Cameron Reunites with Liz For Christmas with New Girlfriend on General Hospital (Dec. 18, 2024)


Комментарии • 5

  • @pamelaharris-murphy2442
    @pamelaharris-murphy2442 7 часов назад +3

    I really love this it was beautiful and the hug between elizabeth and cam was sweet i loved that elizabeth was excepting cam girlfriend you tell she was disappointed but the was like we can spend it together right now and cam has a good voice

    • @afternewsdelight
      @afternewsdelight  5 часов назад +1

      I loved it too and I'm glad Cam came to see his mother instead of skipping the trip back to PC period, so they could spend a day together. That had to make Liz feel great to have her favorite boys around her during the holiday season.

  • @tr738
    @tr738 38 минут назад

    You’re so right about Carly. She’s all about her revenge. Different between Carly and Liz, is Liz has seen real heartbreak. Yes, Carly lost a son, but most of Carly’s troubles have been brought on by her own actions.