Artists are so generous. It's so easy to expect a wonderful performance and forget how much of themselves they put into their music and performance. In any concert, the performer and audience have a communicative exchange. I am of the thought that music isn't primarily an act of entertainment, but that of generosity. Thank you Luca for sharing yourself through music!
You also have to put in so much work, years of learning and refinement, to perform. And most are never recognized, and earn very little, since people prefer known covers to be things. Music is a cruel mistress, but one hard not to love.
I heard this song for the first time in early 2015 and It really gave me a lot of optimism about the future…now in 2021, despite the situation of the world it still filling me full of optimism. Thank you so much Luca, this is a master piece.
Flutter Shy Based on the comments I've read from you on this video alone, I think it's pretty safe to say you're heavily contributing to RUclips's population of... what was it you said? Oh yeah... "subhuman trash." Get a life, man. One which doesn't revolve around bragging about what "band you're in" and the number of instruments you play.
Flutter Shy Haha all 76 of them XD Just think how many more you could have if you weren't such a dick! Also, I haven't lived in that area for a while, but good try with the intimidation factor, anyways.
I had a bad day then I stumbled upon one of your videos that led me to this. It made me honestly look forward to a better day tomorrow. Thank you for making such a beautiful piece.
The empty room ,besides Lucas, reminds me of a scenario of a person whom you would never assume be so talented. Like I imagine Lucas being a janitor/custodian after a musical event and he decided to play after everyone had left.
that actually once hapened to me.. I was playing in an orchestra that was doing kinda of a soundtrack thing during a musical...after the musical ended, everybody left excepted me because I was packing my stuff and suddenly a dude climbs up to stage and starts to play the piano !
I am reading comments from 6 years ago... I have truly been living under a rock. I remember when Erik Mongrain first made waves way back when. I must say, Luca has such finesse and skill, he makes his technique and artful expression look rather basic. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Luca. Chapeau à toi!
I absolutely LOVE watching people lap tap guitars. I love seeing them find new ways to produce beautiful sounds with an instrument. Beautiful work and a beautiful piece. Thank you!
Credo che il tuo..piu che talento..sia un dono di Dio.. La chitarra, la musica ce l'hai dentro... suonarla così ti viene semplicemente naturale !! Sei un orgoglio per l Italia! E ti invidio tantissimo ! Ti voglio sentire suonare nel sud Italia!! Bravo Luca 😉👍
Βλέπω και ακούω πάντα με θαυμασμό τους αληθινούς νέους πρωτοπόρους, αυτούς που αντιστέκονται ακόμα στο άθλιο περιβάλλον και δημιουργούν γνήσιες κατασκευές για να μας στείλουν το μήνυμα ότι ακόμα υπάρχει ελπίδα!! I see and hear everything with true admiration young pioneers, those who still resist the undignified environment and create genuine manufactures to send us the message that there's still hope!
MusicBiscuit doremi Welcome to the group MusicBiscuit do re mi. (Brilliant your name! :) Καλώς όρισες στην ομάδα MusicBiscuit do re mi.( Ευφυέστατο το όνομά σου!! :)
I'm sure not well understand my Greek text, but if you read my English translation, there might be made a mess because my English is not so good! Simply, I say that I would encourage the artist to continue his good attempt, because in miserable living environment, the hope is the efforts of young people. I am a teacher of music, and only this my property could understand you how I feel!
What a beautiful tune... Great, great composition... Flawless performance. Another good example when amazing technique is just a vehicle for creating lovely music. I can listen to this one over and over without getting bored. Two thumbs up!
completely blown away. this was a musical piece that takes you somewhere that you didn't know existed. I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon it. thank you Luca, keep making wonderful, amazing music, continue sharing your gift
Это настоящий талантище!!! Такая музыкальность, сбалансированность и гармоничность композиций, прекрасная техника в лучших традициях итальянских виртуозов. В общем - встречайте настоящий талант!!!
Someone listen this after 5 Years? stumbling in this video and feel sad, cause i dont find it earlier... and like he play i never see another one! Thank you bro! Just Wonderful
me i know Luca pretty long tbh but i never knew about that song, and now its like the most emotional song i've ever heard and it doesn't even contain lyrics
Ti ho visto live a Certaldo qualche tempo fa... hai fatto anche questa canzone. Non so come spiegarlo, ma è come se suonassi le melodie delle mie emozioni, come fosse una suono/melodia dei ricordi, mi fa riemergere il passato, i miei nonni, e gli anni passati con amici, il tutto lo rotrovo nel mio presente con mio figlio cercando di trasmettergli la mia passione per la musica. Mi da una sorta di rilassatezza mista a malinconia. Probabilmente potrete pensare che devrei farmi vedere da uno bravo, ma a me questa canzona fa questo effetto. E' meravigliosa... Complimenti Luca
So many people focused on how the instrument is being played here. How about that it's a beautiful composition? I don't care how he played it. It elicits an emotional response and that is the purpose of music. Nice work!
Erik and Luca have gave me much pleasure over many years with their styles. I started listening to Michael Hedges many years ago, rest his soul and was totally blown away with this style of playing. From there I found these guys and followed them ever since .Pure Magic! Much respect!
Superb playing. There are quite a few people playing in this finger tapping style. And they all have their own particular way of doing it. Moof is one of my favorite. He has his own RUclips channel too. If you've never heard him. This is a beautiful piece of music.
I think he is the best one. He tops off Antoine Dufour, Trevor Gordon Hall, Ewan Dobson maybe even Jon Gomm. His music is always guarantees chills down my spine. Thank you.
Yeah I'm listening to the music of Mc.Kee, Gomm, Dobson, Butler and Sungha Jung for a long time and now today I suddenly found Luca Stricagnoli, Estas Tonne and Calum Graham - ....WTF? Is it possible? Cannot describe my feeling right now!
Thanks for possibly unintentionally giving me some names to check out-I found Luca by way of a guitar tutorial by Dan Holloway's version of Last of the Mohicans. His version almost made me cry. I am so glad I have lived to enjoy free music on RUclips AND free tutorials. I hope those who enjoyed this support this fine artist. ☮
WeWillNotFear no offense but are you even capable of playing it? Not only is this not a conventional way of playing a guitar but if you hadn't noticed, he ran out of hands and started using his elbow.
I only discovered Luca today, However, finding him resparked my love and interest in music, and for that I'm forever grateful. Because truthfully, Music will be here long after we're all gone, and it's such a beautiful play on the world around us, feelings, whether good or bad, just us as human's at our rawest. For that I'm forever thankful, So thank you Luca for getting me to realize the beauty in music again, and pick up my guitars after months/years of not playing. This is what I needed to see and hear to kickstart my life again :)
An epiphany invoked by this music (Very random) - I honestly think music CAN bring world peace. When you come to think of it, both the world-wars occurred when there was no social media. I mean - after listening to this, who would want to attack the country from where this gentleman hails. There are true artists everywhere in the world. And RUclips is like their stage - The world's stage! Boundaries are merging.
+Sashank Vissa As a musician i agree with you from the heart! but unfortunately we must deal with the reality that their are those who we share this world with that will destroy even what they love, over greed or hunger!
Wow, bravo Lucas. This isn't guitar playing by a long shot. This is ART. And at a very high degree. Let's hope this IS the future... because it's beautiful and very inspiring. Thanks for putting in all the longs hours of practise Lucas, to bring us this gift. Bravo!
How does this remind you of Drifting? They're nothing alike. Not trying to be negative but I don't like when someone says that. Is it because of the slapping techniques? The placement of the guitar?
MrSachinCK Isn't whether or not two things are alike up to the person doing the comparing? Does a raven have anything to do with a writing desk? Well maybe not to you, but to Lewis Carroll it did. It's fine to ask the question as to why that person thinks what they think, but there isn't really a reason to dislike that they've said it.
No way, it reminds me of Erik Mongrain - AirTap. Go watch that video! You will love it :) After all, the design of this song was influenced by Eric himself, let alone this being dedicated to him.
This piece is mind blowing. His use of artificial harmonics while keeping a melody going smoothly is amazing! Plus the percussion with the elbow and using the strings as percussion as well! This is a masterpiece
I often find this kind of tapping-centric guitar playing technical and not much more. Kind of like it lacks a strong musical core, and is composed by just a bunch of fringes. But this piece, and this guy definitely overwrote that impression.
+deadheadified snoop dog is actually talented his new shit I dont like but hes got some good stuff. Im also a grateful dead fan and trust me Im not a big hip hop or rap fan.
+deadheadified perfect response man. i find this music phenomenal and the people who dont enjoy it can go back to their own lives where skill and rhythm come secondary to popularity
I didn't know guitars could even sound like hammered dulcimers. Awesome! Candyrat never fails to deliver with breathtaking performances! One of my favorites yet!
*** FANTASTIC MUSIC *** You know....I'm pretty sick and tired of these "look at me....I'm playing the guitar 'oh so different' from everyone else" kind of guitar players....especially the typical "CandyRat Records" ilk... ....people who play really fast (aka "shredders") or who instead of 'plucking' the guitar like it was designed to be played, they instead play it from the opposite side of the fret or they "WHACK" it providing an interesting rhythmic technique, or they play it with their feet or their butts or whatever the hell new technique gets them noticed on youtube. That's kind of cool/interesting....for about, maybe 20-30 seconds. But, typically, after that I get bored. Bored, because I don't care about listening to the MUSIC. The MUSIC is boring. The TECHNIQUE is fascinating--for a while--but overall the MUSIC is boring. I always give these folks a listen....seriously....and, with an open mind. But, 99 times out of 100 I'm disappointed. Because they're so focused on their TECHNIQUE ("tapping/slapping/smacking/shredding") that they forget that the WHOLE POINT in playing an instrument in the first place is to make music people will LISTEN to...over and over again (if you're lucky). Personally, I don't care if you're playing it really fast or really slow, or with your fingers, or toes, your nose, or your butt or whatever...... is music, for music's sake....because it's something I want to LISTEN to. I don't care what instrument you play it on, how you play it, how fast it is, or how amazingly impressive your TECHNICAL skillz are... ...if the music is boring, then, whether you like it or not, everything about your performance is boring. If I'm not compelled to listen to a piece of music over and over and over again...I don't care about it. This piece, however, by Luca Stricagnoli, called "The Future" is a refreshing mix of interesting/cool "TECHNIQUE", combined with a DAMNED PRETTY piece of music. One I've listened to probably 30-40 times now as I'm writing these comments. I wish someone would be as interested in my music as I am in this piece....that's the epitome of musical appreciation.....interest. Take a listen to this guy...and this piece. They're both amazing. Luca Stricagnoli - The Future (2014 Acoustic Guitar)
Dan Tharp I understand what you’re saying about the technique being the focus and not the overall sound of he music. I feel that way especially with Kaki Kong’s music. Her songs don’t sound good to me but she’s an impressive guitarist for her technique. The point of these different guitar players however isnt to play something that looks cool. The whole purpose of playing like this is to be able to create sounds that you can’t get in other ways. I like tapping because the sound of the notes bouncing back and forth and that’s why I do it. Also when you play a guitar normally and you have just the guitar by itself it doesn’t sound good in my opinion. It’s hard to make a good sounding song with only one instrument being played. A good important point to these guitar style though is the fact that you can play a base line, percussion and melody all at the same time with one instrument. When playing guitar normally you are just stuck to only playing one thing at a time like a rhythm or a melody.
I like the music, nice composition, but if one was going to play in this fashion you, would build something different. This flat position works well with the slide guitar and was ok here, but one could never create the dynamicsd produced from strumming a guitar in it standard position, which is so caricaturist of the guitar. Also the bending of the strings are almost totally lost because the hands and neck are no longer "engaged" appropriately. (That would be a tragedy) And I do not think any of the fantastic guitarist on candyrat records would "evolve" into playing the guitar flat, because there is too many wonderful qualities lost by using the technique shown. could come up with a different instrument that includes the fingering, the "finger strumming," and the piano like hitting of the strings...that has potential...but would be a different musical instrument.
I disagree that you'd need to build something different, and I disagree that it even matters. If you gave these guys the reason to learn dynamics and bending on the guitar, they would figure out a way to do it. It wouldn't be easy at first but neither is picking up a guitar and playing anything like this. Secondly, why on Earth would you limit the scope of what is characteristic about guitar? The guitar just is what it is, if the sounds are made from the guitar, than those are the characteristics of the guitar. *"standard position" BAH ;)
Hammer ons from nowhere is a common technique almost all percussive acoustic artists use and if you're going to integrate purcussions as well then playing over hand or lap style is the optimal way to go. If you think all there is to guitar dynamics is full strums then you are short sighted. Arpeggiating the notes and slapping harmonics is as dynamic as acoustics can get.
Nick K. determinedscholar Good evening. I think both of you made excellent points and they are well taken. It seems that you both have a great appreciation for the work, talent and dedication that Mr Sticagnoli, and other, musician, exhibit on these videos. I also hold these musicians in high regard and promote their work often, wondering why the are not house-hold names. As for my initial comments, I probably gave the title of the video more significance than was necessary. I was also influenced by another comment, that others thought inappropriate, but I understood the thinking and felt there was no malice intended. In hind-sight, my comments were probably unnecessary and a distraction...but they were not irrelevant, narrow minded or uneducated...and no harm was ever intended. I am far from being as talented as these musicians, but I have played guitar for almost 40 years and this experience is were I get my appreciation for the talent and long hours needed to reach this level of performance. It also gives me some insight into what may or may not be practical about certain techniques. And, thought my comment only touched a couple of items, they were not my only thoughts or considerations. In 200 years, will the guitar be played laying Will Mr. Sticagnoli's efforts and talent be lost to us in 200 they will not. What he gives us is timeless, and he has already influenced someone, who will influence others, which will influences others, and will have a direct impact on what is being played, 200 years from now.
The people who whine about the dislikers are just like the dislikers, paying attention to the bad instead of all the good. just enjoy the video (audio) and let people have their opinion good or bad :)
is this still playing guitar ??? The answer for me is NO ! this is ridiculous really.. im not trying to be mean or somethin , just my opinion, and if you dont accept critisism in any way , i dont care.. the end of the day , i say whatever i want..
uhm. He used the basic method of vibrating a string to produce a pitch. Granted in an unorthodox way, but he is playing the guitar. And by the way, given that you feel so compelled as to declare that you can say whatever you want and that you don't care, It is obvious that you are going against the musician purely to just go against him and cause drama. It's silly. We know you're going to say whatever you want and that you don't care, it's the internet. Cheers friend, -C
He is using a guitar and he's making music with it, so for me that's playing the guitar, not like everybody does it, but playing it nevertheless. What would you say he is doing then?
the way you make it sound, its as if he would be playing a flute right now or something.. in what way is this man not playing a guitar? i just really want to hear your explanation of what playing a guitar in actuality is.
I'm moved by the beauty of the music you play. The passion and grace with which you play is truly amazing . I'm speechless. Thank you for bringing such comfort and warmth to our lives.
With tears in my eyes and a full heart, I say "Bravo Luca Stricagnoli"!! Wow. Such a brilliant, soulful arrangement and performance. Stunning. Thank you and blessings on the continuing joy of your music.
This is my last day of vacation and i just stumbled on your work. Luca Stricagnoli, you sir are awesome and just made this the best vacation ever. Thank you so much for such wonderful soothing music.
The song is so beautiful! And I highly appreciate that professional description giving merits to other interprets and instrumet makers. Not common today.
spettacolare Luca! Umilmente, da chitarrista classico che ama l'acustica, non posso che dire:"spettacolare!" Grande tecnica a servizio dell'arte! Bel pezzo davvero! È stato un onore averti sentito dal vivo e aver potuto scattare una foto con te, con tanto di album firmato! Sei stato gentile e semplice, penso che tu abbia anche delle belle qualità umane e credo che questo si rispecchi anche quando suoni. Ti auguro il meglio, nella musica e nella vita.
Artists are so generous. It's so easy to expect a wonderful performance and forget how much of themselves they put into their music and performance. In any concert, the performer and audience have a communicative exchange. I am of the thought that music isn't primarily an act of entertainment, but that of generosity. Thank you Luca for sharing yourself through music!
Beautiful words
You also have to put in so much work, years of learning and refinement, to perform. And most are never recognized, and earn very little, since people prefer known covers to be things. Music is a cruel mistress, but one hard not to love.
Those are amazing words
@@yanrenthungmurry7270 indeed murry
I hope the future is as beautiful as this sounds
I would love to hear more originals from Luca. I just found yesterday, been watching everything I find
I just found out about him 20 minutes ago and I'm glad
Yeahh still waiting for his originals.. wish he could use those cool technique on his originals
I heard this song for the first time in early 2015 and It really gave me a lot of optimism about the future…now in 2021, despite the situation of the world it still filling me full of optimism. Thank you so much Luca, this is a master piece.
Well done Lucas! Glad I could inspire and thanks! :)
Holy crap man. The way the video started made it seem like you had died or something. Glad that you're still kickin.
Can you teach me? How can I contact you? How can i meet you man? HOW! How can i learn from you?
Alex Ryhänen
Flutter Shy Based on the comments I've read from you on this video alone, I think it's pretty safe to say you're heavily contributing to RUclips's population of... what was it you said? Oh yeah... "subhuman trash." Get a life, man. One which doesn't revolve around bragging about what "band you're in" and the number of instruments you play.
Flutter Shy Haha all 76 of them XD Just think how many more you could have if you weren't such a dick! Also, I haven't lived in that area for a while, but good try with the intimidation factor, anyways.
I had a bad day then I stumbled upon one of your videos that led me to this.
It made me honestly look forward to a better day tomorrow.
Thank you for making such a beautiful piece.
This is the second piece I listen of Luca ,, his completely a gift to listen too. I do intend to listen more of Luca Stricagnoli.
This is by far the most creative guitar use for multiple sounds I have ever seen. Great job, Luca!
The empty room ,besides Lucas, reminds me of a scenario of a person whom you would never assume be so talented. Like I imagine Lucas being a janitor/custodian after a musical event and he decided to play after everyone had left.
that actually once hapened to me.. I was playing in an orchestra that was doing kinda of a soundtrack thing during a musical...after the musical ended, everybody left excepted me because I was packing my stuff and suddenly a dude climbs up to stage and starts to play the piano !
+João Santos How was he?
+The Truth (politically Incorrect) just a medium height guy, short black hair, a shirt and jeans...pretty much an ordinary guy
I mean talent wise.
I am reading comments from 6 years ago... I have truly been living under a rock.
I remember when Erik Mongrain first made waves way back when. I must say, Luca has such finesse and skill, he makes his technique and artful expression look rather basic.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Luca. Chapeau à toi!
I absolutely LOVE watching people lap tap guitars. I love seeing them find new ways to produce beautiful sounds with an instrument. Beautiful work and a beautiful piece. Thank you!
Credo che il tuo..piu che talento..sia un dono di Dio..
La chitarra, la musica ce l'hai dentro... suonarla così ti viene semplicemente naturale !! Sei un orgoglio per l Italia! E ti invidio tantissimo ! Ti voglio sentire suonare nel sud Italia!! Bravo Luca 😉👍
Βλέπω και ακούω πάντα με θαυμασμό τους αληθινούς νέους πρωτοπόρους, αυτούς που αντιστέκονται ακόμα στο άθλιο περιβάλλον και δημιουργούν γνήσιες κατασκευές για να μας στείλουν το μήνυμα ότι ακόμα υπάρχει ελπίδα!!
I see and hear everything with true admiration young pioneers, those who still resist the undignified environment and create genuine manufactures to send us the message that there's still hope!
συμφωνώ απόλυτα φίλε!!
MusicBiscuit doremi
Welcome to the group MusicBiscuit do re mi. (Brilliant your name! :)
Καλώς όρισες στην ομάδα MusicBiscuit do re mi.( Ευφυέστατο το όνομά σου!! :)
I'm sure not well understand my Greek text, but if you read my English translation, there might be made a mess because my English is not so good! Simply, I say that I would encourage the artist to continue his good attempt, because in miserable living environment, the hope is the efforts of young people. I am a teacher of music, and only this my property could understand you how I feel!
I love this style of playing. I am trying to get into this. It's not the easiest.
What a beautiful tune... Great, great composition... Flawless performance. Another good example when amazing technique is just a vehicle for creating lovely music. I can listen to this one over and over without getting bored. Two thumbs up!
Hope he tours in the USA sometime. Love to see him live.
completely blown away. this was a musical piece that takes you somewhere that you didn't know existed. I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon it. thank you Luca, keep making wonderful, amazing music, continue sharing your gift
Life without music would be a mistake.
Just glad to be a part of it.
Love the way his hands moves!@2:00
Это настоящий талантище!!! Такая музыкальность, сбалансированность и гармоничность композиций, прекрасная техника в лучших традициях итальянских виртуозов. В общем - встречайте настоящий талант!!!
Someone listen this after 5 Years? stumbling in this video and feel sad, cause i dont find it earlier... and like he play i never see another one! Thank you bro! Just Wonderful
me i know Luca pretty long tbh but i never knew about that song, and now its like the most emotional song i've ever heard and it doesn't even contain lyrics
Ti ho visto live a Certaldo qualche tempo fa... hai fatto anche questa canzone.
Non so come spiegarlo, ma è come se suonassi le melodie delle mie emozioni, come fosse una suono/melodia dei ricordi, mi fa riemergere il passato, i miei nonni, e gli anni passati con amici, il tutto lo rotrovo nel mio presente con mio figlio cercando di trasmettergli la mia passione per la musica.
Mi da una sorta di rilassatezza mista a malinconia.
Probabilmente potrete pensare che devrei farmi vedere da uno bravo, ma a me questa canzona fa questo effetto.
E' meravigliosa...
Complimenti Luca
So many people focused on how the instrument is being played here. How about that it's a beautiful composition? I don't care how he played it. It elicits an emotional response and that is the purpose of music. Nice work!
So very very good! Listened to this again after not hearing it for a few weeks. Truly blows me away!
Complimenti, Luca! Sei un grande.
and Luca have gave me much pleasure over many years with their styles. I started listening to Michael Hedges many years ago, rest his soul and was totally blown away with this style of playing. From there I found these guys and followed them ever since .Pure Magic! Much respect!
2:49 blew my mind... or melted my brain.. or did whatever it is that the young folk say these days.
I would say blew my mind, although we generally don't use the word 'folk'
Just to be one the safe/old folky person side, say it disintegrated your thinking organs.
Superb playing.
There are quite a few people playing in this finger tapping style. And they all have their own particular way of doing it.
Moof is one of my favorite. He has his own RUclips channel too. If you've never heard him.
This is a beautiful piece of music.
I think he is the best one. He tops off Antoine Dufour, Trevor Gordon Hall, Ewan Dobson maybe even Jon Gomm. His music is always guarantees chills down my spine. Thank you.
Luca is forsure on the rise! This guy has amazing talent! Also you can't forget about Calum Graham, Thomas Leeb, and Andy Mckee!
Yeah I'm listening to the music of Mc.Kee, Gomm, Dobson, Butler and Sungha Jung for a long time and now today I suddenly found Luca Stricagnoli, Estas Tonne and Calum Graham - ....WTF? Is it possible? Cannot describe my feeling right now!
Thanks for possibly unintentionally giving me some names to check out-I found Luca by way of a guitar tutorial by Dan Holloway's version of Last of the Mohicans. His version almost made me cry. I am so glad I have lived to enjoy free music on RUclips AND free tutorials. I hope those who enjoyed this support this fine artist. ☮
My idea of heaven is lost in a world beyond this one with this song playing for eternity! Well done, sir! One of the best songs I've ever heard!
That is a truly astonishing composition, great job! :)
Cover? Tabs? Maybe? Yes? No..? You're my only hope for awesome tabs, because there's no way i could figure this or any song out by myself
WeWillNotFear no offense but are you even capable of playing it? Not only is this not a conventional way of playing a guitar but if you hadn't noticed, he ran out of hands and started using his elbow.
Peter Schmidt oh wow, i hadn't even noticed that, that's amazing!
I though he was too good to be true, but if YOU are here, my expectation has been confirmed.
I love you Peter.
Grazie, la musica non ha confini, veramente unico
this deserves more views, for real
I only discovered Luca today, However, finding him resparked my love and interest in music, and for that I'm forever grateful. Because truthfully, Music will be here long after we're all gone, and it's such a beautiful play on the world around us, feelings, whether good or bad, just us as human's at our rawest. For that I'm forever thankful, So thank you Luca for getting me to realize the beauty in music again, and pick up my guitars after months/years of not playing. This is what I needed to see and hear to kickstart my life again :)
you took the guitar to the very next level bro!
An epiphany invoked by this music (Very random) - I honestly think music CAN bring world peace. When you come to think of it, both the world-wars occurred when there was no social media. I mean - after listening to this, who would want to attack the country from where this gentleman hails. There are true artists everywhere in the world. And RUclips is like their stage - The world's stage! Boundaries are merging.
+Sashank Vissa As a musician i agree with you from the heart! but unfortunately we must deal with the reality that their are those who we share this world with that will destroy even what they love, over greed or hunger!
I love that man! RUclips is the stage of the world!
those guitars you play sound so bright, incredible talent.
Wow, bravo Lucas.
This isn't guitar playing by a long shot. This is ART. And at a very high degree. Let's hope this IS the future... because it's beautiful and very inspiring.
Thanks for putting in all the longs hours of practise Lucas, to bring us this gift. Bravo!
By the way Lucas... i would love it if you came to the West coast of Canada soon. Or better yet, the Okanagan Valley, where i live. :)
Luca tu sei nato per suonare..mi emozioni..grazie
Reminded me a bit of Andy McKee Drifting...which is why I subbed this channel in the first place. Amazing.
How does this remind you of Drifting? They're nothing alike. Not trying to be negative but I don't like when someone says that. Is it because of the slapping techniques? The placement of the guitar?
MrSachinCK Isn't whether or not two things are alike up to the person doing the comparing? Does a raven have anything to do with a writing desk? Well maybe not to you, but to Lewis Carroll it did. It's fine to ask the question as to why that person thinks what they think, but there isn't really a reason to dislike that they've said it.
No way, it reminds me of Erik Mongrain - AirTap. Go watch that video! You will love it :) After all, the design of this song was influenced by Eric himself, let alone this being dedicated to him.
TechnicolorAurora See THAT comparison I can see more of. Not Drifting -_- anything with percussion people consider drifting like. It' annoying.
MrSachinCK yeah :)
Complimenti Luca grande esecuzione pulizia tempo, originale ecc.... un grande professionista!
this is superb!
This piece is mind blowing. His use of artificial harmonics while keeping a melody going smoothly is amazing! Plus the percussion with the elbow and using the strings as percussion as well! This is a masterpiece
this is insane
I have played and taught guitar for 10 years.... this made me tear up... Gorgeous guitar Luca... muolto bene.
89 extremely jealous people listened to a masterpiece and only heard their own faults
+funkyplasmaman Well said. 99 now.
102 now..
+funkyplasmaman it's just 103 missclick
funkyplasmaman 145...
What a wonderful gift you've been blessed with. Just pure magic! Please tour here in the States.
That elbow. Dang.
Greatest to ever do it!!! He would win AGT with ease
Is that you Erik Mongrain?
Haha, makes me think of him too !
Luca stricagnoli grazie per questa canzone favolosa
This video has:
13,026 - likes from the rest of the world
95 - likes from Australia
Luca Stricagnoli is one of the most gifted guitarists I've seen in a long time! Amazing job and AMAZING SONG
It's like august rush!
But better!
Ouch .. In a way it's kinda offensive to compare ..
it is incredible to get to see and hear this, i have never seen a person playing a guitar this way, i would have never imagined it.
i hope Sungha Jung can also come up with such kind of high level music full of originality..
How much years hardworking is this Lucas
I often find this kind of tapping-centric guitar playing technical and not much more. Kind of like it lacks a strong musical core, and is composed by just a bunch of fringes.
But this piece, and this guy definitely overwrote that impression.
Love the dedication to Erik Mongrain!
anyone who disliked this video should just go listen to snoop dog and leave actual music to those who appreciate it!
+deadheadified snoop dog is actually talented his new shit I dont like but hes got some good stuff. Im also a grateful dead fan and trust me Im not a big hip hop or rap fan.
+deadheadified perfect response man. i find this music phenomenal and the people who dont enjoy it can go back to their own lives where skill and rhythm come secondary to popularity
You seem like a great person to invite to gatherings. /s
I didn't know guitars could even sound like hammered dulcimers. Awesome! Candyrat never fails to deliver with breathtaking performances! One of my favorites yet!
tuning anyone?
From low to high: C G C D G C
thank you!
iamsuperflush you're missing a string -__-
brooks potts Lol...
I think f sharp
Eine für mich völlig neue, interessante Art die Gitarre zu bedienen. Wow, very, very nice!
You know....I'm pretty sick and tired of these "look at me....I'm playing the guitar 'oh so different' from everyone else" kind of guitar players....especially the typical "CandyRat Records" ilk...
....people who play really fast (aka "shredders") or who instead of 'plucking' the guitar like it was designed to be played, they instead play it from the opposite side of the fret or they "WHACK" it providing an interesting rhythmic technique, or they play it with their feet or their butts or whatever the hell new technique gets them noticed on youtube.
That's kind of cool/interesting....for about, maybe 20-30 seconds.
But, typically, after that I get bored.
Bored, because I don't care about listening to the MUSIC.
The MUSIC is boring.
The TECHNIQUE is fascinating--for a while--but overall the MUSIC is boring.
I always give these folks a listen....seriously....and, with an open mind.
But, 99 times out of 100 I'm disappointed.
Because they're so focused on their TECHNIQUE ("tapping/slapping/smacking/shredding") that they forget that the WHOLE POINT in playing an instrument in the first place is to make music people will LISTEN to...over and over again (if you're lucky).
Personally, I don't care if you're playing it really fast or really slow, or with your fingers, or toes, your nose, or your butt or whatever...... is music, for music's sake....because it's something I want to LISTEN to.
I don't care what instrument you play it on, how you play it, how fast it is, or how amazingly impressive your TECHNICAL skillz are...
...if the music is boring, then, whether you like it or not, everything about your performance is boring.
If I'm not compelled to listen to a piece of music over and over and over again...I don't care about it.
This piece, however, by Luca Stricagnoli, called "The Future" is a refreshing mix of interesting/cool "TECHNIQUE", combined with a DAMNED PRETTY piece of music.
One I've listened to probably 30-40 times now as I'm writing these comments.
I wish someone would be as interested in my music as I am in this piece....that's the epitome of musical appreciation.....interest.
Take a listen to this guy...and this piece.
They're both amazing.
Luca Stricagnoli - The Future (2014 Acoustic Guitar)
Dan Tharp I understand what you’re saying about the technique being the focus and not the overall sound of he music. I feel that way especially with Kaki Kong’s music. Her songs don’t sound good to me but she’s an impressive guitarist for her technique. The point of these different guitar players however isnt to play something that looks cool. The whole purpose of playing like this is to be able to create sounds that you can’t get in other ways. I like tapping because the sound of the notes bouncing back and forth and that’s why I do it. Also when you play a guitar normally and you have just the guitar by itself it doesn’t sound good in my opinion. It’s hard to make a good sounding song with only one instrument being played. A good important point to these guitar style though is the fact that you can play a base line, percussion and melody all at the same time with one instrument. When playing guitar normally you are just stuck to only playing one thing at a time like a rhythm or a melody.
Just phenomenal I believe that's what the music in heaven will sound like
I bet he goes through two or three guitars a year.
Lol, no? How hard do you think he's actually tapping the guitar?
Just unreal. Simply AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Unreal talent.
I like the music, nice composition, but if one was going to play in this fashion you, would build something different. This flat position works well with the slide guitar and was ok here, but one could never create the dynamicsd produced from strumming a guitar in it standard position, which is so caricaturist of the guitar. Also the bending of the strings are almost totally lost because the hands and neck are no longer "engaged" appropriately. (That would be a tragedy) And I do not think any of the fantastic guitarist on candyrat records would "evolve" into playing the guitar flat, because there is too many wonderful qualities lost by using the technique shown. could come up with a different instrument that includes the fingering, the "finger strumming," and the piano like hitting of the strings...that has potential...but would be a different musical instrument.
I disagree that you'd need to build something different, and I disagree that it even matters. If you gave these guys the reason to learn dynamics and bending on the guitar, they would figure out a way to do it. It wouldn't be easy at first but neither is picking up a guitar and playing anything like this.
Secondly, why on Earth would you limit the scope of what is characteristic about guitar? The guitar just is what it is, if the sounds are made from the guitar, than those are the characteristics of the guitar.
*"standard position" BAH
Hammer ons from nowhere is a common technique almost all percussive acoustic artists use and if you're going to integrate purcussions as well then playing over hand or lap style is the optimal way to go. If you think all there is to guitar dynamics is full strums then you are short sighted. Arpeggiating the notes and slapping harmonics is as dynamic as acoustics can get.
Nick K. determinedscholar Good evening. I think both of you made excellent points and they are well taken. It seems that you both have a great appreciation for the work, talent and dedication that Mr Sticagnoli, and other, musician, exhibit on these videos. I also hold these musicians in high regard and promote their work often, wondering why the are not house-hold names. As for my initial comments, I probably gave the title of the video more significance than was necessary. I was also influenced by another comment, that others thought inappropriate, but I understood the thinking and felt there was no malice intended. In hind-sight, my comments were probably unnecessary and a distraction...but they were not irrelevant, narrow minded or uneducated...and no harm was ever intended. I am far from being as talented as these musicians, but I have played guitar for almost 40 years and this experience is were I get my appreciation for the talent and long hours needed to reach this level of performance. It also gives me some insight into what may or may not be practical about certain techniques. And, thought my comment only touched a couple of items, they were not my only thoughts or considerations. In 200 years, will the guitar be played laying Will Mr. Sticagnoli's efforts and talent be lost to us in 200 they will not. What he gives us is timeless, and he has already influenced someone, who will influence others, which will influences others, and will have a direct impact on what is being played, 200 years from now.
It's all good. I play a similiar style and I get worked up sometimes.
Anything is possible for him who believes. Even strumming in a flat position:/
Just watching this... Too amazing for words...
The people who whine about the dislikers are just like the dislikers, paying attention to the bad instead of all the good. just enjoy the video (audio) and let people have their opinion good or bad :)
In complete awe with this guy!!
melodically constipated...
Just magnificent...
is this still playing guitar ??? The answer for me is NO ! this is ridiculous really.. im not trying to be mean or somethin , just my opinion, and if you dont accept critisism in any way , i dont care.. the end of the day , i say whatever i want..
uhm. He used the basic method of vibrating a string to produce a pitch. Granted in an unorthodox way, but he is playing the guitar.
And by the way, given that you feel so compelled as to declare that you can say whatever you want and that you don't care, It is obvious that you are going against the musician purely to just go against him and cause drama. It's silly. We know you're going to say whatever you want and that you don't care, it's the internet.
Cheers friend,
determinedscholar i dont really think we can call it playing guitar that way..
He is using a guitar and he's making music with it, so for me that's playing the guitar, not like everybody does it, but playing it nevertheless. What would you say he is doing then?
You forgot the question mark, but I agree. That's four yeses.
the way you make it sound, its as if he would be playing a flute right now or something.. in what way is this man not playing a guitar? i just really want to hear your explanation of what playing a guitar in actuality is.
I like that little flap or whatever he added to the guitar for percussion!
A great tribute to Erik Mongrain. Very professionally done - I really like it!
Im so amazed with this new found talent. I never thought an acoustic guitar can sound like electronic. This is awesome
the color of the light gives the video definitely the final touch!
great piece of music !
I'm moved by the beauty of the music you play. The passion and grace with which you play is truly amazing . I'm speechless. Thank you for bringing such comfort and warmth to our lives.
The gift in you is inspirational, make the best use of it. Big fan here!
mix of santoor dram nd guitar....great innovation
Incredibly clean style, Luca. This for of percussive guitar makes for such a crystalline tone. Beautiful.
This is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I envy your talent, sir.
Fantastic and magic !! Congratulation to Luca Stricagnoli.
That's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
After many years of knowing this song. I can’t put in to words how much this melody means to me
With tears in my eyes and a full heart, I say "Bravo Luca Stricagnoli"!! Wow. Such a brilliant, soulful arrangement and performance. Stunning. Thank you and blessings on the continuing joy of your music.
This is my last day of vacation and i just stumbled on your work. Luca Stricagnoli, you sir are awesome and just made this the best vacation ever. Thank you so much for such wonderful soothing music.
The song is so beautiful! And I highly appreciate that professional description giving merits to other interprets and instrumet makers. Not common today.
One of the best songs I've ever heard! Makes me feel joy and hope for this world.
Fantastico. Non ho altre parole. Massima ammirazione.
Watched a bunch of your videos today. All I can say is wow!! I can only dream of that kind of talent. You are truly gifted.
all the monster guitarists on candyrat just keep pushing the acoustic guitar artform into outer space, luca u are incredible we bow to u
The Future is with Luca!, I've been playing his pieces for days now, Inspirational, creative and awe inspiring!
Amazing! I've never seen anything like it. I was so mesmerised watching this. Very talented!
spettacolare Luca! Umilmente, da chitarrista classico che ama l'acustica, non posso che dire:"spettacolare!" Grande tecnica a servizio dell'arte! Bel pezzo davvero! È stato un onore averti sentito dal vivo e aver potuto scattare una foto con te, con tanto di album firmato! Sei stato gentile e semplice, penso che tu abbia anche delle belle qualità umane e credo che questo si rispecchi anche quando suoni. Ti auguro il meglio, nella musica e nella vita.
Guitar magician Erik Mongrain must be proud to have such great follower. Great job :)
WOW!!!! pretty much left me speechless. that was awesome
This is absolutely enchanting..