I know separate and skitlord is giving the best advice for you to keep your marriage they don't want to spoil your marriage but your father is very important to your life if your marriage crash the first think is to go back to your parents not your husband parents take your kid's and forget that selfish man cause he was not there for you when you desperately need the church wedding and maybe thar time he have money that he did not want to do church wedding incase of tomorrow he was not trusting you so why do you want to trust him take your dad advice my soster
Masha ALLÁH dieredief oustaz yalnala YALLA fay te défgnou ay djoulite piir
Machallah dieuredjeuf Ya Oustaz
Masha'Allah yanna Yalla fayla yiw si barké yonéneta bi salla lahou alayhi wa sallam 🙏🙏
Macha Allah ton interprétation est simple et précise Je prie Allah swt d'enrichir tes connaissances
Maachaa Allâh
Barakallaahou fiikoume Yaa Ouztaz
Ya oustase Yana la ya la faye
Serigne cheikh Ahmed tidiane ndao mande yeguina fo khamantane sama thiofel thi yew souma guisee sa vidéo bala makoyii degulu siila koyii aimé 💘💘💘💘👍
Allahuma amine
Macha allah
Macha allah oustaz mais radio bi mome ok fait nga waniiuko yalana yala Faye yiouwe amine
C'est très intéressant mais le son derrière est très fort désolé
I said I want equal
I know separate and skitlord is giving the best advice for you to keep your marriage they don't want to spoil your marriage but your father is very important to your life if your marriage crash the first think is to go back to your parents not your husband parents take your kid's and forget that selfish man cause he was not there for you when you desperately need the church wedding and maybe thar time he have money that he did not want to do church wedding incase of tomorrow he was not trusting you so why do you want to trust him take your dad advice my soster
R zero