May 2018 Q&A

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 381

  • @KarlEller
    @KarlEller 6 лет назад +28

    The thing people always forget when it comes to 3D printing metal parts is that grain structure and how the component is manufactured (forged, rolled, machined, cast, etc) plays a HUGE part in it's material properties. Until we're 3D printing on a molecular level, you're not going to be able to 3D print a part that is as strong as something that's been forged, or as flexible as wire, or as springy as spring steel. While 3D printing will keep improving, and will definitely be *A* part of future manufacturing processes, it's not going to replace more "traditional" manufacturing processes, especially for metal, in the foreseeable future.

    • @scottwatrous
      @scottwatrous 6 лет назад

      My gut is telling me there will be some advances coming sooner than later which will allow printing or growing parts to final or at least near net shape while retaining a structure and density equivalent to at least a machined part if not rivaling on forging.
      I'm sure it's not around the corner but it's going to be here faster than most think. Lots of potential there if it can be figured out. People would want to be able to grow monolithic jet fan blades and blower blisks if they could.

  • @_Barachiel
    @_Barachiel 6 лет назад +34

    Ian: "You're not always right."
    Karl's response and Ian's grin had me on the floor.
    You guys rock.

  • @Trunnion8
    @Trunnion8 6 лет назад +19

    As a LEO, the B&T USW is appealing to me for the School Resource Officer role. The school buildings in our area typically have hallways of 100 yards or more (one is approximately 850 feet long). Since the SRO isn't permitted by the district to keep a rifle secured in their office and the officer realistically isn't going to run out of the building to retrieve their rifle then go back inside, the USW would help to extend the useful engagement range of the handgun enough to keep an attacker's attention even at the longer ranges they may encounter. An SRO doesn't need to play for a win. As long as they keep the shooter engaged long enough for the cavalry to arrive and prevent them from shooting innocents, he wins in the long run. That said, I have no direct experience with one and Ian's criticism of the actual usefulness of the stock is potentially valid.

  • @yop_cholo
    @yop_cholo 6 лет назад +49

    Your answer to the gun politics question is very interesting. This practical, mechanical and historical approach on firearms you have on InRange and Forgotten Weapons is what got me into firearms, to the point of joining a local range next September, in an otherwise rather publicly hostile to privately owned firearms country (namely France).
    Thank you for your hard work and overall serious and entertaining content !

  • @DooxTrebucket
    @DooxTrebucket 6 лет назад +54

    I can listen to you rant about the Serpa holster all day.

  • @eVVigilance
    @eVVigilance 6 лет назад +24

    Ian- 5 years ago, my brother found (and bought) a 1943, TT-33, beautiful condition, NO import marks or safety... for $179.
    You can imagine how pleased he was.

  • @brlbrlbrlbrl
    @brlbrlbrlbrl 6 лет назад +183

    As a non-american, your channels are the only gun content that I regularly watch. The fact that you just talk about guns and marksmanship without fetishizing them makes your videos much more enjoyable than most of what's out there. It seems that almost everything else is made by people who are fundamentally incapable of going five minutes without a frothing at the mouth rant about how the "liberals" are coming for their guns.

    • @basic5926
      @basic5926 6 лет назад +16

      Same here. It's just really nice and relaxing to barely hear a mention of that stuff. Having lived in a fairly gunless country my whole life I have my own opinion on gun laws, and it feels like whenever a gun channel tosses dirt at ban states/countries it's kind of like if someone you like started berating you for choosing to wear a helmet when riding a bike.

    • @mikemarion19
      @mikemarion19 6 лет назад +22

      Dennis Basic you relate gun laws to wearing a helmet on a bicycle? yikes lol that's an awful metaphor

    • @TheRealColBosch
      @TheRealColBosch 6 лет назад +2

      As an American, I agree! I *know* the debate already. I have a pretty good idea where a gun channel is going to fall on that debate. I am here for the history and technical side of things. That you guys treat gun laws - when you have to mention them - as just another factor to be considered is refreshing.

    • @basic5926
      @basic5926 6 лет назад +2

      Mike Marion Not really. European countries don't have many weapons in circulation while America has large amounts of weapons. Now, is either safer? Not necessarily no, but you are relying on how good your fellow man is if the people around you have guns. If you don't feel the need to wear a helmet while riding a bike that's fine, but you are then relying on your ability to not get hurt. There's more to the metaphor than that, but I'm not sure you'd care to hear.

    • @landb3607
      @landb3607 6 лет назад +29

      You may have to look elsewhere for this content soon, since the "liberals" you discount don't want anything relating to guns, even if its educational, on this platform.

  • @breembo
    @breembo 6 лет назад +48

    Can you guys do a video on why pump action rifles never took off during the era of manual repeaters as front line rifles.

    • @basic5926
      @basic5926 6 лет назад +4

      That's a great suggestion. I hope we get to see something on this in the future.

    • @ColusaLivin14
      @ColusaLivin14 6 лет назад +7

      that was on one of the Q&A a while back and I guess Winchester tried but they explained how the concept was unreliable and not idiot proof as It would need to be when being fielded by a military force. (summarized not quoted)

    • @thomasa5619
      @thomasa5619 6 лет назад +4

      They are actually quite popular in Australia, where you can have an AR mag, and only have to pump it rather than cycle a bolt between shots
      But if you have the choice between pumping or a semi...

  • @rikusschulze6249
    @rikusschulze6249 6 лет назад +22

    I had a similiar AK malfunction like Carl's when I was training Kurds in Iraq last year. One of my guys was shooting his AK, then it stopped. Him being a Peshmerga he placed his gun on the ground, declaring it broken and not knowing what to do, so I take a look at it. Removing the mag, running the bolt, at least trying too. Didn't work though, because there was an empty case jammed behind the bolt. Carl had a live round, for me it was the empty case. I had another similar one, where the empty case failed to eject to the side and instead ejected upwards into the dustcover where it than jammed up the whole gun.

  • @mtgAzim
    @mtgAzim 6 лет назад +17

    Karl: You're back from Narnia?
    Ian: I killed everyting.

  • @The007lord1
    @The007lord1 6 лет назад +9

    1:16:45 The one shotgun that comes to mind is the one from the Halo games.
    And it's the only one I can think of that has the mag tube on top.

    • @soonersmith4179
      @soonersmith4179 6 лет назад +1

      A Proper gamer, I like it

    • @kompound52
      @kompound52 6 лет назад

      Uts15 has two tubes ontop, but are loaded from the sides

    • @redrider762
      @redrider762 6 лет назад

      Russian RMB-93?

  • @SafetyProMalta
    @SafetyProMalta 6 лет назад +39

    Karl, being ex-military myself please dont fall into the trap of calling citizens "civilians" during my time we referred non-enemy and non-soldiers as "civilians." Perhaps I am remembering things wrong, but we referred to our fellow Americans as "citizens." Use of the word "civilian" was how we impersonalized people so if they were killed or wounded, collateral damage, they weren't important and we wouldn't think twice about it.
    I know this is just semantics, but it truly bothers me that modern police, the police people pay for with taxes, refer to citizens as "civilian" and not a "citizen." You see, a citizen participates in a society and is it's most important component. A civilian is a bystander to an enemy engagement or battle.
    Keep up the good work!

    • @dankdark974
      @dankdark974 6 лет назад +1

      Guess i never thought about it that way. I like that! Citizen sounds empowering, civilian doesnt. LE, Military, and *citizen* usage of firearms.

  • @CptCudlScoops
    @CptCudlScoops 6 лет назад

    InRangeTV You guys have by far the best Q&A sessions. I love going back and watching old, random ones as well. Like the one with Larry vickers, Nic from ARES and of course all the ones that you (Ian and Karl) put out together. Keep up the great work guys.

  • @Hostilenemy
    @Hostilenemy 6 лет назад +20

    Karl, why did you feed Ian's microphone to his dog?

  • @silvermikeGA
    @silvermikeGA 6 лет назад +14

    I moved out of Massachusetts in part due to their gun laws in the 1990s. At that time an FID and recording every ammunition purchase was insane.

    • @soylentgreen7074
      @soylentgreen7074 6 лет назад +4

      That’s how it is in NJ. Now they want to tax guns and ammo 50% to price people out. Fucking shitholes full of scumbags.

    • @ricks.1092
      @ricks.1092 6 лет назад +3

      I went to college in Boston and Cambridge. Upon graduating medical school, and finishing residency. I was seriously considering practicing in the Boston area. Instead, I ended up in Nashville at Vanderbilt University Medical School. A day doesn't pass, that I'm glad in the decision I made to build a life in TN.

  • @yolomeme7857
    @yolomeme7857 6 лет назад +40

    Best AK derivative? Switzerland with their Sig 550 family.

    • @luzianwasescha6056
      @luzianwasescha6056 6 лет назад +1

      Yolo Meme yess!

    • @Phenixtri
      @Phenixtri 6 лет назад

      yea its good but ill personally still stick with my Polish 5.56mm Archer :P

    • @ES1976-3
      @ES1976-3 6 лет назад +2

      I would argue the Galil Ace family. Just me though.

    • @TheMCD1989
      @TheMCD1989 6 лет назад

      Chile even has the SAF series submachine gun series built off of them. Just because I've always found them interesting.

    • @vladimirdevi5543
      @vladimirdevi5543 6 лет назад +1

      I like the FN FNC. I’ve never shot one but I’m also very intrigued by the AEK-971 and AK-107.

  • @Juho1944
    @Juho1944 6 лет назад +1

    Hey Inrange. In my time of service in the FDF, we used 5cent coin on top of front sight hood and if you didn't sqeeze the trigger, coin would fall in dry fire exercise. That, in my opinion, was quite teaching to learn how to fire properly.

  • @seven_sixtwo
    @seven_sixtwo 6 лет назад

    40:50 It should be noted that the comp was fine, until for some reason the "cage" on the top of the comp broke off, where it was 2-port, now it was just 1 big port, big enough for a 9mm case to fall in.

  • @thereal_vader9713
    @thereal_vader9713 6 лет назад

    I think you guys might be wrong about the Holosun 507 microdot for pistol use. It’s design specifically addresses the shortcomings and failure points of other dots such as the Trijicon RMR. It also comes with a lifetime warranty. Time will tell as to it’s reliability, but so far it’s proving to be very good!

  • @GruntJoe0341
    @GruntJoe0341 6 лет назад +5

    "Thanks for the question, Satan." Karl, that warms my heart. Also, thanks, Satan, for supporting InRange on Patreon.

  • @jayzenitram9621
    @jayzenitram9621 6 лет назад +16

    I for one appreciate that these guys don't get into the politics of gun ownership. That stuff can get exhausting..

  • @claytonmarkin7863
    @claytonmarkin7863 6 лет назад +5

    You can order kits on amazon to make the custom in-ear ear pro. It's like 10$, they are the absolute best.

  • @CFABN267
    @CFABN267 6 лет назад

    Great stuff guys. I love the mix of Q&A, competition, and technical/informative content.

  • @MrGrimm1911
    @MrGrimm1911 6 лет назад

    1:16:45 One of those crazy bullpup, hi-capacity shotguns has magazine tubes above the barrel. The UTS-15 I think? It's not quite what the question was, but it jumped to mind.

  • @janemorgan4604
    @janemorgan4604 6 лет назад +1

    The UTAS UTS-12 has tubes on top of the barrel, but it's a bit wonky because it's a two tube system (similar to the KSG-12) and a bullpup.

  • @SgtKOnyx
    @SgtKOnyx 5 лет назад

    One use for snap caps is malfunction simulation during live fire practice. Put one or two in the mag and then you can practice what to do when you don't get a boom

  • @dudesqr
    @dudesqr 6 лет назад +14

    40:58 anyone got a link to that vid?

    • @ChaosPootato
      @ChaosPootato 6 лет назад +2

      Cheers man, I was looking for it too

    • @aapje
      @aapje 6 лет назад +4

      Full video that also shows the damage:видео.html

    • @whyjay9959
      @whyjay9959 6 лет назад

      Strange, someone else posted the video link here before and it got removed. Might've been caught in some spam filter.

    • @dudesqr
      @dudesqr 6 лет назад

      Wouter Zelle Thanks for that

  • @whyjay9959
    @whyjay9959 6 лет назад +10

    It's possible that tiny wormholes are constantly created and destroyed in the quantum foam. Maybe that's what happened to Karl's AK?

    • @tm1182
      @tm1182 6 лет назад +1

      Why Jay plausible explanation

    • @evanator166
      @evanator166 6 лет назад +1

      I was going to cite it as proof of the development of teleportation technology.

  • @RandoPyro
    @RandoPyro 6 лет назад +3

    I actually prefer electronic earmuffs for military applications. We don't get issued them, but they're worth the investment. Lot's of yelling orders out, on the range and during field exercises/combat, means that using earplugs = loss of communications. Also, the earpro that we do get issued come in 3 sizes, and small is still far too large for my small ears, so they just kinda pop out. The orange squishies work ok but they'll also pop out on me/be too quiet. The falling off problem isn't a problem because we're wearing helmets on practically every circumstance where we shoot our weapons. I have had them fall off on recreational shooting though, so I can understand the problem.

    • @deepbludreams
      @deepbludreams 6 лет назад +1

      +The Wyse Pyromaniac I wish i could have gotten issued beater headsets for my MOS, i'm a 19K so we have those stupid tank helmets with the proprietary head jack to get into the tank's internal com system, These things have not been updated in a decade, are uncomfortable and hot.
      Plus they don't even protect your hearing all that well, if you are firing the main gun hatch open, you are going to feel that and it will hurt.

    • @PassiveDestroyer
      @PassiveDestroyer 6 лет назад

      +Redneck Fury Your unit never ordered any dismount headsets? They're available through the supply system. I know Bose and Racal make these dismount headsets that go under the ACH, and they have a microphone so you can get off the tank while wearing them, and hear people talking to you, yet have earpro about on par with the tank CVC helmet. Also, the right size CVC helmet makes all the difference, as wearing a CVC too small, or with shit earpads, will not protect your hearing. I was a tanker for 10 years, but when I went to Iraq and Afghanistan we had those nice dismount headsets, the unit just has to order them.

  • @johnn8223
    @johnn8223 6 лет назад +8

    Is the magical refrigerator how you get to Finland?

    • @Halinspark
      @Halinspark 6 лет назад +1

      Bobby Newmark Nope, shipping container full of Mosins.

  • @vigunfighter
    @vigunfighter 6 лет назад +2

    Continuing with the lever gun theme, why doesn't someone make a mirror image lever gun action? Main reason to put the loading gate on the left. Like the pump shotgun, it's short coming is a fixed tube magazine of limited capacity. The 'trick' or 'secret' to 'tactical' shotgun use is if you aren't shooting, you are loading.
    With the lever gun, that requires losing the firing grip on the rifle, as well as bringing it down from the shoulder. If the loading gate was on the left, we could keep the gun topped off.
    I'm surprised nobody has done this.

    • @scottwatrous
      @scottwatrous 6 лет назад

      Peter Charles I agree this would be cool. But I think the argument for right side feed is by using your dominant hand you keep your support hand doing what it does best, supporting the rifle, and with a grip further out towards the front to balance it against the shoulder. Meanwhile the firing hand is generally the more nimble and dextrous which would help loading.
      But I think modern practice could benefit from a left side or ambidextrously loaded gun.

    • @vigunfighter
      @vigunfighter 6 лет назад +1

      I'm just going by conventional wisdom of fighting shotgun training. All the classes I've taken (S&W, Gunsite, and some lesser known instructors) advocate firing hand stays on the gun, butt stays in the shoulder (or in armpit if you don't have the strength to keep it shouldered with your right hand) so you can shoot quickly if a threat pops up while loading.
      Last carbine class I took was in 2015 at Thunder Ranch. Everyone was running ARs except this one fellow running a '94 Marlin .357 that had been worked over by a smith. He lived in southern Kali and figured that was a 'safe' rifle for him to have.
      I give him a lot of credit for training with it at a quality school, but he was always behind the curve due to slow loading. If he could have been topping off with loose rounds with his left hand he wouldn't have been quite so far behind.

  • @LOUDcarBOMB
    @LOUDcarBOMB 6 лет назад

    1:16:45 One shotgun that has a tube on the top is the Neostead 2000, although it has 2 tubes.

    • @LOUDcarBOMB
      @LOUDcarBOMB 6 лет назад +1

      That question is making me want to design and make the shotgun from the Halo series of games, as well as other guns from them as well.

    • @kompound52
      @kompound52 6 лет назад

      Uts15 has two tubes on top aswell

  • @Rigzly23
    @Rigzly23 6 лет назад

    38:45 Wow I actually had the same thing happen with a Remington 760 pump in 30-06. I had to remove the trigger group to get it out.

  • @lucignolo8333
    @lucignolo8333 6 лет назад +64

    I was really sad about battlefield V forced historical inaccuracies, thanks god you brightened my day

    • @leka34
      @leka34 6 лет назад +25

      You're looking for historical accuracy in a wrong place, if you're expecting it from BF. Red Orchestra and Rising Storm are the way to go. Day of Infamy is pretty good as well.

    • @Phenixtri
      @Phenixtri 6 лет назад +4

      and if you want modern WW2 tactical games look n further than Hell Let Loose, and Post Scriptum. As a matter of fact the "new" entrenching mechanic in that game is actually a poorly made blatant rip off of the same systems in games like HLL, PS, and Squad for example

    • @ChucksSEADnDEAD
      @ChucksSEADnDEAD 6 лет назад +16

      +LeKa that's not a fair argument. Battlefield games were arcadey and had a certain level of abstraction but they always had some level of "verisimilitude", if not realism. To try and portray the whole BF series as fantasy does the series a disservice.

    • @reallydontlikethem
      @reallydontlikethem 6 лет назад

      Phenixtri I think post scriptum will be good

    • @ES1976-3
      @ES1976-3 6 лет назад +7

      To all the people saying go play Post Scriptum or Red Orchestra or Day of Infamy, console players don’t have those choices. That said I am also disappointed with the Bf5 trailer.

  • @dragonofbattle
    @dragonofbattle 6 лет назад +2

    Possible sighting system for the Garand: MRD mount with a Micro Red Dot

  • @TheFridge
    @TheFridge 6 лет назад +14

    I hear you guys ask so often "Why would you not semi-auto?" Especially when 2GAC matches are mentioned.
    Here in Australia we cannot get semi-auto centerfire. (there are exceptions, but are beyond the reach of recreational shooters)
    Even getting a semi auto rimfire is very difficult.
    We are stuck using "manual" actions, with the exception of pump shotguns - can't have those on any "recreational" licence.
    Oh, and black is bad.
    We are at the point where the same action is permissible in a wood stock, but outlawed in a adjustable polymer.
    I have fun playing with a K98k in .308, and a couple of Lithgow arms bolt guns in .223 and .22LR.
    Anything else just isn't a realistic option.

    • @jameshealy4594
      @jameshealy4594 6 лет назад +3

      Fellow Aussie here, while I agree with most of what you're saying and you're spot on about the laws (for anyone wondering, yes it's that bad, airsoft is illegal because the guns look real and people have argued that they can be modified into "real firearms"), I think lever action rifles remain our best option for a lightweight, rapid firing option, followed up by detachable magazine bolt guns in 5.56 or similar cartridges.
      If you're in the southern half of the country maybe we'll be able to compare notes at a range sometime, keep shooting and having fun and try not to be too depressed about the lovely ARs on the internet.

    • @mattholley3642
      @mattholley3642 6 лет назад +1

      The Fridge Realistically the most 'effective' firearm an average A&B shooter can have is a Remington 7615P. They're pretty quick, modular and reasonably available. The next best thing as Karl says, would be a .357 lever action, in a slicked up high quality action. Even anything Category H is a pain in the ass to get, and they've banned Roni chassis for Glocks anyway. Would be great to see some more pump action rifles on the market.

    • @damstachizz
      @damstachizz 6 лет назад +1

      Lever action is absolutely the correct choice, nice 38/357 with a picatinny rail to make life easy and you're set.

    • @soonersmith4179
      @soonersmith4179 6 лет назад +1

      You need a lever gun for a fun and useful shooter, or you can move to a free country. Sorry your gov passed crapy laws. It’s a shame because I always liked Australia with its warm friendly people, except most of the wildlife is trying to kill you. But seriously the lever actions are a lot of fun and they are able in proper calibers, like 45-70 for hunting big stuff or magnum 357 for home defense and hunting most medium sized stuff

    • @sebastianhabel7312
      @sebastianhabel7312 6 лет назад

      Hey Australians, as a German I am just curious: How long does it take for you to finally get a license to buy repeating rifles for sporting purposes? Here in Germany it takes one whole year, but then you can even get a semi-auto pistol or semi-auto AR. Since I am primarily interested in all kinds of repeating rifles, I wonder if I would even appreciate your laws compared to the German ones. Anybody wants to enlighten me?

  • @DieselMcBadass1
    @DieselMcBadass1 6 лет назад +6

    I like pocket carry, but use a double winged pocket holster and can draw quickly and reliably. Proper holster makes a difference here as well.

  • @3of11
    @3of11 6 лет назад +2

    haha I thought I was the only one to ever get an AK jam like what Karl described at 39:00. In my case it was a 5.45x39 round, and its happened TWICE.

  • @cdvjesus8298
    @cdvjesus8298 6 лет назад +1

    On your answer about the best 5.56 sevice rifle being the M4, I wouldn't argue against it because it's the most customisable, reliable, long developed, lightweight platform there is. By conscious or "accident" it is extremly modular so every shooter can build his own and finetune the compromise between reliability, weight and accuracy. As for the use in Special Forces see the point before and add to that the huge aftermarket where solutions for nearly every problem are readily availible so a soldier can basicly build a mission specific rifle if the need arises. An interesting question in this regard might be, if the AUG, SCAR, G36, Tavor or any other platform would be as adaptable (inclusive the huge aftermarket) as the M4, would there be a better choice. And another question, is there any need to improve the M4 or better if there is a need to improve the M4 would it justify developing a new system or better to futher develop the M4.

  • @goofboy413
    @goofboy413 6 лет назад +1

    I'd like to point out that the shotgun in Halo has its tube magazine positioned above the barrel, and I would NOT be surprised if someone out there has made a working replica of it.

  • @BeasBotBonanza
    @BeasBotBonanza 6 лет назад +9

    Karl, surely the real reason why your shooting isn't improving with your fitness is because you now have less body mass to absorb recoil! ;)
    In all seriousness though I think its great that you have been able to achieve that goal for yourself, I am currently trying to get fitter too but it is a tad more difficult here in Ireland because its only rainless one day a year here which makes building up a significant sweat a lot harder haha.

  • @lowellhouser7731
    @lowellhouser7731 6 лет назад +6

    Why cult of the long range marksmanship? Easy. Wide open spaces in the plains and deserts. America has a whole lotta land with long range potential compared to most other Western countries.

  • @pffear
    @pffear 6 лет назад

    The M16A1 back in the 70's & 80's was zeroed in on the 1000 inch range with a special zeroing target that gave you a "Battle sight zero" at 220m with the main sight.
    1000 inches was aprox. 25 yards.....

  • @PassiveDestroyer
    @PassiveDestroyer 6 лет назад

    They make Type 14 Nambu snap caps, because I have some from A-Zoom. My problem is I broke my firing pin before I got the snap caps, and it fell apart while I was firing it. It's such a terrible firing pin though.

  • @SavageArms357
    @SavageArms357 6 лет назад

    Not sure if its been mentioned already, but the timestamp in the description for the Michael S question regarding WWSD Flashlights has a typo. It should be 44:47, not 40:47. Cheers. :)

  • @SmallDisturbedChild
    @SmallDisturbedChild 6 лет назад

    I have an M57 in 7.62x25 that I loved shooting, unfortunately I had a spam can of ammo that I found out too late had a pack of hotter ammo in it. Ended up with a warped slide and still haven't got around to looking at getting it fixed.

  • @FromMyBrain
    @FromMyBrain 6 лет назад +7

    I want a metalstorm cane gun.

  • @SgtKOnyx
    @SgtKOnyx 6 лет назад

    USCCA mentioned a good use for Snap Caps, simulating a misfire or dud round during training. Put them in random points in a mag, or in multiple mags if you can, and take them out like that. Practice dealing with a malfunction so that way you already have that information in your repertoire when it happens in the field.

  • @brasstard7.627
    @brasstard7.627 6 лет назад

    The mini14 has a cast bolt and receiver. Ruger obviously does it right I have one from 1976 and it still works fine. I wonder how many c39 and other cast AKs will still be around and working in 40 years

  • @vigunfighter
    @vigunfighter 6 лет назад +1

    When you delve into the 'non-permissive' guns, if you eliminated self loaders, you are going to go with a lever gun. Makes sense. But a pump is faster and more ergonomic. Also a bit easier to operate from unconventional positions.
    Only problem is no one makes a good pump pistol caliber carbine. There was the IMI Timberwolf of the 80's, but it lived a short life.
    Mossberg scales down their ubiquitous model 500, into the 'Bantam' in .410. If they shortened the action a bit, and worked on the loading geometry, that would make a slick PCC. .45 Colt is the obvious caliber, but .44 and .357 mags would work too.
    You'd end up with a sub 5 pound rifle that shoots almost as fast as a self-loader and can be kept topped off by stuffing rounds into the ambidextrously located loading port in the bottom.
    Tall aperture peep at the rear of the receiver, along with the front sight to co-witness a RDS on the Pic rail running the length of the receiver. Finish it off with a side folding stock and you have the ultimate close range (0-150 yard) fighting rifle for those areas where a semi auto isn't an option.

  • @ProudToBeNoob
    @ProudToBeNoob 6 лет назад +7

    I remember hearing that one of the reasons that the special forces use the ar15, is for plausible deniability. If the SAS, for example were to use an L85 (and get filmed, photographed or lose it or something) on some covert mission, it would be clear that it was the British, but if they were to use an m4, due to its ubiquity, they can just claim it was somebody else.

    • @wierdalien1
      @wierdalien1 6 лет назад +2

      ProudToBeNoob i mean thats a true, if cynical, point but i dont know how much that plays into it.
      I know the SAS used the M16/M4 platform in the 1990s because they were better than the L85 at that time and they stayed with it because they have operational experience with it.

    • @ChucksSEADnDEAD
      @ChucksSEADnDEAD 6 лет назад +4

      Photographs would still show British equipment. Unless they covered themselves head to toe with generic non-issued, store bought uniforms, bergens, radios, webgear, etc...
      Plus Royal Marines do not have that whole "plausible deniability" aspect and they prefer the Diemacos over the standard service rifle, so...

    • @jonathangriffiths2499
      @jonathangriffiths2499 3 года назад

      I read an account of SAS ops in the former Yugo where they carried L 85 to disguise they were SF by appearing be regular infantry .

  • @derekdziobek5998
    @derekdziobek5998 6 лет назад +2

    That entire cartridge must've quantum tunneled behind the BCG. It was an once-in-an-eternity occurrence.

  • @soylentgreen7074
    @soylentgreen7074 6 лет назад

    At 40:25 the compensated glock they speak of, here you go everyone.видео.html

  • @SgtKOnyx
    @SgtKOnyx 6 лет назад

    Thanks for posting these for all of us!

  • @Billbless87
    @Billbless87 6 лет назад

    I had that exact same malfunction on a M249. Some how a live 556 round got unlinked and wedged itself between the bolt carrier group and the recoil spring.

  • @scottsaylors1996
    @scottsaylors1996 6 лет назад +26

    The Australian f90 brings the aug to the modern battlefield

    • @forestalfrank1074
      @forestalfrank1074 6 лет назад +3

      F90 MBR
      But success will depends on how the built quality is.
      I'm not sure if Lithgow makes as good rifles as Steyr does. If you read the comment sections on AUG videos there are a lot of problems with the AUS built AUGs which were never heard of in Austria. And Austrian Army AUGs are 40 years old, going every 6 month through the hands of a new conscript and getting abused.

    • @SRPornography
      @SRPornography 6 лет назад +2

      Build quality was essentially the same. The Austrian vs Australian thing regarding build quality is very odd and whenever I try and find someone who has real, first hand experience they either shy away or give me some incredibly unrealistic scenario where they've used both firearms extensively. The F88 had real problems in Australian service, many of which were largely mitigated by the F90.

    • @mightywoll3
      @mightywoll3 6 лет назад +1

      Nein, das Gewehr ist in Ordnung. But to be serious, theres also Corvus, all the little tweaks are doing a lot for user friendliness.

      @ADVtheMISSIONARY 6 лет назад +2

      Lithgow have always had the ability to make excellent firearms...its more the price and time frame they will have to make the firearms too ;)

    • @scottsaylors1996
      @scottsaylors1996 6 лет назад +1

      Lando Calrissian because the us does and they train jointly with our sof and operate with our sof. Why run multiple weapons platforms when Aussie sf and American sf are on a joint exercise? The f90 is very capable

  • @ee003
    @ee003 6 лет назад

    Karl i have had the same malfunction with an AKM before. I suspect the magazine became loose while firing. The scary thing that happened in my case is a round chambered after the malfunction and fired without me knowing that the round was behind the bolt in the first place.

  • @dover500
    @dover500 6 лет назад

    NeoStead 2000 has a top feeding magazine. Neat design, though given how far out in front of the barrel your hand goes while pumping, I can see why it didn't catch on.

  • @tengu190
    @tengu190 6 лет назад

    FAMAS Felin upper has the pic rail as low as they can put it amd they moved the charging handle to the side.

  • @aries_9130
    @aries_9130 6 лет назад

    Fantastic questions and answers, like usual. Thanks guys!

  • @Arphalia
    @Arphalia 6 лет назад

    Is it Forgotten pupper or InRange woofer? Great video as usual. always a pleasure to see something new from ya'll :)

  • @bigghoss762
    @bigghoss762 6 лет назад

    Classic firearms had some Zastava M57 pistols in nice shape not long ago. They have a trigger safety like a Glock sort of so they didn't need a manual cludged on safety. Down side is the grip is longer so they take their own magazines.

  • @vincecirivello1385
    @vincecirivello1385 6 лет назад

    Tube mag on top of a shotgun would probably make the weapon want to roll because it would be top heavy loaded?

  • @Picolinni
    @Picolinni 6 лет назад

    Personally, and this is what I have done, I'd choose the SKS, stripper clip fed version. I prefer 7.62x39 over .30-06, don't mind the different clips, like the extra two rounds, and while the sights are not as good they work for the environment where I live.
    As for MG's and their heavier bullets, I was taught that it was to ensure the weapon would cycle, especially on recoil operated MG's.

  • @ch0k1ngh4z4rd
    @ch0k1ngh4z4rd 6 лет назад

    My favorite weapon light is is the Inforce rifle/carbine WML. Great features.

  • @mboudreaux94
    @mboudreaux94 6 лет назад

    I think one thing you missed about the value of snap caps is things like mixing them in your magazines for failure clearing drills and such. Keep up the great content guys

  • @huntercompton9650
    @huntercompton9650 6 лет назад

    What's the issue with the CZ-52? I have been shooting both it and the TT-33 and while the TT-33 is as you say a fine gun aside from the lack of a manual safety. I have never had any issues with the CZ-52 either.Honestly, The CZ-52 is built like a tank, the gun is a bit heavy as a result, but the roller delayed blowback mechanism is mechanically interesting. Is it just the risk of the decocker breaking/wearing and causing a negligent discharge (for which I recommend not using the decocker in the first place) or is there some kind of metallurgical or lock-up issue with the CZ-52 that I am unaware of?

  • @jamiewiley6853
    @jamiewiley6853 6 лет назад +2

    shotguns having the tube below the barrel probably comes from their origins in sport shooting. For game shooting sighting directly along the barrel if advantageous for moving targets etc so its probably nothing but tradition and theirs little reason not to try it

  • @dannyhanny1191
    @dannyhanny1191 6 лет назад

    Thank you for noting/advising of the audio glitch.

  • @silverbackseven7
    @silverbackseven7 6 лет назад +1

    I pocket carry mostly because I had a hernia surgery some 8 years ago where I was lucky that my intestines all went back in. I can’t wear a belt anymore so I shift between pocket carry with a Glock 26 or a lcp2 when I’m around the house. Otherwise it’s shoulder carry for me. I’m not terribly fond of pocket carry for a variety of reasons but it’s a necessity sometimes.

  • @YoungGunsCanada
    @YoungGunsCanada 6 лет назад +1

    I was the guy who blew the comp on his Roland Special :)

  • @lockesnode1477
    @lockesnode1477 6 лет назад

    If I recall correctly, o of the young launch providers (I believe it is based in New Zealand) is 3d printing pressure hearing components their thrusters.

  • @MaaveMaave
    @MaaveMaave 6 лет назад

    About the shotgun, look up the RMB-93. It's an interesting pump-forward design with the tube on top.

  • @Osok21
    @Osok21 6 лет назад

    Aside from the possibility of action geometry needing to be on top to allow toggles or links, etc. to have the right angle to travel down into the stock - the only other compelling reason I can think of off the top of my head for not having a shotgun mag tube on the top of the gun is gravity letting problematic amounts of water (rain or otherwise), dirt, etc. from wandering its way down into the tube and action of the gun, and possibly having a hard time getting back out.
    Some of that could possibly be mitigated with some sort of tight-fitting loading gate, but that seems a fair bit more effort and expense for an issue that wouldn't be one if the tube were on the bottom.

  • @blackadder155able
    @blackadder155able 6 лет назад +2

    Karl im guessing you lived in California? CA is pretty bad now we have bullet button AR's classified as assualt weapons but featureless ar's with the regular mag releass are complaint lol

  • @shashaw08
    @shashaw08 6 лет назад

    1:18:00 I'm actually going to buy the crossman dpms for that exact use. The price is right. Its features are realistic enough to serve the role and it'll even let me practice that 70 rounds of 30 targets at 5yds Carl likes in his matches.

  • @tbobay
    @tbobay 6 лет назад

    Biggybacking on the question of manual actions in the 2GACM: I have noticed a few bolt guns coming on the market in .223 or 7.62x39 that take AR or mini-30 magazines. I admit I am curious how these would fare against leverguns that either have tubular or much smaller box magazines.

  • @kenhelmers2603
    @kenhelmers2603 6 лет назад

    Thanks guys! The Q&A videos are entertaining and informative - opinions matter :) I find it interesting to hear yours.

  • @darthhodges
    @darthhodges 3 года назад

    In most of the original WWSD videos if they had a light it was an Inforce WML which I have seen described as the lowest weight light worth buying. Whether it's actually good I don't know but picking a lower weight light fits with the principles of the WWSD project.

  • @kingsnake41st
    @kingsnake41st 6 лет назад

    The UTAS UTS-15 has two top mounted magazine tubes just as an example. I have no idea how that affects loading speed.

  • @zibingotaeam3716
    @zibingotaeam3716 6 лет назад

    Note: KSK has been known to use the G36 with almost all barrel lengths and there are action pictures of them using the gun in Afghanistan.
    It is also known that they had 416s available to them at the time.
    As far as weight is concerned, I think the G36 has the AR beat, which goes a long way to making soldiers like it.

  • @carlistasycia
    @carlistasycia 6 лет назад

    RMB-93 is a russian shotgun with the mag tube on top. The pump also works backwards.

  • @jayzenitram9621
    @jayzenitram9621 6 лет назад +7

    Traveling must do Ian good, he was zinging the one liners out there today. Gun Jesus telling people not to be the Jehovah's witness of gun pamphleteering was priceless.

  • @yuriyromaniw6629
    @yuriyromaniw6629 6 лет назад

    You answered the question about 3D printing gun parts earlier. 3D printing gun parts is a bad idea for the same reason casting parts is a bad idea. It's not just about the metal and overall shape, but also the internal grain structure of the metal. Laser sintering causes a fine grain structure similar to cast metal parts. Forgings, rollings, and stampings (and the subsequent machining of these parts) have different grain structures which have advantageous properties that lend them to greater strength and durability.
    Prototyping with 3D printing, however, is certainly a fantastic idea.

  • @060racing8
    @060racing8 6 лет назад

    The Remington 7615 is a very good option for Australian shooters 223 Ar mags pump action

  • @carlsmith8176
    @carlsmith8176 6 лет назад +1

    One thing I heard about 5.45 is that it can ricochet badly in urban areas and it has very poor penetration on hard objects, even worse than 5.56. So you wouldn't really want to use 5.45 in urban CQB environments. For example, during the Chechen wars, the Chechen fighters preferred to use 7.62x39 for these reasons and since most of the combat there took place within 300 meters.

  • @leonbrinzan696
    @leonbrinzan696 6 лет назад

    concerning weapon lights, I think the WWSD rifles have Inforce WML Rifle & Carbine Mounted Weapon Lights

  • @derekdziobek5998
    @derekdziobek5998 6 лет назад

    Has the patent on the famas expired? Could a commercial entity buy the tooling and bring it market?

  • @donaldweber7636
    @donaldweber7636 6 лет назад +1

    Bisley grips help with stout recoil rounds.

  • @ShotgunArtist
    @ShotgunArtist 6 лет назад

    I think the shotgun tube-on-top thing would require an internal rework and new engineering as gravity is required for the elevator to operate correctly.

  • @juhai7048
    @juhai7048 6 лет назад +3

    Regarding the 5.56 question and the Finnish Army, there is also a lot of G36s in the SF arena, especially in the Ministry of Interior (Police, Customs, Border Guards, etc.) and also to some extent in the FDF SF.
    Not sure though, if they are totally happy with them, I would assume they are moving towards AR-based guns in the future, but in the past, G36 and H&K products in general have been a real contender. Maybe it has something to do with pro-European / pro-German politics, MAYBE, but I'm not sure.

  • @EDSKaR
    @EDSKaR 6 лет назад +1

    18:47 "It's ok, you're not always right."

  • @Scootman
    @Scootman 6 лет назад

    You mentioned that the TT-33 can't be imported without the safety but is there any law preventing someone from removing the shitty safety the importers added? Or do these typically have a bunch of the internals messed with in order to fit the safety? Might be a stupid question but I haven't messed with/taken a part a lot of old, imported firearms

    • @Scootman
      @Scootman 6 лет назад

      Cool, thanks. I won't take this as real legal advice in case I decide to start removing safeties from old imported guns though, don't worry :P

  • @josephpelletier9494
    @josephpelletier9494 4 года назад

    Excluding accuracy, i'm not quite sure what it is you think a pellet rifle can provide that a modern gas operated airsoft pistol/rifle can't? Especially seeing how you proceed to call dry fire beneficial 3 minutes later...

  • @jayzenitram9621
    @jayzenitram9621 6 лет назад +3

    I literally had to stop the video to laugh hard at "We whip them and tell them to never come back."

  • @tuck234
    @tuck234 6 лет назад +1

    1:17:28 About that tube magazine on top for a shotgun... I believe there was a Russian made pump shotgun that had something similar to that... Let me see...
    UPDATE: Found it! The RMB 93 from Tula, Russsia... Pretty crazy looking. lol

  • @tatejackson798
    @tatejackson798 6 лет назад +4

    I’ve heard that the USMC will be adopting the M27 as their standard rifle. It seems like a mistake to me to adopt an even heavier base rifle than the M4 only to add all the same heavy accessories to it.

  • @SPRKH69
    @SPRKH69 6 лет назад

    1:16:45 The Russian RMB-93 is a top-loading shotgun.

  • @jimmymajcher6934
    @jimmymajcher6934 6 лет назад

    For the famas and its balance I would add that (although i'm not 100% sure about it) it was designed to be fire fully automaticaly one handed

  • @matthewharger221
    @matthewharger221 6 лет назад

    I'm glad I'm not the only person who's had that malfunction with an AK! I'm just as perplexed as you Karl, I've lost sleep trying to figure it out lol