Frank Puzzles About Seven Hidden Frogs | Very Easy Variant Sudoku


Комментарии • 2

  • @latze74
    @latze74 5 дней назад

    So, Frank puzzles about something every single day. I, however, am puzzling every single day about puzzle ratings: in what Universe is this puzzle "very easy"? The ppl at LogicMasters must be brutally smart.

    • @FrankPuzzles
      @FrankPuzzles  5 дней назад +1

      I've been puzzling about a LOT of things every day now :D. And yes, there are a lot of BRILLIANT people on the LogicMasters forum! FWIW, a lot of the setters also don't agree with the difficulty ratings given their puzzles either, so maybe all difficulty ratings should be taken with a grain of salt. For me, it's just easier to use logic masters ratings so that I can give varying difficulty puzzles for people and crowdsourcing usually does a good job of rating the puzzles.