뽀로로 영어동요 | It's Time to Go Potty | 우리아이 배변훈련 | 뽀로로 영어노래

  • Опубликовано: 4 янв 2025
  • 뽀로로가 들려주는 신나는 영어 뮤직비디오!
    영어공부가 너무너무 재미있어요!
    💖뽀로로, 타요, 치로의 모든 동요가 좋다면 지금 바로 구독과
    좋아요를 클릭클릭!! goo.gl/pioSf7
    It's time to wake up. Rise and shine!
    It's time to go potty in the bathroom (Poo poo~!)
    "Wow! Poop comes out!"
    Pororo flushes the potty and washes his hands
    Good work, Pororo!
    Way to go, Pororo!
    Good job, Pororo!
    You are a good boy!
    Friends come over and play in the playground
    Fart, goes Poby. It's time to go potty (Poo poo~!)
    "Wow! Poop comes out!"
    Poby flushes the potty and washes his hands.
    Good work, Poby!
    Way to go, Poby!
    Good job, Poby!
    You are a good boy!
    They all go to Loopy's house and have some lunch
    Fart, goes Loopy. It's time to go potty (Poo poo~!)
    "Phew. That's better!"
    Loopy flushes the potty and washes his hands.
    Good work, Loopy!
    Way to go, Loopy!
    Good job, Loopy!
    You are a good girl!
    Everyone went potty except for poor Crong
    Rumble grumble, Rumble grumble!
    Your stomach must hurt (Poo poo~!)
    "Phew, That's better!"
    Crong flushes the potty and washes his hands.
    Good work, Crong!
    Way to go, Crong!
    Good job, Crong!
    You are a good boy!
    🌟경쾌한 음악에 맞춰 뽀로로와 친구들과 신나게 바라밤을 춰볼까요? • 바라밤 (Para Pam) | 뽀로로와 ...
    🎶타요 중장비와 함께 불러요! 타요 중장비송! • 타요 중장비송 | 천하장사 중장비가 부르...
    😍뽀로로, 타요와 함께 부르면서 익히는 생활습관 동요! • 뽀로로 생활습관 동요 | 타요 생활습관 ...

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