IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE? Blue Lagoon Glasgow to Blue Mosque Istanbul for under £100?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 259

  • @GaryBellman-sv4wy
    @GaryBellman-sv4wy День назад +1

    Your video’s are never a fail Scott, always enjoy them.
    Bristol airport shame on you.

  • @davidsneddon2242
    @davidsneddon2242 4 дня назад +13

    Intrepid or what Scott. Nothing stops you man. Well done and not a fail in anyone's eye here.

  • @simonbarnes5776
    @simonbarnes5776 4 дня назад +2

    Thanks for another great video.

  • @charlesjames799
    @charlesjames799 4 дня назад +21

    Not really a fail in my book because with the language barrier and the fact the bus dropped one mile west of where you expected to be, I think you did remarkably well.

    • @trevmclunch3440
      @trevmclunch3440 21 час назад

      Of course it is a fail if he didn't do it lol

  • @IncidentBreakdowns
    @IncidentBreakdowns 4 дня назад +15

    Brilliant video as always Scott! You always manage to entertain me!

  • @jamessmith6402
    @jamessmith6402 4 дня назад +15

    Thanks Scott that video was a wee Turkish delight 😂

  • @Saltybuher
    @Saltybuher День назад +1

    Lovely, amusing and inspirational video.

  • @jasonatkinson2542
    @jasonatkinson2542 День назад +1

    Fantastic video as always

  • @listey
    @listey 4 дня назад +78

    "Would you like to come to Istanbul, Blair?"

    • @Carter_C737
      @Carter_C737 4 дня назад

      Would of been a £200 budget if he came to double everything

    • @markylon
      @markylon 3 дня назад +1

      I love Istanbul. Amazing City

    • @birdsbodger
      @birdsbodger 3 дня назад +1

      Blair knows the score that's why he says nothing

  • @tims-gy8yz
    @tims-gy8yz 2 дня назад +1

    You might have just failed technically, but it’s a pass as far as I’m concerned! Well done Sir, what a great trip for not a lot of money.
    I used Pegasus to travel internally from Istanbul to Kayseri, So I could visit Cappadocia to see the Balloons….best trip I’ve ever taken.

  • @charlesmair26
    @charlesmair26 День назад +1

    Outstanding,96.2K subs.

  • @rogertemple7193
    @rogertemple7193 4 дня назад +12

    This is another great Sunday morning with my coffee watching
    you traveling around the world and I'm ready for your journey
    from Blue Lagoon Glasgow to Blue Masque Istanbul have a
    great trip thank you Scott.🇬🇧👋☕👋🇹🇷

  • @carolynstewart9103
    @carolynstewart9103 2 дня назад +1

    You could never be a fail...but see what you was a challenge...look forward to next vlog scott..👍🍺

  • @jirosuguro3044
    @jirosuguro3044 3 дня назад +1

    The title alone gets a thumbs up from me. One hell of a trip!

  • @wayneeschbank2895
    @wayneeschbank2895 3 дня назад +1

    Great challenge Scott love theses videos and the trouble you run into with them

  • @IWMD
    @IWMD 4 дня назад +10

    I love it when you set yourself a budget challenge. No-one does penny pinching like you 😉

    • @Trek001
      @Trek001 День назад

      What do you expect...? He _is_ a Scot after all

  • @markt9531
    @markt9531 3 дня назад +2

    As ive said before..
    This man is like the SAS of travel...never gives up!👌

  • @markylon
    @markylon 3 дня назад +1

    Thanks for sharing, love Istanbul. Can't wait to go back.

  • @colincox3324
    @colincox3324 3 дня назад +2

    Safety first. I think you did the right thing.

  • @LocutorBritanico
    @LocutorBritanico 3 дня назад +2

    As always, a great video.

  • @rmil4531
    @rmil4531 3 дня назад +2

    Well done , you did well.💕

  • @southernairs
    @southernairs 3 дня назад +2

    Another decent video Scott, sounds like you only just had to cross the budget. Thanks for sharing this!

  • @dee74raz
    @dee74raz 4 дня назад +7

    Blue Lagoon in Iceland 🇮🇸 looks more appetising 😊

  • @SajoMt
    @SajoMt 4 дня назад +80

    £20 for that sausage and mash it looked dreadful. I wouldn’t serve that to my dog

    • @ab4113
      @ab4113 4 дня назад +2

      What colour were those sausages, looked pale grey - yuck, i would have sent that back

    • @calebmumby5803
      @calebmumby5803 4 дня назад

      @@ab4113 me too

    • @nickgiles7568
      @nickgiles7568 4 дня назад +3

      @@ab4113 The last time I saw "sausages" like that was ........( well this is a family show)

    • @johnorrells3797
      @johnorrells3797 4 дня назад +1


    • @custersucks8185
      @custersucks8185 4 дня назад

      Looked worse than airplane food

  • @roystonvasey5471
    @roystonvasey5471 3 дня назад +2

    Great as usual Scott. Hope you crack 100k by the end of year.

  • @simonkeithpalgrave5766
    @simonkeithpalgrave5766 4 дня назад +1

    All so affordable is what I'm thinking and almost making me to have some myself.Enjoyed again Scott thanks for uploading

  • @jimmyandersen742
    @jimmyandersen742 4 дня назад +2

    GrGreaeGreat video and the mosque wow!!

  • @ulfw
    @ulfw 4 дня назад +3

    I wish this video was much longer. Well done mate!

  • @Nooticus
    @Nooticus День назад

    Excellent video! The ideas you have are second to none, and great execution too. Your challenges remind me of Noel Phillips great channel

    • @Trek001
      @Trek001 День назад

      The difference between them is that he stayed at home for the most part and didn't break lockdown rules (rightly or wrongly in place) by claiming he was a "journalist" and lying about his tax arrangements and then running away before HMRC could get him

  • @Zivotubritaniji-w1j
    @Zivotubritaniji-w1j 4 дня назад +5

    Scott ❤ You are a legend love your videos

  • @steve-marsh
    @steve-marsh 4 дня назад +51

    Was it salt 'n vinegar or salt 'n sauce at the Blue Mosque? Great challenge mate! But despite all that travel, I think I most liked the crisp cold weather in Glasgow!

    • @derektaylor2941
      @derektaylor2941 3 дня назад

      Mr Marsh... you could of course see if YOU could achieve this... It would make a perfect start to a series of challenges between the two famous Scottish explorers.

    • @karengillies2062
      @karengillies2062 2 дня назад

      If your on the west coast ie glasgow it's salt n vinegar
      If your on the east coast ie edinburgh, it's salt n sauce
      Hearthill in the middle - who knows??? Lol

  • @mariopoliti3072
    @mariopoliti3072 4 дня назад +2

    Brilliant vlog once again Scott, I love these challenges that you do, they are always a great watch 👍

  • @mw...
    @mw... 2 дня назад +1

    here we go

  • @michaelj3282
    @michaelj3282 4 дня назад +13

    Great video, no airs and graces just a good bloke doing stuff. Well done, if you're ever in Dubai I'll buy you a pint.

    • @SSS92934
      @SSS92934 4 дня назад

      He went to Dubai about 3 months ago!

    • @michaelj3282
      @michaelj3282 4 дня назад +1

      @SSS92934 And didn't like it LOL

    • @markylon
      @markylon 3 дня назад

      Who wants to go to that 3rd world hell hole. No thanks.

  • @craiggemmell4559
    @craiggemmell4559 2 дня назад

    Fish suppers from The Blue Lagoon after a belly full of beer and getting the train home brings back great memories.

  • @Yag159
    @Yag159 4 дня назад +7

    The things you do for this channel indeed😂

  • @stephenspence7208
    @stephenspence7208 3 дня назад

    Scott, love your travel vlogs.
    Happy Christmas and have a safe and great New Year.
    Looking forward to seeing you in 2025.
    God bless Steve

  • @willmiller6226
    @willmiller6226 День назад

    Nice one Scott, good try. Maybe Steve will take up the challenge next

  • @bo6938
    @bo6938 4 дня назад +1

    Istanbul is a great city! Always worth a challenge.

  • @paulgibsonphotography
    @paulgibsonphotography 4 дня назад +1

    Great Video Scott

  • @brentford2
    @brentford2 4 дня назад

    I love your posts. Informative and great to watch.

  • @levinawalsh2015
    @levinawalsh2015 4 дня назад +5

    Another Awesome Video 👌. Istanbul & its people have a Special place in my heart. Thank you for sharing. ✌

  • @cameronmcrae4719
    @cameronmcrae4719 4 дня назад

    another top video scott!

  • @0RICKT0
    @0RICKT0 4 дня назад +2

    Good vid like always Scott, though that sausage and mash looked terrible.

  • @jadethompson6100
    @jadethompson6100 3 дня назад

    Great video!!

  • @andrewelley9966
    @andrewelley9966 2 дня назад

    Really enjoyed that one Scott sorry my local airport in Bristol let you down

  • @egpx
    @egpx 3 дня назад +1

    I once tried the infamous deep fried Mars bar at the Blue Lagoon next to Central Station. I’d had imbibed a significant amount of intoxicating liquor prior to ordering one however. I caught the train and ate it. I’m surprised I didn’t end up in Istanbul to be honest.

  • @joannharrington2279
    @joannharrington2279 4 дня назад

    That's ok that you didn't do it, so now it gives us another video to look forward to. Please stay safe.

  • @Feefifum
    @Feefifum 3 дня назад

    I laughed heartily at the "Blue Lagoon to Blue Mosque" ... theres a marked difference between them, and if Justin Beiber had something from there well that accounts for his music 😂

  • @stewartmurray5830
    @stewartmurray5830 3 дня назад

    Thanks for doing this so I don't have to. Flying to Istanbul next year from Edinburgh...Direct with Turkish!

  • @michaelhillard6158
    @michaelhillard6158 4 дня назад +1

    Great video 👍 ! Hope you'll make some more videos on the same kind of theme 😊 Perhaps a higher budget for destinations farther afield.

  • @norsecynn
    @norsecynn 4 дня назад

    That was an enjoyable ten plus minutes. Nice starting point, brought back a recent memory of a recent visit to that very Blue Lagoon for a chip. During the meal the customers were given an impromptu performance of Elvis hits by a guy who accompanied his singing with eating a meat pie. 😊

  • @christinehodge3608
    @christinehodge3608 4 дня назад

    Interesting video, Scott😊

  • @ianmclean1066
    @ianmclean1066 4 дня назад +1

    Class video

  • @michaelharkin3150
    @michaelharkin3150 4 дня назад

    Great challenge scott and I assumed you would have a seniors bus ticket.

  • @maedero05
    @maedero05 2 дня назад

    Blue, more pink ! With a little more steps ? Very look out for your stay ! Real donner kebab !

  • @janetmackinnon3411
    @janetmackinnon3411 4 дня назад

    Ah, Paisley Gilmour street! So many happy holidays started from there.

  • @Tripreporternet
    @Tripreporternet 4 дня назад +3

    Hoi, Scott, tough challenge. Glad you´ve made it so far. Well done story. Been to GLA/Glasgow, yes, not to the Blue Lagoon, but to SAW/IST and the Blue Mosque, yes. Greetings, Markus

  • @TW-abc
    @TW-abc 4 дня назад

    Great effort!!

  • @ruxiist
    @ruxiist 4 дня назад

    Being used to your adventures, I thought you were going to attempt this on land. Another great video Scott!

    • @Clivestravelandtrains
      @Clivestravelandtrains 4 дня назад

      It would be cheaper to cycle, but that takes longer. People DO cycle across Europe, I'm not joking.

  • @alastairross9628
    @alastairross9628 4 дня назад +5

    Glasgow to Blue Lagoon, Laos. Now thats a challenge 😅

  • @jacquihughes6172
    @jacquihughes6172 3 дня назад

    Very pretty building

  • @kevinellis8869
    @kevinellis8869 3 дня назад

    Great challenge, but I'm sure we could have allowed you to start from home.
    Looking forward to the next trip.

  • @AAeolian
    @AAeolian День назад

    good effort - can take the metro from both SAW and IST for much cheaper. I'm doing a day trip to Istanbul in a few months time. A bit crazy but I'll be OK. flights were £40 rtn with Wizz Air from London, and I reckon I could do a day out there for less than £100 - including my airport transfers and food.

  • @jans1972
    @jans1972 4 дня назад

    We were at the gate in Bristol Airport waiting for our flight to Aberdeen. The plane came in, an hour or so later, our mobiles were going off, the flight had been cancelled as there was an accident on the road to the airport and the pilot and staff couldn't get in, but we knew before the boarding staff did. Had to rearrange on the app and flew out 2 days later.
    I fly from Bristol very often and my go to is a meal deal in Smiths (I think) and a hot chocolate from Costa.
    Thanks for the video!!

  • @ml66b
    @ml66b 4 дня назад +1

    Hahaha love the title!!!

  • @bartonone2005
    @bartonone2005 3 дня назад

    Hello, Scott!! You tried very hard to meet the challenge, but airline inefficiency worked against you. 👍👍👍for effort, Scott!!
    Chuck in Northern New England

  • @LukeSimmondsTravel
    @LukeSimmondsTravel День назад

    I’ve booked a return on Wizz to Istanbul for £50 it could definitely be done if the flights were good prices. Still a great effort!

  • @RaymondMoore-c4g
    @RaymondMoore-c4g 4 дня назад

    Yep great title maybe even title of the year, got my thumbs up,

  • @jrsc01.
    @jrsc01. 3 дня назад +1

    if you are over 60 Scott, do you not have a ScotGov bus pass? This slso gets you reduced rail fares in Scotland, just show your bus pass when buying your ticket from the station ticket counter or conductor on board trains. could help save that essential couple of pounds, to use on coffee to get you up to cruising altitude 😊

    • @StephenDeakin-to7ei
      @StephenDeakin-to7ei 3 дня назад

      Here in Wales we get free bus travel and discount on Transport for Wales train's , when your over 60 😊.

    • @thomascook578
      @thomascook578 День назад

      There's restrictions on the trains again since TS ended the off peak deal, it can't be used between 6am and 9.00 am and 4.30pm and 6pm mon to Fri, unless it has no local restrictions (green L inside the C)

  • @andyfreer8463
    @andyfreer8463 3 дня назад +1

    You tried yo best hard challenge to do

  • @scotiajinker8392
    @scotiajinker8392 День назад

    My claim to fame was that the guy that started blue lagoon used to bring his cash registers to be repaired in the back of his white rolls Royce.

  • @alastairwood1745
    @alastairwood1745 3 дня назад

    About 10 years ago, we had an Easyjet flight from Berlin back to Luton Airport and we were called to the Departure Gate. When we arrived, not only was there no plane on the stand, it transpired they had "lost" the plane they were expecting! They did eventually manage to find another plane to fly from somewhere and then take us to Luton but we were really delayed obviously. But yes, Easyjet called us to board a plane which literally was not there!

    • @peteking8063
      @peteking8063 3 дня назад

      Budget airlines do it a lot to free up space in the terminal by having most passengers queuing by the gates

  • @beverlyzimmermann5868
    @beverlyzimmermann5868 4 дня назад

    Another great Sunday morning🖐🇺🇸

  • @sheilaathay2034
    @sheilaathay2034 4 дня назад +6

    Good job. Nice trip! Enjoy the Hagie Sophie , or whatever that big thing is called. Pretty church at one time!

    • @markylon
      @markylon 3 дня назад

      the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia are NOT the same thing. Don't tell the whole world your ignorance.

    • @sheilaathay2034
      @sheilaathay2034 3 дня назад

      @markylon reeeeer🐈‍⬛hsssss!

  • @chelseaboyuk75
    @chelseaboyuk75 3 дня назад

    Lunch looked rank pal

  • @anitapresnell6403
    @anitapresnell6403 4 дня назад +1

    Love your videos Scott. Where we going next? France sounds good 😊

  • @annasutton8078
    @annasutton8078 4 дня назад

    I think you did well. You didn't break your budget by much.

  • @robtdocher8051
    @robtdocher8051 4 дня назад

    coffee to get to cruising altitude comment is a must in every vid

  • @rossmcgarrie9787
    @rossmcgarrie9787 4 дня назад +1

    Beautiful looking building The Blue Mosque 🕌 . You should come to Falkland & visit Falkland Palace & gardens as that’s also beautiful. Plus I would also buy you a coffee from Fayre Earth Gift Shop 🌎 Scott. 👍

  • @PaulMcGinnes1992
    @PaulMcGinnes1992 3 дня назад

    Scott... I'm not sure how you come up with these ideas but what a great challenge.
    I've had plenty of suppers from that Blue Lagoon at Glasgow Central. Ahh, the memories.
    Do they not do the airport transport bus, as part of your ticket cost, from Paisley Gilmour Street to Glasgow Airport anymore?
    Unlucky with going over your budget mate, it must be super irritating to fall at the last hurdle!

  • @SJsTransport
    @SJsTransport 4 дня назад

    Hey Scott, been watching your videos for well over a year and love them all. Great job and dedication 👏 👍. You would have passed that challenge hadn't you chosen to pay £20 for what looked worse than a microwave ready meal. Unlucky! Keep up the great work!

  • @Martycycleman
    @Martycycleman 3 дня назад

    Scott I consider this a success. Bus drop off wasn't your fault. 😊

  • @markc8956
    @markc8956 2 дня назад

    Your delayed flight to Bristol doesn't fill me with confidence for my own trip next weekend,Scott! I'm flying there next Friday (late afternoon flight from Glasgow) then on to Exeter via Airport Flyer and a GWR service to Exeter St Davids..

  • @noahcount7132
    @noahcount7132 4 дня назад

    Scott, you not only exceeded your travel challenge budget, but you ended up at the PINK mosque. Better luck next time. 😉

  • @MrSnout5
    @MrSnout5 4 дня назад +2

    Hi Scott, I've done the walk via Inchinnan Road and Love Street from the airport on a number of occasions, when my delayed Ryanair flight arrived back after the last 757 bus had gone. It's a dark and often lonely 40 minute walk to Gilmour Street Station. A question; don't you have a Saltire Card/Bus Pass which will save you the £2 fare? Or are you much younger than I thought?

    • @lizchalmers4917
      @lizchalmers4917 4 дня назад

      If you have a bus pass you get free travel all over Scotland even on the airport buses

  • @borama7845
    @borama7845 4 дня назад +15

    Next stop; Blue Lagoon Iceland for £100?

  • @dukeonthewater
    @dukeonthewater 4 дня назад

    Good effort! Where next?!

  • @dennismatthews6660
    @dennismatthews6660 4 дня назад

    Nice try! More importantly, nice video!

  • @francisdrake3304
    @francisdrake3304 2 дня назад

    You would have succeeded in the challenge if the taxi driver that took you from Yenikapi to the Blue Mosque had been an honest guy. It really should have cost about £1, not £7. Need to buck up those bargaining skills. Great watching you on another mini-adventure.

    • @peteking8063
      @peteking8063 2 дня назад

      Never happens unless you’re a local

  • @seancoleman8528
    @seancoleman8528 2 дня назад

    Good idea, but it’s a long trip for a small amount of money, that meal looked horrendous

  • @claudiel4660
    @claudiel4660 3 дня назад

    You'd probably have better luck with the pie, mash and gravy at Soho when you're going through Bristol! I made the same mistake as you and the mash had a skin on it and the gravy was like water. Grim!

  • @graemewelsh3035
    @graemewelsh3035 3 дня назад

    its so strange, i'm a glaswegian now living in Sydney, Australia, but that city is always wide awake at 6am, in the winter, glasgow is dead until after 9am! not to mention the fact you can get from glasgow to istanbul for a GBP100!

    • @peteking8063
      @peteking8063 2 дня назад

      It’s a bit further from Sydney so of course it wouldn’t be £100

  • @alisterhoult4795
    @alisterhoult4795 4 дня назад

    Good Morning Scott, I enjoyed watching your RUclips video! I had considered visiting Turkey, however, I do not think you can fly directly from Toronto to Istanbul, Thank you for the video, Alister Ian Hoult, Carrying Place, Ontario, Canada.

  • @StephenDeakin-to7ei
    @StephenDeakin-to7ei 4 дня назад

    My wife and I were in Istanbul from 07/12 until 11/12 . We stayed within walking distance of the Blue mosque Hagia Sophia. The taxi you caught sounds expensive . We had a taxi from Gallatasseri( excuse the spelling ) to Sultanhamet and it was 224 lira . I really enjoyed the video . We had a taxi from Sabiha Gokcen airport return and it was 100 Euros , I was white as a sheet lol. Keep up the excellent work and have a fantastic Christmas you and your family 🎅🎅😀😀.

    • @markylon
      @markylon 3 дня назад +1

      Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are NOT the same thing

    • @StephenDeakin-to7ei
      @StephenDeakin-to7ei 3 дня назад

      @markylon I know the Blue Mosque is around the corner from Hagia Sophia . In Scott 's video he showed the Hagia Sophia ( I stand corrected if I'm wrong).

  • @twentyrothmans7308
    @twentyrothmans7308 4 дня назад +1

    Thank you.
    I am sticking pins in my eyes, and saved myself £103.78 - if I calculated correctly.

    • @listey
      @listey 4 дня назад +3

      The medical bills sound costly though.

  • @davidwebb4904
    @davidwebb4904 4 дня назад +1

    0:40 Gokcen to city costs like £4 to Taksim, not £21😂😂😂

  • @swedishveganshow
    @swedishveganshow 2 дня назад

    Great video! Thanks for sharing 🎉
    What did Justin Bieber eat at the Blue Lagoon? 😂

  • @alexf7377
    @alexf7377 3 дня назад

    Alas, the route from the bus street (no terminus!) near Taksim Square to Sultanahmed is not very intuitive for a first timer. Once you figure out you need the funicular first, it's quite straightforward. Very little English signage unfortunately and visitors often get frustrated. You were right to take the taxi, even though it blew the challenge.

  • @andrewspeirs6000
    @andrewspeirs6000 3 дня назад

    Well done it was the bangers and mash that did for you, a traveller should always make a piece at home , get crisps, and bananas you would have completed the challenge.