입터영 100강 깔끔하고 예쁜 책으로 만나보세요~ 여러분 덕분에 계속 베스트셀러에 있어요~ Thanks a million again! Yes24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/104122935 알라딘 www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=281018983 교보 www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9791166375781&orderClick=LEa&Kc 쿠팡 www.coupang.com/vp/products/6112931648?itemId=11533196104&vendorItemId=78808267703&q=%EC%9D%B4%EA%B7%BC%EC%B2%A0&itemsCount=36&searchId=99ac049412f14f1ca79368329fab494c&rank=7&isAddedC 본인을 위해 주위에 아끼는 분들을 위해 선물해 주세요~ 해외배송도 아주 편하세요! 주위의 도서관에 구매희망도서 신청과 선물로 추천 부탁드려요~ 입터영 링크 이북(e-book) Yes 24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/105103867
Tuesday April 11th, I go to work while studying English. Have a nice day, every one! 🎉🎉🎉 Someone : What was the happiest moment yesterday? Me : It was learning English with JakeTV.
오늘도 다시 시작합니다. 좋은 습관 이근철 쌤과 함께 ~^^ What's your phone number? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color ? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black? What's the average household income in France?
What 's your favorite book ever? What 's the exchange rate today? (오늘 환율이 어떻게되지?) What 's the difference then? What 's the difference between green tea and black tea? What 's 'the average (household )income in France? (프랑스 가구당 평군소득이얼마야?)
출첵✌✌ What is your phone number? What is your blood type? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite book(movie) ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average (household) income in France? Thanks a lot see you next time.
복습합니다. What's your phone number? /the password?/ blood type? /favorite color?/ favorite book(movie) ever?/the exchange rate today? / the difference then? / the difference between green tea and black tea? /the average (household) income in France?
시원한 비가 내리는 오후입니다. self test 시직하겠습니당~^^ 1.전화번호가 뭐니? What's your phone number? 비밀번호가 뭐니? What's the password? 2.혈액형이 뭐니? What's your blood type? 3.네가 가장 좋아하는 색깔이 뭐니? What's your favorite color? 지금까지 읽었던 책 중 가장 좋아하는 건 뭐예요? What's your favorite book ever? 4.오늘 환율이 어떻게 되지? What's the exchange rate today? 5.그렇다면 그 차이가 뭔데? What's the difference? 녹차와 홍차의 차이점이 뭐예요? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? 6.프랑스의 가구당 평균소득이 얼마야? What's the average houeshold income in France? 10일정도 조카랑 함께하면서 생활 패턴이 바뀐데다 오늘은 몸살까지 하네요~^^ 하지만 지금부터 원래 리듬을 되찾아 다시 건강한 모습으로 돌아가고 싶습니다. 오늘도 건강하고 행복한 하루 만드세요~^^♥♥♥
What's your favorite movies? '레미제라블', '인생은 아름다워', '아웃 오브 아프리카', '쇼생크 탈출', ' 여인의 향기', '죽은 시인의 사회' ' 라이온 킹'... These are a few of my favorite movies. 쌤, O형의 혈액형을 가지셨군요. 잘은 모르겠지만 O형인 제 친구들 보면 성격이 쿨해서 좋은 것 같아요. 오늘도 감사히 공부합니다. 쌤, 행복한 하루 보내세요.
What is you phone number? What's the password? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite book ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green and black tea? What's the average household income in France?
Good afternoon~~^^ Have you had good menu for lunch~^^? What's your favorite food? My favorite food is korean traditional food. What's your favorite color? My favorite color is black. The black color is fashionable and stylish and chic. What's your favorite book(movie) ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the deference between 카푸치노 and 카페라떼? I don't like tea but I love coffee. What's the everage (household) income in France? Thanks a million.
what's the exchange rate today?what's your blood type?what's the difference then?what's the defference between grenb tea and black tea?what's the average(household) income in france?
출책합니다♡ Have a great day💕 What's your phone number? What's your blood type? What's your favorite flower? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average household income in France?ㅡ
Când eram mică, vacantele le petreceam la bunicii mei din MARAMURES... BUNICUL m-a învățat că: DUMNEZEU E ÎN TOATE ! Vocea bunicului am găsit-o în Dostoievski, Tolstoi,Draisser,Sienkiewicz,Camil Petrescu, EMINESCU, poeziile lumii... Cu noi este DUMNEZEU !
4. What is the exchainge rate today.? 5. What is the difrence then? What's the diference between green tea and black tea? 6. What's the average (household) income in France?
항상고맙고 감사합니다. What is your phone number? What is your blood type? What is your favorite color? What is the exchange rate today? What is the difference then? What is the average household income in France?
What's your phone number? What's your blood type? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the exchange rate today? 잠들기전 한번 더 복습하고 잡니다~~^^ 근철쌤 오늘도 넘 감사합니다🙏👍👍👍
What's the current rate today .x. What's the exchange rate today?(○) What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average household income in France?
What's your phone number? What's your password? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite book ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average (household) income in france?
Review time😚 What'd your phone number? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What's the exchange rate today ? What's the difference then? What's the average household income in French? Have a good weekend😍
Thank you so much. What is your phone number? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What is the exchange rate today? What's the difference than? What's the average household income in France?
Day27 궁금증을 해소할 문장들 September 27, 2023 31/112 1. What is your phone number? 네 전화번호가 뭔대? What’s your password number? 3. What’s your favorite color? 네가 좋아하는 색갈이 뭔데? What’s your favorite book(movie) ever? 4. What’s the exchange rate today? 오늘 환율이 어떻게 되지? 5. What’s the difference then? 그렇다면 차이가 뭔데? What’s the difference between green tea and black tea? (A B 사이에) (홍차) 6. What’s the average(household) income in France? 프랑스의 가구당 평균 소득이 얼마야?
What's your phone number? What's the password? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite book ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average income in France? 복습하고 갑니다~
좋은 말씀 고맙습니다. 모든 인간은 모든 판단의 기준을 본인으로 삼습니다. 그리고 그것이 100% 틀림없다고 생각하고요. 곁다리를 좋아하시는 분들의 댓글도 많이 보시게 될 겁니다. 이미 올라와 있는 나눔 강의를 본인의 입맛에 100% 맞출 수는 없지 않을까 조심스럽게 말씀드립니다. 필요한 부분만 즐겁게 가져가세요. 건강하게 잘 잡아가시길 응원 드립니다~
What is your phone number? What is your passport? What is your blood type? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite book(movie)ever? What's your phone number?. What's your favorite color? What is the exchange rate today? What is the Exchange rate today? What is the difference then? What's the difference then? What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the difference b green tea and black tea? What's the average(household) income in France? What's the exchange rate today?
what’s your phone number? “ password? “ bloodtype? “ favorite color[ 칼럴]? What’s the exchange rate today? “ difference between green tea and black tea? black tea 홍차 , 녹차 우렁차 다 같은 차 잎이다. 감사 합니다.
Good morning? What’s your phone number? What’s your blood type? What’s your favorite color? What’s the exchange rate today? What’s the difference then? What’s the average income in France? Thank you very much! Have a happy day!!! Bye
What’s your phone number? What’s your password? What’s your blood type? What’s your favorite color? What’s your favorite movie(book) ever? What’s the exchange rate today? What’s the different then? What’s the different between green tea and black tea? What’s the average household income in France? What’s the interest rate now?
What is your phone number? What is your blood type? What's your favorite color? What 's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What's the average household income in France? Thanks
What's your phone number? What's the password? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite book ever? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then? What't the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average( household)income in France? Thanks a million.
What's your number? What's your phone number? What's the password? What's your password? What's your blood type? My blood type is A. What's your favorite color? favorite 스펠링 틀렸습니다. What's your favorite book? What's your favorite movie ever? What's your favorite food? What's the exchange rate money today? money는 불필요함 What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference? then이 빠짐 What's the difference between green tea and black tea? What's the average income in France? household 기억이 안났습니다. Do you know that the average household income in Korea?
입터영 100강 깔끔하고 예쁜 책으로 만나보세요~
여러분 덕분에 계속 베스트셀러에 있어요~ Thanks a million again!
Yes24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/104122935
알라딘 www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=281018983
교보 www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9791166375781&orderClick=LEa&Kc
쿠팡 www.coupang.com/vp/products/6112931648?itemId=11533196104&vendorItemId=78808267703&q=%EC%9D%B4%EA%B7%BC%EC%B2%A0&itemsCount=36&searchId=99ac049412f14f1ca79368329fab494c&rank=7&isAddedC
본인을 위해 주위에 아끼는 분들을 위해 선물해 주세요~
해외배송도 아주 편하세요!
주위의 도서관에 구매희망도서 신청과 선물로 추천 부탁드려요~
입터영 링크
이북(e-book) Yes 24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/105103867
오늘도 고맙습니다.
저도 감사드립니다~
Have a wonderful day!
쌤 오늘도 감사합니다.😊
오늘도 알평문총과 입터영 공부합니다.
You're doing a great job!
Thanks a million.
Have a lovely day.
제가 몰랐던 상식도 알겠되고 샘 강의 너무 재미있어요 발음 교정까지도 열정적으로 해주셔서 머리 숙여 감사합니다
이른아침 쌤 목소리들으니 더 좋으네요 ㅎ 늦었지만요❤🎉❤
안녕하세요~ 근철쌤입니다.
도움이 되신다니 감사합니다.
혹시 속성영문법 PDF교재, 공부순서와 진도표, 학습/복습법 재생목록 보는 방법 필요하시면,
카카오톡 채팅창 상단의 돋보기에 치시고 저한테 말을 거세요.
발음교정 너무 좋아요👍매일매일 몇강씩 듣고 공부하고있어요 근철샘 감사합니다
빠르게 보다가 20강 넘어서는 꼼꼼하게 리뷰하고 있습니다
네이버와 구글도 같이 뒤져보면서요
정말 수고많이 하시고 고맙습니다 그많은 영어강의 중에서 최고에요
발음을 정확하게 잡아줘서 항상감사함맘으로 배우고있읍니다 우리손녀가 캐나다에살고있는데 그나마아는 단어라도할라치면 내발음을 못알아들었는데
이제 자신감이들어요
감사! 최고에요^^
가구당 평균소득~~이런 고급문장을
알게 되어 너무 기쁩니다~~~^^
열심히 따라가고 있습니다.
다시 감사 합니다.
참 멋진분이십니다
멋쟁이 근철샘이 가르쳐주시는 수업은 언제나 최고입니다
오늘도 감사합니다. ~ ~
샘~^^감사합니다 매일 습관적으로 하게되네요 하루라도 그냥 넘어갈수없게 되네요 감사 감사드려요~♡♡♡
감사합니다. 복습 잘했습니다. 즐거운 하루 되세요.
늘 기대되는 근철쌤의 강의에 푸욱 빠졌답니다
수업 너무 재밌고
좋은에너지 잘받고있어요~~^^
근철샘은 걍 목소리가 너무좋음
늘 좋은수업 감사드립니다
선생님 수업은 다 좋습니다 쉬운날은 쉬운데로 발음교정등을 익힙니다
오늘은 외래어인 패스워드 볼링에버러지 흔히쓰는 말의 제대로된 강세 연습해볼라구요..
오늘도 우리반학우님들 화이팅입이다^^
어느덧 27강까지 왔네요. 발음 교정까지 신경써주시니 많은 도움이 됩니다. 지금까지는 잘 따라가고 있는데 뒤엔 뭐가 남아있을까 두렵기도 합니다. 감사합니다
감사합니다 ㅎ 모두들 화이팅!!!!
쌤 감사합니다 시청하는 동안엔 모르지만 나중에 표현들이 방언 터지듯 나오는 그 기분 정말 좋습니다
영어는 계단식 !!! 으로생각하니 마음도 편해지고 즐거워집니다
출근해서 쉬는 시간에....늘 감사합니다
저도 O형 이예요 ㅎㅎ
수업도 재미있지만 상식도 알게 되니 더 좋아요
행복하세요 ^^
오늘 도 좋은 에너지를 받고 선생님 강의 잘 들었습니다 녹차 우렁차 홍차 설명도 매우 좋았읍니다.
선생님 감사합니다.
청주는 흐린 날이네요~
모든분들 마음은
밝고 기쁜 에너지 가득히~☘🏝☘🏝
한번 들었던 강의라 wath's the pohne number?가 나도 모르게 튀어 나와서 기분 좋았네요~~
요샌 노트필기 해가면서 듣고 잇습니다~~
하루10 단어복습할때 회화예문이 잘들어오고 회화학습시 적절한동사를 금방 사용할수 있어서 하루하루 기대됩니다
오늘도 귀에 쏙~쏙~~ 참 감사합니다 ㆍ
선생님 덕분에 조금씩 회화에 자신이 생깁니다 열심히 하겠습니다 고맙습니다..
넘 잘보고 있습니다~
감사해요 ♡
하루늦게 찾아왔지만
오늘도 최선을 다해봅니다
게으르지만 꾸준히 들으려고 합니다 언젠간 선생님처럼 유창하게 영어를 했으면 좋겠네용 새해 복 많이 받으세요~!
Tuesday April 11th, I go to work while studying English. Have a nice day, every one! 🎉🎉🎉
Someone : What was the happiest moment yesterday?
Me : It was learning English with JakeTV.
Thanks a million too.
Enjoy each and every moment to the fullest~
영화 '사운드오브뮤직'의 Favorite Things 관심있어요.팝송노래방 기대하께요~~
귀에 쏙쏙~
선생님덕분에 영어가재밌어졌어요🤭
오늘도 다시 시작합니다. 좋은 습관 이근철 쌤과 함께 ~^^
What's your phone number? What's your blood type? What's your favorite color ? What's the exchange rate today? What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black? What's the average household income in France?
Good morning !
You know tea well.
I like tea very much, too
Thank you
오늘도 출첵!!!!!!!!!ㅏㅏㅏ감솨합니다ㅏㅏㅏ 오늘도 즐겁게 이근철 티비 본다ㅏㅏ🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
What 's your favorite book ever?
What 's the exchange rate today?
(오늘 환율이 어떻게되지?)
What 's the difference then?
What 's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What 's 'the average (household )income in France?
(프랑스 가구당 평군소득이얼마야?)
What is your phone number?
What is your blood type?
What is your favorite color?
What's your favorite book(movie) ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average (household) income in France?
Thanks a lot see you next time.
What is average income in korea? What's blood type 의문사의 단수형 설명 꽉차게 설명 엄지척
What is the average income in France.에고! 오늘 공부 못 할번 했어요 늦게라도 열공하고 갑니다. 감사합니다.
What's your phone number?
/the password?/ blood type?
/favorite color?/ favorite book(movie) ever?/the exchange rate today?
/ the difference then? / the difference between green tea and black tea?
/the average (household) income in France?
오늘도 즐겁게 시작합니다. What"s the average household income in France?
시원한 비가 내리는 오후입니다.
self test 시직하겠습니당~^^
1.전화번호가 뭐니?
What's your phone number?
비밀번호가 뭐니?
What's the password?
2.혈액형이 뭐니?
What's your blood type?
3.네가 가장 좋아하는 색깔이 뭐니?
What's your favorite color?
지금까지 읽었던 책 중 가장 좋아하는 건 뭐예요?
What's your favorite book ever?
4.오늘 환율이 어떻게 되지?
What's the exchange rate today?
5.그렇다면 그 차이가 뭔데?
What's the difference?
녹차와 홍차의 차이점이 뭐예요?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
6.프랑스의 가구당 평균소득이 얼마야?
What's the average houeshold income in France?
10일정도 조카랑 함께하면서 생활 패턴이 바뀐데다 오늘은 몸살까지 하네요~^^
하지만 지금부터 원래 리듬을 되찾아 다시 건강한 모습으로 돌아가고 싶습니다.
오늘도 건강하고 행복한 하루 만드세요~^^♥♥♥
What's your favorite movies?
'레미제라블', '인생은 아름다워', '아웃 오브 아프리카', '쇼생크 탈출', ' 여인의 향기', '죽은 시인의 사회' ' 라이온 킹'...
These are a few of my favorite movies.
쌤, O형의 혈액형을 가지셨군요. 잘은 모르겠지만 O형인 제 친구들 보면 성격이 쿨해서 좋은 것 같아요.
오늘도 감사히 공부합니다.
쌤, 행복한 하루 보내세요.
고맙습니다. 함께 하시는 모든 분들께도 응원 보냅니다.
What is you phone number?
What's the password?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite book ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green and black tea?
What's the average household income in France?
What's the matter?
What's the point?
What's important?
What's wrong?
선생님, How much is the average income in France?도 같은 뜻인가요?
Good afternoon~~^^
Have you had good menu for lunch~^^?
What's your favorite food?
My favorite food is korean traditional food.
What's your favorite color?
My favorite color is black.
The black color is fashionable and stylish and chic.
What's your favorite book(movie) ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the deference between 카푸치노 and 카페라떼?
I don't like tea but I love coffee.
What's the everage (household) income in France?
Thanks a million.
What's the difference then?
Thank you♡
what's the exchange rate today?what's your blood type?what's the difference then?what's the defference between grenb tea and black tea?what's the average(household) income in france?
Have a great day💕
What's your phone number?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite flower?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average household income in France?ㅡ
Când eram mică, vacantele le petreceam la bunicii mei din MARAMURES...
BUNICUL m-a învățat că:
Vocea bunicului am găsit-o în Dostoievski, Tolstoi,Draisser,Sienkiewicz,Camil Petrescu, EMINESCU, poeziile lumii...
Cu noi este DUMNEZEU !
4. What is the exchainge rate today.?
5. What is the difrence then?
What's the diference between green tea and black tea?
6. What's the average (household) income in France?
What's the difference then?
28부터도 있는거죠!?♡♡♡
항상고맙고 감사합니다.
What is your phone number?
What is your blood type?
What is your favorite color?
What is the exchange rate today?
What is the difference then?
What is the average household
income in France?
회화가 이렇게 재미있는지~감사합니다!!~회화책은 어떻게 구입하나요~?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?/ What the exchange rate today?
What's the average household income in France?
What are you up to tonight?에서 너 오늘 저녁까지 뭐 할거야? or 너 오늘 저녁에 뭐 할거야? 두 가지 중 어떤것이 맞나요
What's the average income in France?
What's the exchange rate today?
interest rate ;이자율
Thanks a lot ^^
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the average income in France?
What's your phone number?
What's your blood type?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the exchange rate today?
잠들기전 한번 더 복습하고 잡니다~~^^
근철쌤 오늘도 넘 감사합니다🙏👍👍👍
Stay positive.
What's the current rate today .x.
What's the exchange rate today?(○)
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average household income in France?
What's the difference
between green tea and black tea?
What's your phone number?
What's your password?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite book ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average (household) income in france?
Review time😚
What'd your phone number?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's the exchange rate today ?
What's the difference then?
What's the average household income in French?
Have a good weekend😍
Thank you so much.
What is your phone number?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What is the exchange rate today?
What's the difference than?
What's the average household income in France?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite movie aver?
교재 구입하고 싶은데요?
여기서 구입하시면 됩니다.
영어회화 1권: 100일 완성 입이 터질 수 밖에 영어회화 공식 교재 구입 링크
What’s the average income in France? 🇫🇷
Day27 궁금증을 해소할 문장들 September 27, 2023 31/112
1. What is your phone number? 네 전화번호가 뭔대?
What’s your password number?
3. What’s your favorite color? 네가 좋아하는 색갈이 뭔데?
What’s your favorite book(movie) ever?
4. What’s the exchange rate today? 오늘 환율이 어떻게 되지?
5. What’s the difference then? 그렇다면 차이가 뭔데?
What’s the difference between green tea and black tea?
(A B 사이에) (홍차)
6. What’s the average(household) income in France? 프랑스의 가구당 평균 소득이 얼마야?
What's your phone number?
What's the password?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite book ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average income in France?
복습하고 갑니다~
너무 훌륭한 강의입니다
다만 ᆢ곁다리만 줄이신다면 더좋을듯
좋은 말씀 고맙습니다.
모든 인간은 모든 판단의 기준을 본인으로 삼습니다. 그리고 그것이 100% 틀림없다고 생각하고요.
곁다리를 좋아하시는 분들의 댓글도 많이 보시게 될 겁니다.
이미 올라와 있는 나눔 강의를 본인의 입맛에 100% 맞출 수는 없지 않을까 조심스럽게 말씀드립니다.
필요한 부분만 즐겁게 가져가세요.
건강하게 잘 잡아가시길 응원 드립니다~
What is your phone number?
What is your passport?
What is your blood type?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite book(movie)ever?
What's your phone number?.
What's your favorite color?
What is the exchange rate today?
What is the Exchange rate today?
What is the difference then?
What's the difference then?
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the difference b green tea and black tea?
What's the average(household) income in France?
What's the exchange rate today?
what’s your phone number?
“ password?
“ bloodtype?
“ favorite color[ 칼럴]?
What’s the exchange rate today?
“ difference between green tea and black tea?
black tea 홍차 , 녹차 우렁차 다 같은 차 잎이다.
감사 합니다.
Good morning?
What’s your phone number?
What’s your blood type?
What’s your favorite color?
What’s the exchange rate today?
What’s the difference then?
What’s the average income in France?
Thank you very much!
Have a happy day!!! Bye
What’s your phone number?
What’s your password?
What’s your blood type?
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite movie(book) ever?
What’s the exchange rate today?
What’s the different then?
What’s the different between green tea and black tea?
What’s the average household income in France?
What’s the interest rate now?
What`s your phone numeber Jake ?
질문하는 대상이 You 니까 동사가 are 아닌가요? 혼란스럽네요 ㅜㅜ
물어보는 대상은 you가 아니라 너의 물건이죠(your color)이죠?
그 물건이 무엇이냐고 What으로 묻는 거고요.
그래서 What과 어울리는 is를 씁니다.
Thank you~**
What's your phone number?
what's your the password?
what is your blood type?
what is your favorite color?
what's the difference then?
What is your phone number?
What is your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What 's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What's the average household income in France?
What's your phone number?
What's the password?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite book ever?
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference then?
What't the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average( household)income in France?
Thanks a million.
안 더우새여?왜 긴 옷을 ㅠㅠ
What's your phone number?
What's your blood type?
What's your favorite color?
What's your number?
What's your phone number?
What's the password?
What's your password?
What's your blood type?
My blood type is A.
What's your favorite color? favorite 스펠링 틀렸습니다.
What's your favorite book?
What's your favorite movie ever?
What's your favorite food?
What's the exchange rate money today? money는 불필요함
What's the exchange rate today?
What's the difference? then이 빠짐
What's the difference between green tea and black tea?
What's the average income in France? household 기억이 안났습니다.
Do you know that the average household income in Korea?