Alhamdulillah kalau sudah besar, sehat dan aktif . Semoga bpa bisa menerima masukan yaaa.. ada baik pak Tummy Time dilakukan saat bayi tidak lapar, tidak kenyang dan tidak rewel. Posisi nom ini sedang lapar, kurang efektif untuk Tummy Time. Jd ada baik nya Tummy Time dilakukan saat anak sedang tenang
Sip mantap, itu melatih otot leher dan syaraf, dg latihan seperti ini bayi akan lebih cepat bisa duduk, berjalan dan merangsang perkembangan otot dan syaraf.
Masyaallah shat slalu ya dx bayi, anak saya mau 20 hri usia nya, spulang dr RS bersalin saya rawat sndri mulai dr mandi dll, tanpa bantuan bidan.. Alhamdulillah lancar sy sk liat2 chanel edukasi tntang mrawat bayi, dn sgt trbantu tanpa ada rasa takut ngurus bayi bru lahir..
Are you first time parents? Because that precious baby has been rooting for milk ever since you started recording. Maybe feed the baby then come back and record his cuteness when he isn’t starving. 😊
I didn’t see the baby being soothed at all! He was hungry trying to communicate that through the entire video and they were more worried about tummy time than feeding him! This baby was miserable and desperately hungry, not soothed at all! Glad the baby is a little older now, hopefully healthy and happy.
Terlalu dini untuk tummy time. Bayinya ga nyaman. Lbh baik nikmati prosesnya mohon kesehatan dlm setiap perkembangan drpd maksain diri. Think smart moms
hih gemas liattnyaaa❤ saya lg hamil lg sambil menyusui si kaka. jd gasabar ketemu adik janin nanti wkekek tp bundaaa saran dari aku kalau mau tummy time disaat baby udah menyusu udah tenang supaya dia nyaman ya bunda
Old lady brigade always finds their way onto every single baby video, even ones from other countries. They love to stick their piggy noses into everything. Rude cow
This baby is very tiny and needs a lot of nutrition. Tummy time can wait but when your baby is giving you all the signs that they are hungry, feeding them is more important. Crying when hungry is their last effort to communicate that they are very hungry. I felt so bad for the baby bc they were rooting, searching, and diving desperately to find their food to latch onto and no food was there😢 And they couldn’t get coordinated enough to suck on their hand or fingers😢 Please please feed baby, burp them, cuddle them for nurturing, then have tummy time. Tummy time doesn’t have to be long, 2-3 mins 3-4 times a day is a great start then gradually add a minute or two each week.
Tummy time is great when your baby is calm. Baby had been showing hunger cues from the start of the video. Feed, burp, satisfy the baby..then later do tummy time. Your baby is so cute.
Anak aku udah 2 bulan.. udah pandai angkat kepala tegak.di berdirikan sudah tegak.. kaki sudah kuat meloncat2 .. sekarang udah pandai merengin badan nya semoga bentar lagi bisa tiarap sendiri.. Recomend tumny time👍
Itu baby-nya lapar... Sy juga ada baby jln 3bln ,dri usia 7hari ( 6 hari di RS) sdh Tummy time, tapi klo bayi rewel, gak nyaman jgn ditengkurepin..disusuin dulu, nnti kan tidur, bangun tdur, dia tenang ditengkurepin .. Kasian jgn di paksa
Wah skrg ddny udh sthun y bund.. Btw cm mw info.. Itu dd ny lapar brdsrkn cirinya.. Jd tipsny.. Kl mau tummy time.. Ushkan si bayi kenyng n nyaman dl.. Sht sll dd 🥰🥰
Dedeknya ini sdh umur setahun sekarang ya, semoga sehat2 terus dek☺️. Utk ibu2/bapak2 yg nonton, sdh ada sejumlah komentar di sini yg menyebut bayinya ada tanda2 lapar. Memang berdasar sumber2 yg beredar luas di medsos yg bisa bebas dibaca (dokter anak, bidan, konselor laktasi), dedeknya kelihatan ingin menyusu. Nangis, nengok kiri kanan, masukin tangan ke mulut, dll. Jd utk tummy time itu mmg bagus banget. Tp sebaiknya dilakukan saat bayi sdg nyaman, tdk sdg kelaparan atau kekenyangan, dll. Agar tummy timenya lebih efektif dan menyenangkan utk bayi🙏
Да,но викладання на живіт потрібно як раз перед годуванням, щоб вийшли газикі і дитинка не зригнула потім,моїй онуці 10 доба сьогодні ,вона засовує свої пальці до рота,і смокче,як і цей хлопчик
Sorry, it is not enjoyable for viewers to look at a baby being filmed when he is obviously hungry. It's been a year, hopefully you have learned the cues by now 😥Beautiful baby though.
Ребёнку должно нравится лежать на животе... Здесь ребёнок голодный, пытался ручку засунуть в рот, не получилось. Так ещё и на живот положили. Ребёнок плачет, ему не нравится, а родители сидят рядом и наблюдают. Неужели не жалко кроху?!
Ему ещё нельзя долго так лежать положите на спинку, погладьте животик. Ва что нравится что он плачет, бессердечнвй папа. Смотри за малышом, нам бозары твои неружнв
My heart was broken, how can a parent not attend to their baby’s cry? I never let my son cry to be fed and just sat there not attending to his needs😢 I will never understand parents who can film and watch their babies cry🥺and do nothing😮!!!
MasyaAllah.. lanjutkan bund, baby ku juga 2 minggu hari ini, Alhamdulillah selalu tenang kalau di ajak main tummy time, awal awal coba 30 detik dulu, lama lama jadi 1 menitan sekarang.
makasih atas komentar2nya maaf tidak bisa balas satu persatu.. Alhamdulillah saat ini Nom sudah besar dan aktif luar biasa..
Alhamdulillah kalau sudah besar, sehat dan aktif . Semoga bpa bisa menerima masukan yaaa.. ada baik pak Tummy Time dilakukan saat bayi tidak lapar, tidak kenyang dan tidak rewel. Posisi nom ini sedang lapar, kurang efektif untuk Tummy Time. Jd ada baik nya Tummy Time dilakukan saat anak sedang tenang
Swaddle me 2 oz!
@@tetehsantiawan8191 p
Cuando llora y se mete las manos en la
Boca es que tienen Hanbre
Niños son
Sip mantap, itu melatih otot leher dan syaraf, dg latihan seperti ini bayi akan lebih cepat bisa duduk, berjalan dan merangsang perkembangan otot dan syaraf.
Masyaallah shat slalu ya dx bayi, anak saya mau 20 hri usia nya, spulang dr RS bersalin saya rawat sndri mulai dr mandi dll, tanpa bantuan bidan.. Alhamdulillah lancar sy sk liat2 chanel edukasi tntang mrawat bayi, dn sgt trbantu tanpa ada rasa takut ngurus bayi bru lahir..
Are you first time parents? Because that precious baby has been rooting for milk ever since you started recording. Maybe feed the baby then come back and record his cuteness when he isn’t starving. 😊
anak sehat anak pinter anak cerdas anak soleh baik jujur aamiin❤❤❤
Ребёнок голоден. Надо кормить. Поест и уснёт. 😢
Alhamdulillah dapet ilmu baru.insyaallah klo anak.udh lahir mau aku latihin tummy time.. 👍🏻👍🏻
Selamat mencoba ya
Not like this. Read the comments
Jadi tambh ilmu nih .. makasih 😊
Lucuuu bgeeetttzzzz iiichhh gemeeezzzz liatnya sehat ya dede bayiiii..
Teimksh buat pelajaran tengkurapkan bayi..... mantap
,,, Duuuhhh klo luat bayi itu ,, ko q kaya ngiler ya ,,, pengen bgt punya bayi lg ,,, rasanya q kangen bgt suara tangisan nya
Gitu ya bun ...
Dapet ilmu baru ..mudah'an bermanfaat ..
Ya semoga bermanfaat
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuhh masya Alloh lucu sekali bang
Sehat selalu adek bayi
Assalamualaikum,cakep dan lucu bayinya.
Y. Saya bisa.paham
Sama perjuangan Kita bismilah aja
The baby is very hungry 👍🏽
Dios Bendiga a este hermoso Bebé❤❤❤❤❤
............เด็กหญิง ....... นำ้แข็งใส .........
.................. บุญมากมาย .....................
Bless your little one, so precious
Il est trop mignon ce bébé ❤❤❤
Poor little Angel!!! She is so hungry and upset... FEED her and hold her warm !
Shhhh !
So sweet to hear him talk to the baby. He really loves him. Knows how to soothe him. Beautiful!
The child is about to eat its hand. Feed the child ![
Son Buerfanos, estos Niños , hay pocas Adodciones, Gracias
I didn’t see the baby being soothed at all! He was hungry trying to communicate that through the entire video and they were more worried about tummy time than feeding him! This baby was miserable and desperately hungry, not soothed at all!
Glad the baby is a little older now, hopefully healthy and happy.
Babby so cutie.. 🤗❤
Sedang menikmati prosesnya anku baru 2 bulana lagi lucu2nya... adu liat bayi nya gemes lucu...
The correct way is to put their elbow in front of their shoulder, so they start to usetheir shoulder and abdominal muscles.
Terlalu dini untuk tummy time. Bayinya ga nyaman. Lbh baik nikmati prosesnya mohon kesehatan dlm setiap perkembangan drpd maksain diri. Think smart moms
kurang baca informasi mbak? banyak referensi kok tummy time itu penting
Such an adorable baby.❤
Ohhhh, it’s a so wonderful BB🙏I’m like😂
hih gemas liattnyaaa❤ saya lg hamil lg sambil menyusui si kaka. jd gasabar ketemu adik janin nanti wkekek tp bundaaa saran dari aku kalau mau tummy time disaat baby udah menyusu udah tenang supaya dia nyaman ya bunda
Masyaallah gemes bget ka
Lucu sekli msyalllaah... Boleh tau...berat brp saat dvdeo ini kakkk?
Видно и так что ребёнок не доедает. Голодный ищет поесть. 😢
.........มะลิหอม ..... บุญมากมาย ............
............ รัก พ่อ ...... รัก แม่ แม่ แม่ ........
Such a cute baby. He’s hungry put the phone down and feed him
wiwo hso
Mind your own business!
Old lady brigade always finds their way onto every single baby video, even ones from other countries. They love to stick their piggy noses into everything. Rude cow
Sehat selalu ya de
Que divertido ver um bebê com fome seus desalmados
Tiene ambre ese bebé💖💜
Baby is hungry and crying
Heartless parents
........... รุ่งนภา ..... บุญมากมาย ...........
nyekso, belum waktunya tengkurap, Untung sekarang udah gede sekarang
Too young for tummy time.. wait until 3month .
.. เด็กหญิง ... นภาพร ... บุญญามากดี ...
Just looking at babies cues, he is very anxious because he's hungry. He doesn't want tummy time, please give him milk and learn to read his cues.
Such a beautiful baby
Anak saya juga sya buat seperti itu setelah usianya 12 hari...dia tidurnya jd lelap dan memang jd lebih cepat bisa tengkurapnya..
Если он плачет, значит ему не нравится лежать на животике. Он должен делать все с удовольствием. И по- моему , он хочет кушать.
The kid is hungry 🍼👶🏽👍🏻
............ สโนวน้อย บุญมากมาย .........
That baby is hungry! Wide awake, fussy, hands to mouth, rooting.
Thank you..
This baby is very tiny and needs a lot of nutrition. Tummy time can wait but when your baby is giving you all the signs that they are hungry, feeding them is more important. Crying when hungry is their last effort to communicate that they are very hungry. I felt so bad for the baby bc they were rooting, searching, and diving desperately to find their food to latch onto and no food was there😢 And they couldn’t get coordinated enough to suck on their hand or fingers😢 Please please feed baby, burp them, cuddle them for nurturing, then have tummy time. Tummy time doesn’t have to be long, 2-3 mins 3-4 times a day is a great start then gradually add a minute or two each week.
Asyik baby ...mampir support channel Gio 🤩
Tummy time is great when your baby is calm. Baby had been showing hunger cues from the start of the video. Feed, burp, satisfy the baby..then later do tummy time. Your baby is so cute.
How did they miss this? Poor little guy is so hungry!
This guy doing it for the sake of RUclips content with very little knowledge about tummy time. So careless and irresponsible!
You people have no idea what you are talking about.
Hopeless and heart less parents
❤awwww so sweet ❤
Anak aku udah 2 bulan.. udah pandai angkat kepala tegak.di berdirikan sudah tegak.. kaki sudah kuat meloncat2 .. sekarang udah pandai merengin badan nya semoga bentar lagi bisa tiarap sendiri..
Recomend tumny time👍
Ngarang bgt
Udah bisa di suruh ke warung blm?
Mau saya praktekin sama anaku yg baru usia 10 hari
🏔️💞💞🏔️🏔️💛💞🌺🏔️🏔️🏔️🥛🥛☃️🏔️🏔️.... คคค. ความรักดี .... 🏔️🌳🥛🌱🌱🍂🍂💝🍂💝💝🏔️🏔️💛🍇🍇🌿🌿🍄🍃🌿🍂🍂🍼🍼🌺🌺💖☃️☃️☃️💛⛄💐☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️💮💮🍇🍇💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💮💖🤍🤍🥯⛄💐💐💐💐💐💐☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️🥯🥯⛄🥮🥮🍇🍇🍒🌿🌿
Stop your talk and give baby some milk you silly man. We want to see how baby is enjoying not how talkative you are. Very cute baby.
Questo bambino ha fame..... Svegliatevi!!!
Прелесть Какая!!! Здоровья и счастья!
....................... บุญมากมาย ..................
Itu baby-nya lapar...
Sy juga ada baby jln 3bln ,dri usia 7hari ( 6 hari di RS) sdh Tummy time, tapi klo bayi rewel, gak nyaman jgn ditengkurepin..disusuin dulu, nnti kan tidur, bangun tdur, dia tenang ditengkurepin ..
Kasian jgn di paksa
Wah skrg ddny udh sthun y bund.. Btw cm mw info.. Itu dd ny lapar brdsrkn cirinya.. Jd tipsny.. Kl mau tummy time.. Ushkan si bayi kenyng n nyaman dl.. Sht sll dd 🥰🥰
makasih sarannya.. iya sekarang dia udah besar..hehehe
He is Soo cute💙
Can't anyone figure out this baby is hungry, basic common sense.
The baby is giving cues that it's HUNGRY. Tummy time might not be as bad after he eats.
What a cute little baby wish your good health always and forever until you grow up little cutiepy ❤💙💚💛💜💓💘💗💖💕💝💞💟👍
Nice video
Ohhhh, I’m like, so wonderful BB👦it’s happy🩷
.. เด็กหญิง พะภาพร .. บุญญาทรัพย์ดี ..
Cute little baby
Tell her to be quiet it's saw noisy
Custa ver! Puro sadismo.
Dedeknya ini sdh umur setahun sekarang ya, semoga sehat2 terus dek☺️. Utk ibu2/bapak2 yg nonton, sdh ada sejumlah komentar di sini yg menyebut bayinya ada tanda2 lapar. Memang berdasar sumber2 yg beredar luas di medsos yg bisa bebas dibaca (dokter anak, bidan, konselor laktasi), dedeknya kelihatan ingin menyusu. Nangis, nengok kiri kanan, masukin tangan ke mulut, dll. Jd utk tummy time itu mmg bagus banget. Tp sebaiknya dilakukan saat bayi sdg nyaman, tdk sdg kelaparan atau kekenyangan, dll. Agar tummy timenya lebih efektif dan menyenangkan utk bayi🙏
Sama bgt mom mau komen gini 😁 kasian dri awal uda kelaperan
@@silviya7295 iya bun. Tp edukasi tummy time nya sdh oke kok ya. Cuma momentum & sikon dedeknya sj yg hrs dikoreksi☺️
Да,но викладання на живіт потрібно як раз перед годуванням, щоб вийшли газикі і дитинка не зригнула потім,моїй онуці 10 доба сьогодні ,вона засовує свої пальці до рота,і смокче,як і цей хлопчик
Lapar ngak lapar tetap kek org lapar.
So cute and i beleive he is hungry
Ya allah ku uda ingin bgt punya momongan😱
He's grown by now thank God!; Couldn't you tell he's hungry; some parents are so full of crap!; FEED THE BABY!.;
ya Allah semoga ak segera lahiran sehat normal lancar gasar ya Allah , hpl tgl 16 bln 4 2022 amin ya robal alamin
Aaminn... Semoga proses persalinannya lancar..
@@AegeaZenomi amin ya robal alamin 🤲 terimakasih do'a ya kak 🙏
Necesita...ayuda y esos estúpidos
Solo grabando...necesita amor. Mucho
Laper bayinya tu bang..wkwkw
Sorry, it is not enjoyable for viewers to look at a baby being filmed when he is obviously hungry. It's been a year, hopefully you have learned the cues by now 😥Beautiful baby though.
.....หิมะ .......... บุญมากมาย ........
Anak ku baru sebulan klw habis mandi baru tengkurep smbil ngasih minyak kayu putih😀
Ciao che bello bambino carino anche la sua famiglia e bella carina come il bambino ciao tutti
Baby is hungry !!
So cute😚🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Stres bru 6 hari udah di tengkurepin, kalo mau bayinya kuat, di bedongin... Maksa bener
@@najlaazzahra7774 palakmak kau kuno, kamu itu gede karena di bedong juga, kalo gak di bedong mati kedinginan kau, lapett ini...
To małe jest głodne!!! Nakarmcie go!!!
Ребёнку должно нравится лежать на животе... Здесь ребёнок голодный, пытался ручку засунуть в рот, не получилось. Так ещё и на живот положили. Ребёнок плачет, ему не нравится, а родители сидят рядом и наблюдают. Неужели не жалко кроху?!
Я тоже это заметила.Очень важно угадывать и подмечать,почему плачет малыш .
Ему ещё нельзя долго так лежать положите на спинку, погладьте животик. Ва что нравится что он плачет, бессердечнвй папа. Смотри за малышом, нам бозары твои неружнв
My heart was broken, how can a parent not attend to their baby’s cry? I never let my son cry to be fed and just sat there not attending to his needs😢 I will never understand parents who can film and watch their babies cry🥺and do nothing😮!!!
The baby is hungry. They all hate tummy time.
Beby elek msk yutup sgla bak 😀
طفل رائع جدا ماشاء الله😘🇩🇿💞
Io l'avrei già regalato al primo che passa! 🤣 Insopportabile! 🤣 🤣 🤣
MasyaAllah.. lanjutkan bund, baby ku juga 2 minggu hari ini, Alhamdulillah selalu tenang kalau di ajak main tummy time, awal awal coba 30 detik dulu, lama lama jadi 1 menitan sekarang.
Iya.. Lanjutkan saja.. Insyaallah baik2 saja dan perkembangan bayinya jadi cepat..
Tunggu tali pusarnya copot dulu kah kak? Atau gak apa tummy time kalau masih ada tali pusarnya?
@@theamazingme4765 sebaiknya nunggu tali pusarnya copot kak
Baby needed to do tummy time longer.
Hungry baby
Не повезло ребенку с родителями
Apa harus menunggu tali pusar baru boleh tummy time, soalnya rada takut hehe
Poor baby is hungry