品牌逐個抓#1 - 一輩子只專注做好一件事的Harbeth | Bok哥 Brother Bok

  • Опубликовано: 4 дек 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @yapboonhuan9128
    @yapboonhuan9128 3 года назад +1

    Bok歌讲解时不徐不疾,发音咬字清楚,说法简明易懂,技巧生动多样,我很遗憾接触音响三年多,今天才看到真正可以学习的节目。谢谢您! 赞!

    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


  • @angelinetan645
    @angelinetan645 3 года назад +2


  • @ZillKagura
    @ZillKagura 3 года назад +2


  • @darwoeiteoh6590
    @darwoeiteoh6590 3 года назад +2


  • @ganck1147
    @ganck1147 3 года назад +1

    Hi bro Bok, just came across your channel. I am from sg. Great work u doing there. I love British spks since i first got into this hobby in late 70s & until now still find british spks more musical & charming than all others. I like Harbeth spks very much too & have owned several of their spks from late 80s till now. If u like the original HL Compact, u will like the HL-5 too. There is a picture of Alan Shaw together with Dudley Harwood. In fact, it was Alan who looked for Dudley & not the other way round. Alan was working for this japanese co called NEC when he chanced upon Harbeth. Alan initially wanted to buy over Rogers but at that time Rogers was still doing well & he got “slapped” out for making an offer to buy over the factory which Rogers deemed as ridiculous. Then he went to Harbeth & at that time Dudley Harwood’s company was not doing well & as he was also getting old, decided to then sell Harbeth to Alan Shaw. If not because of Alan, harbeth would have been gone since 1987! Anyway, the 1st pair of Harbeth i heard was the HL-MK4, the model just before HL-Compact. The HL-MK4 is same sized as current SHL-5 & from the 1st experience, i already felt it was better than other BBC derived spks at that time like Rogers Studio 1 & Spendor SP-1. I also felt that the MK4 was better than the Compact due to the bigger cabinet. The Compact later morphed into Compact 7 in 1994. The Compact 7 was & still is Alan’s fav spk in the whole range. In 1988/89, the original HL-5 was born & was better then the compact. The SHL-5 was launched in 2000/2001 & i bot one pair immediately after hearing it. I used to travel to KL to tropical audio to listen to harbeths but sad to say, Tropical audio is out of business. Sam Chan has retired. Anyway, the new Harbeths today are rather different from the older ones, but nonetheless has maintained that BBC tradition of looks & sound where midrange & tonal purity is highly prized. Also, today we see new BBC derived spks like Graham audio & Chartwell audio reviving old BBC models like LS-3/6 & LS5/9. All these BBC derived spks can deliver a midrange that no other spks in the world can. If u like BBC sound, should try to review these spks. Anyway, best of luck on your channel.

    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад

      Thank you very much for your sharing . Yes I admit that Harbeth is indeed a very good product ,
      Another purpose for me to make this video is to encourage ppl to do a good job with seriously and attentively . Thanks

  • @董民基
    @董民基 Год назад


  • @manageryat3944
    @manageryat3944 2 года назад


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  2 года назад


  • @sengcheung
    @sengcheung 3 года назад +3


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад +1

      那应该是LS 3/5A 过后的前面几批。

    • @sengcheung
      @sengcheung 3 года назад +1

      @@brotherbok 老實說我當年買它是喜歡這對喇叭有防磁作用,可以放在電視機旁邊。後來發覺用2.0系統來聽歌才發覺它真的有一種獨特的味道。拿來聽鄧麗君,蔡大姐,中島美雪。那種圓潤其他喇叭真的很難找到。

    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


  • @zenyuechung8558
    @zenyuechung8558 3 года назад +2


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


  • @louislim8422
    @louislim8422 3 года назад +2


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


  • @冼文辉-h2q
    @冼文辉-h2q 3 года назад +3


  • @1345tuck
    @1345tuck 3 года назад +2

    多年前在KL AV展有幸听了这品牌的喇叭,完完全全被他的声音所吸引,到今天都还无法释怀😂新的价钱超越我的预算,bok哥如果有收到记得益下我😂

  • @sangsek5714
    @sangsek5714 2 года назад

    曾在一本音响书刊(香港)介绍H B的Ls35a天价,全球只有三十对(好像五十对,忘了)有钱未必能买到,是要懂得玩和有一对好耳朵,代理才肯放手,那时才知道甚么样的人生才是人生10-8-2022

  • @ec853317
    @ec853317 3 года назад +1

    想請教Bok哥一個問題,我買了一組新的8歐姆喇叭,搭配舊的擴大機 6歐姆輸出,我聽起來也沒甚麼不好聽,會有甚麼影響嗎?

    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


    • @jooseng978
      @jooseng978 3 года назад


  • @kenstyle1399
    @kenstyle1399 3 года назад +2

    Use a better records mic and also better editing tools programs

  • @lanx0003
    @lanx0003 3 года назад +2


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад


    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад +2


    • @lanx0003
      @lanx0003 3 года назад +1

      @@brotherbok 我的喇叭是 poor man Harbeth: Wharfedale Linton Heritage. 粉好聽. 多介紹一些這種 Budgetary high end speakers, 聽眾就來了

    • @brotherbok
      @brotherbok  3 года назад

      @@lanx0003 Linton 是好喇叭,我喜欢用他聆听爵士乐,很有现场感。音场又够宽。👍👍