Everyone is happy because the song is so funny : the melody is really upbeat and happy - but it is actually him telling his wife that he wants a divorce. And since the guy is also the most horrible singer, it ends up being really funny! This was a big hit around Christmas time back in 1990 or thereabouts, and every party, every nightclub, EVERYWHERE, played this song. It is just so bad that if you understand the words you can't help but laugh.
Hej. Det er en af de første sange, jeg husker: "Så går min tanke hjem Gennem himlens blå Flyver som en fugl, til den jeg tænker på. Og hvergang månens skin Kalder mindet frem Før jeg sover ind, så går min tanke hjem.
But most people who liked his comment were probably racists though... Which is kind of sad. But adds to the fun if you have a sense of black humor. We´re all fucked on this planet anyway.
Jeg husker at min bestemor likte denne musikken ♥️
God sanger som for fram humøret ♥️
Du må holde ut litt lenger ♥️
Everyone is happy because the song is so funny : the melody is really upbeat and happy - but it is actually him telling his wife that he wants a divorce. And since the guy is also the most horrible singer, it ends up being really funny!
This was a big hit around Christmas time back in 1990 or thereabouts, and every party, every nightclub, EVERYWHERE, played this song. It is just so bad that if you understand the words you can't help but laugh.
Denne har jeg levd med i 19 år!
😂🤣 stakkars Johanne
Joda, min musikksmak er helt i den andre enden. Og svensktopp er fælt, men Sputnik har noe menneskelig, og noe morsomt, så jada, jeg liker det :)
Kuuult! Får meg i humør! Selv om jeg hater "danseband" elsker jeg dette
javel da...vil du jeg skal rette på det ? Nå skal vi..se på saken !!
we still like sputnik.we do we do..
Var på Fevik Messa når han sang der:P
@Cuizard eg e me på den :D
Sjøl om da e long ifra da eg hørre på xD
God, how I wish I could come to Norway from England.
Problem is I don't think I could ever speak Norwegian :(
Kem kommer fra brødrene og dal?
e no 14 år da men hannj hær e drit rå xD samma me ole ivars :P
I'm famous
Har vel ale dine kaseter
Det er en af de første sange, jeg husker:
"Så går min tanke hjem
Gennem himlens blå
Flyver som en fugl, til den jeg tænker på.
Og hvergang månens skin
Kalder mindet frem
Før jeg sover ind, så går min tanke hjem.
Simen @ 0:47-0:51
han derre simen er søt
Jo, takk vi kan godt skilles! Jeg orker ikke leve mer med deg jeg heller *FACEPALM*
But most people who liked his comment were probably racists though... Which is kind of sad. But adds to the fun if you have a sense of black humor. We´re all fucked on this planet anyway.
ja men er det så nøye da ? bagateller ..hehe
yes , this is norway you know !!!! we are born white :) that's why !
feil i teksten :(