Song is anti-war...mama ŠČ = Russia, little psyhopat= Putin, mama love a psyhopat = Rusia love Putin, tractor means tracktor as a birthday gift Putin to Lukashenko....armagedonnona= nuklear war and nuclear misles in hand a litle crockodile psyhopat.....LET 3 is Croatian rock band with anti-everething songs and the strog perfornans.
But you can also think in a different way... If Putin is a little psychopath... who is calling him out for being a psychopath?? western civilization represented by men in thongs and dresses with a flower sticking out of their backside. Isn't that freaky in itself and a criticism of Western society?
At first, not easy to decither but once decithered, it's clear what's all about. An anti-war song, anti-Putin, anti-dictatorship, for freedom and free choice of sexual behaviour, almost anarchistic. Also full of symbols and citations: Hitlers mustache from Charlie Chaplins Great dictator, Queens bohemian rhapsody, Rasputin with nuke rockets in monk costume to destroy the world with "Lenjin" written on his cap and much more symbolisms. A masterpiece within 3 minutes.
@@arcadia5243 Eurofans swallow all the propaganda coming from the Anglo-Saxon world against Russia. The Eurovision Song Contest no longer exists: Ukraine's victory against Sam and Chanel last year was a disgrace. Croatia is sure to win this year. ¡Adiós, Eurovisión!
Kostis is a whole mood :D All your reactions were great though. This group is active since 1987 and they always have been provocative but they put everything in like a satirical way.
This anti-war song is legendary and will be for all time because there are always fools and war. In a big way, it represents the voice of a little man who is sent to war by some dictator and he doesn't want it. That's why they have the words in the song MAMA, I'm going to war, but not of my own free will, they force me to go. That's why the lead singer doesn't show his butt. He represents a dictator. The other members of the band take off their clothes and with a rose in their pipe, i.e. their asses say that no dictator is going to fuck them to go to war anymore. That's why there's a flower sewn on his ass and that's why the lead singer doesn't take off his clothes all the way, but says that with his exposed front parts of his body, the emperor is naked and that he's not selling demagogy to them, that they're not doing all this in the name of the mother of the country for which they should be fight than if they have to choose for some crazy Psychopath who then cries and sheds Crocodile tears for them. These are the real reasons why this performance is the way it is, and every detail has symbolism, and that's why it's a real masterpiece that stops in three minutes. This Let 3 project started working for a rock opera with an anti-war theme three years ago. That's why they later included Traktor and Rakete in that performance. Unfortunately, this topic is also current here in Europe. They have always been and remain consistent critics of big people and represent the voice of the little man in all the moments in which the "big" powers of this world put them. That's what you should know about them. As for the people who would like the Eurovision commission to disqualify them, they will not succeed because they would be the same as the great dictators with censorship. They would put an = sign between the dictator and them. They have been recognized in Croatia, and now all that remains is for the world to recognize them. Nice greetings from the city of Rijeka
Thank you very much for your comment and your explanation to the song and performance! We would definitely disagree with their disqualification and we can't wait to enjoy Let 3's performance on the Eurovision stage !!
This song has hidden messages Mama is synonym for Mother Russia SČ is old Russian alphabet letter Mali psihopat = little psihopat Putin Guy who has written njinle on head Njinle=Lenjin rockets because Putin threats with nuclear weapons and tractor is gift to Putin for birthday from Lukashenko They are trolling great 👍 👌 😄 👏 😀
There are no hidden messages, massage is very transparent, it is anti-was song that needs to penetrate to every moron, pathetic, imbecille leader and their followers. Very artistic, musical, unique, superb performance. PEACE & LOVE TO ALL!
As someone had said there is no better way to describe transition from 20th to 21st century.. Mama idem se igrat, mama idem u rat! (Mum I am going to play, mum I'm going to war!) Greetings from Rijeka! ❤️
MAMA SC! SUPERB song and performance. No 1 hit song for cool/smart people with background in music and art. Also, have can you engage into this songs discussion when you don't understand Croatian language nor history. Massage is anti-war and purpose is to penetrate to all world morons, imbecile leaders and their followers. PEACE & LOVE TO ALL!
Tractor is a reference to Lukashenko's birthday present to Putin. In the song Putin is described as a "vile little psychopath", the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forhead (wordplay:Nin-Le=Lenin). Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia, and crocodile is a drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies.
My favorite part were the roses in tjeir butts! 😆♥️🔝🔝🔝💕💕💕
Год назад+59
People want a commercial song with shallow lyrics and easily digestible music for wide audiences. This is not that kind of thing. This is not what people want to hear but what people need to hear but also see. This is an artistic masterpiece. This is an opera (think Bohemian Rhapsody melos). It doesn't try to appeal to the to masses, it is painting you a picture, it is conveying a message. It talks about a war, that's why it's messy but beautifully orchestrated. Its almost permanent crescendo conveys what the insanity and reality of war is while its lyrics speak about the absurdity of it. The absurdity and irony is also apparent in the costumes and choreography which immediately tells you that we've already been trough this. The world already knows this, but we're still going or are in another one as if we haven't learnt anything from the history. Also the costume he wears is supposed to show you the real face of the person capable of starting a war. It is showing how that psychopath looks if we could see his psyche and his mind like we can see his nice Italian suit when we look at him. It's an eyeopening song that is just point out the obvious. And they are not in it to win, I personally think they just want to prove the absurdity of todays humanity because if they loose which they said they will it means people can't see the obvious even when you point it out clearly, and it shows why we are at the place we are today and even today we can't understand the obvious so we can expect the same tragic things in the future. A nicely groomed psychopath commanding everyone to go to war and the people (the audience) not understanding what he is and blindly following.
I'm impressed with Ms.Ana. She discovered in record time basic point of this song and start to deeping and exploring more (see reflection in her glasses, opening tabs on browser). I'm just crazy guy who notice that. 🤣😅
It's satire and it may seem somewhat chaotic at first but Ana got it right almost from the beginning - it's a pretty strong and pretty serious anti-war message.
Tractor is reference to Lukachenko's bithday present to Putin , in song Putin is described as " little psychopat" The vocalist represent Staljin an the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forehead (word play NIN LE - LENJIN). Mamma ŠČ is metafore for Mother Russia and crocodile is drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies.
Yep,we are confused too about Let3 songs,since there beggining. But we LOVE them!! This is anti-war song in their style. Sooo we now know for sure who will Putin drop bomb on AAAARGHHHH Pray for us!😂
Croatia mocks not only the war and those who encourage it, but also Europe and the Eurovision Song Contest. When we couldn't make it to the finals with superb vocals and songs that were often even better than the winners, now we're sending - a circus. In any case- they will DEFINITELY be noticed!😂
Remind me, which of Croatian songs was better than the winner? I don't recall any. Also, what's the point of taking part in a competition just to mock it? That humiliates other contestants. They give their best effort to turn Eurovision into a circus, and then complain how it became a circus.
This song "My friend" was so good that noone remembers it. As for Maria Magdalena, ok, you may be right, but it's a matter of taste... My point was that mocking the competition is not a good reason for taking part in it. Maybe someone could feel offended or insulted by your attitude.
This is copy from @FidelisRaven answear Tractor is a reference to Lukashenko's birthday present to Putin. In the song Putin is described as a "vile little psychopath", the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forhead (wordplay:Nin-Le=Lenin). Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia, and crocodile is a drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies. The meaning of the lyrics is kinda obvious now: "Mama bought a tractor" "Mama (meaning Russia) loved a moron (meaning Putin)" "That little psychopath (W-w-war, war) Little, vicious psychopath (W-w-war, war) Crocodile psychopath (W-w-war, war) Mama, I'm going to war" The whole thing is trolling Putin level 10000000. Also, I would bring your attention to the fact that band members are naked in the end, with roses sticking out of their rear parts ;)
Those who don't follow them don't understand, and don't even notice (and neither do those who follow them, because it's a classic). They were considerate of the public, so they didn't put "nakurnjak" on their genitals (and that, among other things, they know to do at performances).
@@mario.-_-. A dobro, to bi bilo previše... pučki. Svaka budala se može popišati. Ja mislim da su brnjice vrh vrhova. Ili da u neku pirotehniku stave nešto malo jače pa da pola bine odleti u zrak :D
mamma-Russia, ŠČ-russian alphabet,tractor-gift from Lakaschenko, little psychopate-Putin, Njinle with Rockets- Lenin, crocodil-drug used in Russia, Freddy Mercury look- Putins fight against Lgbtq , Moustache-Stalin.... :-D
@@RosequartzDivination nagh, both hitler and stalin had same coat and heat, but moustaches are stlain for sure, check photos of both hitler and stalin and you will se those are stalin moustache..
This is politcal song in metaphores. Singer acts Stalin 1. ŠČ - Щ, oldest letter in russian alphabet. Mama ŠČ - meaning Mother Russia 2. Mama kupila traktora - mother bought a tractor, big tractor producer in Minsk is called Belarus. Meaning Russia bought Belarus. 3. Mama ljubila morona - mother loved/kissed a moron, Lukashenko viewed as a moron. 4. onaj mali psihopat - that little ville psychopath, Putin 5. krokodilski psihopat - psychopath zombie, acting like it's on a crocodile - dangerous russian drugs. 6. mama idem u rat - Mother, I am going to war 7. Armagedonnona with NJINLE (NIN-LE or LE-NIN); Lenin founded USSR, Here it presents the wish to create new USSR & it's threat with the nukes to rule again
Croatia's first victory at the Eurovision Song Contest was the song stop the war in Croatia, now Croats are singing a song for Ukraine and the whole world, we peoples all over the world do not want war
For those who need thesaurus: Mama - Russia (often called Mother Russia) ŠČ - doesn't get more Slavic than that. In Russian many words have that combo. Tractor - Belarus, Lukašenko Armageddon Nona - again Russia (Nona=grandma, old ma), threatening with nuclear Armageddon constantly Moron - Putin (Mama Russia loved Putin so much) Psychopath - little, vile, crocodile - again Putin. (Crocodile, some say because of the drug, I think because crocodile crys his eyes out before he eats his victim - like Putin 🙂) Mom I'm going to war! Unfortunate young Russian man, finally realizing where has loving that moronic psychopath led them in the end. Extra strong antiwar anthem. *Edit: found out later that Boris Johnson said the following - "how can you negotiate with the crocodile, when it has your leg in its jaw? That's the situation Ukraine faces" So, that's the crocodile mistery resolved.
I hear that some are calling the song out for its political messages. As it seems to me, everyone sees something different in a song, passes it through their filters of understanding and tries to find some hidden meaning within their experiences and knowledge. This only confirms the artistic value that Let 3 has shown again and again in its original, recognizable and consistent way. The fact is that they did not say anything specifically in the song or called someone/something names, condemned, etc., and this is a clear proof that the song is not political. Not a single word in the song has a political overtone, but it managed to tickle people's imagination and their need to understand the message, which in my opinion is already a sufficient indicator of artistic success. But with works of art, the meaning always remains a secret because the goal of art is for the person who consumes it to experience it in his own and only his own way. So realistically, we cannot condemn a song for its political content because it is only the opinion and interpretation of some individuals, and not a real fact.
Č (Russian Ŝ), Let3's song about Putin's ('Mother') Russia, is the most appropriate aesthetic and musical Croatian answer for the Eurovision song to the current Russian aggression. So let's decipher the text a bit. 'Mama' is constantly repeated in the song: 'Mama bought a tractor, Mama loved a moron'... 'Mama' as Mother Russia, and Belarus (Belarus) is actually a tractor model... Mother Russia (sub)bought a Tractor (Belarus) from which she also launched aggression, and from which evil is also spreading (similarly, they have been 'buying' whoever they can for years ... By the way, Putin recently received a tractor from Lukashenka for his birthday). In short, Mother Russia loves a moron - Putin - a little crocodile psychopath, who threatens armageddon, for which the little man goes to war. That's roughly how Let3 see it lyrically, the only ones on the Croatian scene who sang in a symbolic and sarcastic way about Russian aggression, which is shaping the fate of Europe. Recently, in one of the interviews, when they appeared in a TV studio with rockets with "Lenin" written on them, they said that Putin is "an example of a braggart who thinks the planet is his toy." That's what the band from the left spectrum is saying, while many others are silent! And as for the other songs, mostly rather empty and worn-out lamentations about the sufferings of love... and for that it is better to open 'The Sufferings of Young Werther'
The bold man with rockets is LENIN, Russian socialist and communist leader, in Croatian it is LENJIN, but they divided it and turned it backwords from LE NJIN to NJIN LE 😁😎
The letters ŠČ together mean nothing. It is an anti-war song and tells us about the meaningless of war and that wars caused psychopaths. For that psychopath, somebody must go to war and die. Thank you for your comments.
Mother Russia bought a Tractor (Belarus) from which aggression was also launched, and from which evil also spreads (similarly, they have been 'buying' whoever they can for years... By the way, Putin recently received a tractor from Lukashenka for his birthday). In short, Mother Russia loves a moron - Putin - a little crocodile psychopath, who threatens armageddon, for which the little man goes to war. That's roughly how Let3 see it lyrically, the only ones on the Croatian scene who sang in a symbolic and sarcastic way about Russian aggression, which is shaping the fate of Europe.
I hear that some are calling the song out for its political messages. As it seems to me, everyone sees something different in a song, passes it through their filters of understanding and tries to find some hidden meaning within their experiences and knowledge. This only confirms the artistic value that Let 3 has shown again and again in its original, recognizable and consistent way. The fact is that they did not say anything specifically in the song or called someone/something names, condemned, etc., and this is a clear proof that the song is not political. Not a single word in the song has a political overtone, but it managed to tickle people's imagination and their need to understand the message, which in my opinion is already a sufficient indicator of artistic success. But with works of art, the meaning always remains a secret because the goal of art is for the person who consumes it to experience it in his own and only his own way. So realistically, we cannot condemn a song for its political content because it is only the opinion and interpretation of some individuals, and not a real fact.
@@KakSeZove one thing that bothers me is: when countries send bdsm gay people(Iceland) who imitate rough gay sex , thats fine. When they send bearded women, or trans or drag queend that fine and not disturbing. But when croatia sent thid anti war song thatvwas purposley done bad, as the tune and voice tried to describe chaos of Russian and Ukrainian war, people say thats bad and disturbing. Eurosong long stopped being competition for the best voice. Nowdays its all about politicis. But apperantly only in certain situations.
Mama = Motherland (Mother Russia) ŠČ = Slavic/Russian alphabet letter representation, "Z" reference but can also be interpreted as a word with various meanings (a salute or a FU) Tractor: Putin got one for his 70th from Lukashenko, president of Belarus, also a reference to any army vehicle Moron = Putin/Dictator Crocodile Psychopath: Boris Johnson compared Putin to a crocodile, also a "zombie" street drug reportedly widely used in Russia and "crocodile tears" Mama loved/supported a moron, now he is waging war. Lead singer has Stalin mustache (also a reference to dictators in general) and the one with missiles, dressed like Rasputin, has Lenin written on his forehead. Drag military outfits - taunting Putin (and all conservatives) for his views of LGBTQ+ community Nothing about this song or the performance is accidental, it has a strong anti-war message. Brilliant! This video explains it all!видео.html
This is not a song, but performance art set to music. Thought-provoking for sure, but mostly out of place considering Eurovision's preference for lighter (pop) fare. This piece would be a treat for attendees of some avantgarde music festival, where endless layers of meaning could be unpacked for hours by aspiring intellectuals, but apart from inspiring next morning's water cooler chit chat, it falls flat musically. Oh, and, I happen to be Croatian and like Let 3's work in general. Just don't think it's suited for the occasion. Your muted reactions were sincere and spot on. No sense in looking for plot in this narrative :)
Thank you for your comment :) We actually believe that there is a place for all types of music and performances in Eurovision. It's true that pop songs have been favoured throughout the years, but Eurovision fans have proven many times that it's not only that that they vote for. So we actually believe that Croatia will not only qualify, but will do well at the final!!
The text and performance are ambiguous. How you will (want to) understand this performance depends on your classification on this or that side. No, this is not about Putin as some explain , this is equally about Putin, Belarus, Zelensky ( USA) and much much more . The letter Щ ( ŠĆ , pronunciation - very , very soft š ( sh ) ) , the 27th letter of the Russian alphabet, has a long history of origin, which goes back to the time of the appearance of the first Slavic alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic All other explanations of the meaning of this letter are invented, wrong, and people just copy them without any verification. Greetings from Hrvatska / Croatia
ŠČ is a letter in a russian alphabet, but letters Š and Č are 5th and 25th letter of a cro alphabet so letter Z is 30th letter of russian alphabet. Mother had buyed tractor-Lukashenko gett tractor to Putin. Tractor brand Belarus. Lulaby by grandmother- grandhmother is SSSR Very powerfull message full of hiden gems
@@Kostis_ESC it’s from the time before the Greeks (Achaeans) came to the Balkans, there was a nation called Pelasgians, whom later the Greeks called ‘barbarians’. Those Pelasgians are close relatives to the Slavs, whose greatest nation happen to be Russia, and they spoke similar language to slavic, which has th3 letter shch…😉just for your information , if you missed that lesson at school.🙂
@@gordonpi8674 haha... Thanks for the information. Although you asked about the Greek alphabet which doesn't include these letters. Neither in the current nor in the ancient Greek we have them.
Artists react to war. Before WWII Charlie Chaplin made movie. The Great Dictator. Look at Globe Scene, with sensitive music. This is at the same track but more up to 21st cent . It is part of future anti-war rock opera. Every scene has several meanings. Eurovision is perfect platform for artists.
The song is about Putin and Lukasenko, they are singing “dirty little psychopath (Putin) is going to war” and “Šč” is oldest letter in russian alphabet (Mother Russia). Also they say “Mama (mother Russia) kisses a moron (Putin)”. There is “Tractor” in the lyrics because Lukashenko gave tractor as birthday gift to Putin couple of months ago. Both looking like crying crocodiles (a dangerous drug in Russia) when he speaks about they just wanna save the people from nazis. Maybe you understand it now better that this is an antiwarsong for all the roulers who play with our lives like we are just meat for there bombs and ambissions ;)
Even the joke or the provocation needs a song in order to be accessible to a wider audience. The problem here it that there is only provocation but no song. I doubt they can have many chances with a non Croatian audience.
The song's catchy when you know the lyrics and certainly well crafted. But. It's about anti Putin (as mentioned in the song 'little psychopath') and anti Russia ('Mama' is Mother Russia, also says Lenin on that psycho's forehead). No other leader (dictator) is mocked. USA also is not mocked, even though they are prolonging the suffering and destruction of Ukraine by doing proxy war with Russia. No matter what the Croats say, I don't see it as universal anti-war satire. Or to put it simply - if the war was held somewhere else with only Western powers in place, this song wouldn't exist. And that's my major let down. If LET 3 decided to shamelessly mock every current dictator and ruler out there that is causing threat to the world and not just focus on Russia, it would get big thumbs up from me. But the way it is, it's just going with the flow with the western one-sided narrative.
Explanation of the lyrics: "Mama kupila traktora🚜 ŠČ" "Mother bought a tractor🚜 Щ" (Mother = Mother Russia) (Lukashenko gifting a tractor to Putin for his 70th birthday, also Belarus is a popular tractor in Belarus which means that 🇷🇺 bought 🇧🇾) The Cyrillic letter Shcha Щ was derived from the Glagolitic (Croatian script) letter Shta Ⱋ. Also the sum of letters Š and Č gives Z (25+4=29) in Croatian alphabet, and Z is a military symbol used by Russians to mark their military vehicles. "Trajna-nina armagedon nona" "Trayna-nina armageddon granny" (Nuclear armageddon threat) (Since mother is Russia that makes grandmother USSR) "Mama ljubila morona ...ŠČ" "Mother was kissing a moron ...Щ" (Mother Russia electing a moron (Putin) to be president) Then the reverse part of the song where they say the whole Croatian alphabet: A(А/Ⰰ), B(Б/Ⰱ), C(Ц/Ⱌ), Č(Ч/Ⱍ), Ć(Ћ/Ⱋ), D(Д/Ⰴ), Dž(Џ/Ⰴⰶ), Đ(Ђ/Ⰼ), E(Е/Ⰵ), F(Ф/Ⱇ), G(Г/Ⰳ), H(Х/Ⱈ), I(И/Ⰻ), J(Й/Ⰺ), K(К/Ⰽ), L(Л/Ⰾ), Lj(Љ/Ⰾⰺ), M(М/Ⰿ), N(Н/Ⱀ), Nj(Њ/Ⱀⰺ), O(О/Ⱁ), P(П/Ⱂ), R(Р/Ⱃ), S(С/Ⱄ), Š(Ш/Ⱎ), T(Т/Ⱅ), U(У/Ⱆ), V(В/Ⰲ), Z(З/Ⰷ), Ž(Ж/Ⰶ). The reverse part of the song represents going back in time and repeating the same mistakes from history (not learning from historical events). "Mama, mama, mama ja se idem igrat" "Mom, mom, mom I'm going to personate/roleplay" (Putin is going to personate or roleplay as Lenin and/or Stalin) "MAMA, IDEM U RAT!" "MOM, I'M GOING TO WAR!"🇺🇦 "Onaj mali psihopat" "That little psychopath"(Putin) "Mali podli psihopat" "Little vile psychopath"(Putin) "Krokodilski psihopat" "Crocodilian psychopath"(Putin) (Crocodilian as in enormous/huge/massive, basically the complete opposite of little) (Krokodil is also a drug in Russia stronger than heroin) (Also also reference to Boris Johnson calling Putin a crocodile 🐊) Meanwhile vocals in the background: "Mama ja idem u rat, rat, rat, rat" "Mom I'm going to war, war, war, war" "MAMA, IDEM U RAT!" "MOM, I'M GOING TO WAR!"🇺🇦
his forehead says Lenjin or Lenin (it's written in slang, njinLe - it's how we sometimes swap first syllable in words with rest of the word, we use it in everyday talk, mostly here in capital Zagreb, I don't know how to explain differently, it's really hard if you don't know Croatian language 😂) founding father of USSR and the song is anti-war they are singin that Putin is little pychopath and little alligator psychopath...mama im going to war ŠČ! (sh like in shoe and ch like in charm) They are very well known band here in Croatia for anti-war propaganda and spreading peace and love but also they are singing anti-everything songs with no censorship and made some NFSW music videos and they love to make quite an entrance so expect everything from them on ESC23...Mr.Lee or MRLE is always sending little kisses to everybody 🤣the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets is dressed like a monk to represent Rasputin. Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia ŠČ is a letter specific to russian alphabet.. They are funny as hell and most people love them cause of their crazyness...first time Croatia chose right! GO LET3 for the win🏆That little alligator psychopath will go down once and for all!e
It is an absolute masterpiece. Highly intelligent musicians. A strong message to all leaders and the games they allow themselves to play. 😁
this is a masterpiece when you collect all the pieces
They are fantastic! Great performance and great global message, ŠČ ❤️
Agree on that 100%!
It,s a rock opera song against the war. Greetings from Rijeka, Croatia 🇭🇷
Greetings from the Greece to Croatia 😻
Greetings to our friends in Greece with huge ŠČ!
@@fapmashina1 ❤️❤️❤️
Let 3 we love you!!Amazing as allways!!GO CROATIA!!!
Song is anti-war...mama ŠČ = Russia, little psyhopat= Putin, mama love a psyhopat = Rusia love Putin, tractor means tracktor as a birthday gift Putin to Lukashenko....armagedonnona= nuklear war and nuclear misles in hand a litle crockodile psyhopat.....LET 3 is Croatian rock band with anti-everething songs and the strog perfornans.
Thank you very much for explaining! ❤️
@@Kostis_ESC ŠČ😉😎🥸😄
But you can also think in a different way... If Putin is a little psychopath... who is calling him out for being a psychopath?? western civilization represented by men in thongs and dresses with a flower sticking out of their backside. Isn't that freaky in itself and a criticism of Western society?
Punk rock band
Also, the guy with the rockets has Njinle written on his forhead..
NJIN - LE = LE - NJIN (Vladimir Lenin)
Masterpiece of (music) art with very powerful message.
Jep a piece of hit :)
War is kaos and song really great describe it! Let 3👍👍👍👍👍
At first, not easy to decither but once decithered, it's clear what's all about. An anti-war song, anti-Putin, anti-dictatorship, for freedom and free choice of sexual behaviour, almost anarchistic.
Also full of symbols and citations: Hitlers mustache from Charlie Chaplins Great dictator, Queens bohemian rhapsody, Rasputin with nuke rockets in monk costume to destroy the world with "Lenjin" written on his cap and much more symbolisms.
A masterpiece within 3 minutes.
Moustache doesn't have anything to do with Chaplin or Hitler. It's just their signature mark
OMG, it's incredible. Piece of art. Iconic. ❤
Winner alert! Eurofans love politics intead of music. Браво, браво Хрватска!
Music on Eurovision should have sometimes powerfull mesage . It is war in Europe and that should not been ignored
European fans love freedom you mean?
@@arcadia5243 Eurofans swallow all the propaganda coming from the Anglo-Saxon world against Russia. The Eurovision Song Contest no longer exists: Ukraine's victory against Sam and Chanel last year was a disgrace. Croatia is sure to win this year. ¡Adiós, Eurovisión!
@@InhigoAlai that is why you swallow all the right values 😁
Great reaction.... 💙
Thank you !!!🥰🥰🥰
To su umjetnici glazbe.njihove pjesme govore o stvarnosti i realnosti života
Kostis is a whole mood :D All your reactions were great though.
This group is active since 1987 and they always have been provocative but they put everything in like a satirical way.
They look like a very interesting group!! We are very happy that you enjoyed the video and our reactions 🥰☺️🥰❤️
You have to listen minimum three to four times! It's fantastic!
ŠČ ❤❤❤🥳🥳🥳
This anti-war song is legendary and will be for all time because there are always fools and war. In a big way, it represents the voice of a little man who is sent to war by some dictator and he doesn't want it. That's why they have the words in the song MAMA, I'm going to war, but not of my own free will, they force me to go. That's why the lead singer doesn't show his butt. He represents a dictator. The other members of the band take off their clothes and with a rose in their pipe, i.e. their asses say that no dictator is going to fuck them to go to war anymore. That's why there's a flower sewn on his ass and that's why the lead singer doesn't take off his clothes all the way, but says that with his exposed front parts of his body, the emperor is naked and that he's not selling demagogy to them, that they're not doing all this in the name of the mother of the country for which they should be fight than if they have to choose for some crazy Psychopath who then cries and sheds Crocodile tears for them. These are the real reasons why this performance is the way it is, and every detail has symbolism, and that's why it's a real masterpiece that stops in three minutes. This Let 3 project started working for a rock opera with an anti-war theme three years ago. That's why they later included Traktor and Rakete in that performance. Unfortunately, this topic is also current here in Europe. They have always been and remain consistent critics of big people and represent the voice of the little man in all the moments in which the "big" powers of this world put them. That's what you should know about them. As for the people who would like the Eurovision commission to disqualify them, they will not succeed because they would be the same as the great dictators with censorship. They would put an = sign between the dictator and them. They have been recognized in Croatia, and now all that remains is for the world to recognize them. Nice greetings from the city of Rijeka
Thank you very much for your comment and your explanation to the song and performance! We would definitely disagree with their disqualification and we can't wait to enjoy Let 3's performance on the Eurovision stage !!
This song has hidden messages
Mama is synonym for Mother Russia
SČ is old Russian alphabet letter
Mali psihopat = little psihopat Putin
Guy who has written njinle on head Njinle=Lenjin rockets because Putin threats with nuclear weapons and tractor is gift to Putin for birthday from Lukashenko
They are trolling great 👍 👌 😄 👏 😀
Thank you very much for the explanation ☺️
@@Kostis_ESC u welcome 😘
There are no hidden messages, massage is very transparent, it is anti-was song that needs to penetrate to every moron, pathetic, imbecille leader and their followers. Very artistic, musical, unique, superb performance. PEACE & LOVE TO ALL!
Trolling the West for it's gay propaganda, trolling the East for Putin and trolling ESC by sending this anti-song.
@@kristijanEX most of all they are trolling Croatia for the past 30 years into thinking of them as musicans...they are plain garbage
Koji genijalci parodija na rat za mir
Love ŠČ Let 3 ❤️👍👍👍
As someone had said there is no better way to describe transition from 20th to 21st century.. Mama idem se igrat, mama idem u rat! (Mum I am going to play, mum I'm going to war!) Greetings from Rijeka! ❤️
MAMA SC! SUPERB song and performance. No 1 hit song for cool/smart people with background in music and art. Also, have can you engage into this songs discussion when you don't understand Croatian language nor history. Massage is anti-war and purpose is to penetrate to all world morons, imbecile leaders and their followers. PEACE & LOVE TO ALL!
Great comment!
If you figure out the message, it is brilliant!
Torpedo and Let 3 both made in Rijeka Croatia. Spectacular 🤣
First torpedo in the world was constructed in Rijeka, the city where Let 3 is from.
ŠČ for the win!!!
Tractor is a reference to Lukashenko's birthday present to Putin. In the song Putin is described as a "vile little psychopath", the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forhead (wordplay:Nin-Le=Lenin). Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia, and crocodile is a drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies.
No one has sung a song about the current war and we needed it. Well done Croatia 🇭🇷 👏 🏆
My favorite part were the roses in tjeir butts! 😆♥️🔝🔝🔝💕💕💕
People want a commercial song with shallow lyrics and easily digestible music for wide audiences. This is not that kind of thing. This is not what people want to hear but what people need to hear but also see. This is an artistic masterpiece. This is an opera (think Bohemian Rhapsody melos). It doesn't try to appeal to the to masses, it is painting you a picture, it is conveying a message. It talks about a war, that's why it's messy but beautifully orchestrated. Its almost permanent crescendo conveys what the insanity and reality of war is while its lyrics speak about the absurdity of it. The absurdity and irony is also apparent in the costumes and choreography which immediately tells you that we've already been trough this. The world already knows this, but we're still going or are in another one as if we haven't learnt anything from the history. Also the costume he wears is supposed to show you the real face of the person capable of starting a war. It is showing how that psychopath looks if we could see his psyche and his mind like we can see his nice Italian suit when we look at him. It's an eyeopening song that is just point out the obvious. And they are not in it to win, I personally think they just want to prove the absurdity of todays humanity because if they loose which they said they will it means people can't see the obvious even when you point it out clearly, and it shows why we are at the place we are today and even today we can't understand the obvious so we can expect the same tragic things in the future.
A nicely groomed psychopath commanding everyone to go to war and the people (the audience) not understanding what he is and blindly following.
Jako lijepo napisano 👍🏼
svaka čast legendo jako dobro sročeno 👍
Great point man! Big ŠČ for that! 👍
I'm impressed with Ms.Ana. She discovered in record time basic point of this song and start to deeping and exploring more (see reflection in her glasses, opening tabs on browser). I'm just crazy guy who notice that. 🤣😅
That's amaizig.
You don’t understand,but this is a HIT!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Reeds between.
It's satire and it may seem somewhat chaotic at first but Ana got it right almost from the beginning - it's a pretty strong and pretty serious anti-war message.
Tractor is reference to Lukachenko's bithday present to Putin , in song Putin is described as " little psychopat"
The vocalist represent Staljin an the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forehead (word play NIN LE - LENJIN). Mamma ŠČ is metafore for Mother Russia and crocodile is
drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies.
Monty Payton style..
Yep,we are confused too about Let3 songs,since there beggining. But we LOVE them!!
This is anti-war song in their style.
Sooo we now know for sure who will Putin drop bomb on AAAARGHHHH Pray for us!😂
Croatia mocks not only the war and those who encourage it, but also Europe and the Eurovision Song Contest. When we couldn't make it to the finals with superb vocals and songs that were often even better than the winners, now we're sending - a circus. In any case- they will DEFINITELY be noticed!😂
Remind me, which of Croatian songs was better than the winner? I don't recall any. Also, what's the point of taking part in a competition just to mock it? That humiliates other contestants. They give their best effort to turn Eurovision into a circus, and then complain how it became a circus.
@@tead5675 well my friend and Tick Tock for example
@@tead5675 Marija Magdalena-Doris Dragović 1999 Izrael
@Crofox you mean TikTok was better than Maneskin's Zitti and buoni? You must be kidding.
This song "My friend" was so good that noone remembers it. As for Maria Magdalena, ok, you may be right, but it's a matter of taste... My point was that mocking the competition is not a good reason for taking part in it. Maybe someone could feel offended or insulted by your attitude.
Epic... 💙💙💙💙
This is copy from @FidelisRaven answear
Tractor is a reference to Lukashenko's birthday present to Putin. In the song Putin is described as a "vile little psychopath", the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets has NINLE on his forhead (wordplay:Nin-Le=Lenin). Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia, and crocodile is a drug popular in Russia that makes people act like zombies.
The meaning of the lyrics is kinda obvious now:
"Mama bought a tractor"
"Mama (meaning Russia) loved a moron (meaning Putin)"
"That little psychopath (W-w-war, war)
Little, vicious psychopath (W-w-war, war)
Crocodile psychopath (W-w-war, war)
Mama, I'm going to war"
The whole thing is trolling Putin level 10000000.
Also, I would bring your attention to the fact that band members are naked in the end, with roses sticking out of their rear parts ;)
They are a band from the city of Rijeka. The first ever torpedo was manufactured there.
anti war rock rapsody !
Kostis got it, brother in the upper left did not got it and the lady's cam is frozen (at times) but she's interpreting all the hidden messages. 😁😁😁😁
the war is chaotic! Every one of them! The song is anti-war song!
I have watched a few reaction videos and I am disappointed that nobody mentioned roses sticking out of their butts :)
Those who don't follow them don't understand, and don't even notice (and neither do those who follow them, because it's a classic).
They were considerate of the public, so they didn't put "nakurnjak" on their genitals (and that, among other things, they know to do at performances).
@@mario.-_-. Eagerly awaiting the finals for the cock thing ;) And I think those are actually muzzles ;)
Bar da se popišaju na bini...
@@mario.-_-. A dobro, to bi bilo previše... pučki. Svaka budala se može popišati. Ja mislim da su brnjice vrh vrhova.
Ili da u neku pirotehniku stave nešto malo jače pa da pola bine odleti u zrak :D
Your video is very nice and this song is the best anti-war song ever 😄💋💞👍
Thank you so much !! We are happy you enjoyed the video ❤️
You two should have let Ana say something. She figured it out right away
apsolute Mastersong!,,, thuis song isGenius with a powerful message!,, Bravo Let 3 end Croatia!, winnar 2023,,,!,,
This song is what I imagine PTSD looks like, so much of everything.
Kostis is priceless.
Aww 🥰
mamma-Russia, ŠČ-russian alphabet,tractor-gift from Lakaschenko, little psychopate-Putin, Njinle with Rockets- Lenin, crocodil-drug used in Russia, Freddy Mercury look- Putins fight against Lgbtq , Moustache-Stalin.... :-D
I thought it was a Hitler look.
@@RosequartzDivination nagh, both hitler and stalin had same coat and heat, but moustaches are stlain for sure, check photos of both hitler and stalin and you will se those are stalin moustache..
Great explanation. Well done!👊
This is politcal song in metaphores. Singer acts Stalin
1. ŠČ - Щ, oldest letter in russian alphabet. Mama ŠČ - meaning Mother Russia
2. Mama kupila traktora - mother bought a tractor, big tractor producer in Minsk is called Belarus. Meaning Russia bought Belarus.
3. Mama ljubila morona - mother loved/kissed a moron, Lukashenko viewed as a moron.
4. onaj mali psihopat - that little ville psychopath, Putin
5. krokodilski psihopat - psychopath zombie, acting like it's on a crocodile - dangerous russian drugs.
6. mama idem u rat - Mother, I am going to war
7. Armagedonnona with NJINLE (NIN-LE or LE-NIN); Lenin founded USSR, Here it presents the wish to create new USSR & it's threat with the nukes to rule again
Croatia's first victory at the Eurovision Song Contest was the song stop the war in Croatia, now Croats are singing a song for Ukraine and the whole world, we peoples all over the world do not want war
Njinle(on forehead) - Lenjin(real meaning)
For those who need thesaurus:
Mama - Russia (often called Mother Russia)
ŠČ - doesn't get more Slavic than that. In Russian many words have that combo.
Tractor - Belarus, Lukašenko
Armageddon Nona - again Russia (Nona=grandma, old ma), threatening with nuclear Armageddon constantly
Moron - Putin (Mama Russia loved Putin so much)
Psychopath - little, vile, crocodile - again Putin. (Crocodile, some say because of the drug, I think because crocodile crys his eyes out before he eats his victim - like Putin 🙂)
Mom I'm going to war! Unfortunate young Russian man, finally realizing where has loving that moronic psychopath led them in the end.
Extra strong antiwar anthem.
*Edit: found out later that Boris Johnson said the following - "how can you negotiate with the crocodile, when it has your leg in its jaw? That's the situation Ukraine faces" So, that's the crocodile mistery resolved.
I hear that some are calling the song out for its political messages. As it seems to me, everyone sees something different in a song, passes it through their filters of understanding and tries to find some hidden meaning within their experiences and knowledge. This only confirms the artistic value that Let 3 has shown again and again in its original, recognizable and consistent way. The fact is that they did not say anything specifically in the song or called someone/something names, condemned, etc., and this is a clear proof that the song is not political. Not a single word in the song has a political overtone, but it managed to tickle people's imagination and their need to understand the message, which in my opinion is already a sufficient indicator of artistic success. But with works of art, the meaning always remains a secret because the goal of art is for the person who consumes it to experience it in his own and only his own way. So realistically, we cannot condemn a song for its political content because it is only the opinion and interpretation of some individuals, and not a real fact.
DrDomich -👏
Č (Russian Ŝ), Let3's song about Putin's ('Mother') Russia, is the most appropriate aesthetic and musical Croatian answer for the Eurovision song to the current Russian aggression. So let's decipher the text a bit. 'Mama' is constantly repeated in the song: 'Mama bought a tractor, Mama loved a moron'... 'Mama' as Mother Russia, and Belarus (Belarus) is actually a tractor model... Mother Russia (sub)bought a Tractor (Belarus) from which she also launched aggression, and from which evil is also spreading (similarly, they have been 'buying' whoever they can for years ... By the way, Putin recently received a tractor from Lukashenka for his birthday). In short, Mother Russia loves a moron - Putin - a little crocodile psychopath, who threatens armageddon, for which the little man goes to war. That's roughly how Let3 see it lyrically, the only ones on the Croatian scene who sang in a symbolic and sarcastic way about Russian aggression, which is shaping the fate of Europe. Recently, in one of the interviews, when they appeared in a TV studio with rockets with "Lenin" written on them, they said that Putin is "an example of a braggart who thinks the planet is his toy." That's what the band from the left spectrum is saying, while many others are silent! And as for the other songs, mostly rather empty and worn-out lamentations about the sufferings of love... and for that it is better to open 'The Sufferings of Young Werther'
ŠČ for the win of the Special Croatian Operation on Eurosong 2023 xD
While you're into what did he reveal in the front, you missed that the whole band have roses stuck in their butts at 3:30 🤣😂
Yeees we really missed that !!
Kostis is a mood 😂
The bold man with rockets is LENIN, Russian socialist and communist leader, in Croatian it is LENJIN, but they divided it and turned it backwords from LE NJIN to NJIN LE 😁😎
The letters ŠČ together mean nothing. It is an anti-war song and tells us about the meaningless of war and that wars caused psychopaths. For that psychopath, somebody must go to war and die. Thank you for your comments.
hmm i wonder what the message might be.. Could it be some thingy like a war?
Mother Russia bought a Tractor (Belarus) from which aggression was also launched, and from which evil also spreads (similarly, they have been 'buying' whoever they can for years... By the way, Putin recently received a tractor from Lukashenka for his birthday). In short, Mother Russia loves a moron - Putin - a little crocodile psychopath, who threatens armageddon, for which the little man goes to war. That's roughly how Let3 see it lyrically, the only ones on the Croatian scene who sang in a symbolic and sarcastic way about Russian aggression, which is shaping the fate of Europe.
I hear that some are calling the song out for its political messages. As it seems to me, everyone sees something different in a song, passes it through their filters of understanding and tries to find some hidden meaning within their experiences and knowledge. This only confirms the artistic value that Let 3 has shown again and again in its original, recognizable and consistent way. The fact is that they did not say anything specifically in the song or called someone/something names, condemned, etc., and this is a clear proof that the song is not political. Not a single word in the song has a political overtone, but it managed to tickle people's imagination and their need to understand the message, which in my opinion is already a sufficient indicator of artistic success. But with works of art, the meaning always remains a secret because the goal of art is for the person who consumes it to experience it in his own and only his own way. So realistically, we cannot condemn a song for its political content because it is only the opinion and interpretation of some individuals, and not a real fact.
@@KakSeZove one thing that bothers me is: when countries send bdsm gay people(Iceland) who imitate rough gay sex , thats fine. When they send bearded women, or trans or drag queend that fine and not disturbing. But when croatia sent thid anti war song thatvwas purposley done bad, as the tune and voice tried to describe chaos of Russian and Ukrainian war, people say thats bad and disturbing. Eurosong long stopped being competition for the best voice. Nowdays its all about politicis. But apperantly only in certain situations.
Mama = Motherland (Mother Russia)
ŠČ = Slavic/Russian alphabet letter representation, "Z" reference but can also be interpreted as a word with various meanings (a salute or a FU)
Tractor: Putin got one for his 70th from Lukashenko, president of Belarus, also a reference to any army vehicle
Moron = Putin/Dictator
Crocodile Psychopath: Boris Johnson compared Putin to a crocodile, also a "zombie" street drug reportedly widely used in Russia and "crocodile tears"
Mama loved/supported a moron, now he is waging war.
Lead singer has Stalin mustache (also a reference to dictators in general) and the one with missiles, dressed like Rasputin, has Lenin written on his forehead.
Drag military outfits - taunting Putin (and all conservatives) for his views of LGBTQ+ community
Nothing about this song or the performance is accidental, it has a strong anti-war message. Brilliant!
This video explains it all!видео.html
Mama ŠĆ! 👏🏻🔝❤️
мама Щ
This is not a song, but performance art set to music. Thought-provoking for sure, but mostly out of place considering Eurovision's preference for lighter (pop) fare. This piece would be a treat for attendees of some avantgarde music festival, where endless layers of meaning could be unpacked for hours by aspiring intellectuals, but apart from inspiring next morning's water cooler chit chat, it falls flat musically. Oh, and, I happen to be Croatian and like Let 3's work in general. Just don't think it's suited for the occasion. Your muted reactions were sincere and spot on. No sense in looking for plot in this narrative :)
Thank you for your comment :) We actually believe that there is a place for all types of music and performances in Eurovision. It's true that pop songs have been favoured throughout the years, but Eurovision fans have proven many times that it's not only that that they vote for. So we actually believe that Croatia will not only qualify, but will do well at the final!!
@@Kostis_ESC ✌️
Mama SC for the win !!!!
I am Croat and didn't vote for LET 3, but i am enjoying reactions. So much attention for Croatia.
The text and performance are ambiguous.
How you will (want to) understand this performance depends on your classification on this or that side.
No, this is not about Putin as some explain , this is equally about Putin, Belarus, Zelensky ( USA) and much much more .
The letter Щ ( ŠĆ , pronunciation - very , very soft š ( sh ) ) , the 27th letter of the Russian alphabet, has a long history of origin, which goes back to the time of the appearance of the first Slavic alphabets: Cyrillic and Glagolitic
All other explanations of the meaning of this letter are invented, wrong, and people just copy them without any verification. Greetings from Hrvatska / Croatia
ŠČ is a letter in a russian alphabet, but letters Š and Č are 5th and 25th letter of a cro alphabet so letter Z is 30th letter of russian alphabet.
Mother had buyed tractor-Lukashenko gett tractor to Putin. Tractor brand Belarus. Lulaby by grandmother- grandhmother is SSSR
Very powerfull message full of hiden gems
Буква Щ!
Croatia 😘😘😘
Yes, didn’t the Greek alphabet from the pelasgian time have the letter SHCH as well?
Nope. These letters were never in the Greek alphabet.
@@Kostis_ESC it’s from the time before the Greeks (Achaeans) came to the Balkans, there was a nation called Pelasgians, whom later the Greeks called ‘barbarians’. Those Pelasgians are close relatives to the Slavs, whose greatest nation happen to be Russia, and they spoke similar language to slavic, which has th3 letter shch…😉just for your information , if you missed that lesson at school.🙂
@@gordonpi8674 haha... Thanks for the information. Although you asked about the Greek alphabet which doesn't include these letters. Neither in the current nor in the ancient Greek we have them.
ŠČ s the new anthem, of Europe and world of our time..
Artists react to war. Before WWII Charlie Chaplin made movie. The Great Dictator. Look at Globe Scene, with sensitive music.
This is at the same track but more up to 21st cent . It is part of future anti-war rock opera. Every scene has several meanings. Eurovision is perfect platform for artists.
mama šč 😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mama ŠČ ... ŠČ is Sh in Russian alphabet.. The reference is to Mother Russia.
12 points to cyprus 😴😴🥱🥱
No points
@@jtb357 only in finals
war is caos
Τα κροατικά μοιάζουν λίγο με τα πολωνικά χαχα τραγουδούν εκτός αν η μαμά αγόρασε ένα τρακτέρ:)
The song is about Putin and Lukasenko, they are singing “dirty little psychopath (Putin) is going to war” and “Šč” is oldest letter in russian alphabet (Mother Russia). Also they say “Mama (mother Russia) kisses a moron (Putin)”. There is “Tractor” in the lyrics because Lukashenko gave tractor as birthday gift to Putin couple of months ago. Both looking like crying crocodiles (a dangerous drug in Russia) when he speaks about they just wanna save the people from nazis. Maybe you understand it now better that this is an antiwarsong for all the roulers who play with our lives like we are just meat for there bombs and ambissions ;)
unbearable. I can't baptize every circus and disgust as an interest and new proposal!
Even the joke or the provocation needs a song in order to be accessible to a wider audience. The problem here it that there is only provocation but no song. I doubt they can have many chances with a non Croatian audience.
Song about putin
Whol war caos and madnes in 3 minuts !
The song's catchy when you know the lyrics and certainly well crafted. But. It's about anti Putin (as mentioned in the song 'little psychopath') and anti Russia ('Mama' is Mother Russia, also says Lenin on that psycho's forehead). No other leader (dictator) is mocked. USA also is not mocked, even though they are prolonging the suffering and destruction of Ukraine by doing proxy war with Russia. No matter what the Croats say, I don't see it as universal anti-war satire. Or to put it simply - if the war was held somewhere else with only Western powers in place, this song wouldn't exist.
And that's my major let down. If LET 3 decided to shamelessly mock every current dictator and ruler out there that is causing threat to the world and not just focus on Russia, it would get big thumbs up from me. But the way it is, it's just going with the flow with the western one-sided narrative.
Hi from 🇫🇮 In my opinion this is just too political!!!
I'm from Croatia and I agree with you.
Diskvalifikacija pod hitno... Pozdrav iz Srbije 🇷🇸
Ne shvate tematiku
This entry should be banned from esc 23, esc should not be political platform of anybody ever...
Bro it is political platform last 10 years...
This is the true
What about Ukraine last year?
@@alenljubicic2369 song was not so explicite in politic as this one, it was patriotic.
Brate ajde suti hr nije nikad imala originalniju pjesmu od ove
Explanation of the lyrics:
"Mama kupila traktora🚜 ŠČ"
"Mother bought a tractor🚜 Щ"
(Mother = Mother Russia)
(Lukashenko gifting a tractor to Putin for his 70th birthday, also Belarus is a popular tractor in Belarus which means that 🇷🇺 bought 🇧🇾)
The Cyrillic letter Shcha Щ was derived from the Glagolitic (Croatian script) letter Shta Ⱋ. Also the sum of letters Š and Č gives Z (25+4=29) in Croatian alphabet, and Z is a military symbol used by Russians to mark their military vehicles.
"Trajna-nina armagedon nona"
"Trayna-nina armageddon granny"
(Nuclear armageddon threat)
(Since mother is Russia that makes grandmother USSR)
"Mama ljubila morona ...ŠČ"
"Mother was kissing a moron ...Щ"
(Mother Russia electing a moron (Putin) to be president)
Then the reverse part of the song where they say the whole Croatian alphabet: A(А/Ⰰ), B(Б/Ⰱ), C(Ц/Ⱌ), Č(Ч/Ⱍ), Ć(Ћ/Ⱋ), D(Д/Ⰴ), Dž(Џ/Ⰴⰶ), Đ(Ђ/Ⰼ), E(Е/Ⰵ), F(Ф/Ⱇ), G(Г/Ⰳ), H(Х/Ⱈ), I(И/Ⰻ), J(Й/Ⰺ), K(К/Ⰽ), L(Л/Ⰾ), Lj(Љ/Ⰾⰺ), M(М/Ⰿ), N(Н/Ⱀ), Nj(Њ/Ⱀⰺ), O(О/Ⱁ), P(П/Ⱂ), R(Р/Ⱃ), S(С/Ⱄ), Š(Ш/Ⱎ), T(Т/Ⱅ), U(У/Ⱆ), V(В/Ⰲ), Z(З/Ⰷ), Ž(Ж/Ⰶ).
The reverse part of the song represents going back in time and repeating the same mistakes from history (not learning from historical events).
"Mama, mama, mama ja se idem igrat"
"Mom, mom, mom I'm going to personate/roleplay"
(Putin is going to personate or roleplay as Lenin and/or Stalin)
"Onaj mali psihopat"
"That little psychopath"(Putin)
"Mali podli psihopat"
"Little vile psychopath"(Putin)
"Krokodilski psihopat"
"Crocodilian psychopath"(Putin)
(Crocodilian as in enormous/huge/massive, basically the complete opposite of little)
(Krokodil is also a drug in Russia stronger than heroin)
(Also also reference to Boris Johnson calling Putin a crocodile 🐊)
Meanwhile vocals in the background:
"Mama ja idem u rat, rat, rat, rat"
"Mom I'm going to war, war, war, war"
Extraordinary...excellent...uniqe...winner of ES 2023
his forehead says Lenjin or Lenin (it's written in slang, njinLe - it's how we sometimes swap first syllable in words with rest of the word, we use it in everyday talk, mostly here in capital Zagreb, I don't know how to explain differently, it's really hard if you don't know Croatian language 😂) founding father of USSR and the song is anti-war they are singin that Putin is little pychopath and little alligator psychopath...mama im going to war ŠČ! (sh like in shoe and ch like in charm) They are very well known band here in Croatia for anti-war propaganda and spreading peace and love but also they are singing anti-everything songs with no censorship and made some NFSW music videos and they love to make quite an entrance so expect everything from them on ESC23...Mr.Lee or MRLE is always sending little kisses to everybody 🤣the vocalist represents Stalin, and the guy with rockets is dressed like a monk to represent Rasputin. Mama ŠČ is a metaphor for Mother Russia ŠČ is a letter specific to russian alphabet.. They are funny as hell and most people love them cause of their crazyness...first time Croatia chose right! GO LET3 for the win🏆That little alligator psychopath will go down once and for all!e
Sang fas also part of Bohemia Rypsody (Queen)