TO ANSWER SOME COMMENTS I KNOW WILL COME UP: Yes! I am aware that our pets were doing damage to some bosses. One even landed the final blow on Vor! But I didn't wanna spend another 10 minutes to half an hour dragging my stream lot into a re-do. Yes! Vay Hek WILL be on the hit-list. He was simply too fat to fit into the ending's lineup (kudos if you got the ending's game reference by the by). No! We will not be attempting Ambulas, atleast for the time being. This is mainly due to the time limit in that fight. We may adjust the damage boost rules to sort that out, but for now Ambulas is safe from our wrath. Yes! This was a stream with you amazing people! And not only that, this was only Part 1 of this challenge! I'll be streaming again for Part 2 sometime in the future! So if you wanna be in Part 2, stay tuned! Yes! You can view the entire stream VOD here: Yes! i am stupd
Gonna have to do a Eda Mode "NO PETZ!" at the start of round 2. That way there's no question or asterisk of invalidity of the (sure to be) FUN Hek kill and the like. #NOPETZ #PETA #TEKTONICKS
The spears dont follow the same behavior as a bullet or explosive in this game. A “standard” weapon registers damage per instance whereas the spear does damage every time its tip makes contact with a hit box. Basically the bullets can only effect an enemy once whereas the spear can effect it for as many hit boxes it touches
the spear made contact with the hitbox but then ever millasecond it hit the hit box again for us its really fast so we get a multishot the spear digs deeper in hit boxes
So I have a confession to make......... at 9:20 when I said 'um', I accidentally shot him with my Dex Sybaris(actual shot was fired at 8:50- go frame by frame and you can see my sybaris), which inadvertently made him go down......... now nobody notice since we (everyone but me since I didn't have my spear bound to a hotkey) threw their spears. Not that it changed much in the end anyways since it still took us slightly over and hour to kill. Also that Moa that knocked you back, knocked me of the map (12:20).......... I threw my mouse against the wall.......... I now use a office mouse....... fml 10/10 would do again though
This just prooves it! People argue about overpowered weapons, ha! You just destroyed the leaders of planets with fishing spears! I wish I could have been there with you, connection...but I will be anticipating the next one, and then of course a new crazy, underrated, overexstended(in a profound way), humorous, time consuming (but more than worth it), challenge.
The different spears actually have faction uses. The Lanzo is good for Infested I think, but Peram is probably better for Corpus. Yeet. I noticed it because I was messing around with the spears.
This looked less like gwynn and more like the reds and blues trying to kill the meta by throwing warthog tow cables at him instead of launching him off a cliff
Lore: The Tenno are mysterious and powerful warriors who follow an ancient path with teachings lost to time. The Tenno: HEY GUYS, LET'S KILL THESE NEXT ENEMIES WITH FISHING SPEARS!
That volt looks like pepsi man edit: I so called it that he's pepsi man! edit 2: I now have volt....and he looks like pepsi man too......and its too much fun xD
@@turbogoblin8232 It was before the rework so it didn't work the same way. But yes we did spike them off his face, his ass, and every part of him that was exposed.
That ending tho So what if warframe was just about a bunch of kids who lost their memories and one person told all the kids lies and the kids kill because that one person told them to Oh wait that’s [SPOILERS] ...warframes lore in a nutshell
Matthew Whitt yeah, but the volt passive works. With full charge using the mining laser will deal 1000 damage. Check Zanagoth's Channel, in a raid he oneshotted Vay Hek
26:01 He's quaking in fear over the power his "gods" (the player, which in this instance is you, Trib) has over his actions. What Tenno in their right mind would actively fight with fishing spears?
Found this channel 1week ago. Love it ! Can't wait for the FishingSpears Squad vs Hammer boy. When completing this "challenge DE should give you three a golden fishing spear trophee !
The fishing spear works like this Smooth hit box _______^__________ The Spear (^) only passes through the hit box once Rigid hitbox |>\__|>\__/>|__/>| Hits in and out of hit box multipal times Thats why whenever you hit Multipal legs with one spear or the very edge of a bosses hit box it would deal massive damage. Likely a glitch
The spears get multishot because they have a very wierd case of multishot. If they think they don't hit they keep going, so when they hit but think they didn't it causes a hit for every frame they travel. That's a lot of hits, but here is the best part, they can also hit while returning...and that's when the multishot is guranteed (I think).
TomJames Robinson it not only adds 50% (PERCENT!) electric damage, it doubles your crit damage (idk if spears can crit), but the shields stack. You can have up to 6 shields out, times 4 volts, equals a fuckton more damage than they were doing
Yes! I am aware that our pets were doing damage to some bosses. One even landed the final blow on Vor! But I didn't wanna spend another 10 minutes to half an hour dragging my stream lot into a re-do.
Yes! Vay Hek WILL be on the hit-list. He was simply too fat to fit into the ending's lineup (kudos if you got the ending's game reference by the by).
No! We will not be attempting Ambulas, atleast for the time being. This is mainly due to the time limit in that fight. We may adjust the damage boost rules to sort that out, but for now Ambulas is safe from our wrath.
Yes! This was a stream with you amazing people! And not only that, this was only Part 1 of this challenge! I'll be streaming again for Part 2 sometime in the future! So if you wanna be in Part 2, stay tuned!
Yes! You can view the entire stream VOD here:
Yes! i am stupd
^ or maybe Lotus saying something, like scolding.
Also is stupd a backronym for:
im pretty sure the ending thing is from danganronpa (this one in specific is NDRV3)
i played all the games like 3 times cause i was bored
dangaronpa for the win :v
YES! I forgot about the stream
YES! I am sad about it. ;-;
Gonna have to do a Eda Mode "NO PETZ!" at the start of round 2. That way there's no question or asterisk of invalidity of the (sure to be) FUN Hek kill and the like. #NOPETZ #PETA #TEKTONICKS
Meanwhile in Lotus's office, Lotus is just watching this adventure unfold, thinking quietly to herself "I really shouldn't have awakened these four."
Or: well, back to be a sentient.
In the future, in the New War
Us: Lotus, why?
Lotus: Because a group of Tenno tried to defeat all the bosses...with fishing spears.
@@floppydisksareop No one should have that much power.
Natah: I don’t fe...
Trib with the squad: comes threw the door
Natah: confused screaming
This is how it feels to be a Grineer lancer.
You mean Scorpion?
that'd be sweet tho if the fishing spear yanked enemies off their feet.
@@douglasgoodwon8227 this is warframe not mortal kombat kid
@@rasun3609 scorpion is a enemy in warframe to.
Douglas Goodwon I think he meant that Lancers do barely any damage and they are helpless to Tenno lol
Devil Kitty bruh
The spears dont follow the same behavior as a bullet or explosive in this game. A “standard” weapon registers damage per instance whereas the spear does damage every time its tip makes contact with a hit box. Basically the bullets can only effect an enemy once whereas the spear can effect it for as many hit boxes it touches
Andrew Dailey so it's actually effective to spear his rear
so they have punch through... or should I say... Punch threw. . .
actully thats sort of correct
the spear made contact with the hitbox but then ever millasecond it hit the hit box again for us its really fast so we get a multishot the spear digs deeper in hit boxes
So basically when you shaft them it's also double penetration?
DE is going to add "Fishing Spear Only" sortie modifier to sorties soon™.
just wait It'll be fun and they say you can only use volt in it too.
Oh you CLEMing know it, they've already done it with rivens.
Nightmare mode fishing spears only
but we can put mods on spears then right? it needs its own class, like shotguns
Bruh, bow only Ambulas was spicy enough
I have some words to share for the upcoming video:
please no
Triburos r.i.p
Fingers crossed the Volt reworks some how accidentally buff his passive to insane amounts and you get an epic kill shot before they patch it back out.
9:48 nice one psyco X)
LOL yeah but then I'd get people saying "no that kill is invalid it was a glitch kill" or somethin'. I'dstillcountitanywaythough
Battle Brother
PsyCoCinematics nice to see you bud
So now you can put a jackal in your aquarium?
I think he counts as a servofish
You can out those in aquarium
*Throws bait*
Jackal: Enemy Threat level upgraded classification: Pathetic!
Edit: 5:27
Is that A Pepsi-Man volt?
Edit: BOI!
What about coke man
@@Hatefulahhnga HEATHEN
Pika-boy H E A T H E N
*H E A T H E N*
Get- *CLEM'ED*
I love warframe memes
Its his way of censoring without the bleeps like what he really said was "Get fucked".
22:25 CLEM off, CLEM-head
I want to know that colour scheme can any1 help, which colour is that blue?
[\^/] 343 Guilty Spark Blue is from infested, red either Classic Saturated or Halloween and white is from Smoke palette.
Imagine that jackal fight with his new gimmicks, pain
So I have a confession to make......... at 9:20 when I said 'um', I accidentally shot him with my Dex Sybaris(actual shot was fired at 8:50- go frame by frame and you can see my sybaris), which inadvertently made him go down......... now nobody notice since we (everyone but me since I didn't have my spear bound to a hotkey) threw their spears.
Not that it changed much in the end anyways since it still took us slightly over and hour to kill.
Also that Moa that knocked you back, knocked me of the map (12:20).......... I threw my mouse against the wall.......... I now use a office mouse....... fml
10/10 would do again though
disifere disifere Honestly, who even cares anymore. No one's going to want to do this again.
I forgive you because I don't want to see anyone suffer the fate of that fight again
This just prooves it! People argue about overpowered weapons, ha! You just destroyed the leaders of planets with fishing spears! I wish I could have been there with you, connection...but I will be anticipating the next one, and then of course a new crazy, underrated, overexstended(in a profound way), humorous, time consuming (but more than worth it), challenge.
It is like the aphormentioned words of shy: "Forget souls, this is the real deal"😉
The different spears actually have faction uses. The Lanzo is good for Infested I think, but Peram is probably better for Corpus. Yeet. I noticed it because I was messing around with the spears.
i would not be surprised considering how the spears work is similar to IPS because of how some are better for X or Y fish
This looked less like gwynn and more like the reds and blues trying to kill the meta by throwing warthog tow cables at him instead of launching him off a cliff
I don't know who's gonna be the Tex fight, Kela (With her f*cking Orbital Bombardment Bullsh*t) or Tyl Regor.
Lorekeeper Ronan clearly is gonna be a scorpion, the hardest enemy in the entire game. The real question is: who will the teralyst represent
@@Nine-Oh-Five angry caboose
Lore: The Tenno are mysterious and powerful warriors who follow an ancient path with teachings lost to time.
Maybe there is a reason those teachings got lost to time?
That volt looks like pepsi man
edit: I so called it that he's pepsi man!
edit 2: I now have volt....and he looks like pepsi man too......and its too much fun xD
*evil bear laughing at a distance*
*Is that the bear, or is there someone else's voice coming from that black-and-white mug?*
now i guess its kayla the thym with spear only right? you better do it! AND LEPHANTIS!!
GrimReaper don't forget vayhek
Fear the Ugandan volt tribe.
Whelp, I know what I am going to attempt to convince my friend to do with me
Have fun with Corrupted Vor (insert speech here)
The Tenno are lost, and they will resist, but I, VOR, will cleanse them of their impurity!
*L O O K A T T H E M*. They come to this place, when they know they are not pure.
Anal Vor
he predicted styanax
this was the doing of Volt's vibrator
*enters Alad V's arena*
*Starts running around like madmen.*
Alad V: What
Once, eight of us used Vaubans of different colors and killed vay hek with only Teslas
He was no match for *THE SQUAD*
@@justinelledge326 it was known as the Rainbow Raid
The Raidbow
How did u hit his face with the nervos
@@turbogoblin8232 It was before the rework so it didn't work the same way. But yes we did spike them off his face, his ass, and every part of him that was exposed.
Steel path Spears of destruction
Imagine how AIDS Jackal would be after his rework.
This was like, the most insanely hilarious thing I have seen in a long time. Looking forward to the next batch of bosses.
I love your small musics there and there, all the sfx you place, and the "clam" censor, that's amazing.
I just realised the jackal is basically a mini eidolon
+TIO DAVA JONAS then the eidolons are larger jackals
Donavan Clark actually they’re smaller razorbacks
It's just a big swallow
You swore considerably less this vid..
Oh wait nevermind i wasn't watching the hyena pack fight
That ending reference actually made me happy lol
Trip never jumping over jackals shockwaves gives me anxiety
Oh god i hope you can do damage with Fortuna's tranq darts!
I dont think they deal damage.. DE should make them knock out enemies at least.
I even tried it for a few missions, but my patience was nowhere’s near that of these brave Tenno
Yeah, uh, i'd rather hear about Gwyn please
Have fun with Raptor.
Who, me?
I love the ending
That ending tho
So what if warframe was just about a bunch of kids who lost their memories and one person told all the kids lies and the kids kill because that one person told them to
Oh wait that’s [SPOILERS]
...warframes lore in a nutshell
Fuck you
Mr Sam haha.
Sergeant: I'm only just getting warmed up.
Me: This boss is so hard! How am I supposed to win!?
Trib: Hold my Pepsi.
Greatest Pepsi man cosplay I've ever seen
Ah, the scuffy years of warframe
Triburos is here to purge all the bosses and quench our Pepsi thirst as well as his
Ok we all need the Pepsi man theme song in one of his videos now
You should do this with the mining laser
Nitron but the mining laser does no dmg.
Matthew Whitt yeah, but the volt passive works. With full charge using the mining laser will deal 1000 damage. Check Zanagoth's Channel, in a raid he oneshotted Vay Hek
Nitron I got an erection
But the mining laser is actually good
I just imagine Stalker watching this.
you made my day for boss fight with that spear xD
He's quaking in fear over the power his "gods" (the player, which in this instance is you, Trib) has over his actions. What Tenno in their right mind would actively fight with fishing spears?
Found this channel 1week ago. Love it !
Can't wait for the FishingSpears Squad vs Hammer boy.
When completing this "challenge DE should give you three a golden fishing spear trophee !
The fishing spear works like this
Smooth hit box _______^__________
The Spear (^) only passes through the hit box once
Rigid hitbox |>\__|>\__/>|__/>|
Hits in and out of hit box multipal times
Thats why whenever you hit Multipal legs with one spear or the very edge of a bosses hit box it would deal massive damage. Likely a glitch
That was an AWESOME comedic intro, if I ever saw one. Blew me up.
Afraid of orange rings are you?
We will show trib trob the way of the nezha
yes we shall
Lilling a boss with a fishing spear....
Quite possibly the greatest insult you can give
The spears get multishot because they have a very wierd case of multishot. If they think they don't hit they keep going, so when they hit but think they didn't it causes a hit for every frame they travel. That's a lot of hits, but here is the best part, they can also hit while returning...and that's when the multishot is guranteed (I think).
7:00 I can remember my own comment xDD
I have to admit, that was fun, grueling, and masochistic.
Can't wait for the next one!
That danganronpa like ending xD
That deserves a sub
Sergeant has the doging capability of Skyrim’s npcs when their getting shot by arrows
Warframe is the only game you can go through while pressing only 4 buttons in combat.
Space, E, control, W.
Jackal fight had more ledge falls than a for honour video
Styanax Progenitor
I love how, in order to keep this channel family friendly, whenever you’re about to curse, Clem speaks up.
Clem/Grakata rating
I love how he sensors curses with Clem but you can clearly still tell what he’s saying
Who would win?
A fine tuned murder machine Or one Pepsi boi with a stick
I subbed to you for the fact you like Warframe and Dark Souls, and this is great
Now do it in The Steel Path.
Ya made yer captain proud matey
If you ever miss a fish after this much throwing practice, i'll be disappointed
A bad day's fishing is better than a good day's working.
So it's 1AM, I have to be at work for 930AM, yet I'm watching this for reasons I don't even understand.
0:00 And that king is...
*Not Wukong*
Edit : Wukong does things now. Yeah.......
subbed for your valiant determination
Your Volt got hand cramp from all that spearing.
You have my respect, a hard-earned respect
My "Arse "is down, My '"Arse"has been revived. XD
good concept to make it even harder equip an extinguished key
Come on…
Transistor Shield…
Unless, you want to be still here, just to suffer…
When a fishin' spear has more crit than your weapon
A note, the Jackal only activates once all players are near him
Trib, you have a new boss on the star chart to hunt....
I forgot that The Sergeant even existed until watching this
Only 2 and a half minutes in, and I can already tell that the Zeloid Prelate is going to be impossible.
Back watching this while waiting for more uploads
lol this is awesome! now I am going to have to have regular Spears of Destruction runs
3 years later, people are doing tridolons with fishing spears...
doesn't volt's shield also buff the spears? you should fire spears through shields once they are charged.
TomJames Robinson it not only adds 50% (PERCENT!) electric damage, it doubles your crit damage (idk if spears can crit), but the shields stack. You can have up to 6 shields out, times 4 volts, equals a fuckton more damage than they were doing
Spears crit
You must feel like such a CLEM for putting yourself through all of that. lol. Love the new censor.
Mesa using her 1st ability only using spears only= new game plus
i bet the boss are like what are you guys doing
I knew it was Psyco at the start. That voice just sounded so familiar LOL
Styanax origin lmao
5:30 *Throws bait at the boss* Threat level upgraded. Classification: Pathetic.
lol he dodged your spear and said "I'm only just warming up" XD 16:00
The scientific term for ur multi shot event is called : headshot