How to play Blue Devils Diddles 2023

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @test555test
    @test555test Год назад +13

    Love the throwback to 2003

  • @crisjm74
    @crisjm74 Год назад +19

    I have said it before, I love that you do not edit out your mistakes. Also update the title for the algorithm.

    • @JaredOLeary
      @JaredOLeary Год назад +5

      I agree! It's important for inexperienced drummers to see that experienced drummers also make mistakes. That's one of the many reasons why I stream my practice sessions and leave in all of the raw mistakes.

  • @skooter5507
    @skooter5507 Год назад +9

    latin lover would go hard
    i got your books and they are great 9/10 would recommend

  • @glim3125
    @glim3125 4 месяца назад +1

    This one was really fun to learn. Thank you!

  • @bobbarksofficial4335
    @bobbarksofficial4335 Год назад +2

    Yessir! 💚🥁💚🥁

  • @capt.butters9296
    @capt.butters9296 Год назад +1


  • @somericanguy
    @somericanguy Год назад +2

    Great stuff as always

  • @canadiensjoe
    @canadiensjoe Год назад

    Very impressed!! I marched late 50’s to late 60’s. Had the honor of having Bobby Thompson instruct me for 10 years. Best explaination of this exercise/showcase of Scott Johnson I’ve seen yet. One question I’ve had for years-what is the difference between what I believe is called a double stop and a flat flam??

    • @FreestyleRudiments
      @FreestyleRudiments  Год назад

      Hi Joe, thanks for the comment. My understanding is that Double stop / Unison and Flat Flam are all the same. Often Flat flams are talked about in the context of "badly played" flams where double stop is both hands purposely hitting exactly the same time. I have to say that at extreme speeds flat flams are sometimes used purposely but I think in that case there would be a louder hand i.e. like a flam one hand would be louder than the other. with a double stop they are the same intended height/volume

  • @sp4c3d0ut8
    @sp4c3d0ut8 Год назад +8

    Can you do bluecoats syvåtte next? Another great video btw love the breakdowns

    • @FreestyleRudiments
      @FreestyleRudiments  Год назад +3

      I do enjoy Syvatte but its SO long... will think it would have to be over 2-3 lessons

    • @sp4c3d0ut8
      @sp4c3d0ut8 Год назад +3

      @@FreestyleRudiments okay, thanks for reading my comment, I would love if you did cover it in a few parts like you did with ram 95, but if you don't want to it's fine. Have a great one and keep teaching!

  • @Владимир-ы6д5в
    @Владимир-ы6д5в Год назад


  • @FreestyleRudiments
    @FreestyleRudiments  Год назад +7

    0:56 Triplet Diddle Exercise
    4:27 Quintuplet Section
    9:45 3 over 2 polyrhythm
    17:45 SLOW example
    19:55 FAST example

  • @capt.butters9296
    @capt.butters9296 Год назад


  • @ConnorDrumsOccasionally
    @ConnorDrumsOccasionally Год назад

    Could you possibly do the blue devils spree tune they play? Tenor transcription would be nice but anything would do.

  • @thomasspender
    @thomasspender Год назад

    can you do a how to play video on their double beat exercise?

  • @henmeister613
    @henmeister613 Год назад

    Could you do bluecoats 2016 snare break if you havent done it already

  • @wowtiy6703
    @wowtiy6703 Год назад +1

    4:27 to skip triplet diddle

  • @thomasnunn6343
    @thomasnunn6343 Год назад

    Can you do a video explaining the new ratio format of confusing musical writing where they dump a bunch of notes and say 7:4 above it.

  • @dmichel26
    @dmichel26 Год назад

    Can you teach us Ditty (blue devils)

  • @felipehidalgo7621
    @felipehidalgo7621 Год назад

    Can you do Blue devils Ditty '23?

  • @Dabby69420
    @Dabby69420 Год назад

    Can you do bd 2023 snare break?

  • @rokz3263
    @rokz3263 Год назад

    Could you do spanks from Boston? That would be sick

  • @DaNedmonster
    @DaNedmonster Год назад

    Ya can tell they are tight buddies 😂

  • @bwolfe5
    @bwolfe5 Год назад +2

    A better way to write the last fivelet section is to keep it in eighth notes but put 5:3 above the notes to signal you’re playing 5 eighth notes in the space of 3 eighth notes.

  • @ayytism8857
    @ayytism8857 Год назад +3

    Please do 9R from Broken City 🥲

  • @redpack4582
    @redpack4582 Год назад

    Are there any good paying careers for people that love drumline? I’m in high school and I play snare. Im gonna try to make it into drum corps, but idk what I can do after college that goes along with playing snare. I wanna be a physical therapist, but I’m definitely willing to looking into a snare drumming career or a drumline career where you don’t travel all over the country, and u could make a good living off of it. Any tips would be nice, thanks.

    • @FreestyleRudiments
      @FreestyleRudiments  Год назад

      Others on here can add more.... The paid work is nearly all teaching or writing for schools. Uni etc. You'll very likely make far more money away from the arts but for a small few they find a good and satisfying career teaching, writing. To do this and get in this small club you need to be top of the top so get practicing now like your life depends on it.... there are always other jobs linked to music in music gear companies like Vic firth, system blue etc that offer a good middle ground... my old man advice would be if you want to make lots of ££££ study AI and cutting tech or learn about real estate. If you want to go to work with a smile on your face find something you'd do for free and get a paid job doing that!

    • @redpack4582
      @redpack4582 Год назад

      Sound good. Thanks for the advice!