Temperature? Way over thinking temperature. Installed hundreds of bus and car wraps in whatever temperature the garage was then sent them straight out I -30 weather. Never a failure.
@ zapblam - you are telling reason we get a bad name . Sending them straight out at -30 and not one failure? Lol that's because you never hear from them again due to your poor installation techniques and work ethic ...
Anyone else see the line on the decal at 8:12?
More then 1!
ugh. he didnt get rid of the crease in the "m". its driving me crazy!
Temperature? Way over thinking temperature. Installed hundreds of bus and car wraps in whatever temperature the garage was then sent them straight out I -30 weather. Never a failure.
very helpful!!
pero al rato se depega
lol the technical usage of a heat gun lololololol
fossyfossfoss it’s called a hot air blower 😂
Pff, my Boss would kick my butt if i work so slow Oo...
@ zapblam - you are telling reason we get a bad name . Sending them straight out at -30 and not one failure? Lol that's because you never hear from them again due to your poor installation techniques and work ethic ...
an application like that, you cant spend THAT much time on it... damn
This is a terrible installer look at all the air and imperfections in the vinyl this looks like something a beginner would do
dont watch this its not how its supposed to be done :)
me do better job self