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  • @mejestin
    @mejestin 28 дней назад +4

    A good story may keep unanswered questions anyway... I think if the whole story was about the family heads we would still have wuetions about what before them... Like how this world came to be, he irregulars came to be someday.. what brought them? Aldo we would follow arlene story for example: the end us she putting a prophecy about her baby that eill comeback to bring chaos to the tower order, if we didn't knew anything qbout the story of baam we wiuld have tons of questions about him
    Aldo in a day when tog will be complete and you could binge it answers may come on time, its just so hard when its week by week...

  • @mayh3m3d
    @mayh3m3d 24 дня назад

    I think it comes down as to ones personal preference. I tend to like series with this kind of structure. I think it's both a pro and a con of the series. I'd argue the mystery of the Tower and the 13 GWs is a core pillar to the story so I expect not getting information over stretches of time. However, I feel like from the time we learned part of Bam's backstory in the FoD to where we are now more information should've been dropped. We went 7 years without any major lore reveals. Like you said Genesis should've been explored more. We could've had an actual multi-chapter flashback on Hidden Grove. Hidden Floor would've been a perfect place to learn more about the 13 GWs but we didn't get much at all. I think a microcosm of unanswered questions is Khun Aguero Agnis. He's part of the main trio and we know next to nothing about his past. We know more about Yasratcha, Traumerei, etc than we do about a main character in the series! The Maria plotline has been set up since season one and we get crumbs here and there. AA wants to be Head of the Khun Family but nothing he's done since Hidden Floor has suggested that's still something he wants to do. We don't know AA's connection to the guy Asensio mentioned in ch 515, and if that individual is the guy who stopped the Hell Train. AA's sworn enemy on the Hidden Floor was Khun Kiseia because he's paranoid that she's coming to kill him yet there are no signs of this paranoia afterwards. I know all of this is set up to the eventual Khun Family Arc but we don't have a timeline for that. We may not get that for 500 chapters. There's no way to know. Now the question remains has SIU done an adequate job of setting up the Khun Family Arc? I don't know, and there's no way to know until we get there. That's how I feel about all these plotlines and mysteries in the series. The only way to know is when all is said and done. We don't know what's relevant or not. Even if it is relevant we don't know when. We may learn more about Cha and Dowon. I want to know more because they are interesting characters and the time period they come from is interesting, but do we even care about the Age of Genesis anymore? At the moment I'm not bothered by the unanswered questions but if SIU leaves a lot up in the air when Tower of God concludes that's when I'll have an issue.

  • @ewteqn3987
    @ewteqn3987 27 дней назад

    Ik I’ve asked u to read this before but could you do a read along for “ordeal” I can’t find any good ones😭

  • @sahara105
    @sahara105 28 дней назад

    i have been feeling this way for a while The story has been going over 10 years and we know the bare minimum I don't want this to turn into something like one piece where fans had to wait nearly 20 years to get some answers.
    The longer we wait the more frustrating it becomes where if info does come out and explanations are lackluster there gonna be some upset people.
    A perfect example of this was kind of like the game of thrones fandom was with how the main series ended all those content creators theories and social media and the ending was..well we don't talk about it.
    The regular climb has been put on pause for what 2-3 years where they find themselves in the same situation of being taken advantage of by stronger powers because they are not Rankers yet.
    We still know next to nothing about Bam the main character the small amount of info we did find out during the floor of death is just speculation we are not sure he is even the child Garam was talking about.
    I'm not saying we need to know everything but at least drop some important info regarding characters we care about on the regular.
    Like Rachel for instance what info is she sitting on ,what does she say to her teammates about bam that has them follow her so willingly?
    and why do they show such hostility to bam as soon as they see him?

  • @keodantes3907
    @keodantes3907 28 дней назад

    Sorry to ask here. But are your anime ep reactions done? Haven't seen tog or oshi no ko. But kept seeing the manhwa read alongs still. Just my two cents on the topic, I think a fine line of answers and new "mysteries" is hard for anyone to lay out. LOST did it well for most of its run but then got messy. I think when answers are given, there needs to almost be a larger amount compared to the mysteries and any new ones that may come. Even as anime only at this time, I feel the answers are satisfying and still make me feel like nothing is being answered. But that's me.

  • @canococentral1159
    @canococentral1159 28 дней назад +7

    The problem I think is that Siu does not have a concrete plan on how to end the series. He has ideas and those ideas lead to interesting story beats, however as many chapters that we have gotten we should know a lot more.
    We got small backstory on some of the family heads and the cracks that formed their doom. The biggest problem is that the backstory was mainly focused on tram and his relationship with Amizu. We need more information on the rest of the family heads.
    The fact that we are 600 chapters into the series and only know about information about like two family heads says a lot about SIu and his inability to give up information. We know more about characters that were or are apart of the families than know about family heads themselves.
    It feels like Siu gives us a small piece of crumb and then tells us walk 100 miles to get an even smaller piece of crumb. It's getting to the point that I would not be surprised if people got tired of the series and began to drop the series out of frustration.

    • @mickaelberte5144
      @mickaelberte5144 28 дней назад +3

      lmfaoooo he know how to finish the story you going to have response in chapter 640 this one of big answer about the plot .
      I think this should be good if peoples tired by the story just take a break and binge it in place . If siu was rushing the plot same peoples would say why this is so fast and characters have no taste or why he cut these kind of parts .
      ps : Even if peoples drop new peoples begin to read the story like this happened before and happen even today so nothing to worry .
      we know six family head : ha yurin, arie hon , traumerei, gustang,eduan ,yrang and in futur chapter we begin to know a bit more about two other head.

  • @HakuOfTheTubes
    @HakuOfTheTubes 28 дней назад +2

    It's a good thing if it feels like the author has a plan for what we don't know, and it's all organized in a specific way. The problem is that SIU isn't like that. Starting around FoD, SIU started introducing some subplots and info that he would then just give up on, skim over, and it's clear that it's no longer relevant and won't be brought back up. He's done that more and more since FoD, along with being generally unorganized in the story. Now when there's an unanswered question or blank spot in the story, instead of being excited for an answer, it's more likely we should just feel disappointed because he gave up on that particular idea.
    Take Traumerei and the Lo Po Bia family: It was said that he has 20 creatures, and the branches were named after them. It would be cool and exciting for that to be something that was consistent, where we could use the branches to guess at Traumerei's powers or vice versa. Instead, the branches feel really arbitrary and not organized into specific animals, and Traumerei uses creatures that don't seem to have any corresponding branch(that would be fine if the difference was clearer). SIU introduces the concept of the ones with 7 deadly sin names, it's unorganized and might be meaningless. SIU introduces the concept of the sea dragons, and it's confusing and unnecessary to an already bloated arc.

    • @Katakurienergy
      @Katakurienergy 28 дней назад +1

      He gave 20 creatures to the branch family heads. Not that traum can only control five creatures lol