I got my doctorate in social science from one of the top twenty universities in the east coast forty years ago. It was the golden era, and I learnt much from the culture, academic experience, etc. The atmosphere was quite inclusive in terms of academic freedom and cultural acceptance. I now retired in Hong Kong. Not too long ago, a friend's daughter consulted my with the perspective studying social science in America. I told her about the safety issues, tuition fees, and future carrier development. They decided that it may not be a good choice to go to the U.S.A.
My kid in Berkeley.Seeing what happened locally , homeless camp in /around campus.I was told from my kid store don't take cash because stores had been robbed so many times .I was so concerned when u wil be the next victim 5:57 .Just from,gun, crime,drug , homeless,etc .US is no longer what it's used to be .I think Mainland,China /HOng Kong ,all has a better ,safer ,cheaper & qualified personnel,match US.The grass is no longer greener !!Hope people not to be fool & take note the world has changed.Now with what the political situation is :anti China,any asian will be put under scrutiny,as spy!
I came to US in 1979 as a Canadian landed immigrant. The place where I was employed was willing to apply for US immigrant and finally US citizen. I am very thankful to my employer.
I came from Hong Kong with a bachelor degree in space science. US or Canada is the appropriate choice for Master and doctorate degree. I did quite well in US eventually, fully employed for 46 years. I retire now with lots of accumulated wealth.
There were > 4 million Native Americans before the genocide conducted by the Ametican Government and its people. The final count of survivors was no more than 350,000 near the end of genocide. Canada was no better. Hundreds and thousands of unmarked graves were found with the bodies of Indigenous small children, no older than 7 or 8 years old. Do you still want to send your children to America for further education?
總之,有槍,劫,搶 ,毒,治安不好,警察似有但無的地方就不應久留,讀書到處也有,學有所成是靠自己!
女嘉賓好似無考慮過政治因素, 她所指的機會在九十年代中國與美國要好關係下才可順利發生, 我自己幸運在九十年得到這種機會, 但今時今日美國政府表明不歡迎中國留學生讀STEM.
另外,選大學的時候可以參考QS/THE 排名,去找出某一個學科在某間大學的排名來決定。老實講,每個地方都有「符碌大學」,若只能入讀這些大學的話,就只是浪費時間和金錢。
Mr Leung got the point👍
As the lady is outdated😊
Today China is different 🍷
其實美國的著名大學咁多人响往,都是因為它的世界排名超著。想深一層,幾二十多年大學成績這么好,大部份都是靠海外留學的用功,而爭取來的,特別是來自中國,台灣及日本以至星加坡 ,這些學生都是超級努力的。如果全是美國人入讀這些名牌大學,就算師質多好,也不會爭取到那么好声譽。那位女發言者便是一例,不過她己崇洋及美國化了,只一面倒幫美國。
梁總 精準講出目標為本! .... 如果有國際視野的家長, 應該懂得選擇孩子的未來發展方向.
I got my doctorate in social science from one of the top twenty universities in the east coast forty years ago. It was the golden era, and I learnt much from the culture, academic experience, etc. The atmosphere was quite inclusive in terms of academic freedom and cultural acceptance. I now retired in Hong Kong. Not too long ago, a friend's daughter consulted my with the perspective studying social science in America. I told her about the safety issues, tuition fees, and future carrier development. They decided that it may not be a good choice to go to the U.S.A.
在美國 如果是華人唸科學 最好一心一意不要想着回國 永遠效力美國 否則的話 難保性命安危
@@kwokchung2468只能忠於一國. 咁要斷六親了
美國有special projects, 但是不會给外來学生
@@lamalbert9564 我親眼見着好多中國留學生 在加拿大,因為太過自由放縱 通街吸大麻 過着放縱的生活 他們在中國的家長一定不知道 有些人拼盡家財把子女送出去 有沒有想過其實害了他們?
如讀Science 還是美國較好…… 去英國?读英國文學会不錯
@@elizalau2292 經濟比較好的香港學生都想去英國讀大學。
@@elizalau2292 我們香港的有經濟能力的人都會送孩子到英國讀書。
女嘉賓因為學的是電影所以對他來說美國是令她大開眼界的。至於今天你要學高科技即使讓你去到大企業就算有新的advanced project在今天的政治氣氛下也輪不到你intern沾手!即使讓你參與也只是很皮毛的部份而已! 始終國內生活的學子們對國際發生的事情並不是掌握很多,所以還是用了上世紀在美國留學的願景作為嚮往參考,當然在美國你要在大學學的是一般商業科目問題不大,只要負擔到學費和住宿生活費便可,基本上沒有人打擾。其實今天的海歸回到國內基本上競爭力也弱了很多,因為內卷太厲害了。
@@susan123. 我想知當今哪一項科技仍然是美國領先?
My kid in Berkeley.Seeing what happened locally , homeless camp in /around campus.I was told from my kid store don't take cash because stores had been robbed so many times .I was so concerned when u wil be the next victim 5:57 .Just from,gun, crime,drug , homeless,etc .US is no longer what it's used to be .I think Mainland,China /HOng Kong ,all has a better ,safer ,cheaper & qualified personnel,match US.The grass is no longer greener !!Hope people not to be fool & take note the world has changed.Now with what the political situation is :anti China,any asian will be put under scrutiny,as spy!
@@vicentvanmole 美國很多華人在唐人街被人無故襲擊 我也聽見很多長者現在已經不敢去唐人街了 情況令人堪輿
About her comment:I think its wrong to apply once 10 years old experience to currently.
I came to US in 1979 as a Canadian landed immigrant. The place where I was employed was willing to apply for US immigrant and finally US citizen. I am very thankful to my employer.
@@suingawong2671 美國很多人根本不關心政治 但是關心政治的人 已經多數很討厭中國 就是受到疫情事件 有些人無故在大學校園內受到陌生人襲擊
@kwokchung2468 這也是受美國媒體的影響
I came from Hong Kong with a bachelor degree in space science. US or Canada is the appropriate choice for Master and doctorate degree. I did quite well in US eventually, fully employed for 46 years. I retire now with lots of accumulated wealth.
There were > 4 million Native Americans before the genocide conducted by the Ametican Government and its people. The final count of survivors was no more than 350,000 near the end of genocide. Canada was no better. Hundreds and thousands of unmarked graves were found with the bodies of Indigenous small children, no older than 7 or 8 years old. Do you still want to send your children to America for further education?
你讀完書,不是自然有internship, 现在是学生本身能力,自己申請工作
開眼界, 我相信呢個係香港嘅專有名字, 我都係香港過嚟嘅, 意思可能係香港嘅地方細, 嚟到美國地方大, 咁樣開呀眼界掛.
@@jwng279 我好同意梁總所講 其實去別的地方一定可以開眼界 不一定需要去美國 譬如你去印度生活一個月 也一樣開眼界的
「有嘢快啲讲」这节目的nature 是轻松大家隨便傾、並非給答案或解决问题。失什么望呢?其实是阁下对节目有不太合适的 expectation.
梁建峰現在太偏激、在他心目中美國現在什麼都唔好….. 包括美國所有名牌大學
@@elizalau2292同意你的說法 你自己爭氣 冇人可以影響你。美國仍然有很多成功的留學生 只是你自己能否爭取到
@@elizalau2292 不一定是偏激 可能因為他居住在美國 知道實況才這樣說
世界最好的頭10 名大学都在美國才对、光是長春藤名校已有8 所、加二間我們灣区的名牌大学…. Stanford & UC Berkeley 己10 间稱雄称霸世界級一流名校啦!
有得拣…. 你問中國大陸及台灣人他們大多首选到美國留學…. 視野的关系、这也是不爭的事實…… 香港?真的不大清楚
Your career is not any specialty. It’s not highly desired by the US.