Age of Z Origins - Uranium Mines Guide - Beginners

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @mk563
    @mk563 3 года назад +5

    Great video, thank you for spending the gold for demonstration, very helpful!

  • @KareemJThompson
    @KareemJThompson 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for finally finally making this video bro !!!! Much needed

  • @scotta.5681
    @scotta.5681 2 года назад

    Excellent video!

  • @_gregc
    @_gregc 3 года назад +1

    This is very helpful. In about 2 years I will eagerly apply it 😆😆😂😂🤣🤣

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад

      You'll get there in no time. You may need more farms if you're struggling with the resources.

    • @MrAwesome1083
      @MrAwesome1083 3 года назад

      biult 4 level 20 farms and 4 level 15 and a little help from allience and you will get there qiuckly

    • @_gregc
      @_gregc 3 года назад +1

      Update: it did not take 2 years, only 5 months. No buying stuff yay!

  • @jamalnet
    @jamalnet 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for the nice video, I have a question regarding occupying a mine after the weekly maintenance, I was sharp on time and tried to occupy a level 7 one, but I couldn't it says it needs 5 more minutes cooling time ? but other people get in no problems, do you know anything about this cooling time? Tnx

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  2 года назад +2

      Sometimes the issue is if you are online throughout reset. You may need to exit the game and re-enter. Our mines just got incredibly crowded after maintenance 🙄. I've never seen or heard of a wait 5 minutes message however. That must be new. I've seen the mine status has changed message, meaning someone already occupied it before I entered fleet.

    • @jamalnet
      @jamalnet 2 года назад

      @@lumbergh Thank you for getting back to me, as you said probably because it is crowded mainly level 7 because there are only 13 rooms, Thank you for your time 👍

  • @stephanmoon7960
    @stephanmoon7960 Год назад

    Hey Lumbergh, question on this; do we get battle power for opening up uranium mine?

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  Год назад

      No, there is no BP increase from Mine Unlock unfortunately

  • @NeedHelpChristchurch
    @NeedHelpChristchurch 2 года назад

    Is it normal to be getting 500-900 uranium a go with Medici with a level 20 now 22 city have 8k now usually end up around 50th place weekly

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  2 года назад +2

      That's very nice. It is certainly possible and becomes more normal the slower you level. Basically the difficulty level is adjusted to your city level. So you will notice it gets harder the faster you level. This is a disincentive to level up too fast. For example on my C20 farm where I just keep strengthening officers and titans I can reach the final boss because the farm keeps getting stronger while the difficulty remains the same. On my C35 main it is now very hard for me to get past level 17.

    • @NeedHelpChristchurch
      @NeedHelpChristchurch 2 года назад

      @@lumbergh Nice to know. Thank you. The other thing I was wondering is why LRA changes in each battle it's not like I have unworldly skills I guess the female Titan and time in battle have to do with it this boost for 1st 5 seconds for x officer's buff.

  • @yaoliang6676
    @yaoliang6676 6 месяцев назад


  • @taulahui2158
    @taulahui2158 3 года назад

    On the capital land, troops speed is slow for some.. Other troop fleet speed is normal.. Why is that? And how do u make them run the same speed?

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад

      The black matter in the capital slows down troop movement considerably. Also during city wars, the black matter near the cities creates slow down similarly. When attacking a target across this black matter, based on your city location, different people will take different shortest distance routes to the target and those whose routes have the most time over the black matter will be slowest. Some may due to their location avoid more of the black matter and thus be faster. The only way to prevent this move your city to a different position. However no matter how you look at it, there will always be targets across the capital.

    • @taulahui2158
      @taulahui2158 3 года назад

      @@lumbergh iv seen one my member's fleet moving to kill are zombie on the black matter.. the rate of speed didn't change when it hit the black matter.. Like it didn't slow down, it sped the same rate until it reached the zombie, and the same speed rate on return..

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад

      @@taulahui2158 It only slows down in the capital matter, it doesn't on the 3 cities (except during city wars). Are you sure it didn't slow down on capital black matter?

    • @taulahui2158
      @taulahui2158 3 года назад

      @@lumbergh let me reconfirm..

  • @MrAwesome1083
    @MrAwesome1083 3 года назад

    so it collect only uranium i got 30 today i tought it would be giving some attack hp boost or something but its just uranium

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад


  • @Vincente_Guerrero
    @Vincente_Guerrero 3 года назад

    So the uranium cannon is more effective than the t10 emp?

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад +1

      It merely has more range and in some battle combinations proves more effective, however once you have a larger fleet and more EMPs they can overcome the range disadvantage with faster and stronger attack. I now use EMPs. Its a constantly evolving game of chess of battle formations.

  • @Moananuiākea
    @Moananuiākea 3 года назад +2

    Have a couple of buddy's of your alliance plunder you 5 times but make sure they lose that way no one else can plunder you and you have the mine all to yourself unless someone occupy it 😉 friendly tip

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад +1

      Never though about that, ha ha. But the alliance mates would lose a chance at a legit plunder though right?

    • @Moananuiākea
      @Moananuiākea 3 года назад

      @@lumbergh yes they would but that is why you have lvl 30 farms for this reason also 🤫

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад +1

      Oh my that's real dedication wow! Understand now your point clearly!

    • @Moananuiākea
      @Moananuiākea 3 года назад

      @@lumberghalso take away shielder and the enemy sniper focus on shredder 😁😉

    • @Vincente_Guerrero
      @Vincente_Guerrero 3 года назад

      Lvl 30 farms? Must be nice

  • @TL-uj7yn
    @TL-uj7yn 3 года назад

    I wish I knew how to make a troop calculator!

  • @MrAwesome1083
    @MrAwesome1083 3 года назад +1

    on thing at the stats you see alot like he got 7k shredders but in stats it shows gdamn 70.000 haha 9:22

    • @lumbergh
      @lumbergh  3 года назад +1

      Still getting used to this unhelpful change they added a few months ago. Forces me to do math in my head and divide Shredders by 10 and Bikes by 5 and so on. Ugh..