To all my soul siblings - I'm so grateful for you! Because when I'm falling apart ,theres at least one of you, out there, who's helping me, energetically, to stay put and continue on the're awesome 🧡
I just wanted to mention what I heard from a Kryon channeling it might help. "The world is not falling apart... Ever since 2012, we as a population is now able to see the darkness thats alway been there, for what it is or was.". : )
I have heard of this part of our Ascension process, there are countless aspects to what Gaia and humanity is in the process of going through. It would be a relief to know that there are more higher dimensional beings here to help us on our way even if we don't know who they are. I always say the best way to help someone is to not let them know your doing it. : )
I myself am a walk in. Ive always been weird but i used to be painfully disassociated and suicidal all my life. Ive always had a tender heart and a traumatic life. So i died in a freak accident in 2017 but a new soul of me walked in and ut actually felt like learning to walk again which i had to bc the car crash broke my ankles and legs and arms. But the new soul linked in and my mind showed me beautiful mystical magic that specifically is what EARTH really is. When u all get to see that we are an interdimensional refuge. That Gaia is so so magic. We live in the land of Unicorns.
Greetings! Thank you for joining us..! I know someone with a story similar to yours!!! Car accident, broke her legs, died and came back speaking Spanish, etc. I asked her months ago if she was a “walk-in” she said “no.” I didn’t believe her then and still don’t. She’s a MFK’n Walk in...!!! 🤓
@@Aangel452 sometimes the other soul doesn't leave this is called an Energetic braid were a version of you from a more evolved timeline combines with you . And when the old soul dose leave that's a walk in , the old soul will get shifted to a different timeline of 3rd Dimensional setting still with in the Saturn reality system networks . Then when the walk in comes in they get a mind wipe or actually the memories from the experience before their walk in goes into the Subconscious network then as they get interfaced with the new body they will run off the memory data base that the body has experienced while in this reality system so then the walk in will experience those memories like the are theirs .
@@eddiethetruthwillsetyoufre4883 from what I've experienced, you explained it very accurately. Thank you for being able to put into words for people to better understand. Have a blessed and beautiful day.
December of 2020 I woke up a completely different person. I was an atheist with a strong hold on materialism and ego. I am disgusted by the person I once was, but I forgive her. Did I experience a spiritual awakening, or a walk in? I’m not sure. But I’m here to hold the line, raise the frequency, and live as an example to others through unconditional love and forgiveness. I am ready for new earth or to go home, whichever source see’s as my best interest. Hold the line beloveds, hold. The. Line. We’re almost finished, FEEL it, KNOW it, take JOY in it. I love you ALL. Namaste 🙏
I think I know what happened: There's a group of lightworkers offering something called Soul-Body Fusion (discovered by Jonette Crowley). SBF assists (by stabilizing the field, which is termed "holding space" in shamanism) the 12th dimensional soul of a person to anchor more into the physical 3D body of their avatar/person (if their soul wants to). That 12D aspect of a person is the much more real and authentic, ancient, wise, evolved them. That level of their Soul is literally eternal so it has much vaster perspective (hence "I am ready for new earth or to go home, whichever source sees as my best interest"). We as a group of SBF practitioners increasingly in recently years have been holding a huge field at once for the entire earth so *anyone* can receive their higher dimensional soul more into their body. Sounds like your soul took advantage of the opening, and it's so delightful to read about this, so thank you for sharing! (Usually we just act in faith following higher guidance to offer this and don't know who we are affecting.) So happy for you to be so empowered and high vibe, don't these higher Soul aspects of us rock??!! Blessings and namaste!!
I think I had a walk in several years ago. My mom was praying for me, as I was walking a dark path. After that it was like someone else walked in and everything changed rapidly. I started to think, act and believe differently than ever before.
That's beautiful I've had several walkins myself it's more like you're calling in the pieces of you that you need it's in the pieces of you that you need that are ready to be here to make your soul song beautiful Is the cosmos is the creator's beautiful song and you are part of it so you are a part of it so you are beautiful Love and happiness The Sidewalk Saint
My daughter passed away last month so young and left 3 young children. She was such a loving soul, found the good in everyone. I believe she is up there working for all of us. No other reason God would need her now. Miss her dearly.
You are a poet😊. Love to you and i know we will get through this. Future looks great because the present is great and i do try to think that way. But we are human beings and sometimes i need to take a breath and just be.
I came here to help planet earth and ascension and dammit that’s what I’m going to do! It’s hard and many times I’ve wanted to give up but I’m still here and I’m not giving up. Spirit has my back!
I had a major ascension process in 2006. It is frustrating to still be waiting- I did think of it that way (waiting) for a few years, but clearly no longer can do-
I'm Sovereign so I create the New Earth. I'm noticing strangers are really nice lately (I live in a small town). Animals are more interactive. The weather is very weird; in a day it shifts 3-4x. I've been sleeping only 5hrs but feel fine
This is the first comment that resonates with me. I relate so much. The other comments just confuse me, as I am pretty new to all this. So, THANK YOU for your comment 🥰
I’ve noticed a swift change in diet, no meat more water no alcohol and eating less n less . I swim daily and I see colors I’ve never noticed before. Enjoying each moment and living in flow with nature. I too live in a smaller town but I stay away for the most part however I do go into town to raise the vibration for a few hours when the low vibers are out. Stay strong earth angel we got this.
Is beautiful vibrant loving powerful strong sister I see you. That's a very strong sign that you are connected to the new 5th dimensional grid The paradise grid that you are such a perfect fit for!!😇🥰🤗
Greating, fellow Light Workers, we got this. Be safe when going into town and interacting with them. Make it brief, take a walk in nature to ground. They will try to lure you into negativity dont fall for it. Love and light. 💛❤
Jennifer, I’ve noticed that lately too. Prior to 3 weeks ago it seemed like everyone was hateful and rude. Even just driving was difficult. Every day someone would pull right in front of me blowing there horns or yelling out the window. I regretted going outside. My own attitude has changed as well. When someone is hateful there’s a negative reaction to it. There is still inpatient rude people but i just ignore them now. I keep a smile on my face regardless.
Yes I feel alone. But not alone in The Universe. All is One. The Trees Clouds waters fire Earth Sky and social media family has been So Real. Compared to life it's self.
Agree totally except the social media! Be careful on It! Not all is as it seems, you may be a hyper sensitive but we all have our blind spots! Be aware! ❤️🙏🏼
Thank you, a hard time ahead for those awake. However when we get to the other side of all this it will be heaven on earth. Stay strong in your truth. 🦋❤️🙏
I have heard from some very in depth QHHT sessions that walk ins are happening all the time now And we host several souls at once I often feel the subtle shift in my energy They are coming to learn without having to be born and grow here
i am a walk in - see video " Words from the heart- Beth Summers - I am a walk in - Also higher self portal -now aged 75 and fed up with the isolation and lower frequencies - completely exhausted.
If beautiful glorious soul sister thank you for all your hard work. You're your life path is respected. remember you are the creator of your life path. so clear A-line and put divine timing over your every morning and watch the miracles unfold the strength and purpose return to your heart and the beauty of everything surrender and the beauty of everything surrounding you will reveal itself and fill you up as love as you deserve. Love and respect The Sidewalk Saint
Sometimes we have to go through phases of intense emotions, I call those phases GROWTH SPURTS and it’s ok to feel. Rest dear one, and talk to God. Let it go, let it flow, let it grow! You are loved. 😊💖🌟
@@lighthousecharlie6712 this is incredibly important now! Do it with your crown open to receive the healing light also from our creator/sun/family☀️💗☀️
Just remember that for some people things have to get so bad that they realize it needs fixing. Being awake already makes this difficult to watch in your friends and family. You can't force the issue. They have to realize they want it before they can seek it.
It is exhausting here on Earth. Connect to the Source and other light consciousness to regain back your energy. We got this. We'll get back home soon. But first.. Earth needs us.
Right there with you!! Exhausted and my twin soul just died suddenly. I know he’s now aiding from the other side, but I feel he’s also coming back as a walk-in. He was entangled in the dark and such a bright light in that darkness. Anyhow. I just want to give up and join him, but know I’m supposed to stay right here and keep working for Earth.
Finding this really made me feel like I wasn't crazy, my awakening happened in April of 2020. It was scary and beautiful. I started falling in love with this world but the people made me cry so much. I felt so much pain for our brothers sleeping.
Here is a good way to understand how to move into the 5th Dimension, release separation energy (3rd dimension) and embrace unity energy. (5th Dimension) that helped me understand it better. : )
You have to fall backwards inside yourself flipping you out of this. The center of the universe is inside YOU. CHRIST within. Anything outside of the house of YOU is what the Red words said was Satan's house Adam and eve fell forward into the copycat universe to gain knowledge so we have to go backwards inside gaining knowledge to get up Jacobs invisible ladder based on knowledge gained.. the mirror is inside YOU the vortex river light center of all that is. Is inside YOU where the kingdom of God is. There's no out there it's in there. Unlimited D potential. We are in the illusion cyclical cycle time loop..fall into yourself in relaxing and out of this world.
What my heart understood was now is the time to give everyone even those you strongly dislike a second chance because you never know who's really changed unless you open up again. Truly forgive, let go. A blank sheet. Starting fresh with everyone. Staying vigilant but with much more patience then before. I personally love the concept and my heart burst with joy to think of what new wonders this new mindset could bring. Namaste.
Yet the dark ones should be revered understand that they were willing to be the bad guy to help humanity throwing away their incarnation with no other purpose than to push you into awakening into the light. bless our dark brothers with love and hopefully they can wake up even in the middle of their mission on helping you wake up if you love them enough.
As I was watching the thought came ... the walk-in will be all of us that are awaken and raising our vibrations. In other words a soul aspect of our higher selves will enter our bodies further assisting all of us in our ascension.... From what I've learned a higher being that is being describe in video wouldn't be able to come into a body that is not vibrating at a high frequency. I don't know about all of you but that is exiting news to me. I can't wait to have all of my memories of who I truly am to come flooding my four lower bodies ( mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies) allowing me to move into christ consciousness... peace and blessing to all of you!!!!
Thank You for your strength, second waver here came in at the end of the Vietnam “ police action “. We got this and only because your generation didn’t give up and drink the Kool-Aid. In LaKesh dear Tilly
Enjoy the ride purposeful one focus on enjoying yeah focus on enjoying and imprint it on the gaya grid you've worked hard and you deserve it Is happiness peace love joy and great wealth Your brother The Sidewalk Saint
My mother left and had a walk in, the knowing came to me through spirit and as soon as it was revealed to me my mother instantly came through me as a channeling, I was so upset that I kicked her out and refused to allow her to come through me. Yes walk-ins are more common than we realize, since then I also had a distant cousin switch out. Extremely weird when my mother came to visit me after her walkin, she did not know how to do many things yet, like work a coffee grinder, simple little things, her walk in has never been to earth before. I grieved the loss of my mother and was very upset she left without saying anything to me. I'm so glad to be talking about this as it has been hard.
I used to remember my old life in the Pleidies on the mothership. I don't know how long its actually been but this Earth existence is traumatic. Surrounded by Narcissists and demons my whole life. I need to see some serious results of my perseverance.
Your memory sounds fascinating. In your memory of the Pleiades, what did the beings look like? How was reality "textured" (if that makes sense)? Do you remember the culture or disposition of the people?
I’m halfway through my life in this body and I’m lonelier than I’ve ever been. I feel disconnected from people and this planet. Im ready for something new. 🙏💜
Feels like this has been one of the most recent messages that I've Truly felt I resonated with since like say we go spiritual first responders, at the ready to assist humanity
I know this is true, as I am a Starseed Walkin who does remember my ascension soul mission. It has been tough remembering who I really am, and having to be in the 3D lower vibration. I am helping Gaia to raise into ascension vibration by creating 'Galactic Earth Ascension' portal lightwork. Luckily I have galactic beings of light as my direct guides about this earth mission. Good luck to all of you. 2021 has been a huge energetic ascension upgrade. Blessings, Starwalker
I concur with your message. I am a walk-in after being in a horrible car accidence. I am real, kind, loving and here to help assist humans. My soul is highly energized and I agree with you that it is very difficult living on Terra Christa, as, I have been taken advantage of even by my family members all my life. I sure hope that some thing happens for the betterment of earth, people, animals and all elementals. I have listened to you for about seven years; thank you for your kind and gracious service in sending us these messages. Love & Light
I find that this year (although I have always been an Empath) that I am changing. I can feel myself operating at a higher vibration. My way of thinking has changed and I am way more positive in thought and action. I care a lot for others and am of ten told I am too nice. I just got certified in Reiki and hope to continue to evolve.
Perhaps that’s why we are still here to also assist in the higher dimensional beings to adjust and transition smoothly into their human bodies. That’s why we have immense gifts of healing and leadership skills. I’m excited!!!! 💖😊🌟🌟🌟🌟
It felt good to hear this today. I feel the same way - why am I being left here when so many others are choosing to leave? Did I miss going? When is this all going to end? Why do some people not wake up no matter what is said or done? Thanks for sharing this - it meant a lot.
Wow. Thank you so so much! What a beautiful thought and if true will really save us! This gives me faith and hope! Thank you again. Love and blessings!
Wow. This is trippy. I’ve started channeling Arcturian and Pleiadian messages.... I can’t wait to develop a deeper relationship with them now that I’m conscious of them. 😮
@@ReikiontheRun It is said that if that is your intention and you continue to develop yourself as a clear channel, it will happen. I really wanted to and set my intention on it and then it started happening under 🍄 where I would channel light language and Pleiadian energy. I can do it sober now, but I still can’t control exactly when it happens yet. It’s a process. I think if you know you’re capable- your consciousness will develop in this area. Happy exploration! 🤩💫
“ all that is and all that ever will be” “ follow spirit without hesitation “. “. I am that I am “. Much love to all and to the Universe, it is very exciting to know that “ I am that I am "
I'm just finding this today... I had Covid in 2020. I knew at the time there was some higher reason for me to be hospitalized. It was an absolutely catalytic happening. This last almost two years have been astonishingly amazing to have transformed my life and circumstance. July of last year I stepped away from a circumstance that I was a part of because I thought It was the right thing to stay. I finally had the courage to leave and get on with my life to heal the parts of me that were distorted. I truly want to be here to help and be of service with what is unfolding! It hasn't been easy, but I am grateful to be awakening and healing. I don't think I am a walkin, but I will certainly be here for those who are.
It’s very true. I remember volunteering before birth. I have had all the distinctions of a blue ray. I’m 40 in October. I was told it would be difficult but I’d be doing something great to free a lot of people and I knew I loved them so very much. Your souls are so much more powerful than you know. I was so confused by my experience and wondered why I did this because it is so hard here, then found Delores Cannon. Explained exactly what happened to me. I was SOOO excited to come here. Must be something big about to happen.
Walk-ins are not other souls coming into the body, they are soul aspects of YOU. It is you integrating all your different soul aspects and becoming whole. I had a woman challenge me on that idea once, because she said we are already whole. In essence yes, but when we incarnate lifetime after lifetime we become fractured throughout time, so that we can have many experiences all at once in the grand school of 3D Earth. We also became separated from our higher self, which is the ‘Higher Beings’ coming in now (yes, even the star seeds). Now we are graduating 3D Earth and integrating/ merging with all the fragments of self, back into wholeness, awareness, and remembrance. One man commented below that it happened to him and he thought it was his deceased dad who came in. That very well could be, because they could both be part of the same ‘soul family’ which means they share the same soul blueprint / DNA. It’s still an aspect of self.
@@sharonohare6399 well, I can’t really direct you anywhere, because it comes from my own inner knowing and intuitive abilities. I share the information when and where I can. But I’d be happy to answer any questions. 😊
Not Necessarily! It could be or it could be someone else. It sounds like you are talking about your Higher Self coming in instead of a Walk-in. But can be either! Love and LIGHT!
In 2011 my son was brainwashed and manipulated by a Draconian ET who he’s been with ever since. He took him away from his family and most of his friends. When I’ve reconnected with him, he definitely showed me he had a walk in. He doesn’t remember memories and he stopped calling me mom. My life’s mission is a healer and psychic which I’m doing now and helping many ascend. I believe I’m the first wave. Been working hard for others 2011. Praying for a huge shift soon! I’ve shifted long ago. 🙏🏻💚
Wow! I have been shown glimpses of this….. have been a lone wolf is this transformational journey and now I know why I was pushing myself so hard to do the work….thank you.
I just came across this. I died in Dec of last year, but I don’t remember, I know I was sick. I suddenly changed, I was healed of two autoimmune diseases. My diet changed drastically.I started becoming psychic, and hearing people who had crossed over. About 6 months in, I got a download that the old me had died, that I had signed a contract. I no longer see my children as my own, my belongings mean nothing to me, I’ve had a total personality change. I know I’m from Sirius C, I have memories of living and breathing underwater,etc. I have an intense connection to creator. Coming across this video is confirmation. I know my mission, and I also know the date I’m leaving. I’ve come to accept this. The only difficulty, is that I still possess the memories of my host, although there is a real detachment. Thank you for this video it has really helped. Also, I suddenly know things. I was staying with a physics professor in Miami and was able to debate quantum physics, string theory, etc. I’m also very aware of my body and functions. I know when I’m off balance and what minerals or vitamins I need. It’s been almost a year, and everyday I just seem to know more.
Thank you Higher Self. Thank you for this wonderful message. So much of it resonates with me. I am really grateful to receive these insights and your loving assistance. Love and Gratitude 💜💙🙏🏾💚💛 Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Compassion, Gratitude, Light and Life Everyone 💙💜🙏🏾💚💛
I’m letting go of all of it! Letting go of all the dross, expectations, stories, attachments. Each and every day, letting it go. No need to go up into the mountains anymore to meditate, we have access to so much right now in each moment. What an honour. Here with my arrow pointed towards expansion, freedom, liberation and peace for humanity and all beings.
I’ve been here, don’t think I’m a walk in, I’m conscious, no past life remembrance. When I was a kid I saw a glowing black orb, it had facial features, it was floating at the end of the bed. Blinked and it was gone. Can’t forget that, also had a visualization of a hawk flying down and then like 5 mins later I went outside and a hawk flew right at me, just like I visualized. Those are the biggest hints I’ve gotten. And I’ve just always been attracted to conspiracy theories my whole life, always as a kid and I hated school.
Definitely feel like I’m the second wave. By the way, Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon just became available as an audiobook via Audible.
Most definitely a shift to another timeline where these beings already exist with their higher consciousness. They are different versions of people we may or may not already know but they are not the same beings..... They are alternative versions in different timelines. We are multi dimensional beings. This is our time to waking up to that reality.
Wow can I ask questions I feel like I missed the boat to the Ascension to new Earth . Did B I get left behind? Please help I can’t feel my angels or higher self
It seems the exhaution is part of pealing the old self and receiving the download of the new energy, it is taxing a lot. Drink a lot of water, ground on earth, rest and specifically be trustful, trust the divine plan. I resonate with your state too and am learning to do the same, breath n trust, allow the change to take place, and be grateful. I love u
Whole body chills 🥶 so excited for all the changes coming. Like many others here I believe I must be a walk-in. I was depressed and suicidal my entire life until last year when everything suddenly and rapidly changed. It's like the "events" that happened throughout my whole life didn't even happen to "me." I don't recognize the person "I" once was.
I resonate with this. I feel so disconnected from the character I played my entire life. I’ve done a 180 degree turn the past 2 years with everything from my interests, passions, everything. I can’t even connect to family members as they feel like strangers now.
I am a volunteer ' and had a NDE in 1996 i was on the other side it felt so good there to my not wanting to come back to this body or what caused my to have an NDE i was told i had to come back and had to be here for something GREAT to come in the near future!!! since heaven has no time' and talk with telipathy' i felt the greatness i felt it had to do with Goverment' and earth big changes as what is happening now' these things must come to pass then we will see great change and new earth ' and beings of light humans thank you for sharing.
High hopes for humanity. Everything changes. Could you imagine a world that isn't full of judgemental ppl living in a me world? What hides in the dark will always come to the light. Age of Aquarius ♒ is among us. Get ready.
i honestly don’t know what’s going on but i’m here for it. i don’t know how to wrap my head around this but growing up i have few snapshot memories even to this day i easily forget what has happened. i thought it was ptsd symptoms or trauma based reactions but now i’m not sure if i have just been jumping in and out of bodies & this body. i catch myself sometimes zoning out & i hear myself in my mind having conversations with souls i’ve never met & assisting souls on earth. it’s very interesting. always benevolent & kind assistance but it’s fascinating to realize what was happening when i come back into my body. i know that this current body belongs to me & ive allowed other souls to incarnate momentarily in it but i also recall my soul doing the same in other bodies to assist someone else far from this physical body.
In the next 96 hours there is supposed to be glitches showing the entities that will be here. Take pictures and or video to share on social media. This is a real thing.
@@jimmieahhf9945 Do you mean me? Or you mean Subtle for deleting the straight up rude and disrespectful reply that was made to Mary, who was only kind enough to be helping. I don't know about you but Im not indifferent to that kind of behaviour made in public, neither should anyone else. It was there for 11 hours before it was deleted are you saying you didn't see it?
I can tell you honestly the walk in soul phenomenon is real as I've experienced it personally. It's like you die and I suppose another compatible soul slams into your body. In my case I'm certain it was my deceased dad, who was very much like me, and we even shared the same blood type.
Oh I LOVE Delores Cannon! Her teachings have deeply resonated 2me forEVER! Opened my mind to find REALity. Dropping all my 'endoctrinated' thots/ lessons. Truly grateful to have learned from her wisdom! ThankU for mentioning her❤
This is brilliant thank you… I am a volunteer I just am unsure of what waiver volunteers I’m from and I do also know I am from Orion‘s counsel and this world looks so screwy right now. Sometimes I’m shocked by the behavior of people and other times it’s very comical. The work here is exhausting at times and I hope to see the rewards of the work soon. You’re not at all crazy you hit the nail on the head 😊
I'm getting the very strong sense we all have individual paths. That you can actually live outside of Earth Circa Now somewhere else you like even more. It will be great to learn we can do that without needing money.
It is a lonely path, being vulnerable to people about who I am which started 13 years but I haven't really spoken about it until 2019. I know I volunteered to come back to help raise the vibration of the planet, to learn and teach unconditional love. To let go of the old way of thinking and material possessions. I see things, I know things, things people call a coincidence. Im in really good physical health, been body building for five years, im 53 now but look 30, loving that. I recently discovered im on the Benjamin Button journey and its been interesting to say the least.
I just love how you talk. I can so relate to what you say and how you think, so much so that I laughed out loud a few times. Thank you for that. It makes me giddy, the thought of higher benevolent beings walking in and taking the place of the “idiots”. Lol. Please God, please.
I truly hope, and dare I say I do strongly feel the potential in your ‘prophecy’. Explains A LOT!!!Regardless I’m going to focus my thoughts and imagination on this potential and prepare myself accordingly. How very exciting. My dominant vibration right now is anticipation and even excitement so I’m going to milk that feeling cause it’s been a long while since I’ve had something to feel this way about, so regardless I’m insanely grateful just for that. Onward we go 🤩❤️🙏🏻
Last night, it came to me that I need to let others know I'm a Reiki practitioner! So many in our world need healing energy now and sadly wont heal if they dont know it's available to them.🌹
This feels aligned to me. I’m actually hoping my TF comes back as a walk in ... as he was spiritually awake... but physically older and worn out . 🤞🤞🙏🙏 I’m holding the space yo see this be created. 💖💖🇨🇦🤠
WE have been ascending at several levels BeautyFULL soul (2012 2014 2017 2020 …Some of us have been living in Heaven on Earth NOW “Here” is the Multidimensional Multiverse … raise your vibration to the 8th dimension & you will no longer get sick Also it’s essential to remove yourself from the Matrix vibration… location people including fam friends… Divine Blessings PS: We have been planting our own food home gardens eating organic foods … meditation with momma Earth Sophia Gaia (literally grounding our feet and hugging trees…) fully using our divine galactic compass to veer away from the insane ones… it’s also essential to retrain your brain … everyone including the homeless are playing their roles perfectly… the light is inspired by the insane darkness… so much LOVE 💗 🧠🦶 🪴 🌱 🌲 🌳
I needed to hear this. All of it felt like something I've subconsciously known for a long time. I was really hit hard when I heard the part about some of us arriving early to do the heavy lifting. I'm going to try to be short, but tell a little about myself. Firstly, I am know to say that I was born sad. I really was. It wasn't my family or environment. I have always been the most sensitive person I know and am constantly told to "toughen up." Right now I am 42 years old and I have had the worst year of my life. My husband fell over (deceased) into my lap 11 months ago. Last month would have been our 20th anniversary. It was unexpected and very traumatic. Our 2 boys who were 17 and 16 at the time helped me do chest compressions on him for 35 minutes until EMS arrived. They didn't even bother to hook up more than one patch from the EKG machine. The lady emt looked at me in the eyes with my boys right there and said "I am just going to go ahead and tell you that he is going to be pronounced dead 😭😭😭😭 Here I still lay on the couch 11 months later, barely functioning to be honest. No one understands the pain. I have family members telling me that they are going to get me under a 72 hour evaluation and things like that. Hurtful things. It did me some good to hear you say that you don't like leaving your home either. I have only once since he passed (other than the funeral) and I had a panic attack. I understand my family's concern, but they don't understand my pain or my sensitivity to others' energy. They say that I am sitting here waiting for something to fall into my lap. Maybe I am.. I don't know what I'm doing...or waiting for. But it's definitely something Please send me positive thoughts.
@@allieelectra23 you are so sweet to remind me. In my heart, I truly know it, but there are times when my pain clouds everything else. Thank you for taking the time to read read and give encouraging words 💚
Most of the walk-in's are actually just the rest of the persons own Higher Self coming in and fully embodying. The next were an overlay/overlight type situation where the original entity didn't leave, rather they just took a back seat while the new entity took the wheel so to speak. Then the complete different entity kinds of walk-in's in the past been least common in comparison. But i'm not meaning that has bearing on your message about the present now and future though, anything and everything is possible 💜
My point of view in this is that ever since o did am attachment clearing about a year ago, part of my soul left. It had been a walk in that accompanied me all my life, until this point. Then, another walk in came, but one that is much more advanced. This walk in is still with me and loving this new life (for him). This new formed me wonders at all the beauty in the world, things that I know I had seen but cry with joy now like seeing them for the first time. I believe we all have an ego that can work on its own, and also our own would. My soul has always and still is with me. But on top of this, we have add-on walk ins. Mine has been upgraded since last year. Have also seen others turn worse so this video resonates with me :)
@Ascanio Indigo Garcia Spirit guide... yes, I like it, makes sense and feels right. He's always with me though, not like on a call-basis but always with me :)
I've been waiting-studying since" 2012".since-then 2018.I've been able to see the- energy's and- sometime they -allow me to see,what they look like.I want everyone to know.we are protected at all times get to know yourself.the truth will set you free.
Gotta use your internal antenna and read the energy signature of the one your dealing with, positive or negative pattern. Then you can go from there. Actions speak louder than words.
No matter if it is true or not, this message will help me deal with all the crazy people who are now running around in masks getting jabbed... I will just think - "ok, I hope they will be getting a fourth wave of volunteers walk in soon..." :-)
We all are all players here for us that are Awake; some major, some not. We give our love, light, and peace where we can. Some of us have been here on Earth for a long time (old soul) and some not. Some us volunteered for a very long haul, others a short haul. We are here to help the ones who are still asleep; especially after EBS.
To all my soul siblings - I'm so grateful for you! Because when I'm falling apart ,theres at least one of you, out there, who's helping me, energetically, to stay put and continue on the're awesome 🧡
Amen! I second that!
You're welcome soul sister
I just wanted to mention what I heard from a Kryon channeling it might help. "The world is not falling apart... Ever since 2012, we as a population is now able to see the darkness thats alway been there, for what it is or was.". : )
Thank you.
We are the Light
We are made of pure Love and Light ~ unified.
Take care✨✌✨
E.T. 101 helps explain as well.
I have heard of this part of our Ascension process, there are countless aspects to what Gaia and humanity is in the process of going through. It would be a relief to know that there are more higher dimensional beings here to help us on our way even if we don't know who they are. I always say the best way to help someone is to not let them know your doing it. : )
It’s not falling apart but majority of humans are too dense to ascend. They just aren’t getting it!
I myself am a walk in. Ive always been weird but i used to be painfully disassociated and suicidal all my life. Ive always had a tender heart and a traumatic life. So i died in a freak accident in 2017 but a new soul of me walked in and ut actually felt like learning to walk again which i had to bc the car crash broke my ankles and legs and arms. But the new soul linked in and my mind showed me beautiful mystical magic that specifically is what EARTH really is. When u all get to see that we are an interdimensional refuge. That Gaia is so so magic. We live in the land of Unicorns.
The cosmos is the creator's beautiful orchestra and you are one of the most beautiful instruments.
The Sidewalk Saint
I think if another soul moves in You the previous soul will not be there anymore! So where did you go?
Greetings! Thank you for joining us..!
I know someone with a story similar to yours!!! Car accident, broke her legs, died and came back speaking Spanish, etc.
I asked her months ago if she was a “walk-in” she said “no.”
I didn’t believe her then and still don’t. She’s a MFK’n Walk in...!!! 🤓
@@Aangel452 sometimes the other soul doesn't leave this is called an Energetic braid were a version of you from a more evolved timeline combines with you . And when the old soul dose leave that's a walk in , the old soul will get shifted to a different timeline of 3rd Dimensional setting still with in the Saturn reality system networks . Then when the walk in comes in they get a mind wipe or actually the memories from the experience before their walk in goes into the Subconscious network then as they get interfaced with the new body they will run off the memory data base that the body has experienced while in this reality system so then the walk in will experience those memories like the are theirs .
@@eddiethetruthwillsetyoufre4883 from what I've experienced, you explained it very accurately. Thank you for being able to put into words for people to better understand. Have a blessed and beautiful day.
It is a pleasure to be in the company of like minded souls. I see you, I hear you, I appreciate you. Peace, Love and Light to you all.💖
Thank you!!!!!!Love you too!!!!!!
Thank you ❣️ YOU are a beautiful soul 💟
@@kathleenwalters1299 💖
@@kathleenwalters1299 You are welcome. Keep your Light shinning.
December of 2020 I woke up a completely different person. I was an atheist with a strong hold on materialism and ego. I am disgusted by the person I once was, but I forgive her. Did I experience a spiritual awakening, or a walk in? I’m not sure. But I’m here to hold the line, raise the frequency, and live as an example to others through unconditional love and forgiveness. I am ready for new earth or to go home, whichever source see’s as my best interest. Hold the line beloveds, hold. The. Line. We’re almost finished, FEEL it, KNOW it, take JOY in it. I love you ALL. Namaste 🙏
🙏Spot - On 😉
I think I know what happened: There's a group of lightworkers offering something called Soul-Body Fusion (discovered by Jonette Crowley). SBF assists (by stabilizing the field, which is termed "holding space" in shamanism) the 12th dimensional soul of a person to anchor more into the physical 3D body of their avatar/person (if their soul wants to). That 12D aspect of a person is the much more real and authentic, ancient, wise, evolved them. That level of their Soul is literally eternal so it has much vaster perspective (hence "I am ready for new earth or to go home, whichever source sees as my best interest"). We as a group of SBF practitioners increasingly in recently years have been holding a huge field at once for the entire earth so *anyone* can receive their higher dimensional soul more into their body. Sounds like your soul took advantage of the opening, and it's so delightful to read about this, so thank you for sharing! (Usually we just act in faith following higher guidance to offer this and don't know who we are affecting.) So happy for you to be so empowered and high vibe, don't these higher Soul aspects of us rock??!! Blessings and namaste!!
@@dveillo36 David who? I know lots of David’s. 🤔
you sound a fab person
I think I had a walk in several years ago. My mom was praying for me, as I was walking a dark path. After that it was like someone else walked in and everything changed rapidly. I started to think, act and believe differently than ever before.
Sounds about right.
That's beautiful I've had several walkins myself it's more like you're calling in the pieces of you that you need it's in the pieces of you that you need that are ready to be here to make your soul song beautiful Is the cosmos is the creator's beautiful song and you are part of it so you are a part of it so you are beautiful
Love and happiness
The Sidewalk Saint
My daughter passed away last month so young and left 3 young children. She was such a loving soul, found the good in everyone. I believe she is up there working for all of us. No other reason God would need her now. Miss her dearly.
Same here
@@maria8goretti Sending you hugs and condolences. 🙏🏾❤
Some call me a hippie, I call me an earth angel a warrior of the rainbow light. Follow your bliss because the future is one you don’t want to miss.
You are a poet😊. Love to you and i know we will get through this. Future looks great because the present is great and i do try to think that way. But we are human beings and sometimes i need to take a breath and just be.
No we are light having a human experience
The veil is being ripped apart; the cosmic family is now present and ready, be patient brothers and sisters change is always around the corner.
Get Ready!!!
Hope so Definitely not holding my breath.
Here here brother Donald 🙌🙏
We are it
@@stevec4899 🛸🛸👽 U know 🙏
I came here to help planet earth and ascension and dammit that’s what I’m going to do! It’s hard and many times I’ve wanted to give up but I’m still here and I’m not giving up. Spirit has my back!
You mirrored my exact words 😘
Do you remember me?
Same 100000 percent
Work on a garden to connect back to the earth. Do pot gardening. Make something like candles, pottery, sewing etc. Keep living on as we transition
4s all around you beautiful!!!!!!
The Sidewalk Saint
Exactly.... Its getting better & better more beautiful daily🙏
I had a major ascension process in 2006. It is frustrating to still be waiting- I did think of it that way (waiting) for a few years, but clearly no longer can do-
yeah gardening pot is great
I'm Sovereign so I create the New Earth.
I'm noticing strangers are really nice lately (I live in a small town).
Animals are more interactive.
The weather is very weird; in a day it shifts 3-4x.
I've been sleeping only 5hrs but feel fine
This is the first comment that resonates with me. I relate so much. The other comments just confuse me, as I am pretty new to all this. So, THANK YOU for your comment 🥰
I’ve noticed a swift change in diet, no meat more water no alcohol and eating less n less . I swim daily and I see colors I’ve never noticed before. Enjoying each moment and living in flow with nature. I too live in a smaller town but I stay away for the most part however I do go into town to raise the vibration for a few hours when the low vibers are out. Stay strong earth angel we got this.
Is beautiful vibrant loving powerful strong sister I see you. That's a very strong sign that you are connected to the new 5th dimensional grid The paradise grid that you are such a perfect fit for!!😇🥰🤗
Greating, fellow Light Workers, we got this. Be safe when going into town and interacting with them. Make it brief, take a walk in nature to ground. They will try to lure you into negativity dont fall for it. Love and light. 💛❤
Jennifer, I’ve noticed that lately too. Prior to 3 weeks ago it seemed like everyone was hateful and rude. Even just driving was difficult. Every day someone would pull right in front of me blowing there horns or yelling out the window. I regretted going outside. My own attitude has changed as well. When someone is hateful there’s a negative reaction to it. There is still inpatient rude people but i just ignore them now. I keep a smile on my face regardless.
Yes I feel alone. But not alone in The Universe. All is One. The Trees Clouds waters fire Earth Sky and social media family has been So Real. Compared to life it's self.
If that is a beautiful statement my soul sister
The Sidewalk Saint
Beautiful sister. That's how I feel as well❤
You are alone to feel this way know this💖sending you love and light
Agree totally except the social media! Be careful on It! Not all is as it seems, you may be a hyper sensitive but we all have our blind spots! Be aware! ❤️🙏🏼
I stopped doing hard drugs! No longer vibrate at that lower frequency. I want to help others!
Thank you, a hard time ahead for those awake. However when we get to the other side of all this it will be heaven on earth. Stay strong in your truth. 🦋❤️🙏
Why do you say that? It seems more like a hard time for those who aren't awake yet! They are going to be shocked! Love and LIGHT! 😃😇🤗😉💡🏌🏼♀️🌈🌞🌟💎
If ask for it to be not a hard time an easy time full of peace harmony and alignment and so it shall be
The Sidewalk Saint
@@nicolenichols240 because we have to help clean up the mess.
Hmmm... Heaven on earth. Like, the only problem is human.we get lost in life. Do we know who we REALLY are?
@@dianegregory3688 what mess?
I have heard from some very in depth QHHT sessions that walk ins are happening all the time now
And we host several souls at once
I often feel the subtle shift in my energy
They are coming to learn without having to be born and grow here
i am a walk in - see video " Words from the heart- Beth Summers - I am a walk in - Also higher self portal -now aged 75 and fed up with the isolation and lower frequencies - completely exhausted.
Do your grounding, get them feet in the dirt or on the grass let your souls 😉 touch mother .
If beautiful glorious soul sister thank you for all your hard work. You're your life path is respected. remember you are the creator of your life path. so clear A-line and put divine timing over your every morning and watch the miracles unfold the strength and purpose return to your heart and the beauty of everything surrender and the beauty of everything surrounding you will reveal itself and fill you up as love as you deserve.
Love and respect
The Sidewalk Saint
Sometimes we have to go through phases of intense emotions, I call those phases GROWTH SPURTS and it’s ok to feel. Rest dear one, and talk to God. Let it go, let it flow, let it grow! You are loved. 😊💖🌟
@@lighthousecharlie6712 this is incredibly important now! Do it with your crown open to receive the healing light also from our creator/sun/family☀️💗☀️
I’m 71
Just remember that for some people things have to get so bad that they realize it needs fixing.
Being awake already makes this difficult to watch in your friends and family. You can't force the issue. They have to realize they want it before they can seek it.
It is exhausting here on Earth. Connect to the Source and other light consciousness to regain back your energy. We got this. We'll get back home soon. But first.. Earth needs us.
That gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes.
But I'm tired of fighting. Ya know?
Right there with you!! Exhausted and my twin soul just died suddenly. I know he’s now aiding from the other side, but I feel he’s also coming back as a walk-in. He was entangled in the dark and such a bright light in that darkness. Anyhow. I just want to give up and join him, but know I’m supposed to stay right here and keep working for Earth.
@@Soulseeker75 same
The wave of souls opening to enlightenment is growing at a great rate 👌 ❤❤❤
Finding this really made me feel like I wasn't crazy, my awakening happened in April of 2020. It was scary and beautiful. I started falling in love with this world but the people made me cry so much. I felt so much pain for our brothers sleeping.
Here is a good way to understand how to move into the 5th Dimension, release separation energy (3rd dimension) and embrace unity energy. (5th Dimension) that helped me understand it better. : )
Intention is everything
We are already in the 6 Dimension.
@@chrisgray9979 😂
You have to fall backwards inside yourself flipping you out of this. The center of the universe is inside YOU. CHRIST within. Anything outside of the house of YOU is what the Red words said was Satan's house Adam and eve fell forward into the copycat universe to gain knowledge so we have to go backwards inside gaining knowledge to get up Jacobs invisible ladder based on knowledge gained.. the mirror is inside YOU the vortex river light center of all that is. Is inside YOU where the kingdom of God is.
There's no out there it's in there. Unlimited D potential. We are in the illusion cyclical cycle time loop..fall into yourself in relaxing and out of this world.
@@timothyyoung4759 like undo right?
Like untangle right?🙂
What my heart understood was now is the time to give everyone even those you strongly dislike a second chance because you never know who's really changed unless you open up again. Truly forgive, let go. A blank sheet. Starting fresh with everyone. Staying vigilant but with much more patience then before. I personally love the concept and my heart burst with joy to think of what new wonders this new mindset could bring. Namaste.
That’s beautifully said, Jay Flower! I agree🦋
Yet the dark ones should be revered understand that they were willing to be the bad guy to help humanity throwing away their incarnation with no other purpose than to push you into awakening into the light. bless our dark brothers with love and hopefully they can wake up even in the middle of their mission on helping you wake up if you love them enough.
@@thesidewalksaint6236 This resonates with me. Thank you for this insight🦋
What if that past person was an abusive Narcissicist that harmed me? I can forgive them from a distance. I will not put myself in danger again
An ex friend has been trying to get back in my life. I'm a bit hesitant about it. But you never know.
As I was watching the thought came ... the walk-in will be all of us that are awaken and raising our vibrations. In other words a soul aspect of our higher selves will enter our bodies further assisting all of us in our ascension.... From what I've learned a higher being that is being describe in video wouldn't be able to come into a body that is not vibrating at a high frequency. I don't know about all of you but that is exiting news to me. I can't wait to have all of my memories of who I truly am to come flooding my four lower bodies ( mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies) allowing me to move into christ consciousness... peace and blessing to all of you!!!!
I'm from the first wave
Very ready to finish this game
Also ready to be done with the game... ready to win
Thank You for your strength, second waver here came in at the end of the Vietnam “ police action “. We got this and only because your generation didn’t give up and drink the Kool-Aid. In LaKesh dear Tilly
Enjoy the ride purposeful one focus on enjoying yeah focus on enjoying and imprint it on the gaya grid you've worked hard and you deserve it
Is happiness peace love joy and great wealth
Your brother
The Sidewalk Saint
I welcome a walk in!
Me too it's time now
My mother left and had a walk in, the knowing came to me through spirit and as soon as it was revealed to me my mother instantly came through me as a channeling, I was so upset that I kicked her out and refused to allow her to come through me. Yes walk-ins are more common than we realize, since then I also had a distant cousin switch out. Extremely weird when my mother came to visit me after her walkin, she did not know how to do many things yet, like work a coffee grinder, simple little things, her walk in has never been to earth before. I grieved the loss of my mother and was very upset she left without saying anything to me. I'm so glad to be talking about this as it has been hard.
My mother left as well when I was 3. I'm 58 yrs now. I couldn't believe how different she became and really grieved my first mom.
Was your new mum nice or abusive? I think this happened to me
I used to remember my old life in the Pleidies on the mothership. I don't know how long its actually been but this Earth existence is traumatic. Surrounded by Narcissists and demons my whole life. I need to see some serious results of my perseverance.
Your memory sounds fascinating. In your memory of the Pleiades, what did the beings look like? How was reality "textured" (if that makes sense)? Do you remember the culture or disposition of the people?
I feel the same way
sorry forgot to say also LA your so lucky to have a sense of belonging where you come from I am lost to know my origins!!
I resonate, my desire to be patient with these zombies is at its precipice. I pray i can contain one self.
Same. It is very exhausted. Take a break if need be and ask for higher dimensional assistance.
You will, and with grace :)
I’m halfway through my life in this body and I’m lonelier than I’ve ever been. I feel disconnected from people and this planet. Im ready for something new. 🙏💜
Feels like this has been one of the most recent messages that I've Truly felt I resonated with since like say we go spiritual first responders, at the ready to assist humanity
I know this is true, as I am a Starseed Walkin who does remember my ascension soul mission. It has been tough remembering who I really am, and having to be in the 3D lower vibration. I am helping Gaia to raise into ascension vibration by creating 'Galactic Earth Ascension' portal lightwork. Luckily I have galactic beings of light as my direct guides about this earth mission. Good luck to all of you. 2021 has been a huge energetic ascension upgrade. Blessings, Starwalker
Interesting. My name is Sky Walker. Same mission✌💫
Whats next when you find out you're a walk-in?
I concur with your message. I am a walk-in after being in a horrible car accidence. I am real, kind, loving and here to help assist humans. My soul is highly energized and I agree with you that it is very difficult living on Terra Christa, as, I have been taken advantage of even by my family members all my life. I sure hope that some thing happens for the betterment of earth, people, animals and all elementals. I have listened to you for about seven years; thank you for your kind and gracious service in sending us these messages. Love & Light
I find that this year (although I have always been an Empath) that I am changing. I can feel myself operating at a higher vibration. My way of thinking has changed and I am way more positive in thought and action. I care a lot for others and am of ten told I am too nice. I just got certified in Reiki and hope to continue to evolve.
I am now prepared to welcome the beautiful walk-ins. Thank you.
It will be an interesting few months now for me looking into the eyes of people. 💖
This plain is exhausting. I assumed there would be a 4th wave. I knew about the first 3. Forget Me Not... 💙
Perhaps that’s why we are still here to also assist in the higher dimensional beings to adjust and transition smoothly into their human bodies. That’s why we have immense gifts of healing and leadership skills. I’m excited!!!! 💖😊🌟🌟🌟🌟
That's a beautiful thought 💖
@@Sara-jk7vw thank you! 😊💖🌟
i absolutely agree & resonate with this message. thank you for sharing. your words are truly encouraging. sending you all an abundance of love & light
It would make perfect sense.
Great idea!
Higher dimensional bodies requiring lower dimensional healing? Or help?
It felt good to hear this today. I feel the same way - why am I being left here when so many others are choosing to leave? Did I miss going? When is this all going to end? Why do some people not wake up no matter what is said or done? Thanks for sharing this - it meant a lot.
Wow. Thank you so so much! What a beautiful thought and if true will really save us! This gives me faith and hope! Thank you again. Love and blessings!
Wow. This is trippy. I’ve started channeling Arcturian and Pleiadian messages.... I can’t wait to develop a deeper relationship with them now that I’m conscious of them. 😮
Awesome! I've wanted to channel for a while now. Good stuff!
@@ReikiontheRun It is said that if that is your intention and you continue to develop yourself as a clear channel, it will happen. I really wanted to and set my intention on it and then it started happening under 🍄 where I would channel light language and Pleiadian energy. I can do it sober now, but I still can’t control exactly when it happens yet. It’s a process. I think if you know you’re capable- your consciousness will develop in this area. Happy exploration! 🤩💫
“ all that is and all that ever will be” “ follow spirit without hesitation “. “. I am that I am “. Much love to all and to the Universe, it is very exciting to know that “ I am that I am "
I'm just finding this today... I had Covid in 2020. I knew at the time there was some higher reason for me to be hospitalized. It was an absolutely catalytic happening. This last almost two years have been astonishingly amazing to have transformed my life and circumstance. July of last year I stepped away from a circumstance that I was a part of because I thought It was the right thing to stay. I finally had the courage to leave and get on with my life to heal the parts of me that were distorted. I truly want to be here to help and be of service with what is unfolding! It hasn't been easy, but I am grateful to be awakening and healing. I don't think I am a walkin, but I will certainly be here for those who are.
It’s very true. I remember volunteering before birth. I have had all the distinctions of a blue ray. I’m 40 in October. I was told it would be difficult but I’d be doing something great to free a lot of people and I knew I loved them so very much. Your souls are so much more powerful than you know. I was so confused by my experience and wondered why I did this because it is so hard here, then found Delores Cannon. Explained exactly what happened to me. I was SOOO excited to come here. Must be something big about to happen.
Walk-ins are not other souls coming into the body, they are soul aspects of YOU. It is you integrating all your different soul aspects and becoming whole. I had a woman challenge me on that idea once, because she said we are already whole. In essence yes, but when we incarnate lifetime after lifetime we become fractured throughout time, so that we can have many experiences all at once in the grand school of 3D Earth. We also became separated from our higher self, which is the ‘Higher Beings’ coming in now (yes, even the star seeds). Now we are graduating 3D Earth and integrating/ merging with all the fragments of self, back into wholeness, awareness, and remembrance. One man commented below that it happened to him and he thought it was his deceased dad who came in. That very well could be, because they could both be part of the same ‘soul family’ which means they share the same soul blueprint / DNA. It’s still an aspect of self.
So I interesting! How do we find more info oñ this subject please?
@@sharonohare6399 well, I can’t really direct you anywhere, because it comes from my own inner knowing and intuitive abilities. I share the information when and where I can. But I’d be happy to answer any questions. 😊
Not Necessarily! It could be or it could be someone else. It sounds like you are talking about your Higher Self coming in instead of a Walk-in. But can be either! Love and LIGHT!
@@sharonohare6399 Do your own inner spiritual work and research into these things!
@@nicolenichols240 yes, but as I said, that ‘someone else’ is someone who shares the same soul blueprint, someone from your soul family.
In 2011 my son was brainwashed and manipulated by a Draconian ET who he’s been with ever since. He took him away from his family and most of his friends. When I’ve reconnected with him, he definitely showed me he had a walk in. He doesn’t remember memories and he stopped calling me mom. My life’s mission is a healer and psychic which I’m doing now and helping many ascend. I believe I’m the first wave. Been working hard for others 2011. Praying for a huge shift soon! I’ve shifted long ago. 🙏🏻💚
Wow! I have been shown glimpses of this….. have been a lone wolf is this transformational journey and now I know why I was pushing myself so hard to do the work….thank you.
I just came across this. I died in Dec of last year, but I don’t remember, I know I was sick. I suddenly changed, I was healed of two autoimmune diseases. My diet changed drastically.I started becoming psychic, and hearing people who had crossed over. About 6 months in, I got a download that the old me had died, that I had signed a contract. I no longer see my children as my own, my belongings mean nothing to me, I’ve had a total personality change. I know I’m from Sirius C, I have memories of living and breathing underwater,etc. I have an intense connection to creator. Coming across this video is confirmation. I know my mission, and I also know the date I’m leaving. I’ve come to accept this. The only difficulty, is that I still possess the memories of my host, although there is a real detachment. Thank you for this video it has really helped. Also, I suddenly know things. I was staying with a physics professor in Miami and was able to debate quantum physics, string theory, etc. I’m also very aware of my body and functions. I know when I’m off balance and what minerals or vitamins I need. It’s been almost a year, and everyday I just seem to know more.
I thank you for this. I appreciate you.
This is so awesome!! Good luck to all the souls coming in!!
And are one of them
Beautiful sister Michelle!!!!
The Sidewalk Saint
Sending healing love to you and good health !
Thank you Higher Self. Thank you for this wonderful message. So much of it resonates with me. I am really grateful to receive these insights and your loving assistance. Love and Gratitude 💜💙🙏🏾💚💛
Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Compassion, Gratitude, Light and Life Everyone 💙💜🙏🏾💚💛
I’m letting go of all of it! Letting go of all the dross, expectations, stories, attachments. Each and every day, letting it go. No need to go up into the mountains anymore to meditate, we have access to so much right now in each moment. What an honour. Here with my arrow pointed towards expansion, freedom, liberation and peace for humanity and all beings.
I’ve been here, don’t think I’m a walk in, I’m conscious, no past life remembrance. When I was a kid I saw a glowing black orb, it had facial features, it was floating at the end of the bed. Blinked and it was gone. Can’t forget that, also had a visualization of a hawk flying down and then like 5 mins later I went outside and a hawk flew right at me, just like I visualized. Those are the biggest hints I’ve gotten. And I’ve just always been attracted to conspiracy theories my whole life, always as a kid and I hated school.
Definitely feel like I’m the second wave. By the way, Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Cannon just became available as an audiobook via Audible.
Most definitely a shift to another timeline where these beings already exist with their higher consciousness. They are different versions of people we may or may not already know but they are not the same beings..... They are alternative versions in different timelines. We are multi dimensional beings. This is our time to waking up to that reality.
I am the third Walk In for this body. This IS NOT easy. I have memories.
I am first walk in, the second soul to occupy this vessel, pleased to meet other walk ins.
Wow can I ask questions I feel like I missed the boat to the Ascension to new Earth . Did B I get left behind? Please help I can’t feel my angels or higher self
I did all the healing work
@@soniawadsworth7451 You have not missed it,
@@soniawadsworth7451 Research J seal removals
May I have a walk-in spirit of higher vibrations with greater energy level?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I’m physically mentally and emotionally exhausted.
It seems the exhaution is part of pealing the old self and receiving the download of the new energy, it is taxing a lot. Drink a lot of water, ground on earth, rest and specifically be trustful, trust the divine plan. I resonate with your state too and am learning to do the same, breath n trust, allow the change to take place, and be grateful. I love u
@@aplik881 Thank you.
I so needed to hear you this morning blessings, love and gratitude ❤️
Whole body chills 🥶 so excited for all the changes coming. Like many others here I believe I must be a walk-in. I was depressed and suicidal my entire life until last year when everything suddenly and rapidly changed. It's like the "events" that happened throughout my whole life didn't even happen to "me." I don't recognize the person "I" once was.
I resonate with this. I feel so disconnected from the character I played my entire life. I’ve done a 180 degree turn the past 2 years with everything from my interests, passions, everything. I can’t even connect to family members as they feel like strangers now.
I always love hearing Dalores Cannons work being shared. Because it's not known enough. Thank you, excellent video. ❣️💫
Peace be with you all…. Love and light💛
And to you dear one. In LaKesh
I am a volunteer ' and had a NDE in 1996 i was on the other side it felt so good there to my not wanting to come back to this body or what caused my to have an NDE i was told i had to come back and had to be here for something GREAT to come in the near future!!! since heaven has no time' and talk with telipathy' i felt the greatness i felt it had to do with Goverment' and earth big changes as what is happening now' these things must come to pass then we will see great change and new earth ' and beings of light humans thank you for sharing.
High hopes for humanity. Everything changes. Could you imagine a world that isn't full of judgemental ppl living in a me world? What hides in the dark will always come to the light. Age of Aquarius ♒ is among us. Get ready.
I am a walk-in. I was 7 years old. Thank you for this video.
this really is another language lmao, I can't even imagine what this would sound to a 3d being 😂
Wow...all of this is exactly how I feel and have been thinking! Thank you! I don't feel so isolated, thank you!
Thank you 🥰
i honestly don’t know what’s going on but i’m here for it. i don’t know how to wrap my head around this but growing up i have few snapshot memories even to this day i easily forget what has happened. i thought it was ptsd symptoms or trauma based reactions but now i’m not sure if i have just been jumping in and out of bodies & this body. i catch myself sometimes zoning out & i hear myself in my mind having conversations with souls i’ve never met & assisting souls on earth. it’s very interesting. always benevolent & kind assistance but it’s fascinating to realize what was happening when i come back into my body. i know that this current body belongs to me & ive allowed other souls to incarnate momentarily in it but i also recall my soul doing the same in other bodies to assist someone else far from this physical body.
In the next 96 hours there is supposed to be glitches showing the entities that will be here. Take pictures and or video to share on social media. This is a real thing.
June 24th
@Subtle Nature Just delete that comment did you? Real subtle indeed.
@Subtle Nature Oh just your Subtle Nature and all.
@@JoshPhoenix11 troll
@@jimmieahhf9945 Do you mean me? Or you mean Subtle for deleting the straight up rude and disrespectful reply that was made to Mary, who was only kind enough to be helping. I don't know about you but Im not indifferent to that kind of behaviour made in public, neither should anyone else. It was there for 11 hours before it was deleted are you saying you didn't see it?
I can tell you honestly the walk in soul phenomenon is real as I've experienced it personally. It's like you die and I suppose another compatible soul slams into your body. In my case I'm certain it was my deceased dad, who was very much like me, and we even shared the same blood type.
It's a form of posession
That’s fascinating!
@@mrbabluep possessed by what or whom?
I hope that you are not playing the demon possession card
@@mrbabluep it’s not a form of possession, there is an agreement by both souls to take on the vessel.
@@cjsim2 it's only an agreement if it lets YOU decide
I still get very clear ringing ears!
High frequencies can be viewed in a loving way too 👽💕
Oh I LOVE Delores Cannon! Her teachings have deeply resonated 2me forEVER! Opened my mind to find REALity.
Dropping all my 'endoctrinated' thots/ lessons. Truly grateful to have learned from her wisdom! ThankU for
mentioning her❤
I have listened to every vid she ever did and read her work ... She's amazing.
I'm am in central New York near Lake Ontario ... Our soul Tribe is growing! All are welcome!
Close by
We are in Oswego and frequent Sterling Nature Center and other spots along Lake Ontario
@@Bongobuddconner Lake Ontario is a deeply sacred lake
We know that ... We can be found in Sterling Nature Center near suñset toning ... All are welcome to join in!
This is brilliant thank you… I am a volunteer I just am unsure of what waiver volunteers I’m from and I do also know I am from Orion‘s counsel and this world looks so screwy right now. Sometimes I’m shocked by the behavior of people and other times it’s very comical. The work here is exhausting at times and I hope to see the rewards of the work soon. You’re not at all crazy you hit the nail on the head 😊
boomers are first, gen x second, millennials 3rd (indigo children) so actually the fourth is considered by many to be gen z, rainbow children.
I'm getting the very strong sense we all have individual paths. That you can actually live outside of Earth Circa Now somewhere else you like even more. It will be great to learn we can do that without needing money.
Thank you 😊
It is a lonely path, being vulnerable to people about who I am which started 13 years but I haven't really spoken about it until 2019. I know I volunteered to come back to help raise the vibration of the planet, to learn and teach unconditional love. To let go of the old way of thinking and material possessions. I see things, I know things, things people call a coincidence. Im in really good physical health, been body building for five years, im 53 now but look 30, loving that. I recently discovered im on the Benjamin Button journey and its been interesting to say the least.
Its amazing news that we are going to have contakt with life from other planets , waiting all my life for this event , much light for all life
I am a walk in. I have been looking for others like me. I am Arcturian
I hv been told tht am an arcturian group too
But i am really not on frontline yet
I just love how you talk. I can so relate to what you say and how you think, so much so that I laughed out loud a few times. Thank you for that. It makes me giddy, the thought of higher benevolent beings walking in and taking the place of the “idiots”. Lol. Please God, please.
Beautiful I am ready to re create everything! And eliminate what doesn't work... time to re build everything! And I'm ready for it ! I cant wait .....
I truly hope, and dare I say I do strongly feel the potential in your ‘prophecy’. Explains A LOT!!!Regardless I’m going to focus my thoughts and imagination on this potential and prepare myself accordingly. How very exciting. My dominant vibration right now is anticipation and even excitement so I’m going to milk that feeling cause it’s been a long while since I’ve had something to feel this way about, so regardless I’m insanely grateful just for that. Onward we go 🤩❤️🙏🏻
Last night, it came to me that I need to let others know I'm a Reiki practitioner! So many in our world need healing energy now and sadly wont heal if they dont know it's available to them.🌹
Thank you 🙏💙🌀
This feels aligned to me. I’m actually hoping my TF comes back as a walk in ... as he was spiritually awake... but physically older and worn out . 🤞🤞🙏🙏 I’m holding the space yo see this be created. 💖💖🇨🇦🤠
WE have been ascending at several levels BeautyFULL soul (2012 2014 2017 2020 …Some of us have been living in Heaven on Earth NOW
“Here” is the Multidimensional Multiverse … raise your vibration to the 8th dimension & you will no longer get sick
Also it’s essential to remove yourself from the Matrix vibration… location people including fam friends…
Divine Blessings
PS: We have been planting our own food home gardens eating organic foods … meditation with momma Earth Sophia Gaia (literally grounding our feet and hugging trees…) fully using our divine galactic compass to veer away from the insane ones… it’s also essential to retrain your brain … everyone including the homeless are playing their roles perfectly… the light is inspired by the insane darkness… so much LOVE 💗 🧠🦶 🪴 🌱 🌲 🌳
Thank you dear Blessed Soul for Sharing this. With Love and Gratitude in my Heart. ♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️
I needed to hear this.
All of it felt like something I've subconsciously known for a long time. I was really hit hard when I heard the part about some of us arriving early to do the heavy lifting. I'm going to try to be short, but tell a little about myself. Firstly, I am know to say that I was born sad. I really was. It wasn't my family or environment. I have always been the most sensitive person I know and am constantly told to "toughen up." Right now I am 42 years old and I have had the worst year of my life. My husband fell over (deceased) into my lap 11 months ago. Last month would have been our 20th anniversary. It was unexpected and very traumatic. Our 2 boys who were 17 and 16 at the time helped me do chest compressions on him for 35 minutes until EMS arrived. They didn't even bother to hook up more than one patch from the EKG machine. The lady emt looked at me in the eyes with my boys right there and said "I am just going to go ahead and tell you that he is going to be pronounced dead 😭😭😭😭
Here I still lay on the couch 11 months later, barely functioning to be honest. No one understands the pain. I have family members telling me that they are going to get me under a 72 hour evaluation and things like that. Hurtful things.
It did me some good to hear you say that you don't like leaving your home either. I have only once since he passed (other than the funeral) and I had a panic attack. I understand my family's concern, but they don't understand my pain or my sensitivity to others' energy. They say that I am sitting here waiting for something to fall into my lap. Maybe I am.. I don't know what I'm doing...or waiting for. But it's definitely something
Please send me positive thoughts.
You'll see him again ! You can be sure of that.
@@allieelectra23 you are so sweet to remind me. In my heart, I truly know it, but there are times when my pain clouds everything else.
Thank you for taking the time to read read and give encouraging words 💚
EBENEEZER SCROOGE is a wonderful example of ascension
Best comment ever!!!!
The Sidewalk Saint
You are so right.
keep in mind that such a big shift needs drastic things to be done,the process is going to be wild but we only go to the light through darkness
much love to all xxx
Most of the walk-in's are actually just the rest of the persons own Higher Self coming in and fully embodying. The next were an overlay/overlight type situation where the original entity didn't leave, rather they just took a back seat while the new entity took the wheel so to speak. Then the complete different entity kinds of walk-in's in the past been least common in comparison.
But i'm not meaning that has bearing on your message about the present now and future though, anything and everything is possible 💜
Predictive Programming, sounds like the first episode of “Travelers”
It's all a bit suspicious. These messages are not what they appear to be. Consider reading the Allies of Humanity, it's a more grounded take.
My point of view in this is that ever since o did am attachment clearing about a year ago, part of my soul left. It had been a walk in that accompanied me all my life, until this point. Then, another walk in came, but one that is much more advanced. This walk in is still with me and loving this new life (for him). This new formed me wonders at all the beauty in the world, things that I know I had seen but cry with joy now like seeing them for the first time.
I believe we all have an ego that can work on its own, and also our own would. My soul has always and still is with me.
But on top of this, we have add-on walk ins.
Mine has been upgraded since last year.
Have also seen others turn worse so this video resonates with me :)
@Ascanio Indigo Garcia Spirit guide... yes, I like it, makes sense and feels right.
He's always with me though, not like on a call-basis but always with me
I've been waiting-studying since" 2012".since-then 2018.I've been able to see the- energy's and- sometime they -allow me to see,what they look like.I want everyone to know.we are protected at all times get to know yourself.the truth will set you free.
Gotta use your internal antenna and read the energy signature of the one your dealing with, positive or negative pattern. Then you can go from there. Actions speak louder than words.
We have a lot of spiritual evolving to do ! Let's Go !!!
Interesting! Received download this afternoon regarding assisting a walk-in scenario. Now (5 hours later), nudged to watch video 🤗💞😇👽💫
No matter if it is true or not, this message will help me deal with all the crazy people who are now running around in masks getting jabbed... I will just think - "ok, I hope they will be getting a fourth wave of volunteers walk in soon..." :-)
Must have listened to a thousand of your videos in my formative years while working. Up-scaled 🌅😂
We all are all players here for us that are Awake; some major, some not. We give our love, light, and peace where we can. Some of us have been here on Earth for a long time (old soul) and some not. Some us volunteered for a very long haul, others a short haul. We are here to help the ones who are still asleep; especially after EBS.