I anyone wondering what behind the locked door in the break room its just an empty hallway and a person named carrot lord? (I forgot) and he got -37$ networth funny
once you see the objective to lure the guards away, you take the donut box from the server room and put it on the table in the storage room (there will be a promt)
He is in the room from where the forklift man comes. You cannot go into that room, but when he comes outside the door stay open for a lottle bit, giving you a chance to scan him. Hope this helps!
did you know it?
you missed the fact that if you look behind that door, you can catch a glimpse of lord carrot, the first person to beat the demo in under 34 seconds
@@anonymoushumankind oh lol i didnt notice that
I knew it👍
Your discord server bot is broken I think
I anyone wondering what behind the locked door in the break room its just an empty hallway and a person named carrot lord? (I forgot) and he got -37$ networth funny
you can enter the surrvalence room I'm pretty sure you need another file from the forklift person
yeah i forgot to show it 😅
You need a file from the yessor
Do the exe files from any of the guards work? I had a hard time staring into them and trying to decrypt the starting pc lol
yes if they have the same name (the files) you dont need the same file multiple times
Wait what was that thing with the box you did? Were those donuts? Where did you go to do that, I must've missed that part when I played it...
once you see the objective to lure the guards away, you take the donut box from the server room and put it on the table in the storage room (there will be a promt)
@@pro1fessional And what does that do? Get the first guard to stop roaming?
And what server room
@@UltimaDoombotMK1 yes he will stop roaming and i mean the server room in the main security room
@@pro1fessional explains how I missed it then. I figured you were never meant to go in there.
so is this literally just watch dogs inside roblox?
kind of
@@pro1fessional very heavy inspiration from watch dogs at least
You actually get bomb from him and get a secret ending (blowing up)
@@kaja689 where??
He is in the room from where the forklift man comes. You cannot go into that room, but when he comes outside the door stay open for a lottle bit, giving you a chance to scan him. Hope this helps!
@@kaja689 thanks!