Thanks for tuning in. Sorry if the audio isn't great in this one. Kinda hate my mic I use for these types of videos so I'm planning to buy some sort of lav mic in the near future. Just gotta find something I can budget in that also isn't mediocre. Also for whatever reason, this video's bit rate look terrible at points. Not sure if anyone has noticed this recently, but RUclips is starting to hit channels with "1080 premium" options if you pay for it(my channel doesnt seem to have this, but a few I watched today did). My original file for this video looks fine, so I suspect that they might just be lowering the bitrate across the board to encourage people to spend more money. Might have to start editing in 1440p now, which I don't mind, but I'm honestly unsure if my computer can handle it lol. Would love to bring you guys crisp 4K videos one day, but currently that's just not an option with my specs. If you read all this you're a real one
I think the video quality is more than good enough! U're literally filming at your home. Nobody expects film studio quality😂 You're doing great, Zucco! Keep it up♡
10:51 I love how long her hair is and how it stretches over the chair, changing it’s direction & then how it sits on the floor, really nice. Love her, she’s soooooo nice.
Man I love that rei figure I’ve also got her and she’s my fave rei figure and one of my faves overall. As you said, it’s simple but elegant and just has a real trendy vibe to it.
have to be honest the acrylic stands didn't quite attract me at the beginning, but they look great when you put them all together and the colours really pop - glad to see all the characters unite!
There's a new Asuna figure coming out where she's sitting on top of a roulette, I think I like that a little better. The hair sculpt for this Max Factory one though is really well done! Also, we should have more non-1/4 scale bunny girls!!!😆 I had to cancel my PO for BB since price+shipping+customs would've been a triple KO for my wallet! 😂 But woah her hair is massive!!! I was also exoecting tentacles only for the base. Wish you could take her off from the pedestal to save some space,,
I still haven’t opened my Alter Rei haha, she’s still in the box, but I also bought the 1/7 Asuka from Revolve to go with her and they look similar in size. Now that’s looking at them in the boxes, I haven’t opened Asuka either. I also have the 1/7 Misato & PenPen from MegaHouse and she looks even smaller than Rei, it’s hard to tell in the box but she does appear to be smaller. I’ve so many boxes of figures stacking up here. And I’ve just bought 6 of the Union Creative To Love-Ru Darkness figures & preordered the other 4, I’m still missing Ryouko Mikado, she sold for €830 on Animota but I hope I can get her cheaper than that haha. So I’m going to have to open all these boxes soon or I’ll be swimming in them.
Honestly if you haven't watched any of the Anime yet(plenty to choose from and most I'd recommend) Just look around for designs you like lol. So many different characters and artists to choose from, you're bound to find something
Geez, I keep trying to post all the Fate movies and the order to watch them but RUclips just keeps deleting the post & I’ve no idea what’s getting it deleted so I’ve no idea what to edit.
Hello, it is I Shonen from the future! This figure got a re-issue recently so I decided to preorder it off Hobby Genki because I do not think Megahouse's Asuna will compare to be honest. We don't even have a prototype yet, soo. Besides, you can pair this with other hobby max blue archive figures if you want to since it seems that overall they have the best ones out right now? Them and GoodSmile I would say.
W, missed the notif apparently. BLUE ARCHIVE STONKS LESGOOO. Asuna is a really bright and fun character. People compare her to a golden retriever and it's pretty accurate. She is also pretty innocent, she doesn't know why the bunny suit makes people around her happy 🤭
If I didn't record a lot of my videos with my phone(usually the news videos) I'd probably give the game a try out of curiosity, but I can already tell I'm frying my battery with how much I record lol. Can't be playing mobile games on top of that
22:44 Oh wow, I was thinking of getting her because she’s so nice, but I didn’t know the character & the other Fate characters I’ve been buying are 1/7. But she looks incredible, so nice.
Yeah I put her in the detolf and she has to be alone due to her size lol. At least she fills it up nicely instead of awkwardly like some other figures.
I don't own that one so my opinion isn't the best, but I've always thought that figure looked nice from the photos. It's just kinda hard to compete with this new BB from a design standpoint. If you have the space I say go for Alter's, especially as the price is going down lately
Damn didn't even think about that lol. How convenient. Sorry to hear about the scuffs though. Pretty rare to get a spotless figure these days so hopefully it doesn't bother you too much
Great pick up and haul video! Ehhh... I initially cancelled my PO for the Asuna figure... but now re-picked up through Amiami again due to this video :V As mentioned by yourself, her price seems to have shot up overall, so I am happy to be able to grab her for retail still. I also picked up the Rei and BB before and they are such beau in their own rights.
hell yeah embrace that acrylic stand collecting. honestly the set you bought look really fun, the name plate in front of them is kinda obnoxious? but I feel like you could pop it out and put another character there if the acrylic peg is the same-ish size. having two characters on one stand might save for space too, then you have a cool little duo piece
I got the tanned version of BB. And how i wish i had the money to get both. They look so good together based of the pictures i saw from MFC. The flawless version definitely wins the default faceplate with the winky face with the tongue out. It looks super cute! Anyways great review! And keep up the good comtent! :)
Nice haul! 😍The Rei figure looks really nice. I haven't had time to unbox mine, so hopefully my copy doesn't have the base wobble issue. She doesn't look smol to me here for a 1/7 scale. Rei is the shortest and probably the most petite Eva pilot, so it make sense that she is shorter than the 1/7 Radio Eva Asuka, albeit by a dif manufactuer.
I have that Rei on my radar just couldn't afford it right away. She will go perfectly with the Alter Asuka. But I recently received my Asuna figure. Safe to say wont be my last Blue Archive figure. Max Factory killed it. I should have known after receiving my Houshou Marine. Great haul!!
That not Rei Rei is one of my favorites from this year... so simple and sublime... unfortunately acrylic opens up under stress over time, but if you apply a bit of downwards force on the base, it should push the peg right back up and in...
@@ZuccoFigures they did indeed. You’re spot on about the chest mold. That was the first thing that caught my attention because she did not look that busty previously. Not a problem for me though, I dig it.
Is X3 your favorite in the series? Mine's 1. It's also possible that the artbooks may be localized if there's a special occasion with a remaster or demand, but probably not at this point. I have a few artbooks in japanese (tactics ogre and nier) that randomly released in english years later which sucks. At least its mostly artwork
I need to replay 1 to confirm my feelings, but for me it goes 3 > 1 > 2. 1 is fairly close to 3 for me either way, love the cast and the world design is unmatched(though X looks like the best world to explore, really need to get around to playing it)
Nice video and a very fun haul. Gotta say, this time around we saw a bit of a cheeky / sassy Zucco ❤😂 As for the audio, maybe you don't need a better mic but an audio recorder? Like Zoom's H1n or smth...?
I guess I can't say for sure yet, but I can tell there's a big difference between my two microphones. Any video of mine that doesn't feature my mxl 990 mic has bad audio that I have to heavily modify in post to get it sounding decent. Distance from the mic plays a huge part in that, but it hard to unbox figures with a big mic right in front of me lol
I believe if you look up "Yuanj Rotating Display Turntable" on amazon you should find it. Pretty basic, sometimes makes a little bit of noise though that doesn't matter since my footage is muted
Wonderful video! Acrylics aren't my favorite, but I certainly wouldn't disparage you for showing them off. That commenter needs a life. I'm happy you enjoyed them and I had fun seeing them!
Zucco!! Did you really not notice the sculpting/placement issue (concerning BB) with the hand that is supposed to hold the ribbon, but is awkwardly floating above it!?😮😥
I didn't until after I was filming since she was pointing towards the camera while I was talking about her. Downside of doing all this in one take. You're right though. There's instructions in the box talking about it though I can't read them unfortunately, but it kind of implies you can nudge it into place or something?
@@ZuccoFigures I see. That sounds like an easy way to scrape of some paint or have red paint transfer onto the white glove. 😥 Let me know if it worked for you! I'll get my BB figure in a couple of months and I'm quite worried if I'll have the same issue.
Hey zucco! Love the video. I finally decided that artorias will be my first gecco figure when it comes out for preorder. Do you think you will get it? Im guessing the price is going to be insane. Prob 50k?
I very much want to get Artorias. I most likely will, but I'm expecting a pretty hefty price tag. Sekiro was like 45k and that went up for order years ago, so I'm kinda worried Artorias will reach the 60k price point. Hopefully we find out soon
Oh yeah. Asuna, I didn't know whether to buy this one or wait for the school uniform one. I do like the latter uniform a bit more, but so far only Megahouse announced one and to be honest I do not think their quality can compare
@@ZuccoFigures Its weird because I don't buy gacha women that often. Fate is an exception so I guess I would have to put her in the Azur Lane section of my shelf I suppose. Wish the base was a tad smaller though
@@ShonenJump121 Same. Fate was the only one till I looked into Blue Archive a bit. Haven't bit the bullet yet on Azur Lane but probably will eventually
@@ZuccoFigures Considering how oversatured the market feels by Azur Lane figures, for one to catch my eye it has to be somewhat special. I liked Honolulu, Azuma and Phoenix Spring Taihou. Although maybe its just the Alter quality with all of these being by them.
Damn. I had seen the BB figure before but had no interest in it whatsoever. Your haul video changed my mind on it. What a gorgeous figure! 😱The hair sculpt is so insane. The faceplate is so cute and they did such a good job on the paintwork.
The Asuna figure is so nice! I considered picking her up, I only regret it a little bit. I love the l acrylic stands! I have a fair collection of them mostly for characters I love but they don't have figures😅
Me slowly realizing how popular Blue Archive is has been fun. I'm fine with it though because out of all these mobile games I feel like I click with alot of the designs from it
Nice! I did my unboxing haul and opened up my own BB and Rei. Seems like great minds think alike! I also got Azur lane Prinz Eugen and the alter Arcued fugire
Honestly I'm a bit let down by the Rei, besides the face and hair being amazing, the rest is just okay.. There is no metallic shimmery paint on the plugsuit that was on the prototype, I think it definitely could've been better.
@@ZuccoFigures Right, I didn't know what to call it, but it's missing that extra pop that was there. I also have Alter's Frederica, and for less money she has more going for her, so it's tough for Rei.
You actually can take it off to my surprise, though it's on her head pretty tight and some of the pieces of this plush feel pretty fragile so be careful about that. The hood is also very thick so it takes up alot of space in the back
I really want to but my room is a mess and most of my figures are in boxes. Was supposed to move months ago but can't find a decently priced place anywhere near me, so I'm just in a weird place(figuratively and literally)
That Hololive Sonic Korone plushie is soooo cute! I would love to pick her up, but I am already past the point of no return with Tsukumo plushies. Uuuuu, Nendoroid Jill Stingray! Cute as she is, I shall withhold my purchase until more Nendoroids from VA-11 Hall-A are announced. I know this is probably too much to ask, but I would really love to see the whole set made, at least for all the major characters. The only ones I am aware of are Jill and Dorothy. "Isn't this not excessive? It is bigger than my head, like, by a lot." ..... (〃ω〃) ..... I am sorry. I missed the part about the base, and my mind wandered to where it shouldn't. I love the Xenoblade merch, especially the artbooks and the two indie fumos! The coasters may go well with the acrylic stands. I too miss the old-style magazines.
I do wonder how far they'll go with Va-11 hall-A but I kinda expect them to stop at dorothy. Could be wrong though since Jill sold out for the most part(though who knows how many actually sold)
I wish the preorders came in a simple box to reduce shipping. Its not sitting on shelf. Find another means to protect figures. Also I dont get the obsession for stupidly long hair. 2 examples here, plus a lot of azur lane.
I don’t understand what you mean, most of the boxes are created to protect the figures & prevent breakages. Most boxes are created pretty good & making them slightly smaller is not going to really make a difference with shipping.
Lots of hair in this one. I do love some good long hair. Asuna and BB may be some of the best there are in that regard. They look great, and I think you're right about BB. She may be 1/8th, but is probably about the size of most 1/7ths or maybe even a bit bigger in terms of presence. It's kinda like how Lip is a 1/7th who is about as functionally big as a 1/4th due to her hands. Anyway, great video, thanks for sharing the goods. 👍
Thanks for tuning in. Sorry if the audio isn't great in this one. Kinda hate my mic I use for these types of videos so I'm planning to buy some sort of lav mic in the near future. Just gotta find something I can budget in that also isn't mediocre. Also for whatever reason, this video's bit rate look terrible at points. Not sure if anyone has noticed this recently, but RUclips is starting to hit channels with "1080 premium" options if you pay for it(my channel doesnt seem to have this, but a few I watched today did). My original file for this video looks fine, so I suspect that they might just be lowering the bitrate across the board to encourage people to spend more money. Might have to start editing in 1440p now, which I don't mind, but I'm honestly unsure if my computer can handle it lol. Would love to bring you guys crisp 4K videos one day, but currently that's just not an option with my specs. If you read all this you're a real one
For mics check out the rode go wireless
I'll love to see those 4K one day, but as it's today it's great!
I think the video quality is more than good enough! U're literally filming at your home. Nobody expects film studio quality😂 You're doing great, Zucco! Keep it up♡
10:51 I love how long her hair is and how it stretches over the chair, changing it’s direction & then how it sits on the floor, really nice. Love her, she’s soooooo nice.
Man I love that rei figure I’ve also got her and she’s my fave rei figure and one of my faves overall. As you said, it’s simple but elegant and just has a real trendy vibe to it.
have to be honest the acrylic stands didn't quite attract me at the beginning, but they look great when you put them all together and the colours really pop - glad to see all the characters unite!
I like Acrylic stands, they go well on book shelves as extra decorations.
bb's hair is so insane i love it
There's a new Asuna figure coming out where she's sitting on top of a roulette, I think I like that a little better. The hair sculpt for this Max Factory one though is really well done! Also, we should have more non-1/4 scale bunny girls!!!😆
I had to cancel my PO for BB since price+shipping+customs would've been a triple KO for my wallet! 😂 But woah her hair is massive!!! I was also exoecting tentacles only for the base. Wish you could take her off from the pedestal to save some space,,
"I'm not expecting them to. I would love it if they went to Future Redeemed." Man did you eat your words on that one. They gave us so many!
I appreciate the funny timing of it all
i love watching these because they make me feel like i have figures i can never afford
thanks zucco! :D
lol happy to help
I still haven’t opened my Alter Rei haha, she’s still in the box, but I also bought the 1/7 Asuka from Revolve to go with her and they look similar in size. Now that’s looking at them in the boxes, I haven’t opened Asuka either. I also have the 1/7 Misato & PenPen from MegaHouse and she looks even smaller than Rei, it’s hard to tell in the box but she does appear to be smaller.
I’ve so many boxes of figures stacking up here. And I’ve just bought 6 of the Union Creative To Love-Ru Darkness figures & preordered the other 4, I’m still missing Ryouko Mikado, she sold for €830 on Animota but I hope I can get her cheaper than that haha. So I’m going to have to open all these boxes soon or I’ll be swimming in them.
Fun haul Zucco! I'd love to get into some Fate goodies at some point but I honestly have no clue where to start... XD
Honestly if you haven't watched any of the Anime yet(plenty to choose from and most I'd recommend) Just look around for designs you like lol. So many different characters and artists to choose from, you're bound to find something
Geez, I keep trying to post all the Fate movies and the order to watch them but RUclips just keeps deleting the post & I’ve no idea what’s getting it deleted so I’ve no idea what to edit.
Might be time to go down the rabbit hole... 🤣
New wave of Xenoblade 3 Acrylic stands on amiami home page right now. Including Na'el.. Your prayers have been answered? 😮
That bunny girl is amazing
Hello, it is I Shonen from the future! This figure got a re-issue recently so I decided to preorder it off Hobby Genki because I do not think Megahouse's Asuna will compare to be honest. We don't even have a prototype yet, soo.
Besides, you can pair this with other hobby max blue archive figures if you want to since it seems that overall they have the best ones out right now? Them and GoodSmile I would say.
No contest Max Factory >>> Megahouse unless you really want a different outfit for Asuna which is fair
W, missed the notif apparently. BLUE ARCHIVE STONKS LESGOOO. Asuna is a really bright and fun character. People compare her to a golden retriever and it's pretty accurate. She is also pretty innocent, she doesn't know why the bunny suit makes people around her happy 🤭
If I didn't record a lot of my videos with my phone(usually the news videos) I'd probably give the game a try out of curiosity, but I can already tell I'm frying my battery with how much I record lol. Can't be playing mobile games on top of that
22:44 Oh wow, I was thinking of getting her because she’s so nice, but I didn’t know the character & the other Fate characters I’ve been buying are 1/7. But she looks incredible, so nice.
Jill nendoroid looks cool and cute.
I got that Rei, and checked for the wobble after you mentioned it. No wobble, seems to be your copy :/
Woot! New video from Zucco! I am gonna check this out after work.
Great haul! Love the BB figure, it has a really cool design. But it's so large! Space is so hard to come by these days, haha.
Yeah I put her in the detolf and she has to be alone due to her size lol. At least she fills it up nicely instead of awkwardly like some other figures.
oh man ive been seeing that asuna ichinose a lot recently... yall are making me want to get it haha great vid man! keep it up!
She's hard to resist. I got pulled in last second lol
Nice! What’s your take on this BB vs the one that came out a little while back where she’s wearing the thigh high boots?
I don't own that one so my opinion isn't the best, but I've always thought that figure looked nice from the photos. It's just kinda hard to compete with this new BB from a design standpoint. If you have the space I say go for Alter's, especially as the price is going down lately
Such a good haul!💙💙
Bunny asuna unboxing on bunny day (8/22) nice! Sadly my asuna had a few scuffs but still a neat figure.
Damn didn't even think about that lol. How convenient. Sorry to hear about the scuffs though. Pretty rare to get a spotless figure these days so hopefully it doesn't bother you too much
impressive asuna fig! BA for sure on the rise right now.
Definitely excited to see whats to come
Great pick up and haul video! Ehhh... I initially cancelled my PO for the Asuna figure... but now re-picked up through Amiami again due to this video :V As mentioned by yourself, her price seems to have shot up overall, so I am happy to be able to grab her for retail still. I also picked up the Rei and BB before and they are such beau in their own rights.
I apologize to your wallet lol
Great video Zucco! I'm really feeling the pressure to pick up that BB... but which version?!
It's a tough choice for sure
hell yeah embrace that acrylic stand collecting. honestly the set you bought look really fun, the name plate in front of them is kinda obnoxious? but I feel like you could pop it out and put another character there if the acrylic peg is the same-ish size. having two characters on one stand might save for space too, then you have a cool little duo piece
Yeah you don't have to use the name plates and both slots are the same size so you can put two characters on one base
I got the tanned version of BB. And how i wish i had the money to get both. They look so good together based of the pictures i saw from MFC. The flawless version definitely wins the default faceplate with the winky face with the tongue out. It looks super cute! Anyways great review! And keep up the good comtent! :)
I wish I could do the same, but considering BB takes up an entire shelf in my detolf I guess I'm ok with just one of them lol
Nice haul! 😍The Rei figure looks really nice. I haven't had time to unbox mine, so hopefully my copy doesn't have the base wobble issue. She doesn't look smol to me here for a 1/7 scale. Rei is the shortest and probably the most petite Eva pilot, so it make sense that she is shorter than the 1/7 Radio Eva Asuka, albeit by a dif manufactuer.
Someone else left a comment about their Rei not being wobbly, so you might be fine
I have that Rei on my radar just couldn't afford it right away. She will go perfectly with the Alter Asuka. But I recently received my Asuna figure. Safe to say wont be my last Blue Archive figure. Max Factory killed it. I should have known after receiving my Houshou Marine. Great haul!!
Wish I could do the same, though Considering BB takes up an entire Detolf shelf, I'm probably better off not thinking about getting both lol
That not Rei Rei is one of my favorites from this year... so simple and sublime... unfortunately acrylic opens up under stress over time, but if you apply a bit of downwards force on the base, it should push the peg right back up and in...
I'll give it a shot
Great review bro! Can't wait to get my BB 😼
Thanks! I think I saw you post about getting a big discount on her in miyazakiman's discord. Definitely the smarter play to just wait lol
@@ZuccoFigures Yes, glad I waited a month to get that sweet 30% discount ❤️💕
I love how I got my asuna bunny girl figure just now and saw that you got it too!
Max Factory Cooked
@@ZuccoFigures they did indeed. You’re spot on about the chest mold. That was the first thing that caught my attention because she did not look that busty previously. Not a problem for me though, I dig it.
my favorite part was " yeah, i bought em all"
Is X3 your favorite in the series? Mine's 1. It's also possible that the artbooks may be localized if there's a special occasion with a remaster or demand, but probably not at this point. I have a few artbooks in japanese (tactics ogre and nier) that randomly released in english years later which sucks. At least its mostly artwork
I need to replay 1 to confirm my feelings, but for me it goes 3 > 1 > 2. 1 is fairly close to 3 for me either way, love the cast and the world design is unmatched(though X looks like the best world to explore, really need to get around to playing it)
Nice video and a very fun haul. Gotta say, this time around we saw a bit of a cheeky / sassy Zucco ❤😂
As for the audio, maybe you don't need a better mic but an audio recorder? Like Zoom's H1n or smth...?
I guess I can't say for sure yet, but I can tell there's a big difference between my two microphones. Any video of mine that doesn't feature my mxl 990 mic has bad audio that I have to heavily modify in post to get it sounding decent. Distance from the mic plays a huge part in that, but it hard to unbox figures with a big mic right in front of me lol
Wow was going to pull the trigger on that Asuna figure but good thing I didn't. I have no absolutely no room for it lol
You truly save alot of space if you display her without the base, but yeah she's definitely a shelf hog if you decide to use it lol
Oh yea, what rotating scale do you use ?
I believe if you look up "Yuanj Rotating Display Turntable" on amazon you should find it. Pretty basic, sometimes makes a little bit of noise though that doesn't matter since my footage is muted
@@ZuccoFigures Thanks. 8 or 24 inch?
what a solid haul, all absolute bangers! Asuna would be my favorite pick today :)
Wonderful video! Acrylics aren't my favorite, but I certainly wouldn't disparage you for showing them off. That commenter needs a life. I'm happy you enjoyed them and I had fun seeing them!
Ha I was just poking fun at the situation. For most of my collecting days I didn't like acrylic stands either so I get it
Im glad I’m not the only male into this type of stuff lol good video ❤
Man guess we kinda old but the physical magazine just hits diff than digital lol
I think the way old magazines were written and the weird ass advertising in them just can't be replicated
missed your vids!
Zucco!! Did you really not notice the sculpting/placement issue (concerning BB) with the hand that is supposed to hold the ribbon, but is awkwardly floating above it!?😮😥
I didn't until after I was filming since she was pointing towards the camera while I was talking about her. Downside of doing all this in one take. You're right though. There's instructions in the box talking about it though I can't read them unfortunately, but it kind of implies you can nudge it into place or something?
@@ZuccoFigures I see. That sounds like an easy way to scrape of some paint or have red paint transfer onto the white glove. 😥
Let me know if it worked for you! I'll get my BB figure in a couple of months and I'm quite worried if I'll have the same issue.
Do you guys in the US have to pay customs from AmiAmi?
Fortunately for us we don't have customs fees
@@ZuccoFigures Oh you’re lucky, we have to pay over 30% of the value of the figure in customs.
I let out an audible noise when I saw the sonic collab plush
Korone Sonic is far too precious for this world
Hey zucco! Love the video. I finally decided that artorias will be my first gecco figure when it comes out for preorder. Do you think you will get it? Im guessing the price is going to be insane. Prob 50k?
I very much want to get Artorias. I most likely will, but I'm expecting a pretty hefty price tag. Sekiro was like 45k and that went up for order years ago, so I'm kinda worried Artorias will reach the 60k price point. Hopefully we find out soon
The Zucc is back
Haven't heard from you in a minute bruh
Oh yeah. Asuna, I didn't know whether to buy this one or wait for the school uniform one.
I do like the latter uniform a bit more, but so far only Megahouse announced one and to be honest I do not think their quality can compare
Megahouse is fine but I don't think their figure will compare to Max Factory's. That and the price will likely be worse, at least at retail
@@ZuccoFigures Its weird because I don't buy gacha women that often. Fate is an exception so I guess I would have to put her in the Azur Lane section of my shelf I suppose.
Wish the base was a tad smaller though
@@ShonenJump121 Same. Fate was the only one till I looked into Blue Archive a bit. Haven't bit the bullet yet on Azur Lane but probably will eventually
@@ZuccoFigures Considering how oversatured the market feels by Azur Lane figures, for one to catch my eye it has to be somewhat special.
I liked Honolulu, Azuma and Phoenix Spring Taihou. Although maybe its just the Alter quality with all of these being by them.
@@ShonenJump121 Bremerton is the one character I want a figure for. Honolulu has tempted me too
Damn. I had seen the BB figure before but had no interest in it whatsoever. Your haul video changed my mind on it. What a gorgeous figure! 😱The hair sculpt is so insane. The faceplate is so cute and they did such a good job on the paintwork.
Fantastic figure, seems to be dropping in price preowned too if you don't mind that
The Asuna figure is so nice! I considered picking her up, I only regret it a little bit.
I love the l acrylic stands! I have a fair collection of them mostly for characters I love but they don't have figures😅
I have plans to pick up a few more in the future. Just hoping I don't get to addicted lol
Oh~ Bunny Asuna~ The girl that broke Pixiv.
Me slowly realizing how popular Blue Archive is has been fun. I'm fine with it though because out of all these mobile games I feel like I click with alot of the designs from it
@@ZuccoFigures Main reason why it popularity has to be because of the simplistic and memorable the character design is, which is why artist love them.
Nice! I did my unboxing haul and opened up my own BB and Rei. Seems like great minds think alike! I also got Azur lane Prinz Eugen and the alter Arcued fugire
Amazing video 🤩
Always good to have more Xenoblade.
I hope that BB goes on sale like how Hokusai did
That seems to be where she's headed. Already a little cheaper preowned and still in stock brand new
@@ZuccoFigures With how high Amiami shipping is and her being pretty much exclusive there I definitely wanted to wait a little bit.
Honestly I'm a bit let down by the Rei, besides the face and hair being amazing, the rest is just okay.. There is no metallic shimmery paint on the plugsuit that was on the prototype, I think it definitely could've been better.
That's fair. I'm not sure if they really wanted the plugsuit to be metallic per say, but certainly the plugsuit had a bit more a shimmer to it
@@ZuccoFigures Right, I didn't know what to call it, but it's missing that extra pop that was there.
I also have Alter's Frederica, and for less money she has more going for her, so it's tough for Rei.
Lost word background music?
Indeed. Downloaded a bunch when I made my Flandre video. Good stuff
my man
Let’s gooooo
That Korone Sonic plush is so cute! Does the Sonic hood come off?
You actually can take it off to my surprise, though it's on her head pretty tight and some of the pieces of this plush feel pretty fragile so be careful about that. The hood is also very thick so it takes up alot of space in the back
@@ZuccoFigures Good to know! I bought her after seeing your vid. Wish I found out about the preorders sooner.... 👀.
consuming product fills the gaping hole of emotion my last partner left in me.
Haha you have a lot of plushies, I’ll admit I don’t like them, they take up a lot of room and I always just viewed them as kind of useless haha.
Yeah I've slowed down alot on plush but I have a decent amount still. Most have been gifts now that I think about it
Surprise Cirno 😂
I did not like the hair on Asuna - every one else seem to really like it but i thought the hair looked kinda ehh
No figure pleases everyone sadly. Sorry that it didn't turn out to your liking
@@ZuccoFigures all good overall she loooks great was just not fan of hair but yea of course every figure is not for everyone lol
Great haul! love the bunny! she's so sexy. I was wondering if you are planning a room tour in the future? would love to see it.
I really want to but my room is a mess and most of my figures are in boxes. Was supposed to move months ago but can't find a decently priced place anywhere near me, so I'm just in a weird place(figuratively and literally)
That Hololive Sonic Korone plushie is soooo cute! I would love to pick her up, but I am already past the point of no return with Tsukumo plushies.
Uuuuu, Nendoroid Jill Stingray! Cute as she is, I shall withhold my purchase until more Nendoroids from VA-11 Hall-A are announced. I know this is probably too much to ask, but I would really love to see the whole set made, at least for all the major characters. The only ones I am aware of are Jill and Dorothy.
"Isn't this not excessive? It is bigger than my head, like, by a lot." ..... (〃ω〃) ..... I am sorry. I missed the part about the base, and my mind wandered to where it shouldn't.
I love the Xenoblade merch, especially the artbooks and the two indie fumos! The coasters may go well with the acrylic stands. I too miss the old-style magazines.
I do wonder how far they'll go with Va-11 hall-A but I kinda expect them to stop at dorothy. Could be wrong though since Jill sold out for the most part(though who knows how many actually sold)
I wish the preorders came in a simple box to reduce shipping. Its not sitting on shelf. Find another means to protect figures. Also I dont get the obsession for stupidly long hair. 2 examples here, plus a lot of azur lane.
I don’t understand what you mean, most of the boxes are created to protect the figures & prevent breakages. Most boxes are created pretty good & making them slightly smaller is not going to really make a difference with shipping.
Booba too much? Blasphemy!!!
Lots of hair in this one. I do love some good long hair. Asuna and BB may be some of the best there are in that regard. They look great, and I think you're right about BB. She may be 1/8th, but is probably about the size of most 1/7ths or maybe even a bit bigger in terms of presence. It's kinda like how Lip is a 1/7th who is about as functionally big as a 1/4th due to her hands. Anyway, great video, thanks for sharing the goods. 👍
I put BB in my detolf and she has to be displayed by herself so yeah I think she's big enough lol