For all of those who keep on debating (elsewhere) about the sound of rockesteady as opposed to ska (proper late 50's 60's Jamaican original foundation ska that is) well they should be redirected here to listen to this proper rocksteady tunes. I am torned in between stunning and awesome.
who's debating? They couldn't be more different....Of course in early 66 when ska was starting to turn into rock steady the lines are a little more blurred.
Bring back lots of memories for me in Croydon UK
im getting to like this man more and more, a favorite for sure
For all of those who keep on debating (elsewhere) about the sound of rockesteady as opposed to ska (proper late 50's 60's Jamaican original foundation ska that is) well they should be redirected here to listen to this proper rocksteady tunes. I am torned in between stunning and awesome.
who's debating? They couldn't be more different....Of course in early 66 when ska was starting to turn into rock steady the lines are a little more blurred.
Killer Tune - I don't want no troubles
greeatttttttttt ............♥
R.I.P. Legend in his own lifetime.
R. I. P.
Cool Collie
One strong album indeed!
Wicked Sah !!!
thank you again for this great mix...could you maybe upload the whole version of cool collie?
i bought this album when it was released in Australia ..
Awesome shit man..
I believe you were looking for "Wicked Draw a Sensi" by Sister Carol
dank u ;))
i must have been 12 when i 1st heard this
R.I.P :(
this poor boy !!
post more please!
sure is rocksteady
ooooooh! :-) ♥♡★
RIP :(
please tell me the name of the song at 3:45 sister nancy did a version on that riddim
who can tell me the playlist that play in video
How is the name of the song which stars in the minute 7:35??? someone knows? Regards
alguem de curita p fazer um som tipo esse
no that he is dead who is collecting his money
love to no this Samuel Mitchell