suddenly super inspired to organize my entire appartment!
    It's the Makari-Magic!

  • @leocabralweb
    @leocabralweb День назад +5

    8:08 that hug 🥺❤️

  • @UnstableSparkey
    @UnstableSparkey 3 дня назад +20

    What I absolutely love about these videos is that not only are you helping your parents, but you're also creating amazing content that motivates us to get up and take action! At the same time, you’re teaching us how to organize and take better control of our lives. Thank you so much for making these videos! 🥰

  • @adda3752
    @adda3752 2 дня назад +11

    While there are so many specials things about your channel I especially adore your relationship with your parents.
    It’s so lovely to see, and it heals a part of my own soul.
    Thank you for choosing to share this!💛
    Also - garäge ✅😂

  • @eceaknc7523
    @eceaknc7523 3 дня назад +24

    All of your videos make me cry because of the warmth and cuteness of you and your family!

  • @MayWonder
    @MayWonder 2 дня назад +6

    Maybe it's my wish to have such a nice relationship with my parentals. I love these type of videos. I see the love and respect for one another. I know this is decluttering though it might be thought of as a simple task, it's difficult.

  • @kenfreeman8888
    @kenfreeman8888 2 дня назад +5

    I like how you organized it for multiple uses. It turned out great.

  • @EzraEats
    @EzraEats 3 дня назад +39

    Babe, wake up, new Makari just dropped!!!

  • @mitch_smith
    @mitch_smith 2 дня назад +7

    Garage is easily the most confused room in a house. Are they for cars? storage? work shop? crafting? pantry? Den? mancave? Or everything, all at once!

  • @alexismacedo3315
    @alexismacedo3315 3 дня назад +8

    I clicked on this video so fast! Decluttering and organizational videos with heart and tender interactions are now a love language ❤

  • @pieceofpeace35
    @pieceofpeace35 2 дня назад +3

    This is so sweet. You'll have this forever to look back on. My dad passed a couple years ago and he was a big handy man. We're really not sure how to go through his tools and supplies. I'm super impressed with all that you guys were able to accomplish! I wish we had been able to organize his stuff. I always thought it would have gone like this. Especially the bloody finger bit lol

  • @lonelychild32
    @lonelychild32 День назад +1

    I've moved back home after graduating and your videos are so cozy and inspiring. They really want to do the same thing of decluttering with my family and improving my own health and wellbeing.

  • @LindaThornton-o6k
    @LindaThornton-o6k 13 часов назад +1

    All organized. Great job. Blessings 🎉❤

  • @tazzyanio
    @tazzyanio 3 дня назад +7

    Your dad makes me so happy. And also inspires me to connect more with my family!! I am loving the sitcom editing skills you got going on too 🙂

  • @tesfahaile2185
    @tesfahaile2185 3 часа назад +1

    So wholesome and inspirational. 😢

  • @onthefritzbiking
    @onthefritzbiking 3 дня назад +17

    7:30 is the absolute best moment of the whole video!! Nice job Makari!! Love the 90’s “sitcom” vibe too. :)

  • @mariannerady1137
    @mariannerady1137 3 дня назад +11

    it is so lovely to see you and your parents in your videos! How you enjoy your compyny and laugh together, just wonderful! 💕

  • @linayoung4595
    @linayoung4595 22 часа назад +1

    I just love watching you guys. It heals my inner child 😂❤

  • @hultson
    @hultson 3 дня назад +7

    YES been looking forward to a new video, AND IT'S A DECLUTTERING VIDEO. Couldn't be happier!

  • @annikastony
    @annikastony 2 дня назад +4

    I am so happy my algorithm let me find your youtube channel a few weeks ago! Loving it since and always happy if you posted something new :) Just makes me happy and motivates me - please keep going! Greetings from Germanyyyy! :)

  • @natoliver
    @natoliver 2 дня назад +2

    We all need a Larry in our lives. What a top bloke.

  • @RottenlyMoodyChild
    @RottenlyMoodyChild 3 дня назад +11

    That look Willie gave during the hilarious 80s sitcom intro montage 😂
    As a former production assistant, I am absolutely shocked, disappointed and outraged that you left the production assistant's name out of the credits!!! Justice for Makari Espe! ✊🏼😂

  • @LVega-px8yp
    @LVega-px8yp 7 часов назад +1

    Crying. 😭 you two.

  • @dough8037
    @dough8037 2 дня назад +3

    Fake bloody finger. BEST. DAD. HUMOR. :)

  • @sylwia5075
    @sylwia5075 11 часов назад +1

    The opening and final credits are great :D

  • @petewilcock
    @petewilcock 3 дня назад +84

    Never heard anyone pronounce 'garage' like this. Cute! 😂

    • @SuziOvens86
      @SuziOvens86 3 дня назад +6

      It sounds like half way between the British and American pronunciation!

    • @emilyboulter5978
      @emilyboulter5978 3 дня назад +5

      @@SuziOvens86that is a very good description of Vancouver Island, especially Victoria lol.

    • @avenueroy
      @avenueroy 3 дня назад +2

      it sounds so normal to me. we're just too Canadian.

  • @divyaanchal2033
    @divyaanchal2033 Час назад +1

    I love your videos they bring positive attitude and please keep uploading amazing videos your videos make me happy 😊

  • @leezus435
    @leezus435 3 дня назад +6

    A new Makari upload, all is well in the world. Much love from the UK.

  • @bertinibb
    @bertinibb 3 дня назад +3

    Decluttering and sorting through stuff is so satisfying! Also loved the way you guys say garage haha.

  • @minthan
    @minthan День назад +1

    Hahah when your mom said “game on!”, she wasn’t kidding!

  • @johannabjorkell4226
    @johannabjorkell4226 День назад +1

    You guys may be the wholesomest channel out there currently. Kudos to the awesome work!❤

  • @sanderpuhFPV
    @sanderpuhFPV День назад +1

    2:43 caught me off guard, fully expecting the 'gooooooo teaaam!' - made my day, lauging out loud!

  • @TK-xz5tr
    @TK-xz5tr День назад +1

    Makari, you're one of the rare youtubers whose videos I don't speed up❤

  • @SynthRem
    @SynthRem 3 дня назад +2

    The parts of the video your Father sings a song is so wholesome it warms my heart.

  • @Deadseelife
    @Deadseelife 2 дня назад +2

    I like when dad went for the underhand “go team” mid five. 🙏

  • @ElizabethAnnRowland
    @ElizabethAnnRowland День назад +1

    I have seen worse garages, there is nothing more joyful than getting things organized! Excellent job.

  • @mariabaczewska7305
    @mariabaczewska7305 3 дня назад +2

    I'm always so moved by your relationship with your dad. I never had such with mine, and building sth like thay from scratch now seems hard, but it's really an inspiration, so I want to try! ❤ Thanks for that ❤

  • @nefertitimontoya
    @nefertitimontoya 3 дня назад +2

    What a treat to have a makari video just when I sat down to eat!! Always a perfect blend of inspiring and lighthearted wholesomeness :) may it be a fun space for y'all!

  • @Shiryone
    @Shiryone 3 дня назад +3

    Let the good "decluttering" times roll!

  • @HelloIAmJo
    @HelloIAmJo 2 дня назад +1

    They've got the full on wooden Live Laugh Love wall art with the tranquility banner. Really sets the mood in the games room/workship

  • @emmam3226
    @emmam3226 3 дня назад +6

    The intro and conclusion of the video remind me of full house haha! Also love how Willie was featured. And the fake bloody finger 😂 so good. Amazing editing always Makari! Your videos are a joy

  • @cherylkwong9592
    @cherylkwong9592 День назад +1

    Already saving this to my Watch Later :) Can't wait, loved the last parents decluttering video!!

    • @cherylkwong9592
      @cherylkwong9592 День назад

      As expected, video was awesome and hit all the wholesome heartwarming spots. Can't get enough of videos of you with your parents !!!! Also, I'm a binge-watcher of any decluttering content. :D

  • @theclaxton
    @theclaxton 3 дня назад +9

    The intro montage ❤

  • @hannahh4994
    @hannahh4994 3 дня назад +2

    I love this! You seem to have a lovely family and I never would have thought that a garäge declutter could be this fun, entertaining and also heartwarming to watch hehe

  • @keda.23
    @keda.23 3 дня назад +1

    You know this means so much to them! Your also taking away stress from them that they might have not even known they had! Love 💕

  • @triplevhome
    @triplevhome 23 часа назад +1

    im just suddenly binge watching your videos🎉🎉

  • @MyLittleGaming
    @MyLittleGaming 2 дня назад +1

    Came to be inspired to work, was intrigued by how you pronounced garage or should I say garaaaaaaaage heheh but stayed for the wholesome & lovely family interactions. Your Dad looks a lot like my late father & it made me SO HAPPY to see another special daddy, daughter relationship. Those are precious😊 You have a special Mom too! Thank you for sharing this wonderful dose of family goodness❤️

  • @covergirlbooks
    @covergirlbooks 3 дня назад +3

    Of all the challenges you’ve tackled so far, I feel like this one showcases your ability to create interesting content from ordinary things! Also I imagine this *might* have been the most trying one relationally. Kudos to everyone!

  • @jennyjenkins877
    @jennyjenkins877 2 часа назад +1

    Because there's more than one way to pronounce garage (and not at all because I loved this video so much), I watched it twice ✌🤞

  • @autumn444blossom
    @autumn444blossom 2 дня назад +1

    I love all your decluttering videos, especially with your parents! 🤍

  • @gracerodriguez6869
    @gracerodriguez6869 3 дня назад +1

    You are such a good daughter to help your parents out, I know they appreciate it… looks great…😊

  • @vazzovisuals5362
    @vazzovisuals5362 3 дня назад +10

    Without you there, they would definitely keep everything 😂 well done Makari!!

    • @debbiemah6746
      @debbiemah6746 3 дня назад

      And somehow the one thing I was looking for the next day made a trip to recycling!! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @vazzovisuals5362
      @vazzovisuals5362 3 дня назад

      @debbiemah6746 The end result is great anyway!

  • @TashyTea
    @TashyTea 2 дня назад +1

    Everything about this video is why I love your channel and content, Makari! Honestly, this is such a wholesome and fun video 💜

  • @ricardoangelo8302
    @ricardoangelo8302 День назад +1

    I'm loving your videos! The jokes and editing are on another level!

  • @Robot1c
    @Robot1c 3 дня назад +2

    your happiness is so contagous i literally cannot be in a worse mood after watching your vids! Fank u

  • @sarahperry1976
    @sarahperry1976 3 дня назад +2

    Omg….LOVED the 80’s inpso opening credits and ending 🤣❤️

  • @tahanyctophile5998
    @tahanyctophile5998 3 дня назад +3

    just discovered your chanel, you've made it very fast to my top 3 youtubers ! kept waiting for thid video for two weeks hahaha

  • @ivag.5398
    @ivag.5398 2 дня назад +2

    This is such a wholesome channel. I always remember to call my dad after watching too hahah

  • @carlottaclara6678
    @carlottaclara6678 3 дня назад +2

    i just love the videos with your parents,it makes me so happy everytime i see that you uploaded a video!

  • @BigBplays
    @BigBplays 2 дня назад +1

    Damned that intro got me 😀If you do this yourself, you're born for it! Great content and even greater family 🙌

  • @yanalavrentievaenglish
    @yanalavrentievaenglish 2 дня назад +2

    Makari, could you make a video about digital declutter? Especially storing, organizing and getting rid of photos! Would be much appreciated!

  • @jelo2070
    @jelo2070 3 дня назад +9

    How can someone not love this woman? She is so adorable. And her videos… fantastic :)

  • @lyn-marisnyman5906
    @lyn-marisnyman5906 2 дня назад +1

    😊This video was so wholesome! I love the theme and music score!

  • @vibhutiverma4244
    @vibhutiverma4244 3 дня назад +4

    Thank you so much for sharing this, have been watching your videos on loop currently
    Amazing work truely ❣️

  • @elijahbarnhart6828
    @elijahbarnhart6828 2 дня назад +1

    I love that Larry parodying Willie Nelson songs has now become a fixture on the channel.

  • @JazziEpl-hg4ss
    @JazziEpl-hg4ss 20 часов назад +1

    You made me realize that what matters in life is relationship most importantly your parents. Trying to involve them with you in whatever activities you can because in the end you and your siblings were precious to them.... I don't know when but inshallah I'll visit you guys one day untill then keep inspiring ❤️

  • @EnglishwithKateryna
    @EnglishwithKateryna 2 дня назад +1

    Loved this video! Love decluttering!

  • @lindarobinson5714
    @lindarobinson5714 3 дня назад +2

    I have been so excited for you to post! I’ve been loving your videos. You’ve even inspired me to start making my own (still a little too scared to post but I’m sure that’ll come with time haha). So so so much work obviously goes into your videos, they’re magnificent - keep up the good work :)

  • @leticiapicanco6701
    @leticiapicanco6701 День назад +1

    girl i love your channel! happy holidays to your family

  • @katem5149
    @katem5149 3 дня назад +1

    Was so happy to see your video on my feed today. Always brightens my day with your wholesome content and love your relationship with your parents ❤

  • @n47eem
    @n47eem 2 дня назад +1

    Makari "Im a very talented editor"
    Dad "I know you are"
    that make me feel feels

  • @bencrocker2661
    @bencrocker2661 3 дня назад +1

    Wow, your videos are just so fun and uplifting to watch. So glad I found your channel!

  • @LynsAlteredArts
    @LynsAlteredArts 3 дня назад

    The algorithm brought you to me because of decluttering. I watched tons of cleaning and decluttering videos so RUclips brought me you. Your family is adorable and your father is super talented at writing songs. I’ve never heard anyone pronounce garage that way, at first I wasn’t sure what you were saying. Closed captioning got it right most of the time but once it was just a G and once it was grudge.

  • @rebeccam1027
    @rebeccam1027 2 дня назад +1

    I love you guys! You got the magic!😂🤣😂

  • @DonnieX6
    @DonnieX6 3 дня назад +3

    Makari, your book just arrived yesterday, I think my niece will love it! 😊
    And as always, love the videos with your parents, looks like good fun and energy!

    • @debbiemah6746
      @debbiemah6746 3 дня назад +1

      And it feels soooooo goooood! Definitely a much needed physical and mental Feng Shui process!

    • @DonnieX6
      @DonnieX6 3 дня назад

      @@debbiemah6746 I bet! De-cluttering is on my to-do list for January. You two have a great kiddo, fun watching you three!

  • @veronicarosalez3025
    @veronicarosalez3025 2 дня назад +1

    Love the music selection. Also the credits were 🥇

  • @naomimariah4254
    @naomimariah4254 3 дня назад +2

    This was beautiful, so glad it was recommended ❤

  • @madhatter139
    @madhatter139 3 дня назад +1

    Willie's intro was perfect hahaha

  • @Heytrix
    @Heytrix 3 дня назад +2

    I know u can't keep these kind of declutter vids comming forever(unless friends or siblings) but its reminds me of the vids where ppl trim strangers frontyard for free. In a very good and calming way, so chill and funny to watch
    and the algoritm eat this kind of vids raw, also for new viewers i could imagin

  • @anikamanglik4814
    @anikamanglik4814 3 дня назад +2

    AHH LETS GO BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO UPLOAD EVER SINCE I FOUND YOUR CHANNEL!! (i totally didnt binge watch all your videos in the past week and didnt watch a few more than once to fill the void without new videos)

  • @kerry0411
    @kerry0411 13 часов назад +1

    Oh my god, I miss my Dad. He loved to torture us by blaring out a bit of Julio 😂❤

  • @tayet6875
    @tayet6875 День назад +1

    The sitcom theme is so well done😂😂

  • @debbiemah6746
    @debbiemah6746 3 дня назад +1

    Yeehawwww!! Love waking up to these surprises!! Definitely gets us going with a gooood moooood!❤❤

  • @MikeKXu
    @MikeKXu 3 дня назад +2

    Ok that jar trick with the nails is brilliant

  • @Punktlandung
    @Punktlandung 3 дня назад +2

    We‘re all excited 🙏🙌🏻

  • @nathaliafelix6367
    @nathaliafelix6367 2 дня назад +1

    I just LOVE how you edit your videos

  • @martasimoncelli9438
    @martasimoncelli9438 2 дня назад +1

    i absolutely love this kind of content!!! you’re great, awesome channel😄

  • @cascade9584
    @cascade9584 3 дня назад +1

    Your dad has a lovely voice!!

  • @laurenhinze5558
    @laurenhinze5558 2 дня назад +1

    never been so excited for a yt video in my life