Vocal Coach Reacts to Idina Menzel - Defying Gravity

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 383

  • @elihemm828
    @elihemm828 Год назад +337

    Petition for Tara to make a whole cover of this song.

  • @VinceLevi
    @VinceLevi 2 года назад +383

    The only vocal coach I know who can actually do what she teaches.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад +3

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

    • @4Just1Girl
      @4Just1Girl Год назад +1

      @Vince Levi --- I have to fully AGREE with you! :)

    • @gabelofi
      @gabelofi Год назад

      Entire reason I follow her and still do, plus her X Factor shows that her studies actually work.

    • @TheSeeking2know
      @TheSeeking2know Год назад +2

      There are a few of them out there, but she was the first REAL one on RUclips, that I ever came across.

    • @jackwhitbread4583
      @jackwhitbread4583 Год назад +1

      Sorry but she isn't , her voice isn't even close to coaches like Cheryl Porter.

  • @josemiguelvidal6056
    @josemiguelvidal6056 2 года назад +179

    I just love the way you explain every aspect of her singing, you're so easy to understand and accurate

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад +2

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @clarkvincentlim1260
    @clarkvincentlim1260 2 года назад +78

    this reaction should have a million views, the “look” explanation is why i subscribed to Tara in the first place. i’m here to improve my singing and loved Defying Gravity ever since. thanks for this Tara.

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  2 года назад +12

      That’s awesome! So glad my tips help. Love having you a part of my Tarabyte family. I appreciate u ❤️

  • @sdimartino
    @sdimartino Год назад +18

    Idina Menzel is an absolute treasure.

  • @socadancebookmcleod490
    @socadancebookmcleod490 Год назад +10

    It’s so great to listen to talented people talk about the talents of other people. It really shows admiration. Also the criticism is so informative and constructive.

  • @if3359
    @if3359 2 года назад +85

    Thank you, Tara! Truly a legendary performance of hers. Thanks for pointing out some of her technical greatness. So many people dismiss Idina for having bad technique. There's sure stuff to criticize, but geez, they make it seem so bad. The woman knows what she's doing. She's also actually perfectly capable of mixing. The choice to double down on heavily belting so often might have its drawbacks, but it is a choice rather than a result of ignorance or lack of ability to do otherwise.

  • @TaraLyz
    @TaraLyz Год назад +18

    This video is why I LOVE Idina Menzel! SO many chills with this performance! ❤

  • @VanessaDMusic
    @VanessaDMusic 6 месяцев назад +11

    Best reaction to Idina’s singing I’ve seen! I have a music degree and been a fan of Idina’s for 10 years, and I learned something from this!! You’re amazing

  • @ThexImperfectionist
    @ThexImperfectionist 2 года назад +107

    I've seen Idina live four times (twice in If/Then, and twice in concert with Marvin Hamlisch conducting the NSO). I can't explain it, but no recording in the world does her justice. Maybe it's her visual performance (though she injects emotion into her voice better than anyone I know of), or maybe it's the communal experience in the room, but her voice just moves me like none other. An absolute one of a kind legend.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад +3

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

    • @kristilambert3416
      @kristilambert3416 Год назад +5

      I've always said the same thing! Live...she is amazing

  • @GraciesMom
    @GraciesMom 4 месяца назад +8

    I got the chance to see Idina’s “Barefoot Symphony “ live for my 50th birthday. Oh, she was so masterful! At one point she sang a cappella with no microphone-just her-and she sang to the row!!!!!! Chefs kiss *!

  • @shabytin
    @shabytin Год назад +5

    One of my favorite Idina Menzel performances! So happy you reacted to this! 💚

  • @Rosannasfriend
    @Rosannasfriend 2 года назад +31

    This has always been her best performance of that song to me, so I’m glad you’re reviewing it!

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @broadwaybrat1986
    @broadwaybrat1986 2 года назад +27

    This was the very first video about Wicked I’ve seen a couple of years ago and it is what got me into theatre. Still so thankful for this song and especially the role of Elphaba for changing my life for the better.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @hannavinisha2702
    @hannavinisha2702 2 года назад +18

    Defying Gravity! My all time favourite Broadway song, and to watch you point out and clearly break down Idina Menzel's vocal performance on that song literally felt like a vocal masterclass. ❤🎤🎶

  • @petermarchi1935
    @petermarchi1935 Год назад +6

    Idina Menzel's voice defies gravity!!!

  • @TerryYelmene
    @TerryYelmene Год назад +9

    brilliant song, brilliant singing, brilliant analysis , BRILLIANT VIDEO

  • @emmullgn
    @emmullgn 7 дней назад

    I still can't believe I got to see her and the whole original cast, she's amazing 😍

  • @joncerda351
    @joncerda351 2 года назад +59

    2:14 excuse me Tara you better sang! I wanna hear you sing the entire song

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @rebeccasanders2812
    @rebeccasanders2812 6 месяцев назад +5

    I love what you said about her physical hand movement helping the notes come out. My choir teacher had us doing that in high school, and I realize while singing (just around my house and in car ha), I still do that for hard high notes-I use my hands to "pull" the notes out

  • @Clemso96
    @Clemso96 Год назад +4

    Indina Menzel is amazing ❤. I love this song too. I learned so much from you Tara. Morissette covered this too in stages sessions and other Brodway song at the same time. Very amazing too.

  • @Pembleduck
    @Pembleduck Год назад +7

    The educational quality of this video is just amazing. I learned so much and can‘t wait to practice these. Thank you Tara. You are a true singing master.

  • @collinblalock5490
    @collinblalock5490 Месяц назад +1

    Tara, your voice is absolutely beautiful, you sing so well when you are describing what she's doing

  • @VanessaDMusic
    @VanessaDMusic 6 месяцев назад +6

    Idina is the BEST🙌

  • @JeremyJud
    @JeremyJud Год назад +4

    Listening to you analyze exactly what is going on with the song, it makes me feel like I don't actually hear the full song. But it also makes me appreciate it deeper. You have amazing ears and a great way of explaining everything to people with average ears.

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  Год назад +1

      Thank u love. That means a lot and is exactly what I hope to accomplish ❤️

  • @MeghanLCSW
    @MeghanLCSW 3 месяца назад +2

    I just saw Idina in concert. This video is fascinating!!!

  • @MsDana-mo9fp
    @MsDana-mo9fp 17 дней назад +3

    They say, " those that can't - teach" .... I am impressed with this Tara person! I have heard others that pick apart of Idina singing, but never heard them sing themselves! ( Oh, & BTW, I have a M.A. in Performing ARTS)

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  17 дней назад +2

      Which is exactly why that saying needs to be retired. A teacher worth their salt can and should demonstrate the technical aspects of a song. Thank you for bringing attention to that. I appreciate u!

  • @MPMcNees
    @MPMcNees Год назад +11

    Who else physically screamed out of pure joy at 15:15?

  • @Josh-Stewart
    @Josh-Stewart Год назад +8

    I saw Idina in concert in Detroit in 2007 and it was AMAZING .. we had to help her with “No Day But Today” cuz she lost her place in the song but it was exciting and fun 🎉💙

  • @lukefraser6172
    @lukefraser6172 26 дней назад +1

    Your expertise is amazing. I’m learning so much. I always knew how gifted singers like Idina are but your precision detail and knowledge make me appreciate singing even more. Thank you so much!!! ❤️🙏❤️

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  25 дней назад +1

      Awee. Thank u. That’s exactly what I hope to do in these reactions

  • @ddaley87
    @ddaley87 10 дней назад +1

    Who else is thinking this vocal coach is an absolute beast of a singer too. She nailed every note that IM did

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  10 дней назад

      Lol! I can hold my own when it comes to singing 😉 I’m actually releasing new music that you can follow on my artist page @tarasimonofficial

  • @perryjones7771
    @perryjones7771 Год назад +7

    She’s the OG for a reason.

  • @MsDana-mo9fp
    @MsDana-mo9fp 17 дней назад +2

    Placido Domingo used to teach young students, "to color" their lyrics - meaning to put action into some words! I can actually envision Idina flying by the way she is singing!

  • @AzarathMetreon
    @AzarathMetreon Год назад +1

    Haven’t been able to sing half as well since puberty shredded my voice, but I’m fascinated by how much I can still pick out along with you years later lol

  • @jillsalkin7389
    @jillsalkin7389 12 дней назад

    Love everything you said about the last minute or so of the performance!

  • @ChuckMusicDinoLover
    @ChuckMusicDinoLover 2 года назад +6

    Spot on! You picked out so many of the same points I would've told my students, especially student belters! You probably know this, but just in case you or any of your followers didn't know... She sings this at the end of her concert, "Live: Barefoot at the Symphony", which was well over an hour long, no breaks, and just her. I thought her voice held up great! It's not like in the musical, where there are so many others singing their songs before this song at the end of the first act. She got little breaks, but not here! And, I think this performance ended up being one of her best live performances of this song. Also, FYI, did you spot that her music director was Marvin Hamlisch? This concert was filmed in November 2011 in Toronto, and released March 6, 2012. It was so nice that Marvin got to see this, because unfortunately, he died the following August of 2012. Thanks for your video here! There are a lot of juicy tidbits you gave out for free that singers can definitely learn from.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @NickelCityMafia
    @NickelCityMafia 24 дня назад +2

    Wow...I think you could do this song beautifully

  • @cymrulady1
    @cymrulady1 8 дней назад

    You have a beautiful voice with wonderful tonality. ❤

  • @EaglesROLB59
    @EaglesROLB59 Год назад +3

    Lady…you have a pheNOMINAL belt!!!!!👏👏👏👏

  • @r_r_rasputin7300
    @r_r_rasputin7300 Год назад

    DG got me through sm in highschool, and I'm going to be singing it at my graduation ceremony next spring. As a theatre kid and aspiring professional, thank you so much for the amazing commentary and tips. I'm definitely taking notes 💚

  • @mifnp8887
    @mifnp8887 Год назад +5

    You have a Broadway voice, Tara! Simply GORGEOUS. When are we going to see you on the big stage??

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  Год назад +6

      Thank u love. I actually had the lead role in the European Broadway tour of Fame and then God called me into coaching after that 😇

  • @worthfightingfor2299
    @worthfightingfor2299 Год назад +8

    (1) How is your hair always so gorgeous? XD (2) This is one of the best reactions I've seen you do in a while! SO full of amazing tips and plus the fact that you sing all of it yourself...SO GOOD. I've often wondered how to position the tongue while singing the 'e' vowel, so THANK YOU for explaining that!!

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  Год назад +2

      Awww. Thank u so much! I’m so glad the tips helped! Day made!

  • @StephenieStDavis
    @StephenieStDavis 2 года назад +3

    LOVE your videos, Tara! I learn so much from you every time! Thank you! :)

  • @mina2719
    @mina2719 19 дней назад +1

    I can’t get Elsas face out of my head everytime she sings 😅😅

  • @maicon.93
    @maicon.93 2 года назад +6

    OMG Tara! we need a full cover of yours please 😱

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @aubreyc123.
    @aubreyc123. 3 дня назад

    she has my favorite vocally challenging songs, Let it Go and Defying Gravity

  • @jerolddavis
    @jerolddavis Год назад +9

    If I could marry Idina Menzel's voice, I would. 🤣

  • @CapKeen5
    @CapKeen5 Год назад +1

    This was excellent, loved your video, more content like this!! (love your other videos too, but this one was fab)

  • @Dude-etiquette
    @Dude-etiquette Год назад +4

    Idina is amazing singer. She is just so beautiful.

  • @nezkeys79
    @nezkeys79 Год назад +2

    6:12 the acting here was so beautiful not going to lie, then she starts belting ❤

  • @PeachesArespacochaga
    @PeachesArespacochaga Год назад

    What a fantastic review, and performance. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

  • @floriswattel8507
    @floriswattel8507 2 года назад +4

    Amazing video, again!!! I learn everytime. You help me sing better and better, Thank you!💃🏼❤️

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @hotdog1214
    @hotdog1214 Месяц назад

    I haven't a clue about all the technicalities of singing, only that I know what my ears like. That said, I'm fascinated by your admiration and breakdown of what a singer is actually doing. Though I understand it not, most interesting and entertaining it is. Marvellous. 👍👍

  • @jessicat2519
    @jessicat2519 20 дней назад

    What a beautiful voice you have Tara!

  • @skykravitz7103
    @skykravitz7103 8 месяцев назад

    Every tip is beautiful and your singing voice ❤❤❤❤

  • @kthom7045
    @kthom7045 11 месяцев назад

    Best video ever!

  • @arctixilva1620
    @arctixilva1620 2 года назад +1

    Omg! Love the new studio! New color palette is 🔥🔥🔥

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

  • @rebeccasanders2812
    @rebeccasanders2812 2 года назад +5

    I clicked on this so fast. I love Idina and you 😭

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @HolyParsival
    @HolyParsival 8 месяцев назад

    Your voice is so good what the heck?!?!

  • @lewisedwards4058
    @lewisedwards4058 25 дней назад +1

    The “Yyyeveryone” was genius.

  • @BH-iq3ic
    @BH-iq3ic 2 года назад +2

    Great reaction Tara! Loved it!

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @stevenmattson
    @stevenmattson 11 месяцев назад

    I love the way you explain in detail what you are conveying to your listeners. I do have a serious question. Why have you not reacted to Lucy Thomas or Lucy and her sister Martha singing duets? Please answer!

  • @beahappy1today
    @beahappy1today 2 года назад +2

    I love this song. I also found Tara’s tips about the jaw and tongue placement helpful. I competed this song and which I had known these tips.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад +1

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @gregoryyorgey9142
    @gregoryyorgey9142 8 месяцев назад

    Amazing analysis

  • @EmilsHjustonsPuce
    @EmilsHjustonsPuce 5 месяцев назад

    hello, I like to sing since I was 5 years old, but now I am 16 years old and I have participated in school concerts and events, I sang in a mixed choir and this year I found out that my voice is a mezzo-soprano because I have a low note of G4 to a high A5
    And in general, I found your Vocal Coach 4 years ago and her thoughts and exercises really help

  • @johnmoisesramos8253
    @johnmoisesramos8253 Год назад +1

    thnk you so much ms tara i use to sing this song and you help me so much

  • @ericulmer7501
    @ericulmer7501 Год назад +1

    I know I am new here but I really am learning more about singing even though I know I am not good. It's really cool to understand what truly goes on in high-level singing. I also have one suggestion, could you maybe do "The Prayer" the duet between Guy and Bella from the Voice Australia.

  • @AnthonyArevalo-kn4zs
    @AnthonyArevalo-kn4zs 8 месяцев назад

    Yah I agree try🎉to sing it by yourself so we can heared you sing and you can probe your a good voice coach

  • @if3359
    @if3359 2 года назад +4

    I love when you react to musical theater! Would you consider reacting to Eva Noblezada? She's amazing! Maybe one of her "D-Eva medley" videos or something fron Hadestown (she's the one who reminded you of Lea Salonga)

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @meme3264
    @meme3264 6 месяцев назад

    I love your reactions and your analysis and wisdom. Would you consider reacting to Audra McDonald? I’d love to hear your analysis of her technique!

  • @slimandahra4294
    @slimandahra4294 Год назад

    wow you have like my mic sure mv7, very good tutorial, good luck

  • @roxannekabotsky2997
    @roxannekabotsky2997 6 дней назад

    Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel: the dream team.

  • @tylerhackner9731
    @tylerhackner9731 2 года назад +2

    Love your reactions

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @FacesByChelseaK
    @FacesByChelseaK Год назад

    I love your comment about inhaling to end a note - that’s a clever thing to teach. I feel like I need to share that inhaling singing is actually a thing, though, and it’s pretty cool - you should check it out!

  • @colrapture9844
    @colrapture9844 2 года назад

    Hi there! I highly recommend reacting to Chase Eagleson’s cover of cant help falling in love. His voice is not what you’d expect and it is an absolutely beautiful acoustic cover!

  • @TheSeeking2know
    @TheSeeking2know Год назад

    Tips Central! Performance pointers, pitch pointers, vowel pointers, and so much more! Always in a performance context! You don’t get stuck in just analyzing and describing the technique.
    That’s why there’s Tips Central! Performance pointers, pitch pointers, vowel pointers, and so much more! Always in a performance context! You don’t get stuck in just analyzing and describing the technique.
    That’s why *there’s only one Tara*. You’re long, long overdue for 1M subs!.

  • @Melissa-ju1pm
    @Melissa-ju1pm Год назад

    So instructional! Thank you!

  • @claudio5414
    @claudio5414 Год назад

    Amazing video and analysis

  • @Zikkar
    @Zikkar 20 дней назад

    So much better then anything the movie put out

  • @rickross8917
    @rickross8917 6 дней назад

    Idina Menzel was the ORIGINAL ELPHABA in the Broadway Musical WICKED!

  • @MohamadNadi
    @MohamadNadi 2 года назад +2

    I just gotta say this. And I'm sue you'll agree with me tara. As much as I adore frozen, idina menzel was is and will always be one of the greatest Broadway performers in history. Weather, it was wicked or rent.

    • @ThexImperfectionist
      @ThexImperfectionist 2 года назад

      It doesn't have to be one or the other. She's no less of a Broadway performer because she did Frozen. I'd argue that they needed Idina's skillset as a Broadway performer to make Let It Go as successful as it was. She drove the emotion home through her performance.

    • @MohamadNadi
      @MohamadNadi 2 года назад

      @ThexImperfectionist I agree im just referring to the fact that she's more known for Elsa, which is a huge role. I work in animation, but people seem to forget her legacy on Broadway

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

  • @paralizedshop8975
    @paralizedshop8975 2 года назад +1

    I would love you to react to Marc Martel - Love of my life, or his version of "Who wants to live forever". I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Marcs blessed voice for the first time 🤩

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

  • @marieserena7
    @marieserena7 Год назад

    I would love to see you react to the 25th anniversary cast of les miserables!! They were so good vocally

  • @jeffreydouglas351
    @jeffreydouglas351 2 года назад +3

    You look great Tara! You have such a beautiful voice as well.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort...

  • @sharongauss9298
    @sharongauss9298 Год назад +1

    Tara, have you ever sung in a Broadway show or produced an album? I just would love to hear you sing a song using all your ranges! Please?

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  Год назад

      I had the lead role in the European tour of the Broadway show Fame. I have several songs I’ve produced that are available on all streaming platforms. I’ve also done several covers that you can find on my channel under the One Take Wonders playlist

    • @sharongauss9298
      @sharongauss9298 Год назад

      Thank for responding! I would love to see you in “Fame”. You are so talented and blessed with a beautiful gift.

  • @colemac94
    @colemac94 12 дней назад

    You should react to Jessica Vosk singing this song!

  • @veraelphie0306
    @veraelphie0306 2 года назад

    I don't know if you'd react to unofficial in-theatre recordings, however I'd lover for a vocal coach to react to her best ever from the 31st of October 2006 in London (archived in my channel), because she sounds a lot different (and arguably better?) when she doesn't know she's being recorded than in her proshots or live recordings, and besides her London run was flawed so it's interesting seeing her best being there, and also because she had a drastically different way of singing the song while in character as Elphaba and in instances like this when she's just Idina singing for her fans

  • @jericgilcobilla4856
    @jericgilcobilla4856 2 года назад

    I've learned more from this video than my entire highschool years of studying.

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  2 года назад +1

      Wow! I’m so glad you were able to get so much out of the video!

    • @jericgilcobilla4856
      @jericgilcobilla4856 2 года назад

      @@Tarasimonstudios I'm very grateful that I found your channel. 4 years ago, my singing was bad but after watching your videos like sing better in seconds, reaction videos like this specially those with Morisette and Lea Salonga really made me a better singer. I'm a Filipino and karaoke is a big thing here we sing almost in every occasion or even on a regular day just for fun. I'm very shy before so I don't sing when there's a lot of people but now I'm so glad I can sing better and It made me feel more confident. Thank you coach for creating this channel lot's of love to you. Happy Holidays and wish you all the best! 🥰♥️✨

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

  • @bethtravis7142
    @bethtravis7142 2 года назад

    I loved that song you do the best reaction videos in general I think your the best it seems since you've met Mr right your happy and the reactions are different in my opinion love to you and you like like fire 🔥

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @hennriqueoliveira
    @hennriqueoliveira Год назад

    Tara faz um cover completo da música

  • @seed2753
    @seed2753 22 дня назад

    Ms T! Have you seen Wicked movie?

  • @Konig141
    @Konig141 Год назад +1

    Tara, you definitely look like youd make a perfect elphaba.

  • @thisisgerty
    @thisisgerty 2 года назад +5

    I have a conspiracy theory that Idina Menzel was so fed-up with people bashing her vocals and saying she's fried her voice, that she went into overdrive with her technique to showcase why she's such a Broadway powerhouse... the glee on her face and the how she's closing her eyes is because she is so ecstatic every time she absolutely nails a note.
    If you look at some of her earlier Defying videos, there's some interesting ways she's changed the song up over the years to make it easier on her voice.
    I do think her voice has been strained and I hope she takes care of it because she is phenomenal when she nails it.
    Tara, I'm keen on your thoughts about what happens to her voice when she gets it wrong, or why sometimes it goes so wrong for her (tons and tons of clips of RUclips on that).

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort.

  • @scubaguy5389
    @scubaguy5389 Год назад +2

    this Vocal coach has a great voice as well. I wonder if she ever put out an album

    • @Tarasimonstudios
      @Tarasimonstudios  Год назад +1

      Not an album. But I do have singles on all streaming platforms 😊😇

  • @yanz872
    @yanz872 14 дней назад

    Please react to the Cynthia's version!! It's so good

  • @natsuplay8808
    @natsuplay8808 2 года назад

    Omg i just discover that half of my problems is bc my big tangue thanks you tara for highlighting that so mush in this video

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..

  • @raec7891
    @raec7891 Год назад

    the more pop vibe is consider the era of contemporary musical, there’s more pop vocals, spoken parts and character sections to give me personality other than just legit vocals

  • @BH-iq3ic
    @BH-iq3ic 2 года назад

    I very much went to your website to print out the sheet of vocal excerizes from t your course, and it ended up saying no results on it, that the page was not available. Also, I've noticed that your Sing Smarter Not Harder course, is now somehow called Sing Like A SuperStar. I would like to know if you and your team somehow revamped it?

  • @dvg825
    @dvg825 22 дня назад

    make-up is best on this video, especially with the more demure hair style.
    and of course the vocal coaching skills are out of this world (but at this point that is probably a given for anyone that watches this channel).

  • @TheWiseGrif
    @TheWiseGrif 2 года назад

    Tara, I love when you cover Broadway anything, so very much. Could you please do a video on Lindsay Mendez singing Bless The Lord from Godspell? There's a live version out there (not bootleg) from I think a CD release party or some other publicity event.

    • @giftmichaelmtf
      @giftmichaelmtf 2 года назад

      I was struggling with my vioce and I often practice hours even after ending zoom classes on vioce training and I am better but when I started practicing I wanted to be so good that I practiced alot, I was straining my voice and most often the next day is either no one can hear when I speak because my voice becomes so low, I became frustrated and never thought I could continue practicing to be better. My mom introduced me to this voice highlighting tea that's very helpful and I started using it, I didn't experience voice breaking or any of such no more. Check me description to get your if you experienced any of sort..