Who is fooling who my my sever autistic son has sentenced to helix for resisting arrest , immediately he moved there the doctor call me and told me he will be for five years and later on sent out of Stockholm . This is a holocaust some of those places need to be checked ; autistic people can get stuck in doing certain activities especially if they like doing ,he was ask but the guards to leave the centrum and he did not , February 2018 his disability case in worker invited him to came and take his journals when he got there she invited the police they had him beating ,teased , and one year after judge and sentenced to helix ,really Sweden ,He was non with autism keeping him in helix will only traumatized him more ,even if you keep him for ten years he will still be autistic why punish people who don’t understand consequences . He needs help and not punished who cannot give him 2 hour help a day and expect to be able to live independently . We are not different from Hitler , they took away all his help , defund us and started punishing us . This are all organized centers for discrimination , especially when you look different racial discrimination .Those people need help , the meanest display of power is torment a vulnerable person . The most dangerous department in the health department is the psychiatric and psychological department they working in collaboration with the system to kill disabled people .The punishment you get depends on your race , the only country where your doctor and psychologist cannot stand up for their patients because they can be fired .
"Är du manipulativ?" "Ja, jag är jättemanipulativ ☺" Alltså om man är det svarar man väl nej. "Hamnade du i bråk innan 15-års ålder?" "Nej aldrig" Vadå ska dom ringa runt till ens barndomskompisar och fråga? ^^
@@adolfgruber9161 lol det e bara riktiga lantisar som skriver sånt om stockholmare. Hade du kommit hit på besök nån gång hade du fattat att allt du säger bara är påhitt
Beror på om dem vill dölja deras manipulationer. Kanske dem vill ha vård istället för fängelse och då kan man inte bortse möjligheten att dem faktiskt talar sanning. Oftast vill dem ta reda på annat genom att fråga dessa frågor.
Detta är så långt ifrån vattentätt som det kan bli. Riktigt skrämmande.
Hur menar du då?
Håller med . Ett orättvist system .
Been there, done that, kan utan tvekan säga det att det är ett stort skämt rakt igenom, skitlätt att manipulera dessa``experter´´
5:44 damn it feels good to be a gangster
Skit.... Skit.... Bara SKIT 💩
det är ju leif själv som sagt till Mialo mialovich och viskat i huvet på han sen han var barn ... Hahhahaa
kul att kollla, kan säga vi ser ganska lätt saker då vi jobbar.
Här va det mycket bla. Bla.bla.bla.bla.
Who is fooling who my my sever autistic son has sentenced to helix for resisting arrest , immediately he moved there the doctor call me and told me he will be for five years and later on sent out of Stockholm . This is a holocaust some of those places need to be checked ; autistic people can get stuck in doing certain activities especially if they like doing ,he was ask but the guards to leave the centrum and he did not , February 2018 his disability case in worker invited him to came and take his journals when he got there she invited the police they had him beating ,teased , and one year after judge and sentenced to helix ,really Sweden ,He was non with autism keeping him in helix will only traumatized him more ,even if you keep him for ten years he will still be autistic why punish people who don’t understand consequences . He needs help and not punished who cannot give him 2 hour help a day and expect to be able to live independently . We are not different from Hitler , they took away all his help , defund us and started punishing us . This are all organized centers for discrimination , especially when you look different racial discrimination .Those people need help , the meanest display of power is torment a vulnerable person . The most dangerous department in the health department is the psychiatric and psychological department they working in collaboration with the system to kill disabled people .The punishment you get depends on your race , the only country where your doctor and psychologist cannot stand up for their patients because they can be fired .
"Är du manipulativ?"
"Ja, jag är jättemanipulativ ☺"
Alltså om man är det svarar man väl nej.
"Hamnade du i bråk innan 15-års ålder?"
"Nej aldrig"
Vadå ska dom ringa runt till ens barndomskompisar och fråga? ^^
De lyssnar nog inte bara på vad man svarar utan hur man svarar.
Hur man resonerar.
... Vem fan gillar inte att elda? eller är jag pyroman?
En Person den frågan går nog bara för stockholmare som aldrig är i skogen ...
Bott i Stockholm hela mitt liv och tillbringar mycket tid i skogen. Har du ens varit i Stockholm? :)
@@adolfgruber9161 lol det e bara riktiga lantisar som skriver sånt om stockholmare. Hade du kommit hit på besök nån gång hade du fattat att allt du säger bara är påhitt
Beror på om dem vill dölja deras manipulationer. Kanske dem vill ha vård istället för fängelse och då kan man inte bortse möjligheten att dem faktiskt talar sanning. Oftast vill dem ta reda på annat genom att fråga dessa frågor.