Bucharest Romania | Inside Palace of the Parliament | Biggest Administrative Building in the World

  • Опубликовано: 13 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6

    @VREMESS 6 месяцев назад +3

    o cladire superba

  • @ragoonsgg589
    @ragoonsgg589 Месяц назад

    Is it like this every day in Romania? Or is it a special event ?

    • @TravelHub4K
      @TravelHub4K  Месяц назад

      It was opened for public with free entry on children’s day. Normally, public access is paid and on specific days. Here is the link for more details www.getyourguide.com/-l4247/-tc123/?cmp=ga&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=6657312655&cq_con=80200236214&cq_term=palace%20of%20parliament%20tickets&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&campaign_id=6657312655&adgroup_id=80200236214&target_id=kwd-310139619087&loc_physical_ms=9197708&match_type=e&ad_id=456152901272&keyword=palace%20of%20parliament%20tickets&ad_position=&feed_item_id=&placement=&device=m&partner_id=CD951&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmzJCM9J-NsPu0oUHWHGgsF0NbHS&gclid=CjwKCAjw1NK4BhAwEiwAVUHPUDdR1crBUCeXcAzCPIe-Zr2jiT6jfl1syQ7YieQh1yduWAoIUT3CCRoCzS8QAvD_BwE

    • @MihaiMarinescuJr
      @MihaiMarinescuJr Месяц назад +3

      I can add that the military equipment was indeed a special event. Of course we do not have tanks there!😂

    • @ragoonsgg589
      @ragoonsgg589 Месяц назад +2

      @MihaiMarinescuJr lol it looked so lively and exciting