The Heartbreaking Tragedy of Mike Trout

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @AndThatsBaseball
    @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +53

    Over 90% of you are NOT subscribed. If you enjoyed the video, PLEASE subscribe so you don't miss future videos. It's free, easy, and it helps me out a ton. Thanks!

    • @LuisSanchez-bf8kq
      @LuisSanchez-bf8kq Год назад +5

      It’s sad you notice now

    • @chloethacker
      @chloethacker Год назад

      He was on his way to being the greatest ball player of al time. The only 5 tool player who's 5 tolls were all A plus.

    • @DooDashDude
      @DooDashDude Год назад +5

      ill subscribe when Trout goes to Philly.

    • @user-yy5es3ot6q
      @user-yy5es3ot6q Год назад +1

      that's how it is noob lol

    • @yell0wberry
      @yell0wberry Год назад

      One of the reasons why 90% of us aren’t going to contemplate being subscribers, is because you narrating a sport, which is quite possibly the only major sport that fails tremendously to profile and showcase their best players to the mainstream public. It also has a commissioner who was one of the biggest liars in the history of modern day sports. If the ratings participation for that boring ass postseason tells us the whole story on MLB, Manfred definitely needs to see his walking papers from all 30 owners. In closing , this sport has become just about exclusionary based on age, race, and generational differences. I sure wished Mike Trout could have looked into the future.

  • @almightysosa3007
    @almightysosa3007 Год назад +787

    As a die hard angels fan. This year was one of the most painful things I’ve had to endure. And I’m a broncos fan too…

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +64

      Going all in at the deadline and immediately falling flat was so bad
      Then Arte not paying Stassi’s contract because he had a family emergency. What a joke.

    • @CH-kl9qd
      @CH-kl9qd Год назад +15

      imagine supporting this team that literally ruins your favorite two players careers.

    • @almightysosa3007
      @almightysosa3007 Год назад +21

      @@AndThatsBaseballwatching that unfold was literally like seeing the future of the team crumble in front of your eyes. Basically all the top prospects gone for 1 month of production.

    • @almightysosa3007
      @almightysosa3007 Год назад +9

      @@CH-kl9qd hey things weren’t always bad, 02 was magical, and after the run their had from 08-10 I thought the angels would compete for the title regularly. Little did I know

    • @CalebsCards
      @CalebsCards Год назад +6

      I feel for you man, fellow Broncos fan here too. The Angels though were just sad.

  • @RayJay29
    @RayJay29 Год назад +728

    A decade full of Regular Season accolades, but no Post Season accolades for one of the greatest players of the modern Era. What a shame man 😭🫡
    Edit: Didn’t expect full blown wars down here but imo Trout legacy shouldn’t be defined by his lack of postseason success, you can put that blame on the Angels upper management for unparalleled incompetence for wasting Trout career. Remember for what he’s shown to us for a decade, and not hyper focus on the postseason which is tied more to the team than an individual.

    • @fortynights1513
      @fortynights1513 Год назад +61

      A perfect illustration of why team success shouldn’t dictate individual standing in Major League Baseball.
      Trout’s an incredible player, and was the best in the league for a number of years, but he was pretty much never on a team that had a chance to win a World Series. That’s not on him at all though.

    • @raddimusmcchoyber3362
      @raddimusmcchoyber3362 Год назад +15

      ​@@fortynights1513 Strongly agreed. I'm an English baseball fan, next season will be my 20th since I got into it. One of the things that struck me as I was learning the game in the early 2000s is the huge importance that quite a lot of American fans place on 1) WS rings and 2) post-season performance generally, when they are assessing a player's overall career and standing. I love the game and am forever glad that I found it, and I'm also well aware that it's not "mine", so I defer to American fans view on this. If I was to be less deferential about it, I would say that I sometimes think that some fans overinflate the importance of ringzzz and the postseason when they are evaluating careers. It struck me again last week when seeing online comments about Clayton Kershaw's career. I also recall being shocked in the past when hearing comments go something like "yeah, Player A might've hit 540 HRs, but I bet he'd trade a lot of 'em to get just a single ring". And I'm like: "Wha?!? Naaahhhhh." And they say something like "you don't understand Limey", and I concede that I don't and so I shut up 😂

    • @shotimefans808
      @shotimefans808 Год назад +11

      Mike Trout is a poor man Ken Griffey Jr.

    • @MrMalicious5
      @MrMalicious5 Год назад +24

      Ultimately his fault for staying with that trash team.

    • @ScottieDoejo
      @ScottieDoejo Год назад +9

      At least he's not a sell out and he's a man of his fans it's called loyalty

  • @Aut0KAD
    @Aut0KAD Год назад +306

    That Ohtani part at the end made me a little sad, in the sense that we just witnessed probably the best season a player will ever have in baseball and we will probably never see anything like that again. Man, that was an incredible year of baseball from Ohtani

    • @rb1179
      @rb1179 Год назад +14

      That's how it was for Cardinals fans when Albert Pujols was in his prime.

    • @firstlast4874
      @firstlast4874 Год назад +5

      @@rb1179 And for NYY fans now, with Judge

    • @TTFMjock
      @TTFMjock Год назад +4

      @@rb1179Albert Pujols won multiple championships with a premier feanchise

    • @maikelrodriguez1142
      @maikelrodriguez1142 Год назад +4

      best season a player will ever have in baseball???????? 10 war???? seriusly???????

    • @user-mn9wc5ru5w
      @user-mn9wc5ru5w Год назад +4

      That wasn't even the best individual season of the last 2 years

  • @josephhinton5489
    @josephhinton5489 Год назад +132

    As a retired amateur athlete who played baseball for 57 of my 65 years, all I can say is getting injured and growing old is not a tragedy, just part of the game of life.

    • @kuvasz5252
      @kuvasz5252 10 месяцев назад +5

      Which why every single second on the field or court is to be cherished as gift.

    • @stinky3shoes491
      @stinky3shoes491 9 месяцев назад +8

      I agree bro. People say they suck just because they have aged . They need to look at other super stars their last 7 years . Give me a break. He is amazing . All super stars will drop in stats as age goes on. Good thing is pick up a rookie card as these cry babies cry hahha

    • @jacksonsargent1950
      @jacksonsargent1950 8 месяцев назад +2

      Real talk

    • @Brandon-ew9vz
      @Brandon-ew9vz 8 месяцев назад

      Fake talk

    • @viksoply6404
      @viksoply6404 8 месяцев назад +7

      No the tragedy he's refering to is his wasted prime and unlucky clutch moments which will affect his legacy, but doesn't affect his ability get a bag

  • @seaatee5219
    @seaatee5219 Год назад +59

    as a die hard angel fan who grew up watching trout this video makes me wanna cry watching his 2012-2019 years

  • @4seamsportscards
    @4seamsportscards Год назад +594

    Its just so sad that the Angels have been wasting his talent for the past decade 😢

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +70

      I can't even imagine how bad they would've been without him

    • @GSP-76
      @GSP-76 Год назад +15

      ​@@AndThatsBaseballAngels had what looked to be good rosters but things just never went their way...Trout will never ask fir a trade. The organization needs to do it themselves. He'll agree if THEY push for it and set something valuable for his career. He should be playing in NY or L.A.

    • @JonHop1
      @JonHop1 Год назад +17

      @@GSP-76 Nah Bro, he belongs in Philly... He goes to Philly, Phillies are locked to win it all next year.. Harper and Trout? Would be the most insane lineup.

    • @GSP-76
      @GSP-76 Год назад +10

      @@JonHop1 Yeah Phillies would be another great place for him...I just meant he belongs on a big market team. Plus he's a big Eagles fan so he'd be right at home in Philly. It would be a bloody crying shame if he retires without getting a legit shot at a ring.

    • @whoneedstoknow
      @whoneedstoknow Год назад +18

      No he’s wasting his own talent he’s hurt all the time he hardly puts anything into it u get out what u put into it hasn’t played a full season 5 or 6 now he is there for just a paycheck I would definitely not want him way overpaid way overrated

  • @clydeletreta6325
    @clydeletreta6325 Год назад +19

    He's a special player, can hit, can throw, can run and slide, all you need too be a successful baseball player....I like how he thrives under pressure....

  • @sendAJtospace
    @sendAJtospace Год назад +267

    A man that should be a global superstar. I will never stop saying it.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +14

      Such a shame

    • @SconnerStudios
      @SconnerStudios Год назад +34

      Too bad his team's owner ruined a potential chance of having a team better than the 1927 Yankees. It must be so depressing for Trout and Ohtani to be living legends and perhaps two of the top 5 players of all time on the same team at the same time, yet the owners and the rest of the roster failed so badly that they never got more than 1 playoff appearance combined.

    • @Ludzig
      @Ludzig Год назад +29

      Doesn't seem like he ever wanted to be a superstar aside from being an all timer in his sport

    • @sendAJtospace
      @sendAJtospace Год назад +8

      @@Ludzig That’s fine. I said superstar, not celebrity. Everyone knows the name of one, and everyone hears way too much about the other. I’d hate for him to be treated like some pretentious NBA-famous player.

    • @Ludzig
      @Ludzig Год назад +8

      @@sendAJtospace yeah i guess it just is the difference between superstar and global superstar. Baseball fans everywhere know who mike trout is, to be a global superstar it implies a certain degree of celebrity

  • @bmac4
    @bmac4 Год назад +73

    It truly is staggering to think the Angels had the best player of the 2000s, 2010s, and the odds on favorite for best player of the 2020s on the same roster at the same time.
    Thanks Moreno, at least the team always has '02.

    • @michaelrizka
      @michaelrizka Год назад +2

      Didn't 02' was before he bought the team?

    • @kenw2225
      @kenw2225 Год назад +9

      I'd argue bonds over pujols is a realistic position to take for 2000s. Even tho bonds was done after 07. He was so good 00-07

    • @theflipper404
      @theflipper404 Год назад +3

      @@kenw2225 Bonds would've been good in 2008 as well, no team just wanted to sign him.
      He wanted 3000 hits.

    • @bmac4
      @bmac4 Год назад +2

      @@kenw2225 Bonds was injured in 05, effectively giving him 6 or 7 seasons (depending on whether you define the decade as 2000-09 or 2001-2010). It's not unreasonable to call him the best too but I'd give an edge to Pujols off of volume and fewer cheating allegations. Bonds also was already the best player of the 90s as well.

    • @bmac4
      @bmac4 Год назад +1

      @@michaelrizka Yup. But Moreno no matter how hard he tried cannot take that away from them at least.

  • @ryanmcwilliams8784
    @ryanmcwilliams8784 Год назад +59

    It’s so sad but it really feels like trout is going to be remembered as one of those “what if?” Players. Like JR Richard, Bo jackson, etc.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +29

      I think Trout's already done enough to be considered a generational player, but his comp now is Ken Griffey Jr. instead of Willie Mays

    • @warlordofbritannia
      @warlordofbritannia Год назад +15

      The Mickey Mantle comparisons have also become horribly accurate

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      He's in the Hall of Fame no doubt

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      @@warlordofbritannia In terms of peak value yes but I think Mantle will rank ahead of Trout in many people's all-time lists (which isn't a travesty)
      Probably ranks somewhere between DiMaggio and Mantle which is still a sick career if you ask me

  • @zackaryhaselius2226
    @zackaryhaselius2226 Год назад +175

    I love how almost every team, INCLUDING the Angels, passed on him in that draft.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +41

      MLB Draft is so tough. Projecting high schoolers, especially someone who's playing against weaker northeast talent, is so random.

    • @JustSomeGuy009
      @JustSomeGuy009 Год назад +9

      ​@@AndThatsBaseballweaker northeast talent? 🤨 As someone who is a little older and from a very close town as Trout and played a ton of baseball in the area at a pretty high level, including traveling to other states for national tournaments before college ball, that's a strange take. The talent in the local area has always been impressive.

    • @spencertegtmeyer6525
      @spencertegtmeyer6525 Год назад +8

      ​@@JustSomeGuy009yeah it's impressive, if you suck

    • @GTP2-zg9tn
      @GTP2-zg9tn Год назад

      Yes, the Knock on the North East talent pool is wrong. But Baseball teenage and early 20's Drafting is as difficult as it gets for Pro Sports. Unlike Football, Soccer and Hockey where there are specialized positions. A baseball player has to have FOUR skill sets to succeed. 1-Hit a Baseball with a Bat (Ted Williams said it's the most difficult thing to do). 2- Catch a Baseball. 3-Run after a Baseball. 4- Run the base paths.@@JustSomeGuy009

    • @kenw2225
      @kenw2225 Год назад +7

      If you suck is only the opinion of FL, TX, and CA. Of course since they play ball outside year-round. They should be better.

  • @somniferrous
    @somniferrous 9 месяцев назад +2

    first of your videos ive seen but the character and personality shown in the editing and scripting of just the first 30 seconds was enough to get me to subscribe. can't wait to see this channel blow up!

  • @T_K7
    @T_K7 Год назад +15

    A lot has already been said about Trout's lack of postseason opportunities but we're lucky we even got to see him in the 2023 WBC. Lots of players, especially American players, were opting out (or their teams had them opt out) over injury concerns. At least we'll have that to think back on as a deep "postseason" run for him, even if it doesn't count for MLB purposes.

  • @matthicksxx
    @matthicksxx Год назад +82

    This is probably the best video I’ve seen that covers Trout’s career. Great stuff. You do an excellent job of discussing his triumphs as well as his more overlooked moments.
    Also, the Cecil/Prince Fielder & Leo Derocher/Mike Scioscia connections were funny.
    …And Trouble with the Curve isn’t that bad! Lol

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +2

      Glad you enjoyed!

    • @frankmccarthy2624
      @frankmccarthy2624 Год назад

      I live in OC none of us know what the heck is wrong with Trout or the Angels. It’s like a never ending nightmare. And we’ll lose Otahni, the teams only bright spot, in the next few weeks.

    • @fortynights1513
      @fortynights1513 Год назад +1

      ⁠@@frankmccarthy2624The biggest issue is that the Angels’ owner does two things:
      A: He usually overpays a few big name hitters in free agency.
      And B: He also doesn’t want to go over the luxury tax because it would lower the value of his team, so the roster outside of Trout, Ohtani, and those bigger contracts ends up being cheaper players (in particular in the bullpen and lower rotation), and the team suffers from that.

    • @frankmccarthy2624
      @frankmccarthy2624 Год назад +1

      @@fortynights1513 - we were very excited when Moreno announced he was going to sell the team, then he bagged the idea. Crushing.

    • @fortynights1513
      @fortynights1513 Год назад

      @@frankmccarthy2624Your team definitely would be better if someone else ran it.

  • @ogdocvato
    @ogdocvato Год назад +18

    The key to winning in the baseball is consistent, excellent pitching.

    • @barrystokes1396
      @barrystokes1396 Год назад

      Would look good in an Orioles uniform... But alas I 'm talking about the Orioles 😂

    • @jamesthegr8er595
      @jamesthegr8er595 Год назад +1

      One of the keys... Even if you had a pitching staff of arguably the greatest pitcher of all time, Walter Johnson, you'd still end up with a staff era of 2ish.

  • @ronshouse4205
    @ronshouse4205 Год назад +22

    As a Royals fan, I'm used to despair and anguish....but once every 30 years or so, we're decent. We won that crazy extra inning wild card game vs the A's in '14, then played the top seeded team in the AL that year, the Angels. We ended up sweeping the Angels, then swept Baltimore in the ALCS. I've long thought that our success vs the Angels was due to the Angels securing their spot in the playoffs with a week or so to go, while the Royals were fighting for their lives to the was the second to last game of the season that we clinched a wild-card spot. So we had one meaningless game while Angels had 6-7 meaningless games. I think the time off made them lose their mojo, and the Royals rolled into town with nothing to lose. Angels haven't been back to the post-season since, which is astonishing with talents like Trout and Ohtani on the team.....that the Royals haven't been back to the post-season since '15 isn't so astonishing.........

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +6

      Royals ‘14-‘15 run was so fun to watch, it’s a shame the organization seemingly has no interest in building another real team

    • @jeffreekoch9298
      @jeffreekoch9298 Год назад +3

      KC Royals were consistently good during the '70s, '80s and early '90s. Powerhouse.
      Weird. Seems like after the '94 strike, the Royals didnt have lots of success after that. Other than an every few seasons here and there.

    • @acelm8437
      @acelm8437 2 месяца назад

      They're back in the playoffs in 2024 and just beat Baltimore again!

    @THEEOGBUM22 Год назад +16

    Unpopular opinion: I dont feel bad for Mike Trout at all, he could’ve forced his way out or signed elsewhere but he didn’t and signed a 12 yr 426 million$ contract with them!

  • @fortynights1513
    @fortynights1513 Год назад +20

    M’s fan here, and I tip my hat to Trout.
    One of the best players of all time, and in a different organization could’ve been on teams that were better put together.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +2

      Making this video it’s pretty astonishing how many of his highlights came against the Ms (king Felix especially)
      At a certain point you just have to tip your cap and realize this is special

    • @stevemiller8895
      @stevemiller8895 Год назад +2

      I think Mike trout should be traded to the mariners along with the signing of Shohei ohtani, it would be perfect!

    • @fortynights1513
      @fortynights1513 Год назад +1

      @@stevemiller8895I’d be cool with those transactions, but I doubt the Angels would want to trade Trout, and I don’t know if the Mariners front office would go after Ohtani.

    • @fortynights1513
      @fortynights1513 Год назад +2

      @@AndThatsBaseballI looked it up, Mike Trout (who is a .301 hitter overall) has hit .321 with a .427 on base, .612 slugging and 54 homers in his career vs the Mariners (including a .446 average and seven homers vs the M’s in 2018).
      He’s homered more times against the Mariners than anyone else, and that’s with 36 more career plate appearances vs the Rangers.
      As for King Felix, he similarly was an exceptional pitcher for a number of years on a team that went nowhere. He might have been the second or third best pitcher from 2009-2015 or so, and while I wouldn’t call Felix a Hall of Famer, I would argue he should get 5% of the vote when his name appears on the ballot for Cooperstown, and that he might have made a more serious Hall of Fame case if he had stayed in prime form for a few years longer and regressed more gradually than he did.
      Side note: In my opinion, players who don’t get into Cooperstown but stay on the ballot through their eligibility (as well as perhaps a few who deserved further consideration and never got it) should be considered “Hall of Very Good” in my book.

    • @theflipper404
      @theflipper404 Год назад +1

      Shit imagine if Trout was on the early 2010's Giants or the the 2015-present Astros.
      Dudes post-season numbers would be insane.

  • @dehnert4436
    @dehnert4436 Год назад +10

    His entire career has been a roller coaster and unpredictable, hard to see what happens next but I hope the best for him ❤

  • @martinrenzhofer8241
    @martinrenzhofer8241 Год назад +8

    I remember seeing Trout in Triple-A and thought, Oh yeah. He spent April in Salt Lake City and he was still leading the PCL in triples until the final month.

  • @Belangerz
    @Belangerz Год назад +5

    Every year as an angels fan since the end of 2014 has been pain. Every year I think this is the year we get back to the playoffs. And every year the halos fall short. The angels have had the best player in baseball almost every year since 2012, it’s embarrassing they haven’t won a playoff game in that time. I still have hope the angels can get trout a ring. He still only is 31. But having peak Mike trout mash in the postseason, would have been something special.

  • @_petertaylor
    @_petertaylor 8 месяцев назад +1

    Cabrera playing a new position and playing it well meant something in terms of defense and reliability. That wasn’t mentioned here, but that doesn’t take away from your point! Great vid

  • @jaytrace1006
    @jaytrace1006 Год назад +14

    Trout suffers the same issues that plagued Ernie Banks, Harmon Killebrew, Walter Johnson, George Sisler and others who were winners almost on losing teams. Most never tasted the playoffs…

    • @justinlast2lastharder749
      @justinlast2lastharder749 Год назад +1

      The problem is, when Trout got to the Postseason he FLOPPED big time. Mendoza Line would have been a massive improvement over how he performed with his .083 Batting Average. He was a huge reason that Angels team did nothing when they finally made it.

    • @cheebateam
      @cheebateam Год назад

      Killebrew played in the 1965 World Series....

    • @eliasalx8585
      @eliasalx8585 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@justinlast2lastharder749That's true, but it's a little unfair to judge a player with such a small sample size, the best way to judge him would be if he plays in more postseason games someday.

  • @LordWolven
    @LordWolven Год назад +10

    The fact that the Angels managed to have both Trout and Ohtani at the same time... for six years... and yet never make the playoffs, will go down as perhaps the most incompetent management in all of sports history. They make the 1990's Braves look like clutch geniuses.

    • @Susbus69
      @Susbus69 Год назад +1

      Ohtani did next to nothing before 2021, he couldn’t do what he does today

    • @smellyfly9469
      @smellyfly9469 Год назад

      They were both injured in some way half the time also the whole team was injured half the time lmao

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      To be fair they only got that far in the regular season because of the garbage strike zones
      When things finally went the other way in '97 I cheered

  • @DawnoftheDan_
    @DawnoftheDan_ Год назад +3

    10:23. That Get Out clip. Classic. I'm subbing

  • @popsfursmurf
    @popsfursmurf 10 месяцев назад

    One of the best player summaries I have ever seen. Great job!

  • @Spicy0505
    @Spicy0505 Год назад +29

    Fun little tidbit on trouts rookie year for me. My high school baseball team went to a A’s vs Angels game in Oakland, so the stands were pretty barren. We heckled him in left field saying, “how does it feel to be a pro that can’t drink a freaking beer!” We were so loud we watched him laugh at our dumb crap.

  • @foxtrot64
    @foxtrot64 Год назад +11

    Haven't won since Arte bought the team, he is the worst thing to ever happen to the Angels franchise and it's heartbreaking

  • @jw7665
    @jw7665 Год назад +24

    Imo there’s nothing tragic about it. He was a FA and decided o resign with them. That’s on him, he knew how bad the team/management was.

  • @bigjared8946
    @bigjared8946 Год назад +8

    Arte is an amalgamation of the worst tendencies of Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder. Dusty Baker did gift them a WS ring but that looks more and more like an abberation with each passing year. Trout made his own bed by signing extensions when he could have left instead.

  • @BeckVMH
    @BeckVMH 10 месяцев назад +4

    I turned 65 awhile back, but Spring Training is just underway, so I’m feeling optimistic. I’m thinking this is the year I’ll get “the call.”

  • @Radmetalmonk
    @Radmetalmonk Год назад +2

    Love the player comp machine and seeing some KC flashbacks lol (Royals fan). Great vid man

  • @kyleanderson512
    @kyleanderson512 Год назад +4

    This makes my heart ache as an Angels fan. SELL THE TEAM ARTE

  • @richiemartinez103
    @richiemartinez103 Год назад +5

    In my opinion I feel like a lot of the Angels team wide issues stem from the fact that the Angels stopped playing to their managers strengths, Mike Sciosca built his managerial career with speed as one of his main strengths on offense. When Trout came the Angels offensive approach seemed to change and that didn’t mesh with their manager, if they would’ve employed a manager who fit this new philosophy than that might’ve helped them be more successful, but in my opinion they should’ve leaned more into Trouts speed on the bases, and added base stealers to build around Trout instead of building a team more akin to what baseball had become, the Angels thrived in the 2000’s with a great speed, power combo on offense, they failed in the 2010’s chasing trends.

    • @NN-oz6rr
      @NN-oz6rr 11 месяцев назад

      I agree

  • @kadensadich1311
    @kadensadich1311 Год назад +43

    Honestly, if not for all the inuries, he would almost for sure have been one of, if not the best player of all time.

    • @HamsterK37
      @HamsterK37 Год назад +30

      He is one of the best of all time

      @LUCKIPUP Год назад +6

      you sound like you’re talking about kemp or rendon lol trout still that guy

    • @tomcruze7898
      @tomcruze7898 Год назад +1

      Lol take it easy. He doesn't even crack the top 10. If it wasn't for MLB using WAR as a stat, he would never be MVP.

      @LUCKIPUP Год назад

      @@tomcruze7898 name the top 10

    • @sabiebright4554
      @sabiebright4554 Год назад +3

      ​@@tomcruze7898then who was your MVP in 2014? I like Brantley, Martinez put up great numbers for my tigers, but a great defense center fielder is more valuable that those two whose defense was lacking. You need to be putting up big papi numbers before I can give it to a designated hitter, or a professional hitter as they call Brantley.

  • @oscarbrito788
    @oscarbrito788 9 месяцев назад +1

    the Pokemon National Park theme at 29:30 was a great touch i gotta say 😭lmaoooo good ass video tho homie !!

  • @NamesSimba
    @NamesSimba Год назад +14

    Im an angels fan and i cant pinpoint a few things. For one, the angels have probably the worst coaches in baseball and trout simply couldnt hit a fastball. Look what happened to Brandon marsh when he was traded to Philly, they were in similar situations in regards to not being able to hit an above average fastball. Philly simplified marsh’s swing and he turned it around completely. Trout is on the same boat, it makes zero sense why a hall of fame player all of the sudden cannot hit a fastball right down the middle. In addition, we have probably the worst strength and conditioning team as the team always leads MLB in number of players going on the IL. Sure his injuries are freak injuries, but he has been getting hurt in the weirdest ways possible.
    I still believe trout can go back to what he was, but the angels need to invest in the little things that will help the team instead of the marque free agents that will just drive ticket sales. But then again Arte Moreno is the worst owner in the sport, and sadly trout may rot the rest of his time in anaheim.
    (Im a lifelong angels fan, and I have never felt as defeated rooting for this garbage franchise ever).

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +8

      The lack of investment in development, health, training, scouting, etc. is definitely the main problem. Can’t wait for Arte to be out of the sport I love.

    • @prodigy2652
      @prodigy2652 Год назад +5

      Literally all our problems would be solved once Arte finally sells the team. The only hope I have left of him ever selling it is if Ohtani signs somewhere else which is more than likely gonna happen

    • @tillitsdone
      @tillitsdone Год назад

      FanGraphs also has their minor league system ranked dead last in MLB. They're going to be bad for a while with or without Trout.

    • @stevengarrison1019
      @stevengarrison1019 Год назад

      I root for the angels here and there but Im a phillies fan , A lot of phillies fans want them to trade for Trout but I don't. Trout has been injured the last few years.

    • @cormet55os28
      @cormet55os28 Месяц назад


  • @izisvi
    @izisvi Год назад +1

    Great vid. off the topic of baseball but I loved the DK music you slipped in lmao

  • @DonaldBermudez-k6u
    @DonaldBermudez-k6u Год назад +4

    Trout has had the best first 10 years ever. I look forward to seeing him with the phillies! fingers crossed. COME HOME TROUT. This is an excellent video and I agree with your analysis mostly. Keep it up!

    • @billm3706
      @billm3706 Год назад

      What do you mean come home Trout? He’s from N.J.

    • @DonaldBermudez-k6u
      @DonaldBermudez-k6u Год назад

      You obviously know little about Trout and NJ. He is from south jersey, which is the philly market and it is public knowledge that he is a HUGE Eagles fan. So, you are technically correct but really missing the point.@@billm3706

    • @andresmiguel2573
      @andresmiguel2573 Год назад

      He would be so good with the Phillies.

    • @stevengarrison1019
      @stevengarrison1019 Год назад

      @@andresmiguel2573 He would be but maybe 5 years ago. Him & Harper together would be awesome but I don't want to take on that contract. We need pitching

    • @moony_97
      @moony_97 Год назад

      Even better than Pujols?

  • @Djjoeyd1167
    @Djjoeyd1167 Год назад +1

    “Tuesday nights out in Oakland? Right?” 😂😂😂😂😂 Great video! ❤

  • @doorkman13
    @doorkman13 Год назад +22

    Trout reminds me so much of Griffey Jr. a no doubt first ballot HoFer that still is a ‘what if?’

    • @Asshat237
      @Asshat237 Год назад +1

      He was the best player in MLB for like 7 or 8 straight years. It's not his fault the team sucked. He's one of the top ten or 15 players ever regardless.

    • @kevins90sc
      @kevins90sc Год назад

      He will be First Ballot HOF and i am a die hard Mariners Fan. And he made us pay more times than not whenever we Pitched to him.

    • @jtthomas7349
      @jtthomas7349 Год назад +6

      Griffey was better and his Mariners were a better team too. But yeah he's the closest of his generation.

    • @TSD4027
      @TSD4027 Год назад +1

      Griffey at least went nuts in the 95 playoffs with a fantastic stat line even if his team lost in the ALDS. Trout doesn't even have that. Maybe someday.

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      Mantle too

  • @CKpremium1992
    @CKpremium1992 Год назад +2

    I grew up an angels fan and have been to dozens of games.. I remember where I was when they won the World Series too.. yard house at irvine spectrum.. One of my last memories of my best friend whom we both had a matching brotherhood tattoo was when he caught a ball Mike trout threw up in the stands when I went to my last angel game.. my buddy died a year ago..

  • @BrutusJrThe3rd
    @BrutusJrThe3rd Год назад +7

    Miggy was a pure hitter at the plate. Him, Jeter, Manny Ramirez, Pujols & Tony Gwynn are my favorite hitters I’ve ever watched.

    • @Baseballnfj
      @Baseballnfj 11 месяцев назад

      I'm a Yankee fan... (I've stopped saying 'big Yankee fan) and I can't stand Jeter. I thought he was the most boring player to watch do.... well everything

    • @BrutusJrThe3rd
      @BrutusJrThe3rd 11 месяцев назад

      @@Baseballnfj really? Which Jeter did you watch? I’m a Yankee fan too but I loved watching him play

    • @_will795
      @_will795 10 месяцев назад

      @@Baseballnfjhave you seen those video’s explaining how he’s actually one of the worst defensive players in baseball? Blew my mind but I used to have a friend who said he’s the most overrated player ever

    • @hugotrack
      @hugotrack 9 месяцев назад


    • @BrutusJrThe3rd
      @BrutusJrThe3rd 9 месяцев назад

      @@_will795 so is David Ortiz. 🤷🏾‍♂️ but at the plate, they’re legendary

  • @BoltBoy21
    @BoltBoy21 Год назад +1

    First year of being into baseball and finding about this stuff is so cool to me every time

    • @MicroCheese64
      @MicroCheese64 10 месяцев назад

      Same, ohtani brought me in, but trout is also awesome.

  • @steezycarson6037
    @steezycarson6037 Год назад +8

    Shits hurt me so much, he’s my favorite athlete ever since my childhood. I remember before 2020 I was calculating on how he could become the greatest player ever in MLB history, and would compare him to Ken Griffey Jr’s seasons and think how unfortunate it was for Griffey for his injuries. Deja Vu😞 I believe he’ll recover tho

    • @Y0kemeister
      @Y0kemeister Год назад +1

      Trouts prime numbers blow Griffeys out the water

    • @jimclaus1576
      @jimclaus1576 Год назад +1

      @Yokemeister In what way? I think they are both pretty close.

  • @geneporreca3848
    @geneporreca3848 Год назад +1

    Great video by the way. Trout is a Phenom. I am just mad he isn't in Philly. But this video is done very well

  • @cardinalsfan9610
    @cardinalsfan9610 Год назад +3

    3:16 Ah yes, the MLB 12 The Show callback! MVP Baseball 2004 didn't think highly of Miguel Cabrera either (called him "a career minor leaguer if he doesn't improve quickly; doesn't run well and probably won't improve much").
    Seeing things like that are funny in hindsight.

  • @Undefeatedsports3
    @Undefeatedsports3 Год назад +2

    The editing in this video is elite!

  • @MiguelMartinez-dn8hs
    @MiguelMartinez-dn8hs Год назад +3

    Side note: I really enjoyed the gen 4 Pokémon track you played to close the video. Ahhh yes, Gen 4.

  • @garykordyzon5032
    @garykordyzon5032 Год назад +1

    Tiger fan here. I loved watching Trout play. His all-around game was beyond special. I don't know if we'll ever again see 3 simultaneously active players like Trout, Cabrera and Pujols in their prime. It's a shame that to whatever extent Trout and Cabrera were so derailed by injuries, the numbers they could have posted without all those lost season would be staggering. Anyone who wants to diminish Trout because of the Angels' lack of postseason success isn't viewing him fairly. He is in Marino/Barkley territory IMO.

  • @Gemnist98
    @Gemnist98 Год назад +6

    I lived in Orange County for grad school, and before I moved back home I went to see an Angels game because I wanted to see Trout play at least once before I left. I ended up getting insanely lucky, as that was the Reid Detmers no-hitter game, but another highlight to me of that day was Trout. He hit two home runs in that game, and they BOTH went to the exact same spot, hitting the exact same rock in the giant fountain in the outfield. It was then, I knew, that he was worth the hype.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад

      Didn’t Rendon hit a lefty HR that game too?

    • @Gemnist98
      @Gemnist98 Год назад

      @@AndThatsBaseballYep, that’s the one.

  • @pjbuma13
    @pjbuma13 Год назад +4

    80-100 games in RF and another 40-50 at DH would be ideal for him. His arm would play well in right. And as much as I hate to admit it he would be a great almost perfect fit for Philadelphia. Baltimore would probably make a lot of sense too. He could help bring along that round core that have.

    • @joshuat7171
      @joshuat7171 Год назад

      He would fit perfectly on the Minnesota Twins.

    • @pjbuma13
      @pjbuma13 Год назад

      @@joshuat7171 not sure Minnesota would be willing to take on his salary.

  • @brucesmith765
    @brucesmith765 Год назад +8

    He may not have been nationally known, but in NJ, he was massive. We played against him. I was scared to pitch to him. He won his teams HR derby LEFT HANDED

    • @billypie3.144
      @billypie3.144 Год назад +1

      Wowwwww can he cook too? hubba hubba am i right wowwwwww

    • @wagsk1
      @wagsk1 Год назад

      the Arsenel@

    • @wagsk1
      @wagsk1 Год назад +2

      i remember him fall ball

    • @cheebateam
      @cheebateam Год назад

      I was scared...of using the word afraid....

  • @Ramez-1799
    @Ramez-1799 Год назад +1

    Great Video! At the 2020 and Beyond portion of the video, was that "The Day Of Night" from Silent Hill 2?

  • @nnyom7363
    @nnyom7363 Год назад +4

    As much as I am very into baseball stats and sabermetrics, I'm afraid the things people will remember about a player after decades is the number of rings, whether he got into HoF, or achieved an all-time record(i.e. Ted Williams' .400 or Henderson's all-time stolen bases record)...
    I've no doubt Trout will be remembered for decades to come, I reaaally hope time won't tarnish or underestimate his brilliant career.

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      Trout might be the Bert Blyleven of baseball, an otherwise great player whose value has been inflated by sabermetrics

  • @isaacgraham5727
    @isaacgraham5727 Год назад +2

    Am I the only one who thinks it’s pretty cool that both Tim Salmon and Mike Trout were exclusively on the angels? Can’t think of any other position players named after fish off the top of my head

  • @GeraldM_inNC
    @GeraldM_inNC Год назад +5

    The guy is a ghost of himself. This is why long term contracts are insane.

    • @smellyfly9469
      @smellyfly9469 Год назад +1

      Bros hit 40 homers a season ago while missing 40 games and he’s still as fast as he was b4

    • @GeraldM_inNC
      @GeraldM_inNC Год назад +2

      @@smellyfly9469 308 ABs, 18 HRs, .263 b.a., 14 doubles, 2 SBs, 104 Ks. A ghost of himself.

  • @garrettdupee8186
    @garrettdupee8186 Год назад +2

    The Mario Super Sluggers Wario City Music is ICONIC

  • @DennisFahlstrom
    @DennisFahlstrom Год назад +10

    It’s hard to mourn a guy who’s been a top level pro athlete for 12 years, had the arduous chore of working 7 months a year while being paid a kings ransom.

    • @lovedavantlamour301
      @lovedavantlamour301 Год назад

      admit it , your love for baseball died after the '94 strike .

    • @GOREDO5
      @GOREDO5 Год назад

      This is in a baseball context. It's not about actual life you weirdo

    • @joekerUli
      @joekerUli 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@lovedavantlamour301it’s hard not to fall out of love with a sport/league where all those gifted guy decided to quit your dream mid seasonover a couple dollars.

    • @Baseballnfj
      @Baseballnfj 11 месяцев назад

      Yeah... this is not a tragedy lol

    • @Zanchcrow
      @Zanchcrow 11 месяцев назад

      I mean it's all relative.

  • @roysherwin9348
    @roysherwin9348 Год назад +2

    @And That's Baseball
    That's Pokémon instrumental on the outro, right? Love it!

  • @SamGlaze
    @SamGlaze Год назад +8

    Every time I go back and look at trouts career or his stats, something new and incredible jumps out at me - he’s one of the best players to ever play the sport, and one of the greatest “what-ifs” of all time, along with the Kid for me as a mariners fan - what if he was on better teams… what if he didn’t have the injury bug? Could he have been the greatest when all was said and done if he’d played more games?

    • @KWally
      @KWally Год назад +2

      So sad how Juniors career wound down.

    • @kenw2225
      @kenw2225 Год назад +3

      Cursed in Cincinnati. Should have stayed in seattle

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      @@kenw2225 Mariners traded him because they saw his decline coming
      Mariners were great in 2001, they got Cameron and signed Ichiro which more than made up for even a Prime Griffey

  • @sweettoof9002
    @sweettoof9002 Год назад +1

    Dude. Batting average is still a thing. Please include in the future. You made me go to baseball reference.

  • @danbrobst4322
    @danbrobst4322 Год назад +11

    Trout takes care of himself and will probably be an elite talent for many years. His story is far from over.

    • @user-mn9wc5ru5w
      @user-mn9wc5ru5w Год назад +2

      He's been the MVP of the injured list for years already right through the tail end of his 20s. He's not gonna be getting any healthier in his 30s

    • @danbrobst4322
      @danbrobst4322 Год назад +1

      Yeah I get it but imagine how that feels for him. He has not had any injuries that impact his longevity. We all rule out players that have bad luck but many of them come back and dominate. I would put money on him hitting 300 and getting 30 home runs next year.

    • @gns4838
      @gns4838 Год назад

      He quit on them last year. That says a lot.

    • @joshASM
      @joshASM 11 месяцев назад

      @@gns4838As an Angels fan he doesn’t seem like he loves baseball anymore. If he wanted to, properly managed he could put up 3 or 4 more MVP level seasons

  • @jroggs85
    @jroggs85 Год назад +2

    3:15 This scouting report aged like Biggoron Eyedrops in the core of the sun.

  • @SpencerWiles
    @SpencerWiles Год назад

    I definitely wasn’t prepared for the Wario City music from Mario Super Sluggers. ⚾️
    Nice add!

  • @Akeoni
    @Akeoni Год назад +7

    Angels should be ashamed of themselves wasting this young man’s prime for such a disastrous organization. Thank goodness Trout is only 32 years old.

    • @kenw2225
      @kenw2225 Год назад

      Yea but bat speed slows down at this age. He's probably done being mvp candidate.

    • @Bellend12345_
      @Bellend12345_ Год назад

      Only 32??? He's probably past his prime and injuries his athleticism has gone down his best years are behind him and he's only getting worse 😢

    • @Heybrotruthhurts
      @Heybrotruthhurts Год назад

      ​@@kenw2225 freddie freeman is 34 and his bat speed is still insane and is one of the best hitters still and although he won't win MVP, it was for sure an MVP calibur season. So it's totally possible for Trout to still have 2-3 MVP calibur seasons

  • @brucebeaver6929
    @brucebeaver6929 Год назад +1

    I have to comment here. First of all, anyone who doesn't immediately recognize who Trout is or what his numbers are is clueless. Any true baseball fan knows he is an all-time great. He walks with legends in the stats. Second of all, being a Cub fan I know all too well about good players careers going wasted due to what I consider poor management at the top. He is one of the greats ever to play the game. Period. Baseball is so unique of a sport: it is a team sport with individual accomplishments. A team can have 2 or 3 great players and win absolutely nothing. Sad, but how it is. Doesn't diminish his numbers, no one can ever take those away.

  • @ranelgallardo7031
    @ranelgallardo7031 Год назад +15

    He’s the JJ Watt of MLB. So talented but on a team that wastes careers.

  • @cardist
    @cardist Год назад +2

    The baseball stuff is cool and all but I'm just here to say that the music choices were amazing

  • @m-free6121
    @m-free6121 Год назад +4

    But have you considered mike trout on the mariners? Half his games at safeco and he’s hitting 70 bombs that season

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +2

      King Felix was one of the best pitchers in baseball for a good 6 or 7 years and Trout homered off him almost every single game. Never seen a player dominate a team like that.

  • @doctorcoos
    @doctorcoos 10 месяцев назад

    I can’t even watch this video. I have watched trout for 13 years, I was there when he first robbed a hr, and for his only playoff series. This vid brings a tear to my ehe.

  • @nomorefielders
    @nomorefielders Год назад +6

    damn. RIP MIKE TROUT
    gone too soon😢
    Hope he and Kobe chillen up there 🙏

  • @jameskreisler6083
    @jameskreisler6083 Год назад +2

    Did not expect to hear the GTA 3 theme, love that I did.

  • @LifeAfter1991
    @LifeAfter1991 Год назад +4

    Trout wipes his tears with hundred dollar bills.

  • @hankhulgan
    @hankhulgan Год назад +2

    I haven’t heard the GTA III theme in ages. Nice touch.

  • @sirstewartwallace3917
    @sirstewartwallace3917 Год назад +20

    Trout to the Phillies makes perfect sense. The Phillies want that missing piece after coming short the last two years and he's always been a fan of the Philadelphia sports teams, being that he's from and spends his off-seasons in Central Jersey. And Middleton has shown he's willing to spend. However, that might mean letting one of their power bats walk.

    • @savvy2641
      @savvy2641 Год назад +7

      I would have to say let castellanos go. He had a great NLDS and early NLCS run but he’s replaceable in the outfield and with his inconsistent hitting streaks making his replaceability even higher.

    • @badger6728
      @badger6728 Год назад +5

      @@savvy2641but who would hit dingers after people say unfortunate things?

    • @LAK_770
      @LAK_770 Год назад +2

      I wouldn’t be mad about Trout to Philly, but just saying, another power bat isn’t our greatest need on a team joked about as “9 designated hitters”, who just lost a series because of their over reliance on dingers

    • @WilliamDunn-u2q
      @WilliamDunn-u2q Год назад

      It makes sense. This group of guys will be a contender for years to come yet, but they are missing something. Trout is hungry for that ring to go along with all his other accolades, and may be the key to putting them over the top.

    • @joechera4419
      @joechera4419 Год назад

      I was thinking the same thing

  • @lunar33icious
    @lunar33icious Год назад

    Great video! Entertaining & informative. I didn't lose interest at any point, so really, nice work 🔥👍🔥

  • @JD-gk7eh
    @JD-gk7eh Год назад +2

    It's true that one player can't lead a team to the postseason in basketball like he can in basketball. But I think Trout's MVP coming in playoff year instead of the 2012 and 2013 years is appropriate. When you're playing games down the stretch that matter, teams play against you differently. Other teams trying to make it in might pitch differently or leave a key reliever in longer trying to ensure a win. Teams will change who pitches and who stays in the game defensively. Plus, when there's a bit less pressure on you, it can be easier. So all that matters and it does factor into stats. I think that's reflected in the voting in 2012 and 2013.

    • @DanielSong39
      @DanielSong39 11 месяцев назад

      Bonds was way better than Trout (or Ohtani) and he made it to 1 World Series, had like the best World Series performance ever but the team still lost
      He's just one guy. Percival laughed off the 480 foot HR and just got the next guy for the save

    • @asianbeowulf4276
      @asianbeowulf4276 9 месяцев назад

      @@DanielSong39 Except he wasn’t better than Ohtani because he was a steroid using cheater.

  • @petsinis9399
    @petsinis9399 Год назад +7

    man i miss prince fielder

  • @meetra5073
    @meetra5073 Год назад +2

    It's crazy to watch this video and realize trout could've had 8 MVPs if there was no recency bias/more focus on advanced metrics and individual performance instead of team performance (which is pretty dumb for baseball imo). I knew he was in the conversation as a GOAT, but i didnt realize how close

  • @DondoDiscGolf
    @DondoDiscGolf Год назад +5

    Nice video, but Disc Golf is invading MLB. When are we getting Dylan Cease video?

  • @BeembusCheembus61
    @BeembusCheembus61 6 месяцев назад

    I saw trout for the first time on either the espn magazine or the sports illustrated magazine, pretty sure it was espn mag but yeah man, i loved that kid from the start even though he is 3 years older than i am, he was just a good looking ballplayer. Wished I gave a shit about baseball more but hey i'm pretty disillusioned with all major league sports now. Thanks for giving me a glint of hope. Loved the video BRAH

  • @thisguy8106
    @thisguy8106 Год назад +4

    What's funny is during the at bat between Shohei and Trout at the WBC, after Shohei opened him up with a slider, I yelled at my tv that he's going to absouletly throw a high FB, and Shohei missed his spot literally right down the middle and Trout swung right through it. I just thought to myself the rest of the at bat "how was Trout not ready for that pitch. He shouldve sent that pitch to the moon."

    • @asianbeowulf4276
      @asianbeowulf4276 9 месяцев назад

      Ohtani is the better player, that’s how.

  • @twisterduck1944
    @twisterduck1944 Год назад +3

    I hope we at least see a few more decent seasons from Trout because he is one of the best to ever do it. Sucks injuries and a poor team dragged him down but let’s not forget that he was on track to be potentially the best ever. I think that his prime is top 5ish all time. Hope he goes to a different team at this point and one that maybe helps kick start a small revival of his former prime. Even a “bad” Trout season is a career year for several players. Regardless of how the rest of his career goes I think he will be remembered as an all time great that never had a good enough team around him. Just shows why postseason success in baseball really shouldn’t matter for a player’s legacy. At least I will be able to tell my kids about getting to watch one of the best ever play.

  • @Yo_AB_Breaks
    @Yo_AB_Breaks 8 месяцев назад

    Outstanding content man. Thank you.

  • @wJaxn
    @wJaxn Год назад +5

    So excited for trout and ohtani to be Rangers next year 🙂

    • @thomaskatona-br7cf
      @thomaskatona-br7cf Год назад

      Well Cashman once again u brag about what the team is gonna spend this year!! He hasn't done a dam thing again. I think he's selling the team!

  • @MrFormulaOne2011
    @MrFormulaOne2011 Год назад +1

    Great video as always

  • @qshot9848
    @qshot9848 Год назад +6

    They Andrew Lucked him. They freaking wasted him in ways that even Jim Irsay would be speechless.

    • @almightysosa3007
      @almightysosa3007 Год назад

      This team has unfortunately done that to a number of players careers.

    • @qshot9848
      @qshot9848 Год назад +1

      @@almightysosa3007I know and that’s why Kendrick getting a ring in 2019 gave me so much closure for the core that never was.

    • @almightysosa3007
      @almightysosa3007 Год назад

      @@qshot9848 especially him doing what he did to the dodgers that postseason. Saying it was bittersweet would be an understatement lol

    • @qshot9848
      @qshot9848 Год назад

      @@almightysosa3007 Imagine if Moreno was willing to put money into the scouting and development instead of looking at big-ticket players for value but paying for big-ticket players to where there were HOLES. What if after 2009, we kept our prospects to build and support Trout and Ohtani and NOT TRADE FOR WELLS. The Wells Trade was unforgivable to me as a kid as Napoli was a damn good catcher, and I became a Nats fan shortly after as my support for the Angels waned over time, but I still care. The anger I have for Arte Moreno for how he made the team into "Baseballs Redskins" under Dan Snyder runs hotter than the Suns of Mustafar.

    • @almightysosa3007
      @almightysosa3007 Год назад

      @@qshot9848 it’s crazy because after Pujols and Hamiltons mistake contracts, I was actually glad we signed rendon to a massive contract. The fact that didn’t pan out just goes to show this team is either cursed or the management is so bad that they make every player they get regress. I’m only sticking around for the hope they get an owner who turns it around at some point

  • @dominickcorsoe5543
    @dominickcorsoe5543 Год назад

    I am a life time Phillies fan. I am still amazed how the Phils and every other east coast team passed over Mike Trout even though he was playing ball right in their back yards. Every local high school fan here in south Jersey knew he was something special. They should have let the guys in the barber shop where I worked run the draft. Wasted in California

  • @patelliott430
    @patelliott430 Год назад +4

    I'm sure he's wiping his tears away with 100 dollar bills

  • @geneporreca3848
    @geneporreca3848 Год назад +2

    I love Mike Trout, wish is was on the Phillies, and he is a Philly native, I know, New Jersey, but South Jersey is an extension of Philly. But I think Harper is the Best Player in MLB. Come home to Philly Mike.

    • @chiwawa130
      @chiwawa130 Год назад

      Philly chokes in the playoffs.

    • @geneporreca3848
      @geneporreca3848 Год назад

      @@chiwawa130 They just get out played. They don't choke. With the exception of Donovan McNabb. You come to one of the Phillies or Eagles or Flyers or Sixers games, And wont find the passion in any other fanbase!! Nowhere, we live and Die with them. Winning a Championship is just a Bonus.

    • @chiwawa130
      @chiwawa130 Год назад

      @@geneporreca3848 Actually I agree with you. I was just pointing out that Philly didn’t make it to the WS either and that they did just fine without Trout.

    • @geneporreca3848
      @geneporreca3848 Год назад

      @@chiwawa130 👍. My bad.

  • @Mo_Ketchups
    @Mo_Ketchups Год назад +3

    Trout AND Sho shoulda both played for LA. Trout woulda gotten his ring at least. 🤷‍♂️
    Anaheim may as well be on the moon.
    Another fine job, kid! 🤘🤘
    🤫 … “Duh-RO-sher”

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +1

      Asking for both is greedy you guys already got mookie and Freddie

    • @Mo_Ketchups
      @Mo_Ketchups Год назад +1

      @@AndThatsBaseball If you don’t at least ask, the answer’s always no. 🤔😄🤷‍♂️

  • @thejimcricket
    @thejimcricket Год назад +2

    that Pokémon music outro *chefs kiss*

  • @hailmaryrecordings8255
    @hailmaryrecordings8255 Год назад +5

    I’d love to see him come to the north-side of Chicago and DH for the Cubs.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +1

      Get trout in some Yankees pinstripes and I’ll never complain about anything again

    • @hailmaryrecordings8255
      @hailmaryrecordings8255 Год назад

      @@AndThatsBaseballMe either. I’m a Yankee sympathizer. 😂

  • @backstopchat
    @backstopchat 9 месяцев назад

    It's a huge bummer that we lost so much time getting to watch him due to the various injuries. Prior to Shohei I don't think there was a more recognizable name to the everyday fan, and I hope that he can stay healthy this entire year.

  • @GhostTrueCapitalist
    @GhostTrueCapitalist Год назад +6

    Imagine having 2 superstars on your roster... and never sniffing even a wild card spot in the postseason...

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +4

      Zero seasons above .500 with Ohtani and Trout on the roster. Unimaginable organizational incompetence

    • @warlordofbritannia
      @warlordofbritannia Год назад +2

      They had the best player of the 2000s, the best player of the 2010s, and (probably) the best player of the 2020s…and won nothing

  • @RWildekrav66
    @RWildekrav66 Год назад +1

    If this is the last of Mike Trout be happy you had the honor of watching the best player on the planet .
    We in the midwest hardly ever had the privilege of seeing him in person .

  • @BoskoShabazz
    @BoskoShabazz Год назад +6

    Him signing that extension with the Angels signaled that he didn’t care much about winning.

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +7

      I get into that in the video. If someone offered your family instant lifetime security and generational wealth, could you say no? Athletic talent is fleeting. It's tough to walk away from that type of money knowing there's a chance it'll never be there again.
      I will always blame the Angels for failing Trout

    • @BoskoShabazz
      @BoskoShabazz Год назад +10

      @@AndThatsBaseball I would argue he would’ve been offered generational wealth lifetime changing money from multiple winning organizations

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +5

      His first extension was offered years before he was guaranteed any money, and his second extension was offered 2 years before he was set to hit the market.
      There's risk of injury, regression, freak accidents, etc. in the time he would've waited to hit the market

    • @BoskoShabazz
      @BoskoShabazz Год назад +4

      @@AndThatsBaseball yea youre right. I’m honestly just mad he still plays with the Angels

    • @AndThatsBaseball
      @AndThatsBaseball  Год назад +7

      We all are. I'm gonna direct that anger at Arte Moreno until he sells the team

  • @jacktodd3768
    @jacktodd3768 Год назад +2

    Holy shit bro put Pokemon music at the end that's amazing