Stop making result by your own for your own profit. If there is no more many archery left when 2 house was completed it may be proceed to 3.....4 house how it goes to 5 house it is impossible to give 55 result. Please stop giving making result. And moreover when the result round is about to complete why there is always network issue it means you are making in that time. If you are go on like this we see to solve out this problems
La palat kine ki briew u juh shi u juh number shu ia leh tuh beit I mat man ka sngi eh te .... ka mai iaka hok ei phin ia im bha man bha ....
Stop making result by your own for your own profit.
If there is no more many archery left when 2 house was completed it may be proceed to 3.....4 house how it goes to 5 house it is impossible to give 55 result.
Please stop giving making result.
And moreover when the result round is about to complete why there is always network issue it means you are making in that time.
If you are go on like this we see to solve out this problems
Lashy por niewkhnam ring video hajan bn ithuh
Ki thok ki bam iaka Pisa ki1 kin sa ngat bd ioh ka by nong ki nong bmtuh suda
Faltu sutiya result rs 86000 loss only FR 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
please apka number dejia na