How I Manage My Week Using TIIMO ⌚ (App for ADHD and Autism)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 511

  • @YoSamdySam
    @YoSamdySam  4 года назад +40

    If you're interested in learning more about Tiimo, check them out here:

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад +1

      I'm sorry that I'm here again! Messing up your perfect videos!

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад

      Don't put me an address on other pages! It just shows that you want to get rid of me !!!

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад

      Kuka minusta haluaa eroon!? No Asperger !!

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад

      Samdy Sam!? Olen saatanan vanha harakka..

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад

      Sorry .. no harm! I will continue my life, just can !?

  • @FabulousaAliya
    @FabulousaAliya 4 года назад +439

    For me, it's not about not noticing that time has passed, it's that I am so absorbed in whatever is stimulating me at the moment that I don't *care* that time is passing. For example, I stayed up until nearly 5AM last night working on an art piece. I knew that time was passing, and I was checking the clock pretty frequently, but I didn't care because I was *so focused* on what I was doing. I didn't even think about the consequences of how long I'd stayed up until I was nearly finished, and even then I kept working until it was completely finished because "I'm already so close, and I've stayed up this late, what's another hour?" And this is the thinking of someone with ADHD. We either see 10:45 as basically 11 which is basically noon or we see 10:45 as only those 15 minutes until 11. We think in *chunks* of time rather than a *continuous* progression.

    • @spacewolfcub
      @spacewolfcub 4 года назад +28

      This!!! Yes, this!!!

    • @DaphneDoumaKuipers
      @DaphneDoumaKuipers 4 года назад +9

      Same here! I'm currently using a pomodoro timer to help me with that. It gives me the 'chunks' and an alert to stop. I can do more 'chunks' if I feel like it but I will have to wait 5 minutes before I continue, and those 5 minutes give me enough time to really think about the consequences most of the time ;-) Sometimes I need more so after 3 iterations of 25 minutes comes the 15 minute break to get me to stop and really think if I want to continue or if I need to do something else (e.g. go to sleep!). I really like the idea of this app, but for me it is too suffocation to plan out every tiny detail of my life, it makes me anxious. HowtoADHD has a nice video on it:видео.html . I do use an app, not a physical timer because an app gives me better control.

    • @danicag.1310
      @danicag.1310 4 года назад +40

      10:45 is basically 11 which is like noon and noon is lunch time therefore there’s no time to start my homework or whatnot because I’m gonna have to leave to go eat soon
      I really need to plan times ahead in order to not get stuck in this trap

    • @morganstills4412
      @morganstills4412 4 года назад +9

      I self identify as autistic and definitely agree with the “time as chunks” mentality

    • @Hellbending
      @Hellbending 4 года назад +16

      Wait, this isn't how normal people think....omg....

  • @adammartinson7557
    @adammartinson7557 4 года назад +574

    Do you ever resent your schedule? I find that even though I'm so bad with time, I end up resenting even my own efforts to organize. Pre-planned schedules can't account for hyperproductivity/burnout cycles, and stress as a motivator only works for limited periods. Often the real battle is getting myself to do the thing I know I need to.

    • @toni2309
      @toni2309 4 года назад +91

      Finally someone says it. I'm the same. Thank you.

    • @mariashaw1513
      @mariashaw1513 4 года назад +45

      If motivation were easy there would be no problem. I’m terrible if there is something that needs doing but I don’t want to do it! Glad I’m not alone in this😉

    • @toni2309
      @toni2309 4 года назад +29

      I used to be quite okay at getting myself to do the thing I know I need to do but after burning out big time and some health issues it's almost impossible. Like I used to be in pain and get dizzy every time I got anxious and tense up, so that was what happened every time I tried to do the things I knew I needed to do but really didn't want to.

    • @rebekahvaugine9167
      @rebekahvaugine9167 4 года назад +47

      I feel this with every fiber of my being! It feels as if I build a prison for myself when I build a routine like this. But, maybe, I feel like it's a prison because it's so locked in stone. If there were a way to switch things around. I also never schedule play time or isolation time, then use play and isolation as weapons to destroy the routine prison. Maybe this could help be fix that.

    • @riittapennym1371
      @riittapennym1371 4 года назад +3

      I am a "monster" even in my own eye! Everything is gone / lost.

  • @Iona878
    @Iona878 4 года назад +198

    I would realy like to hear about your full Planning system

  • @empowerment.artist
    @empowerment.artist 4 года назад +225

    When I learned about autism when getting the adult diagnose, it repeatedly said that autisics love routines. I am relieved to see the comment section here, that there are lots who are allergic to planning and to do lists. I need to write stuff down to remember, but then when the lists are miles long it is so overwhelming I dont do anything. *sigh* 🙄

    • @rhonal4198
      @rhonal4198 4 года назад +39

      I love planning and lists but those plans are rarely ever followed for long and the lists eventually get forgotten and abandoned for new ones 😂 Looking at the comments it looks like I'm not the only one

    • @GordonDavidescu
      @GordonDavidescu 4 года назад +14

      I don't know what's going on with my brain but I've found that if I find one small thing on the list that's super easy to do and do it first, sometimes the rest of the things tumble down like dominoes

    • @aeh323
      @aeh323 4 года назад +10

      Like everyone, autistic people are different. I'm autistic and I'm not great with routines - too disorganised!

    • @muurrarium9460
      @muurrarium9460 4 года назад +4

      Hell yea, same here all the time. So demotivating.

    • @rylsahawneh3662
      @rylsahawneh3662 3 года назад +2

      This! Plus I tend to lose my lists! And then gets distracted partway through, usually by something related to something on the list.

  • @carolinefiorentini3233
    @carolinefiorentini3233 4 года назад +30

    Most relatable sentence "I spend a lot of time choosing the icon" XD

  • @Uneekname
    @Uneekname 4 года назад +118

    I like setting timers. A 20 minute one to get things done and then a 10 minute break and then repeat until everything's done. Depending what needs to be done. Timers make me do things better for some reason

    • @crawlinginfilm9683
      @crawlinginfilm9683 4 года назад +2

      Jeanna B Pomodoro Technique, eg via iOS App: Block & Flow

    • @crawlinginfilm9683
      @crawlinginfilm9683 4 года назад +1

      Pomodoro Technique, eg via iOS App: Block & Flow: Haven't (yet) started using it because I don't know how to split a task (or is it Project?) into blocks (given I can never accurately estimate how long a task will take). Is there a necessary human "outer loop" process in order to use such methods effectively?

    • @Freyalise13
      @Freyalise13 4 года назад +6

      I do this as well. planning from hour to hour feels to heavy.

    • @agrey4321
      @agrey4321 4 года назад +1

      I LOVE this idea. I have 7 kids in the house and solid schedules just don’t work for us right now. This seems like a much more flexible way to manage staying on track at least in some form.

    • @Ashley-nope
      @Ashley-nope Год назад +1

      Especially if it’s a boring task. I set 15 minute timers, and rest for 5

  • @kerrysmiles
    @kerrysmiles 4 года назад +91

    I LOLed so hard at wasting 3 hours in a fb argument. Called out🙋‍♀️😂

    • @SweetiePieTweety
      @SweetiePieTweety 4 года назад +6

      Why I don’t FB anymore 🙄 And try try try to make any comment not longer than two to three sentences. I fail daily at that

    • @minoumcduff5727
      @minoumcduff5727 4 года назад +4

      I tend to get into arguments with the right wingers. I just can't stop myself!

    • @traceyadixon
      @traceyadixon 4 года назад +2

      @@minoumcduff5727 Me too! Right wing bigots and random conspiracy theorists! There are SO many coming out of the woodwork at the minute!

    • @kamilerastene5275
      @kamilerastene5275 4 года назад

      @@SweetiePieTweety I don't FB anymore either - I write unnecessarily long comments on RUclips instead...

    • @LisaGallegos
      @LisaGallegos 3 года назад

      Omg same

  • @joshschandoney5045
    @joshschandoney5045 4 года назад +27

    “Why am I holding my phone?”
    Yes! I thought I was the only one who experienced that!!!

  • @LELIE-
    @LELIE- 4 года назад +86

    It seems like a really handy tool. I can really get absorbed into filling in a tool like that. So many icons! :)
    Problem for me is, that a list of tasks like that, usually just overwhelms me. And when I don't get around to doing everything, it only makes me feel bad for not doing them. (Gamification really helps me with things like this. I need proper motivation.) But I can see why it would be very useful in a busy household.

    • @mariashaw1513
      @mariashaw1513 4 года назад +1

      LELIE gamification also really helps me too.

    • @Thomas-nq8mb
      @Thomas-nq8mb 4 года назад +8

      LELIE, Tiimo is great because you have a screen in the app that lets you only see what you are doing "right now" at all times. And if you want an overview your full day, you can decide swipe/tap to watch that. You will also be celebrated in the app once you complete a task (and never shamed if you don't).

    • @_hunnybe
      @_hunnybe 4 года назад +1

      Same exact thing here

    • @LELIE-
      @LELIE- 4 года назад +11

      ​@@Thomas-nq8mb - Sorry for the late reply. My problem is, that I can make a great planning, and I of course plan to stick with it. But once it shows me "it's time to do X event", and I just can't do it (for whatever reason)... Even though at the time of planning I thought I would be able to do it, then it will just make me feel bad for "ignoring" the notification. And that feeling will keep nagging at me for the whole day, if not longer. It will only make me feel bad and will interfere with the rest of my day. (Doesn't help that I have a fear of failure either.)
      I can see how this app will helpful for many people. But for me personally, a to-do list that isn't time sensitive tends to work better. Because I can choose when to do a specific thing when I'm up for it.
      But it's great that success is celebrated in the app. A gamefication element could be, that you can earn badges for completing X amount of tasks. With different types of badges. For example: Cook dinner 5 times for a cooking badge, which get's an upgrade with the next step, when you've cooked 25 meals.

    • @rosefriday4287
      @rosefriday4287 2 года назад +1

      I'm the same way

  • @codyledbetter8035
    @codyledbetter8035 4 года назад +41

    i use tiimo as well!! it's honestly been a lifesaver, my adhd makes it so hard to create a routine but then my autism makes it hard to function without one so tiimo has truly changed my life 🤧💚

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      Hi! Thank you for sharing your story 🤗🧡 That means so much to us that Tiimo supports you 💕 Warmly, Charlotte

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      Hi again Kelsey - would it be okay if I can use your quote for our marketing of Tiimo?
      On social media and such. I'll of course keep your identity anonymous 😊
      Warmly, Charlotte

    • @georgiamillis4218
      @georgiamillis4218 4 года назад +5

      I really know the struggle of the ADHD/ASD conflict with things like routine! I find that my ADHD can make me impulsive sometimes too, while my ASD is like "noooo, not without a PLAAAN"

    • @tiffanyclifton3671
      @tiffanyclifton3671 Год назад

      I’m trying to get use to it and find myself not looking at Tiimo daily and doing the things in it like I’ll do things but not go check them off need help

    • @SurfinSasquatch
      @SurfinSasquatch Год назад

      hello! researching smart watches or apps for watches for my 12 year old son with severe ADHD. I want something SIMPLE that will vibrate throughout the day for certain tasks so I don't have to yell at him or his teachers don't have to nag him. For instance, brush teeth or turn in homework. He resents constantly being told what to do and I think he would prefer to have a watch vibrate to remind him of what he needs to accomplish. Can you set unlimited amount of vibrating alarms with this app? Does it also vibrate to wake up in the morning?

  • @noahjaybee
    @noahjaybee 4 года назад +34

    My biggest struggle with scheduling/planning is that I often don't want to do the things at a particular time. Like if I'm hungry at 5:00, I won't wait until 6 to eat dinner. Or if I want to read more and set a time, if I'm really tired that day, I won't do it. Then I'm discouraged and really what's the point of scheduling it all of you're not going to do it, right? And apps the remind me to do stuff only work for a day or two while I'm still excited by it's "shininess" and then it becomes background noise that I dismiss and ignore. I need an app that reminds me in novel ways and also reminds me why I need to do that thing even when it seems optional.

    • @tiddlypom2097
      @tiddlypom2097 4 года назад

      I can totally relate to the shiny -> background noise progression. I'm trying to motivate myself with attractive stationery, and for me it helps a bit. I would want the same in an app: it would have to feel nice to use (good UX)

    • @sansastark2508
      @sansastark2508 Год назад

      This is precisely why I use Goalist app on Android. Has more features!

  • @caitlingutierrez2873
    @caitlingutierrez2873 4 года назад +45

    I would love to hear more about your organization methods. And where did you find your Autism Coach? What does a session with them look like?

    • @mariashaw1513
      @mariashaw1513 4 года назад +11

      Caitlin Gutierrez I would love to see a video on that and how they can help.

  • @SweetStrawberryShell
    @SweetStrawberryShell 4 года назад +21

    00:50 OMG, that mug! I need that mug! 😍

  • @sheenacouture7657
    @sheenacouture7657 4 года назад +35

    I’ve already got anxiety and am feeling overwhelmed just looking at this. I have days where I’m on and then days where I am in another world. I wouldn’t be able to follow this sustainably. I guess I could make a schedule for a day where I am not highly functioning.

    • @flowersbychallais
      @flowersbychallais 4 года назад +8

      I can relate. It was suggested to me to make schedule-A and schedule-B for exactly these purposes.

    • @evilxeye
      @evilxeye 3 года назад

      @@flowersbychallais This seems really helpful but I can't find more about it, could you explain the two-schedule idea more? I suppose one is for functioning days/times and the other is for overwhelmed times, but how do you implement them?

    • @Emily-ce7hd
      @Emily-ce7hd 3 года назад +2

      @@evilxeye I'm the the person you tagged but I've been using the app for a few weeks now. You could make a routine like she did when she first showed how to use the app, then call one schedule-A and the other schedule-B. Then when you wake up you could decide which one to toss into the queue for the day. I don't use the app that way but it's def one approach that could work.

    • @evilxeye
      @evilxeye 3 года назад +1

      @@Emily-ce7hd Thank you! I have it now and will definitely try this. Cheers!

    • @creativej
      @creativej 3 года назад

      Yeah... sorry to say it seems like a steaming pile for people with my issues.

  • @klassikbrasil
    @klassikbrasil 4 года назад +38

    I would love to hear about your full planning system! Tiimo seems interesting, I am checking them out!

    • @glow99999
      @glow99999 4 года назад +1

      Me as well! as I have ADD inattentive.

  • @lkpbella1
    @lkpbella1 3 года назад +7

    Holy cow! Thank you. As a grown woman I hate that I spend my dad being crazy busy..... but not productive. I appreciate you taking time to help us time challenged folks out.

    • @amandashouse2772
      @amandashouse2772 2 года назад +2

      Yes it stops me from making plans because I have so much I need to do, but I rarely actually do the things I need, so might as well have just made the plans

  • @Kpop0223
    @Kpop0223 4 года назад +11

    I just started using Fitbit and I have timers to put my phone down. I also use a bullet journal with a billion things on my daily spread to make sure I eat and clean and get things done during the day. [ADHD Brain here]

  • @SweetStrawberryShell
    @SweetStrawberryShell 4 года назад +59

    I hear the words " problematic distraction device" as I attempt to write a shopping list while watching this RUclips video on my phone! 😅😬

  • @AnnaMWatch
    @AnnaMWatch 4 года назад +13

    I'd love to see what you do with your paper planner too! I love planner systems, especially aesthetic ones, and I've been using mine religiously for about a decade. I've always preferred to plan with checklists and deadlines rather than timing out every moment of my day, because I always just get wracked with guilt if I miss something nonessential that's set up to happen at a specific time and the whole system goes out the window.

  • @georgiamillis4218
    @georgiamillis4218 4 года назад +7

    I have ADHD and ASD too, and Tiimo is really helpful when I remember it exists lol
    I am struggling to stick with my Tiimo schedules at the moment, but I'm still getting one or two things done a day instead of just doing nothing.

  • @azulizachan7595
    @azulizachan7595 4 года назад +5

    "Sometimes we focus on things that are not worthwhile"
    This. I literally forgot to brush my teeth this morning because I started to mess with my synthesizer, lol

  • @joellemiddleton3583
    @joellemiddleton3583 3 года назад +4

    You are a queen. We definitely need nudges, just like a child who forgets to pick up after themselves, adults forget too but unfortunately the things we forget can end up impacting our lives a lot more significantly. Thank you for this video, wanted to invest in the tiimo app but wasn't sure about how effective it was!

  • @artsy_marcypan
    @artsy_marcypan 3 года назад +1

    My auditory processing has gone out the window lately, so I really appreciate that you included proper subtitles on the video and not just the auto-generated ones! Thank you!

  • @noor-5187
    @noor-5187 4 года назад +8

    My goal past years has been to always have as little as possible on my to do list (to escape my executive functioning struggles, it's on problematic level). My conclusion is that it didn't work. It was an illusion and it's better if I learn to accept that it's part of life. It made me have a really unhealthy relationship with time and tasks, I kept feeling like life is one never ending to-do-list that I can't keep track of. My brain automaticly links 'things that have to get done' to stress and being overwelmed. My schedule now depends on outburts of energy and motivation😕...I can feel it's not working well for me, even damaging, but till now didn't manage to change it. I hope this is the beginning for me to search new ways of coping and to stop resisting the idea of planning my days. Thank u because watching how it helps u made me open to reconsider my strategy.

  • @zahra71908
    @zahra71908 4 года назад +3

    Yes, please I would be beyond thankful for a in depth total guide 🙏
    I’m struggling with the food/groceries related most of all. Planning, getting the things needed, remember to defrost ofc and the whole kitchen anxiety while of making it..
    I wish there was a pill or shake to replace food completely 😅

  • @PlusSe7en
    @PlusSe7en 2 года назад +1

    I’ve been using motion lately. I have found putting routines on my watch valuable in the past.. but now I have routines down pat. I used to use Seconds (a hiiit app) and put my full morning and night routine in it, the timers would go off and keep me on track.. simple. motion is great bc it does the night before / week before planning for me a bit and then I can just adjust as needed

  • @DeluxeGroupie
    @DeluxeGroupie 4 года назад +7

    The distractions from writing comments on the PC for far too long, and scrolling through memes on the phone instead of looking at the weather...well, that's exactly what I'm doing :D

  • @jeffreyschmidt4257
    @jeffreyschmidt4257 2 месяца назад

    Yes definitely interested in the more detailed description of your overall organization system.

  • @sueb6662
    @sueb6662 Месяц назад

    I’m liking Timo the first app calendar that caters to being neurodivergent hopefully it will work for me consistently

  • @gregroles69
    @gregroles69 2 года назад

    Hi Sam, just wanted to say thankyou for this video. I've been looking for a non phone system for some time, and like you love to run both a paper diary and some form of electronic organiser with REMINDERS, but I detest phones and the huge distraction they can be. I too struggle with getting lost in my current focus, and that can be doing wasteful things as much as useful ones, so a buzz on my wrist is a great tool for me to reconsider my direction. I'd also like to thank you for helping me better understand my son, who struggles with Aspy life far more than I do, your various videos are an absolute godsend in that regard. Thankyou for all you do.

  • @michellemendes3218
    @michellemendes3218 Год назад

    dude... something so silly as putting icons did make A LOT of difference for my brain! i didnt realize how much stress I was going through from verbal lists.... my brain totally relaxed with my to do list... thats so weird..

  • @sarahschmidt1518
    @sarahschmidt1518 4 года назад +23

    Wow, what a lucky coincidence. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with my lack of ability to do normal life maintenance and just yesterday I was thinking I need an app to give me reminders to do life tasks. So happy to hear about this app! I’ve recently discovered that I am highly likely autistic, and through your videos learned that lots of my behaviours are an autistic trait. (Like executive functioning) I just used to think “why can’t I do this, what is wrong with me?” One thing that worries me: I have tried to set reminders in the past but then I lack to motivation to do it when reminded. Do you ever struggle with motivation? Also where do you get an autism coach. What do you do together. I’d like to see a video on this. Thanks 🙏

    • @sarahschmidt1518
      @sarahschmidt1518 4 года назад +3

      Ps the ‘thanks’ I wrote at the end of the last message- was thanks for giving me hope and helping me to realise I’m not just a ‘slightly rubbish person’ (I can’t remember who said that) Also, Your phone skit is totally me!! 😂

    • @familyhelper3708
      @familyhelper3708 4 года назад +3

      I definitely struggle with the motivation to respond to my reminders 😊 I like the back story & visual timer of tiimo but think would be overwhelming personally, especially as don't have very structured routines. Apps that gameify things tend to help me somewhat with motivation (like track your streak for using it, etc - for ADD/ADHD brains especially, we really do well to get that extra burst of dopamine) Jorte calendar doesn't gameify but I like that it integrates with Google calendar (which I've also discovered works best for me if I also add a paper planner, Google's sort of like my "Cliff Notes" of my paper planner & I use a 4x5.5 3-ring binder with a calendar that has monthly view on the tabs then 2pg/wk to plan on) so if I really lose my phone (instead of the having no idea where I put it multiple times a day 😋) I don't lose all the data - that seems like it could be a super useful feature for tiimo. I also like that Jorte lets me set multiple reminders for the same event (my "standard" is 24hrs before, 3hrs before, 45min before & 15min before so which helps me prepare) It'd be nice to have the "event" have the circular count down icon but have reminders & snooze features because I felt anxious & claustrophobic just thinking about that system & imagined feeling of falling down on a treadmill or something 😳 I've always liked the idea of a smart watch but it seemed sorta indulgent especially as on disability but Sam's point about distraction & having I strapped to you was awesome! plus I really like the pressure sensation of a watch. 💜 Throughout my day I use a clock app that lets me set "nap" timers by pushing it & a scrolling menu of minutes pops up in case I start something I'm likely to get lost in & have an alarm with soothing naturey sort of chime that I snooze throughout the day for various lengths based on what's going on just to help me sort of stop for a moment & assess what I'm doing. I usually "snooze" it for between 45min to the max of 3hrs. The tone is pleasant enough so it's not jarring or anything

    • @mariashaw1513
      @mariashaw1513 4 года назад

      family helper what’s the clock app you use? I hate the usual alarm sounds the are so jarring and painfull to me, I’ve very sensitive hearing as are all my other senses. I still need sun glasses on a winters day!

  • @michelleknight8291
    @michelleknight8291 4 года назад +1

    Hi, after finding this video and watched it, even showing it to my mum, I decided to get a smartwatch for the main use of having Tiimo. I have Asperger Syndrome and have very bad organizational skills. I do like having routines and order in my life but find it hard to stick to them. I have had Tiimo for 2 days now and am just getting to grips with it, and hopefully I will find it useful in the long run.I like the gentle nudges it gives me to do things, which is really all I needed! It also allows me to structure my day which is a great help. Thanks Tiimo and Yo Sandy Sam.

  • @dianemccreary9238
    @dianemccreary9238 4 года назад

    YESSS!! Deep focus is what screws me up most! I’ve gotten better at not multi tasking but once I get focused, I can lose hours.

  • @darthfiende1
    @darthfiende1 4 года назад +1

    I still have gaps in my habit hygiene, but what's been helping me us a combination of blocking distracting apps on my phone for all but one hour of the day and using the Forest app for work. I get up and do 5 minutes of housework on my break, then 25 minutes of work. It helps me avoid spacing out or getting overwhelmed.

  • @mkartmkart6335
    @mkartmkart6335 3 года назад

    Hello Sangha ! I just discovered this community. You guys say what I have been thinking all my life, without attending it !

  • @chantallennox1201
    @chantallennox1201 9 месяцев назад

    I hope you did the whole system video! I will be looking for it as soon as I finish this one

  • @annapris646
    @annapris646 4 года назад +2

    Hi thanks Sam. I like Timo and would urge others to give it a go. I like the simple images which are far better than text reminders! Plus they suggest entire routines which are easily customisable.

  • @ABCBom4thgen
    @ABCBom4thgen 3 года назад

    Yessss! Neurodivergent sense of time is very different!!!!

  • @stevesdays
    @stevesdays 4 года назад +1

    Couple questions if anyone feels like indulging me:
    What kinds of smartwatches do you all use?
    And, can you program stuff into teemo by voice? Like instead of being drawn into typing into the screen, just press a button and say "cancel appointment tonight at 7 pm" or "buy laundry soap tonight at 5:45"?

  • @kate_vye810
    @kate_vye810 4 месяца назад

    … the song at the beginning goes so hard I wanted to cry both cuz it was overwhelming and different… and because it was so well implemented omfg 😂😭👌

  • @MsChelseaJ
    @MsChelseaJ 2 года назад

    Yes if you can do the whole system please. I just found Tiimo and you and this is just what I need!

  • @alexandriawest
    @alexandriawest 4 года назад

    I had a lot of trouble with the app and stopped using it, but gave them lots of detailed feedback (I have enough development knowledge to get very technical about it). It's still not at a point where I'd use it again BUT what I've noticed is that most of what I said in my feedback is now part of the development roadmap! The team really listens to what users want and need, which is unusual for developers. They have a chance of getting me back eventually at this rate!

  • @fabiendulido
    @fabiendulido 2 года назад

    WoW … the Planner looks great!!! Thanks for the tip!!! I think this is the 1! ( normally I use 5 different planners … I don’t know why ? I just do … )

  • @theonlyenekoeneko
    @theonlyenekoeneko 4 года назад +5

    I will look into this! Thank you 🙏 I’m a neuro divergent mess in terms of executive functioning

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      Let us know if you have any questions! 🧡

  • @karlcriador6093
    @karlcriador6093 Год назад

    "Do I really need a planner app?"
    In the course of this video I have replied to a all my messages, shaved my beard, taken a bath, cleaned my room, created a love story in my head, made another coffee and adjusted all my watches to the same time.Yes, I need this app.

  • @ApacheMagic
    @ApacheMagic 4 года назад

    Sam you are really helping me with these videos! This is probably me at my most autistic- I tend to treat time like it’s personal to me, and I’m constantly on the back foot. When you said ‘need nudge to get going and when to stop’ it could have been me you were speaking of. Yes please to an in depth look st your time management plan. Thank you

  • @brendascally116
    @brendascally116 4 года назад +1

    I just love your videos. You and I seem to be very much alike. No concept of time. My family has adopted the phrase, running on Brenda time. lol Perhaps I will one day not have to spend days organizing how I will organize, or planning how I will plan my days, week, and general future.

  • @katherineseager3363
    @katherineseager3363 4 года назад +1

    I love Tiimo ☺️ I downloaded it a few weeks ago and it really works for me.

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      That is so nice to hear 💖😍 Thank you for sharing! We really appreciate it🙌🏼

  • @mirandaranda57
    @mirandaranda57 4 года назад +3

    Count me as someone who’d love to learn about your full planning system! As an autistic/ADHD mom to two littles, gawd knows I need all the help I can get! I really do think I’m going to look further into Tiimo too, because it seems to be like a hybrid of several tools I’ve been thinking would help me: a planner, a visual schedule/timer, and something on my person to keep me focused.
    Question for Tiimo: is it possible to give a vibration every so often to keep focused when doing a task? I’m a bit ignorant to smart watches, so maybe it would depend a lot on that. Is that something that’s either included in the app, or could be added? For me, this would be an absolute game changer, as well as the main selling point.
    I’m excited for this app, and for this kind of content, Sam. Keep up the great work; you’re appreciated!

    • @mirandaranda57
      @mirandaranda57 4 года назад +1

      Oh hey! I just followed the link to Tiimo and I see you can get vibrations! These folks know what they’re doing. 🤓

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      @@mirandaranda57 Thank you for looking a step further 🤗
      Vibrations (and or sound depending on the device) can be set to come up to 10 minutes before an activity start, when it's starting, when it's halfway and when it's finished 😊
      Let us know if you have any other questions 😃

  • @tankgirling
    @tankgirling 4 года назад +1

    Please do a whole video on your planning system! I feel it would be very helpful

  • @ravenestrella2310
    @ravenestrella2310 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for this run through of Tiimo! I’m diving into the two week trial period of it now, and wasn’t sure where to start! This helps me not only know how to use it, but also showed me a few features of it that I think will be really useful! Much appreciated!

  • @Fairygoblet
    @Fairygoblet 4 года назад +1

    I use a bullet journal and it worked pretty good up into the point that the pandemic and health issues (not corona) made it difficult for me to set up tasks with any confidence at all. Looking forward to picking it back up when I can. It's very good for when I need information that I use a lot , because I'll always know where to find it, and it's very good for to do list and keeping track of monthly appointments. I'm not so great at keeping a schedule in it , but I hope to work on that and maybe transferring information from an app to do so.

  • @ZoyaStreet
    @ZoyaStreet 4 года назад +1

    This sounds very similar to the system I've come up with for myself over the past couple of years! That's so interesting that they've specifically identified it as helpful for neurodiversity. I have a lot of other notes on how to do this effectively for the way my brain works personally. For example, I know that sometimes things will take longer, or new urgent things will come up, so I make sure my system allows me to move tasks around in the week. I make sure that whenever I commit to do something, I immediately schedule in the time required to do it, and leave a good margin before the deadline so that I still have that ability to move things around and accommodate things taking longer than expected. I also try to schedule in way more time than things actually take, because I know that mode switching will take time.

  • @ShAwNkE93
    @ShAwNkE93 4 года назад

    I really enjoyed this video. You seem to be a lovely person! Lol for the phone bit, very relatable. So easy to get distracted. I think a smart watch would be a great gift idea, I also leave my phone just about anywhere. I’ll be thinking this is a logical spot, let me leave my phone here. And then a couple of minutes or so later I’ll be looking for my phone and I was sure I would remember that “logical spot”, but no.. it’s a phone search yet again 😅
    Found myself a new channel to watch. Glad you appeared in my recommended videos!

  • @aguest526
    @aguest526 3 года назад

    Yes, please make a video! I’d love to hear more about your overall planning system!

  • @Fearngullyhomeschool
    @Fearngullyhomeschool 4 года назад

    I would love to see more Timmo videos. I have this for my daughter, she wishes to go to university and this is one of the tools she plans on using.
    Love your info

  • @lilykatmoon4508
    @lilykatmoon4508 4 года назад

    That bit when you got distracted by checking the weather is 100% me too! Lol.

  • @beingilluminous
    @beingilluminous 4 года назад

    I love watching my own quirks being shared by others! Thank you! I’m building up my options to help me focus and flow. I also live by my watch (the best phone locator 😘)

  • @xmichaelmanx
    @xmichaelmanx 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing this, I'm gonna get it a try. Also nice PC lol.

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад

      Nice! Let us know if you have any questions!🤗

  • @beanburrito269
    @beanburrito269 10 месяцев назад +1

    i hate schedule as someone who has autism and adhd, it pressures me to do something and all that and i hate having to do stuff right at that moment. i use finch because it doesnt matter when you do it, its just goals. and it feels really good not be pressured. im not hating om this app at all, im just saying if anyone out there also doesnt like structure like that, Finch is amazing.

  • @IndieAndy
    @IndieAndy 4 года назад +1

    I can definitely relate when it comes to checking my phone. Literally go to check something and 2 hours I realised I have binged on stuff on Disney+... Honestly weird!
    But it's fantastic to see you getting sponsored though, really well deserved ☺️

  • @thepsychonaut6919
    @thepsychonaut6919 Год назад

    Had to pause a moment and adore your Eve coffee mug!

  • @danc3876
    @danc3876 2 года назад

    0:46 what kind of cup is that? It looks amazing!!!!!
    And at 03:07, your monitor, the keyboard "with lights" and and computer black box looks COOL!

  • @cherylbell8875
    @cherylbell8875 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for this video. Very good information.

  • @sandraneusch
    @sandraneusch 4 года назад +2

    Tiimo looks promising. Will definitely check them out! I’d love to see your full planning system too 🤓

  • @stuartcoyle1626
    @stuartcoyle1626 4 года назад +2

    Thanks. Now I just have to deal with losing hours of my time checking out Tiimo and setting it all up. :P

  • @thea-na
    @thea-na 3 года назад

    Just downloaded and set up Tiimo. Will give it a try! Thanks for your recommendation :)

  • @alanguest1979
    @alanguest1979 3 года назад

    Talking about distractions, I keep meaning to watch one of yours about "manipulation", but got distracted by the ones on time management!

  • @eloisedevant1127
    @eloisedevant1127 3 года назад +1

    I just want you to know that you tube auto generation subtitles state your beginning music as “plinky plonky music...” which I love

  • @trueblissconsciousness2821
    @trueblissconsciousness2821 4 года назад +1

    Lol, the weather thing... so me!

  • @ChelseaGilbert88
    @ChelseaGilbert88 3 года назад

    Would love to see how you use Google calendar, paper planner and the Tiimo app to plan!

  • @FrozenWillow1980
    @FrozenWillow1980 4 года назад +4

    It sounds like a really good app and would really help my son for when he moves on from being a dependent, to being independent. This is what parents of neurodivergents worry about the most, how are they going to cope, how are they going to make sure they eat, how are they going to remember to get up for work etc when moving from dependent to independent status.
    What about a free trial?
    I think the app developers could have a pricing plan in place for example
    Low plan - has all the features of scheduling, but not all of the icons.
    Medium plan - has all the features of scheduling, and some more icons.
    Higher plan - all the features of scheduling and all the icons.
    It's not clear what else TIIMO does. I use screentime for my daughter (undiagnosed neurodivergent) and it really helps to take the onus off us as parents when she is on her tablet. I can set schedules, I can pause her if needed (which has caused some meltdowns obviously off schedule, so I rarely ever use that function. Her tablet goes off at bedtime altogether, she can't access anything. But it also has geo tracking, geo fencing for instance if your child uses a phone rather than a tablet, so you always know where your child is and is a great peace of mind for parents. It's £30 for the whole year and so incredibly worth it. But it also has, if you don't want to pay it annually, monthly subscriptions instead. It has the basic free stuff. but if you want more, you have to pay.

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад +1

      Hi there! We really hope Tiimo can support your son's independence. Please let us know if you have any questions. 🤗

    • @CD-uf1lt
      @CD-uf1lt 4 года назад +1

      The binary between dependent and independent is an unnecessary and unrealistic expectation. All people are interdependent, and the aim would be for your child to develop interdependence. Taking care of each other is part of future relationships/friendships/partners, and there will always be things we need help with. Needing help isn’t a problem, just support your son where he is now and follow his lead, with the natural progression being him taking on more and more as he capable and finding systems and supports that work.

  • @Shushonet
    @Shushonet 4 года назад +4

    I'm not sure how I feel about this... Seeing your daily list made me overwhelmed. Can you recommend a way to overcome this? Also, how do you cope with snoozing and postponing activities?

    • @kj3d812
      @kj3d812 Год назад

      @Shushonet I felt the same way. If I looked at a schedule like that, my autistic mind would immediately go into overwhelm and I would DO NONE OF IT. It would be instant demand avoidance.
      My other issue would be the constant interruptions. I have a simpler task-app to remind me of certain tasks, repeating tasks, etc. and it has a snooze function. I usually end up snoozing the task and/or marking it done just to get it to shut up and leave me alone. Sometimes it's helpful to have the app remind me to do things, but mostly I end up annoyed by the "demand" and my inner-autistic just finds ways of avoiding it.

  • @lilykatmoon4508
    @lilykatmoon4508 4 года назад

    I can already tell picking icons will be a diversion for me as well.

  • @trueblissconsciousness2821
    @trueblissconsciousness2821 4 года назад +1

    Haha the weather one... that's so me!

    • @garyfrancis5015
      @garyfrancis5015 4 года назад

      TrueBliss Consciousness Some people are mean about memes.
      I love the dog falling asleep one.

  • @epiemarner4543
    @epiemarner4543 4 года назад

    Before I watch the whole video I just have to say, I love that EVE mug!!!

  • @HurricanePixie7
    @HurricanePixie7 4 года назад

    Yes, please. I’d like to know more about your planning methods, etc... Thank you!

  • @karinasalazar7887
    @karinasalazar7887 4 года назад

    thanks for this review, this exactly what i was looking for about 3 month. so once again to taking on this sponsored video! also i know TIIMO will be here on the comments section, i love how this app is made for ADHDers and people with ASD, it would help with my undecieveness to opt in for a a one day trail. I know there is the 7 day trail with both purchase options but for some and me included i would be able to tell if this app would work for me without having the buy in commitment, it put a lot of pressure on me and makes for a lot of stress.

  • @taniaflores-papaqui4681
    @taniaflores-papaqui4681 Год назад

    I just bought it because i felt really close to your story

  • @wytwabit
    @wytwabit 4 года назад

    I have tried to organize myself using 3x5 cards in a box, but I'd forget to look in the box, etc. I have found that the alarms on my android smart phone really help me remember to get ready for appointments, but I don't schedule my whole day on my phone, just appointments. From 1 minute into your video, I recognized myself exactly as you spoke. I am 67 years old with grandkids who have been diagnosed with ADHD and ASD. I was able to hyper-focus at my job as a Medical Transcriptionist for 25 years, but I was exhausted by the end of every day. I also had 5 children, with only one child not showing ADHD. He distances himself from the rest of us, as I'm sure he really doesn't understand us at all.

  • @annemadden7934
    @annemadden7934 4 года назад +1

    I (sometimes!) use an app called Ike. It's based on a prioritizing strategy that Dwight Eisenhower used, and in addition to helping me prioritize my to-do list, it also allows me to set reminders. But I will definitely look into Tiimo as a possible addition to my toolbox! Thanks!

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад

      Let us know if you have any questions! 🤗

  • @That_Awkward_Mum
    @That_Awkward_Mum 4 года назад

    What a great invention! And thank you Sam, for such a superb demonstration. 😀 I'd also be interested to see a video about your full planning system.

  • @thevirtualjim
    @thevirtualjim 4 года назад

    I mainly use google calendar (I like that it notifies me by e-mail and on my phone about my stuff) and google keep (great for taking notes and making checklists)

  • @NotAyFox
    @NotAyFox 4 года назад +1

    That was a fun video to watch. I'm very interested in the app.
    One issue I might have with your system is that I do not like wearing wrist watches. It's probably some kind of sensory issue. When I was in high-school (early 90s), I actually started wearing a pocket watch on a chain, which freed my wrist and was, of course, super cool. 😬
    I do use an app to keep track of my meds. Even though I only have 2 meds, they are divided in several daily doses. I used to regularly forget a dose and had hard time keeping track of them. Even with an app I mess up sometimes, because I get an alert, press the "taken on time", then go to kitchen for the pill and on the way loose track of what I was doing, because I get distracted.

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад

      Hey there! You can also use Tiimo on your phone and tablet if that could potentially be useful. 📲 Let us know if you have any other questions! Warmly, Anna

  • @jenniferwhite6922
    @jenniferwhite6922 6 месяцев назад +1

    Can you add things that don’t need a time frame but need done sometime in the day?

  • @justbuns6404
    @justbuns6404 4 года назад +1

    Everything that requires daily notifications just wears me out. You were reading a book "ding" brush teeth now! "Ding" I said NOW!
    Hate it so much. Living hell, I prefer the chaos.

  • @amyabramajtys2100
    @amyabramajtys2100 3 года назад

    Spot on! Nice work!!

  • @Klaudia.Sosnica
    @Klaudia.Sosnica Год назад

    I don't like planning my whole week, I prefer just writing to dos. I use habitica and I love it! I also have this paper clip technique: I reward myself with a paper clip each time I complete a task and one paper clip represents X amount of money (5 pln in my case, which is equivalent to about 1 pound) and I can reward myself at any point by buying something

  • @jaywincer7029
    @jaywincer7029 4 года назад +1

    Yes please to a planning video.
    I tried Tiimo for my kids but it didn't seem to cope with New Zealand time.

    • @tiimoapp
      @tiimoapp 4 года назад

      Hi Jay 😊 We had a time zone issue a few months back - it's been fixed now. Please reach out to our customer support for a new free trial period if you're interested 💖

  • @melissadefelice8560
    @melissadefelice8560 4 года назад

    I would also like to hear about your full planning system!

  • @chickenpie9698
    @chickenpie9698 3 года назад

    I like this for the smartwatch integration.
    Personally, I find Samsung calendar great for this as it integrates well with my Samsung watch and I get my own pre-defined reminders as well as tailored little nudges . I have my personal calendar signed in as well as my work one and my partner's (accidental at first but it's handy knowing what we both have coming up so we can plan ahead together). Having the flexibility to edit calendars on different devices like a PC or phone really helps and I like being able to group events and tasks using different accounts (work and personal predominantly).
    There is one big issue for me still. I can plan out a day or week easily but it will rarely go to plan as I never know how long a lot of tasks will take. Admittedly, this is worse for tasks which in a sense CAN have no end so I can see where the issue arises. I'm hoping I will get better at this with time but I wonder if some neurodivergents would benefit from suggestions for how long simple tasks should/could take?

  • @tabitas.2719
    @tabitas.2719 4 года назад

    This sounds amazing!! I plan my weeks on the weekend like you and then plan my day in detail (with the help of my weekly planner ;)) every morning or the eve of the day....
    Also loved how you included pre-planning meals; yes!!
    Not only does it help me be aware of the state of my kitchen and fridge..., but I really have a problem deciding what to eat "under pressure" + always forget cooking time if I don't plan it with a time 😅

  • @Margar02
    @Margar02 4 года назад +4

    This looks like something I was scheming up in my head that I don't have the skill set to create. My husband suggested we make an app together (he can code) and so maybe I should use this at least for a while for research purposes and who knows, maybe it will be the app I need?

  • @happytofu5
    @happytofu5 4 года назад

    I created a spreadsheet in which I do basically the same, but less fancy xD I have a template with all the regular stuff in it. I don't plan weekly, but daily and put all things in with their respectable time. I have a lot of tasks to manage and with my spreadsheet, I can see, what "fits" in a day. It also helps me to check what I was supposed to do xD - I plan my timeslots very generously with all distractions in mind. I also have a column in which I track my emotions when I need it, to notice when something stresses me but also to reflect when I feel proud for accomplishing something.

  • @riseandshinemrfriman5925
    @riseandshinemrfriman5925 4 года назад

    Nice PC + peripherals :] Cool to see that you also enjoy technology ^^

  • @MsEmi321
    @MsEmi321 4 года назад

    First time commenter. I love your videos though. I have executive disfunction and use a combination of method. I like the app Routinist for routines- it looks complex but it’s the best for flexibility once set up. You can set times based on start or finish, but can also pause the app and start later if needed. It’s not as visual as this though. Then for to dos I use your method of different list types on the app minimalist. I also bought the freedom app which is really useful for the computer in blocking distractions but I find don’t like it as much on my mobile. One thing I still struggle with though is starting take and breaking complex tasks down helps this but I don’t have an app which can help me remember so I often don’t do this. I think to-do-ist has this feature but it was way too stimulating for me. I wish minimalist would add a calendar and task break down feature because I love their interface. Wow I read this back- I’m a massive organisational app info hoarder!

  • @Monika-ej4rs
    @Monika-ej4rs 4 года назад

    I actually already have an app that somewhat works for me. It's time tree. It has reminders and everything and it works better than anything that I've tried before. But it only works if I pick up my phone... which I tend to forget... ALL THE TIME. So I will definitely give tiimo a try. Thank you :)

  • @riittapennym1371
    @riittapennym1371 4 года назад +1

    I turn 60 in October. I (had) 2 children. 7 grandchildren. I haven’t seen them in five years.